Lesson 4 Do you follow a proper nutrition plan and get health checkups? Do you follow safety practices? Whatever activity you choose, it’s essential to use the proper safety equipment. Training and Safety for Physical Activities

Lesson 4 Do you follow a proper nutrition plan and get health checkups? Do you follow safety practices? Whatever activity you choose, it’s essential to

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Lesson 4

Do you follow a proper nutrition plan and get health checkups?

Do you follow safety practices?

Whatever activity you choose, it’s essential to use the proper safety equipment.

Training and Safety for Physical Activities

Lesson 4

In this lesson, you’ll learn to:

Recognize health-promoting strategies that can enhance a training program.

Understand the importance of preventive health screenings before beginning a physical activity program.

Identify safety concerns related to various physical activities.

Lesson Objectives

Lesson 4

Keeping Fit

The first step in becoming fit is totake good care of your body.

Eat nutritious foods and drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

Get adequate rest.

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

The next step in improving fitness often involves beginning a training program for your chosen activity.

Training Program

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

Food provides the energy necessary for peak performance. Equally important is hydration.

When you are adequately hydrated:

You are more alert and focused.

Your reaction time is faster.

Your muscles are less likely to cramp.

Your endurance is greater.

Nutrition and Hydration

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

Sleep, which helps your body rest and reenergize, is also essential for any training program.

On average, teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night to function at their best.

Getting too little sleep can disrupt the nervous system, causing slowed reaction time, lack of concentration and forgetfulness, irritability, and even depression.

Adequate Rest

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

Avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, anabolic steroids, and other drugs is another part of maintaining an athletic training program.

Avoiding Harmful Substances

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

Some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and enhance performance.

Effects of anabolic steroids:

Increased risk of cancer and heart disease


Skin problems

Unusual weight gain or loss

Sexual underdevelopment and dysfunction

Violent, suicidal, or depressive tendencies

Anabolic Steroids

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

It is illegal to use anabolic steroids without a prescription.

Those who test positive for steroid use are disqualified from competitions.

Abstinence is the best choice when it comes to the use of steroids.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Anabolic Steroids

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements are nonfood substances that contain one or more nutrients that the body needs, such as vitamins or minerals.

A health care provider can advise you about whether you need this type of supplement.

High doses, or megadoses, of a nutritional supplement can be harmful.

Avoiding Harmful Substances

Lesson 4

Practice Safety

You can reduce your risk of injury by:

Visiting a health care professional for a health screening before beginning a new activity.

Using the proper safety equipment for your chosen activity.

Being alert to the surrounding environment, including other players and spectators.

Playing at your skill level and knowing your physical limits.

Safety First!

Lesson 4

More Tips on Practicing Safety

You can also reduce your risk of injury by:

Staying within areas that have been designated for physical activities.

Obeying all rules and restrictions.

Practicing good sportsmanship.

Safety First!

Lesson 4

Wear reflective clothing for nighttime physical activity.

Choose a well-used area during daylight hours to jog.

Personal Safety

Be aware of the effects of weather.

Safety First!

Lesson 4

Before you begin any new physical activity:

Learn to use the equipment involved.

Check the equipment to make sure that it fits and is in good condition.

Wear the recommended safety gear.

Safety First!

Using Proper Equipment

Lesson 4

Choosing Proper Athletic Gear

Wear a helmet when bicycling, skateboarding, or skating.

Athletic shoes should be comfortable and should have a cushioned heel, good arch support, and ample toe room.

In general, choose comfortable, nonrestrictive clothing.

Safety First!

Lesson 4

1. a health screening

2. hydration

3. a training program

4. nutrition

Q. A search or check for diseases

or disorders that an individual would otherwise not have knowledge of or seek help for is known as _____.

Choose the appropriate option.

Quick Review

Lesson 4

A. A search or check for diseases or disorders that an

individual would otherwise not have knowledge of or seek help for is known as a health screening.

Click Next to attempt another question.

Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 4

Provide a short answer to the question given below.

Q. Define the term hydration.

Click Next to view the answer.

Quick Review

Lesson 4

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A. Hydration is taking in fluids so that the body functions


Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 4

Provide a short answer to the question given below.

Q. What are anabolic steroids? Name three ways they can

harm health.

Click Next to view the answer.

Quick Review

Lesson 4

A. Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that are similar

to the male hormone testosterone. Anabolic steroids have very harmful effects, including:

Increased risk of cancer and heart disease.

Sterility, or the inability to produce children.

Skin problems such as acne and hair loss.

Unusual weight gain or loss.

Sexual underdevelopment and dysfunction.

Violent, suicidal, or depressive tendencies.

Click Next to attempt another question.

Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 4

Enrique wants to play on the school football team in the fall. To prepare, he plans to participate in a training program in the spring and summer. List five things Enrique should do before and during his training program.

Analyze the following situation.

Quick Review

Lesson 4

A. Correct! A search or check for diseases or disorders that an

individual would otherwise not have knowledge of or seek help for is known as a health screening.

Click Next to attempt another question.

Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 4

You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 4

The next step in improving fitness often involves beginning a training program for your chosen activity.

Training Program

A training program is a program of formalized physical preparation for involvement in a sport or another physical activity.

A training program is a program of formalized physical preparation for involvement in a sport or another physical activity.

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

Food provides the energy necessary for peak performance. Equally important is hydration.

When you are adequately hydrated:

You are more alert and focused.

Your reaction time is faster.

Your muscles are less likely to cramp.

Your endurance is greater.

Hydration is taking in fluids so that the body functions properly.

Hydration is taking in fluids so that the body functions properly.

Nutrition and Hydration

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

Some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and enhance performance.

Effects of anabolic steroids:

Increased risk of cancer and heart disease


Skin problems

Unusual weight gain or loss

Sexual underdevelopment and dysfunction

Violent, suicidal, or depressive tendencies

Anabolic Steroids

Skin problemsSkin problems

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that are similar to the male hormone testosterone.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that are similar to the male hormone testosterone.

Training and Peak Performance

Lesson 4

You can reduce your risk of injury by:

Visiting a health care professional for a health screening before beginning a new activity.

Using the proper safety equipment for your chosen activity.

Being alert to the surrounding environment, including other players and spectators.

Playing at your skill level and knowing your physical limits.

A health screening is a search or check for diseases or disorders that an individual would otherwise not have knowledge of or seek help for.

A health screening is a search or check for diseases or disorders that an individual would otherwise not have knowledge of or seek help for.

Practice Safety

Safety First!