Lesson Plan Scientific Notation

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  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation



    School : ________________________

    Course : Mathematics

    Grade : VII (Seventh)

    Semester : Odd Semester

    Teacher : Nandra Cahya Praramadhani

    A. Standard of Competence

    ! Solvin" #ro$lems involved e%#onential& root& and lo"arithmic 'orms!

    B. Basic Competence

    1.1. ##lyin" conce#ts and #ro#erties o' e%#onential& root& and lo"arithmic 'orms!

    C. Indicators

    1. Convertin" decimal num$ers into scienti'ic notation and vice versa!

    2. ##lyin" al"e$raic o#eration o' some num$ers re#resented in scienti'ic notation!

    D. Learning Objectives

    1. Given a decimal num$ers& students are e%#ected to $e a$le to convert the num$er into scienti'ic notation!

    2. Given a num$er re#resented in scienti'ic notation& students are e%#ected to $e a$le to convert the num$er into decimal


    3. Given some num$ers re#resented in scienti'ic notation& students are e%#ected to $e a$le to a##ly a##ro#iate al"e$raic

    o#erations o' those num$ers!


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    E. Prequisite Materias

    1. Inde% notation

    2. Pro#erties o' e%#onents

    F. Learning Materias

    1. Scienti'ic notation

    2. The rule o' #oer o' *

    G. !ime Aocation

    + ,- minutes ( meetin")

    H. Learning Met"ods

    a. .earnin" ##roach : In/uiry

    b. .earnin" Methods : 0iscussion& Presentation& Individual e%#loration& Pair sharin"

    I. #etai of Activities

    !eac"er Activities E$pected Students Activities Note

    OPENIN% &'( minutes)

    Teacher "reets students!

    Good morning, Class! How are you?

    Im fine, an" you.

    Students anser the teacher1s "reetin"!

    Good morning, #aam$%ir! Im fine, an"

    you. &nd you?

    Teacher has students to #ray $e'ore startin" the


    The leader o' the class as2s her3his 'riend to #ray



  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    '", Class. (lease e )a*ain of e )lass,

    lead your friends o *ray ogeer.

    +efore we sar is lesson, les *ray

    ogeer. (raying...

    The other students #ray to"ether!

    The leader o' the class as2s her3his 'riend to sto#



    The other students sto# #rayin" and #re#are 'or the


    Teacher chec2s students1 attendance!

    &nyone absen oday?

    Good. Im glad a all of you -oin is

    )lass oday.

    as a**ened wi %uden /?

    ', I o*e sell ge beer soon.

    Students anser the teacher&

    No, Maam/Sir.


    0es, #aam$%ir. %uden / is absen oday.

    %e is si)", #aam

    Teacher as2s students hether they1re ready to start

    the lesson!

    ell. &ll of you loo"s so a**y oday. %o,

    I o*e a well ge a fun a)iiies oday.

    &re you ready o sar, Guys?

    Students anser the teacher1s /uestion!

    Some students res#ond&

    0es, #aam$%ir.

    Teacher revies students students1 initial 2noled"e

    related to e%#onential 'orm and its #ro#erties $y

    Students revie their initial 2noled"e and anser the

    teacher1s /uestions!



  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    "ivin" some /uestions!

    Guys, wo sill remember wa wee

    dis)ussed in e *reious meeing?

    a else?

    Grea. o wans o menion wa e*ro*eries of indi)es are?

    Teacher "ives #ermisson to students ho ants to try

    anserin" the /uestion and as2 other students to #ay

    attention to the student!

    'f )ourse, you may. eryone, *lease

    lisen o %uden +.

    Some students res#ond&

    Inde noaion, #aam$%ir.

    The others res#ond&

    (ro*eries of indi)es, #aam$%ir.

    Student 4 raise his3her hand&

    #ay I ry i, #aam$%ir?

    Student 4 mentions the #ro#erties o' indices and the

    other students #ay attention to his3her anser!

    Student 4 may mention&

    4e *ro*eries are

    am a



    : an=a



  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    Teacher a##reciates student1s anser and as2s other

    students 'or "ivin" a##lause!

    Good -ob, %uden +. Guys, gie a big

    and for %uden +.

    Teacher as2s students a$out 5ero and ne"ative

    inter"ers #oer!

    How abou 6ero and negaie indi)es


    Teacher a##reciates student1s anser and as2s other

    students 'or "ivin" a##lause!

    Grea. Gie a**lause for %uden C.



    ( a b )n=an bn and


    b )n



    bn, b *

    The others students a##reciate Student 41s anser and

    "ive a##lause 'or her3him!

    Students C res#ond&

    6 a*= and


    an & #aam$%ir.

    The others students a##reciate Student C1s anser and

    "ive a##lause 'or her3him!


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    Teacher "ives illustration a$out needs o' sim#ler ay

    in notatin" or calculatin" very lar"e or very small


    Gien e *roon mass is

    8.888888888888888888888819: gram.

    (the num$er is shon in a slide or ritten in the


    Can you imagine ow diffi)ul o do

    algebrai) o*eraions beween ese "ind

    of numbers? Is ere any way o sim*lify

    e *roblems? 4a is wy we need o

    learn abou s)ienifi) noaion.

    Students are e%#ected to $e curious a$out ho

    e%#onential 'orm can $e used 'or solvin" daily li'e

    #ro$lems and develo# their interest to learn more

    a$out this to#ic!

    Some students may res#ond the teacher&

    How )ould i be? I am )urious abou a.



    E$poration &+( minutes)

    Teacher dis#lays some e%am#les o' num$ers

    re#resented in scienti'ic notation!

    Students are curious a$out hat they ill do ith

    these 2ind o' notation!



  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    ;oo" a ese numbers dis*layed in e


    a will we do wi ese numbers,



    Teacher as2s students to o$serve the dis#layed

    e%am#les and 'ind s#ecialties o' the notation

    dis#layed individually!

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    >o you find a e noaion uses a?

    %o, i is '=. 0ou )an say li"e a. (lease

    find e oer s*e)ialies.

    0es, #aam$%ir.

    '=, #aam$%ir. 4an" you...

    Teacher as2s students to share their o#inion in #air

    and discuss to com#lete their anser a$out the

    s#ecialties o' notation in the dis#layed e%am#les!

    Hae you finised, #aam$%ir?

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    4ime is u*, Guys. I will inie a *air o

    *resen e dis)ussion resul in fron of

    e )lass. or e oers, *lease )om*are

    your dis)ussion resul o e *reseners

    resul. 0ou sould )rii)i6e or )ommens

    e *reseners resul.

    o wans o be e *resener?

    Grea. (lease wel)ome, %udens & and

    +... Gie a**lause o em.

    '=, #aam$%ir.

    Pair (Students and 4) ants to $e the #resenter

    "rou#& 6'ur grou*, #aam$%ir.

    Other students "ive a##lause to Students and 4!

    &!"e Presentation of Pair A)

    ell, Guys. Good morning. In is

    o))asion, + and I will *resen our dis)ussion

    resul abou e s*e)ialies of noaion in

    e eam*les dis*layed. In our o*inion, is

    inoles 10 o e *ower of an ineger, a

    )an be *osiie or negaie. 4en, is is

    muli*lied by a real numbers beween 8

    and 1. 4as all.

    The other students res#ond&


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    Teacher as2s the audience hether they have

    di''erent o#inion!

    &ll of you, do you agree wi & and +?

    &ny oer o*inion?

    0es, #aam$%ir.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    Bery good answer, %uden >. %o, ese

    "ind of noaion is )alled s)ienifi)

    noaion. ell dis)uss i more now.

    Some students res#ond&' I see, #aam$%ir.

    Eaboration &,( minutes)

    Teacher divides class into several "rou#s o' 'our!

    ell, Guys. Im sure a you ae go

    e iniial "nowledge abou s)ienifi)

    noaion. 4o )om*lee your "nowledge, I

    wan you o wor" in grou* of four. (lease

    )oun 1 u* o 9, Guys.

    '=, %udens wo said 1 *lease gaer

    ere. %udens wo said 2 *lease gaer

    ere. %udens wo said 3 *lease gaer

    ere. %udens wo said 5 *lease gaer

    ere. %udens wo said 7 *lease gaer

    oer ere. &nd sudens wo said 9 *lease

    gaer oer ere.

    Students "ather ith their "rou#!

    1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 ...

    '=, #aam$%ir.

    0es, we ae, #aam$%ir.

    See ttachment +:



  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    Hae you me your grou*, Guys?

    Teacher distri$utes -or.s"eet 'or each "rou#s

    containin" an ivesti"ation a$out the rule o' #oer o'

    * some real8ord #ro$lems related to scienti'ic


    I will disribues a Worksheet, one for

    ea) grou*. 4is Worksheet )onaining

    wo *ars, firs is inesigaion abou e

    rule of *ower of 18 and e se)ond is

    some realwords *roblem relaed o

    s)ienifi) noaion. Here i is.

    Students acce#t -or.s"eet "iven $y the teacher!

    4an" you, #aam$%ir.

    Teacher as2s students to discuss and do the

    or2sheet ith their "rou#!

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    activities and hel#s students i' it is needed!

    Is i doing grea, Guys?

    >o you find any diffi)ulies?

    Grea, go on, Guys.

    they 'ind some di''iculties!

    0es, #aam$%ir.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    Grou* +. Gie a big and for em...

    Grea. >o you ae differen answer,


    '=, les )oninue e *resenaion o e

    Hello, Guys. e would li"e o *resen our

    wor" abou Worksheet Part A. &fer

    dis)ussing is Worksheet, we find a

    e number of 6ero is same as e inde of

    18. If e inde is *osiie, en e 6ero

    )omes afer 1. In e oer and, if e

    inde is negaie, en 6ero )omes before

    1. %o, if we wan o )oner from one form

    o e oer form, we )an -us )oun e

    6ero and ad-us e inde of 18, i)e ersa.

    4as all our resul. 4an" you.

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    *ar +. o wans o be e *resener?

    0es, of )ourse. (lease wel)ome, Grou*


    9+*&***&***&***&*** 9!+*,

    ;&***&*** :!;*or2sheet


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    K. Assesment

    1. Techni/ue: Grou# activities& Partici#ation in class

    Instrument: >or2sheet& and O$servation sheet


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    Attachment 1



    Consider these following examples!





    .-+ **

    - . ,*orld

    1. The s#eed o' li"ht is 9=&*** miles3second! n illustration o' this

    s#eed is i' a car is movin"at li"ht s#eed& then the car can

    circumnavi"ate the earth < times #er second! The avera"e distance

    $eteen the sun and the earth is ;&***&*** miles! It is so 'ar tat it

    ta2es 9 minuts 'or the sun1s li"ht to reach the earth! In 'act& some o' the

    "iant stars are so hu"e that they can occu#y a s#ace consistin" o' the

    sun& the earth and s#ace $eteen them& and even more than that! One

    o' the stars ith these characteristics caled 4etel"euse in the Orion

    "ala%y! It has a diameter o' ,** million miles! This star is very 'ar










  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation


    aay (a$out 9+*&***&***&***&*** miles)& so its li"ht ta2es ;* years to

    reach the earth! Com#ared ith the other stars& 4etel"euse& hoever& is

    still closer $ecause the li"ht o' the 'arthest star ta2es u# to ,&***

    million years to reach the earth! 7%#ress the underlined num$er in

    scienti'ic notation!

    2. The ta$le $elo shos the data o' the estimated radius o' each #lanet

    on their e/uators! ?e#resent the radius in decimal num$ers!

    Planet ?adii (2m) 0ecimals


    7arth =!;9%*;


    Mars ;!,*%*;

    Mercury +!,,%*;

    Ne#tune +!,9%*,

    Saturn =!*;%*,

    Branus +!-=%*,

    Venus =!*-%*;

    3. The area o' the earth1s sur'ace covered $y the ocean is ;=+&***&***


    a. >rite the area in scienti'ic notation!

    b. The area o' the earth1s sur'ace is determined $y the 'ormula









  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan Scientific Notation



    >here r is the earth1s radius! Dind the area o' the earth1s sur'ace& i'

    its radius is =!;9*;


    ). >hat #ercenta"e o' the earth1s sur'ace is ocean@







