The M.A.G Leadership Framework

Leadership Framework

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M.A.G Leadership Framework - updated Dec 12

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Page 1: Leadership Framework

The M.A.G Leadership Framework

Page 2: Leadership Framework


Welcome ........................................................................................2

The M.A.G Values ........................................................................3-4

The M.A.G Leadership Framework ...................................................5

Application of the Leadership Framework ................................... 6-10

Authentic Leader ...................................................................... 13-14

Visionary Leader ..................................................................... 15-16

Motivating Leader .................................................................... 17-18

Dynamic Leader ...................................................................... 19-20

Collaborative Leader................................................................ 21-22

Coaching Leader ..................................................................... 23-24

Commercial Leader ................................................................. 25-26

Accountable Leader ................................................................. 27-28

I am delighted to introduce our Leadership Framework. The framework provides a structure for recruiting, developing and managing the performance of all our leaders across the business.

Our business is continually changing and we face many challenges as we go forwards. Our leaders play a significant role in enabling us to be successful and achieve our vision to be the premier airport management and services company. Our leadership framework has been designed with this in mind.

The M.A.G Leadership Framework is underpinned by our values and describes what we believe makes an exceptional leader. The framework sets out the expectations for each level of leadership at M.A.G. It has been developed through extensive research and consultation with leaders from across the business and has been tailored to our group’s specific needs.

We hope that you will find the information in this booklet useful in helping you to use the Leadership Framework.

Charlie CornishChief Executive

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Our Leadership Framework is

structured around our values.

Our values describe what we

believe in and what we are

passionate about as a business.

•M.A.G is in-tune with the changing needs and aspirations of all its stakeholders, from customers and employees to investors and the local community

•We look at the future through the eyes of our customers – airlines, passengers and tenants

•We are dynamic, fast-moving and always up to date

•We lead the way in developing the future of successful and highly profitable airports

•M.A.G focuses on all the things which really matter to its stakeholders and which make them want to do business with us; fly through our airports or work for our company

•We set ourselves the highest performance and quality standards and are rigorous about consistency and ruthlessly efficient in our delivery

•We constantly challenge ourselves to find new and better ways to exceed expectations

Brilliant at what matters

Safe hands

Why not?

•M.A.G creates win-win solutions with its partners, which consistently outperform the market

•We empower our airline customers and retail tenants to exceed the expectations of their end-consumers

•We think and act like one team, bonded by mutual trust and respect

•We share in the success of our business, recognising and rewarding great ideas and exemplary behaviour

•M.A.G treats the safety and security of customers and employees as its number one priority

•We act with the highest standards of honesty, integrity and responsibility

•We consistently deliver on our financial and brand promises and are accountable for our decisions

•We engender confidence through the knowledge, experience and professionalism of our people

•M.A.G challenges the status quo to provide the best solutions for airlines, passengers, tenants and other stakeholders

•We never stand still in our search for innovative ideas which surprise and delight our customers and drive performance

•We attract ambitious people and enlightened organisations who are drawn by M.A.G’s forward-looking, innovative spirit

•We give people permission to think and act differently

Power of teamwork

Finger on the pulseOur Values

Power of Teamwork

Brilliant at what Matters

Finger onthe Pulse

Safe Hands

Why Not?

Power of Teamwork

Brilliant at what Matters

Finger onthe Pulse

Safe Hands

Why Not?

Power of Teamwork

Brilliant at what Matters

Finger onthe Pulse

Safe Hands

Why Not?

Power of Teamwork

Brilliant at what Matters

Finger onthe Pulse

Safe Hands

Why Not?

Power of Teamwork

Brilliant at what Matters

Finger onthe Pulse

Safe Hands

Why Not?

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Manage Performance

The M.A.GLeadership FrameworkTo become a high performing organisation we depend on leaders that demonstrate the M.A.G Values by

The Leadership Framework is important because it provides a universal approach to the way that we recruit, develop and manage the performance of our leaders.

By using the framework as a reference point in all of these processes it will ensure that the kind of leaders we develop are those with the right kinds of qualities that are going to help take the business forward.

•Setting a personal example with high standards of behaviour and performance

•Inspiring and motivating others to achieve the vision

•Communicating in a way that gets the best out of other people

•Encouraging new ideas and ways of working

•Working together effectively to ensure the success of the organisation

•Building outstanding teams

•Contributing towards making our organisation profitable and successful

•Being ambitious and determined to deliver results.

•Leadership recruitment and selection

•New leader induction

•Leadership Development Programme•360 feedback•Personal Development Planning

•Colleague Achievement Reviews ‘HOW’ rating

•Organisational Capability Reviews

Application of the M.A.G Leadership FrameworkThe Leadership Framework provides the foundations for how we:

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Recruitment and Selection

Leadership Development

Colleague Achievement ReviewsAny leadership appointments will be based on an assessment against the Leadership Framework at the appropriate level.

Once a new leader is appointed, through their induction programme, they will assess their personal development needs against the leadership behaviours.

Our Leadership Development Programme and 360-feedback tool is structured around the framework.

The personal development planning process for leaders links directly to the eight leadership behaviours and identifies learning solutions dependent on individual needs.

During your Colleague Achievement Review, your manager will discuss WHAT you have achieved and HOW you have done it.

WHAT focuses on your job responsibilities and your achievement against the objectives and standards set for the period.

HOW relates to whether your job has been performed in a way which reflects the Leadership Framework.

All leaders, as part of their Colleague Achievement Review, will be measured against the Leadership framework.

The outcome of this measurement will inform the ‘HOW’ rating that you receive.

Prior to your end of year review you and your manager will complete an assessment process (against Leadership Framework) to determine what rating should be given. For some leaders this process may include a 360-degree feedback assessment.

The Leadership Framework will also feed into the Organisational Capability Review (OCR) process. This is a process which assesses the performance and potential of our leaders across the business, enabling succession plans to be developed, ensuring that our organisation has the breadth and depth of talent it needs to be successful.

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What are the Leadership Behaviours? How is the Leadership Framework Structured?

The Levels:

The Leadership Framework describes eight leadership behaviours that we feel make a great leader.

Authentic Leader – self-awareness, developing yourself

Visionary Leader – creating a vision and inspiring others to achieve it

Motivating Leader – effective communication and creating an environment where people do their best

Dynamic Leader – encouraging new ways of working, making change happen and bringing others with you

Collaborative Leader – getting people working together towards a common goal

Coaching Leader – managing performance and developing outstanding teams

Commercial Leader – business and commercial insight and thinking about the impact on the business in everything you do

Accountable Leader – making confident decisions and delivering results

Each leadership behaviour has a description of:

The Leadership Framework applies to all levels of leadership from Team Leader level and above. There are four levels:

•What it is

•Why it matters

•Behaviour statements described at four levels

•Warning behaviours

•Leading and Advising (Team Leader)

•Delivering the Business Plans (Middle Management)

•Translating the Strategy (Senior Leaders)

•Shaping the Strategy (Chief Executive and direct reports)

How the Leadership Framework applies to youAll of the eight Leadership Behaviours apply to all roles. Although all of the Leadership Behaviours are important, you may find that there is an emphasis on some behaviours more than others depending on your role.

You will need to consider each of the statements that apply to your level of leadership and what this means to you.

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What this isAuthentic leaders:

•set a personal example in the way they behave and manage themselves at work

•are highly self-aware and understand the effect that their own behaviour has on others

•understand their own emotions and triggers and the effect this can have on their judgement and manage this effectively; and

•ask for and act on feedback and are aware of their own strengths and limitations and learn from this.

Why it matters•Our leaders set the standard for others and need

to act as role models in terms of the high standards of behaviour we expect.

•Our leaders need to be the best that they can be to help us achieve our goals.

•Leads by example in a way that shows commitment to the M.A.G values.

•Is aware of the effect of their own behaviour on others and adapts accordingly.

•Is calm and resilient in their dealings with others, when faced with difficulties and pressure.

•Displays confidence in their own abilities.

•Effectively manages and develops their own performance and aims to excel in their own field.

•Asks for, and responds positively to, feedback on their own performance.

Leading and AdvisingSets a good example to the team

•Leads by example, consistently demonstrating the M.A.G values.

•Thinks ahead about the impact of their own behaviour on others and adapts accordingly.

•Is calm and resilient when challenged or under pressure and encourages others to be the same.

•Behaves in a way that inspires confidence about their own abilities.

•Highly effective and proactive in managing and developing their own performance and aims to excel in their own field.

•Encourages developmental feedback on their own performance and acts on it.

Delivering the Business PlansHighly self-aware and adaptable

•Role models the M.A.G values, in a way that is infectious, within and outside of the organisation.

•Consistently shows a high degree of self-awareness and manages their own behaviour and effect on others.

•Is highly resilient, providing strong leadership at difficult and challenging times.

•Is aware of own strengths and limitations, understanding that the best ways of doing things are not always their own.

•Gains respect for professional excellence and continuously improves through a programme of professional development.

•Asks for developmental feedback from a range of internal and external sources and takes action accordingly.

Translating the StrategyRole models values across the business

•Acts as a high profile role model and lives the M.A.G values within and outside of the organisation.

•Anticipates the effect of their own behaviour on others and adapts their approach, according to the situation and personal needs.

•Inspires confidence, representing the organisation in a way that is resilient and robust at the most challenging times.

•Is aware of their own strengths and limitations, responding by engaging the talented contribution of others.

•Is held in high regard for their professional excellence and is an expert in their own field.

•Actively asks for developmental feedback and benchmarks their own performance using a range of internal and external sources and takes action accordingly.

Shaping the StrategySets the tone for the organisation

Warning behaviour•Displays a lack of confidence or

is over-confident or arrogant.

•Demonstrates a lack of self-awareness or is not aware of their own limitations and how to handle or develop these.

•Does not stop to understand their own emotions or cannot manage their own emotions.

•Responds negatively or ignores constructive feedback on performance.

•Behaves aggressively, bullies or manipulates.

You as a Leader


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What this isVisionary leaders:

•are able to create a compelling vision for others

•inspire and motivate others to want to achieve the vision; and

•make the vision happen by translating it into a clear strategy or set of deliverables.

Why it matters•To be successful we need to have ambition and a

clear vision of what success looks like.

•We each need to understand clearly what the vision is and how we can achieve it.

•As leaders we need to engage others with our vision, clearly communicating their role in achieving this.

•Understands and acts as an advocate for our vision.

•Communicates the vision, motivating the team to achieve their part in it.

•Breaks down wider targets and plans by setting and communicating SMARTER* objectives and standards for the team.

Leading and AdvisingSupports our vision and strategy and communicates goals and plans

•Acts as an advocate for the organisation’s vision and motivates the team to achieve it.

•Communicates our vision to others in a way that is clear and inspiring and encourages others to do so too.

•Effectively provides input into developing local plans to deliver the strategy and vision.

•Creates local plans and SMARTER* objectives for the team, which are consistent with the vision and strategy.

Delivering the Business PlansCreates the detailed plan to achieve the vision and puts it into practice

•Generates optimism and excitement about our vision and builds commitment across the assigned area.

•Creates a clear and ambitious vision of what success will look like for the assigned area and the role others have in delivering it.

•Translates our strategy into meaningful plans and SMARTER* objectives for the assigned area, explains them clearly and ensures that they are cascaded.

•Makes sure that the deliverables for the team link in and work with other strategies and plans for the organisation.

Translating the StrategyTurns the vision into local strategies

•Develops and owns an ambitious vision for the organisation.

•Passionately articulates a compelling vision and direction for the organisation, gaining the support and confidence of stakeholders.

•Translates the vision into a clear and deliverable strategy and gains commitment throughout the organisation.

•Effectively manages the interrelationships between multiple strategies.

Shaping the StrategyCreates the vision and strategy for the organisation

Warning behaviour•Is not interested in our vision.

•Is negative about the vision and the direction of the organisation.

•Does not communicate to the team about the vision and strategy.

•Unable to gain commitment from the team to our vision or the team direction.

•Cannot translate the vision and strategy into SMARTER objectives for the team.

* SMARTER stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound, extending and rewarding when setting objectives.

Finger on the pulse


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What this isMotivating leaders:

•get the best out of people by adapting their communication style to the needs of others; and

•are visible and approachable.

Why it matters•We can only deliver success for the business if we

have colleagues who want to succeed.

•As leaders we play a central part in creating an environment where people want to do their best.

•Works with the team to find the most effective methods of communicating.

•Makes time for regular and motivating face-to-face communication with the team and individuals.

•Actively listens to, respects and considers others’ views and opinions.

•Shows genuine empathy and can adapt their approach according to individual needs.

•Is visible and approachable.

Leading and AdvisingInvolves and engages the team

•Makes time for regular and motivating face-to-face communication with the team and individuals and ensures that direct reports do the same for their teams.

•Creates an environment where others’ views and opinions are actively sought, listened to and respected.

•Shows genuine empathy and adapts their approach according to the situation and team or personal needs.

•Is visible, approachable and makes themselves available.

•Consistently develops positive working relationships.

Delivering the Business PlansMotivates others

•Communicates with ease at all levels and gets people motivated and inspired.

•Generates respect and trust across the organisation by being consistent, open and honest.

•Encourages others to share their views and is seen to act on them.

•Puts in place plans and delivers improvements to levels of engagement across assigned area.

•Is approachable and visible across the organisation.

•Takes the time to get to know others and about what they are doing across the organisation and at all levels.

Translating the StrategyMobilises teams

•Communicates in a way that inspires confidence and belief in the organisation.

•Develops a culture of respect and trust through consistent and honest communication.

•Creates an environment where others are not afraid to speak up and genuinely feel that their voice is heard and acted on.

•Uses effective strategies to influence others towards a specific agenda.

•Develops strategies to build engagement and makes sure they are delivered.

•Genuinely approachable and visible across the organisation at all levels.

Shaping the StrategyBuilds engagement across the organisation

Warning behaviour•Does not encourage two-way


•Communication is not effective or not regular enough.

•Shows a lack of empathy or genuine interest in others.

•Is unapproachable or does not make themself available for others.

•Their team is disengaged or demotivated.


Finger on the pulse

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What this isDynamic leaders:

•encourage new ideas and ways of working, continuously striving to be better

•view change positively and adapt swiftly when circumstances demand it

•are highly effective and efficient at making change happen; and

•sensitively and proactively lead others through change, bringing people with them.

Why it matters•We need to be concerned with continuous

improvement to make our organisation successful.

•Our leaders need to create a positive environment to make change happen.

•Always looks for better ways of doing things and puts them into practice effectively.

•Positively encourages the team to develop new ideas and ways of working.

•Responds quickly and positively to the need to change when conditions demand.

•Understands and effectively communicates change.

•Effectively implements and embeds changes for the team and helps others adapt.

Leading and AdvisingChallenges ways of doing things

•Continuously challenges the way we do things and always looks for, and implements better ways, and encourages others to do the same.

•Removes blockages to new ways of working and takes responsibility for making sure good ideas are directed to the appropriate channels.

•Works effectively with the team to respond quickly and positively to change when conditions demand.

•Effectively and sensitively leads the team through change, adapting their approach to suit the situation and individuals.

•Takes personal responsibility for change; delivers, embeds and evaluates it effectively.

Delivering the Business PlansCreates and makes new ideas happen

•Gathers the best ideas inside and outside of the organisation, adapts them and makes sure that they are put into practice effectively.

•Understands and effectively utilises the latest thinking within their own field.

•Works effectively with the assigned area to respond positively and quickly to changes in pace, market conditions and strategy.

•Provides effective leadership through periods of change by ensuring that others understand the need for change, what needs to be done and by making it happen.

•Understands responses to change and handles this effectively.

Translating the StrategyChampions innovative thinking and leads change

•Shows entrepreneurial flair by identifying great opportunities for the organisation and acting on them.

•Creates an organisation that responds positively to change and where creativity thrives.

•Constantly thinks ahead and responds positively and swiftly to changes in pace and market conditions.

•Effectively manages the balance between new ideas and operational efficiency.

•Is highly skilled at leading the organisation through change and is sensitive to the effect on different parts of the organisation.

Shaping the StrategyCreates an agile organisation

Warning behaviour•Is narrow-minded or is not open

to new ideas or ways of working.

•Responds in a negative way to change.

•Does not effectively explain the need for change.

•Does not take responsibility for change.

•Is not effective in making changes happen.

Why not?


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What this isCollaborative leaders:

•are concerned with the success of the organisation as a whole

•encourage others (peers and teams) to work together; and

•develop and maintain effective relationships to help them deliver results

Why it matters•We all need to recognise that we all have a role

in making our organisation successful.

•Success for the organisation as a whole will only come if we all work together.

•Does what is right for the organisation as a whole rather than their own or their team’s interests.

•Makes sure that others work together towards the organisation’s goals and objectives.

•Shows awareness of the impact of actions outside of their own team and adapts accordingly.

•Involves and consults the team, where appropriate.

•Uses their network of contacts positively to help deliver team objectives.

Leading and AdvisingCollaboration between team members

•Does what is right for the organisation as a whole rather than their own or their team’s interests and makes sure that the team does the same.

•Sets an example of working together with other teams and individuals and actively encourages a team-working approach in others.

•Recognises and understands how decisions affect other individuals, teams, and sites and adapts accordingly.

•Develops a wide network of contacts that are used to effectively enhance team performance.

Delivering the Business PlansCollaboration between teams

•Sees the bigger picture, creates a whole-team approach, doing what is right for the organisation rather than their own or their team’s interests.

•Handles the relationships between multiple teams (internal and external) and gets them to work together effectively.

•Creates a working environment where knowledge and best practice are shared.

•Identifies and tackles issues that may prevent teams from working together.

•Consistently makes sure that actions take into account the effect on other individuals, teams, departments or sites.

•Develops and maintains collaborative relationships with a wide network of internal and external contacts.

Translating the StrategyCollaboration across departments

•Creates an environment where all colleagues act in the best interests of the organisation as a whole.

•Demonstrates and establishes a team-orientated approach to solving problems and making decisions.

•Creates an environment of open collaboration both inside and outside of the organisation where partnerships are used to achieve ‘win-win’ results.

Shaping the StrategyCreating one airport group

Warning behaviour•Has a very narrow network of

contacts or does not use their contacts effectively.

•Works with their own self-interest in mind or makes decisions for their own team that do not support the organisation as a whole.

•Is unaware of the impact of their actions on other teams and sites or does not take this into account.

Power of team



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What this isCoaching leaders:

•build outstanding teams; and

•support their team in achieving high levels of performance.

Why it matters•We will only achieve the vision through our people

and so they must have high standards of behaviour and levels of performance.

•It is important that our leaders impact positively on the performance of others.

•Makes sure their team understands the standards of performance and behaviour that are expected.

•Makes sure that excellent performance is recognised.

•Effectively addresses poor performance.

•Gives timely and constructive feedback and coaches and supports others to improve their performance.

•Supports others in putting together and delivering their personal development programmes.

Leading and AdvisingDevelops team performance

•Consistently, fairly and effectively manages performance and makes sure that others do the same.

•Recognises excellent performance and makes sure that others do the same.

•Takes personal responsibility in effectively and swiftly dealing with poor performance.

•Devotes significant time to coach others to improve their performance.

•Encourages applications from a diverse pool of candidates and recruits new team members with the right skills, abilities and high standards of behaviour and performance.

•Identifies opportunities and supports others in their short and long-term personal development.

Delivering the Business PlansCreates a high-performing team

•Makes sure that performance is managed fairly and rigorously across own area.

•Creates an environment where excellent performance is recognised and rewarded.

•Creates and manages mechanisms to effectively address poor performance.

•Coaches and mentors direct reports and builds coaching capability across assigned area.

•Ensures that recruitment processes across own area deliver diverse teams with the right skills, abilities and high standards of behaviour and performance.

•Analyses capability and creates a learning environment where there is emphasis on continuous personal development.

Translating the StrategyCreates a culture of high performance

•Develops a high-performance organisation, where achievements are recognised and rewarded.

•Makes sure that highly effective strategies are in place and acted on to tackle poor performance for the organisation.

•Acts as a champion for diversity and builds outstanding teams with the best people for today and the future.

•Takes risks on high potential individuals and ensures that strategies are in place to identify, generate, develop and retain talent across the business.

Shaping the StrategyBuilds the organisation’s capability

Warning behaviour•Fails to communicate regularly

with others about their performance.

•Self-development is not encouraged or supported.

•Poor performance is not addressed or is dealt with ineffectively.

•Fails to recognise good performance.


Power of team


Page 14: Leadership Framework

What this isCommercial leaders:

•have business and commercial expertise and think about the effect on the business in everything that they do; and

•have a genuine focus on customer needs and are concerned with delivering an excellent customer experience.

Why it matters•We are all here to make our organisation

profitable and successful.

•Our leaders need to be able to understand how they can create added value for the business and at the same time balance cost and risk.

•The satisfaction of our customers, whether internal or external, is central to our success.

•Shows an understanding of our current business performance and clearly communicates this to others.

•Has a focus on managing costs, within their scope, in their day-to-day activities and makes sure that the team do as well.

•Understands individual customer needs and makes sure we deliver an excellent customer experience.

•Understands business risks in their area and manages those that are within their scope.

Leading and AdvisingTakes account of commercial impact

•Reinforces messages about the teams’ impact on business performance.

•Effectively manages own budget and makes the right choices for the business in order to meet targets.

•Identifies and manages risk in their own area.

•Has the courage to take risks that are carefully thought out and effectively managed.

•Develops credible business cases.

•Understands customer needs and makes sure we deliver an excellent experience and continuously improve.

Delivering the Business PlansPositively impacts on income or cost

•Understands shareholder expectations and builds these into the strategy for their own area.

•Maximises opportunities for commercial growth and profitability.

•Effectively challenges and approves business cases.

•Balances revenue or cost with the ability to deliver operationally.

•Develop strategies to manage costs, while supporting the success of the business.

•Understands and communicates the organisation’s approach for risk and manages it effectively.

•Actively develops partnerships and agrees the best deals for the organisation.

•Drives a leading-edge approach to the customer experience for the organisation.

Translating the StrategyDelivers commercial growth

•Demonstrates broad business and financial management skills.

•Gains a clear understanding of shareholder expectations.

•Manages the business to deliver the required growth in shareholder value.

•Establishes the business as an industry leader.

•Sets the right balance and effectively communicates the organisation’s approach to risk.

•Actively creates strategic partnerships and approves the best deals for the organisation.

Shaping the StrategyTakes the business to the next level

Warning behaviour•Does not have a clear

understanding of how the business is performing or cannot communicate this effectively to the team.

•Does not think about the impact on business performance in the way that they carry out their day-to-day role.

•Spends money without thinking about the impact or cannot manage a budget.

Brilliant at w

hat matters


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What this isAccountable leaders:

•are ambitious and determined to deliver results

•take personal responsibility for team performance; and

•are confident in making decisions.

Why it matters•To be highly successful as an organisation we

need people who are determined to achieve results.

•We will only achieve great results if we are willing to make decisions and take responsibility.

•There will always be obstacles and issues that we have to deal with so we need to effectively face up to these and tackle them.

•Highly motivated and shows personal drive and passion to see things through.

•Quickly makes and sticks to decisions based on facts.

•Encourages and supports the team in using their own initiative and in taking accountability for their own actions.

•Acknowledges problems, without focusing on blame, effectively deals with them and learns lessons for the future.

•Encourages and supports others in community, social and environmental activities.

•Owns and champions Health and Safety processes to achieve required safety standards and actively manage safety risks.

Leading and AdvisingAchieves great results

•Highly motivated, demonstrating personal drive and passion to see things through and encourages others to be the same.

•Analyses and simplifies information to make effective decisions.

•Effectively delegates and empowers the team.

•Deals with problems effectively and swiftly, putting in preventative steps, and encourages others to do the same.

•Inspires others to achieve social commitment and environmental goals and sets a personal example of involvement.

•Ensures that activities are planned and managed to comply with Health and Safety policies and standards, including the training and competence of employees.

Delivering the Business PlansDrives through performance improvement

•Demonstrates ambition, personal drive and passion to deliver commitments.

•Shows their business judgement and quickly makes tough decisions.

•Reduces constraints and effectively empowers the team to make decisions.

•Creates an environment where people are not afraid to admit when things have not gone well and ensures problems are handled swiftly and effectively.

•Takes responsibility for delivering goals in a socially and environmentally responsible way.

•Provides clear leadership for the rigorous implementation of Health and Safety processes to ensure compliance with policies and standards.

Translating the StrategyDelivers a step change in business performance

•Demonstrates ambition, personal drive and unwavering resolve to see commitments through and develops this kind of culture for the organisation.

•Is courageous in taking big and bold decisions, while proving that they have first-class business judgement.

•Creates an environment where others are not afraid of trying new things and strive to continuously learn from experience.

•Develops business strategies that contribute to the long-term sustainable growth of the business.

•Determines, communicates and emphasises the policies and standards for Health and Safety, ensuring a positive approach to safety across the business.

Shaping the StrategyTransforms and drives business performance

Warning behaviour•Loses interest in seeing

commitments through or gets sidetracked.

•Delays making decisions or has poor judgement.

•Blames others or does not take responsibility for dealing with issues.

•Ignores or hides problems.

•Does not empower their team or has a tendency to ‘micro-manage’.

Safe hands