1 Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass) November 21, 2018

Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

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Page 1: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,


Lecture 23

Stellar Evolution &

Death (High Mass)

November 21, 2018

Page 2: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

High Mass Stars (M > 5 M

)Section 13.3 Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed.

• High mass stars have:

– More mass

– Greater gravity

– Higher temperatures and pressures in the core.

• Fusion reactions do not stop with Helium

burning in the core as they do in smaller



Page 3: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,


Page 4: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Star becomes giant similar to small mass star.

– Helium burning ends in core.

– Core contracts.

– Temp and pressure in core increase.

– He shell burning begins.

– Core continues collapse.

• Then carbon fusion begins in the core. Carbon

fuses into higher-mass elements.

• Process continues as core runs out of fuel.


Page 5: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Fusion of different elements continues through

neon, oxygen, silicon and finally iron.


Page 6: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Star expands to

become a


• Star moves

back and forth

on the HR

diagram with

each type of



Page 7: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Each stage of fusion lasts for a shorter

period of time

Fusion Temp

(million K)


H 40 7 mill. yrs

He 200 500000 yrs

C 600 600 yrs

Ne 1200 1 yr

O 1500 6 mo.

Si 2700 1 day


Page 8: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Death of High Mass Star

• Iron builds up in the core.

• Iron cannot be fused and produce

more energy.


• What keeps iron

core from


First: electron


Page 9: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• After core has a mass greater than 1.4 M

(Chandrasekhar limit) the electron

degeneracy is not strong enough.

• Electrons are forced to combine with the

protons to create neutrons.

• Core collapses until pressure from physical

force of neutrons bouncing against each

other stops it.

• Core rebounds and runs into outer material

that is still falling inward.

Death of a High Mass Star9

Page 10: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Supernova• Collision produces huge

shock wave pushing all

material outward in an

immense explosion called a


• Explosion can be as bright as

an entire galaxy (billions of

stars) for a few days


• Some of the energy creates elements heavier than

iron. These elements are distributed to the rest of the


• Interactive Fig 13.17 core detail

• Interactive Fig 13.15 track on HR diagram

Page 11: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Supernova 1987a11

Page 12: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Eta Carinae (100-150 Solar Masses)Last outburst in 1841


Page 13: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Supernova leave a large shell of slowly

expanding material around a central core

(supernova remnant).


Page 14: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Stars like the Sun probably do not form

iron cores during their evolution because


A. all the iron is ejected when they become

planetary nebulas.

B. their cores never get hot enough for them to

make iron by nucleosynthesis.

C. the iron they make by nucleosynthesis is all

fused into uranium.

D. their strong magnetic fields keep their iron in

their atmospheres.

E. they live such a short time that it is impossible

for iron to form in their cores.

Page 15: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Neutron StarsSection 14.2 Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed.

• Supernova remnant

• Tightly packed neutron core.

• Size ~ 20 km (small asteroid or city)

• Mass ~ 1.4 to 3 M

• Density very high

– 1 tsp. > 100,000,000 tons on Earth.

• Some stars rotate many times per second

– Conservation of angular momentum


Page 16: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Strong magnetic field

– When star collapses, magnetic field is



Page 17: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Neutron Star -- HST17

Page 18: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

A. Region A

B. Region B

C. Region C

D. Region D

E. Region E

F. Region F

G. Region G

H. Region H


Where would a neutron star be found

on an H-R diagram?

Page 19: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,


A. Region A

B. Region B

C. Region C

D. Region D

E. Region E

F. Region F

G. Region G

H. Region H

Where would a neutron star be found

on an H-R diagram?

Neutron stars are hot and very tiny so they’d be found

near region F on an H-R diagram.

Page 20: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,


• 1967 Jocelyn Bell

– Observed object emitting pulses of radio waves.

– Pulses repeated every 1.34 seconds


Page 21: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Hundreds more have been found.

• Some pulse in optical, X-rays, or gamma rays.

• Periods typically range from 0.03 to 0.30 sec.

Periods gradually increase with pulsar’s age

– Angular momentum is not fully conserved

– Earth slows due to tidal friction

– Pulsars slow due to radiated energy

• Some pulsars are associated with supernova



Page 22: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Hewitt proposed it is

a rapidly rotating

neutron star beaming


– Magnetic pole and

rotational axis not

quite lined up.

– Strong magnetic


– Charged particles at

poles of magnetic

fields and emit large

amounts of energy.

“Lighthouse Model”


Page 23: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

• Not all neutron stars are seen to pulse

– Beam may not be pointed at the Earth

– Animation (Arny & Schneider, Explorations, 5th ed., Figure 14-9)

– Unknown if all neutron stars are pulsars

EarthEarth never sees

beam of energy

EarthEarth sees beam of



Page 24: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Crab Nebula


Page 25: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

Crab Pulsar

The pulsar must be young

because it is seen at visible and

X-ray wavelengths. Old

pulsars emit at lower energy

radio wavelengths.

Comins & Kaufmann, Discovering the

Universe 7th ed., Fig. 13-18.


Page 26: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

As time progresses, the pulse rate for most solitary

pulsars is

A. decreasing, because rotational energy is

being used to generate the pulses.

B. remaining constant due to conservation of

angular momentum.

C. varying periodically as the neutron star

expands and contracts

D. increasing, because the neutron star slowly



Page 27: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

The Age of Star ClustersSection 12.3 Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed.

• Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars

• Globular Clusters -- Old, tightly bound group of

100’s or 1000’s of stars

• All stars in a cluster are formed at the same time.

• Age of a cluster can be determined by looking at

what point the stars turn off of the main sequence

“turn-off point”.

• Age of Cluster = Lifetime of star at turn-off point.


Page 28: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

28 Figure 20.17,

Chaisson and McMillan,

5th ed. Astronomy Today,

© 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall

Interactive Figure 12.17

Page 29: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

29 Illustrative movie

Page 30: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,


• Young Cluster -- Hyades cluster

• Around 600 million years old

Figure 20.19,

Chaisson and McMillan,

5th ed. Astronomy Today,

© 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall

Page 31: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,


• Old Cluster -- 47 Tucanae

• One of the oldest clusters, about 12 to 14 billion years old

Figure 20.20,

Chaisson and McMillan,

5th ed. Astronomy Today,

© 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall

Page 32: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

The Pleiades is a very young cluster. What would you

expect its overall color to be when observed from the Earth?

A. Blue

B. Yellow/White

C. Red

D. None of the above


Page 33: Lecture 23 Stellar Evolution & Death (High Mass)Bennett, The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th ed. • Open Clusters --loose clusters of 10-100 stars • Globular Clusters -- Old,

End of material on Exam 3

Exam 3 Information

• Bring a #2 pencil!

• Bring a calculator. No cell phones or tablets


• Contents:

– Worked-out problems (2 questions, 10 points)

– True/False (10 questions, 20 points)

– Multiple Choice (35 questions, 70 points.

None of these require a calculation.)