Latent Power of the Soul Chapter 2 Satan wants to use the power of the soul through the body and soul He wants to rule God doesn’t want us to use this power of the soul First Fact - inside of adam is supernatural power 1. satan wants to use this soul power…why? Satan knows that human beings can do much…in other words he wants us to become independent from our Lord Second Fact - temptation to become like God, began in Garden of Eden Third Fact - Satan wants to release soul power Fourth Fact – What does he gain from using this power Instead of worshipping God, worshipping himself Lines can be blurred, people can’t distinguish between truth and false light Difference between God’s work and soul work is important John 3:6 Ezekiel 33:6 Soul divided into 2 areas Subconscious and conscious Hidden versus natural Miraculous versus natural Prayer We shouldn’t pray toward a human being but toward God, so our heavenly father can hear So all the things we pray through faith is to our heavenly father Not to another human being Service We can even use the soul to preach the word of God Or to make a service attractive Power and work of the Spirit

Latent Power of the Soul Ch 3

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Latent Power of the Soul

Chapter 2

Satan wants to use the power of the soul through the body and soulHe wants to ruleGod doesnt want us to use this power of the soul

First Fact - inside of adam is supernatural power1. satan wants to use this soul powerwhy? Satan knows that human beings can do muchin other words he wants us to become independent from our Lord

Second Fact - temptation to become like God, began in Garden of Eden

Third Fact - Satan wants to release soul power

Fourth Fact What does he gain from using this powerInstead of worshipping God, worshipping himselfLines can be blurred, people cant distinguish between truth and false light

Difference between Gods work and soul work is important

John 3:6Ezekiel 33:6

Soul divided into 2 areasSubconscious and consciousHidden versus naturalMiraculous versus natural

PrayerWe shouldnt pray toward a human being but toward God, so our heavenly father can hearSo all the things we pray through faith is to our heavenly fatherNot to another human being

ServiceWe can even use the soul to preach the word of GodOr to make a service attractive

Power and work of the SpiritBorn againBear fruit of the spiritPower to witness

3 areas for us to pursue

when the spirit dwells in us, for us to bear the fruit of the spiritthe word of god doesnt need to be felt, but should be obeyedemotion is not absolutely necessary

word of God should be trusted and obeyed

power of the soul is so strongChristian Scientists believe they can cure illness by the power of the will, soul

Satan wants to use mans soul power against us

Prayer rendered up to man versus rendered up to GodRendered for another person versus rendered up to GodWhat is Nees difference in these two different prayers?Use of the latent power of the soulWhat is the measure to distinguish these different prayers?Focus is on self/soul versus God

Why did jesus gives us the lords prayer as a model?

Preacher who could be within the realm of the soulBut its not just the preacher, but the Christian

Chapter 3Spirit Force vs. Psychic Force

A. Prophecies in the Bible

1. Passages provided to discover what are the signs at the end of this age. (p47)

- Matt. 24.24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray .

- Rev. 13.2-5, 12-13And he [the beast] doeth great signs, that he should even make fire to come down out of heaven upon the earth in the sight of man.

- 2 Thess. 2.8-10 even he, whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish.

2. Prior to the return of Christ, during the great tribulation period, there will be great signs and wonders, based on these passages.

- In Christian eschatology, the Tribulation is a period of time where everyone on earth will experience worldwide hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering, before the second coming of Christ.

3. [P]rophetic scholars agree that things which will come to pass during the great tribulation are now happening. (p48).

- This is based on the idea that before the fulfillment of a prophecy there usually occurs beforehand something similar which stands as a foretoken of its final realization. (p48). Foreshadowing, or prototype.

Example: Passover and crucifixion of Christ Example: False church of Roman Catholic Church; indulgences, Pope, false teachings

4. Before the coming of the Lord, what the Antichrist will be particularly interested in performing are signs and wonders. (p48)

- These signs and wonders refer to the latent soul power of man as a tool of Satan.

5. Main idea: The word of God shows that miracles, healings, speaking in tongues, visions, signs and wonders by mans soul power, can and will be used by Satan to counterfeit Gods spirit and to lead people astray with false hope, knowledge, or sense of spirituality before the return of Christ

Spiritual battle, between God and Satan; between Gods spirit in us and Satans use of mans soul

B. A Personal Remark

1. [A] believer needs to grow in several respects (p49)

- After one is saved, he should seek for proper knowledge of the Bible- He should desire to make progress in the spiritual life (e.g., victory, holiness, perfect love)- We should be fervent in winning souls- We should trust in God with such singleness of faith that we may see God working miracles

2. Lopsided strivings are unhealthy (both vertical and horizontal relationships)

3. Main idea: Watchman Nee is not opposed to miracles per se, but calling for a balanced Christian life and discernment due to false miracles and lying wonders 4. [A]ll the works of God are done by the Holy Spirit with the cooperation of our spirit [that is reborn/regenerated from death after the fall]. They are never realized by mans soul. (p49)

5. Examples of souls latent force on the non-miraculous side (p50) [We need discernment]

- Personal evangelism (Nee resisted using his natural ability of perceiving others minds) (the most important thing for you to do is to ask God to show you how to help him . What you need is to lay down yourself completely in order to receive help from God.) (p51)- Revival meeting (The power which comes from the Holy Spirit is never affected by outside environment.) (Example is Joseph) (A great many of the Lords servants tell me the same story as to how the numbers in attendance or the atmosphere of the gathering and so forth will either help or hinder their work. I always answer that they are controlled by circumstance because they preach in their own strength.) (p51-52) - Singing (Many times singing is of great assistance in Gods work. Sometimes, though, it cannot help but be a soulical activity.) (p52) (You and I usually look to the environment and are influenced by it. But if it is of the Holy Spirit, we will be controlling the environment.) (p53) - Bible expounding (There is the danger of expressing the latent power of the soul even in studying the Bible.) (By looking at its result, the interpretation can be fairly judged. For such novel, special, seemingly profound exposition may not bear spiritual fruit.) (p54)- Joy (Holy laugh as an example of works of the soul/self) (Persons desire is to laugh, not to be filled with the Holy Spirit) (p55)- Visions and dreams (Where do they come from are they of God or not of God?) (Is there evidence of people willing themselves to have visions and dreams?) (p57)

5. Reflection: Makes me examine aspects of my Christian life as he goes into all the familiar areas of the spiritual domain. How much of my spirituality is based on my environment or self?

C. Examine the Source

1. Let us keep in mind that whatever is done in the spirit, the soul can duplicate; but whatever is copied by the soul serves no other purpose than to counterfeit the spirit.) (p58)

2. Main idea: It is scary that the soul (power of Adam) can duplicate whatever is done in the spirit. Satans purpose is to use the latent power of the soul to confuse and build up false spirituality. Examine signs and wonders to see if they emerge from the soul or from the spirit.

D. Differences in Effect

1. The soul is itself alive and has life in itself. The spirit, however, is able to give life to others and cause them to live. The soul, no matter how strong it is, cannot impart life to others. (p58)

2. This is why I state with such emphasis that we must lay down our soul power. All that is of the soul is of no avail. (p59).

3. Hence in helping people, we should aim at the depth of their beings instead of merely aiding their minds[, emotions, problems, ]

4. Main idea: To help people, we need to affect their spirit, not their soul. Giving of spiritual life is in another realm from the soul. We should go beyond soul-level help.

5. Main idea: The fruit or effects will afford us a major clue in differentiating between what is of the spirit and what is of the soul. (p58)

E. The Danger of Working in Soul Power

1. How are many revival meetings conducted?- A chorus is repeated, stories are told, testimonies are given, to create an exciting and warm atmosphere- If the stories of many believers were ever recorded they would comprise a history of revivals: revivals after falls, and falls after revivals- Emotional and stirring, an injection of spiritual morphine

2. Working through soul power even if people weep, make resolutions, and become zealous is, practically speaking, worth nothing. (p60) - Reflection: Why? Valueless without the spirit of the person

F. The Spirit Gives Life

1. A corpse will deteriorate and decay more and more. But when resurrection life is infused, death is swallowed up by life. Consequently, a regenerated person is able to resist whatever belongs to death and is able to cast off all dead things. (p61)- Unbreakable tomb illustration- Life alone can conquer death. This is regeneration, this is resurrection.

2. [T]here are too many substitutes for the spirit in our day. (p62) - Reflection: We substitute even with Bible knowledge, song, joy, evangelism,

G. Must Deal with the Soul

1. God only works with His own strength; consequently we must ask Him to bind our soul life. (p62)

2. We should say to Him: O God, I want You to work, I do not want to depend on my talent and my power. I ask You Yourself to do the work, for by myself I can do nothing.

3. Today many workers consider Gods power to be insufficient so they add in their own.

4. [I]n Gods work, man should be like a paper figure which is lifeless and capable of doing nothing. He needs an influx of life to enable him to work. Let us deny ourselves to the degree that we become like paper figures, having no power at all in ourselves. All power must come from above; all methods used must also come from above. (p62)

5. First die, then something happens. If a believer does not set aside his own soul life, the spirit will never be able to work and so profit other people. (p63)

6. Does that resurrection life bear much fruit? Some ask why they are unable to help or to save people? Some inquire why they lack power. But I will answer that they have no power to work because their own power is too great. Since they already possess great strength in themselves, where is the opportunity for God to work? By using their own wisdom, method, strength, or natural ability, believers block the manifestation of Gods power. (p63)

7. Let us learn not to use our own power [eloquence, managerial ability, intuition, ] so that we may bear much fruit. (p64)

8. What we need is not greater power but deeper death. (p64)

9. Let us learn to deny all which comes from our natural selves. Whether miraculous or common, we must deny whatever does not come from God. God will then display His power to accomplish that which He has intended to do. (p65)

10. Reflection verses: If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily. Luke 9:23and follow me. Luke 9:23

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Cor 12:9

H. The Lords Example

1. Christ affirms that the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. Jn 5:19

2. If such a holy and perfect Lord as He refuses to use His own [soul] power, how about us?(p65)

3. If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23. We should follow Christs example.