HELP WANTED CDL DRIVERS for Day Trucking or Over The Road Trucking. Call 308-250-0522 308-250- 0717. Or email resume to tercel.trucking@ gmail.com GRANDMA JO’S IS LOOKING FOR A P/T DISHWASHER INCLUDING WEEK- ENDS. THE SARATOGA SUN IS SEEKING A GEN- ERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTER/PHOTOG- RAPHER who has an interest in sports. If you love writing about what makes a community tick, have a good knowledge of photography, and have an interest in com- munity journalism, this job may be for you. The position includes eve- nings and weekends to cover town council meet- ings, sporting events, school events and gen- eral news taking place in the Platte Valley. Saratoga, Wyo., is nes- tled between two moun- tain ranges in south- east Wyoming and has incredible views and excellent fishing and hunting opportunities. If you love working in the outdoors, you will love working here. We have a circulation of 1,700, and serve three communities in the Platte Valley with a total population of 2200. We also cover the school district which includes five communities. A col- lege degree in journalism or English is desired, but not required. Pay ranges from $23-25K depending on experience. Benefits include 401K and vaca- tion after one year. If interested, send resume, examples of writing and photographs to editor@ union-tel.com This posi- tion is open until filled. HELP WANTED TOP QUALITY PRESSMEN SOUGHT TO RUN OUR CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO PRESS OPERATION. This position includes overseeing the production of two daily newspapers, two weeklies, and several commercial print products. We want an experienced leader capable of handling training, ordering of supplies, and maintaining OSHA standards. Clovis Media, Inc. offers a benefits package (Health insurance, retirement, and vacation time) and a competitive salary. WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT YOU’RE WORTH. To apply, send resume to Patrick Cossel at pcstevenson@ actaccess.net MISC. GROWING SNOW REMOVAL BUSINESS. BUSINESS GIVEAWAY! Send resume to 1825 Jackson St Sidney. WE BUY ALUMINUM CANS. WE PAY CASH. 955 BALL ST, SIDNEY. 254-7115. HOUSES FOR RENT NEWLY RENOVAT- ED 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATHROOM HOUSE available with partially fenced yard, new fridge, washer and dryer, and microwave, all new win- dows, flooring, bath- room fixtures, fence, electric fireplace, cen- tral air and heat, etc. No smoking, no pets. Utilities paid by renter. Located near Geigers’ Construction on East Highway 30. $700 a month with a security deposit of $700. For more information, call 308-254-3852. SERVICES C U S T O M HARVESTING. 3 John Deere Combines S680’s. New drapers. Supporting equipment. 35 yrs in family business. Bob & Ryan 507-279-0646 507-279-0414 DUPLEX FOR RENT 1 & 2 BEDROOMS. Call 254-2512. No Pets. Background Check. STATEWIDES ADVERTISE STATEWIDE for $225/25 word classi- fied ad. Over 165 news- papers with circulation of more than 365,000. Contact your local news- paper or call 1-800-369- 2850. AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service. Send your message to 170 newspapers across Nebraska for one low price! Call 1-800-369- 2850 or www.nebpress. com for more details. OAT SEED for sale. We have a large supply of Jury oats, Everleaf 114 & Everleaf 126 forage oats. For pricing and information, call 701- 497-3082. STATEWIDES FULL-TIME MLT/MT position available at Cherry County Hospital. Associates or Bachelors Degree required. Apply online at www.cherry- countyhospital.org or contact Jordan Hand at 402-376-2525. RNs UP to $45/hour, LPNs up to $37.50/hour, CNAs up to $22.50/hour. Free gas/weekly pay, $2,000 bonus. AACO Nursing Agency, 800-656-4414 Ext. 5. STATEWIDES BANKRUPTCY: FREE ini- tial consultation. Fast relief from creditors. Low rates. Statewide filing. No office appoint- ment necessary. Call Steffens Law Office, 308-872-8327. stef- fensbankruptcylaw. com. We are a debt relief agency, which helps people file bank- ruptcy under the bank- ruptcy code. Send Ads to [email protected] L679 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale, issued by the District Court of Cheyenne County, Nebraska, upon the Decree in said Court in Case No. CI 15-122 wherein the Lien Holders are the Plaintiff, and BETTY JOAN POWELL, et al. are Defendants in which Plaintiff recovered a Decree of Foreclosure upon Tax Sale Certificate No. 974 and for sub- sequent taxes, with interest at fourteen percent (14%) per annum, fees, and court costs. The legal description of the property to be sold, together with the respective taxes and costs due and owing are as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of Block Fourteen (14), in Wellner’s Third Addition to Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebraska, 66 feet South from the Northeast corner; running thence Westerly on a line paral- lel with the North line of said Block, 132 feet; running thence Northerly to the North line of said Block, 66 feet; running thence Easterly 132 feet to the Northeast corner of said Block, running thence Southerly on the East line of said Block, 66 feet to the place of beginning. Principal Tax Due: $5,180.47 Interest: (as of 1/19/2016) $1,909.76 Attorney fees: $741.73 Costs: $327.04 Total: $8,159.00 I have levied upon said prop- erty and will sell the same on the 6th day of April 2016 commencing at 10:00 o’clock a.m. at the East door of the Cheyenne County Courthouse in Sidney, Nebraska to the highest bidder to satisfy said Decree, taxes, assessment, interest, and costs. Said sale to remain open one-half hour. s/ John D. Jenson Cheyenne County Sheriff [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2016] L695 Notice of School Board Vacancy A vacancy on the Sidney Public Schools Board of Education was created on March 14, 2016. The vacancy occured due to the resignation of a school board member. The term of this position will expire on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 2018. Sidney School Board will be accepting applications for the vacated position until 12:00 pm on April 1, 2016. [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 16, 23 & 31, 2016] L710 NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Lodgepole Village Board of Trustees will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Monday April 4, 2016 at 814 Sheldon St., Lodgepole, NE; which meeting will be open to the public. An agenda for such meeting, kept continually current, is avail- able for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk. /s/ T. Sherman, Clerk [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016] L711 Village of Potter Board Meeting Proceedings The Potter Village Board of Trustees convened in regular and open session on March14, 2016 at 7:03 pm at the Village Office, 922 Sherman, Potter, Nebraska. Chairman Casey Smith presided. Trustees pres- ent: Richard Musil and John Herboldsheimer. Others: Melissa Waggoner, Kathy Green, Peg Musil, Kirk Enevoldsen, Sharon Stecher and, Randy and Brad Sutton. Items Approved: Consent Calendar for the March 14, 2016, meeting, and to accept the Financial and Treasurers reports for February 29, 2016. Claims: Payroll 6135.04, Taxes Fed W/H 1929.24, Neb. Dept. of Revenue 500.00-Sales Tax, City of Sidney 733.50-Ser, CenturyLink 207.12-Ser, HSA 160.20, Frenchman Valley Coop 302.56-Su, Source Gas 649.97- Ser, Dalton Telephone Co. 16.00-Ser, Denise Cook 50.00- Ser, Sidney Sun Telegraph 30.27-Ser, Enviro Service Inc. 18.00-Ser, US Postal Service 323.55-Su, Ideal Linen Supply 22.56-Ser, High West Energy 6850.06-Ser, Staples Credit Plan 54.38-Su, Contractor’s Materials 30.95-Su, David Carew 8.55-Su, Finney’s Inc. 21.06-Su, Spic & Span Cleaners 340.00-Su, Sargent Drilling 450-00-Ser, Barco Municipal Products 561.95-Su, SoftlineData 104.50-Su, RJ Meyer & Associates 8250.00- Ser, Scooter’s Auto Body & Repair 309.90-Su, Shop Rent- 500.00, Admin Fees-2250.00, Replenish Debit Card 103.70- Ser & Su, Total $30,913.06. ORDINANCE NO. 462 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF POTTER, NEBRASKA, TO AMEND SECTION 52.35 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES REQUIRED; CUSTOMER INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE; TESTING; ADDING NOTICE PROVISIONS; AMENDING CERTIFICATION PROVIDER; DENYING OR DISCONTINUING SERVICE FOR SEVERE THREATS; ADDING AN APPEALS AND BOARD HEARING PROCESS; TO REPEAL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS; AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Acceptedthe 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Audit as presented. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM. A complete copy of the minutes is available for viewing at the Village Office. /s/ Melissa Waggoner Village Clerk [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016] L675 NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CHEYENNE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Estate of Sharon D. Robinson, Deceased Estate No. PR16-10 Notice is hereby given that on March 4, 2016, in the County Court of Cheyenne County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of Will of said Decedent and that James Bradley Robinson, whose address is 4353 SW 112th Street, Denton, Nebraska 68339, was informal- ly appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate. Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before May 10, 2016, or be forever barred. /s/ Lori Bartling Clerk of the County Court 1000 10th Avenue Sidney, Nebraska 69162 /s/ Steven F. Mattoon, NSBA No. 15110 Matzke & Mattoon, L.L.C. P. O. Box 316 Sidney, Nebraska 69162-0316 (308) 254-5595 [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 9, 16 & 23, 2016] L708 PUBLIC NOTICE Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Division Notice is given to the pub- lic, according to Chapter 14 of Title 129 - Nebraska Air Quality Regulations, regarding the application of Sidney Regional Medical Center (FID# 104083) for permission to construct an emergency generator engine at a hospital (Standard Industrial Classification code 8062) locat- ed at 1775 Greenwood Rd. in Sidney, Nebraska. The anticipated increase in emissions of air contaminants due to the proposed construc- tion is estimated in the follow- ing table: Pollutant, Emissions (tons/ year); Particulate Matter (PM), 0.18; PM smaller than or equal to 10 microns (PM10), 0.18; PM smaller than or equal to 2.5 microns (PM2.5), 0.18; Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), 0.22; Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), 5.87; Carbon Monoxide (CO), 3.18; Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), 0.36; Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), < 0.01; Greenhouse Gases (GHG), CO2 equivalent, 635.60; Cheyenne County meets the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for those pollutants subject to a NAAQS and isexpected to continue in that status. No impact is antici- pated on habitat for any rare or threatened species. The Department proposes to issue a construction permit with specific conditions, based on Title 129 - Nebraska Air Quality Regulations, which: Limit engine operation to no more than 500 hours per year; and Specify recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The proposed permit and supporting materials are avail- able for inspection at the office of the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, Suite 400, 1200 “N” Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 and at http://deq.ne.gov. These materials were also forwarded to the Sidney Public Library. Inquiries may be made at (402) 471-2186 or ndeq.airquality@ nebraska.gov . Individuals requiring special accommo- dations or alternate formats of materials should notify the Department by calling (402) 471-2186. TDD users should call (800) 833-7352 and ask the relay operator to call the Departmentat (402) 471-2186. Within 30 days after the initial publication of this notice, persons may submit written comments relative to the issu- ance of the proposed permitor petition the Director for public hearing. Comments received during the 30 day public notice period, ending April 21, 2016, will be considered prior to the final decision to issue or to deny the proposed permit. A request or petition for a hearing must state the nature of the issues to be raised and all arguments and factual grounds supporting such position. If a public hear- ing is granted by the Director, the hearing will be advertised by public notice at least 30 days prior to its occurrence. Persons requiring further information, wanting to sub- mit comments, or requesting a hearing may email “ndeq. [email protected]or mail them to David Graiver, Air Quality Division, P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-8922. [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016] L714 PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING The Cheyenne County Fairboard will meet in open and public session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 4, 2016 in the Fairboard office, at the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds. /s/ Gerald Frerichs President [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016] LEGALS 7A WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 2016 Sidney Sun-Telegraph ONLINE: www.suntelegraph.com LEGAL NOTICES CLASSIFIEDS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL DESIGNERS OR TECHNICIANS Specialized Engineering Solutions (SES) is a mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and technology engineering and commissioning firm with offices in Omaha, Ogallala, Sidney, and Denver. SES has a local, regional, and national reputation as experts in the design of building infrastructure sys- tems in healthcare, government, education, industrial, and commercial facilities. Our fundamental values that guide us are based on our collaborative ideology of design, innovation, relationship-building, and partnering with our clients. A commitment to these values and a willingness to challenge ourselves contribute to an energized, productive workplace and successful projects. SES is seeking self-motivated, detailed-oriented mechanical/electrical Designers/Technicians to work on multi-discipline project teams to provide computer-aided design expertise using Revit and AutoCAD. The Designer/Tech- nician will work closely with Engineers to create, update, and revise drawings of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems consistent with in- struction, guidelines, and standards for client submission. This position is highly autonomous and also involves meetings with clients to discuss building system designs, field visits to client sites to gather information for project drawings, and site observations during construction to monitor the status of projects. SES believes that the character of people is what contributes to the successful development of our business. We are a family-oriented work setting and believe that work and fun can occur simultaneously. In order to provide a flexible and fun environment, we strongly believe that all people deserve to be treated with integrity and respect. SES rewards employees and offers a competitive benefits package. Some of these benefits and rewards include: Competitive Salaries Health Insurance including Dental and Vision Disability and Life Insurance 401k (after 1 year of employment) A Flexible Work Schedule Paid Time Off and Holiday Pay Bonuses Educational Assistance Profit Sharing To apply, please e-mail your resume to [email protected]. 50% OFF First month’s rent! SIOUX VILLA has 2 & 3 Bedrooms units available now. Very affordable rent. Tenant is responsible for all utilities. If you need warm, durable housing, check out Sioux Villa Apartments. NO INCOME RESTRICTIONS. Applications are available at 2459 11th Ave. and at 1844 Ash St or call 308-254-3670 for more information. Visit us online at www.scottsbluffhousing. com and find us on Facebook: Sidney Housing Authority! Sioux Villa is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Skyview At Bridgeport Part time RN Part time Housekeepers CNA positions available ***SIGN-ON BONUS FOR FT*** Competitive benefits & mileage Apply online or in person www.skyview-at-bridgeport.com 308-262-0725 CHIEF OF POLICE City of Sidney Police Dept. Must possess demonstrated leadership skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, high integrity and demonstrated success in community policing. See www.cityofsidney.org under “About Us” for more information. Contact Jo Houser, 254-7002 for application. Deadline: 4/4 by 5 p.m. EOE Is currently accepting applications and resumes for the following full-time position: FULL TIME TELLER Will handle customer deposits and payments. Front line position requires good customer service skills. Send resumes with work history, education, and references to Bob Olsen, President of Security First Bank-Sidney Branch. No Phone Calls please. Applicants will be notified if selected for further interviews. Security First Bank offers an attractive benefit package. Security First Bank is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. Security First Bank, Member FDIC. CASHIERS 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. FULL TIME $12.00 per hour Pre-Employment Drug Test Required Apply Online at www.sappbros.net Solid Waste Handler City of Sidney Solid Waste Department. Looking for a motivated, dependable, and hardworking person to provide trash collection for residents on assigned routes. H.S. diploma or equiv., possess CDL or obtain CDL Learner’s Permit within 20 days, and a good driving record. Ability to lift up to 85 lbs. Pre-emp. and random drug testing, and physical capacity testing. Some weekend and holiday duty may apply. See www.cityofsidney.org under “About Us” for more information. Contact Jo Houser, 254-7002, for application. Deadline: 3/28 by 5 p.m. EOE Now accepting Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Applications (Bring in original Social Security Cards & driver’s license or other legal document) Sioux Villa Office 1844 Ash Street Sidney, NE 69162 Monday – Thursday 10AM – 1 PM Housing Choice Voucher briefings will now be held in Sidney by appointment. The reason publication of legal notices is required in newspapers is YOU, the citizen. In a Democracy, the government is required to inform you of the public business, because you and your neighbors are the basis for government. These notices provide essential information about all local government entities, including schools, cities, villages and counties. A Democracy is a system of checks and balances. Your right to know and be informed is a check on government. Public notices shed light on the actions of all governmental bodies, but it’s up to you, the citizen, to read them and obtain more information if necessary about the actions that impact you. PRACTICE DEMOCRACY. READ YOUR LEGAL NOTICES. THEY’RE CRUCIAL TO DEMOCRACY.

LegaLs 7a - The Sidney Sun-TelegraphMar 23, 2016  · Title 129 - Nebraska Air Quality Regulations, regarding the application of Sidney Regional Medical Center (FID# 104083) for permission

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Page 1: LegaLs 7a - The Sidney Sun-TelegraphMar 23, 2016  · Title 129 - Nebraska Air Quality Regulations, regarding the application of Sidney Regional Medical Center (FID# 104083) for permission

HELP WANTEDCDL Drivers for Day Trucking or Over The Road Trucking. Call 308-250-0522 308-250-0717. Or email resume to [email protected]

GranDma Jo’s is LookinG for a P/T Dishwasher inCLuDinG week-enDs.

The saraToGa sun is seekinG a Gen-eraL assiGnmenT rePorTer/PhoToG-raPher who has an interest in sports. If you love writing about what makes a community tick, have a good knowledge of photography, and have an interest in com-munity journalism, this job may be for you. The position includes eve-nings and weekends to cover town council meet-ings, sporting events, school events and gen-eral news taking place in the Platte Valley.Saratoga, Wyo., is nes-tled between two moun-tain ranges in south-east Wyoming and has incredible views and excellent fishing and hunting opportunities. If you love working in the outdoors, you will love working here. We have a circulation of 1,700, and serve three communities in the Platte Valley with a total population of 2200. We also cover the school district which includes five communities. A col-lege degree in journalism or English is desired, but not required. Pay ranges from $23-25K depending on experience. Benefits include 401K and vaca-tion after one year. If interested, send resume, examples of writing and photographs to [email protected] This posi-tion is open until filled.

HELP WANTEDToP quaLiTy Pressmen souGhT To run our CLovis, new mexiCo Press oPeraTion. This position includes overseeing the production of two daily newspapers, two weeklies, and several commercial print products. We want an experienced leader capable of handling training, ordering of supplies, and maintaining OSHA standards. Clovis Media, Inc. offers a benefits package (Health insurance, retirement, and vacation time) and a competitive salary. WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT YOU’RE WORTH. To apply, send resume to Patrick Cossel at [email protected]

MISC.GrowinG snow removaL Business.BUSINESS GIVEAWAY! Send resume to 1825 Jackson St Sidney.

we Buy aLuminum Cans. WE PAY CASH. 955 BALL ST, SIDNEY. 254-7115.

HOUSES FOR RENTnewLy renovaT-eD 2 BeDroom, 1 BaThroom house available with partially fenced yard, new fridge, washer and dryer, and microwave, all new win-dows, flooring, bath-room fixtures, fence, electric fireplace, cen-tral air and heat, etc. No smoking, no pets. Utilities paid by renter. Located near Geigers’ Construction on East Highway 30. $700 a month with a security deposit of $700. For more information, call 308-254-3852.

SERVICESC u s T o m harvesTinG. 3 John Deere Combines S680’s. New drapers. Supporting equipment. 35 yrs in family business. Bob & Ryan 507-279-0646 507-279-0414

DUPLEX FOR RENT1 & 2 BeDrooms. Call 254-2512. No Pets. Background Check.

STATEWIDESADVERTISE STATEWIDE for $225/25 word classi-fied ad. Over 165 news-papers with circulation of more than 365,000. Contact your local news-paper or call 1-800-369-2850.

AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service. Send your message to 170 newspapers across Nebraska for one low price! Call 1-800-369-2850 or www.nebpress.com for more details.

OAT SEED for sale. We have a large supply of Jury oats, Everleaf 114 & Everleaf 126 forage oats. For pricing and information, call 701-497-3082.

STATEWIDESFULL-TIME MLT/MT position available at Cherry County Hospital. Associates or Bachelors Degree required. Apply online at www.cherry-countyhospital.org or contact Jordan Hand at 402-376-2525.

RNs UP to $45/hour, LPNs up to $37.50/hour, CNAs up to $22.50/hour. Free gas/weekly pay, $2,000 bonus. AACO Nursing Agency, 800-656-4414 Ext. 5.

STATEWIDESBANKRUPTCY: FREE ini-tial consultation. Fast relief from creditors. Low rates. Statewide filing. No office appoint-ment necessary. Call Steffens Law Office, 308-872-8327. stef-f ensbankrup tcy l aw.com. We are a debt relief agency, which helps people file bank-ruptcy under the bank-ruptcy code.

Send Ads to [email protected]

L679NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALENotice is hereby given that

by virtue of an Order of Sale, issued by the District Court of Cheyenne County, Nebraska, upon the Decree in said Court in Case No. CI 15-122 wherein the Lien Holders are the Plaintiff, and BETTY JOAN POWELL, et al. are Defendants in which Plaintiff recovered a Decree of Foreclosure upon Tax Sale Certificate No. 974 and for sub-sequent taxes, with interest at fourteen percent (14%) per annum, fees, and court costs. The legal description of the property to be sold, together with the respective taxes and costs due and owing are as follows:

Commencing at a point on the East line of Block Fourteen (14), in Wellner’s Third Addition to Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebraska, 66 feet South from the Northeast corner; running thence Westerly on a line paral-lel with the North line of said Block, 132 feet; running thence Northerly to the North line of said Block, 66 feet; running thence Easterly 132 feet to the Northeast corner of said Block, running thence Southerly on the East line of said Block, 66 feet to the place of beginning.

Principal Tax Due: $5,180.47

Interest: (as of 1/19/2016) $1,909.76

Attorney fees: $741.73

Costs: $327.04

Total: $8,159.00I have levied upon said prop-

erty and will sell the same on the 6th day of April 2016 commencing at 10:00 o’clock a.m. at the East door of the Cheyenne County Courthouse in Sidney, Nebraska to the highest bidder to satisfy said Decree, taxes, assessment, interest,

and costs. Said sale to remain open one-half hour.s/ John D. JensonCheyenne County Sheriff

[Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2016]

L695Notice of School Board Vacancy

A vacancy on the Sidney Public Schools Board of Education was created on March 14, 2016. The vacancy occured due to the resignation of a school board member. The term of this position will expire on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 2018.

Sidney School Board will be accepting applications for the vacated position until 12:00 pm on April 1, 2016.

[Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 16, 23 & 31, 2016]


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Lodgepole Village Board of Trustees will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Monday April 4, 2016 at 814 Sheldon St., Lodgepole, NE; which meeting will be open to the public. An agenda for such meeting, kept continually current, is avail-able for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk. /s/ T. Sherman, Clerk

[Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016]

L711Village of Potter

Board Meeting ProceedingsThe Potter Village Board of

Trustees convened in regular and open session on March14, 2016 at 7:03 pm at the Village Office, 922 Sherman, Potter, Nebraska. Chairman Casey Smith presided. Trustees pres-ent: Richard Musil and John Herboldsheimer.

Others: Melissa Waggoner, Kathy Green, Peg Musil, Kirk Enevoldsen, Sharon Stecher and, Randy and Brad Sutton.

Items Approved:

Consent Calendar for the March 14, 2016, meeting, and to accept the Financial and Treasurers reports for February 29, 2016.

Claims: Payroll 6135.04, Taxes Fed W/H 1929.24, Neb. Dept. of Revenue 500.00-Sales Tax, City of Sidney 733.50-Ser, CenturyLink 207.12-Ser, HSA 160.20, Frenchman Valley Coop 302.56-Su, Source Gas 649.97-Ser, Dalton Telephone Co. 16.00-Ser, Denise Cook 50.00-Ser, Sidney Sun Telegraph 30.27-Ser, Enviro Service Inc. 18.00-Ser, US Postal Service 323.55-Su, Ideal Linen Supply 22.56-Ser, High West Energy 6850.06-Ser, Staples Credit Plan 54.38-Su, Contractor’s Materials 30.95-Su, David Carew 8.55-Su, Finney’s Inc. 21.06-Su, Spic & Span Cleaners 340.00-Su, Sargent Drilling 450-00-Ser, Barco Municipal Products 561.95-Su, SoftlineData 104.50-Su, RJ Meyer & Associates 8250.00-Ser, Scooter’s Auto Body & Repair 309.90-Su, Shop Rent-500.00, Admin Fees-2250.00, Replenish Debit Card 103.70-Ser & Su, Total $30,913.06.


Acceptedthe 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Audit as presented.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM. A complete copy

of the minutes is available for viewing at the Village Office. /s/ Melissa WaggonerVillage Clerk

[Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016]



NEBRASKAEstate of Sharon D. Robinson,

Deceased Estate No. PR16-10

Notice is hereby given that on March 4, 2016, in the County Court of Cheyenne County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of Will of said Decedent and that James Bradley Robinson, whose address is 4353 SW 112th Street, Denton, Nebraska 68339, was informal-ly appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate.

Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before May 10, 2016, or be forever barred./s/ Lori BartlingClerk of the County Court1000 10th AvenueSidney, Nebraska 69162/s/ Steven F. Mattoon, NSBA No. 15110Matzke & Mattoon, L.L.C.P. O. Box 316Sidney, Nebraska 69162-0316(308) 254-5595

[Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 9, 16 & 23, 2016]


Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality DivisionNotice is given to the pub-

lic, according to Chapter 14 of Title 129 - Nebraska Air Quality Regulations, regarding the application of Sidney Regional Medical Center (FID# 104083) for permission to construct an emergency generator engine at

a hospital (Standard Industrial Classification code 8062) locat-ed at 1775 Greenwood Rd. in Sidney, Nebraska.

The anticipated increase in emissions of air contaminants due to the proposed construc-tion is estimated in the follow-ing table:

Pollutant, Emissions (tons/year);

Particulate Matter (PM), 0.18;

PM smaller than or equal to 10 microns (PM10), 0.18;

PM smaller than or equal to 2.5 microns (PM2.5), 0.18;

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), 0.22;Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx),

5.87;Carbon Monoxide (CO),

3.18;Volatile Organic Compounds

(VOC), 0.36;Hazardous Air Pollutants

(HAPs), < 0.01;Greenhouse Gases (GHG),

CO2 equivalent, 635.60;Cheyenne County meets the

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for those pollutants subject to a NAAQS and isexpected to continue in that status. No impact is antici-pated on habitat for any rare or threatened species.

The Department proposes to issue a construction permit with specific conditions, based on Title 129 - Nebraska Air Quality Regulations, which:

Limit engine operation to no more than 500 hours per year; and

Specify recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

The proposed permit and supporting materials are avail-able for inspection at the office of the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, Suite 400, 1200 “N” Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 and at http://deq.ne.gov. These materials were also forwarded to the Sidney Public Library.

Inquiries may be made at (402) 471-2186 or [email protected] . Individuals requiring special accommo-dations or alternate formats of materials should notify the Department by calling (402) 471-2186. TDD users should call (800) 833-7352 and ask the relay operator to call the Departmentat (402) 471-2186.

Within 30 days after the initial publication of this notice, persons may submit written comments relative to the issu-ance of the proposed permitor petition the Director for public hearing. Comments received during the 30 day public notice period, ending April 21, 2016, will be considered prior to the final decision to issue or to deny the proposed permit. A request or petition for a hearing must state the nature of the issues to be raised and all arguments and factual grounds supporting such position. If a public hear-ing is granted by the Director, the hearing will be advertised by public notice at least 30 days prior to its occurrence.

Persons requiring further information, wanting to sub-mit comments, or requesting a hearing may email “[email protected]” or mail them to David Graiver, Air Quality Division, P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-8922.

[Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016]


The Cheyenne County Fairboard will meet in open and public session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 4, 2016 in the Fairboard office, at the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds./s/ Gerald Frerichs President

[Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on March 23, 2016]


WednesdayMarch 23, 2016

sidney sun-TelegraphOnLine:www.suntelegraph.com



Mechanical/electrical Designers or techniciansspecialized engineering solutions (ses) is a mechanical, electrical,

plumbing, fire protection, and technology engineering and commissioning firm with offices in Omaha, Ogallala, Sidney, and Denver. SES has a local, regional, and national reputation as experts in the design of building infrastructure sys-tems in healthcare, government, education, industrial, and commercial facilities. Our fundamental values that guide us are based on our collaborative ideology of design, innovation, relationship-building, and partnering with our clients. A commitment to these values and a willingness to challenge ourselves contribute to an energized, productive workplace and successful projects.

SES is seeking self-motivated, detailed-oriented mechanical/electrical Designers/Technicians to work on multi-discipline project teams to provide computer-aided design expertise using Revit and AutoCAD. The Designer/Tech-nician will work closely with Engineers to create, update, and revise drawings of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems consistent with in-struction, guidelines, and standards for client submission. This position is highly autonomous and also involves meetings with clients to discuss building system designs, field visits to client sites to gather information for project drawings, and site observations during construction to monitor the status of projects.

SES believes that the character of people is what contributes to the successful development of our business. We are a family-oriented work setting and believe that work and fun can occur simultaneously. In order to provide a flexible and fun environment, we strongly believe that all people deserve to be treated with integrity and respect. SES rewards employees and offers a competitive benefits package. Some of these benefits and rewards include:

• Competitive Salaries• Health Insurance including Dental and Vision• Disability and Life Insurance• 401k (after 1 year of employment) • A Flexible Work Schedule• Paid Time Off and Holiday Pay• Bonuses• Educational Assistance• Profit Sharing

To apply, please e-mail your resume to [email protected].

50% OFF First month’s rent!

Sioux Villa has 2 & 3 Bedrooms units available now.

Very affordable rent. Tenant is responsible for all utilities. If you need warm, durable

housing, check out Sioux Villa Apartments. NO INCOME

RESTRICTIONS. Applications are available at 2459 11th Ave. and at 1844 Ash St or call 308-254-3670 for more information. Visit us online at www.scottsbluffhousing.

com and find us on Facebook: Sidney Housing Authority!

Sioux Villa is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

Skyview At Bridgeport

Part time RNPart time HousekeepersCNA positions available

***sign-on bonus for fT***Competitive benefits

& mileageApply online or in person


Chief of PoliCeCity of Sidney Police Dept. Must possess demonstrated

leadership skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, high integrity and demonstrated success in community

policing. See www.cityofsidney.org under “About Us” for more information. Contact Jo Houser, 254-7002 for application.

Deadline: 4/4 by 5 p.m. EOE

Is currently accepting applications and resumes for the following full-time position:

Full Time Teller Will handle customer deposits and payments.

Front line position requires good customer service skills.Send resumes with work history, education, and references to Bob Olsen, President of Security

First Bank-Sidney Branch. No Phone Calls please. Applicants will be notified if selected for further interviews. Security First Bank offers an attractive benefit package. Security First

Bank is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or

national origin. Security First Bank, Member FDIC.

CASHIERS3 p.m. - 11 p.m.11 p.m. - 7 a.m.

Full Time$12.00 per hour

Pre-Employment Drug Test Required

Apply Online at www.sappbros.net

Solid Waste HandlerCity of Sidney Solid Waste Department. Looking for a motivated, dependable, and hardworking person to provide trash collection for residents on assigned routes. H.S. diploma or equiv., possess CDL or obtain CDL Learner’s Permit within 20 days, and a good driving record. Ability to lift up to 85 lbs. Pre-emp. and random drug testing, and physical capacity testing. Some weekend and

holiday duty may apply. See www.cityofsidney.org under “About Us” for more information. Contact Jo Houser,

254-7002, for application. Deadline: 3/28 by 5 p.m. EOE

Now accepting Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Applications (Bring in original Social Security Cards

& driver’s license or other legal document)Sioux Villa Office1844 Ash Street

Sidney, NE 69162Monday – Thursday 10AM – 1 PMHousing Choice Voucher briefings

will now be held in Sidney by appointment.

The reason publication of legal notices is required in newspapers is YOU, the citizen. In a Democracy, the government is required to inform you of the public business, because you and

your neighbors are the basis for government. These notices provide essential information about all local government entities, including schools, cities, villages and counties. A Democracy is a system of checks and balances. Your right to know and be informed is a check on government.

Public notices shed light on the actions of all governmental bodies, but it’s up to you, the citizen, to read them and obtain more information if necessary about the actions that impact you.

Practice Democracy. reaD your LegaL Notices. They’re crucial To Democracy.