Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: Januaryc26c0f03dffe51432aa4-4d6c2abe8c0d38bcf198324f20514224.r76.cf… · Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor

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Page 1: Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: Januaryc26c0f03dffe51432aa4-4d6c2abe8c0d38bcf198324f20514224.r76.cf… · Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor
Page 2: Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: Januaryc26c0f03dffe51432aa4-4d6c2abe8c0d38bcf198324f20514224.r76.cf… · Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor
Page 3: Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: Januaryc26c0f03dffe51432aa4-4d6c2abe8c0d38bcf198324f20514224.r76.cf… · Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor

Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018

Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor

As spring finally arrives, it is exciting to see signs of new life all around us. What a great reminder

of Jesus’ resurrection power at work in the world and in His church.

Over the last three months at Davisville, Learning Communities have launched, and Life Groups

have taken key steps forward. We have seen God send out teams and individuals all around the

world, as well as lead us to partnerships with local ministries like the Jesus Focus Food Pantry and

Worthwhile Wear. We celebrated with nine people who took the step of baptism and are excited

to see people committing to membership in the Davisville family. Through your giving, we have

made improvements to our facility, and upgrades to the live streaming of our services. I have

heard from several of you how much you appreciate this opportunity to connect with our worship

services when you are unable to attend in person. There are signs of life all over the place!

During the first quarter, we have also continued with our staff realignment. While Bill Kern and

Paul Randolph have stepped off our staff, we have added a new Facility Manager, Joe

Chrostowski, and Worship Leader, Alex Reinhard, and partnered with a quality financial services

company, Core Financial. Our partnership with Insight Counseling Services continues as we

benefit from having this resource on campus. Over the next three months, Ron Stauffer and Emily

Laudenslager will be leaving our staff, and George Welte will be transitioning to part-time. Lord-

willing we will be adding a new Youth Pastor which will allow Pastor Bobby to transition fully into

the Ministry Pastor role. This will complete the major changes related to the staff realignment.

As you read the following updates, can I encourage you to thank God for His blessing upon

Davisville, and ask Him to keep us faithful to our mission of following Jesus and helping others to

do the same. After all, He is the only one who can truly give new life!

DC Kids at Davisville

Jan Cooper / Children’s Ministry Director

Glenn Hartranft came on board as our Interim Children’s Ministry Assistant this winter and is

working with me in all areas of Davisville children’s ministries.

Our Wednesday night kids program, BreakOut, got snowed out twice, but we were able to make

up one of the sessions. Throughout the year, adult and teen leaders have taken turns teaching


Page 4: Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: Januaryc26c0f03dffe51432aa4-4d6c2abe8c0d38bcf198324f20514224.r76.cf… · Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor

the large group Bible lessons, and all kids are in a small group. We have been looking at the life

of Jesus this year. Attendance ranges from 60 to 90 kids per night. BreakOut will continue

through mid-April.

On Sunday mornings, our K to fifth-grade groups have continued through the Old Testament,

with a two-week break for Easter. On Palm Sunday we ate a Passover dinner and showed how it

pictured Jesus’ death for our sins. On Easter, we focused on Jesus’ words on the cross and how

they explained the meaning of His death and resurrection. In March, we started an incentive

program for kids to work through the take home card with their parents. Our attendance, about

110 kids weekly, is now fairly evenly split between the two services, a big change from previous


Zip Camp registration opened April 2 and filled up at lightning speed. We have a waiting list and

will hopefully be able to add several more classes and small groups to open the door for

additional children to take part. We’re actively recruiting small group leaders, teachers and

helpers to staff camp, and welcome volunteers of all ages to be part of this church-wide ministry.

Ministry Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Bobby Larew / Ministry Pastor

The last three months in Youth Ministry have been a joy. Both Access (Jr High) and His House (Sr

High) went on winter retreats. At the second retreat we had a student put her faith in Christ.

We have been teaching through the Gospel of Mark and will continue to do so. It has been great

to watch our volunteer staff and students teach some of those lessons. Our goal has always been

to help students follow Christ and then lead others to do the same.

Our search process for a new Youth Pastor has gone well. We had just over forty resumes and

continue to move closer to recommending a candidate. The target start date for the new Youth

Pastor is June 1, 2018.

As I transition roles from Youth Pastor to Ministry Pastor, I have enjoyed meeting with ministry

leaders. I will continue to do so throughout 2018 in order to better understand the heartbeat of

our ministries. A while back I asked our older adults and young adult age groups to respond to

surveys. I have not forgotten about them! I intend to revisit those surveys and sit with those

interested in shaping how ministry would look regarding them. I look forward to diving fully into

helping our ministries once we hire a new youth pastor.


Page 5: Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: Januaryc26c0f03dffe51432aa4-4d6c2abe8c0d38bcf198324f20514224.r76.cf… · Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor

Discipleship Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018

Matt Rosenfeld / Discipleship Pastor

2018 started with a bang as we launched the inaugural season of Reach Sports, our first round of

Learning Communities, and the first stage of Life Group leader training.

• Over 550 children participated in the recent Reach Sports basketball and cheerleading

season. Our first season was a success as we sought to make a smooth transition from

Upward Sports to Reach Sports. God is putting together a solid team of leaders who

desire to see us continue to use sports as a platform to make a difference in our


• The first round of Learning Communities was launched and completed. Over 70 people

participated, and 7 different teachers led a unique learning experience around the topics

of Who is God? and The Habits of a Christian. It’s truly a blessing to see how people are

growing as followers of Jesus. Look for our next round of Learning Communities in early


• 6 Life Group leaders embarked on a 6-week leadership training to mine the depths of the

Gospel and how it affects every area of our lives. What excites me most about this

opportunity is that these leaders will reproduce the training with their respective Life

Groups. My simple prayer is that God would fill our towns with Life Groups committed to

demonstrating and declaring the Gospel.

Global Outreach Report – First Quarter 2018

Jack O’Brien / Global Outreach Pastor

Your prayers and faithful giving continue to play a vital role in making disciples globally through

our 44 missionary partners. We enjoyed having Greg and Jane Drebes share in our services on

Feb. 11 and God is using you to change lives in Cambodia through the Mothers Home, Plas Prai

Girls Dorm, PV School of Applied Ministry, student scholarships, etc.

Your support was crucial for short-term missions trips this quarter. Colleen and Bekah Leonard

served in Kenya; Ricki Webb in Russia; Steve and Colleen Schneck led 10 Davisville teens and

adults to Guatemala; and Fran Branigan led a six-man GO-Fix team to the Africa Inland Mission

center in Florida.


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Repairs, painting, and furnishing of the downstairs apartment in the Quad (our missionary

housing) are nearly completed. Thank you for your contribution of items for the apartment!

Work continues on other needed maintenance and repairs both inside and outside the Quad.

We are planning an “Open House” on a Sunday in June so you can tour the Quad and experience

this area of our missions ministry.

The Davisville “Missions Community,” a group of young adults committed to “encourage each

other in personal spiritual growth and engagement in the mission of God,” continues to meet

biweekly and just finished studying “Radical” by David Platt. Five members of the group are

preparing for a vision trip to Cambodia this summer with Annissa Hensley.

Worship Leader Quarterly Update: January – March 2018

Alex Reinhard / Worship Leader

I joined Davisville’s staff as Worship Leader in January and have been adjusting well to the move

from Maryland. Since graduating from college in May 2017, I have seen God work in my life,

providing me just what I need. It has been a true joy to join the Davisville family, and the people

I’ve met have been amazing. It has been great working with the worship team. The talent and

skill of the team have made it very easy to lead. Most importantly, I’ve been very impressed with

the heart of the worship team. Davisville could have the most skilled musicians in the world, but

if their heart is not in the right place, then we would be simply that, great musicians with no goal

of giving glory and praise to the Lord... Everyone I have gotten the chance to work with has a

heart for the Lord and truly enjoys worshipping Him through their musical gifts. I look forward to

the journey of growing closer to God collectively as a team and leading our congregation well in


Executive Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018

Dave Mathewson / Executive Pastor

The first few months of 2018 have been a whirlwind. God is doing amazing things in our midst,

and it is exciting to think about what He has in store for the rest of the year. As I have stepped

into the role of Executive Pastor, I’ve been so thankful for you, our congregation, and the ways

in which you serve and give. For my quarterly report, I am going to do a quick overview of

facilities, technology, and finances. These are certainly not the only things going on in the are of

operations, but they will give you a good idea of what we have been working on through the

beginning of the year. If you have any questions regarding any of these or other areas, I would


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be glad to talk with you. You can email me at [email protected], or you can call me

through the church office.


During the first quarter of 2018, we put together a search team to fill the position of Facility

Manager. Dale Wenger(elder), Glen Fortunato, Sam Snyder and myself (elder/staff pastor) went

to work vetting candidates that could fill the position. Almost 60 people applied for the position,

and we ultimately pursued 3. After review, our team made a recommendation to the LMT and,

with their approval, we hired Joe Chrostowski as our facility manager. Joe has worked part-time

at Davisville in the role of Mechanical Technician for the last year and a half. He has worked for

the Upper Southampton Township as a Senior Technician for the past 16 years and is now feeling

called to work full time in ministry. He and his wife Megan have been members of Davisville for

over six years and are involved in a local motorcycle ministry. His experience is extensive, and his

heart for ministry is a good fit for our church. Joe will begin his new position on April 16th. We

hope you will join us in welcoming him as part of our staff family.

Also in the area of facilities, we completed several projects in the first three months of the year.

We repaired deterioration in our roofing system in the main building. We have made big steps

forward in our renovation of the Quad (missions housing) including the completion of 4 HVAC

unit installations. We also had most of the tile floors in the main building professionally cleaned

and restored. After 13 years, it was greatly needed. We installed an electronic door in the Activity

Center to make access to and locking of the building more consistent. A study of the Annex (the

building and parking lot on the other side of the PECO power station) is being reviewed by the

LMT, with options ranging from renovation or demolition to selling the property. There is much

work to be done with our facilities, and I am thankful for the staff, volunteers and local companies

that put in the time and effort to keep us clean and well maintained.


Our tech teams are awesome! There are about 15 men and women who give of their time and

talents to serve our church in the area of technology. While their primary focus is running audio,

video and lighting for our Sunday services, they are also involved in helping us take steps forward

in other ways. For example, Ron Palmieri has been instrumental in getting us up and running with

live streaming our services and recently he has spent many, many hours researching and testing

new equipment that will improve our user experience. We are currently testing new gear that

will improve image quality, introduce multiple camera angles, resolve our constant audio issues

and provide a more consistent experience for those watching online. If you are interested in

getting involved with our tech teams, contact me, and we’ll get you started.


Page 8: Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: Januaryc26c0f03dffe51432aa4-4d6c2abe8c0d38bcf198324f20514224.r76.cf… · Lead Pastor Quarterly Report: January – March 2018 Tim Wilson / Lead Pastor

1st Quarter Financial Update

General Fund Giving through 3/31/18 - (all amounts are year-to-date) YTD Giving does not include special one-time gifts, interest or other misc. receipts

2018 Budget 2018 Giving 2018 Expenses Difference 2017 Giving

$369,082 $362,145 $388,405 $(26,260) $337,055

Giving to the General Fund is 2% behind budget and 7% behind expenses, but 7% above 2017 giving.

Expenses are 7% above giving and 5% above budget. Budget areas that had high beginning-of-the-year

expenses were Facilities (snow removal), Youth (winter camps) and Personnel (staff transition costs). We

will work to reduce spending and bring expenses back in line with budget and giving.

Average Weekly Giving Needed to Meet Budget: $30,757

Average Weekly Giving so far in 2018: $30,179

Thank you for giving faithfully to God’s mission!

Because of your faithful giving, the Gospel is being shared in our community and around the world.

Giving back to the Lord financially is one of the ways we express our worship at Davisville. Already in 2018,

16 givers made a financial contribution for the first time. We are praying that 50 people would begin to

support our church financially throughout the year. If you don’t give regularly, would you consider making

a financial contribution to support the ministry of Davisville Church?

We have several different ways for you to give if you decide to support our ministry with your tithes and


We encourage the use of online giving, which you can access through our website, davisville.org. This

provides you with an easy and consistent method of giving. You can do a one-time gift or set up a recurring

donation. It also makes it easy for record keeping as this is done automatically with online gifts, reducing

the chance of an error. You can find out more information on our website.

You can also use giving envelops provided by the church. These numbered envelopes provide a consistent

method and reminder of giving. You will need to fill out a registration card to ensure that the envelope

number is correctly assigned to your name. Giving envelopes are available through the church office.

If you have any questions related to giving or giving statements, contact the church office, and we would

be glad to help!


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Fund Balances as of 3/31/18

General Fund

Fund Description: Our General Fund is our primary fund

for our church budget. Funding everything from

operations and personnel, to ministries and missions, the

General Fund is where your offering and tithes are

deposited for the support of Davisville.

Beginning Balance (12/31/17) $100,621

Receipts $363,633

Disbursements ($388,405)

Ending Balance (3/31/18) $75,849

Capital Fund

Fund Description: The Capital Fund is used for larger

expenses. These are special projects that we save for

over the course of many years. The Capital Fund is

funded through the General Fund.

Beginning Balance (12/31/17) $166,852

Receipts $33,387

Disbursements ($17,915)

Ending Balance (3/31/18) $182,324

Special Events Fund

Fund Description: Our Special Events Fund is used for

funding that is intended for a specific purpose, project or

activity. For example, short-term missions trips, ZIP

Camp, memorials and holiday flowers are all handled

through the Special Events Fund.

Beginning Balance (12/31/17) $126,111

Receipts $14,660

Disbursements ($5,590)

Ending Balance (3/31/18) $135,181

Cemetery Fund

Fund Description: The Cemetery Fund is used

specifically for the care and maintenance of our

cemetery and exists to meet government regulations.


Beginning Balance (12/31/17) $1,092

Receipts $0

Disbursements $0

Ending Balance (3/31/18) $1,092

Grace Giving Fund

Fund Description: Grace Giving was established as a Capital Campaign in 2007 to fund four large projects: a new sound

system in the sanctuary, a retention basis to meet township requirements, funding for our next special focus missions

team and paying down the mortgage. With the first three projects addressed, the Grace Giving Fund is now used solely

for paying down our one remaining mortgage. At the end of each month, we use any funds in Grace Giving to make an

extra principal payment. With your faithful giving, above and beyond your normal tithes and offerings, we will likely be

able to pay off our mortgage in less than five years. Mark your gift “Grace Giving” to contribute.

Beginning Balance (12/31/17) $2,403

Receipts $17,216

Disbursements ($19,619)

Ending Balance (3/31/18) $0

Mortgage Balance 12/31/17 - $748,811

Mortgage Balance 3/31/18 - $711,643


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Davisville Church Elders Todd A'Harrah

Bill Bowles – Treasurer*

Dave Breidinger*

Aaron Fox

Bobby Larew

David Mathewson*

Mel Montanye

Jack O'Brien – Secretary*

Kevin Oessenich – Chair*

Matt Rosenfeld

Ron Stauffer

Chuck Walton

Dale Wenger*

Tim Wilson*

* – Leadership Ministry Team: Consisting of a subset of the elders, the Leadership Ministry Team is the official,legal board of the church.

Matt Rosenfeld Discipleship Pastor (FT) - SLT

Dave Mathewson Executive Pastor (FT) - SLT

Jack O'Brien Global Outreach Pastor (PT)

Joe Chrostowski Facilities Manager (FT)

Michele Matsick Global Outreach Assistant (PT)

George Welte Custodian (FT)

{Transitioning to PT as of 6/4/18, 32 hours a week}

Al Pannapacker Custodian (PT)

Tom Potts Custodian (PT)

Fran Branigan Maintenance Tech (PT)

Michelle Kelly Communications Director (PT)

Davisville Church Staff

Tim Wilson

Lead Pastor (FT) - SLT

Bobby Larew Ministry Pastor (FT) – SLT

Jan Cooper Children's Ministry Director (PT)

Glenn Hartranft Interim Children’s Min. Assistant (PT)

Jen Taylor Nursery Toddler Director (PT)

Ron Stauffer Pastoral Care (PT)

{Retiring 6/30/18}

Alex Reinhard Worship Leader (PT)

Emily Laudenslager Youth Ministry Assistant (PT)

{Position ending 6/30/18}

Youth Pastor (FT) {Estimated hire date of 6/1/18}

Amy Trowbridge Graphic Designer (PT)

FT – Full-Time

PT – Part-Time

SLT – Senior Leadership Team