Republika e Kosovës Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo Qeveria Vlada Government Ministria e Mjedisit dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor Ministarstvo Sredine i Prostornog Planiranja Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Regional Workshop of the EU PLATFORM ON COEXISTENCE BETWEEN PEOPLE AND LARGE CARNIVORES Legal framework, population size and monitoring, human-large carnivore conflict and coexistence Hotel Mediteran, Budva, Montenegro, 6 November 2018

Legal framework, population size and monitoring, human

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Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo

Qeveria – Vlada – Government

Ministria e Mjedisit dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor

Ministarstvo Sredine i Prostornog Planiranja

Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Regional Workshop of the




Legal framework, population size and monitoring, human-large

carnivore conflict and coexistence

Hotel Mediteran, Budva, Montenegro, 6 November 2018

Status of Large Carnivores

Status of Large carnivores in Kosovo according to the recent

monitoring activities, made by the institutions in charge (Kosovo

Institute for Nature Protection) and Projects developed in the past

(example. ERA/Balkan Lynx Recovery Programe) is,

Brown bear (Ursus arctos) number of individuals 80 - 100

Wolf (Canis lupus) “ “ up to 100

Balkan Lynx (Lynx lynx) “ “ up to 6

2 individuals of Balkan Lynx are confirmed with trap camera.

Data source (ERA/BLRP)


Balkan Lynx , in Bjeshkët e Nemuna , by ERA/BLRP



Dead individual of Balkan Lynx in Bjeshkët e Nemuna, ERA/BLRP

National and International legal framework

Transposition of the EU acquis in the nature protection sector is already well advanced.

• The Wild Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive are fully transposed by the

Law No.03/L-233 on Nature Protection.

• Implementation of the Leg hold traps Regulation is defined by the Law on Nature

Protection No.03/L-233, prohibits the use of any device for capturing and killing

wild animal species.

• As regards the CITES Regulation there has been some progress, Administrative

Instruction No. 26/2012 on the cross-border movement and trade in wild protected


• Due fact that Kosovo is not a Party of CITES Convention, we are facing with

problems with recognition of our documents (permits and certificates) from Custom

authorities in neighboring countries.

• Law No. 02/L-53 on hunting regulates sustainable management, breeding,

protection, hunting and use of wild fauna as natural wealth of general interest which

enjoy special protection.


Administrative Instruction No.18/2012

According to Administrative Instruction No.18/2012 for the

proclamation of Wild species Protected and strictly protected,

• Brown bear is autochthonous wild specie protected;

• Canis Lupus (Wolf) is autochthonous wild specie strictly


• Lynx lynx is autochthonous wild specie strictly protected.


International conventions relevant for the legal status of the


Due to known reasons Kosovo is not yet a Member of United

Nations Organization and has not ratified biodiversity related

international conventions and treaties, but through national

legislation implement main principles of Conventions and

treaties, related to LC as well.


Monitoring of LCs

Monitoring activities and inventory of biodiversity in nature protected areas, in general is responsibility of

Kosovo Institute for Nature Protection.

KINP for the monitoring of LC’s has installing monitoring devices – camera traps within the two National

Parks “Sharri” and “Bjeshket e Nemuna”. mostly on places where it is believed that they are potential

movement routes for wild animals.

Balkan Lynx Recovery Program from ERA and FINCH

Stratified monitoring program conducted successfully from 2012

Main result is the re confirmation of the Balkan lynx

Name of organization:

Environmentally Responsible Action group

Title of the project Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme


ERA/BLRP 6th sampling period 2018



Methods: Local Ecological Knowledge - Baseline survey questionnaires

Systematic camera trapping;

Study areas: Bjeshkët e Nemuna/Accursed Mts. western Kosovo along

border with Montenegro, Pashtrik Mt. south-west Kosovo bordering

Albania, Shalë central-north Kosovo, and Sharri mountain range.

Camera Trap Database are managed from ERA and FINCH

Data's are sensitive and currently they are not public, they can be available

through Kosovo Institute for Nature Protection.

Data collection and management is responsibility of MESP through KINP.


Management of LCs

• No Management Plans for Large mammals at all.

Other institutions in charge for management are:

• Kosovo Forest Agency, through Directorate of

Wildlife and Hunting

• Kosovo Hunting Federation.


Organization of Nature Conservation

• Kosovo’s MESP is responsible for nature conservation issues.

• Administrative and professional tasks Department of Environment

Protection and Waters – Division for Nature Protection.

• Monitoring & Reporting and Administration of Nature Protected Areas –

Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency.

• Inspective tasks – Department of Inspectorate

• Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is in charge for

commercial activities and sustainable use of natural resources.

• The Municipalities have responsibilities in nature conservation issues, as

well (Hunting, forestry etc.).



Lack of management Plans for LC’s;

Illegal hunting as a big threat for LC’s, most ‘hunters’ don’t

have the knowledge about possible impacts of unsustainable

hunting on biodiversity;

Lack of partnership with main Conventions;

Weak cooperation with courts, police and other relevant

institutions as regards illegal activities;

Lack of professional staff in hunting areas;

Lack of compensation schemes in place for damages caused by

strictly protected animals to domestic animals.


Video Brown bear in Bjeshkët e Nemuna, source ERA/BLRP


Thank you for attention!

Ismail Hetemaj – Head of Nature Protection

Division, [email protected] Bardh Sanaja – NGO ERA

[email protected]


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