Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles Flex Some Muscle For long-term weight loss, get your muscles working. Strong muscles are a secret ingredient of healthy, long-term weight loss. Muscles increase your body's capacity to burn calories around the clock, and studies show that people who work their muscles on a regular basis are less likely to regain weight over time. Muscles also boost stamina, improve balance, help prevent injury, and keep bones strong as you age. For all of these reasons, we recommend that you do 2 muscle-strengthening workouts each week. Just as with cardio, it's important to determine how much is right for you at this point in time. Based on your physical ability, the advice of your doctor, and your willingness to put in effort, you may choose a different weekly goal. It's better to improve a little at a time than to push yourself too hard and get discouraged. Ideally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms. Exercises that work several muscles at once can help you tone your entire body in less than half an hour. You can use equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands, or weight machines. Or you could do a routine of sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and other simple exercises that use your bodyweight for resistance. On the next page, we'll get you started with a workout you can do right at home.

Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles - Amazon S36.pdfIdeally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms

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Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles

Flex Some Muscle

For long-term weight loss, get your muscles working.

Strong muscles are a secret ingredient of healthy, long-term weight loss. Muscles increase your body's capacity to burn calories around the clock, and studies show that people who work their muscles on a regular basis are less likely to regain weight over time. Muscles also boost stamina, improve balance, help prevent injury, and keep bones strong as you age.

For all of these reasons, we recommend that you do 2 muscle-strengthening workouts each week. Just as with cardio, it's important to determine how much is right for you at this point in time. Based on your physical ability, the advice of your doctor, and your willingness to put in effort, you may choose a different weekly goal. It's better to improve a little at a time than to push yourself too hard and get discouraged.

Ideally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms. Exercises that work several muscles at once can help you tone your entire body in less than half an hour. You can use equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands, or weight machines. Or you could do a routine of sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and other simple exercises that use your bodyweight for resistance. On the next page, we'll get you started with a workout you can do right at home.

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A Beginner Home Workout The only gear you’ll need for this full-body workout is a set of dumbbells (though you can get by without those if you have to). If you’re new to strength training or haven’t done it in a while, start with a pair of 3-5lb. weights or whatever is comfortable for you.

To start, do each of the following moves 8 to 12 times in a row. Move slowly and carefully, focusing all of your attention on what you’re doing. Stop if you feel pain or your muscles get so weak that you can’t continue.

1. Toe Lifts

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your legs straight, push up as far as you can on the balls of your feet. Pause for 2 seconds, then lower your heels back to the floor. Tip: Rest one or both hands on a wall or chair for balance. Too easy? Do the move while standing on the first step of a staircase. Start with your heels hanging just off the step, and rest a hand on the railing or wall to keep your balance.

2. Push-Ups

Stand in front of a wall, just a bit farther than arm’s length away. Then lean forward and place your palms flat against the wall, shoulder-height and shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows as you slowly

Page 3: Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles - Amazon S36.pdfIdeally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms

lower your upper body toward the wall while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Your back should be straight, and your stomach muscles tight. Pause, then push yourself back until your arms are straight again. Tip: Avoiding “locking” your elbows by keeping your arms slightly bent. Too easy? Make this move more challenging by using a countertop instead of a wall and scooting your feet back so that more of your weight is in your arms. Still too easy? Do a classic push-up on the floor.

3. Bicep Curls

Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and let your arms hang by your sides, palms facing your thighs. As you slowly lift the weight, rotate your forearms so your palms end up facing your shoulders. Pause, and then lower the dumbbells back to starting position. Tip: Keep your wrists straight, and your upper arms and elbows close to your sides. Too easy? Use a heavier weight. You know you have the right weight when your muscles are tired after doing the move 10 times.

Page 4: Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles - Amazon S36.pdfIdeally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms

4. Sit-Ups

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. With your hands behind your head and elbows pointing out to the sides, slowly raise your shoulders and upper back off of the floor. Pause, then lower your shoulders back to the floor. Don’t forget to breathe! Exhale as you raise your shoulders, and inhale as you lower them. Tip: Despite the name, don't sit all the way up — raise only your shoulders and upper back. Keep your chin lifted off of your chest and avoid pulling on your head with your hands. Too easy? Do the same move with your feet lifted off the floor. Keep your knees bent so your calves are parallel to the floor and cross your ankles for stability.

5. Superman

Lie face down on the floor and extend your arms straight over your head. Lift your left arm and your right leg up off of the floor at the same time, keeping your head, neck, and back in a line. Hold that position for 2 to 4 seconds before lowering your arm and leg back to the floor. Repeat with your right arm and left leg. Tip: Be sure your feet are flexed, not pointed. Too easy? Lift both arms and both legs up off of the floor at the same time. Hold this for 2 to 4 seconds, then lower.

Page 5: Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles - Amazon S36.pdfIdeally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms

6. Overhead Press

Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and sit or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands, with your palms facing forward and your wrists straight until the dumbbells are level with your shoulders and parallel to the floor. Push the dumbbells up, over your head until your arms are fully extended. Pause. Slowly lower your hands back to starting position. Tip: Keep the dumbbells in line with your shoulders as you raise and lower them, and avoid “locking” your elbows. Too easy? Use a heavier weight—your muscles should be tired after doing the move 10 times.

7. Squats

Stand about a foot and a half from a smooth wall, and then lean your back against it. Bend your knees to slide your back down the wall until your thighs are about parallel to the floor — or as close as you can get without straining yourself. Hold this position, keeping your stomach muscles tight. Slowly return to starting position by sliding your back up the wall. Tip: As you bend your legs, don’t let your knees extend past your toes. If you have to, scoot your feet forward to make sure that doesn’t happen. Too easy? Do it without the wall: Stand with feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward and parallel to the floor. Keeping your weight in your heels, lean forward just a bit at your hips, and keep your back straight as you slowly lower yourself to a near-sitting position (or as far down as you can comfortably go). Pause, and then slowly rise to standing.

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Supercharge Chores

Burning calories isn't just for workouts. Your goal is to move more all day long.

To create a healthy lifestyle that will last long into your old age, it’s important to begin thinking of yourself as an “active person.” That means you’re someone who strives to be active all day long, not just when you strap on your sneakers for a workout.

That might mean tackling household chores with more gusto, taking up a hobby that keeps you moving, power-walking while you browse a big-box store, or just joining in with your kids' active play time. Take a look at how all of the things you might do can add up in terms of calories burned.

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There are almost always ways to make a chore or hobby more active. The most obvious is to pick up the pace of whatever you're doing so that you start to breathe faster.

Another great tip is to put more of your body into every move: Whether you're unloading groceries, vacuuming, moving boxes, or watching kids, squeeze your abs to strengthen your core, incorporate deep knee bends and biceps curls, and make a point of focusing on the muscles you're using as you use them. Every little effort helps!

Page 8: Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles - Amazon S36.pdfIdeally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms

How to Treat Strains and Sprains

Injuries will be less likely as your strength and balance improve. But if the odd sprain or bruise crops up, here's how to handle it.

Workout injuries usually happen when you're not focused on what you're doing (talking on your cell while riding your bike? Thinking about your grocery list in the middle of a yoga class?), or when you're trying to do too much, too soon.

Slowly increasing the intensity and duration of your exercise sessions and avoiding distractions will help stop injuries from happening. On the off-chance you do suffer a bruise, strain, or sprain, it can be treated with a course of R.I.C.E.: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.


Stop doing the activity, and rest that muscle until it is no longer tender or weak. (Note: If the swelling and/or pain is intense or doesn't improve with R.I.C.E., see a doctor.)


Wrap ice or cold compression in an absorbent towel or cloth, and apply to the injured area. Ice reduces pain, bruising, and swelling.

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Apply pressure by wrapping the injury with an elastic bandage. The bandage helps to reduce swelling and promote healing.


If possible, lift the injured area above your heart to reduce blood pressure to the area. Use a pillow to prop it up and keep yourself comfortable.

Before we get off the topic of injuries, be aware that chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and dizziness are all signs that it's time to stop exercising immediately and rest until the symptoms disappear. Sit or lie down until your discomfort subsides — only resume exercising if you feel perfectly well again, and be sure to start very slow.

If you have chest pain that does not go away after a few minutes, call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room. Schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss any of these symptoms, or an injury that you think may be serious.

Page 10: Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles - Amazon S36.pdfIdeally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms

Find Your Fitness Tribe

Reluctant to join a workout community or having trouble finding one? These tips will help.

In the previous lesson, we talked about the benefits of exercising with a partner or bigger group of people — it makes working out more fun, and increases the odds that you’ll stick to a regular schedule. But finding your “fitness tribe” can be easier said than done.

If you’ve yet to find the right people to workout with, or are reluctant to start looking, these four tips might give you the nudge you need.

• Your workout community doesn’t have to be ‘like you,’ they just have to be ‘for you.’ When you’re working towards a common goal, everyone’s differences can become strengths as you share tips and strategies based on your unique experiences. It's a mistake to assume that a group isn't right for you because they come from different backgrounds or aren't in your age group. The real test is whether they are warm, positive, and welcoming to you. Try attending one class or meet-up before you decide.

• Skipping workouts is harder when someone else is watching. Having a fitness tribe means that there will be people who notice when you don’t show up, which makes you more likely to put in the extra effort to get there. Be sure to introduce yourself to your instructor and a few fellow classmates on day one, and continue to say hello at each class to build those relationships.

• Chit-chat is an underrated form of support. Talking with your exercise community is important for the same reasons you talk with your group in this program– support will keep you going. When you’re alone, it’s easy to give up on your workout. When you’re in a class, you can admit you’re not in the mood to workout, and a chorus of voices will come back at you with sympathetic encouragement.

• Having a good time should be one of your group’s top goals. Exercise should be something you look forward to, and the people you workout with can make all the difference. Even the most challenging (and probably your least favorite) parts of a workout are easier to weather when there are people around you who try to laugh and have fun, even when things get hard.

Page 11: Lesson 6 : Work Your Muscles - Amazon S36.pdfIdeally, you'll strengthen all of your major muscle groups in a single workout: legs, hips, back, abdominals, chest, shoulders, and arms

Ready, Set, Fun!

Mix up your activity options to banish boredom and turn exercise into an adventure.

Doing the same familiar activities week after week (with a group or by yourself), has some definite advantages. Most importantly, it helps with habit-building—the more often you do something, the easier it gets, and the less you have to think about it.

As you get in better shape, though, you might find that you’re growing bored with your regular routine and crave something a little — or a lot — different. What you can do will depend on your resources and where you live, but we encourage you to explore, keep an open mind, and at least try things once before ruling them out.

Here are just a few examples of new ways to exercise that you may not have thought of yet:

• In-Pool Power Walking Walking in water can be a pleasant yet challenging workout in pools that contain a special 'current channel.' In the channel, jets provide constant resistance, allowing you to walk in place or move forward with effort. Check in with university pools, community centers, or gyms to find out if there’s one near you.

• Online Yoga Classes Streaming free yoga classes on your computer, tablet, or phone is an easy way to workout at home, or anywhere you happen to be. DoYogaWithMe allows you to select your level, the amount of time you have, and the type of yoga you’d like to do, then presents you with appropriate classes that have been rated and reviewed by users

• Local Intramural Leagues If being on a team motivates you, contact your local community or recreation center to find out about intramural leagues. You can play games like dodgeball, ultimate Frisbee, flag football, soccer, and softball with a whole crew behind you for support.

• Urban Walking Trails Hiking doesn’t have to happen in the woods. Most cities and some towns will have tourist walking routes. Pop into a visitors' center for suggestions and a map. The fun comes in discovering local landmarks, architecture, and history along the way.

• Community Walking Clubs Haven’t found a walking buddy yet? A walking club meets up at a specific time in a specific

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place and walks as a group. You get a workout plus an opportunity to chat with people you might never have met otherwise. Do an internet search for your town plus the words “walking club” and we’ll bet you’ll find one. If you don’t, consider starting one yourself via a site like meetups.com, or posting a sign at work or at your local library or rec center.

If none of the above appeal to you, that's fine. There's a big fitness world out there, and the key is to just keep experimenting until you find something you enjoy.

Personal Reflection:

What are some physical activities that you have done once or twice and would like to do more often, or that you are curious to try for the first time?

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Don't Waste Your Workout

Physical activity is a powerful way to stay healthy, but it can't undo unhealthy food choices.

Imagine you’ve just finished a brisk, 1-mile walk. You’re hungry, so you go for a snack. This is a crucial moment. After exercise, it’s easy to think that because you just burned off some calories, you can indulge in an unhealthy treat.

Unfortunately, this logic doesn’t hold if you want to lose weight and improve your health. You are not becoming more active so that you can stick to unhealthy habits—you want to get in the habit of making positive choices all day long, no matter what you do.

Part of the problem is that people tend to overestimate how many calories they burn exercising, and underestimate how many calories are in the food they eat. In fact, walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes only burns about 125 calories. (Remember you still get other big benefits from it like better blood sugar control.) And the amount of calories in junk-food can be... shocking. Check out how long you’d have to exercise to burn off these fast-food calorie bombs:

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New This Week:

• Make time for two short muscle-strengthening workouts. • Consider a new class or group activity that helps you work toward your weekly 150-minute

cardio goal. • Pick one chore and supercharge it!

Ongoing To-Dos:

• Weigh in daily. • Contribute to the group discussion. • Continue reporting your steps and activity. • Use the Healthy Eating Plate guidelines to plan meals: Fill your plate with 1/2 veggies and 1/2

protein and healthy fats; snack on nuts, seeds, or low-sugar fruit; drink unsweetened beverages.

• Keep tracking everything that you eat and drink.