LEARNING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS RESPECT RESILIENCE Issue No. 10 30 June 2016 Principal’s Report LATROBE HIGH SCHOOL Department of Education Mid-year Reports We have reached the end of a successful term; students and staff are ready for a well-earned break. Over the last week, I have enjoyed reading students’ reports and trust that parents will gain a comprehensive understanding of how their son/daughter is progressing. Mid-year reports were mailed home today. Students will receive comments and an A to E rating for English, History, Geography, Maths, Science and Health and Physical Education. Ratings and comments have also been provided for all Personal Interest subjects. This is what the reporting pack will contain: A comprehensive report on all of your child’s subjects An attendance sheet that shows your child’s attendance for Term 1 and 2. Parent-teacher meetings will be held in the first week of Term 3, and a ten minute time slot is available with each teacher: Tuesday 19 July 3:30pm to 4:30pm Wednesday 20 July 3:30pm to 6:30pm Thursday 21 July 3:30pm to 4:30pm To make a booking, please contact the main office (64 261061) with a list of the teachers you would like to see. On Wednesday 20 July (4:00pm to 6:00pm), Don College staff will be available for Grade 10 parents to discuss anything involving Year 11 and Year 12. Continued on next page

LEARNING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS RESPECT RESILIENCE · A comprehensive report on all of your child’s subjects An attendance sheet that shows your child’s attendance for Term 1

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Page 1: LEARNING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS RESPECT RESILIENCE · A comprehensive report on all of your child’s subjects An attendance sheet that shows your child’s attendance for Term 1


Issue No. 10 30 June 2016

Principal’s Report


Department of Education

Mid-year Reports

We have reached the end of a successful term; students and staff are ready for a well-earned break.

Over the last week, I have enjoyed reading students’ reports and trust that parents will gain a

comprehensive understanding of how their son/daughter is progressing.

Mid-year reports were mailed home today. Students will receive comments and an A to E rating for

English, History, Geography, Maths, Science and Health and Physical Education. Ratings and comments

have also been provided for all Personal Interest subjects. This is what the reporting pack will contain:

A comprehensive report on all of your child’s subjects

An attendance sheet that shows your child’s attendance for Term 1 and 2.

Parent-teacher meetings will be held in the first week of Term 3, and a ten minute time slot is available

with each teacher:

Tuesday 19 July 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Wednesday 20 July 3:30pm to 6:30pm

Thursday 21 July 3:30pm to 4:30pm

To make a booking, please contact the main office (64 261061) with a list of the teachers you would like

to see. On Wednesday 20 July (4:00pm to 6:00pm), Don College staff will be available for Grade 10

parents to discuss anything involving Year 11 and Year 12.

Continued on next page

Page 2: LEARNING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS RESPECT RESILIENCE · A comprehensive report on all of your child’s subjects An attendance sheet that shows your child’s attendance for Term 1

Principal’s Report continued

Staff Changes

Two years ago, Mr Christie broke 2 bones in his leg and dislocated his ankle, whilst participating in a staff

versus student basketball match. He has had ongoing problems with his leg and had his fourth operation

last week. We wish Mr Christie a speedy recovery. He will be off work for the first three weeks of

Term 3. Mrs Allison Hart will be teaching his classes until Mr Christie returns. We are extremely

fortunate that Mrs Hart continues to come back and support classes when teachers are on leave.

It is with mixed emotions that we farewell our Acting Assistant Principal, Mrs Sally Oakley. Sally has

deservedly won the permanent Assistant Principal position at Parklands High School. I know that

Parklands is going to thrive under Sally’s leadership, where her high expectations, strong support and

experience in leading quality teaching will be a wonderful addition to their school. Sally has been a leader

at Latrobe High School for nearly fourteen years, and her positive impact will be missed. Sally made

students accountable for their actions, providing certainty and a feeling of safety for everyone. She has

placed hours of her time into supporting students who need it most, working with them to improve their

educational outcomes, as well as their social and emotional needs. I know students will miss her sense of

adventure and the organisation of many extra-curricular events: mainland trips, activities days, camps and

student vs staff matches. Sally was always making sure we provided opportunities for students outside

the walls of the classroom. We wish Sally well with her new career opportunity and look forward to

hearing about her achievements in the future.

Congratulations to Miss Wendy Leonard, who will be the Acting Assistant Principal for next term.

Wendy will fill the position until the end of the year. At the start of Term 4, we will welcome Fiona

Heazlewood to our staff as the permanent Assistant Principal. Fiona will be working two days a week

and Wendy will be the Acting Assistant Principal for the other three days. Fiona was transferred from

Parklands High School at the start of the year; however, she has had her second child and is currently on

maternity leave. Fiona brings with her a wealth of experience and we are looking forward to having her

at Latrobe High School. As Wendy’s replacement on class, I am pleased to announce that Mr Tim

Macmichael will be taking her classes. Tim is returning to Tasmania after a stint in Victoria, working for

AFL Victoria. Tim is an experienced teacher and has previously worked at Wynyard High School. I

know that Tim will be a wonderful addition to our teaching staff.

Jess Benge has taken up a position with Giant Steps. Jess is extremely passionate about working with

students with autism. She has been a wonderful addition to our support team and has provided staff and

students with invaluable support for those students. Jess has created greater community awareness

through ‘Racing with Autism’. She made an inspiring speech at one of our assemblies, where she gave

students a greater insight into the battle some students face every day; it was truly inspiring. We will

miss Jess’s bubbly personality, positive attitude and her big smile. From the entire school community, we

with her all the best.

We welcome Helen Holland and Makala Allison as valuable additions to our support team.

Continued on next page

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Principal’s Report continued


On Friday 8 July, twenty-seven students and four teachers

will head to Mt Hotham to experience a day in Melbourne

and five days of skiing and snowboarding. We are all

extremely excited and looking forward to fun times ahead.

Our Ski Trip is held annually and is open to Grade 9 and 10

students. I encourage students in Grade 8 and 9 to start

saving for next year’s trip. The approximate cost is $1,360.

For this year’s trip, we had our final meeting today, to discuss

final arrangements and answer any questions from students.

If parents have any last minute concerns or questions, they

can contact me on 0438 063 408.


The North West Coalition of Schools is a partnership between the Don College, Devonport High

School, Latrobe High School, Reece High School and Sheffield School. These schools are working

together on a Pilot program to build a culture of school completion at the end of Year 12. The aim of the

coalition is for the overwhelming majority of our students to complete Years 11 and 12 at the Don

College. However, the coalition will provide alternative educational opportunities and support in the local

schools to retain students who are unlikely to make a successful full-time transition to Don College.

Mr. Richard Heathcote has been appointed as the project officer for the coalition. Richard joins the

coalition from Reece High School, where he has been working as the team leader for Grade 8. He will

soon begin working at identifying those students who may need additional support in order to complete

their schooling. The needs of this group of students will determine the Grade 11 and 12 subjects to be

provided in the coalition high schools. This may require some specialisation of Grade 11/12 offerings in

each school appropriate to student needs, and pathways to assist them to complete their Tasmanian

Certificate of Education (TCE).


Congratulations to the Grade 9/10 Football Team, who won the grand final against Wynyard High School.

We have now won the A-Grade Premiership two years in a row; this is something for all the students to

be extremely proud of, especially those who also played in last year’s premiership team.


Reminder to parents, Monday 18 July is a Student Free Day. Staff will be involved in Professional Learning

on My Education, One Note and Performance Development Plans. We look forward to seeing students

return refreshed, prepared and ready for a busy second half of the year.



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What a fantastic first semester at Latrobe High School! The students started off being very hesitant,

anxious and nervous but are now confident, independent and competent as they navigate their way

around the school. Students have had their first social with many attending this fantastic event at House

nightclub. Students were well dressed in black and white and were very busy showing their dance moves

on the dance floor.

Attendance is starting to become a worry for some students, with many students missing days of school

unexplained. Just a reminder that if your child is unwell, please contact the front office on 64261061. The

following students have had an attendance 97% - 100% (approximately missing 2 days or less) or better so

far this year with fifteen of these students having 100% attendance: CJ Agustin, Jonte Armitstead, Becky

Bentley, Georgia Bryan, James Carter, Piper Catlin, Kate Chaplin, Briealee Connelly, Adrian Cooper, Jack

Donohoe, Ethan Flack, Michala Frankcombe, Brielle Geard, Alanah Greaves, Cameron Hill, Brock

Hutchins, Indeah Kelly, Asha Lamprey, Ella Lamprey, Oliver Lancaster, Belle Needham, Anna Nguyen,

Bianca Richardson, Katie Ryan, Piper Stafford, Monique Steers, Sif Svendsgaard, Luke Trinder, Pirri Weeks

and Ahliya Williams.

The following students were deemed stars in their classes this fortnight:

7A James continues to strive to do his best in all subject areas. James is friendly,

approachable and confident in all aspects of his schooling. Well done,


7B Monique has produced some amazing art work and was awarded

Artist of the Month for May. Congratulations, Monique!

7C Bianca is a friendly and kind student who always looks out for her peers. She has

shown great resilience and continues to build positive relationships

with her peers and her teachers.

7D Indeah participates fully in all areas of the curriculum and has

started challenging herself in Sing Star. She is cheerful, passionate and enthusiastic and

willing to assist others.

Congratulations again to all the Grade 7’s who have achieved a Strength Award for

adhering to the school values of Learning, Respect, Positive Relationships and Resilience

in Term 1 and Term 2. The following students have received a Strength Award recently: Ahliya Williams,

Piper Catlin, Amy Harrison, Sammie Dick, Holly Richardson, Ella Lamprey and Tayden Lyall.

I hope that every family has a fantastic two week break and I look forward to seeing everyone again on

Tuesday July 19.

Thank you to all the parents who have made contact with me in regards to their child. Please do not

hesitate to contact me for any issues/concerns or to find out further information on

[email protected]


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A well-earned rest! Students have continued to work solidly during Term 2 and have now reached the mid-

point of Grade 8; this is the perfect opportunity for reflection. It is vitally important that reports are used to

both evaluate the progress of the students and to identify how improvements can be made. Term 3 brings

with it a new start and new challenges with the possibility of a new teacher for some Junior Personal

Interest classes. I would encourage ALL students to ensure that the first impressions they make with to

their teachers are good ones.


I would like to thank all parents and students who are respecting our uniform policy. After the reminder

that students should be in school uniform at all times and non-school jackets are not part of the uniform, I

noticed a huge change with students in uniform. It looks great and is fair for everyone. Well done. Please

make sure this great effort continues for Term 3.


Congratulations to the following students who have made the most of their learning opportunities and have

achieved outstanding results in the Australian Curriculum subjects. Fantastic effort! Brady Rouse, Luke

Brydon, Inneka Enright, Lily Blackaby, Cooper Draney, Courtney Bieman, Ashton Dennison,

Magnus Overdijk.

Positive Relationships

Good mates! We like hearing each other laugh and hanging out. A catch up on the holidays might be on the

cards. PS Taya wanted to add, #squadgoals

Best Efforts

Congratulations to the following students who represented Latrobe High in the State Cross Country

Championships at Symmons Plains on Tuesday. Great Job! Courtney Bieman, Molly Carter, Ashtyn


Congratulations to the following students who have recently received a Strength Award. Well done and

keep up the great work! Febey Mitchell x 2, Taya Saunders, Jorja Hoare, Corey Abblitt, Billy

Whitney, Loghan Hall, Brooke Stephenson, Toby Haywood, Amy Fawkner, Joseph


Have a safe and well rested break.

Thank you for reading.

If you have any queries regarding your child, please contact me via email:

[email protected]



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At the end of this term, students will receive a detailed report of how they have been progressing

throughout the year. It is important you take the time to go through this report with your child, and

take note of the future focus provided by the staff member. This focus will outline how your child can

improve in class, and improve their current rating. Parent-teacher interviews will be held early Term

Three. Please contact the office to make an appointment time. Also, please note that on the

Wednesday of parent teacher interviews, we will have a representative from The Don College on site.

If you would like to speak to the Don College representative, you will need to make an appointment

through the office.

I am pleased to say that the wearing of school uniform has improved over the past two weeks. Thank

you for your support in ensuring your child comes to school wearing the correct attire.

Congratulations to the following students who have received Strength Awards this month: Alex

Rouse, Alyssa Hingston, Ethan Duniam and Annesha Clarke.

It is important for students to return to school fully focused after the term break; the next few months

will be a very busy time. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period and look forward to seeing

everyone in Term Three.




The last few weeks of Term Two have been very busy with students finishing off many assignments and

selecting their PI subjects. The holidays are coming at a much needed time as it is clear that many

students are beginning to struggle with the demands of school.

Next term, we will begin having conversations regarding the expectations of those students

considering applying for leadership. Applications for Student Leadership will be taking place in Term

Three, with candidate speeches and election taking place in Term Four. Leadership is about actions,

not words, and the best way for all students to demonstrate leadership is by setting a positive example

for others to follow. This will be reflected by students upholding the LHS values of learning, respect,

positive relationships and resilience.

Please read your child’s report with them over the coming days and ensure that any issues arising are

addressed. One of the main purposes of the reports is to inform parents and students of what is

required of them for the remainder of the year to be successful.

Please ensure that all students have a safe and happy holiday break and return to LHS ready for




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In Physical Education, our dance unit has been cut short due to some water

damage under the gym floor. We have had the timber floor pulled up which has

left us with no gym until a new floor is laid sometime later this year. This has

resulted in us starting our winter sports unit, where students are involved in

playing, scoring and umpiring the following sports; Netball, Futsal, Football,

Handball and Lacrosse. Due to us not having an indoor facility we will be

continuing our floating lessons next term for PE and Health. This means that

students need to be prepared with a change of clothes for both lessons. If the

weather is nice earlier in the week we will do PE and Health later in the

week or vice versa. In PE, Term 3 students will be involved in Volleyball,

Olympic sports, Fitness testing and Athletics. And during Health we will

be covering Relationships and Sexuality.

The photos are of some Grade 8 students using the recently finished

outdoor court.

Photo credit: EMMA FAWKNER Grade 7


A few weeks ago I travelled to Hobart to try out for the hockey state team. There were many selectors

who watched and judged you on a range of skills. Then you received an email on a Tuesday after school if

you made it in. I was lucky enough to have made it in the Under 13 state hockey team and on the 28

September to the 8 October, I get to travel with 16 other girls to participate in the National Hockey

Championships in Perth.



About a month ago, I went to Hobart to take part in a

number of different state soccer tryouts. At the tryouts

there were a number of different coaches and judges.

They judged our skills and our overall effort at these

trainings. After about 6 tryouts I was lucky enough to be

selected for the Under 13 state soccer team. On July 2, I

will be travelling to Coffs Harbour with 15 other girls to

participate in a National soccer tournament. We will be

representing Tasmania over a period of 7 days and will be

playing various teams from around the country.


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On Wednesday 28 June , 14 Latrobe High School students went to Symmons Plains Raceway for the State

Cross Country Championships. The course was really wet and muddy which made it challenging for the

last few races. There were approximately 1000 athletes competing over 12 events with the largest fields in

the Under 14 races. The Latrobe High results are as follows:

Darcy Miller 4th; Eve Bell 5th; Edward Lancaster 8th; Ashtyn Dennison 14th; Jack Maynard 18th; Rachel Bent-

ley 46th; Becky Bentley 48th; Courtney Bieman 52nd; Jonte Armitstead 60th; Molly Carter 75th; Briealee

Connelly 81st; Megan Hedditch 102nd; Oliver Lancaster 132nd; Milla Rigby DNF

Thanks to Mr and Mrs Lancaster for providing the photos in this report. Thank you also to the parents

w h o c a m e t o w a t c h a n d a s s i s t t h e t e a m d u r i n g t h e d a y .

Additional photos of every Latrobe High athlete can be found on the school Facebook page.

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At this school, Mahtia Bissett, Kaylee Thompson, Jaxon Sheehan, Cooper Stuart, and Aimee Smith are the people who race in

junior go karts and Jess Benge in 125’s.

Racing at the speedway is exhilarating. Racing against each other is quite competitive. We can be rivals on the track but off the

track we all get along and are all friends. The most important thing in racing would be safety. We have to wear race suits, race

boots, gloves, a neck brace and a helmet. To race you need to have all the proper race gear which includes tear offs which you

put on your visor so whenever dirt flies on your tear off you just rip it off and you’ll be able to see clearly again. We also have

to use a race receiver that lets us hear the race officials so we know when there is a safety hazard on the track and what order

to line up in after a race stoppage.

Before every race we have to make sure our karts are set up right for the day. We prepare ourselves before the race by getting

ourselves ready, thinking about racing and nothing else, making sure our karts are ready and tuned, make sure we have all our

gear cleaned and ready, make sure we have enough tear offs and make sure we take everything we need to the infield.

Jaxon – This is my second season racing and I really enjoy it. When I go out on the track I concentrate on winning and passing

as many karts as possible. Whenever I’m racing it is always very competitive against my cousin and all the other racers.

Sometimes things don’t go to plan but I always just focus on going back out in the next race and making as many places as I

can. If I don’t get first or top three I go and congratulate everyone else and try to do better next time.

Kaylee – This is my first season racing, and I really enjoy it. When I go out onto the track for a race day I always have in mind

I’m going out there to have fun, but also to try my best. In most races I do pretty well, but sometimes everything doesn’t go to

plan and I make a couple of mistakes while racing. In one of my first races I was leading until the last lap and then

unfortunately spun out. When I came infield I was very upset with myself, but dad came over and calmed me down. This

season I thought I’ve done pretty well considering I’m a girl racing against boys, who can get very competitive sometimes. I

wouldn’t be able to race if it wasn’t for dad. He’s bought everything I need, fixed my kart when some things broke, and made

sure I was safe and ready to race on the day.

Mahtia - This is also my first season racing and I am really enjoying it. Whenever I go out on the track I go out there to have

fun and do my best. Some race days my kart has some things wrong which can get frustrating but I just get over it and go out

next race. I have only spun out once or twice which was to dodge a crash. In my races I normally go alright and keep up with

the boys and I have also won a race which was pretty exciting considering I beat other competitors who have been racing for

more than 2 seasons. If I don’t win or go well I don’t carry on I just get over it and congratulate the other competitors and just

keep on going in the next race and I’m always ready to improve. I wouldn’t be racing without my mum or dad’s support, they

do everything for me and are always proud no matter where I finish. Whenever I’m out racing it is very competitive but

afterwards we always hang out together and are all good friends.

We all enjoy racing at the speedway, and we all wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for our parents so we all thank them for everything

they have done for us. We are all keen for next season to start in October.

Jaxon Sheehan Mahtia Bissett Kaylee Thompson

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The Leadership Team held the first social of the year last week. The ‘Black and White’ theme was a huge

success with more than 200 people attending. There were lots of imaginative costumes and everyone

looked great. It was fantastic to see such a large number of Grade Sevens. We hope everyone thoroughly

enjoyed themselves and encourage others to attend the next social.

Last Wednesday, Rumpus Youth held sumo wrestling at lunch time which attracted a huge audience.

Rumpus Youth will continue to hold exciting lunch time activities after the holidays. Congratulations to

the Grade 9/10 boys’ football team winning their grand final against Wynyard High School. Last week a

number of Grade Ten students went to Reece High School to participate in a health forum, focusing on

Drugs and Alcohol in Society. It has also been interesting to see the progress of the school development.

We are gradually starting to see the new buildings take shape.

The Leadership Team would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing

you all again next term.



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The last few weeks of term have been very busy for students in Music with a number of different

Music events taking place.

Arts on Fire

On Saturday 18 June, six of our students performed as a part of Tas Regional Arts’ “Arts on Fire”

event in Ulverstone. The students had 50 min time slot during the afternoon and filled it with a

variety of musical stylings.

Melinda Powell started our session off with

some acoustic guitar and singing playing a range

of different songs. Taya Saunders sang two solo songs and later joined

with both Nathan Hills and Joseph Woodhouse for two more numbers.

Nathan Hills also performed an acoustic guitar solo of the film favourite

Pirates of the Caribbean. Joseph mixed the styles up a bit playing a rock

guitar solo on his electric. The afternoon was finished up by Aaron

Hedditch and Zak Wilson with a somewhat louder piece of music utilising

our new drum kit, followed by an acoustic duet. All in all they did a fantastic job which was well received by those who came

along for a listen.

Burnie Eisteddfod

Last Thursday, 23 June, the Concert Band loading up all their instruments on the bus to travel over to Burnie for the

eisteddfod. Despite the wild weather we arrived at the Arts and Function Centre at the start of our section ready to listen to

some other bands and have our chance to play.

There were eight bands competing in our section from different

schools and community groups along the coast. We were the last to

play, so after listening to the other groups the Concert Band took to

the stage to play the songs they have been learning in class. The

band played Rocking Time, a rock style song for band, and CB

Medley, a medley of popular songs that featured the different

instruments in the group.

Though the band didn’t place, they scored a very commendable 75

points for their performance.

Sing Star

This week the Sing Star class have also had the chance to take to the stage.

On Tuesday the class dropped in to Spreyton Primary School’s afternoon assembly to perform two songs that they have been

working on as a class. Hideaway by Daya, saw the group split into different section to sing different lines and harmonies.

Their second song, Love Yourself by Justin Beiber had the added challenge of being acapella and featured different part

singing and some soloists.

Today the girls will again sing their group songs for the choir students at Latrobe Primary. This performance will also feature

duets from Megan Hedditch, Indeah Kelly, Taya Saunders and Charlette Barwick-Wilson.

Thank you very much for supporting students in these events. Thank you also to our Chaplin, Tanya for joining the Concert

Band and Sing Star classes on their excursions.



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30 June Reports posted home

1 July Last day of term

8 July Ski Trip Travellers depart

18 July Student Free Day

19 July School resumes for Term 3


As the end of the financial year approaches, all outstanding accounts for levies, station-

ery, camps etc. need to be finalised or a payment made by 30 June 2016.

The Department of Education has now taken over the financial management of the

school’s existing debtors and will be looking at overdue accounts that do not meet

Department of Education or Treasury guidelines. The department will therefore be

submitting these accounts to the Tasmanian Collection Service for recovery.



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The Latrobe High School Production “Creepytown” is fast approaching. With only one term to go it is

now time to begin our weekend rehearsals.

The following dates and times are scheduled for rehearsals at the Latrobe Memorial Hall.

Sunday 24 July 12 noon - 3:00pm

Saturday 30 July 10:00am -1:00pm

Sunday 7 August 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Saturday 20 August 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Sunday 28 August 12 noon - 3:00pm

Sunday 18 September 1:00pm - 4:00pm

During this time, students will be supervised and under my care therefore it is important that they

understand that they are to remain in the hall for the duration of the rehearsal. Students can be

collected from the hall at the end of rehearsals. Please provide a note if your child needs to leave early

or is walking home.

I recommend cast members also bring a book or board game to fill in short blocks of time if they are

not on stage.



[email protected]



720’s CARGO SHORTS - $20

GLOBE SHORTS (limited sizes) - $25

720’s GREY TROUSERS - $10

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Registration to Work with Vulnerable People

If you volunteer at this school, you will be required to register for ‘Registration to Work with Vulnerable

People’. This will be mandatory by 1 September 2016.

In July 2014, the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013 commenced in Tasmania.

This registration aims to significantly improve safeguards to help keep children safe from harm.

These are the provisions under the new legislation:

Employees and volunteers must apply for their own Working with Vulnerable People Registration

(RWVP) once every three years.

Employers can check a person is registered using the Tasmanian Department of Justice (DoJ) website at


The same RWVP will apply to everyone – employees, self-employed people and volunteers.

There are two forms of Registration, they being Volunteer Class and Employment/Volunteer class

registration. This second class allows a person to both work and volunteer with children. Everyone with registration will be continuously monitored for serious offences.

It is extremely important that staff and volunteers are registered and that their school or business unit is

recorded against the registrant. This information is used to communicate decisions about the suitability of

people to work with children. This information can be checked and recorded using the DoJ website using

the registrant’s registration number and surname.


Complete the online application form. This is available from the website:

http://www.justice.tas.gov.au/working_with_children. It is critical that you

choose Department of Education from the drop down box.


Print the ‘application receipt’ which is generated when the application has been completed in full. If you do

not have access to a printer, record the reference number and take that to a Service Tasmania Shop.

Take the ‘application receipt’ to a Service Tasmania Shop, have your photo taken and have your identity

confirmed. You will need to satisfy the identity requirements. A driver’s licence will do this if it displays

your correct name and address. Advise the staff that you are a volunteer with DoE and ask for a deferred payment. DO NOT PAY. The bill will be sent to DoE.

The Tasmanian Department of Justice will assess and process applications and issue the Assessment

Notice and Working with Vulnerable People Registration card directly to the applicant.

Generally applicants will receive their results within six weeks of completing the application process.

There may be delays, however, depending on the applicant’s personal information.

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Latrobe High School

would like to welcome on board our sponsors

Our GOLD sponsors are



Our SILVER sponsors are







Our BRONZE sponsors are





Thank you to Radio 7AD & Anvers Confectionery

Page 19: LEARNING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS RESPECT RESILIENCE · A comprehensive report on all of your child’s subjects An attendance sheet that shows your child’s attendance for Term 1


Percival Street, LATROBE, TAS 7310

PO Box 105, Latrobe 7310

Phone: 03 6426 1061 Fax: 03 6426 2242

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://latrobehigh.education.tas.edu.au

DISCLAIMER: Parents should note that advertisements for educational services, companies, activities or similar events are

published as a community service. Latrobe High School is in no way liable for the quality, supervision or integrity of the provider

and strongly suggests that parents make their own enquiries before engaging with the advertised event.

Brent Armitstead


Mental Health Support Services

Support is available from the following 24

hour telephone services: Lifeline 131114,


1800 55 1800 and Headspace for online

and telephone support –

6335 3100 or headspace.org.au