June 2014

Leisure magazine juni 2014

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Made by Janna Albada and Michelle Bouma, 3rd year students Research Module @Work of Stenden Leisure Management

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June 2014

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Welcome to the fourth edition of

the Leisure Magazine of the school

year 2013-2014!

As per usual the magazine is filled

with stories for and about students

and employees of Leisure

management at Stenden University


We hope you have fun reading this

and we hope you have a nice and

relaxing summer vacation!

If you have any questions or

comments you can send an email

to [email protected]

Kind regards,

The editorial team,

Janna Albada and Michelle Bouma

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We interviewed Jeantine about

her experiences organizing this


How was it organizing such an


“It took a lot of energy and time

but it was worth it! Other school

assignments did not get as much

attention as should but I do not

regret that. I learned a lot, gained

experience and got the chance to

network. I could translate theory

into practice because it was all

practical. I have been working on

this since the second module of

my first year at Leisure so I

worked on it almost 1, 5 years.

This is something that I can put

on my CV, it was a real


Interview continues on next page.

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What did you find challenging in organizing this event?

The combination between school and Leisure 25. I had to priorities and plan otherwise I would not be able to do my school work. School is very important but it was difficult to remember that because I was so busy and I enjoyed working on the event. The lasts weeks it was very difficult because I kept thinking about what needed to be done. Day and night I was thinking about the event and what was not finished yet. I had a lot of sleepless nights thinking about all these things.

What did you learn from it?

I gained experience in organizing such an event. The knowledge I gained about that and putting the theory from school into practice. I also learned that everything will not go according to plan and that you need to be creative in your solutions.

What went well and what went wrong?

Almost everything went well. Some logistical parts did not go well because we, the team, did not have the correct knowledge about it. But after some creativity and help the problems were solved. The planning of the afternoon programme did not go according to plan. As an event organizer you have to take everything into account and monitor the progress. We had to improvise to not have a gap in our programme.

What are you most proud of?

That we did it! At the end of the event, while the Partysquad was performing

everything came together and the whole team was happy and proud.

What tip would you give to the students about organizing an event?

Communication is key; keep talking and schedule regular meetings. Be pro-

active and have a clear task division. Also make sure your script is as

thorough as possible.

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Boxpark is a

pup up mall!

This temporary

mall pops up in

different kinds

of places all

over the world.

You can shop,

hang around

and get

something to

drink and eat

here. The first

Pop up mall

was in London.

Boxpark has

brands like

Lacoste, Nike

and other

familiar names,

but you can

also buy low

budget items.

The Boxpark

mall contains

of 61 container

units that you

can go in.

Source: Cloosterman, T. (n.d.).

The World’s First Pop-up Mall:

BOXPARK. Retrieved on 15-06-

2014 via




GaziaZOO is a

animal zoo in

Limburg that

becomes more

popular every

day. This zoo

was once a

football field!

You can go on

a tour and

really watch

the animals up

close. This zoo

gives her

visitors an

experience of a

lifetime! The

zoo has a

dinosaur dome

and really

made a few

steps to bring


into an animal

park. The park

works with

themes and it

is even called

the Disneyland

of Zoo’s.

Schel, K. (n.d.). De Zuiderlijke

Parel der Dierentuinen, GaiaZoo!

Retrieved on 15-06-2014 via





An estimated

amount of 1.3-

1.65 billion

people are the

so called


elders”. They

show a higher

level of

frustration that

results in zero

tolerance for

poor service.

The seniors are

not only the



group, they are

also the most


They travel

primarily for

rest and

relaxation and

favor quieter


Source: Amster, R. (14-11-2014.

Six Travel Trends to Watch in

2014 and Beyond. Retrieved on

15-06-2014 via






The new way

of vacationing.

People no

longer just

want to lay on

the beach and

tan; they want

action. Fitness,

bootcamps and

healthy food

are the new

way of

enjoying your

vacation and


people for the

fall and winter.

Even though

the elderly

want rest; the



want action

and a vacation

filled with


Source: Amster, R. (14-11-2014.

Six Travel Trends to Watch in

2014 and Beyond. Retrieved on

15-06-2014 via




Leisure trends

Page 10: Leisure magazine juni 2014

1. What would be your dream job?

A. Anything with people

B. Anything with animals

C. An engineer or scientist

D. A travel guide

2. Your perfect day would be:

A. Winning the lottery

B. Staying home and reading a book

C. Watching a movie and eat popcorn all


D. Get in touch with yourself by spiritual


3. How would you describe yourself?

A. Loving, caring, ethic, sensitive

B. Calm, animal lover, sustainable

C. Smart, down to earth, logical

D. Motivated, happy, neat

4. When your friend is upset you:

A. Take her/him shopping or exercise

B. Talk calmly about the problem

C. Talk about the problem en find a


D. Inspire your friend with success stories

5. If you could have power over 1 thing,

what would this be:

A. Love

B. The environment

C. Knowledge over the existence of the


D. Nothing

6. If you had 20.000 euro’s, what would you

spend it on:

A. On clothes, jewelry and other nice


B. On a vacation far away from home

C. On diners with your friends

D. On motivational classes and spiritual


7. Your favorite subject in school is/was:

A. Art

B. Geography

C. Math

D. I like/liked everything

8. What is your ultimate dream house:

A. A mansion in the historic part of town

B. A nice cabin in the forest

C. An apartment in the middle of a big city

D. A house on the beach

Take the Quiz Now!

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You are a very caring

person who has good

intentions and finds ethics

of great importance


You are someone who

loves to exercise and is

fond of materialistic



You are always very

motivated and you care

more about family values

than materialistic things


You are a calm and stress-

free person who enjoys live

and likes to help other



You are a very spiritual

person who cares about the

afterlife and try to keep

yourself balanced


You enjoy nice food and

you’re not very fond of

exercise. You are focused on

your future and enjoy “me-



You have a calm personality

and love the outdoors and

animals. You find

sustainability very



You like to reason things.

You have a realistic view

about the world and you are

probably good at math and

learning other languishes

1: A = Pi, B= Gr, C= Br, D= Wh 2: A= Re, B= Bl, C= Bla, D= Pur 3: A = Pi, B= Gr, C= Br, D= Wh

4: A= Re, B= Bl, C= Bla, D= Pur 5: A = Pi, B= Gr, C= Br, D= Wh 6: A= Re, B= Bl, C= Bla, D= Pur

7: A = Pi, B= Gr, C= Br, D= Wh 8: A= Re, B= Bl, C= Bla, D= Pur

Check your answers and compare them with the answers below. Count the

color that you have got the most. This is your aura color!

Pi = pink, Gr = green, Br = brown, Wh = white, Re = red, Bl = blue, Bla = black and Pur =


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What are you curious about?

TEDx Stenden


2014 That was the creative slogan of the second annual TEDxStendenUniversity which

took place on the 15th of May in the Auditorium of Stenden University Leeuwarden.

Who is TED?

For those who do not know TED yet: TED is a

nonprofit event, devoted to ideas worth

spreading. TED started in 1984 as a conference

bringing people from three different worlds

together: Technology, Entertainment and

Design. TEDx is an independently organized

TED event created in the spirit of TED´s

mission, “ideas worth spreading,” the TEDx is

designed to give communities, organizations

and individuals the opportunity to stimulate

dialogue through TED-like experiences at the

local level. TEDx events are fully planned and

coordinated independently, on community-by-

community basis.

The pursuit to organize an independent TEDx

event at Stenden University of Applied Sciences

is based on the university’s mission to ‘unleash

potential in students, staff and surrounding

communities’. The overall theme of the event

Curious Minds also referred to one of the

strategic pillars of the university which

includes problem based learning, research and



70 curious minds experiences talks of nine local and international speakers in a very nice ambience. The

first speaker, Nana van Blaaderen, a clothing and home wear designer, spoke about her sustainable

fashion an how she gets inspired by natural resources. Following, Vladislav Smoleevskiy, a student

suffering from ADHD, shared his believe on using cooking as a creative therapy for children who have a

lack of concentration. He himself discovered that he could easily focus on preparing his dishes and it

helped him improve his suffering. Albert Boswijk, co-author of the ‘Economy of Experiences’ is

fascinated by the process on how people learn, form and shape their life and create meaning – on how

we become alive and energetic and passionate when we discover the purpose in life. Next, Gillain Berry

inspired the audience with her message that you should never settle for less than you want and that you..


A grand opening with a special light show and

music made the audience curious about the

program of the day. The event was hosted by

Martin Groters, Academic Dean of Leisure

Management and Ivaylo Argirov, an International

Student and Creative Artist. Together they

represented the two parts of the brain which

portrayed the logo of the theme and formed a

pleasant atmosphere for the audience. The whole

event was revolved around the overall theme: a

dance act, an arts exhibition by Max Schertz

(UrbanCandles) and Naggennia Castro as well as

interactive mind games encouraged guests to

become more creative during the break...

. What should you consider when

organizing a TEDx conference?

As it is a non-profit event, you need to find partner

who are willing to support you to make it a great

event. Most important is that you choose your

speakers carefully as you have to consider which

interests your audience might have.

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always focus on your own goals not listening to others. The last speakers of the first session were of great

interest for the teachers in the audience: Marcel Kanon and Frido Nahon pursuit to make education a

game. With their strong desire to challenge young students, they developed a new learning system

which is based on the concepts of Flow Theory and Gamification to give the best guidance. Alistair

Faukhan shared his believe of not taking any shortcuts in fulfilling your dreams. He made the audience

think about own skills, knowledge and talents and encouraged them to show those to the world.

How about flipping the classroom? Being a lecturer, social entrepreneur, founder of the humanitarian

organization Movingpeople, traveler, triathlete and facilitator, the lecturer Jeanette Medema strives to

reinvent the educational system and inspired everybody wither life story. A very emotional talk was

given by Peter Maeck, an American writer, lecturer and photographer. His stage plays and dance

scenarios have been produced in New York City, Europe and Africa. With his poetry about human love

he honored his father who died of dementia. Last was Bettina Wolff, co-founder of IN:VENT productions.

She spoke about self-perception, perfectionism and the difficulty to life in today’s world full of

opportunity. The feeling that you have to compete with everybody makes her anxious and restless. Many

people in the audience could relate to this topic.

The organization team of TEDx

Stenden University 2014

Can look back at a successful event and a

great experience gained! They started the

cooperation with Media & Entertainment

students who created a very appealing

promotional video and filmed during the

TED Talks.

“We are happy that we were

able to increase the awareness

about TED and its mission of

ideas worth spreading!”


Solange Henry, Anastassia Kravtsenko, Amanda Ray,

Svenja Steffes, Eke-Tine Terpstra, Tabea Konnerth.

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Grand Tour South Africa

What attracted you to South Africa?

I have always wanted to go to South Africa

for the culture so when I got the chance I did

not doubt for one moment!

How does your life differ from the life you

had as a student in Leeuwarden?

The work pressure is a lot lower than in

Leeuwarden! That’s a good thing because

I’ve got time to discover the country. The

most different thing is that local students all

live on the campus, the Grand Tour students

live nearby the campus.

Sounds relaxing! How is the nightlife over


The nightlife is very different. We have the

pub street in Cape Town with all kinds of

pups and local bars. But Port Alfred is no

Cape Town... We have one bar here were the

drinks are allot cheaper than in Leeuwarden!

Fortunately there are a lot of self-organized

parties at the campus!

“My time in South Africa was a great adventure!”

Sabina is a 3rd

year student who is

now doing her minors in Port Alfred

in South Africa.

Sabina is a driven woman who is

always looking for new adventures

and new challenges. She found it in

South Africa!

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What kind of student do you need to be

to take part in the Grand Tour


For every students who want new

experiences, those who are open for

different cultures, rituals and for students

who are not afraid to confront themselves.

And off course for students that want to

have the greatest time in their lives!

Are you happy that you have done the

Grand Tour?

Yes, I am. The Grand Tour was an

amazing experience because I am in

another country for 5 months! Off course I

have had my bad days but I have learned

from them. I am very curious about what

things are waiting for me in the future!

“Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe it’s about the story”

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The Whole Grand Tour on One Table

Thailand We will start this dinner of with Mihoen soup from Thailand.

You will need:

2 tablespoons Oil 2 Garlic Cloves, cut in thin slices 60 gram dried Mihoen (Noodles)

225 gram Chicken Filet 2 Tablespoons Green Curry Paste 2 Tablespoons Fish Sauce

3 tablespoons Cornstarch 1 Tablespoon fresh Coriander Leaves 1 liter Chicken stock

225 grams Paksoi 4 Spring Onions, cut in pieces of 5 cm

1. Heat the oil in a wok, add the garlic and fry it until it is light yellow. Take the garlic out of the wok.

2. Put the Mihoen in a large bowl, add hot water and let it soak until it is soft.

3. Cut the chicken into pieces, put it in a food processor with the green curry paste, the fish sauce, the cornstarch

and the coriander leaves. Make little meatballs of the mixture.

4. Bring the stock to a boil and add the meatballs, let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes.

5. Add the Mihoen and garlic and enjoy!

Qatar The dessert is as sweet as can be, the perfect ending of an international meal.

What you need: 2 cups of Flour 2 tablespoons of Powdered Milk 1 large spoon of Sugar 1 large spoon of Yeast 2 large spoons of Custard ¼ spoon of Saffron ¼ spoon of Cinnamon 2 cups of Milk 1 cup of Warm Water a pinch of Salt, Cooking Oil and Syrup 1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl (except the oil) and mix it into a dough. 2. Leave it to rise for an hour. 3. Roll the dough into small balls. 4. Fry the balls in a pan with the oil until they are golden and crisp.

5. Drain and cover in syrup!

South Africa This dish does not need much and also tastes great!

You will need:

1 kilogram Spinach, 1 onion, 250 gram peanuts (in shell),

Oil, Pepper and Salt.

1. Wash the spinach and cook it for a few minutes with

the water still on it. Then, put them aside and let the

water leak out.

2. un-shell the peanuts and grind them in a mortar.

3. chop the onion, fry them in oil, add spinach, peanuts,

salt and pepper and let it steam for several minutes.

4. Done!

Bali The main course of this meal is Daging

Boemboe. An easy to make dish which takes

you to the delicious flavors of southern


250 grams of Beef, diced 2 big Onions, chopped 1, 5 teaspoon Garlic Powder 3 teaspoons Sambal Oelek 2 teaspoons Laos 2, 5 teaspoons Djahé (dried, grinded Ginger) 2 tablespoons Ketjap Manis 1 tablespoons Santen Mix Salt Water Oil 1. Fry the onions, the garlic, sambal, laos, djahé and salt in a big pan with oil. 2. Add the meat and brown it. Then, add water until the beef is completely submerged. 3. Cover it with the lid and let it steam for 45 minutes. 4. Add the ketjap and santen mix, serve with rice. 5. Eat!

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Module Evaluations What do we do with it?

Every module you are asked to fill in a module evaluation. For us, these

evaluations are very important. We use this information to adjust and better

modules. In the third module period of 2013/2014 we evaluated, among others,

the modules “Marketing van de Vrije Tijd” and “Leisure Operations”.

These modules already exist for some years but this year a few big changes are

made. For every module in the second and first study year a fixed structure is set.

The bases of every module is PBL in the first year and CBL in the second year. This

year the logbook and reflection report are introduced. It is new that every module

one module assignment and one research assignment will be made. This way

research has a permanent place in every module. In the foreword of every module

book a list of changes made is present. This way you can read what happened

with the feedback you gave.

The module “Marketing van de Vrije Tijd” is modified due to changes in structure

and the evaluations. Tasks were changed and renewed, a fieldtrip was added and

the module assignment was rewritten. From the most recent evaluations it was

evident that the fieldtrip was disappointing and the new module assignment gave

a lot of freedom, which made the assignment very difficult. Next year the fieldtrip

will possibly be 2 days and the module assignment will be adjusted to the needs

of the students. The tasks were evaluated very divers but enough feedback was

given to better them.

In the module “Leisure Operations” the focus was on the connection and cohesion

with Leisure Projects. Last year the students found this connection to be too much

about organizing events. This year the focus was on well evaluated cases and the

cases were made more international. Also a difficult research assignment is added.

Because of these changes the module was focused less on organizing events.

Students found the module to have a very specific structure and well divided work

load. Some students thought this workload was exactly right, other wanted to be

more challenged. We are discussing on how we will arrange it next year; a higher

workload? More events? More connection to Leisure Projects.

Next study year we will continue evaluating, adjusting and bettering the modules.

One of the expected improvements is simplifying the forms for the logbook and

reflection. We highly appreciate your compliments and critical observations and

take everything into account.

Hilda Koops

Teamleader Leisure Management

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Eileen is a 20 year old Leisure Management Student who started in September 2013. Her favourite part of the study is the practical part. She wants to be the connection between students and tutors and like to help others by solving problems. She states that the team is willing to do a lot to help out the students of Leisure Management.


We introduce the new team of student who will represent

Leisure Management in the StuRa!


Alexander is 20 years old and started Leisure Management in September 2013. His favorite part is the sport sector. He is a member of the team because he wants to better the study course. Also, he likes to make more connection with other students. He believes that the new StuRa is a good team but needs to be a little more organized.

LEO GLAS Team Leader

This 26 year old International Leisure Management student is captain of the

StuRa. His favourite parts of the education are being a member of the StuRa

and SSW organization team. He also enjoys going on the fieldtrips and

having fun with his peers. He wants to be involved in as many aspects of his

study as possible and therefor he is a member of the StuRa. He believes that

motivation is a core part of any education and wants to motivate people to

get the most out of their education. He also wants to improve the

communication within Leisure Management.

Katja is 20 years of age and is a first year student International Leisure Management. She enjoys meeting peers from many different countries. She likes the openness of Leisure and the willingness to help each other. She is a member of the StuRa team because she wants to learn more about how to work in a group and how to coordinate things. She wants StuRa to be taken more serious and she wants all the Leisure students to know what the StuRa does.

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Katja is 20 years of age and is a first year student International Leisure Management. She enjoys meeting peers from many different countries. She likes the openness of Leisure and the willingness to help each other. She is a member of the StuRa team because she wants to learn more about how to work in a group and how to coordinate things. She wants StuRa to be taken more serious and she wants all the Leisure students to know what the StuRa does.


Romy is a first year student International Leisure Management.

She is 20 years old. The international element is her favourite

part of Leisure. This because she finds it interesting to learn

about different culture and people.

She joined the StuRa because she

finds it to be a great opportunity to

get involved in school. She wants

all the students to know there is a

StuRa and that they can come to

them with questions. She thinks

the team is doing well and has a

nice atmosphere.


Tabea is a second year student International Leisure

Management. She is 21 years old. Her favourite

parts of the education are the practise orientation

and the sport sector. She wants to be actively

involved in the improvement of Leisure

Management and she wants to make it more

enjoyable for her fellow students. She is content

about the new team and likes the atmosphere.


Debbie is a 24 year old International Leisure Management student. When her daughter turned 2 she decided it was time to go back to school. She is a member of the StuRa team because she wants to be as involved as possible. She is also part of the promo team, which she enjoys. She also is a fan on the PBL way of learning. She wants the students of Leisure to know that when they have complaints or questions they can turn to the StuRa. More info: [email protected]

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The Center of Expertise; Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality is a collaboration between schools

and the businesslive. Their goal is to make the knowledge of the hbo’s excesseble to the

corporate world. The NHTV (Breda), HZ (Vlissingen) and Stenden University initiated the

center in 2013. The center will develop and spread its knowledge of the three sectors. It

focuses on four key subjects;

1. The social and economical importance of Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality,

2. Innovative entrepreneurship in Leisure, Tourism an Hospitality,

3. Sustainable development of Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality,

4. Develoment of (coastal) destinations.

The center fills the need for knowlegde by doing scientifical research and applying that

knowlegde in practise-based research in the professional field. Recenatly CELTH came in

the news with the project ‘Mijn bestemming in jouw brein’ (My destination in your brain). For

the first time neuromarketing is used for the tourism in the Netherland. The first pilotregion is

Zeeland. VVVZeeland, in collaboration with Kenniscentrum Kusttourisme, is partner of CELTH.

Below the translated virsion of the newsarticle is given.

Neuromarketing to strengthen Zeelands promotion

Marketing in the tourism sector aims to giving people a good feeling about the tourist

destination. When people decide where their holiday or leisure activity will be they choose the

destination where they get the best feeling with (the most positive emotional association). It is

not easy to determine how well different marketingtools work in connecting the best feeling

to the destination. Often this is researched by letting a numerous amount of people fill in a

questionnaire. For expamle before and after seeing a commercial.

A problem with that is that from scientific research we know that people say what they think

but do what they feel. With different words: decisions are eventually much more directly

connected to emotion then to rational thought. It is more important to measure the emotions

that are connected to that one marketingtool like a commercial or social media campage,

than to ask people what they think about it.

Neuromarketing Emotions can be correctly measured by looking at what reaction they activate in the brain. By

using an electoencephalogram (EEG) the emotional reactions of the brain can be measured.

This is called neuromarketing. If a strong emotional reaction is found after for example,

seeing a tourist destination after they saw the commercial, then the marketingtool connected

positive emotion to the destination. The chance that people eventually will choose this

destination is greater than when they did not see the commercial.

More information: www.CELTH.nl


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Since the start of last school year Leisure Management has been heavily involved in the so-called regional co-makership laboratory (ReCoMa-Lab). It is a project of the Centre for Sustainable Regional Innovation in the Knowledge Economy in partnership with ten health- care, leisure and tourism companies / organizations, Stenden University of Applied Sciences and Alfa secondary school.

The partners believe it is important that a clear, teaching model be developed which has been tried and tested in practice. This model should allow for sufficient flexibility when working on innovations in co-makership between companies / institutions and education. This educational model is being developed by ReCoMa-Lab as they go along. Important principles here are multilevel (MBO / HBO) and multidisciplinary (various programs and companies) work. Participants from our educational program are Sandra Hoekstra (teacher), Steffen Fokkema (kenniskring member) and Edou Hilverda (coordinator) in the lab.

"We supply the labor market."

With this significant remark a teacher of the Alfa-college makes it clear why she finds participation in the ReCoMa Lab so important. Recently, the zero-measurement of the ReCoMa Lab was carried out.

Some important findings include: Education and business experience this way of working together as inspirational. It is considered an example for future education. - There are, however, still the three “worlds” of MBO, HBO and business which should come together more. Each has its own specific culture, language and conditions.

For students, participation in projects of the lab is an excellent opportunity to work on innovative projects in cooperation with both the field and with students from a variety of MBO and HBO courses. Another objective is capacity building and the exchange of knowledge and expertise between teachers and business employees. We hope to achieve this, among other things, by having teachers do internships at partner companies and organizations.

Besides the exchange of knowledge and experience between educational institutions and businesses and institutions, the project provides an excellent opportunity to get to know the field in the direct vicinity [once again]. The experiences of the placements are included in the research part of the project. This research is conducted in collaboration with Prof. Loek Nieuwenhuis from University of Arnhem and Nijmegen (Work and Study) and possibly also with Prof. Maarten de Laat of the Open University (Learning networks).

Edou Hilverda

5 June 2014


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The experience of a life time!

Fist question, how did you get your internship at the TT circuit?

I’ve always loved cars, motorcycles and speed so I thought the TT Circuit

would be perfect for me. I was not sure if they were hiring interns so I

wrote them an email and an application letter. After a few days I got a

phone call... The man who is now my supervisor asked me for a job

interview and a few weeks later I got the news that I was picked out of

three people for the internship!

That’s great! Can you tell us something about your responsibilities at

the TT circuit?

Yes, I have a function as assistant manager marketing and communication.

I need to execute marketing responsibilities by myself. The things I have

to do are very varied! I have made scripts for different kinds of events, I

have organized an event, I have done PR and press conferences, had

meetings and I have worked at events such as the WK superbikes. Just to

name a few things!

It all sounds very awesome! Is the atmosphere just as nice as your


Yes, the team I work with is great. Everyone helps each other and

although everyone has their own job to do there is no real feeling of

hierarchy. The atmosphere is very relaxing and as an intern you feel

welcome right away!





Judith Vegter is a real

adrenaline junkie who needed

an internship that could

handle her enthusiasm.

Judith loves everything that

has to do with cars,

motorcycles and speed!

Before she had the internship

at the TT circuit in Assen she

was a loyal visitor of their

events like British Super

Bikes and the TT.

Judith Vegter, 3rd

year Leisure Management Student


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That’s a lot! How would you rate your internship and

would you recommend the TT Circuit as an internship

to other Leisure Management students?

I would rate my internship with a 9+ I had a wonderful

time. I would recommend this internship to someone who

wants more experience in the event branch with a heart for

marketing and PR. The student who would also like to do

the same internship would have to be very flexible and

needs to be a team player as well as an independent

worker. The student definitely has to love cars and

motorcycles and their beautiful noise because we are quite

surrounded with them here! But that’s what this internship

is all about!

British Super Bikes TT Assen

“As an intern you feel welcome right away!”

WK superbike TT Assen

What did you learn in this


My internship is not over yet but I

have already learned allot. The

lessons I have had in school are very

handy for the real deal! I have

learned to network, manage

marketing skills, promotion skills

and I have learned how the National

and International market works!

Write captions for the selected photos.

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Leisure Projects!

Overview of the projects

Although all the events have already been executed it is always nice to bring back some memories! This year there were 21 projects in total! Allot of work for allot of students, but more importantly allot of fun. You can read more about some of these projects in this magazine but here is an overview of all the events:

Leisure 25 TEDx Olympiade The Bewegingscentrum event Natuurlijk Kollumeroord Game Academy Paasspektakel Tryater Friesland pop Leisure Management opening Hondsrug Cabrio Tour Water Battle O3 Expect

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What was your function in your team?

I was responsible for the production and the program

of the third birthday of Podium Asteriks. I made the

script and kept our network informed.

Was the event successfully executed?

Yes it was! We did not have a full house but the

atmosphere was amazing and the bands, Asteriks

and Stenden were very happy.

Did you benefit anything from Leisure Projects?

Yes, I’ve always wanted to work in a concert hall. It

was my ideal place for an internship. When I did the

project at Podium Asteriks I worked there as a

volunteer several times; behind the bar, at the cash

register and as assistant stage manager. After the

project was done I decided to stay there and gain

more experience which I could use in the future. In

January of this year I was promoted to

“Productieleider”. This means that once a month I

am responsible for everything that Friday; prepare

the venue, the bar, make sure the bands have

everything they need, set up the cash registers, make

sure all the volunteers are at their post, answer all

questions, count the money and all other things

involved. It is a great way to learn and better my CV

and if it wasn’t for Leisure Projects I would not have

worked there.

What would you like to suggest student that are

starting this module?

Even though it might not be a ‘fun’ project you will

learn a lot from it. You learn how a company works

and you learn how to write all the documents which

you will use in your career. Use the book wisely and

start strong; be confident and dare to speak up if you

have a good idea.

Podium Asteriks is a non-profit concert

hall in the Blokhuispoort, the former jail

of Leeuwarden. In the former theater

room concerts are organized every

Friday. Bands such as Mister &

Mississippi, Kim Jansen, Jaya the Cat,

Dope D.O.D. and Moss have all

performed at Podium Asteriks. But also

unknown bands that just started have

been given a place to perform and gain

experience on stage. For only 5 euro’s,

150 people can enjoy the events of


An interesting Spin off



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This Leisure Magazine is made by Janna Albada and Michelle Bouma.