LAVATAR meher baba "THE SILENT AWAKENER" I I CAN NEVER DFE. I AM LOVE, "Be ye guided by Love and Truth"' This is the simple way that leads to God. Not by endless manuring of alluring illusion but by loyalty to the unchangeable Truth, can ye hope to be established in abiding peace. —MEHER BABA—

LAVATAR meher baba

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LAVATAR meher baba




"Be ye guided by Love and Truth"'

This is the simple way that leads to God.Not by endless manuring of alluring illusionbut by loyalty to the unchangeable Truth, canye hope to be established in abiding peace.


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Thfe world need awakening not mere verbalinstructions, it need freedom and amptitudeof life. Divine, not the superficiality of mechanised and pompous forms, the world taskahead of me is creative, I see the structure ofall the great and recognised religions of theworld tottering.

Irrespective of doubt and conviction, andfor the Infinite love I have for one and all, Icontinue to come as the Avatar to be judgedby humanity in its ignorance in order to helpman distinguish real from the false.

I have one message to give and I repeat itage after age to one and all "LOVE GOD.

«'I Am God In Human Form"

Believe that 1 am the Ancient one. Do notdoubt that for a moment. There is no posi-bility of My being anyone else. I am not thisbody that you see. It is only a coat I put onwhen 1 visit you. I am Infinite Conciousness. 'I am not limited by this form. I use it like agarment to make Myself visible to you. Do nottry to understand Me, My depth is unfathomable just love Me. I eternally enjoy the Christstate of Conciousness and when I speak, IshaU manifest My True Self, besides giving ageneral push to the whole world I shall leadall those who come to Me towards light and



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Avataric periods are like the spring tidecreation, they bring a new release of power anew awakening of conciousness; a new. experl*ence of life—not only for a few biit for alkQualities of ener^ and awarteness, which-hadbeen used and enjoyed by only advancfcd soiiJsare made available for all humanity, life as dwhole is stepped up to a higher level of cbir-ciousness, is geared to a new rate of enerffir.The transition from sensation to reason wasone such step, the trasition from reason tointuition will be another.

The new influx of the creative impulse takesthrough the medium of a divine personality anincarnation of God, in a special sense, anAVATAR. This Avatar was the first indivi.dual Soul to emerge from the evolutionaryprocess as a Sadguru and He is the only Ava-tar, who has ever manifested or will ever manifest. Through him God first completed tliejourney from liuconcious divinity to conciouSdivinity, firat unconciously, became man inorder conciously to become God. Through himperiodicaly God conciously becomes man forthe liberation of mankind.

The Avatar appears in difierent forms undferdifferent names,at different times in differ^tpartsof the world. As his appearance ~alWi^coincid^ with the spiritual birth of manwthe period immediately preceding his m«tti-


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. I l l I -

lestation is always one in wjiich humanitysuffers from the pangs of approaching birth,Man^seems more than ever enslaved by desire,more; than ever driven by greed, held by fea!r,>swept: by anger. .The strong dominate the

the rich oppress the poor; large massesof people are exploited for the: benefit of thefew who are in power. ' The individual, whofinds no place or rest, seeks to forget, himselfrn excitment. Imorality increases, crime flQuri^shes, religion is ridiculed. Corruption spreadsthroughout the social order, class and nationalhatreds are aroused and fastered, Wars breakout, Humanity grows desperate. There seemsto be no possibility of stemming the tide of destruction.

At this moment the AVATAR appears,being the total manifestation of God in humanforin, he is like a guage against which man canmeasure what he is and what he may become.He trues the standard of human values by inter-preting them in terhis of divinely huipan life.


Have hope, I have come to _^elp yo" vjosurrender yourself to the caus^e of ̂ d and tpaccept His grace of Love and Truth. IS to hefp you to win the one victory of allvictories to win yourself. ■;


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_ Reprint of the message of B aba given with-His own hands at Mahabaleshwar onMonday 16th Oct. 1950 during the few hoiirsHe stepped back into His old life.

Essentially we are all one. The feeling 6four being otherwise is due to ignorance.' Sbuldesires conciousness to know itself, but in itsprogress _ towards this Goal which it cannotrealize independently of creation, it mtistundergo the experience which it gathers as theindividualized ego and which is all imagination. Thus it is faced at the outset with imo-rance instead of Knowledge.

Dual forms and illusionary creations, are theoutcome of Ignorance: birth and death, happiness and misery, virtue and sin, good and bad^ nre equally the manifestation of this samei^orance. You were never bom and will neverdie; you never suffered and will never suffer-you ever were and . ever will be, as seprale'ness exists only in imagination;.

Soul undergoes experience through innumerable forms such as, being king and beggar, richand poor, tall and short, strong and weakbeautiful and ugly, of killing and being killed!AU these experiences must transpire as long asthe soul, though it is one in reality and un--divided, imagines separateness in itself. Whensoul IB bereft of the impressions of these illusionary experiences, it becomes naked as in itsorigin, to become how fully conscious of itsunity with the Over—Soul which is One, Indivisible, Real and Infinite.


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The- soul beco®®® ft®® of the binding ofimpressions through various paths. And Loveis the. most important of these paths'leading tothe realization of God. Through this love,the Soul becomes entirely absorbed in Go*d,ultimately forgetting itself completely. It is•theja that all of a sudden Knowledge comes as5wiftly as the lightning bolt which bums to,ash<?s all that it falls upon.' This Knowledge uproOts illusions, doubtsand worries, and apparent suflferings are instantaneously replaced by everlasting peace and'eternal bliss which is the Goal of all existent.Soul-now free from its illusions, realizes itsOriginal Unity of Being-^ • tetus nPt hope, because this Knowledge isbeyond hoping and wanting. Let us not reasonbecause this Knowledge cannot be comprehend-ed-or thought of. Let iis not doubt, because thisKnowledge is the certainty of certainties. Letus 'not'live the life of the senses, because thelusty, greedy, false, impure mind cannot reachthis Knowledge. Let us love God as the Soulof our-SbUls. and in the height of this Love liesthiS'Knowledge.

The divine y Perfect Ones can bestoW thisKnowledge on any one they lifce and wheneverthey like. May we all gain this Knowledge soon.B'io^tapJWcal notes

Merwan Sheriar Irani known as MeherBaba, was bom in Poona, India, on February25, 1.894, of Persian parents. His father,sheriar Jra^ii, was of Zoroastrian faith and a


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jfue Seeke^ of pod. Merw^ went to. a Chri®'tian high school in Poona and later .attendedDeccan College, In 1913 ,while still-in collegea momentous event occurred in his life-,.themeeting with Hazrat Babajan, an ancientMohammedan Avoman and one of the fivePerfect. Masters of the- Age. Babajan gave himGpd-Realization and made him aware, of hishigh spiritual destiny.

Eventually he was drawn to. seek out another Perfect Master, Upasni Maharaj..,a Hindu,who lived in Sakori.. During the next sevenyears Maharaj gave Merwan "Gnpsis' orDivine Knowledge, Thus Merwan attainedspiritual Perfection. His spiritual mission began in 1921 when he drew together his firstclose disciples. It was tliese early discipleswho gave him the name Meher Baba, wWchmeans "Compassionate Father."

After years of intensive training of'his disciples, Meher Baba established 'a colony nearAhmednagar that is called MeTierabad. Hertthe Master's work embraced a free school

where spiritual training was stressed, a .freehospital and dispensary, and shelters for thepoor. No distinction was made between thehigh castes and the Untouchablesj all mingledin common fellowship through the inspirationof-the Master. To his disciples at Mehetabhd,who were of different castes and creeds, he

gave a training of moral discipline, love forGod, spiritual-understanding and selfless service.

Meher Bab^ told -his-disciples that fromJuly 10, 1925 he-would pbser-ve Silene:e.-;Siac$"


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that day fie has mamtamed this Silenc? throughout years. Till he dropped his physicalhbdy on 31st January 1969. His many spiritualdiscourses and messages have been dictated bymeans of an alphabet board. Much later theMaster discontinued the use of the board andreduced all communication to handunique ui expressiveness and understeridapleto many.

Meher. Baba.has traveled to the Westernworld six times, first in 1931, whenhe contacted his early Western disciples. . His last y'S|t,to America was in 1958 when he and his disciples stayed at tfie Centre establiihed for h'swork at Myrtle Beach, S.C.(U.S.A.)

An important part of Meher Baba's workthrough the years has been to personally contact and to serve, hundreds of those known inIndia as "masts". These are advanced pilgrims on the spiritual path who have becomeSpiritually intoxicated from direct awarenessof God- . For this work he has traveled inanythousands of miles to remote places throughout India and Ceylon. Other vital work hasbeen the washing of the lepers, the washiiig ofthe feet-pf thousands of poor and the distribution of grain and cloth to the destitute.

Meher Baba asserts that he is the sameAhcieht One, come again to redeem man froinhis bondage of ignorance and to guide him to.realize his true Self which is God. Meher

^bajs acknowledged by his many followersall over the world as the Avatar of the Age,

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. .r r, universal MESSAGE .OF . ̂


Released on 10th July 1958

at meherabad . '

I have come not to teach but .ta awaken,

Understand therefore that I lay down no

precepts. , . ■ .

Throughout eternity I have laid doWn prin''-ciples and precepts, but mankind has ignoredthenl. Man's" inability to live God's wordsmakes the Avatar's teaching a mockery.; Ihtstead of practising the compassion He taughtjman has waged crusades in His name. Insteadof living the humility, purity and truth of Hiswords, man has given way to hatred, greed andviolence. -

Because man has been deaf to the princi-^pies and precepts laid down" by God in the.past, in this present Avataric Form I observeSilence. You have asked for • and been givenenough words—it is now time to live them. Toget nearer and nearer to God You have tO getfurther and further away from "I", "my">«'me" and "mine". You have not to renounceanything but your own self. It is as simple asthat though found to be almost impossible. Itis possible for you to renounce your limited


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seif by my Q&ce. i iiaVe come to release thatGrace.

I repeat, I'la'y down no precepits. When Irelease the tide of Truth which I have come

to give, men's dmly liyes will be the livingprecept. The words I have not spoken willcOfhetO life in-them..

I veil myself from man by his own clirtaiiiof ignorance, and manifest my Glory to a few.My-present Avataric Form is the last Incar-iiation of this cycle of time, hence my manifestation will be the greatest. When I breakmy Silence, the impact of my Love will beuniversal and all life in creation will know,feel and ceceive of it. It will help every individual to break himself free from his own bondage in Ms own way. I am the Divine Belovedwho loves you more than you can ever loveyourself. The breaking of my Silence willhelp you to help yourself in knowing your realSelf.

^1 tMs World confusion and chaos was inevitable and no pne is to blame. What had tohappen has happened; and what has to happenwill happen. There was and is no way outexcept through my coming in your midst. Ihad to come, and I have come. I am theAncient One.

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Live not in ignorance, do not waste yourprecious life span in differentiating betweenand judging your fellow men but learn tolong for the love of God, even in your worldlyactivites, live only to find and realize yourtrue identy with your Beloved God. This lovecan belong to all, high and low, rich and poor,every one of every class and creed can loveGod. The one and only God who residesequaly in us all, is approachable by each andall through love.

God*s Trouth can not be ignored

Gods Truth Can not be ignored, and thus

by mankind's ignorance and weakness a tremendous adverse reaction is produced and worldfinds itself in a cauldrom of suffering throughwars, hate, conflicting idealogics and naturalrebellion in the form of floods cartiquakes andother disarters, ultimately when the apex isreached God manifests a new in human form

to guide mankind in the destruction of its selfcreated evil that it may be re-established inthe Divine truth.


Today the urgent need of mmikind is notsects or organised religions but LOVE. Divinelove will conquer hate and fear, it will notdepend upon others justifications but willjustify itself. Ihavecorrie tb awaken in manthis Divine Love. It will restore to him theunfathomable richness of his own eternal beingand will solve all his problems.

I am the Lord of the Universe and I am the

slave of My lovers. —MEHER BABA

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Meher Baba is the Answer to mankindsneed for divine deliverance, the Answer to allquestions, all strife, all seeking. His namemeans "compassionate Father, He is Facner,Friend, Beloved, Master, Saviour. He is toeach what each perceives Him to be m themirror of his heart To many all over the world,men and women of different nationalities andreligions, Meher Baba is the Avatar, Godincarnate. He has come to awaken mankindto the rememberance of its divine heritage. Heis the one whose Advent all religions await.Whose beauty the very heavens can notcontain, but whose presence may be found inevery humble loving heart.

Compiled from books and sayings byMeher Baba and pubiished by Pritam SinghMeher K.3/11 model Town Delhi 9. (.INDIA)

By kind permission of Sri Adi. K. Irani soleLicensee.

Centre of information about Avatar Meher

Baba in CANADA.Mr. S.D. DHIR




Printed at Nootan Press, Delhi-6. Phone : 268720