LAV construction: Status and overview

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LAV construction: Status and overview. A.Antonelli 12 Settembre 2011 Referee INFN. LAV construction status: a snapshot. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: LAV construction: Status and overview
Page 2: LAV construction: Status and overview

LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) – Photon Veto WG – Mainz – 6 September 2011

LAV construction status: a snapshot


A1-A5 at CERN, ready for installation, the sliding feet drawing has been finalized. The spare feet is going to be modified in LNF workshop and tested at CERN beginning of October. Vacuum test foreseen in November

A3 repairs carried out week of 22-25 August, no major problem in the work. WARNING the ECN3 crane problems should be fixed

A6 under construction at Frascati New, smaller banana design240 ch = 60 bananas total

12 installed12 ready to install18 need cabling and test18 to build (=72 blocks to process)

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LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) – Photon Veto WG – Mainz – 6 September 2011

Status of A7,A8,A11


• A7:Basic construction finished, will be delivered 10/10/2011• A8: First pass with lathe completed, will be delivered 10/11/2011• A11: cutting (done), beveling, will be delivered 10/12/2011

Page 4: LAV construction: Status and overview

LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) – Photon Veto WG – Mainz – 6 September 2011

New drawings on EDMS


A1: Drawing as-built* A2-5: Drawing as-built*

A6-8: Final drawing for construction A9-A11: Preliminary

WARNING: LAV-Straw interface should be fixed ASAP, I remind you that A11 is under construction, A9-A10 bid will be done in September. We need coordination among the engineers.

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LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) – Photon Veto WG – Mainz – 6 September 2011



Final A3 repairs went smoothly in August

5 stations essentially ready to install (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)

Minor work on flanges for A1, A4 to be done before installation

A6 being assembled now

First layer installed in before August shutdown

On track for delivery of A7 and A8 by end of year

A9-A10 Bid in September

A8-A11 construction

A12 drawing

Installation and commissioning of A1-A11 (A1-A5 will participate to the run)


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Status of the LAV FEE electronics

M. Raggi LNF

G. Corradi, C. Paglia, D. Tagnani


PVWG WGMainz 6/09/2011


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9U cards production• PCB for 5 boards already produced and mounted and

tested• 100 ToT mezzanine already produced mounted and

tested• Sum 4 analog signals, 50 pieces produced and

mounted Few of them tested


Assemble a first full 9U FEE prototype before the end of October.

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TELL1 setup• A Tell1 already @ LNF

• A NA62-LAV VME crate already @ LNF

• Plan to startup the system during October together with the LAV FEE

• New Post Doc at LNF

mainly dedicated to this


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Future plans• Assemble a first full 9U FEE prototype before

the end of October.

• Test the system extensively during fall

• Validate the FEE before the end of 2011

• Start a first production before the end of 2011


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A2 Test beam: objectives1. Validate final version of front-end electronics

plus modifications of voltage divider:a) Time-over-threshold vs. charge calibration curvesb) Efficiency vs. threshold for electrons, hadrons and muons

2. Measure time and energy resolution3. Test new FEE with TELL1 readout

All that on a full, final ANTI ring, and thus also checking:

- construction techniques- cabling and connectors- new DB37 signal flanges- new ground feed-through on HV flange

T9 beam Electrons 0,5 – 5 GeV selected using cherenkovMuon run 8 GeV

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Total charge with ToT vs. QDC

Very basic parametrization with 4th order polynomial of charge vs. ToT curve considering all the hit blocks together



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Energy resolution and linearity

2 beam Cerenkov counters (TDC & QDC):Operated at two different pressures to select electrons in a given momentum range:

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Time resolution

Electrons, first hit block. Time slewing fit and corrected

Respect to the trigger time

Time resolution after time slewing correction

Diff. of 2 subsequent blocks

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MC Digi for Large Angle MC Digi for Large Angle VetoesVetoes






Signal (mV)





Time (ns)

N photo electrons

Detailed PMT simulation needed to assess efficiency @ low-energyInclude and correctly treat:• Gain fluctuations• Optical ’s path fluctuations• Signal generation• Time over threshold FEE

MC input parameters:• Gain at operation point

G = 1.1 ×106

• 1st dynode collection eff.1 = 0.85

• Intra-dynode collection eff.d = 0.98

• 1st dynode time fluctuations T1 = 0.5 ns

• Intra-dynode time fluctuations

Td = 0.8 ns

Large Angle Veto WG meeting – Mainz – 6/9/2011 2

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Time over threshold (ns)

Present data/MC Present data/MC agreementagreement

For MC use: 157 pF PMT capacitance newly measured, take into account the 33 Ohm resistor at PMT out, 9.5 mV threshold, 2 mV hysteresisData/MC agreement: now much more satisfying need to measure the threshold to improve

Large Angle Veto WG meeting – Mainz – 6/9/2011 13


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Large Angle Veto WG meeting – Mainz – 6/9/2011 13

We are on schedule (some months delay)Need to keep the effort in construction for the next year, the ANTI now are bigger 240 blocks2012 will be crucial .. Many things in parallel construction, installation and commissioning, run.In parallel FEE production and test should go on and the integration with the tell62 should proceed, all this with limited number of person

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Richieste LNFRichieste LNF

Large Angle Veto WG meeting – Mainz – 6/9/2011 13

INTERNO Riunioni di collaborazione, contatti con ditte per la meccanica e il FEE dei LAV, controlli di qualita' e misure (campo magnetico e vuoto) presso la ditte costruttrici Vessel, taglio laser del Tykec a INFN-GE= 9mu   18.00

ESTERO   . Riunioni tecniche progettisti con responsabilita' sulla meccanica, installazione ed elettronica= 2

mu 8.00   . run prova TDAQ, DRY run 2mu 16.00   3. installazione meccanica e test da vuoto 5 LAV al CERN, Installazione e test elettronica di 9

LAV=10mu 40.00   Riunioni di collaborazione e conferenze, responsabilita' Veti, 6.5mu 26.00   Run 4mu (8 settimane per due persone) 16.00    

CONSUMO   Metabolismo, materiale magazzino e pool elettronica LNF e CERN per la costruzione,il cablaggio, il test elettrico e da vuoto di 4 LAV (diemetro >= 3m) , materiale vario da ditte per piccoli tools di costruzione, estensione materassino ammortizzante, coibentazione per temperatura 40.00  

TRASPORTI   Trasporto di 4 LAV al cern (4 trasporti saranno eccezionali diametro maggiore di 3 metri). 20.00  


  APPARATI   Completamento elettronica di front end e del sistema di calibrazione,meccanica di A12 100.00  

Totale NA62 Lab. Naz. di Frascati     284.00