Lessons From My Modeling Journey By Dana Bosland My journey breaking into the modeling industry has been nothing short of a rollercoaster of experiences that have all lead to this very moment. Writing this blog post, recalling as much detail as possible is difficult being that it is now 5 years later from when this journey of mine truly began. My interest in the industry began at 13 years old where at the time I was tall for my age and had a naturally tiny build due to my fast metabolism. I was told by a lot of adults I should model because that super tiny build was a prominent industry standard at the time. This idea sat well in my head at that age because I always felt insecure because of my weight and long lanky features, especially when the kids my age wouldn’t let me forget about it. I ended up connecting with a modeling “school” in New York that wanted thousands for their classes which ended in lots and lots of tears when my single mother said she couldn’t swing it financially. Little 13-year-old me, thought this was the end of what had now become my biggest dream. After that meeting I went home that day and I researched everything I possibly could about the industry. I wanted to know my way around this, I wanted to know what I had to do to be a part of it -- to feel like my body “fit” somewhere. I spent months learning as much as I

Lessons From My Modeling Journey

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Lessons From My Modeling Journey

By Dana Bosland

My journey breaking into the modeling industry has been

nothing short of a rollercoaster of experiences that have all

lead to this very moment. Writing this blog post, recalling as

much detail as possible is difficult being that it is now 5 years

later from when this journey of mine truly began. My interest

in the industry began at 13 years old where at the time I was

tall for my age and had a naturally tiny build due to my fast

metabolism. I was told by a lot of adults I should model

because that super tiny build was a prominent industry

standard at the time.

This idea sat well in my head at that age because I

always felt insecure because of my weight and long

lanky features, especially when the kids my age

wouldn’t let me forget about it. I ended up connecting

with a modeling “school” in New York that wanted

thousands for their classes which ended in lots and lots

of tears when my single mother said she couldn’t swing

it financially. Little 13-year-old me, thought this was

the end of what had now become my biggest dream.

After that meeting I went home that day and I researched everything I possibly could about

the industry. I wanted to know my way around this, I wanted to know what I had to do to

be a part of it -- to feel like my body “fit” somewhere. I spent months learning as much as I

could at the time. At 14, I connected with another modeling/ acting “agency”, however it

didn’t end up working out because my mom didn’t have the means to drive me into the

city every few days for a casting or audition.

At age 14, was the first time I stepped into a studio in

front of a photographer and I loved every second of it.

I spent the next few years meeting with new smaller

agencies in the New Jersey/New York area. One was a

startup agency owed by a fantastic photographer that I

worked with at 15 which unfortunately never ended

up taking off. Working with him, however, was a great

experience as he taught me a lot about my angels and

other beginner modeling skills. We are still in contact

today and plan to work together in the future.

At age 16, I signed my first contact with another

small agency. The owner was so so awesome and

gave me lots of opportunities to shoot in studio for

my portfolio which led me to booking my first paid

job! The agency gave me a lot of great connections

which helped me a lot down the road as far as

experiences go. Over the course of this time I was

building my portfolio and making newer, bigger

connections in the industry all while continuing to

research the New York market and how to break

into it. I began commuting to the city to work with

photographers and companies such as Nina MUA

Makeup Academy NYC to build my portfolio

further. At 17 was when I was ready to branch out

and begin meeting with bigger New York agencies because I had finally felt confident in

the knowledge and experience, I had accumulated over the last 4 years.

However, I still remained on the shorter side for the

industry at 5’6”. Being height was my issue and this was

the New York market, I was ecstatic when I found a

known agency that was listed on models.com that offered

me contract. I had finally done it! I was signed by a

known agency, I had experience in front of a camera, and

I was ready to work. It was just a few months in when I

realized that my book needed more work based on my

height and my agent kept saying my portfolio didn’t do

me justice. Being they were a larger, more developed

agency who couldn’t invest in a new face in that way -- I

knew I had to invest in myself enough to better my

portfolio. Over a year later I decided to terminate the contract and begin my journey


I was just graduating high school and deciding

as to where I wanted to attend college. I knew

all along my heart was in New York and the

opportunities there, I also think part of me

wasn’t ready to let go of my goals and

aspirations and take off to middle of nowhere

West Virginia despite my initial appeal to

traditional big state schools. I committed to Pace

University NYC that spring and I couldn’t wait

to pursue my dreams of moving to New York.

My first semester I spent some time testing with

photographers, however, my main focus was

classes and adjusting to my new life. I worked

really hard in all my classes and began to

envision my future in New York no matter what I

ended up doing as a career being my interests always varied and were constantly changing

the more I learned.

Second semester I came back to New York ready to do what I came to do which was to

“make it” in the industry on my own terms. I finally ventured out to all different parts of

New York to test with photographers in between classes, as often as possible. Not only was

my book getting bigger, but I was gaining so much experience and knowledge from every

person I worked with. Every photographer had something to teach me and I carried those

lessons with me wherever I went.

Beginning of February, I

was connected with an

amazing photographer

from Germany, he loved

my look and was really

passionate about creating

with me. He took the time

to teach me about lighting,

posing, and how to look

warm while shooting on a

balcony in 15 degrees. The

short two hours I had with

him I learned so so much

and for that I am so

grateful. I continued to

work with photographers

that reached out to me via

Instagram and attended

castings NYFW, a few of

which I booked over the

following weeks.

Due to the spread of the virus and with school, watching the city dwindle down I decided

it was best to pass on the shows. Beginning of March, my school closed due to the

pandemic leading me to once again feel defeated. How could I have to return home after

all I’ve worked towards in the past few months? During my time in quarantine I began to

self-reflect as to what I really want to do. The photographer I had worked with back in

February messaged me saying the pictures were going to be published in not one … but

two magazine publications. This to me, meant I had made it.

A few weeks later I had the

pleasure of reconnecting

with Trudi and The Model

Coaches. (Yes, she did turn

me away a few years back,

but I wasn’t ready to stop

trying!!) Knowing Trudi and

her resume from watching

her “How To Be a Model”

Howcast Videos at age 13 to

finally having the pleasure

of working with her at age

19, and I still am so so so

excited three months later.

Now if that doesn’t motivate

you to keep going and never

give up, I don’t know what

will! When the time is right,

I hope to move forward in

the industry as a model with

my MA being The Model

Coaches because after all I

have experienced, I refuse to accept anything less than the best! In the meantime, we are

working on developing my other interests such as the business side of the industry as well

as content creating.

Despite all of the ups and downs over the course of my journey, the last few months have

instilled unwavering faith in myself and all I plan to accomplish. From the kids who in

grade school used to make fun of me for the way I was built to the girls who spent all of

high school trying to bring me down for trying to make it in the industry. I was finally able

to let it all go because I recognized that I beat the odds as a 5’7” model trying to make it

in this industry thus far and I owe it all to my drive, experiences, the amazing and the not

so amazing people I have met along the way. Every no, every let down, every long bus

ride into New York and back home has led me to this very moment. Thirteen-year-old me

is so so proud and I wouldn’t change that for the world.