Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

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Page 1: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV

Emma Lissaman

Senior Dietician

Page 2: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic ServiceBackground

• In the past HIV was related to weight

• HIV is now a manageable condition

• A healthy lifestyle can promote a long, healthy life

• Important to eat healthily to avoid age related illness

Page 3: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Importance of healthy lifestyles

Unhealthy lives lead to risk of disease: •Cancer•Heart disease•Diabetes •Osteoporosis / Brittle bones

Risk factors for developing these conditions:•Obesity•High fat diets•Smoking•Excess alcohol•Lack of physical activity

Page 4: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Affect of HIV medication on lifestyle

Medication is vital in the management of HIVA healthy diet can help to:•Keep cholesterol low which will risk of heart disease

•Manage the use of sugar in the body which will diabetes risk

•Help fat intake which will heart disease and diabetes risk

•Keep bones healthy with a good intake of calcium and vitamin D containing foods

Page 5: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Benefits of good nutrition

risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis

• Improved immune function

incidence of HIV complications and progression of disease

• Improved mental and physical health

• Helps with how well the medication works

Page 6: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Maintaining a healthy weight

• Important to be a healthy weight to reduce disease progression

• Have a healthy, balanced diet to the risk of illness

physical activity to 30-60mins moderate activity/day

Page 7: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Physical Activity

• To maintain a healthy weight it is recommended to do 30 minutes activity 5 days a week

• If you are trying to lose weight then it is recommended to do 60 minutes 5 days a week

• The activity should be at a moderate level – anything that makes you breathless enough to talk but not sing!

• Helps you to keep your heart healthy and weight under control as well as releasing ‘feel good’ hormones!

• What could Bill do to keep active?

Page 8: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic ServiceHealthy Eating

Activity: Separate the food models in food groups

Page 9: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Page 10: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Tips for eating well

• Base meals around starchy foods

intake of fruit and veg

• Have regular meals (also important for medication)

• Have a breakfast everyday

• Drink plenty of water

• Cut down on fat

Page 11: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic ServiceBreak

Page 12: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

• 3 Types of fat:

• Saturated

• Polyunsaturated

• Monounsaturated

• All fat is high in calories, therefore ↓ total amount of all types if overweight.

• Cholesterol levels are linked to the type of fat eaten

• Good cholesterol helps to keep the heart healthy

• Bad cholesterol can block the blood vessels and lead to heart disease


Page 13: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Saturated Fat

bad cholesterol and weight = risk of heart disease

Found in: • Animal products e.g.: cheese, meat, butter and cream

• Cakes, pastry and biscuits

Aim to as much as possible < 20% total daily intake

• Try using unsaturated fats instead

Page 14: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Unsaturated fat Polyunsaturated fats:

• both good and bad cholesterol

•Found in sunflower, corn and groundnut oil, soya spreads oily fish and nuts

•Good to include some in the diet

Monounsaturated fats:

• bad cholesterol and good cholesterol

•Found in olive oil, rapeseed oil (vegetable oil), avocado and olive spreads

•The best type of fat to have

Page 15: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Activity: Separate fat types into groups from food packages


Page 16: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

How to reduce fat intake• Cooking methods e.g. grill rather than fry

• Swap full fat dairy for low fat options

• Trim excess fat and skin from meat

• Limit fast food and processed food intake

• Choose low fat snacks

• Fill up on high fibre foods

• Increase fruit and vegetable intake

Page 17: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Food Labelling

Page 18: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Meals on a budget• Economy branded foods

• Special offers: ‘bogof’

• Seasonal produce

• Buy in bulk

• Reduced price items

• Frozen foods

• Bulk up meals with vegetables

Page 19: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Bill’s barriers to a healthy lifestyle

What could he change?

How can he overcome any barriers ?

Page 20: Leicestershire Nutrition & Dietetic Service Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in HIV Emma Lissaman Senior Dietician

Leicestershire Nutrition

& Dietetic Service

Any Questions?

If you require further assistance please ask for a referral for a clinic appointment