Lesson 55

Lesson 55. Today’s Agenda Finish presentations (if needed) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Review - ASSESSMENT LESSON 56 (periods 1, 4, 5, and 7) LESSON

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Lesson 55

Today’s Agenda

Finish presentations (if needed)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Review -

ASSESSMENT LESSON 56 (periods 1, 4, 5, and 7) LESSON 57 (periods 2 and 6)


PERSON A Share annotations for the theme. Explain why you marked that scene as an example of

the theme. Person B should take notes in his or her book.

PERSON B Share annotations for the theme. Explain why you marked that scene as an example of

the theme. Person A should take notes in his or her book.

DEFINED writing that pokes fun at issues in order to bring about

change sometimes uncomfortable uneasy humor

ELEMENTS OF SATIRE Exaggeration Humor Irony Parody Steve Mobs Ridicule Sarcasm Understatement


What is Twain’s statement about the following topics:

Religion Slavery Southerners (not all– just those like Pap) Southern Aristocrats Southern Feuding Families Sir Walter Scott Romanticism of Death

Satirical Caricatures

Caricatures are exaggerations of an issue/person/place, etc.

You are to draw a picture that depicts Twain’s feelings about the issue assigned to your group.

Your picture should display both your understanding of the events in the book and your understanding of the use of satire. Use the book to help you with the specifics. (It should be evident that your picture comes from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.)

Under your picture, write a one paragraph summary of what Twain is satirizing.

Satirical Caricatures - Examples

Come with me, Robot Jim. I will get you away from Ms. Watson!

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In an effort to make The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a novel that is politically correct, “Nigger Jim” has been replaced with “Robot Jim.” This cartoon uses ridicule to show that the censorship of the “offensive” aspects of the novel in order to alleviate public outcry actually dehumanizes Jim’s character and changes the entire meaning of the book.

Describe 2 examples of satire What happened to Pap?

What does Huck decide to do at the end of the book?  Is Huck a dynamic or static character? Dynamic=

change/ static= no change Why is Jim the true hero of the novel? What is the climax of the novel? How so?