Learn to Overcome Emotional Drama from Expectations

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  • 7/28/2019 Learn to Overcome Emotional Drama from Expectations


    Take Responsibility for the Drama Caused by Your OwnExpectations

    butterfly-maiden.com /personal-development/drama-caused-by-expectations/

    Several years ago, I almost st arted dating a man who bo th intrigued and f rust rated me. For all of our sharedinterests, including our perspective of the way the universe works, we st ruggled to communicate. Sure, youcould blame it on his Leo-ness clashing with my Taurus-ness, and you wouldnt be too f ar of f . Somethingabout the way he condescendingly spoke to me just annoyed me until I wanted to punch him in the f ace.

    But, I was st ill drawn to him. I saw this clandestine connection as an opportunity f or me to grow, as he was thef irst male I had met (and been at tracted t o) who could teach me f rom a metaphysical perspective.

    One evening, I had been meditat ing and I caught a glimpse o f myself in a block of ice. A wise woman (who o f tensho ws up to give me guidance) specif ically instructed me that it was t ime to let t he ice melt, and I understo odthat I had been protecting my heart, perhaps a bit t oo f iercely. I was unwilling to be vulnerable to a point that Icould let t his new f riend of mine get very clos e to me.

    I f inally understood what hed been less t han eloquent ly saying to me. Aha! Light bulb moment!

    I was so excited to call him and share this insight, and I was certain that hed be impressed with my ability tof ind answers to my own issues, and not o nly receive guidance fro m my spiritual team, but also heed thatguidance. I assumed this would lead to an excellent conversation and we would grow closer because o f thisexperience.

    But, I was wrong.

    My Expectations Kicked My A$$

    I was stunned when he dismissed me matt er-o f -f actly.

    My ego to ok a bit o f a hit and I f ound myself wondering if maybe he just hadnt heard me. So I repeatedmyself this t ime with a bit more emphasis. When he dismiss ed me again, I blurted o ut, Did you even hear what I said?

    Yes, I heard you. Its just not that interest ing to me. What youre going through is old school f or me.

    Mr. Holier-than-thou-and-Im-no t- af raid-to- tell-you hurt myf eelings with his abrupt response. When I got up the courage toexpress that my f eelings were hurt, he said, I didnt hurt your

    f eelings, you did. You wanted a certain response f rom me, andwhen you didnt get it, you go t angry with me. But thats your deal, not mine. Loo k at your own expectations .

    At t he t ime, I was FURIOUS .

    How dare he not t ake responsibility for his behavior towardme?

    How did he not re cognize the significance of my newinsights?

  • 7/28/2019 Learn to Overcome Emotional Drama from Expectations


  • 7/28/2019 Learn to Overcome Emotional Drama from Expectations


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