Lesson8 Video

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  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 1

    Fundamental Concepts in Video


    Dr. Aree Ali Mohammed


    [email protected]

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  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 2


    What is digital video?

    Video concepts

    Analogue Video

    Digital Video

    File Size and Formats

    Video Special Effects

    Video Compression

    Video H/S

    Video Advantages and Disadvantages

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 3

    What is Digital Video?

    Digital video refers to the capturing, manipulation, and storage ofmoving images that can be displaced on computer screens.

    This requires that the moving images be digitally handled by the

    computer. The word digital refers to a system based on discontinuousevents, as opposed to analog, a continuous event.

    Computers are digital systems; they do not process images the way thehuman eye does.

    Advantages of Digital Video Ease of manipulation

    Preservation of data

    Internet (easy to store, retrieve, and publish)


    Embedding in a web page

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 4

    Video Concept Video is an excellent tool for delivering multimedia.

    Video places the highest performance demand on computer and itsmemory and storage.

    Digital video has replaced analog video as the method of choice formaking and delivering video for multimedia.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 5

    Digital video device produces excellent finished products at a fraction ofthe cost of analog.

    Digital video eliminates the image-degrading analog-to-digital

    conversion. Many digital video sources exist, but getting the rights can be difficult,

    time-consuming, and expensive.

    Video Concept

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 6

    Analogue Video

    Video information that is stored using television video signals,film, videotape or other non-computer media

    Each frame is represented by a fluctuating voltage signal knownas an analogue wave form or composite video.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 7

    Analogue Video

    Composite analogue video has all the video components:

    brightness, colour and synchronization

    Then combined into one signal for delivery

    Example : traditional television Problems: colour blending, low clarity, high generation lost,

    difficult to edit.


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 8

    Digitizing Video

    Digital video combines features of graphics and audio to createdynamic content for multimedia products.

    Video is simply moving pictures.

    Digitized video can be edited more easily. Digitized video files can be extremely large.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 9

    Digitizing Video

    Digital video is often used to capture content from movies andtelevision to be used in multimedia.

    A video source (video camera ,VCR, TV or videodisc) is connectedto a video capture card in a computer.

    As the video source is played, the analog signal is sent to the videocard and converted into a digital file (including sound from thevideo).


    Video Overlay BoardVideo Capture CardPC

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 10

    Analogue signal from VCRConverted to DIGITALby VIDEO CAPTURE CARD

    The convertedsignal isentered inside acomputer

    Signal is processedVideo is editedusing video editing

    software software

    Digitizing Video

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 11

    Digital Video

    Digital video is the digitisation of analogue video signals into numericalformat

    It creates the illusion of full motion by displaying a rapid sequence ofchanging images on a display device.

    Conversion from analogue to digital format requires the use on an ADC(Analogue to Digital Converter) A Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC) can be used to output digital

    video on analogue equipment

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14 School of Science \ ComputerScience Dept. 12

    File Size and Formats

    There is an important consideration:

    file size in digitized video which included

    1. frame rate

    2. image size

    3. color depth.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 13

    File Size and Formats

    1. Frame Rate

    animation is an illusion caused by the rapid display ofstill images.

    television and movies play at 30 fps but acceptableplayback can be achieved with 15 fps.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 14

    File Size and Formats

    2. Image Size

    A standard full screen resolution is 640x480 pixels but to safe storingspace a video with 320x240 for a computer display is still acceptable.

    New high-definition televisions (HDTV) are capable of resolutions upto 19201080p60,

    1920 pixels per scan line by 1080 scan lines, progressive, at 60frames per second.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 15

    File Size and Formats

    3. Color Depth

    The quality of video is dependent on the color quality(related to the number of colors) for each bitmap in the

    frame sequence.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 16

    3. Color Depth

    The color depth below 256 colors is poorer-quality image.

    The frame rate to below 15 fps causes a noticeable and

    distracting jerkiness that unacceptable. Changing the image size and compressing the file

    therefore become primary ways of reducing file size.

    File Size and Formats

    24 bit 8 bit (256 colors)16 bit

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 17

    Special Effects

    Transitions Such as fading, wiping, splatters, scrolling, stipple and many

    more are available by simply dragging and dropping that

    transition between the two video clips.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 18

    Special Effects

    Superimposing The ability to superimpose one clip over another is a valuable


    The technique of green screening is identical except that the colorgreen is used for the screen and later digitally removed.

    The blue screen and green screen superimposing are just two of thesuperimposing technique available.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 19

    Video Compression

    The video compression/decompression programs are used so that video can fit on asingle CD and the speed of transferring video from a CD to the computer can beincreased.

    Let us say that a sequence of 25fps video is about 25MB.

    CD-ROM transfer rate is calculated as follows: 1X= 150KB per second

    10X=1.5 MB per second

    100X= 15 MB per secondt

    To overcome large video size, CODECS were developed.

    Compresseswhen saved


    File format usedsuch as: Avi,

    Mpeg, MovDecompresses

    when needed fordisplay

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 20

    Video Hardware and Software


    Video Overlay Board /

    Video Capture Card

    Video digital

    Editing Software


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 21

    Video Editing Software

    Incorporating transitions such as dissolves, wipes and spin.

    Superimposing titles and animating them, such as fly-in logo.

    Applying special effects to various images, such as twisting, zooming,

    rotating and distorting. Synchronizing sound with the video.

    Apply filters that control color balance, brightness & contrast, blurring,distortions and morphing.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 22

    Advantages of using Video

    Captures interest

    Increase retention Clarifies complex physical actions and relationships

    Can incorporate other media

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 23

    Disadvantages of using Video

    Is expensive to produce

    Requires extensive memory and storage

    Requires special equipment

    Does not effectively illustrate abstract concepts andstatic situations

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 24


    Digital video method is used for making anddelivering video for multimedia.

    Compression techniques help to reduce the file sizesto more manageable levels

    Two types of compression lossless and lossy.

    Standards for compression program are JPEG andMPEG.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson8 Video


    18-Jan-14School of Science \ Computer

    Science Dept. 25

    Group Discussion