Av SUBJECT----------LL __________ _ TEXT-------------------- --- TITLE Lessons from the Motherhood of God Isaiah 66:13a SCRIPTURE READING- -------------- -- DELIVERIES: Date FBC 5-14-67 FBC 5-9-71 FBC 5-13-79 FBC 5-9-82 S.11-RD:X.S B.c. s-1;).-:>.ot..3 Hour a .m. A.m. ,"'1-\. Place Ponca City San Ange lo, Tx San A ngelo, Tx BIBLIOGRAPHY _ __________ _ DAY~ E.F. /0 CLASSIFICATION: --EXPOSITORY --BIOGRAPHICAL ---TEXTUAL --TOPICAL ---DEVOTIONAL Results and Comments: XXX+++ XXX+++ 2 bapt. XXX+++ 1 letter 3 baptism, 2 statement

Lessons From The Motherhood Of Godlibrary.hsutx.edu/mcbride/Isaiah/Isaiah_66-13a-e.pdf · MtJtlterhood Is A Reflection of God's Preference 2 • To spend time with the young --Matt

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Page 1: Lessons From The Motherhood Of Godlibrary.hsutx.edu/mcbride/Isaiah/Isaiah_66-13a-e.pdf · MtJtlterhood Is A Reflection of God's Preference 2 • To spend time with the young --Matt

Av SUBJECT----------LL __________ _


TITLE Lessons from the Motherhood of God

Isaiah 66:13a SCRIPTURE READING- ----------------


FBC 5-14-67 FBC 5-9-71 FBC 5-13-79

FBC 5-9-82 S.11-RD:X.S B.c. s-1;).-:>.ot..3


a .m.

A.m. ,"'1-\.


Ponca City San Ange lo, Tx San Angelo, Tx

BIBLIOGRAPHY _ __________ _

DAY~ E.F. /0



Results and Comments:

XXX+++ XXX+++ 2 bapt. XXX+++ 1 letter

3 baptism, 2 statement

Page 2: Lessons From The Motherhood Of Godlibrary.hsutx.edu/mcbride/Isaiah/Isaiah_66-13a-e.pdf · MtJtlterhood Is A Reflection of God's Preference 2 • To spend time with the young --Matt

SUBJECT- -fi1---t-o_~T~Y~f:~gs~· ~!),~'A~TY _______ ___ _ I

TEXT ___ I_s _a_ia_h_ 6_6_:1_3_a ______________ _

TITL .. E __ L_e_s_s_o_n_s _F_r_o_m_ T_he_ M_ o_th_e_r_h_o_o_d_o_f_G_ o_d ____ _

SCRIPTURE READING·----------------


First Baptist 5/14/67 FBC 5/0/71


a . m .


Ponca C ity, Okla . San Angelo, Texas

BIBLIOGRAPHY _ __________ _





Results and Comments:

XXX+++ XXX++-t 2 bapt.

Page 3: Lessons From The Motherhood Of Godlibrary.hsutx.edu/mcbride/Isaiah/Isaiah_66-13a-e.pdf · MtJtlterhood Is A Reflection of God's Preference 2 • To spend time with the young --Matt

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 66:13a "As one whom his MOTHER com­forteth, so will I comfort you. "





1 I

·_MotherhoodJs a Re.iectia.JI nf: ·

I. a-o ]):.S _ PATIENCE I

--Romans 15:5 "Novy the God of patience and consolation · grant you to be likeminded one toward another accord­ing to Christ Jesus. 11

--Note: If there be any quality1characteristic of God--if there be any virtue required of motherhood it i s patiencE.

1. With the slow process of growing up --Exegesis: John--selfish ambition; temper; intoleranc

"Son of Thunder" into an "Apostle of Love." "John i' not once mentioned in Gospel of John . "Little children love one another--this is enough. 11

--Il'lus: A.Mother's Prayer "0 Heavenly Father, make me fit to be the mother of my child . Bless me with health and character that I may always be master of myself. Give me poise, I pray, and self-control. Help me keep my voice soft, and sweet, and low. Make me sympathetic with my child and wise enough to understand him. Help me to know how hard it is for a little child to lift his head, to sit, to creep , to walk , and to talk. Help me to overlook

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the things which are unimportant. Give me patience with my child's wrongs and turn my eyes upon the good thing that he does."

2. With wayward children --Exegesis: God & Israel, His children. Water from

stone; manna from heaven; calf worship at Mt. Sinai; rei~fflai!!l!!PM!!!!!Jl~E!ER!flJ!Jll!!nit!',

--Illus: We often hear or read of broken ties between husbands and wives. Fathers sometimes desert their families or disown their children. But it is · seldom that we hear or read of unfaithful impatient mothers. Rarely do we learn that a mother had closE the door of her home in the face of an erring son or daughter. It is a mother's nature to be patient and to love.

PREFERENCE --Deut. 7:7-8a "The Lord did riot set his love upon you,

nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the Lord loved you."

-:-Illus: Mother-love never counts the cost. Mother does what she does simply because she chooses fo a.:'-this is her preference--no one compells her.

A hungry mother will first feed her hungry child with her last morsel of food. She will readily make the

. supreme sacrifice for love's sake-- for this J s her· choice.

1. To be near in times of sickness --Exegesis: When Jesus learned of the sickness of

his friend, Lazarus, he chose to go back into the very center of hostility in order that he might heal him. At the risk of life itself he made this mission of mercy--simply because he chose to.

--Note: The vast majority of Christ's miracles were healing miracles. He chose the ministry of healin•

--Illus: How can a frail mother sit night and day by the bed of a critically ill child? --This is her choice and God imparts the strength to do it.

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MtJtlterhood Is A Reflection of God's Preference 2 • To spend time with the young

--Matt. 19 :13-15 "Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked t hem. But Jesus said, _Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me ; for of such is the kingdom of heaven . And he lai d his hands on them, a nd departed thence. "

--Exegesis: The disciples could not understand w hy Chri st would choose to spend time with littl e children! They could not mean much in his kingdom; they had no money to give--no influence to ex ert. Why would Jesus spend valuable time with little ones such as these'!,--be cause he loved them and his reference was t · h....tb.e ......... ___ _

- Note: A mother's greatest challenge is not that of becoming the most ciall rominent woman in the community, nor of being known as the woman with the most jobs in the church, nor the housewife of the year, nor the keeper of the finest flowers.

]LL~: mother.' s greatest challenge is that of playing the role of moth~rhood 'lijell. An this takes time, but

\' after all, that ' s why God made motliers . e --Poem: "Why God Made Mothers.:.'._~Ak-~

3 . To build homes --"In my Father's house are many mansions ••• " --Ex egesis: Just as it is God's nature and choice to

build his childre n a b.oroe--in heaven s o it is t he mother's choice to build a b,Qroe for her own •.

--Illus: Often the choice is between more money with all it can buy and a home. It is always a wrong a nd unwise decision to choose a f iner house rather than a better horn e .,

--Poem: o ong a s e e a homes to which me n turn At the close of day, So long as there are homes where children are, Where women stay-If love and loyalty and faith be found Across these sills-A stricken nation can recover from Its gravest ills.

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So long as there are homes where fires burn And there is bread; So long as there are homes where lamps are li And prayers are said; Although people falter through the dark­And nations grope-With God himself back of these little homes­We have sure hope. (From Light ef the Years by Grace Noll Crowell)

III. Motherhood Is A Reflection of God's Perception - .

--Ps. 44:21 "He knoweth the secrets of the heart." --Ps. 139 :3 "Thou art acquainted with all my ways." --Ps. 139:4 "There is not a word in my tongue, but, lo,

0 Lord, thou knowest it altogether." --Heb. 4:13 "All things are naked and open unto the eyes

of him with whom we have to do." --Note: "Mother knows"--we may not think she does,

and she may be too hurt to tell us, but mother knows. Her' s is a perception which only God can impart. And yet, "Thank God that she does know." iTIV-I + K.A.-i~<f!.

----1·--. Which results from a close relation with the child --Illus: God perceives what is within the heart of

man because He is ever present with man.

--Matt. 9:1-8 (READ) --Exegesis: Therperception of Christ moved him to

heal the man, demonstrate his ability to forgive sins and thus save the scribes from the danger of doubt •

...J..--f',!~lu~s~.: Mother and night of prayer for Harold in war ch often breaks her heart

--Matt. 19:41 & 43 "And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it. The days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee~ •• "

--Exegesis: Jesus could perceive what Jerusalem could not--her certain doom and destruction

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otherhood Is a Reflection o_f: 1P~P.CEY7J..O/V

because of her sin. He likened himself at another time to a motherly hen concerned over her brood. x ff1us: Aged mother in Chick. , knew what her son

/ > ought no one knew. (Bednar)

IV. PARDON --Neh. 9 :17 "Thou art a God ready to PARDON, gracious

and merciful. " 1. Which is readily offered

--Psalm 86:5 "For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. 11

r==ms.egesis: The history of Israel and every civili­~ ion since testifies of this truth. --Illus: Like a mother , who generously pardons the

faults of her children, Christ pardoned the faithless­ness of his close friends , Bet e r, Ja mes and Jo?hI1' in ' the Garden of ~ thsemane, as he said: "The sp' it indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. 11

2. Which kindles the fires of hope --Amos 9 :14 "And I will bring again t he captivity of

my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; and they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them, "

--Exegesis: If any generation i n Israel ' s history had drifted beyond hope , the generation of Amos' day had. mmorality , bribery toward God, s inning with -in the temple, ~ pre.......,_ ""°"' ___ or, 1 :u.s ice etc. YET--the promise of pardon kindles the fire of hope for this fallen nation _.

--Illus: Mother ' s love i s a love that "believet h a ll things II and "hopeth all things." How difficult it i s for mother s to think ill of thPiir children! When their own go astray, how~~ldson t o thei r faith in them, and neve~e to be hopeful about them! [Governors and pardon- boards-know what this means. As another truly says : "No ma tter w ha t the world believes or knows about a man, no matter how low he has sunk, his mother will s till believe in him, still find good in him. 11 So God , in the greatness of his love , i s a lways believi ng and

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hopeful. He seeks the salvation of men in Christ. 1

"While the lamp of grace holds out to bum, the vilest sinner may return."

__ POWER --Psalm 29:4 "The voice of the Lord is powerful::'.° --Note: And the voice of a mother lifted in prayer is

powerful too ! 1. In Prayer

--Luke 22:32 "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith ·fail not: and when thou art converted, streng­then thy brethren. "

--Exegesis: Jesus-' prayer for Peter released a power over Peter's life that transformed it from tp.at moment on. ~ p~,,.., ;./ a_,, r ~U>H> f4"~ --1!.2,_: In his Confessions Afi gustinAlates how he set out for Rome from Carthage against the prayers and entreaties of his godly mother, who was praying earnestly for his salvation. Augustine deceived her, when she was weeping over him by telling her that he was merely going on board to see a friend who was sailing for Italy. When his mother refused to go home without him, he persuad­ed her to pass the night in a memorial chapel of the martyr Cyprian. But that night while his mother Monica was praying _ip the chapel, beseeching God to prevent him from going, Augustine set sail.

This departure of her son must have seemed to Monica at· that time the refusal to grant her prayer; yet in the providence of God the journey to Italy was to be the means of Augustine's conversion. Th denial f the mother's 2rayer was in the end a ----0 her prayer for the salvation of her gifted son. ou, says ugus me, m hy hidden. wisdom, didst grant the substance of her desire, yet refused the thing she prayed for in order that Thou mightest effect in me what she was ever praying for •••• She loved to keep me with her as mothers are wont, · yes, far more than most mothers, and she knew not what joy Thou wast preparing for her out of my desertion."

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Here we have a striking and beautiful illustration of how God sometimes answers a prayer for the salvation of a soul after what seems, to the one who prays, a long delay.

2. In Influence --Note: Persecution, denial, death--but the dicipl_es

could never get beyond the power of Christ I s influence.

--Illus: 11 In April, 1889, a son was born to an illicit union between an ~11 strian named Schicklgruber and a ..Ba varian mother. In the years that followed, this hapless child grew up without any influence for God. He had no mothe1 influence to help him shape worthy ideals or God-fearing standards of conduc.t. After W or ld W a r :t , he drifted in and out of trouble as a reactionary leader in .Ba va r ia. He finall~ succeeded in setting himself up as the unquestioned leader of the German people. In complete control, he launched the German nation and eventually the entire world into the bloody holocaust of World War II. Eeaples an d nations are still pa yincr., a tremendous price because of the dlabalical ampitions of a man who grew up without the influence of a godly moth~r. His name: Adolf Hitler.

11A fwr sbact rnonth-s after the birth of Adolf Hitler, a G.Qsj - fea ri ng Ka nsa s faroil y welcomed the birth of a son. In the formative years of his early childhood he came lJ,nder the influence of a pra y ing 1

mother, who imparted her convictions of God and righteousness to her young family. In this American family, God was more tha~ just a name . He was · a living reality in the life of a godly mother. This young man also e ntered the milita ry service of his country. But his ideals, shaped in his childhood, were far different. He thought ai himself as a ~ ­~ nder of freedom and justice rather than as an agressor spawned of evil ambition and plunder.

11 E.,ventually,.. these two soldiers met on the Qsttle;field:a 0£ l::ii stoqr. Adolf Hit )@+. as the leader of the powerful forces of the Third Re~h and Dwiwlt ·

_Eis enhowe;r as the Supreme Commander of the Allied . arrru_es. The outcome of thes,.;, battles i1a we.ll

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known to every reader. "Hitler d ie d a suic ide in 19tl5 in the rubble of

Berlin. st et to record the full extent of influence for good that former President Eisenhower's Christian leadership will have in the world.

"W hat a profound effect a godly mother can .2_ave in world affair~ (Revell)

!\"They say that man ha,s might •• ~ "


God knew that everybody needs Someone to show the way, v . He knew that babies need someone To care for them each day • ••

He knew they needed someone sweet . To soothe their baby cries, To teach them how to walk and talk, And sing them lullabies • •• That's why God made mothers.


He knew small children need someone To lend a guiding hand,

To ansWAr all their questions And to smile and understand,

Someone to read them storybooks, To teach them wrong from right,

To show them wonderful new games, And hear their prayers at night •• •

That's why God made mothers.

And then throughout their childhood years, God knew that children need

Someone to smile at them with pride, v Encourage each new deed;

As they grow up and all their lives, God knew that everywhere

All children need a mother's heart To understand and care

And that's why God made mothers . <:::i

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Motherhood-A Reflection of God

us ED: F. 13 .. c . P oNc. c.rT7 ~ ,5" ·i'f -17 (?<.:xx+H <I

F- /5. C, :5--4/fr A,1,, sn .. o.,, .S-- 'r -7/( 'i.x'C.H~) ..<. -b.,,.,-1:,. · F g, . C -5,,.n,,_ /49 · lo s- - 13 -?Cf ,,p,-, (X\tf. -H!) 11..du,;

F. B c. · 5A,v AtV~c.L.o s--'1,i)..,,.ft1. S-&f!ft~~ J3:% SA R.D.1S e,, c., V/~j_,1 s-1:i-13

9--'-r i w ::JS?(> '

'J(. . I '- • •

Jerold R. McBride, Th.D.

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Motherhood-A Reflection of God Isaiah 66:13

Sardis Baptist Church May 12, 2013

Motherhood Is a Reflection of:

I. God's Patience - Romans 15:5 1. With the slow process of growing up 2. With wayward children

II. God's Preference - Deut. 7:7-8a 1. To be near in times of sickness 2. To spend time with the young - Matt. 19:13-15 3. To build homes - John 14: 1

III. God's Perception - Ps. 44:21 "He knows the secrets of the heart" -- Ps. 139:3 "You are acquainted with all my ways" -- Ps. 139:4 and Hebrews 4: 13 1. Which results from a close relation with the child 2. Which often breaks her heart -- Matt. 19:41 & 43 "And when He was come near, He beheld the

city, and wept over it. .. "

IV. God's Pardon -- Neh. 9: 17 "Thou art a God ready to pardon ... "

1. Which is readily offered - Ps. 86:5 2. Which kindles the fires of hope-Amos 9:14

V. God's Power - Ps. 29:4 1. In prayer- Luke 22:32 2. In influence

They say that man has might, he governs land and sea; He wields a mighty scepter over lesser powers than he; But a greater power and stronger, God from His throne

hath hurled, For the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.

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when the children are teenagers. Worship and Dible study should grow to match the spiritual growth of family members.

STEP ELEVEN Invite suggestions. Encourage each member of the family to suggest ways to mal~e worship and Dible study more effective, particularly in meeting his or her needs. Then implement these suggestions.

STEP lWELVE Evaluate. (heel~ your progress in worship and Dible study from time to time. Lead the family to determine the extent to which you are meeting your goals. Then set new goals and plan how you will reach them.

HomeljQM~or blf t rship and Dible Study. For 35 years, Home Life has given families a dependable guide to daily worship in the home. Millions of homes have been strengthened and enriched as faithful families opened the Word together.

As a porr of the 13old Mission Thrust em phasis, the "Family Worships" section of Home Life hos been expanded to mol,e it even more useful to families commirred to worship and llible srudy in the home. A new section , .. Family llible Study," hos been added to guide family members in exploring the Word together.

The doily family worship guide in Home Life is carefully prepared by Southern lloptist writers to

m eet the needs of Southern lloptist families . Scriptures from both the Old and New Testaments ore se lected for devotional purposes. Activity suggestions ore planned to meet the needs of all family members. including preschoolers.

"Family llible Study'' hos been added to Home Life to give families a guide to weel,ly llible study. Scripture passages ore selected from those used in family worship. and study activities ore suggested to meet the needs of all family members. "Family llible Study" requires about 15-20 minutes for most families to complete each week, giving the family opporrun ity to explore the Scriptures in greater depth than may be possible during fami ly worship.

Asl< for a copy of Home Life at your church and beg in regular fam ily worship and llib le study in your home today.

Other Resources In addition to Home Life. the following resources will be helpfu l in conducting family worship and Dible study in your home:

How to Lead Your Family in llible Study and Worship (Equ,pp,ng Cenrer Module) Your Family Worship Guidebool< ([lroodmon) Deacon-Led Family Worship Projecr (Materials 5eMces)

Orher resources ore lisred on the Church Literorure Order Form and rhe Church Morenols Catalog. For oddirionol help. wnre:

Family Ministry Deparrment 127 Ninth Avenue. Norrh Nashville. TN J 7234






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TWELVE STEPS TO FAMILY AND BIBLE STUDY IN YOUR HOME Probobly no orher single ocr of devorion con enrich morrioge ond srrengrhen fomily life like foithful family worship ond llible study in the home.

STEP ONE Pray. It is God's will that your home honor him through worship and Clible study (see Morr. 18:20). Asl~ for his guidance and help. Conrinue to pray, especially when you become discouraged or the way is difficult.

STEP lWO Make a commitment. Firmly resolve, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Josh. 24:15). Then osl~ God to give you steadfastness in your resolve to overcome all obstacles to faithful worship and Clible study in your home.

STEP THREE Talk it over with your spouse. Seel~ to enlist your mote's support and cooperation. Covenant with your mote to pray about your plans. Jesus promised, "If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall osl\ it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven" (Mott. 18:19).

(A youth or single adult living or home may discuss family worship and Clible study with one or both parents. Single adults living away from home con begin worship and Clible study with a roommate.)

Thor is why one of rhe goo ls of llold Mission Thrust is ro commit 500,000 families to regulor family worship and llible study or home. In rhis way, family members of all ages con be guided toward spiritual

STEP FOUR Present your plans to the family. Enlist the participation of every member of the family. Invite their suggestions for mol~ing the experience meaningful to them. f\ecord their suggestions and mol~e them a port of your plans. Pray together as a family about your undertol~ing.

If other family members ore slow to follow your lead-and they may be­do not be discouraged. Continue to pray and seel~ God's guidance, and lool~ for other opportunities to begin worship and Dible study in your home. If your spouse or other members of the family will not participate, prayerfully consider going ahead without them. They may decide to join you later.

STEP FIVE Select a time. Put this on the family colendor and commit the family to it. Adjust this time as necessary to fit the family routine and to get best results.

STEP SIX Select a place. Find a place in the home that is conducive to worship and Clible study and where interruptions will be minimal.

maturity in Christ. lly following rhese simple steps, you and your

family con begin and maintain regular family worship and llible study in your home.

STEP SEVEN Select resources. The Clible and Home Life magazine ore your basic resources. Place these resources in the place selected for worship and [lible study.

STEP EIGHT Share leadership. One person-probably yourself-must accept responsibi lity for helping the family to remain faithful to its commitment to worship and Clible study in the home. Leadership of worship and [lible study experiences from day to day should be shored, however. Encourage youth and older children to lead these experiences. Help younger children and preschoolers with leadership roles also.

STEP NINE De reverent. Seel~ to establish a climate of worship that is reverent, relaxed, and informal. Hove as your goal to mol~e worship and Clible study the highlight of every day and every weel~ in your home.

STEP TEN De flexible. Adopt worship and Clible study in the home to meet the changing needs of family members. Plans that ore just right for preschoolers no longer "fit"