page 37 the trinity the trinity who is the holy spirit? Communicate the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and ministers to believers in their conversion, spiritual growth, service, and evangelism. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and comes to mediate the presence and power of Christ into the lives of believers and guide them into truth. Participants understand who the Holy Spirit is and take full advantage of His work in their lives. Background Passage: JOHN 14-17 scripture Passage: JOHN 16:5-15 Jesus promised to send the Counselor when He departed (vv. 5-7). When the Counselor comes, He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (vv. 8-11). The Counselor will guide believers into truth and mediate Christ to His followers (vv. 12-15). Memory Verse: JOHN 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears. He will also declare to you what is to come. L L L L LE E E E E E ES S S S S S S SS S S S S S SO O O O O O ON N N N N N 5 5

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Page 1: LeadersGuide 5.1-TransformingTruths-Venture Injourneyonleadership.brentwoodbaptistonline.com/wp...Guide the group to evaluate why believers should seek to gain a greater understanding

page 3 7 the trinity

the trinitywho is the holy spirit?

Communicate the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and ministers to

believers in their conversion, spiritual growth, service, and evangelism.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and comes to mediate the

presence and power of Christ into the lives of believers and guide them

into truth.

Participants understand who the Holy Spirit is and take full advantage of

His work in their lives.



J O H N 1 4 - 1 7



J O H N 1 6 : 5 - 1 5

• Jesus promised to send the Counselor

when He departed (vv. 5-7).

• When the Counselor comes, He

will convict the world of sin,

righteousness, and judgment

(vv. 8-11).

• The Counselor will guide believers

into truth and mediate Christ to His

followers (vv. 12-15).



J O H N 1 6 : 1 3

When the Spirit of truth comes,

He will guide you into all the

truth. For He will not speak

on His own, but He will speak

whatever He hears. He will also

declare to you what is to come.


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Do you have a quiet family member who tends to be ignored or

overlooked? If so, you might put forth special efforts to help others

recognize and value your loved one. As a teacher tasked with

guiding adults to discover transforming truths from Scripture,

you may need to exert extra effort to ensure the Holy Spirit is

recognized and valued as the third Person of the Trinity (see p. 141

for Trinity). It is essential believers understand, “All God’s work in us,

touching our hearts, our characters, and our conduct, is done by the Spirit.”1

You have the amazing opportunity to help adults progress in their

spiritual journey by growing to love, obey, and adore God the Spirit

just as they do God the Father and God the Son.

Study Lesson 5 in your Venture In Transforming Truths Travelogue,

responding to all bolded activities. Read each study passage in your

Bible several times along with any study notes your Bible provides.

Journal your meditations about the Holy Spirit in the margins.

Read the article “Paraclete & Spiritual Gifts” from the book,

Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs by J.I. Packer at

http://www.cslewisinstitute.org/webfm_send/640. (See Travelogue, p.

141, for Paraclete.)

Pray adults grow in their understanding and love for the Holy

Spirit and begin to take full advantage of His amazing work in

their lives.



As adults arrive, request they count how many photographs of loved

ones they have in their wallets or phones. Encourage them to share

photographs with one another.

After opening the session with prayer, challenge adults to

estimate how many photographs of friends and family members

they have at home. Ask how many possess letters from loved ones.

Ask: How much money would you sell those photographs or

letters for? Why? How does looking at those photos or letters

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help you feel less alone or give you renewed courage

or purpose?

State when Jesus left this earth He did not leave photographs or

letters to help His followers feel less alone and afraid. He provided

an ongoing divine presence…the Holy Spirit, the third Person

of the Trinity (Travelogue, p. 49).

Guide the group to evaluate why believers should seek to gain

a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit. Request adults under-

line these Travelogue statements (p. 50): The Spirit is the Person

within the Godhead who most intimately impacts our lives

day-by-day…. He is a constant presence who encourages,

guides, comforts, and empowers. The Holy Spirit is the Person

of the Trinity who is a shaping and encouraging influence in

your life on a daily basis.

Read the Millard Erickson quote (Travelogue, p. 50) beginning:

The Father’s work was the most…

Ask: How conscious are you of the work of the Holy Spirit

in your life and the lives of other believers (Travelogue, p. 50)?

Why do you think that is?

State this lesson can help participants become more conscious

of the Holy Spirit’s work so they can take full advantage of that work

and journey closer toward a Christ-centered life.


Ask: If you have or had young children, would you ever leave

them on their own? Why? How would you ensure they were

cared for? How would you seek to assure them they would be

OK in your absence? Ask a volunteer to read the comforting words

Jesus spoke to His frightened apostles in John 14:16-18.

Request participants identify the “Counselor.” Evaluate what

Jesus meant by saying He would send “another” Counselor.

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Teacher Help

“Another points to the fact that Jesus was the first Paraclete and is

promising a replacement who, after he is gone, will carry on the

teaching and testimony that he started.” – J.I. Packer2

“No orphans in the family of God, no abandoned people with

no place to turn. The Holy Spirit will be a constant presence of Jesus

with all believers.” – Holman New Testament Commentary3


Ask: What do you think of when you hear the term

counselor? Direct adults to the first paragraph under this section

(Travelogue, p. 51) and state what Jesus meant by the term Counselor.

Ask: When could you use this kind of Counselor?

Acknowledge many feel they need that kind of counselor all

the time (and rightly so). That is why Jesus declared it was to the

disciples’ benefit that He went away. Invite someone to read

John 16:7-11. Remind adults Jesus was fully human. When He was

in His physical body He could only be in one place at a time. But

when He returned to the Father in His glorified resurrected state,

He sent the Holy Spirit to be in all believers at all times, doing a

mighty work as our Counselor.

Request adults identify from John 16:8 one work the Holy Spirit

performs. Lecture briefly explaining:

*Convict means to convince or reprove.

*The Spirit convinces people they are sinners. Unbelief and

rejection of Jesus is the ultimate sin.

*The unbelieving world has a relative view of righteousness,

thinking heaven can be earned by being good enough. The Spirit

convinces people there is none righteous (Rom. 3:10) and the only

way to be right with God is to trust in Jesus’ substitutionary death

on the cross. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to the Father’s right

hand (where we can no longer see Him) proved God accepted

and approved Jesus’ righteous sacrifice.

*The Holy Spirit convinces people Satan was judged at the cross

and all who do not follow Jesus will be judged as well.

Guide the group to explore why the Counselor’s conviction is

a gift. Explore how the Spirit goes beyond conviction in the work

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of salvation. Emphasize: The Holy Spirit is the divine agent

through whom the work of salvation is produced in the lives

of believers (Travelogue, p. 52).


Request participants silently read John 14:25-26 and 16:12-13

(Travelogue, p. 53) and identify other mighty works the Holy Spirit


Discuss: How are the Bibles we use the fulfillment of Jesus’

promise in John 14:26? In what ways does the Holy Spirit aid

you as you study the Bible (Travelogue, p. 53)? How do you see

Jesus’ compassion and understanding of our limitations in

John 16:12?

Explain God doesn’t do a data dump, expecting us to

immediately know, remember, and understand all of His Word.

Learning is progressive and the Holy Spirit is our guide on this

journey of becoming more like Jesus. Point out John 16:13 is this

lesson’s memory verse. Analyze when this could be an especially

beneficial verse to have stored in our memory banks. When we are

confused or uncertain of what direction to take, the Holy Spirit

illuminates God’s truths, enabling us to understand and apply what

is written in Scripture.

Request adults listen for what else the Spirit illuminates as you

read John 16:14 from your Bible. Call for responses. Declare one

of the works of the Holy Spirit is to cast light on Jesus and help us

glorify Him. State: The Holy Spirit occupies center stage in this

period of history so Jesus can be the center of the church and

our lives for all eternity.


Declare when Jesus is the center of our lives His personality and

deeds flow out of us where we live, work and play, and His Spirit

makes us powerful witnesses of the gospel.

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Invite a volunteer to read John 14:12 and Acts 1:8 (Travelogue,

p. 54). Evaluate how Acts 1:8 sheds light on the “even greater works”

Jesus declared His followers would do. Explain Jesus was referring

to believers doing works greater in scope, rather than power or deed.

Jesus’ ministry was solely contained in Israel. Now, empowered by

His Holy Spirit, His followers are His “witnesses … to the ends of

the earth.”

Request participants silently read Galatians 5:22-23 and identify

other evidences of the Holy Spirit’s power. State: When the Spirit

lives within you, He will empower you to live a Christlike life

(Travelogue, p. 55).

Discuss: Since the Holy Spirit is present in the life of every

believer, why do you think some Christians do not reflect the

fruit of the Spirit in their lives (Travelogue, p. 55)? What is our

responsibility in having the fruit of the Spirit continually

developed and displayed in our lives? Direct adults to Galatians

5:16-17, 24-25 as you discuss these questions.


Ask: How important do you think prayer is in witnessing and

in displaying the fruit of the Spirit? Explain your reasoning.

Do you ever feel like your prayers fall short? Why is that?

Invite someone to read the encouraging words in Romans 8:26-27.

Request adults reread those verses silently and underline words or

phrases that really help them appreciate the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Invite volunteers to share what they underlined and why.

Point out the word “Himself ” in verse 26. Note all the verses

examined in this lesson refer to the Holy Spirit as “He” and not “it.”

The Holy Spirit is a Person and His interactions with us are personal

and relational. Ask participants how that comforts and challenges

them. Read from the Travelogue (p. 56): The Holy Spirit is at work

on our behalf. We can rest in peace, knowing that God will

work in our lives to accomplish His will and our good—day-

by-day, moment-by-moment through the indwelling

Holy Spirit.

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Ask: After studying this lesson, how would you answer if

someone asked, “Who is the Holy Spirit and what does

He do?”

Invite volunteers to share which work of the Holy Spirit

they feel most in need of at this point in their lives. Ask: How

can we take full advantage of the Holy Spirit’s work in our

lives? (Sample responses: accept His counsel, humbly respond to

His conviction, apply His teachings, follow His guidance, access

His power to share the gospel, resist sin, and develop Christ-like


Remind adults that Galatians 5:25 tells believers to follow the

Spirit. State: When we don’t think we can take one more step

following the Spirit because we just can’t seem to sense His

presence, discern His guidance, or activate His power, we can

rely on His loving, powerful intercession for us.

Close in prayer with: Spirit of the living God, fall fresh

on us. Melt us, mold us, fill us, use us. Convict us, guide us,

empower us, transform us. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh

on us.


• Contact all participants, assuring them not only of the Spirit’s

intercession, but of your prayers for them as well. Ask if there’s

anything specific you can pray about for them.

• Meet one-on-one with at least one group participant this

week, preferably one you don’t know well.

1 J.I. Packer, Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs (Wheaton, IL:

Tyndale House, 1993). 2 Ibid.3 Kenneth O. Gangel, Holman New Testament Commentary: John, Vol. 4 (Nashville:

B&H Publishing Group, 2000), 268.