Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2

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  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    API 510 Preparatory Class

    Lesson 6

    Postweld Heat Treatment

  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    The Post Weld Heat Treatment mandatory requirements for

    and, time at temperature are based on the base metals

    thickness. The Code defines thickness at a welded joint in avery specific way. As follows:

    UW-40Definition of Nominal Thickness for

    Butt Welds

    Page 150Section VIII

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    (f) The term nominal thickness as used in Tables UCS-56,

    UCS-56.1, UHA-32 and UHT-56, is the thickness of the

    welded joint as defined below. For pressure vessels or parts

    of pressure vessels being postweld heat treated in a

    furnace charge, it is thegreatest weld thicknessin any

    vessel or vessel part which has not previously been

    postweld heat treated..

    UW-40Definition of Nominal Thickness for

    Butt Welds

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    (1) When the welded joint connects parts of thesame

    thickness, using a full penetration butt weld, the nominal

    thickness is the total depth of the weld exclusive of any

    permitted weld reinforcement.

    UW-40Definition of Nominal Thickness for

    Butt Welds

    Depth of


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    (5) When a welded joint connects parts of unequal

    thicknesses, the nominal thickness shall be the following:

    (a) the thinner of two adjacent butt-weldedparts including

    head to shell connections;

    UW-40 Definition of Nominal Thickness for

    Butt Welds

  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    UCS-56 Requirements for Post Weld Heat

    Treatment Page 179Section VIII

    PWHT is performed to specific rules based on the thicknessof the weld to be heat treated. We will now examine those


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    UCS-56 Requirements for Post-Weld Heat


    (a) Before applying the detailed requirements andexemptions in these paragraphs, satisfactory weld

    procedure qualifications of the proceduresto be used shall

    be performed in accordance with all the essential variablesof Section IX includingconditions ofpostweld heat

    treatment or lack of postweld heat treatment.

    Question: What must always be present prior to welding?

    Answer: A Section IX qualified welding procedure.

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    UCS-56 Requirements for Post-Weld Heat


    (d)The operation of postweld heat treatment shall be carried

    out by one of the procedures given in UW- 40 in accordance

    with the following requirements.

    (1)The temperature of the furnace shall not exceed 800F(427C) at the time the vessel or part is placed in it.

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    UCS-56 Requirements for Post-Weld Heat


    (2)Above 800F(427C), the rate of heating shall be not more

    than400F/hr (222C/ hr)divided by the maximum metal

    thicknessof the shell or head plate in inches, but in no

    case more than 400F/hr (222C/hr). .

    400F/ 2 inchesso no more than200F/hr

  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    Class Quiz

    UCS 56

    1. In the example below what is the shortest amount of time

    allowed to raise the weldment to a PWHT of 1100F if the

    furnace is at800Fwhen the part is inserted?


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    1. In the example below what is the shortest amount of time

    allowed to raise the weldment to a PWHT of 1100F if the

    furnace is at800Fwhen the part is inserted?

    1100 - 800F =300F/200F = 1-1/2 Hours

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    UCS-56 Requirements for Post-Weld Heat


    Turn to Page 180of Section VIII as we will now examine the

    requirements for PWHT using the tabular form of UCS-56 for

    P-Number 1 base metal.

    This is just one Table, there are many more based on the

    materials P-Number. The others follow the same format and

    once we have learned to use this one the others will be

    much easier to understand. You are responsible for all of the

    tables on this examination however most questions comefrom the P-Number 1 Table!

    The tables cannot be interpreted with out reading the notes

    that are beneath them. Lets have a look.

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  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    UCS-56 Requirements for Post-Weld Heat


    We can gather the following from the Table for P-Number

    1 materials that;

    The normal holding temperature is 1100 oFfor P-No. 1.

    The minimum time at holding temperature is based onthe thickness of the part.

    Note 1 references alternative PWHT holding


    Note 2 determines the thickness at which PWHT ismandatory.

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    Table UCS-56 P-Number 1

    There are three cases of thickness listed in the table P-1.

    Up to 2 inches (51 mm) the PWHT is held for 1 hour per

    inch (25 mm) of thickness with 15 minutes minimum in all

    cases. The 15 minute minimum applies to cases where;

    1. The vessel is in lethalservice and requires PWHT in all


    2. The vessel is being heat treated voluntarily to prevent a

    service induced problem such as cracking i.e. Amine


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    UCS-56 Requirements for Post-Weld Heat


    Note (2) Postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the

    following conditions:

    (a) for welded joints over 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) nominal

    thickness; ( So 1- 9/16 (40 mm) and greater would

    require PWHT)

    (b) for welded joints over 1-1/4 in. (32 mm) nominal

    thickness through 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) nominal thickness

    unless preheat is applied at a minimum temperature of

    200F (93C)during welding;

    Based on the various thicknesses up to 2 inches we have

    the following graphical representation of these rules.

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    UCS-56 PWHT Thicknesses Up to 2 in.

    The Code sets the minimum thickness of a vessel at 1/16

    (1.6 mm) in paragraph UG-16, one exception is for anUnfired Steam Boiler which has a 1/4 (6 mm) minimum.

    1/16" to 15 min. 30 min.

    45 min.

    1 - 1 hour.

    > 1- 1:15 min. No Preheat

    1- 1:30 min. No Preheat

    1- 1:45 min.

    2 2 hours.

    Exceeds 1- up to

    1- if no preheat


    1/16" to Lethal

    or Service reason

    > 1- Thickness

    Reason For PWHT 1/16 to 2 inches

  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    UCS-56 PWHT Thicknesses Over 2

    The second thickness range:

    Over 2 in. (51 mm) to 5 in. (127 mm) the PWHT is heldfor a flat 2 hours for the first 2 inches (51 mm) of

    thickness with an additional 15 minutes per inch over 2

    inches. Lets look at a graphic of this thickness range.

    First 2 in. (51 mm) 2 hours

    OVER 2 in. to 5 in.

    (51 mm to 127 mm)

    Additional 1 in. (25 mm) 15

    min. - Total 2:15 min.

    3 in (75 mm)

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    UCS-56 PWHT Thicknesses Over 5 in.

    The third thickness range:

    Over 5 in. (127 mm) the PWHT is held for a flat 2 hoursfor the first 2 inches (51 mm) of thickness with an

    additional 15 minutes per inch over 2 inches. For P-

    Number 1 there is no change from the previous example.

    This third range does changes for some of the other P-Numbers. Look at the P-Number 4 Table for example;

  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    Class Quiz

    UCS-56 PWHT

    1. What is the minimum PWHT time and the minimum

    holding temperature for a P-Number 5A material that is 3

    (inches) thick (75 mm)?

    2. What is the PWHT normal holding temperature and timefor a P-Number 3 material that is 3 (76 mm) thick?

    3. What is the required time at the minimum holding

    temperature for a P-Number 1 Gr.1 weld that has a nominalgoverning thickness of 1-1/4 ? The vessel will not be in a

    lethal service.

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    1. 3 hours at 1250 oF (677 oC).

    2. 1100 oF (593oC) 2 hours -15 minutes?

    3. There is no mandatory heat treatment in this thickness, itmust exceed 1-1/4

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    Alternative Post-Weld Heat Treatment

    Requirements for Carbon and Low AlloySteels Page 187

    By Note 1 of Table UCS 56 for P-Number 1 materials, it is

    possible to PWHT at a temperature lower than that given in

    Table UCS-56. It involves heat treating for a longer periods

    of time, based on the amount of reduction in temperature

    below the stated minimum in Table UCS-56.

    The following Table UCS-56.1 outlines these rules.

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    Table UCS-56.1

    Alternative Post-Weld Heat Treatment

    Before going any further it must be cautioned that you

    cannot usethis alternate unless you have been referred to

    it by a note in one of the material tables. In our example we

    are using Note 1 referenced by P-Number 1.From the table we find that there are three columns.

    The left column lists the decrease in temperature below

    that given on the appropriate table in UCS-56 based on

    material.The center lists the Minimum Holding Time at a decreased

    temperature and;

    The third lists references to notes below the table.

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    Table UCS-56.1

    Alternative Post-Weld Heat Treatment

    Reading Note 1 found below the chart and referenced up in

    the Minimum Holding Time column we see;

    (1) Minimum holding time for 1 in. (25 mm) thickness or less.

    Add 15 minutes per inch(25 mm) fro thickness greater tan 1in. (25 mm).

    Reading Note 2 listed in the Notes column;

    (2) These lower postweld heat treatment temperatures

    permitted only for P-No. 1 Gr. 1 and 2 materials.

    As regards Note 2, there is a P-No. 1 Group 3 material. So

    be cautious on the exam this could be a trick question.

    Note 1 is best addressed using a graphic as follows;

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    UCS-56.1 Alternative PWHT

    We will first examine a 50oF (28oC) drop from 1100 to1050oF.Below is the holding time from our previous 3 coupon based

    on 1100oF. How long would we be required to hold it at


    First 1 in. (25 mm) 2 hours

    Lower PWHT at 1050 F

    Additional 1 in. (25 mm) add

    15 min. Total 2:30

    3 in (75 mm)Additional 1 in. (25 mm) add

    15 min.

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    UCS-56.1 Alternative PWHT

    Which leads to this total time, up from 2:15 min. to 2:30 min.

    Now how about 100oF reduction to 1000oF?

    First 1 in. (25 mm) 4 hours

    Lowered PWHT at 1000 F

    Additional 1 in. (25 mm) add

    15 min. - Total 4:30 min.

    3 in (75 mm)Additional 1 in. (25 mm)

    add 15 min.

  • 8/10/2019 Lesson 06 UW40 UW56.1 New2


    Class Quiz


    What is the total PWHT time at 950oF for a 5 inch thick P-No

    1 Group 2 material?

    Lowered PWHT at 950 F

    5 in (125 mm)

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    What is the total PWHT time at 950oF for a 5 inch thick P-No

    1 Group 2 material?

    First 1 in. (25 mm) 10 hours

    Lowered PWHT at 950 F

    Additional 1 in. (25 mm) add

    15 min. - Total 11 hours.

    5 in (125 mm)

    Additional 1 in. (25 mm)

    add 15 min.

    Additional 1 in. (25 mm)

    add 15 min.

    Additional 1 in. (25 mm)add 15 min.

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    The End I Know

    You're Glad