Law and Midwives Midterm

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  • 7/27/2019 Law and Midwives Midterm



  • 7/27/2019 Law and Midwives Midterm


    LAW DEFINED A Rule of conduct or action

    formally recognized as binding

    and enforced by a controlling


  • 7/27/2019 Law and Midwives Midterm


    CHARACTERISTICS OFLAW It is a rule of conduct or action which determines what

    can be done and what cannot be done.

    Law is obligatory which means that every person isobliged to follow the law. If a person disobeys the law, a

    punishment is imposed on him. It is promulgated by legitimate authority in the Philippines,

    the Congress, the Legislative body that enacts the law.

    Law is promulgated to regulate the conduct of man andmaintain harmony in society, in order to be useful.

    No society can survive without law.

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    JURISPRUDENCE Is the science of law. ( Webster1981)

    It embraces all the laws enacted by the

    legislative body of the State. All rules and regulation promulgated by

    those in authority, court decisions adformal principles upon which laws are

    based ( Asper, 1990)

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    MIDWIFERYJURISPRUDENCEThe practice of midwifery is regulated by the following;

    The Midwifery Law

    The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines

    Rules and regulation promulgated by the Board of Midwifery and PRC

    Decisions of the Board of Midwifery and PRC which has a bearing onthe practice of midwifery.

    Decisions of the Supreme Court on cases relevant to Midwiferypractice

    The Revised Rules of Court

    The National Internal Revenue Code

    Others laws which affects the practiced of midwifery

    The Labor Code Amendments of previous laws relevant to midwifery practice.

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    1. NATURAL LAWSThe Eternal Lawthat is, Gods eternal plan and

    providence for the universe as known

    to man by his (mans) reason

    Considered to be superior to other laws

    and binding to the whole world.

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    NATURAL LAWSa. Physical Laws laws of gravity,

    govern the movements of material

    things.b. Moral Laws set of rules that

    establish what is right and what is

    wrong as dictated by humanconscience and inspired by the eternal


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    2. Positive Lawsa. Divine Positive Laws- that are

    promulgated expressly and directly by

    God himself. Known to man as

    revelation. Ex. The TenCommandments

    b. Divine Human Positive Laws- these

    are the laws that are promulgated byGods representatives on Earth under

    His Divine inspiration ex. Ecclesiastical

    laws by the church.

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    Human positive Laws-these are the positive laws

    promulgated by man.

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    Public Lawhuman positive laws that govern

    the relationship between the State

    and its citizens. These may beclassified as;

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    Constitutional Law-is the supreme and fundamental law of

    the State.

    Criminal Law law that defines crimes,treats, of their nature and provides for

    their punishments.

    Law of Public Officers that governsthe conduct of those who hold and

    exercise public offices and functions.

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    Election Law that governs the exercise of right of

    suffrage, especially in the selection of

    the representatives of the citizens ofthe government

    International Law it governs the

    relationship between and among statesor nation

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    Private Laws that govern the relationship between

    members of the society among citizens ofState. They are further classified into;

    1. Civil Law that regulate the relations thatexits among members of the society for theprotection of private interests.

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    Private Laws Commercial Law that regulate the

    commercial or business relations among

    members of the society Remedial Law prescribe the methods of

    enforcing rights or of obtaining redress for

    their invasion

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    Executive Order No. 51 - The Milk code ; aimsto provide safe and adequate nutrition forinfants by protection and promotion of breast

    milk. Executive Order No. 209 The Family Code;

    marriage is a special contract of permanentunion between a man and a woman entered in

    accordance with law for the establishment ofconjugal and family life.

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    Letter of Instruction No. 47

    this law directs all schools of midwifery,social work, nursing, medicine and allied

    medical profession to include family

    planning in their curricula.

    Presidential Degree No. 825 improper

    garbage disposal and other forms of


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    Presidential Decree No. 223 created

    the Professional Regulation

    Commission P.D. No. 148- the woman and child

    labour law. States that no child below

    14 years old shall be employed.

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    P.D. No. 48 limits maternity leave

    benefits to four children

    Presidential Degree No. 69 limits

    the number of children to four for tax

    exemption purposes.

    o e c an you

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    . . o. e c an youwelfare code

    Presidential Degree No. 996

    provides for the compulsory basic

    immunization for children andinfants below eight (8 years old)