Legislative Score Card Legislative Score Card A Measurement of Progress on Issues of Equity and Inclusion in Mississippi. 2016 2016

Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

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Page 1: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

LegislativeScore CardLegislativeScore Card

A Measurement of Progress on Issues of Equity and Inclusion in Mississippi.

2016 2016

Page 2: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive


2016LegislativeScoreCard 5

CommitmenttoCriminalJusticeReform 6

ExtendEqualitytoAllMississippians 8

GuaranteeFreedomofSpeech,Expression,ProtectingPrivacy&PublicAccess 12

OtherLegislativeActions 14

TheScorecard 15

HouseofRepresentatives 16

Senate 20

Page 3: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 3www.aclu-ms.org

“In our country, all people - regardless of wealth or poverty, status or stature, color or creed – are entitled to a set of undeniable rights: equal protection, fundamental fairness and impartial justice. These rights define the essence and purpose of America.”

– Vanita Gupta

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, head of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice, and former deputy legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union

Page 4: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 4www.aclu-ms.org

IntroductionMississippi’s story, all 200 years of it, has been a mix of triumphs and tragedies.






Page 5: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 5www.aclu-ms.org

2016 Legislative Score CardTheACLUofMississippipresentedtoourlegislatorsandgovernorthe2016EquityAgenda,whichdocumentedopportunitiestodismantlebarriersandincreaseequity.Weaskedstateleaderstopayattentiontotheunfinishedbusinessof“justiceforall”inMississippi,andweannouncedourintenttopublishthe2016LegislativeScoreCard.TheScoreCardhighlighted“Champions”ofequityandinclusionandheldaccountablethosewhofailedtopromoteracial,cultural,andeconomicjustice.



Grade: FTotal Number of Bills Tracked by the ACLU of Mississippi = 97Out of the 97 Total Tracked, 41 Bills Were Supportive of Equity (+) = 42%Out of the 97 Total Tracked, 56 Bills Created Barriers or Rolled Back Rights (-) = 58%Out of the 97 Total Tracked, 13 Became Law = 18%Out of the 41 Bills That Were Supportive of Equity, Only 6 Became Law = 15%Out of the 56 Bills That Created Barriers or Rolled Back Rights, 7 Became Law = 13%

Page 6: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 6www.aclu-ms.org

Commitment to Criminal Justice ReformGrade: A

18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked.Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive of Equity (+) = 83%Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 3 Created Barriers or Rolled Back Rights (-) = 17%Out of the 18 Total Tracked, 2 Became Law = 11%Both Were Supportive of Equity (+) = 100%


• Endtheincarcerationofindigentpeoplefornon-paymentofmisdemeanorfinesandprovidemoreresourcestowardastatewideindigentdefensesystem

• Implementpoliciesaroundtheproperusageofbodycameras

• Obtainwrittenconsentforsearches

• Promotealternativestoincarcerationandestablishpracticesthatreducerecidivism

Reduce Mississippi’s Prison PopulationWhileMississippi’sprisonpopulationhasshrunkastheresultofsentencinganddrugpolicyreforms,thereisstillmuchworktobedonetostopthedisproportionatejailingofpoorpeopleandcommunitiesofcolor.

(+) HB 351 and SB 2705 wouldhaveallowedviolentoffenders,convictedbetweentheyearsof1995-2014,tobecomeeligibleforparoleafterservingaminimumoftenyearswitharecordofgoodconduct.

Died in Committee.

(+) HB 1314 and SB 2490 wouldhavelegislativelyremediedtheresurgenceofmodern-daydebtors’prisonsinMississippi–evidencedbyfederalclassactionlawsuitsagainsttwoofitslargestcities.Thesebills,proposedbytheACLUofMississippi,wouldhavebroughtMississippilawinlinewithconstitutionalrequirementsconcerningtherighttopre-jailingability-to-payhearingsandtocounselpriortotheimprisonmentofpeoplefornon-paymentoffines.

Died in Committee.

(+) SB 2512 wouldhaverequirednewprivateprisonstoshowthattheirfacilitycanresultinarecidivismratethatis10%lessthantherecidivismrateforDepartmentofCorrectionsfacilities.Thislegislationwasanoutcome-focusedapproachtoprivateprisonbiddingthatwouldensureareturnonthestate’scorrectionsspendinginvestment.

Died in Committee.

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American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 7www.aclu-ms.org

(+) SB 2791 wouldhaveclarifiedthelistofoffensesthatmakeoffendersconvictedbetweentheyearsof1995-2014ineligibleforparole.IthadthepotentialtoexpandHB585parolereforms.

Died in Conference.

(-) HB 647 wouldhaveprovidedthatanyonewhofailedtopayafineorappearinmunicipalcourtwouldbefoundguiltyofamisdemeanor.Itcompletelyignoredthespotlightcastonmodern-daydebtors’prisonswithinourstate,butcontinuedthecriminalizationofpovertyindirectviolationoftheU.S.Constitution.

Died in Committee.

Promote Community Policing, Transparency and Accountability(+) SB 2477 wouldhavecreatedataskforcetoaddressthelackoftransparencyincivilassetforfeiture.SimilarbillsincludedHB764,HB1407,HB1410,SB2330.Note:SB2477becameHB1410bySenateamendment.

HB 1410 was approved by the Governor. All others died in committee.

(+) SB 2656 wouldhaverequiredwrittenconsenttosearchduringcontactwithlawenforcementofficers.Itallowedfortransparencyandaccountabilityonbothsidesofthebadgeduringroutinetrafficstops.

Died in Committee.

(-) HB 1399wouldhaverequiredmunicipalgovernmentstoprovidepoliceofficerswithbody-worncameras,requiredpoliceofficerstowearcameraswhileonpatrol,andmadeanofficer’sfailuretowearthecameraamisdemeanoroffense.Thisbilllackedanylawenforcementguidelinesorlimitationswhenpolicemustrecordencounters,whocanaccesssuchfootage,nordiditprovideprivacyprotectionsforthoserecorded.

Died in Committee.

(+) HB 669 and SB 2490 wouldhaverequiredthatlawenforcementofficersemployedbyagenciesthatprovidebody-wordcamerasoperatethecamerasandstorethefootageaccordingtoguidelinesdesignedtoensuretransparencyandaccountabilitywhileprotectingprivacyconcerns.Thislegislationstrucktherightbalancebetweenpoliceaccountability,transparency,andprivacy.TheACLUofMississippiproposedbothmeasures.

Died in Committee.

Support Restorative Justice(-) HB 548 wouldhaverequiredresidentsconvictedofasecondmisdemeanorDUItogetaspecialcartagtobroadcasttheiroffense.MississippialreadyhasaneffectiveinterlockingignitiondevicelawthatwouldpreventhabitualDUIoffendersfromtheroadways.Notonlywouldsuchpracticesdenythosewhohavepaidtheirdebtsofequaltreatment,butwouldalsodamagepolice-communityrelationsandhinderthesuccessfulrehabilitationandreintegrationofoffendersintosociety.

Died in Committee.

(+) HB 1328 givesjusticecourtsjudgestheauthoritytoexpungemisdemeanorconvictions.Thislegislationextendsopportunitiesforcitizensbyreducingthosecollateralconsequencesthatcouldimpacttheiroverallwell-being.

Approved by the Governor.

Page 8: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 8www.aclu-ms.org

Extend Equality to All MississippiansGrade: F

Extend Equality to All Mississippians 61 Bills Chosen.Out of the 61 Bills Chosen, 21 Bills Were Supportive of Equity (+) = 34%Out of the 61 Bills Chosen, 40 Created Barriers or Rolled Back Rights (-) = 66%Out of the 61 Bills Chosen, 6 Became Law = 10%Out of the 6 Bills that Became Law, 2 Were Supportive of Equity (+) = 33%Out of the 6 Bills that Became Law, 4 Created Barriers or Rolled Back Rights (-) = 67%




• Increaseaccesstoopportunityforimmigrantmembersofourcommunity.

• SupportlegislationthatallowsmembersoftheLGBTQcommunitytoliveopenly,whereidentities,relationships,andfamiliesarerespected.

• Promotefairtreatmentonthejob,inschools,inhousing,publicplaces,healthcareandgovernmentprograms

• Opposeanylegislationthatcompromiseshumanandworkerrights.

Expanding Access to Opportunities for Immigrants(-) HB 591 and SB 2306wouldhaveprohibitedmunicipalitiesfromdesignatingthemselvesas“sanctuarycities,”particularlyforundocumentedimmigrantslookingtoestablishpermanentresidentstatusintheU.S.Anylegislationthatlimitsfurtherhomeruleofmunicipalitiesinthisstateisdetrimentaltothegrowthofthestate.

HB 591 died in Committee. SB 2360 died in Conference.

(-) HB 654wouldhaverequiredthateverydocumentorinstrumentofrecordbewritteninEnglishonly.AlthoughtheofficiallanguageofthestateofMississippiisEnglish,ourstateismadeofupofdiverseculturesandlanguages.Itisimperativethatofficialdocumentsbetranslatedintootherlanguagessothatallofourcitizensreceivethefairnesstheydeserveinalllegalandgovernmentalproceedings.

Died in Committee.

Page 9: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 9www.aclu-ms.org

Protecting the LGBT Community(-) HB 586 and HB 1342wouldhavegivenjudgesandsupervisorstherighttorefusetoperformmarriageceremoniesbasedontheirreligiousbeliefs.

(-) HB 737 wouldhavegivenclergyandotherofficialstherighttorefusetoperformmarriageceremoniesbasedontheirreligiousbeliefs.


Died in Committee.

(-) HB 1258 wouldhaverequiredtransgenderpersonstoprovidemedicalproofoftheirtransitionpriortousingarestroomfacilityconsistentwiththeirgenderidentity.ThisisthetypeofdiscriminationtheACLUhassteadfastlyfoughtagainstsinceitsinception.

Died in Committee.

(-) HB 1523 “TheProtectingFreedomofConsciencefromGovernmentDiscriminationAct”alloweddiscriminationbyindividuals,religiously-affiliatedorganizations,andbusinessesbasedonreligiousbeliefsormoralconvictionsregardingmarriageforsame-sexcouples,transgenderpeople,andsexualrelationshipoutsideofaheterosexualmarriage.Insteadofprotectingreligion,thislegislationwouldallowclaimsofreligionasapretexttoprejudicewiththesanctionofstategovernment.

Approved by the Governor. Overturned in Federal Court.

Promoting Fair Treatment in Jobs, Schools, Housing, Public Places, Health Care and Government Programs(-) HB 1371 wouldhaverequiredpersonswhoreceivedgovernmentbenefitstobedrug-tested.

Died in Committee.

(+) HB 624 and SB 2738 wouldhaveestablishedtheMississippiCivilRightsAct,aninclusive,non-discriminatorylawproposedbytheACLUofMississippiandsupportedbythe“WeAreAllMississippi”Campaign.Thereisnostatelawthatexplicitlyprotectsindividualsfromdiscriminationinhousing,employment,ortheuseofpublicaccommodations.ThislegislationwouldhaveprovidedtheprotectionthatallMississippiansdeserve.

Died in Committee.

Protecting Women’s Rights(+) HB 638, HB 1167, and SB 2070wouldhaveallowedmotherstobefreefromdiscriminationwhilehelpingnurturetheirchildren.Providingmoreaccommodationsforbreastfeedingmothersshouldbeencouragedinasocietythatpromotesthegeneralwelfareofitscitizens,especiallythosemostvulnerable-ourchildren.

HB 638 and HB 1167 died in Committee. SB 2070 was approved by the Governor.

(-) HB 1308 wasdesignedtocriminalizelegalabortion.Bytakingawaytheword“quick”,thislegislationwouldmakeanabortion,evenattheearlieststageofpregnancy,anactofwrongfuldeath.Awomanshouldhavetherighttocontrolherhealthchoices,andthosechoicesshouldnotbecriminalized.

Died in Committee.

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American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 10www.aclu-ms.org

(-) HB 519 The“MississippiUnbornChildProtectionfromDismembermentAbortionAct”isdesignedtocriminalizedoctorswho,intheprocessofperforminganabortion,knowinglydismemberafetusuponextraction.ThisisyetanothertooltodenywomeninthestateofMississippitherighttocontroltheirownhealthcaredecisions,thereforeputtingMississippiwomenatrisk.

Approved by the Governor.

SB 2238prohibitstheDivisionofMedicaidfromreimbursingPlannedParenthoodFederationofAmericaforservicesprovided,thuslimitingtheabilitiesoftheorganizationtoprovidehealthcareservicesthatprimarilyservelow-incomewomen.

Approved by the Governor.

Guaranteeing Safe and Supportive Schools(+) HB 972,entitled“TheMississippiStudentSafetyAct,”properlyaddressedtheissueofrestraintandseclusioninourpublicschoolsbyprovidingguidelinesforthepreventionofseclusionandtheprevention/reductionofrestraintonstudentsinclassrooms.

Died in Committee.

(-) HB 91(alongwithHB36,HB164,HB206,HB212,HB218,HB223,HB1010,HB1015,SB2159,SB2436)providedforschoolchoice,theabilityforparentstomovetheirchildrenoutofoneschoolintoaschoolmorepreferabletothem.Thesemeasureswouldhavecreatednegative,long-termconsequencesonthepublicschoolsysteminMississippibyexpendingalreadystrainedresources.

Died in Committee.

MAEP Funding(-) HB 458 calledforallofthecodesectionspertainingtotheMississippiAdequateEducationProgram(MAEP)bebroughtforward.TheMAEPistheformulathatthestatelegislatureusestodeterminefinancialsupportforlocalpublicschooldistricts.TheMAEPhasonlybeenfullyfundedtwicesinceitsadoption.Thisbillattachedareverserepealer,whichwouldhaveforcedthebilltoaconferencecommitteewherethreemembersoftheHouseandthreemembersoftheSenate,appointedbytheSpeakerandLieutenantGovernor,couldmakechanges.TheonlyissueweseewithMAEPandanypotentialchangesisthatithasbeenhistoricallyunderfunded,thushinderingstudents’rightstoaqualitypubliceducation.

Died in Conference.

School-to-Prison Pipeline(+) HB 67wouldhaveallowedschooldistricts,inlieuofsuspension/expulsionforafirst-timeoffense,tocommitthosestudentstoatleast40hoursofcommunityservice.Thisalternativeisatleastoneoptiontopreventstudentsfrombeingfunneledintotheschoolhousetojailhousepipeline.

Died in Committee.

(+) SB2337 and HB1001,bothproposedbytheACLUofMississippi,requireduniformstatewidetrainingforSchoolResourceOfficers(SROs).InanefforttocombattheissueofschoolsscalinguppolicepresencewiththeimplementationofSchoolResourceOfficersandthetendencyfortheseofficerstocriminalizetypicaladolescentbehavior,thesebillscreatedasafeschoolenvironmentforallandreducedrelianceonthecriminaljusticesystem.

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American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 11www.aclu-ms.org


Died in Committee.

Protecting Voting Rights(+) HB 809 and SB 2647 wasintendedtocreateanonlinevoterregistrationsystemforMississippi’scitizens.

HB 809 was approved by the Governor, but limited to only allowing current registered voters to update their status. SB 2647 died in Committee.

(+) HB 121, HB 796, HB 864, SB 2513, and SB 2681 wouldhaveallowedforearlyvoting21dayspriortoanygivenelectioninMississippi.Givingvotersmoreaccesstoparticipateintheprocessstrengthensourdemocracy.

Died in Committee.

(-) HB 124, HB 801, SB 2097, SB 2167, and SB 2673 wereallmeasurestoraisethequalifyingfeesforelectiveoffice.Thismeasurewouldhavelimitedthenumberofpeoplewhocanqualifytorunforapositioningovernment,thuslimitingparticipationinthedemocraticprocess.

SB 2167 was approved by the Governor. All others died in Committee.

(+) HB 799 wouldhavesetatimelimitonwhenprecinctscouldbechanged.ThebillallowedformunicipalitiestohavesevenyearsfromthepreviousCensustomakesuchachangeandonlyduringthattime.Sincepre-clearancewiththeUSDepartmentofJusticeisnolongerrequiredsincetheShelbyv.Holderdecision,thiswouldhaveservedasaneffectivewaytolimitprecinctchangesthatcouldcauseconfusionandleadtoadeclineinvoterparticipation.

Died in Committee.

(+) HB 797 and SB 2580weretechnicalmeasures,primarilytoincorporatetheuseoftheStatewideElectionsManagementSystem,Mississippi’svotingroll,intothestateElectionCode.

HB 797 died in Conference. SB 2580 died on Senate Calendar.

(-) HB 868soughttochangethemakeupofMississippi’s1stSupremeCourtDistrict,commonlyreferredtoastheCentralDistrict,byaddingSimpsonCounty.Thispieceoflegislationhadthepotentialtodilutetheblackvotingagepopulationinthedistrict,makingitharderforBlackstohaverepresentationontheSupremeCourt,theTransportationCommission,andthePublicServiceCommission.

Died in Senate Committee.

(+) HCR 52 calledforareferendumtobeheldinNovember2016ontheissueofrestoringsuffrage(voting)rightstothoseindividualsthathavecompletedtheirsentences/restitutioninthecorrectionalsystemiftheyhavecommittedanoffenseinwhichtheirrightswererevoked.Theonlyoffensesexemptedaremurder,rapeandstatutoryrape.Restorationofvotingrightsleadstocitizensbecomingmoreengagedinthecommunityandlesslikelytoreturntotheprisonsystem.

(+) HB 863 hasthesameintent,butonlyfornonviolentoffendersandnoreferendum.

Died in Committee.

Page 12: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 12www.aclu-ms.org

Guarantee Freedom of Speech, Expression, Protecting Privacy & Public AccessGrade: D

18 Guarantee Freedom of Speech, Expression, Protecting Privacy & Public Access Bills Chosen.Out of the 18 Bills Chosen, 5 Were Supportive of Equity = 28%Out of the 18 Bills Chosen, 13 Created Barriers or Rolled Back Rights = 72%Out of the 18 Bills Chosen, 5 Became Law = 28%Out of the 5 Bills that Became Law, 2 Were Supportive of Equity (+) = 40%Out of the 5 Bills that Became Law, 3 Created Barriers or Rolled Back Rights (-) = 60%


Defending Religious Freedom(-) HB 675providedcivilandcriminalimmunityforachurchorplaceofworshipforanyactionsofitsmemberswhileontheproperty.WhereastheU.S.Constitutionprotectsreligiousexpression,thereareexceptionswhenthatexpressionclearlyisadangertoindividuallibertiesorthegeneralwelfare.

Died in Committee.

(-) HB 50 wasintendedtoincorporatecreationisminthecurriculumofpublicschools.ItwasabackdoorattempttobypasstheEppersondecision,whichstatedthatteachingcreationismandbanningevolutiontheorywasaviolationoftheEstablishmentClauseoftheFirstAmendment.

Died in Committee.

(-) HB 840 wouldhavemadetheHolyBiblethestatebookofMississippi.ThisbillwasindirectviolationoftheFirstAmendmentoftheU.S.Constitution,asitpromotedonereligionoverothers.

Died in Committee.

Protecting Freedom of Speech & Expression (-) HB 786“TheMississippiChurchProtectionAct”issimilartoHB675inthatitprovidesimmunitytoarmedchurchgroups.ThoughwellintentionedinlightofthetragedyinSouthCarolina,giving“CastleLaw”protectionstoanarmedchurch“militia”couldbeabused,especiallyindemonstrationsoffreespeechandexpression.

Approved by the Governor.

Page 13: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 13www.aclu-ms.org

(-) HB 224, HB 1005, and HB 1543requiredthatthePledgeofAllegiancebereciteddailyinthepublicschools.HB224andHB1543bothimposedfinancialpenaltiesifthepledgewasnotreciteddaily.ThesebillswereindirectviolationoftheFirstAmendmentoftheU.S.Constitution.

Died in Committee.

(-) HB 958 and HB 49attemptedtosilenceandintimidateeducationprofessionalsbyprohibitingallpoliticalactivityduringschoolhours,includingsportingeventsandotherextracurricularactivitiesatelementaryschools,middleschools,highschools,communitycollegesandinstitutionsofhigherlearning.Itevenprohibitedtheseprofessionalsfromdiscussingissueswiththeirelectedrepresentatives,whetherornotthoseissueswererelatedtoapoliticalcampaign.

Died in Committee.

Protecting Privacy(-) HB 578 and SB 2078,orthe“SeeSomething,SaySomethingAct,”providescivilandcriminalimmunityforanyonewhomakesareportofsuspiciousactivity.WhiletheACLUofMississippisupportscitizeninvolvementinenhancingpublicsafety,thistypeoflegislationhasproventoleadtomoredeadendsthansubstantialintelligencegatheringinotherstates.Whatisevenmoretroublingisthatanyonewhoisnotalawenforcementprofessionalandhasnoprofessionaltrainingorbackgroundcandeterminewhat“suspiciousbehavior”is.Theremustbeabalanceofpowerbetweenaccuserandaccused.HB578andSB2078disruptthatbalancebylimitinganindividual’srighttoseeklegalredressforfalseaccusations.

HB 578 was approved by the Governor. SB 2078 died in Committee.

(+) HB 646 wasintendedtoprotectchildrenwhentestifyingaswitnesses/victimsincriminalcourtproceedings.

Died in Committee.

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American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 14www.aclu-ms.org

(+) SB 2485wouldhaveprohibiteddronesfrombeingflownwithin100yardsoftheboundariesofanystatecorrectionalfacility.Thiswasanimportantsafetymeasureforthoseworkinginthosefacilities,aswellasthoseindividualshousedinthosefacilities.

Died in House Committee.

Protecting Public Access(-) HB 699 and SB 2237 wouldkeepsecretthoseinvolvedinexecutions,includingtheexecutionteamandlethalinjectiondrugproviders;thus,deprivingacitizenofthemeaningfuldueprocessrightsguaranteedbytheU.S.Constitution.IfMississippicontinuestosentenceandexecutedeathrowprisoners,theprocessmustremaintransparentandthegovernmentaccountabletothepeopleofthisState.

HB 699 died in Committee. SB 2237 was approved by the Governor.

(+) SB 2443statedthatallprivateprisons’financialandoperationalreportsbeconsideredopenrecordstothepublic.Thislevelofaccountabilityisnecessarytoensurethatprivatecorrectionalfacilitiesareonparwithstate-runfacilities.

Died in Committee.

(+) SB 2533 revisestheOpenRecordsLawbyallowinginformationprovidedbythirdpartiestopublicbodiesbereleasedtendaysafternotification.Thisprovidesfortimelyreleaseofrecordsafteraproperreviewandconsent.

Approved by the Governor.

(+) SB 2081 clarifiestheOpenMeetingsAct,makingmeetingsheldbygovernmentalentitiesthroughvideoandconferencecallssubjecttotheact.Thisallowsthepublictoremaininformed,andthusholdstheirelectedofficialsaccountablefortheirvariouspoliciesandgoals.

Approved by the Governor.

Other Legislative Actions(-) HB 781 and SB 2236 wouldhaveofferedalternatemeansofcarryingoutanexecutionifthecurrentmeansweredeemedunconstitutional.Optionstocarryoutanexecutionaspresented,whichincludedafiringsquad,aredeemedascruelandunusualpunishmentandshouldnotbeavailable.

Died in Committee.

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American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 15www.aclu-ms.org

The ScorecardMethodThelegislativescorecardincludesthosebillswhichhadflooractioninboththeHouseandSenate;tenissuesfortheHouseandtenissuesfortheSenate.TheissueschosenareissuescoretothemissionoftheACLUofMississippi,whichistopromote,extend,anddefendcivillibertiestoallMississippians.AllACLUofMississippipositionsonthespecificissuesinthisscorecardweremadecleartolegislatorsandthegeneralpublic,eitherthroughourwebsite,one-on-onemeetings,throughthemediaorviaour“EquityAgenda,”whichspecificallystatedourintenttopublishaLegislativeScoreCard.



Percent Letter Grade

94-100 A

90-93 A-

87-89 B+

83-86 B

80-82 B-

77-79 C+

73-76 C

70-72 C-

67-69 D+

63-66 D

60-62 D-

60 and below F

Page 16: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 16www.aclu-ms.org


Name District County PartyHB













ACLU% Grade


Lester“Bubba”Carpenter 1 Alcorn,Tishomingo R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

NickBain 2 Alcorn D A A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 36 F

WilliamTraceyArnold 3 Alcorn,Prentiss R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JodySteverson 4 Alcorn,Tippah R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 46 F

JohnG.Faulkner 5Benton,Lafayette,

Marshall,TateD N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y A 75 C

DanaCriswell 6 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

SteveHopkins 7 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

JohnThomas“Trey”Lamar,III 8 Lafayette,Tate R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

CedricBurnett 9Coahoma,


D N Y N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y 69 D+

NolanMettetal 10Lafayette,Panola,

TallahatchieR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

LataishaJackson 11 Panola,Tate D N Y N Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y N 85 B

JayHughes 12 Lafayette D N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N N 77 C+

SteveMassengill 13Benton,Lafayette,Marshall,Union

R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

MargaretEllisRogers 14 Union R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

MacHuddleston 15 Pontotoc R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

SteveHolland 16 Lee,Monroe D A Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y N 83 B

ShaneAguirre 17 Lee R N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

JerryR.Turner 18Lee,Prentiss,

UnionR Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y P A Y 40 F

RandyP.Boyd 19 Itawamba,Lee R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

ChrisBrown 20Itawamba,Lee,

MonroeR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

DonnieBell 21Itawamba,Tishomingo

R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

PrestonE.Sullivan 22Chickasaw,Pontotoc

D N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

JimBeckett 23Calhoun,Grenada,Lafayette,Webster

R A A Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y A Y Y 20 F

JeffHale 24 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

DanEubanks 25 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 46 F

OrlandoW.Paden 26 Bolivar,Coahoma D N Y A Y P N N Y Y N Y Y N 91 A-

KennethWalker 27Attala,Leake,

Madison,YazooD N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N 77 C+

RobertFoster 28 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 46 F

AbeHudson 29 Bolivar,Sunflower D N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

RobertE.Huddleston 30Bolivar,Quitman,


D N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y N N 92 A-

Page 17: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 17www.aclu-ms.org

Name District County PartyHB













ACLU% Grade


SaraRichardsonThomas 31Bolivar,Humphries,


D N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N 77 C+

WillieJ.Perkins,Sr. 32 Leflore D N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y N N 92 A-

TommyReynolds 33Grenada,


D N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

KevinHoran 34Carroll,Grenada,Holmes,Leflore,

TallahatchieD N Y Y Y Y A Y Y A Y Y A Y 50 F

JoeyHood 35Attala,Choctaw,Webster,Winston

R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 46 F

KarlGibbs 36 Clay,Monroe D N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y 69 D+

GaryA.Chism 37Clay,Lowndes,

OktibbehaR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

TyroneEllis 38Clay,Lowndes,

OktibbehaD N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 92 A-

JeffSmith 39 Lowndes,Monroe R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

AshleyHenley 40 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

KabirKarriem 41 Lowndes D N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y N 85 B

CarlL.Mickens 42Lowndes,Noxubee,

WinstonD Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N 62 D-

LoydB.(Rob)RobersonII 43Oktibbeha,

WinstonR N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

C.ScottBounds 44 Leake,Neshoba R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

MichaelT.Evans 45Kemper,


D N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

KarlOliver 46



R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

BryantW.Clark 47Attala,Holmes,

YazooD A Y N Y Y Y N A Y N Y Y N 73 C

JasonWhite 48Attala,Carroll,Holmes,Leake

R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

WillieL.Bailey 49 Washington D N Y N Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y N 85 B

JohnW.Hines 50Bolivar,Issaquena,

WashingtonD N Y A Y A N A Y Y A Y Y N 89 B+

RufusE.Straughter 51Humphreys,

Sharkey,YazooD N Y N Y Y A N Y Y N Y N N 92 A-

BillKinkade 52 DeSoto,Marshall R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

VinceMangold 53Franklin,JeffersonDavis,Lawrence,

Lincoln,PikeR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

AlexMonsour 54Issaquena,

Warren,YazooR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

OscarDenton 55 Warren D N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N 69 D+

PhilipGunn 56 Hinds,Madison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

EdwardBlackmon,Jr. 57 Madison D N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 92 A-

Page 18: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 18www.aclu-ms.org

Name District County PartyHB













ACLU% Grade


JoelBomgar 58 Madison R Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N N Y 54 F

BrentPowell 59 Rankin R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JohnL.Moore 60 Rankin R Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y N Y Y 33 F

RayRogers 61 Rankin R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

TomWeathersby 62Copiah,Rankin,

SimpsonR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

DeborahButlerDixon 63Hinds,Warren,

YazooD N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A 50 F

WilliamC.Denny,Jr. 64 Hinds,Madison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

ChristopherBell 65 Hinds D N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y N 85 B

JarvisDortch 66 Hinds D N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y N N 92 A-

EarleS.Banks 67 Hinds D N Y A Y P N N Y Y N Y Y N 91 A-

CredellCalhoun 68 Hinds,Rankin D N Y N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N 77 C+

AlyceGriffinClarke 69 Hinds D N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N 77 C+

KathySykes 70 Hinds D N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y A 92 A-

AdrienneWooten 71 Hinds D N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 92 A-

DeborahGibbs 72 Hinds,Madison D N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

CoryT.Wilson 73 Madison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y 31 F

MarkBaker 74 Rankin R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

TomMiles 75 Rankin,Scott D A A Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y N Y 40 F

GregoryHolloway,Sr. 76Claiborne,Copiah,

HindsD N Y N Y Y A N Y Y Y Y N Y 75 C

AndyGipson 77 Rankin,Simpson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y 31 F

RandyRushing 78Leake,Newton,

ScottR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 46 F

MarkK.Tullos 79 Jasper,Smith R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

OmeriaScott 80Clarke,Jasper,

JonesD A Y N Y Y N N A Y N Y Y N 82 B+

SteveHorne 81 Clarke,Lauderdale R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

CharlesYoung,Jr. 82 Lauderdale D N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N 69 D+

GregSnowden 83 Lauderdale R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

WilliamShirley 84Clarke,Jasper,

NewtonR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

America“Chuck”Middleton 85Claiborne,Franklin,Jefferson,Warren

D N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y N N 100 A

ShaneBarnett 86Greene,Perry,

WayneR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

ChrisJohnson 87 Forrest,Lamar R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

GaryV.Staples 88 Jasper,Jones R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 46 F

DonnieScoggin 89 Jones R N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

NoahSanford 90Covington,


R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

Page 19: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 19www.aclu-ms.org

Name District County PartyHB













ACLU% Grade


BobEvans 91Copiah,Covington,


D N Y Y Y Y Y P Y Y N Y Y N 67 D+

BeckyCurrie 92Copiah,Lawrence,

LincolnR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y 31 F

TimmyLadner 93Hancock,Pearl

River,StoneR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

RobertL.Johnson,III 94Adams,Franklin,

JeffersonD N Y N Y Y N A Y Y Y Y Y N 75 C

PatriciaH.Willis 95 Hancock,Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

AngelaCockerham 96Adams,Amite,Pike,Wilkinson

D A Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y 50 F

SamC.Mims,V 97Adams,Amite,Franklin,Pike

R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 46 F

DavidW.Myers 98 Pike,Walthall D N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y N N 85 B

BillPigott 99Lamar,Marion,

WalthallR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

KenMorgan 100 Lamar,Marion R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

BradA.Touchstone 101 Lamar R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

TobyBarker 102 Forrest,Lamar R N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 54 F

PercyW.Watson 103 Forrest D N Y A Y A A N Y Y N Y Y N 90 A-

LarryByrd 104 Forrest R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y 31 F

RounMcNeal 105George,Greene,

PerryR P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 42 F

JohnGlenCorley 106 Lamar,PearlRiver R N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

DougMcLeod 107 George,Stone R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

MarkFormby 108 PearlRiver R Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y N Y Y 33 F

ManlyBarton 109 George,Jackson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JerameyD.Anderson 110 Jackson D N Y N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N 77 C+

CharlesBusby 111 Jackson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JohnO.Read 112 Jackson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

H.B.“Hank”Zuber,III 113 Jackson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JeffreyS.Guice 114 Harrison,Jackson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

RandallH.Patterson 115 Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

CaseyEure 116 Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

ScottDeLano 117 Harrison R N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

GregHaney 118 Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y 33 F

SonyaWilliams-Barnes 119 Harrison D N Y N Y A Y N Y Y N Y N A 91 A-

RichardBennett 120 Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

CarolynCrawford 121 Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y 46 F

DavidBaria 122 Hancock D N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y Y 69 D+

Page 20: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 20www.aclu-ms.org

SENATEName District County Party














ACLU% Grade


ChrisMassey 1 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

DavidParker 2 DeSoto R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

NickeyBrowning 3Benton,Pontotoc,

UnionR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

RitaParks 4 Alcorn,Tippah R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JPWilemon,Jr. 5Itawamba,Prentiss,

TishomingoD Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

ChadMcMahan 6 Itawamba,Lee R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y 46 F

HobBryan 7Itawamba,Lee,

MonroeD N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N 69 D+

RussellJolly 8



D Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

GrayTollison 9 Lafayette,Panola R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

BillStone 10 Marshall,Tate D N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 46 F

RobertL.Jackson 11Coahoma,Panola,Quitman,Tunica

D N Y P Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 92 A-

DerrickT.Simmons 12Bolivar,Coahoma,

WashingtonD N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 92 A-

WillieSimmons 13Bolivar,Sunflower,

TallahatchieD N Y N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N 77 C+

LydiaChassaniol 14




R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

GaryJackson 15



R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

AngelaTurner 16Clay,Lowndes,


D N Y N Y Y N N N Y N Y Y N 77 C+

CharlesYounger 17 Lowndes,Monroe R Y Y P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 42 F

JeniferBranning 18Leake,Neshoba,

WinstonR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

KevinBlackwell 19 DeSoto,Marshall R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JoshHarkins 20 Rankin R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

BarbaraBlackmon 21Attala,Holmes,Leake,Madison,

YazooD N Y N Y N N N N Y N Y N N 92 A-

EugeneClarke 22



R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y 42 F

W.BriggsHopson,III 23Issaquena,Warren,

YazooR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

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American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 21www.aclu-ms.org

Name District County PartyHB













ACLU% Grade


DavidJordan 24



D N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 85 B

J.WalterMichel,III 25 Hinds,Madison R Y Y Y Y Y N/A Y Y N/A Y N/A N/A Y 33 F

JohnHorhn 26 Hinds,Madison D N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y N N 100 A

HillmanFrazier 27 Hinds D P Y Y Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 83 B

SollieB.Norwood 28 Hinds D N Y N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N 92 A-

DavidBlount 29 Hinds D N Y P Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N 67 D+

DeanKirby 30 Rankin R Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 33 F

TerryBurton 31Lauderdale,

Newton,ScottR P Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 42 F

SampsonJackson,II 32Kemper,


D N Y A Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y A 82 B-

VidetCarmichael 33 Clarke,Lauderdale R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JuanBarnett 34Forrest,Jasper,

JonesD N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y N 77 C+

ChrisCaughman 35Copiah,Rankin,

SimpsonR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

AlbertButler 36Claiborne,Copiah,Hinds,Jefferson

D N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N N 77 C+

BobM.Dearing 37Adams,Amite,Franklin,Pike

D N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y 62 D-

TammyWitherspoon 38Adams,Amite,Pike,Walthall,

WilkinsonD N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y N 77 C+

SallyDoty 39Copiah,Lawrence,Lincoln,Walthall

R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

AngelaHill 40 Marion,PearlRiver R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

JoeyFillingane 41Covington,Forrest,


R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

ChrisMcDaniel 42 Forrest,Jones R Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 46 F

DennisDeBar 43George,Greene,

WayneR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JohnPolk 44 Lamar,PearlRiver R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

BillyHudson 45 Forrest,Perry R A A A Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 44 F

PhilipMoran 46 Hancock,Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

JosephM.Seymour 47Jackson,PearlRiver,Stone

R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

DeborahDawkins 48 Harrison D N Y P Y N N N Y Y A Y N A 100 A

SeanTindell 49 Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

TommyGollott 50 Harrison R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

MichaelWatson 51 Jackson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y 39 F

BriceWiggins 52 Jackson R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39 F

Page 22: Legislative Score Card - ACLU of Mississippi · Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Grade: A 18 Criminal Justice Reform Bills Tracked. Out of the 18 Bills Tracked, 15 Were Supportive

American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi 22www.aclu-ms.org

www.aclu-ms.org • P.O. BOX 2242 JACKSON, MS 39225 • 601.354.3408

The ACLU of Mississippi is dedicated to promoting, defending, and extending civil liberties to all Mississippians with emphasis on issues related to criminal justice reform, equality and freedom of

speech and expression. We accomplish our mission through legislation, litigation, and advocacy.