r r l ! ' II I C ompre-henaion and Ff uency ad tt1• p111a,uo ~ U1e the m~k, Pr6dl · . . . fl,t lol r&dlofle>na about What WIit h"ppOtlon, •tretegy to help you ,nfl""' ·· · "' en no)( t, 1 ;; ?fl ~ lf) 4~ \ [)5 TO (1 1 BB 08 11'1 1~A 1 30 14 2 14 8 160 1 73 '176 ' 187 ' 180 ~01 ?Q~. 21a 2~A ~.:J?. . Leona rd o'a Mechanical - knight f ,, .\ rnuu do 11i:n 11 nhl ed out ofJ 1 1 ,,,1 e 1 i,·ly 1 . 1 · 1464 ... .. . on e c ea r sp ring cay 1n . · . H w II 11 ,~ X t..d I l 4 d I l) 11 ( > l O II l I 11 I I . . · , ,., 0 le ,u , n wh ere he wus working on a new i11 v~ nt1n11 . Pnr mnnl hr, he hnd b egge d and pl ea ded wilh hi s fath~r to ge t him a ~ 11-il ,, r nrmor, On April 15- L eo nardo 'R twelfth bi .rthday- he got hi s wh, h! l ,~ hoc! Re l th e ormor up in the barn that day. The barn quick ly n I kd wil h L eo na rcJo 'R not es and equipment as he worked and toil ed t1n h lt. new inventio n: a m ec hanical kni g ht Hi gh atop tt ri c kety l adder, Leonardo wa s deep in concentration . All hi s f ocuR w aR on fixing the mech anicaJ knight's arm, but it wasn't ea Ny work . No matter what he did , th e knight's arm refused to lift! L~ urmrclo frowned and Rc owled at it. 0 L~o,rnrd o!" yelled a voice . He jump ed in surpri se and shock as the lu tld er teetered a nd s hook under hi s feet. uo h no! " he excl aimed, lo sing his balance. He tumbled off the !udd er t md into a. pil e of hay. The me c hani ca l knight 's arm lay broken on ~h e ground . I fo i g ood f'd e nd Albi e ra peered down at him. 11 Leonardo, are you tt ll rig h1 'r' ' Tm fin e," he s aid. He wa ~m 1 t: hurt1 just up se t that hi s mechanical knig hl : wu H broken. Alh iern gfo n cc d at th e kni ght with th e mi ss in g arm, the stacks of n ot cbook H, und Lh e pil eR of pap ers. ' 1 What on ear th are you doing in hert't; r-1 he w,kc d. "I ww, working on a new inve ntion , but iL' s not going so well." Practice Grade 4 • Unit 4 • Week 3 173 ,

Leona Mechanical - Leon Elementary Schoolleon.maso.k12.wv.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2020/03/...2020/03/04  · Albiera clapped her hands. "Bravo! That's amazing!" "It's a simple

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Page 1: Leona Mechanical - Leon Elementary Schoolleon.maso.k12.wv.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2020/03/...2020/03/04  · Albiera clapped her hands. "Bravo! That's amazing!" "It's a simple



l • ! ' II


Compre-henaion and Ff uency

ad tt1• p111a,uo~ U1e the m~k, Pr6dl · . . . fl,t lol p·r&dlofle>na about What WIit h"ppOtlon, •tretegy to help you ,nfl""' ·· · "' en no)( t,

1 ;;

?fl ~lf)

4~\ [)5

TO (11

BB 08

11'1 1~A 130 142 148

160 173 '176 '187 '180 ~01 ?Q~.

21a 2~A ~.:J?. .

Leonardo'a Mechanical -knight f ,,.\ rnuu do 11i:n11 nhled out ofJ 11,,,1 e1i,·ly 1 . •

1 · 1464

... .. . one c ea r spring cay 1n . · . H ~ w II 11 ,~ X t..d I l4 d I l) 11 ( > l O II l I 11 I I . . · , ,., 0 le ,u, n where he wus working on a new i11 v~nt1n11 .

Pnr mnnl hr, he hnd begged and pleaded wilh his fath~r to get him a ~11-il ,,r nrmor, On April 15- Leonardo'R twelfth bi.rthday- he got hi s

wh,h! l ,~ hoc! Rel the ormor up in the barn that day. The barn quick ly n I kd wil h LeonarcJo'R notes and equipment as he worked and toiled t1n hlt. new invention: a mechanical knight

High atop tt rickety ladder, Leonardo was deep in concentration. All hi s focuR waR on fixing the mechanicaJ knight's arm, but it wasn't

eaNy work . No matter what he did, the knight's arm refused to lift! L~urmrclo frowned and Rcowled at it.

0 L~o,rnrdo!" yelled a voice. He jumped in surprise and shock as the lutlder teetered and shook under his feet.

uo h no!" he exclaimed, losing his balance. He tumbled off the !udder tmd into a. pile of hay. The mechanical knight's arm lay broken on ~he ground.

I foi good f'dend Albiera peered down at him. 11Leonardo, are you tt ll righ1 'r'

'Tm fin e," he said. He wa~m1t: hurt1 just upset that his mechanical

knighl: wuH broken. Alhiern gfo nccd at the knight with the missing arm, the stacks of

notcbook H, und Lhe pileR of papers. '1What on ear th are you doing in

hert't; r-1he w,kcd. "I ww, working on a new invention, but iL's not going so well."

Practice • Grade 4 • Unit 4 • Week 3 173


Page 2: Leona Mechanical - Leon Elementary Schoolleon.maso.k12.wv.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2020/03/...2020/03/04  · Albiera clapped her hands. "Bravo! That's amazing!" "It's a simple

~ Comprehension and Flu"" -.Flcy

Name --------- - ---------- ------~

Alhiera knew the best way to cheer Leonardo up was to get him talk1ng about his favorite subject: science. She picked up the mechan ica l knight's

ann fro1n the ground . ·'This looks in teresti ng. Will you tell me about it?"

Sure enough, Leonardo's face lit up in a smile .

"This is my new invention. l t. 's a mechanical knight," he said . "Watch what it can do!'.

He c ranked a handle behind the

mechanical kn ight and stepped back to watch. Suddenly, the mechanical knight began to move on its own! It turned its

head fro111 side to side. It opened and closed its 1nouth . The attached arm clicked and ticked as it rose above the mechanical knight's head .

A lbiera clapped her hands. "Bravo! That's amazing!"

" It 's a simple system of pulleys and levers," he said in a humble voice. "Don't be so 1nodest. I've never seen anything like it before!" "It's not finished yet. When it's completed, my mechanical knight will

sit up, and maybe even walk, just as a human does ." "That would be quite a feat! But I don't understand what you can do

with a mechanical knight. Why do we need machines like this at all?"

asked Albiera. Leonardo's face brightened with excitement. "There are so many reasons!

Just think about it. A mechanical person will go where we can't go. A machine could explore the bottom of the sea or even the stars! There's so much we could learn from machines."

Albiera laughed. "You have such crazy ideas, Leonardo!"

"You never know," he said. "One day there might be a machine that helps

people fJ y ! ' '

- -------174 Practice • Grade 4 • Unit 4 • Week 3

Page 3: Leona Mechanical - Leon Elementary Schoolleon.maso.k12.wv.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2020/03/...2020/03/04  · Albiera clapped her hands. "Bravo! That's amazing!" "It's a simple

. t 0


Name Cornproh,~nsion: Point of Vfow ond Fluoncy

A-Reread the passage lUld answer t·h . . _ e ques'tlons.

1. Whet pronouns are used In the first t .

these pronouns refer to? wo paragraphs? Which character do

2. What kind of narrator tells the story? Is the narrator part of the story?

3. In paragraph 7, how is Leonardo feeling? In paragraph 10, what does

Albiera do to make Leonardo feel better?

4. What is the narrator's point of view about machines? Cite evidence from

the text.

8. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud. Pay attention to

expression. Stop after one minute. Fill out the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read - Errors = Score


First Read = -

----Second Read - -

Practica • Grade 4 • Unit 4 • Week 3 175