Leave The Last Chip

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Leave the Last Chip is an Illustrated Books Project funded by Media Box. An initiative of Thomas Adams School's Media Arts Programme and delivered in partnership with Qube Arts, this project has established new opportunities for young people to develop and reflect their interests, concerns and creativity.

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the first thing we do is wake up

In the morning, I run myself a bath. I get in,

wash my hair first and my body, then I get dry

and get changed. I make myself a cup of tea and

then make my breakfast. When I get dressed I

am thinking about going into the kitchen to get

breakfast. I eat my breakfast in the dining room

and drink my tea after. I have cornflakes.

I sit with other people to eat my breakfast

then I come to the laundry room and get a towel

and a flannel out of the cupboard, then have a

wash – After tea I put the washing back in the

laundry room.

I go in my room, get changed and watch tele.

It takes me a long time to pick things out of

my wardrobe and choose what to wear. I’ve

got favourite


t-shirt and top.

In here, I’ve got pants, socks

and some pyjamas.

I keep everything organised and tidy. I

don’t like it when it is a mess!! (laughs)

Next, I like playing my Gameboy my favourite

game is Pokemon.

Later, I get my book and take it

downstairs to college.

My timetable is on it and my


Today is Thursday. I go to the

Leisure room. We are going to Space

to do the illustrated book project.

In the afternoons I do Leisure like filming,

poems, illustration. I like Leisure

We make all sorts of things in leisure. my favorite colour is red.

We do lots of things at college. i do Writing and stuff. We use computers and i like letter Writing. i Write to my mum because she likes getting them. i also Wrote a poem about the sun and the moon.

Hello Reception

Sometimes I work on reception (on reception using the lap-top) Writing (using speaking programme) My name is Liam Farnsworth, I am nineteen years old. (He answers the phone) Hello, reception.

I also like eating. I like pasta and I like cooking pasta with tomato sauce

I cook a lot at Loppington in Life Skills. I also wash-up and dry up and make sure everything is clean.

but I don’t like salad

After college, I go to my room and listen to my music. Sometimes I can hear Lisa’s music next door - it’s loud. I go to her room and ask her to turn her music down. I do like music - I’ve got these. (cds) I listen to Abba and I read books sometimes like this one (“The Twits” – Roald Dahl)

I read some books and I do some writing and they normally call me when it’s tea time. After tea I like to watch tele. The programmes I like are Eastenders, Emmerdale and Big Brother.

After tea, we can do computer clubs, letter writing and aerobics(Liam touches toes and arms up and out)

And there’s Science and Nature on a Thursday night– natural disasters its like volcanoes and earthquakes, big waves, flooding

I have my supper, then have a wash and say goodnight to everyone. I put my pyjamas on and listen to music before I go to sleep .

I’m not scared of the dark, I lIke It dark

then I get out of bed and swItch my lIght off.

At the weekend, I usually listen to music in my room

Sometimes I have a lie-in.

I like to go shopping on a Saturday. I buy chocolate and that’s because I like chocolate. Usually I go to Asda. It is a big shop but I know my way around and I like it when it’s busy. I just go with my mum in Tamworth.

I like spending time with other people at college. I didn’t have

friends at my last school but I like Loppington. Because I’ve got friends, I’m happy

let’s have a look at your roomthis is a cool roomis this one your bed?

ryan - yes

Who sleeps in this one?

ryan - stuart

is he your friend?

ryan – yes, ryan’s bed

is this your television?

ryan - yes

What do you Watch?

ryan - blind date

Who does blind date

ryan - cilla black

What do you do to Watch tele?

ryan - get in bed

can i have a look at your book?

ryan - macdonalds

that’s Where you Work isn’t it?

this is a great room – you’ve got a sofa and everything.do you like this bedroom?

amy - yes, this is my tv

Who keeps this room tidy?

amy – me – spotless like hell?

What do you do to keep it tidy?

amy - polish, change my duvet

What’s on your board?

amy - my cat calendar

What month are We in?

amy – January – do you Want me to shoW you hoW i get up in the morning? then i get my breakfast and go doWnstairs.

do you enJoy spending time in your room amy?

amy – yes

kathy’s room

What number is it

kathy – number three

look hoW nice and bright it is. it’s got a desk – do you sit at the desk? What do you look at?

kathy - out of the WindoW

do you like it in here? do you like that vieW? can We see your photos? Who are these? are these all your boyfriends? (mcfly calendar) Who is on this one?

kathy - mummy and daddy from london

could you shoW spencer the trophy that you Won?

kathy - loppington house student of the year (she laughs)

do you look in the mirror before you leave to do your hair?

kathy - yes – very nice



Kathy ...So Kathy, when you are at Loppington College you do some……

Kathy – cooking

What do you cook? What do you do at Loppington in the morning?Do you like college?

Kathy - Yes

What’s your favourite thing? – Do you like Life Skills, Leisure or Working?

Kathy - Life Skills

What do you do?

Kathy - Cooking, clean my bedroom

Do you change your bed?

Kathy - Yes


Kathy - Yes

What else do you do?

Kathy - Dining Room

Do you polish?

Kathy - Yes

Who helps you?

Kathy - Kelly helps

So Kathy, when you get up in the morning what do you do first?

Kathy - Wash, I get dressed, have a cup of tea, toast, marmite

What do you do after you have had your breakfast?

Kathy - Brush my teeth

Where do we go downstairs to?

Kathy - College

Do you like going to work?

Kathy - Yes

Where do you go to work?

Kathy - I work on projects and reception

What do you do on reception?

Kathy - I say hello Kelly, Bye Kelly

What else do you do on reception?

Kathy /Bex - Photocopy, help with the sign in and out, say hello to people

Let’s talk about your next question

Kathy - Horseriding

Do you like it?

Kathy - Yes

What colour is your horse?

Kathy - Pink – (she laughs)

What do you have to take with you to go horse-riding?

Kathy - Hat and boots

What do you like to do in your bedroom, Kathy?

Kathy - Sing

What music do you like?

Kathy - Sunshine, Cheeky Girls – (she sings)

Kathy gets on the karaoke and does a bit of Cheeky Girls singingDo you like dancing, Kathy? – Do you like going to discos?

Kathy - Yes dancing with other people

So you like dancing, singing and discos. What else do you like to do – Do you watch tele?

Kathy - Yes

What does Kathy like to eat?

Kathy - Shepherds Pie, please, fish and chips

Does Kathy ever leave one chip?

Kathy – Noooo (she laughs)

What do you have to drink in the pub?

Kathy - Coke

Do you like going out with Pam to the pub?

Kathy - Yes

Do you have friends at Loppington?

Kathy - Gail

What about students?

Kathy - Darryl

Where’s Darryl now?

Kathy - He’s left

Do you miss him?

Kathy - Yes- he’s visiting

Who else is your friend?

Kathy - Stuart and Liam

Yes he comes and chats to you when you are on your own. Do you like being on your own, Kathy

Kathy - Yes I did Yes

Do you like college?

Kathy - Yes

Is there anything in college that you don’t like?

Kathy - It’s good, It’s good, Finish!!!

Are you happy then, Kathy?

Kathy - Yes

When you finish college where would you like to go?

Kathy - Back home, back home,

Would you like to work Kathy?

Kathy - With animals

What’s your favourite animal?

Kathy - Cats

Would you like a cat?

Kathy - Yes

Have we finished?

Thank you Kathy

(round of applause)

Ryan ...Can you tell me a little bit about this picture you have chosen?

Ryan – Tesco’s

Do you like going to Tesco’s?

Ryan - Tescos

What sort of things do you buy when you go there?

Ryan - Shopping

What do you put in the basket? Or in the trolley?

Ryan - Bread, milk

What about this picture?

Ryan - Macdonalds

Why did you choose the one with Macdonalds on?

Ryan - I like it

Where do you work?

Ryan - Macdonalds

What do you do there?

Ryan - Stack shelves, do the burgers

What do you eat when you are there?

Ryan - A big mac

Do you work with other people?

Ryan – Paul

Do you enjoy going to work?

Ryan - I like it.

What do you like doing at Loppington?

Ryan - Going to the shop, shopping at Tesco, we’re going to Asda.com on the internet.

When you’ve done your stopping what do you do?

Ryan - Bought stuff, pay for it at Sainsburys

Then, where do you go when you’ve paid for it?

Ryan - Life Skills

Do you like Life Skills or Leisure?

Ryan - Leisure

What do you choose to do in Leisure?

Ryan - Writing

What about?

Ryan - Abbey National

What else do you do in Leisure?

Ryan - TV, Blind Date, funny, Simpsons

Who do you like in the Simpsons?

Ryan - Bart

What does Bart say?

Ryan - Eat my shorts

What’s Ryan got?

Ryan - A wicked sense of humour (he laughs and round of applause)

In The Pub

Amy – Do you like the pub Lisa?

Lisa – Yes

Amy – What’s your name?

Lisa – Lisa

Amy – What drink do you want?

Lisa – Beer

Amy at bar . . .

Amy – Can I have a glass of lemonade please

Bar-man - £1.10 Cheers, my love. Would you like a vodka in that. (Amy laughs)