L:ETTERE AL NUOVO OI~tENTO VOL. 28, 1~. 18 30 Agost0 1980 Left-Right Symmetry Breaking and Fermlon Masses (*). J.-M. FI~R~ (**) (***) :Faeult~ des Sciences, Universit~ ~ibre de Bruxeltes : Bruxelles (ricevuto il 20 Giugno 1980) The smallness of the u- and d-quark current masses has often led to the suggestion that they might result entirely from radiative corrections through Cabibbo mixing with the heavier quarks. We examine this possibility in the framework of models based on dynamical symmetry breaking (DSB). We will show that quite strict limits are imposed on the values ot heavier fermion and boson masses, as well as on WL-W n mixing. Since the neutral weak-interaction bosons (Z ~ and A) axe insensitive to Cabibbo mixing and the pure left-handed W E are unable to transfer mass to fermions, we are forced to extend the standard model of weak interactions at least to SU2L| SU2R| U1. A mixing of W~. and WR bosons is induced by fermion masses via fig. la). The initially massless neutrinos and u, d quarks then get mass from the graph lb). In (~spontaneously~) broken schemes, involving the scalar fields, the energy- dependent fermion masses mi(q ~) behave as constants in first order, and the vacuum polarization loop (=A(q~)) generally diverges. Renormalization requires (infinite) counterterms from the scalar sector of the Lagrangian, and the value of A thus becomes a free parameter in the theory. Although graph lb) is finite, the presence of tadpoles also prevents any determination of the neutrino mass (1). If we consider instead that fermion masses are of dynamical origin (2) the situa- tion becomes entirely different. Since scalars are excluded from the Lagrangian, the appearance of mass may not provoke any new divergences. This imposes in particular that the momentum-dependent masses mi(q ~) decrease when lq2[--~c~, a common feature of all models exhibiting DSB. Of course, calculations are much more difficult in this framework. For instance, the value of the mixing A(0) is now in principle calculable, since the vacuum polarization bubble converges, but it involves the values of m~(q 2) for all q2, which are in general not known explicitly, and in practice all we (*) This work was supported in part by the Belgium state and the contract ARC 79/83-12. (**) Charg6 de Recherehes du FNRS. (***) Present address: Theory Division, CERN, Geneva. (1) G. C. BRAI~COand G. SENJANOVIO: Phys. Rev. D, 18, 1621 (1978). (~) F. ENGLERT, J. M. FR~RE and P. NICOLETOPOULOS: Phys. Left. B, 59, 346 (1975); L. SUSS~rIND: SLAC-PUB-2142; S. WEINBERG: Phys. Rev. D, 19, 1227 (1979). 619

Left-right symmetry breaking and fermion masses

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Page 1: Left-right symmetry breaking and fermion masses

L:ETTERE AL NUOVO OI~tENTO VOL. 28, 1~. 18 30 Agost0 1980

Left-Right Symmetry Breaking and Fermlon Masses (*).

J . -M. F I ~ R ~ (**) (***)

:Faeult~ des Sciences, Universit~ ~ibre de Bruxeltes : Bruxelles

(r icevuto il 20 Giugno 1980)

The smallness of the u- and d -quark current masses has often led to the suggest ion t h a t t h e y migh t result ent i re ly f rom rad ia t ive correct ions t h rough Cabibbo mix ing wi th the heav ie r quarks. W e examine this possibi l i ty in the f ramework of models based on dynamica l s y m m e t r y breaking (DSB). We will show t h a t quite str ict l imi ts are imposed on the values ot heav ie r fermion and boson masses, as well as on WL-W n mixing.

Since the neu t ra l weak- in te rac t ion bosons (Z ~ and A) axe insensi t ive to Cabibbo mix ing and the pure le f t -handed W E are unable to t ransfer mass to fermions, we are forced to ex t end the s tandard model of weak in terac t ions at least to SU2L| SU2R| U1. A mix ing of W~. and WR bosons is induced by fermion masses v ia fig. la). The ini t ia l ly massless neu t r inos and u, d quarks then get mass f rom the g raph lb).

I n (~spontaneously~) broken schemes, invo lv ing the scalar fields, t he energy- dependen t fe rmion masses mi(q ~) behave as constants in first order, and the v a c u u m polar izat ion loop (=A(q~)) general ly diverges. Renormal i za t ion requires (infinite) coun te r t e rms f rom the scalar sector of the Lagrangian , and the va lue of A thus becomes a free p a r a m e t e r in the theory. A l though graph lb) is finite, t he presence of tadpoles also p reven t s any de te rmina t ion of t he neut r ino mass (1).

I f we consider instead t h a t fe rmion masses are of dynamica l origin (2) the si tua- t ion becomes ent i re ly different. Since scalars are exc luded f rom the Lagrangian , t he appearance of mass m a y no t p rovoke any new divergences. This imposes in pa r t i cu la r t h a t t he m o m e n t u m - d e p e n d e n t masses mi(q ~) decrease when lq2[--~c~, a common fea ture of all models exhib i t ing DSB. Of course, calculat ions are much more difficult in this f ramework . Fo r instance, the va lue of the mix ing A(0) is now in pr inciple calculable, since the v a c u u m polar izat ion bubble converges, bu t i t involves the values of m~(q 2) for all q2, which are in general no t known explici t ly , and in pract ice all we

(*) This work was supported in part by the Belgium state and the contract ARC 79/83-12. (**) Charg6 de Recherehes du FNRS. (***) Present address: Theory Division, CERN, Geneva. (1) G. C. BRAI~CO and G. SENJANOVIO: Phys. Rev. D, 18, 1621 (1978). (~) F. ENGLERT, J. M. FR~RE and P. NICOLETOPOULOS: Phys. Left. B, 59, 346 (1975); L. SUSS~rIND: SLAC-PUB-2142; S. WEINBERG: Phys. Rev. D, 19, 1227 (1979).


Page 2: Left-right symmetry breaking and fermion masses

6 2 0 J . -U. F I ~ R ~




L ' , , ~ R qL qL m qR qR


a) b)

Fig. 1. - a) WL-W R mixing induced by fermion masses; b) fermion mass correction.

4- L ~ R

c a n give is an estimation based on dimensional analysis:

(1) ~gA A(0) _ 4= mJ0)mj(0) .

We will come back to eq. (1) later, but instead of using this crude value, we now turn to experiment and see which constraints actually l imit A(q2).

I t is convenient to re-express the interaction in terms of mass eigenstates of the Yang-Mills bosons. If M L and M R are the masses of the original bosons, the new ones will have masses Mx and Ms, and the diagonalization is caraeterized by a mixing angle ~.

In the limit of weak mixing, we have

A(0) (2) sin 8 _~ - -

Limits of these parameters from scattering and desintegration experiments have been studied by B~G, BUDNu ~OHAPATRA and SIRLIN (3). They obtain

(3) M~IMI > 2.76, - - 0.06< tg ~ < 0.054.

Wi th this estimate in hand we now turn to the evaluation of fermionic mass correc- tions. In the most straightforward S U2L • S U~R • U1 model, we expect to find the two doublets (~e, e)L and (re, e)R.

We thus calculate the neutrino mass implied by this scheme, as shown in fig. lb). Neglecting the q~-dependence of both A(q 2) and mJq2), which is now a good

approximation, since the integral converges quickly, and evaluating the graph for vanishing external momentum, we obtain

(4) g~ 3 sin ~ cos dq~ 2:3(0) = 4= 4-~ (q2_ ~ , ) ( q 2 ~ ) ( q 2 _ ~ ) ,

Where 2:3 refers to the scalar part of the inverse fermionie propagator s-l(p) = p Z I + 2:3; t h e (generalized) Landau gauge (~) was adopted to avoid the appearance of infinite

(*) M, A. BEG, R. BUDNY, R. MOHAPATRA and A. SIRLIN: Phys. Rev. Lett., 38, 1252 (1977). (4) K. JOHNSON, M. BAKER and R. WXLI~Y: Phys. Rev. Sect. B, 136, 1111 (1964).

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L ] ~ F T - R I G H T S Y M ~ ] ~ T R Y B R E A K I N G A N D F ] ~ R M I O N M A S S E S 621

renormal iza t ion of 2~ 1 (in fact , Zl(0 ) = 1 in this gauge). I t is qui te in teres t ing to observe t h a t the bounds presented in (3) yield, according to (4) a neutr ino mass j u s t a fac tor of 3 above the exper imenta l l imi t of 60 eV!

W e h a v e indeed


m 2 I n 'D~b 2

(M~ - - m,2)(m ~ - M~)

3 g~ 2:2(0 ) = - - - - sin ~ cos ~ m ( M i - - M~).

4z~ 4~

~ In M , ~ :~.~ in ~ ~- (m ~ _ ~ ~ ~ + ~ 2 ~ MI)(M I - M~) (M I - M~)(M~ -- m ~)

3 g2 . M~ 105 eV 4--~ ~ sm ~m. In ~ < 2 sin 2 0 w "

Since M ~ / M 1 cannot be lowered, we obta in a s l ight ly more severe l imi ta t ion on }:

(6) sin ~ < ~ [ 3 g2 M~]-I 3.5" 10 -2 2 sin ~ 0 w �9

As far as no mix ing be tween leptons (in fact, no neut r ino bare masses) is considered, i t is readi ly seen t h a t no fur ther const ra in ts arise f rom considering mass correct ions f rom ~, �9 to the i r respect ive neutr inos.

Keep ing (6) in mind, we now t u r n to the eva lua t ion of mass corrections to quarks. Our purpose is to find out whe ther the current mass of t he first doublet of quarks could arise solely form rad ia t ive corrections, by assuming all the quark masses and mixings to be given.

This is possible only for t he l ighter doublet . I f 2 massless doublets were present, t he Cabibbo mix ing of one of t h e m could always be ro t a t ed away.

W e have p lo t t ed in fig. 2 the va lue of the in tegra l appear ing in (4) for different values of m~ and M~, adopt ing the m a x i m u m value of ~ f rom (6).

3/1 is assumed to t ake the c o m m o n l y admi t t ed va lue of 68 GeV. Since the mass of u and d m a y only arise by Cabibbo mixing wi th the o ther doublets, we in t roduce 0~ and 0m, for t he ma t r ix e lements l inking, respect ively, L and R components of the i - t h double t to t h e first one.

A first, qua l i t a t ive observat ion f rom fig. 2 is tha t , as long as the heavy -qua rk masses m~ do no t exceed 21/2, 2:2 grows wi th m~. Since neut ra l currents are not subject to Cabibbo mixing, the only cont r ibut ions to the u -quark mass come f rom the lower members of o ther doublets ; this is consis tent w i th m~/md<. 1 if in heavier doublets, the lowest componen t is always the l ighter (as seems to be t he case for (c, s), and (t, b).)

On the side of orders of magni tude , however , the p ic tu re is less appealing. The induced mass is indeed of order

(7) minting.d= 0i~0Rt~2(0) ,

if we t ake 0~ to be of the same order as the usual Cabibbo mix ing 0Li --~ 0.2. (More f reedom is p e r m i t t e d in th is choice by the possibi l i ty of lep ton mixing, which allows us to re lax the usual restr ict ions (s).)

(6) B. W. LEE and It. E. SHROCK: Phys. Rev. D, 16, 1444 (1977).

Page 4: Left-right symmetry breaking and fermion masses

622 j.-M. FR~RE


rncl. = 7 M eV M 2 = 2500 GeV



rn u = 4MeV



i =150 I I I I I I I

0 500 1000 1500 2000 m i (GeV)

Fig. 2. - ~= = sin ~raax(g'14~)(3/4X~)~(m(Ml - - M~)/((p' 4- m*)(p" 4- MI)(p = + MI))) p ' dp'.



To f ind t h e lowest v a l u e of M s c o m p a t i b l e w i t h such a m e c h a n i s m a n d t h e c o m m o n l y a d o p t e d va lues r a n : 4 MeV, m d : 7 MeV we a s s u m e m a x i m u m m i x i n g of t h e r igh t - h a n d lep tons , i . e . O R : 1 a n d o b t a i n

(8a) M~ ~ 2500 G e V .

I n t h i s case, t h e masses of t h e h e a v y doub le t of q u a r k s are found to b e

(8b) role w = 380 G e V , mhlgh= 2500 GeV .

Are the se va lues sufficient to p r o v i d e a d y n a m i c a l or ig in of ~? W e h a v e a s s u m e d t h a t ~ t akes i t s m a x i m u m value , w h i c h in t h i s case is f o u n d f rom eq. (6) to b e 0 . 9 % .

Acco rd ing to (1), (2) a n d t h e va lues (8), however , a n d t a k i n g 3 eolours i n to accoun t , we w o u l d o b t a i n ~ 0 .6%! w h i c h is of t he r i g h t o rde r of m a g n i t u d e .

A l t e r n a t i v e l y , we can look for t h e abso lu te m i n i m u m va lues of mhi~h a n d mlo~; these are o b t a i n e d in t h e l i m i t M s - * oo, a n d are r e a d f r o m fig. 2 to b e

(9) ~ n 200 G e V , rain 350 GeV T t ~ l o w = ~bhig h = .

Thi s c i r c u m s t a n c e suggests a t e s t of t h e a p p l i c a b i l i ~ of t h e p roposed m e c h a n i s m .

Page 5: Left-right symmetry breaking and fermion masses


I t was shown indeed by VV,~TMAN (~) that the occurrence of widely split fermion doublets would modify the relation between m w and m z in a S U~ • U1 model (which we approach effectively, due to the high value of mwa ). If one considers 3 (eoloured) doublets of quarks

Q = m w l m z cos 2 0w (= 1 in and the min imum mass splitting given by eq. (9), the ratio 2 the standard model) would already be affected by a 0.6% correction. This is not too far from the present precision of the measurements (~).

Finally, I would like to stress that at least for small fermion mass the effect studied above only depends on the mass ratio of the left and right-handed bosons, and not on their individual value, as is best seen from eq. (5). For this reason, the presence of right- handed bosons in unified schemes of strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions could have similar consequences, and link together lepton and quark masses, even if the bosons are supcrheavy.

(6) 1~. VELTMAN" Nucl. Phys. B, 123, 89 (1977). (7) I , LIEDE a n d ~vI. R o o s : He l s ink i p r e p r i n t HV-TFT-79/27 (1979).