YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus Dr. P.J. Goldberg, President 3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-966-7877 email: [email protected] www.yih.org LAST DAYS PESACH 21-22 NISSAN 5778 FRIDAY APRIL 6, 2018 SHABBAT APRIL 7, 2018 CHAG SAMEACH ~ SHABBAT SHALOM ~ We welcome all newcomers, visitors and guests 2


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Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi

Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi

Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus

Dr. P.J. Goldberg, President

3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312

954-966-7877 email: [email protected] www.yih.org


21-22 NISSAN 5778





We welcome all newcomers, visitors and guests


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Mazel Tov:

Rabbi Yaakov & Reva Homnick on the birth of their grandson born to Devorah &

Shua Heisler.

Rabbi Moshe & Naama Parnes on the aufruf in the Beit Midrash Minyan on

Shabbat of their son Yitzchok Isaac, and on Yitzchok Isaac’s upcoming marriage

to Elka Feder, daughter of Ira & Shuli Feder.

Josh & Debbie Galitzer on the marriage of their grandson Jonathan Galitzer to

Rebecca Mogil of St. Louis, and to uncles & aunts Barry & Jillian Galitzer and

Rachel & Ronen Zour.

Phil & Lisa Baratz who will be honored at the KYHS Annual Journal Dinner on

Sunday, April 22nd.


Beth-ann Gan on the loss of her father Maurice Gan. The funeral was on Monday

in Atlanta. Shiva begins after Yom Tov and ends on Friday morning. Beth-ann will

be sitting shiva at her home, 3900 N. Hills Drive #312 in Hollywood. Visitors are

welcome Sunday through Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

A MESSAGE FROM OUR MEMBER, DR. IRA GINSBERG It is with great difficulty that I am writing this letter to you. Before I begin, however, I want to introduce myself to those of you I don’t know. I have been a member of our wonderful shul for over 40 years. As a past president, I was responsible for getting fresh meat into the area and I diligently worked on developing the eruv. Along with my wife, Miriam, I created and chaired the shul dinner for its first 13 years. Proudly, I can take complete credit for the formation of our teen minyan and I have been, and continue to be, the Baal Koreh for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the main sanctuary for 40 years. Unfortunately, I am now forced into asking for your help. I am in kidney failure and desperately need a donation of a kidney. My blood type is O Positive and no one in my family is a match. Donating a kidney is a life saving mitzvah for the donor and most certainly a life saver for the recipient. A transplant from a deceased donor is a possibility but could take many years. More than 100,000 people are on the waiting list for a deceased donor kidney and there is a very limited supply. A living donor kidney transplant has many benefits. A kidney from a living donor is usually the best quality kidney. It functions more quickly after transplant, lasts longer, and works better than kidneys from deceased donors. Living donor transplant surgery can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for the donor. The donor surgery is performed laparoscopically, in which three or four small incisions are made to remove the kidney. The donor is able to leave the hospital in two to three days. Although this is hard for me to ask, if you feel that this is something you might do, male or female, please consider becoming a donor for me. I fully understand that this is a personal decision that isn’t right for everyone. Please know that if you are uncomfortable with living donation, it will not affect our relationship. If you would like more information about living kidney donation, please contact Miami Transplant Institute’s kidney living donor team at 305-355-5000 for general information. They will be happy to answer any questions and offer information for potential living donors Of course, any expenses will be paid, with my utmost thanks, by me. Please call me at any time. I can be reached at 954-494-1494 Thank you for your caring and concern. Ira Ginsberg


Thursday Night

An Eruv Tavshilin is made on Thursday in order to cook on Friday for Shabbat

7:15pm &


Candle Lighting

7:00pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary

7:00pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library

7:30pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary


7:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary

8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2

8:45am Sephardic Minyan Library

8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan House

9:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary

Sermon Rabbi Frieberg

8:30am Babysitting: 18 months to 3 years House

9:00am Games room followed by Groups Room 1-4,6

9:30am Joint Teen & Youth Minyan Room 5

10:15am Nursery 3 Group Chapel

10:15am Latest Shema Time

10:45am Sefer HaMitzvot Shiur, Rabbi Moshe Parnes Beit Midrash

6:30pm Daf Yomi Library

Friday Night

7:15pm &


Candle Lighting

7:00pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary

7:00pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library

7:30pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary

Main Sanctuary will be locked while the Torah is being read, during Mussaf Kedusha, and while

the Rabbi is speaking.

Contact Gerald Mayerhoff or David Lasko for an aliyah or kibbud at any of the minyanim.

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6:50am Shacharit Minyan (Note earlier start time) Main Sanctuary

8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2

8:45am Sephardic Minyan Library

8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan House

9:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary

Sermon Rabbi Weinstock: 70 Years Young

8:30am Babysitting: 18 months to 3 years House

9:00am Games room followed by Groups Room 1-4,6

9:30am Joint Teen & Youth Minyan Room 5

10:15am Nursery 3 Group Chapel

10:14am Latest Shema Time

6:35pm Rabbi Weinstock’s shiur: The Life & Times of

Rabbi Meir Bar Ilan whose yahrzeit is on


Main Sanctuary

6:20pm Daf Yomi Library

7:20pm Minchah Main Sanctuary


Minchah &


Annual Seudat Mashiach/Chibat Matzah (last

chance for the Mitzvah of Matzah). Divrei

Torah by local Hollywood talent home for Yom


Social Hall

8:20pm Maariv and Shabbat/Yom Tov ends Main Sanctuary

Please do not use any Chametz products sold through the Rabbi until 9:30 p.m.

Saturday night giving him the opportunity to complete the purchase from the non-Jew.

Immediately after Pesach one may purchase Chametz from stores supervised by

the O.R.B., and by other recognized Kashrut agencies. One may also purchase from: BJ’s, Costco, CVS, Dunkin Donuts on Stirling Road just west of the synagogue, Kmart, Petco, Petsmart, Publix, Trader Joe’s, Walgreens, Walmart, Whole Foods, Winn-Dixie. This list is not meant to be exhaustive.

According to the ORB, French breads, baguettes, and other products containing

Chametz from Patisserie de France, which distributes in S. FL and is Jewish-owned, have NOT been sold before Pesach in a manner that is satisfactory to the ORB. Therefore, products containing Chametz from this company may NOT be purchased after Pesach for at least 30 days (until Monday, May 7, 2018) or until further notice. They may not be served or sold in any ORB establishment.





Safety, Security & First Aid

“Safety & Security is everyone’s responsibility. If You See Something Say

Something!” Talk to the President, Rabbis, or Executive Director.

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) along with other first aid equipment in

closet next to Social Hall.

In an effort to improve our Security, please do not congregate in and near the

SECURITY TENT. Our Security teams needs to stay focused while they are on

duty. Any questions or concerns should be brought to the attention of the Shul

Security committee and Board of Directors.

Yom Tov/Shabbat Crossing Schedule:

Stirling Road at SW 33rd Avenue

Hollywood Police will control the light:

Thursday 6:45-10:45pm

Friday 7:45am-12:30pm & 7:15-10:45pm

Shabbat 7:45am-12:30pm & 6:00-9:00pm

A custodian will manually change the light between 6:50 & 7:10am. Please cross

Stirling Road in the crosswalk after all traffic has stopped.

Shabbat Sponsorship Opportunities

$54 up to 3 sponsors; each additional sponsor is $18: *7:00 a.m., *8:00 a.m., *YP,

*Sephardic Minyan

$250: *Beit Midrash Kiddush includes food

$325: 9:00 a.m. Minyan Kiddush (cake, soda & paper goods only)

$ 50: Shabbat Youth Group Kiddush

$100:; Minyanairres (Grade 3-4) Kiddush

$150: Youth Kiddush

$150: Teen Kiddush

$100: Monday Mishmar

$360: Seudah Shlishit for 150 people

$136 each: Torah Dialogue or Shabbat Announcements or Pulpit Flowers

Weekly and special classes are also available for sponsorship. Contact Rabbi Adam

Frieberg at: [email protected]

Celebrate Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, anniversaries, and other simchas,

or commemorate the yahrzeit of a loved one.

* Mashgiach Fee for Hot Kiddushes: $36 small Kiddush/$50 large Kiddush

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D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock

On the seventh day of Pesach we read that upon leaving Egypt, the Jews camp at a

place called Pi Hachirot. Rashi quotes the Midrashic tradition that the name Pi

Hachirot is related to Cheirut- freedom. The Jews began to feel the freedom upon

arrival at this location.

If we look at the first part of the name of the location, we realize that Pi Hachirot

may refer to freedom of the mouth or free speech.

Slaves are not allowed to speak freely. They can only speak when spoken to. They

are also not at liberty to express, or even possess, their own opinions. Originally Pi

Hachirot was called Pitom, which some suggest is a contraction of the words Peh

Satum- a closed mouth. It was at Pitom that Bnei Yisrael lost their freedom to


At Pi Hachirot Bnei Yisrael found their voice. The ability to freely speak is a gift

and a responsibility that Bnei Yisrael did not immediately utilize effectively. The

first use of their voice is to complain to Moshe: “Were there no graves in Egypt

that we had to come out here to die?” We prefer to have never left Egypt and

remained as slaves without a voice rather than to die in the desert where we will

similarly be silenced!

Instead of answering them with words, G-d splits the Sea and causes the people to

experience a revelation unlike anything in history. In response Bnei Yisrael sings

Shira- they come to appreciate the power of their voice. They utilize their freedom

of speech in an effective and meaningful manner.

The story of Pesach is the story of Bnei Yisrael finding their voice as they begin to

taste freedom. As we commemorate this event we must commit ourselves to

utilizing our freedom of speech: By speaking up even when our views go against

today’s popular culture or conventional wisdom. By speaking up even when we

think that our views are obvious or that everyone is in agreement. Chances are

they are not nearly as obvious or unanimous as we think. By speaking up even

when we don’t know if anyone is listening.

The Maharal writes that the word Pesach is a contraction of the words Peh Sach,

the mouth that speaks. Pesach celebrates the finding of our voice and the liberation

of our power of speech. Just as it was then, so may G-d give us the insight and

strength to utilize our voices today in a powerful and productive manner.



Yom Hashoah Program with keynote

speaker Gerda Frieberg, and a youth dramatic presentation “And A Child Shall Lead”, Choir and candle lighting ceremony. If you wish to light a candle in honor or memory of a Holocaust survivor, please email Susu Danis at [email protected]

This week Wednesday 4/11 See flyer

8:00 p.m.

Teichman-Rosenblatt Shabbat Mevorchim

shiur with Dr. Oren Stier, topic: “The Religious Testimony of Elie Wiesel”

Shabbat 4/14 5:15 p.m. At the shul, in the Chapel

Scholar-in-Residence Shani Taragin, in

partnership with RZA/Mizrachi Seventy for 70

Shabbat 4/13-4/14

See flyer

Yom HaZikaron-Yom HaAtzmaut Program.

Be a sponsor and help make Israel’s 70th our best event ever. To sponsor go to: www.yih.org/yom-haatzmaut-5778.html

Wed. 4/18 6:00 p.m.

Guest Speaker Atara Eis—Women only:

Women, Intimacy & Honesty. Submit anonymous questions. See flyer

Shabbat 4/21 5:00 p.m. in the Beit Midrash

Sisterhood Yom Iyun. Keynote speaker

Vivien Hidary and many other speakers

Sunday 4/22 See flyer

Sisterhood Book Club The Bridal Chair by

Gloria Goldreich, reviewer Shelley Tuchman

Wednesday 4/25

8:30 p.m. at the Rotterdam home

Renewal, Kidney Donation Awareness Shabbat with Scholar in Residence Rabbi Josh Sturm, Director of Outreach

Shabbat 4/28

See flyer

JEF Golf Tournament Monday 4/30



We are planning to have our Annual Siyum TaNach on Shavuot. To accomplish

this goal of having the entire Bible read and studied, please sign up to study one

of the 45 Portions.

Sign up online at http://www.yih.org/project-tanach-5778 or call the shul office.

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Weekday Daily Minyanim—April 8-13

Shacharit: Sun. 7:15, 8:00, 9:00am

Mon. & Thurs. 6:15, 7:15, 8:00am, Tues., Wed. & Fri. 6:15, 7:30, 8:00am

Minchah/Maariv: 7:35pm

Daf Yomi in the Library. Weekdays: 5:30am & 8:00pm. Shabbat: 1

hour before Minchah. Sundays: 6:30am.

Morning Learning Program with Rabbi Yossi Jankovits. Sun. (8-9am),

Mon.-Fri. (7-8am). Daily in the Beit Midrash 15 min. Mussar 15 min. Chu-

mash with Rashi (Parashah HaShavua), 30 min. Gemara.


9:45am Chidon HaTanach for Middle School with Rav James, Social Hall

9:45am High School Sunday Mishmar joint with KYHS with Rabbi Na-

chbar, Beit Midrash


7:30pm Middle School Mishmar, Beit Midrash & Modular

8:30pm High School Learning in conjunction with NCSY, Beit Midrash

8:30pm The Book of Devarim, Tobi Wolf for women, Room 5

8:30pm Talmud Tractate Brachot, Rabbi Yitzchak Salid, Chapel


11:00am Women’s TaNaCh class, Lisa Baratz, Library

7:30pm Talmud Sanhedrin with Rabbi Michael Katz, Room 5

8:00pm Chaburah Night

Rabbi Adam Frieberg: Hilchot Shabbat, Social Hall

Mrs. Sara Frieberg: Insight into the Siddur, Social Hall

Rabbi Natan Brownstein: Rav Kook’s Orot HaTeshuvah, Social Hall.

Mordechai Korik: Intro to Tanya, Social Hall

Rabbi Yaakov Sprung: Parshat HaSHavua: In a way you've never

viewed it, Small Chapel.


9:00-10:15am Moms, Tots, and Torah with Sara Frieberg. Contact Sara at

908-812-4993 for details.

8:00pm “Practical Jewish Living for Beginners” with Sara Frieberg.


Bahor ben Merhai (Boris Yusupov-Roman Yusupov’s father), Baruch Zvi ben Rivka Batya (Rabbi Dr. Brian Galbut-Daniel Galbut’s cousin), Binyamin ben Chemla (Binyamin Israel), David HaKohen ben Esther (Lev Kandinov’s father), Eliezer HaLevi ben Chana (Leon Brauser-Joel Brauser’s father), Shmuel ben Estrella (Dov Lasry’s father), Solomon ben Solika (Solomon Perez-Ilana Melnitsky’s father), Yehuda Arieh ben Mindla (Philippe Leiberman’s father), Yisroel Yechiel ben Chaya (Michael Reinhard-Kenny Reinhard’s father), Yitzchak Chanoch ben Chana (nephew of Vanessa Shamah and Lauren Davis).

Bracha Etl bat Chana Nehorah (Ettie Langer), Chana Ety bat Zirel Libah, Chaya Sara bat Dubra (Irene Berlin-Reva Homnick’s mother), Devora bat Sheina Baila, Elka bat Tova (Leona Brauser-Joel Brauser’s mother), Feiga Necha bat Pessel (Fay Lerner), Masha bat Ruth (Marcia Chonchol-Craig Barany’s mother), Pesyah Kayla Sarah bat Shaindle (Ezra Stern’s mother), Rivka Yacha bat Feiga (Robin Kerzer), Sara Leah bat Rochel (Cynthia Lynn Haber-Cheryl Hamburg’s sister), Sara Leah bat Bracha (Stacey Deutsch), Shira Raizel Esther bat Mina Zosha (Ruth Messer’s granddaughter), Tzirel Libah bat Frimed Mindel (Sylvia Lieberman-Philippe Lieberman’s mother), Vickia bat Fruma (Vivian Honig-Susan Chusid’s mother), Yocheved bat Tzril (Joan Niad).

If you know of a shul member in the hospital or who might appreciate a home visit, please let the Rabbis know by contacting the shul office. Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered.


Bikur Cholim Medical Gemach is looking for a place to store medical

equipment. If you have a space you are not using, please let us know. If you are in need and want to borrow medical equipment, please contact us at 954-895-8844 or [email protected]

In celebration of National Library Week, every child will receive a new Scholastic

book at the Stirling Library on Sunday, April 8th from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

PATCH Free Tutoring Program for YIH Middle & High School students.

Contact Larry Reiss (954) 662-3128.

Hollywood Bridal Gemach is looking for donations of bridal gowns,

bridesmaid, mother of the bride gowns in good condition and all sizes. Please contact Robin Andisman at 954-588-7600 or [email protected] Monetary donations welcome. All donations are tax deductible.

The Cupboard–a Kosher Food Bank is low on food & supplies. Drop off at

the home of Chani & Jay Dennis or Michael & Tsilila Goldberg.

Brauser Maimonides Academy Journal Dinner, May 6th. Register

at: www.tinyurl.com/BMADinner

Late Ma’ariv 9:30pm Sun.-Thurs. and Early Minchah 2:00pm Mon.-Thurs. at

Hollywood Community Kollel, 4016 N. 46 St. (Winn Dixie shopping center).


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New U.S.-Israel Center of Excellence Included in Omnibus Bill On March 23, Congress passed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Omnibus Appropriations bill, which included a key pro-Israel provision establishing a U.S.-Israel Center of Excellence in energy and water technologies. According to the AIPAC News Hub, the omnibus also fully funded the U.S.-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Energy (BIRD-Energy) program. The funding was spearheaded by Sens. John Kennedy (R-LA), Patty Murray (D-WA), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Susan Collins (R-ME), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Reps. Steve Scalise (R-LA), Mike Simpson (R-ID), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), and Brad Sherman (D-CA). “This is the highest level of funding for joint U.S-Israel energy programs in our countries’ histories. Funding these two programs will further assist our nations in achieving energy independence, and will improve our environment and national security,” Rep. Sherman said. “In the future, when somebody hears that something big has happened in Israel, they will ask: what did the Israelis invent and how many lives will it save?” Our synagogue partners with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby, in educating our community on issues affecting the U.S.-Israel relationship. We encourage you to learn more by contacting AIPAC at (202) 639-5200 or by visiting www.aipac.org


1-5 5-1 5-1

2-4 2-4 4-2


Time Program Age/Grade Location

Last Days

9:00am Game Room Pre K - 4th Grade Room 3-4

8:30am Babysitting 18months-Nursery 3 House

9:30am Joint Teen & Youth Minyan 5th—12th Grade &


Room 5

10:00am Shabbat Groups Pre K - 2nd Grade Rooms 2 & 6

10:00am Minyanairres 3rd & 4th Grade Room 1

10:15am Nursery 3 Group Mommy & Me Chapel

11:15am Teen Shiur with Rabbi


8-12th Grade Room 5

Pesach - Last Days Days

Pesach Quiz

Email answers to [email protected] on Motzei Shabbat Elementary School

What day of the Omer did we count on Thursday night of Chol Hamoed? Middle School

What is the source in the Torah for Sefirat HaOmer?

Youth Upcoming Events

Honoring Israel’s Fallen Project sign up on line Running through Yom HaZikaron

Family Nevim Project sign up online Running through Shavout Boy Scout Shabbaton

April 13-14, 2018 Menuchat Emet

Starts April 14, 2018 Bnei Akiva National Senior Leadership Seminar

April 26-29, 2018 in Houston YIH Chidon Team @ National Finals

April 26-29, 2018 in New York

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D’var Torah : Rav James The Maharal in Sefer Gevurot Hashem points out that the Torah uses the verb to believe, Vayaaminu, three times in the story of the Exodus from Eygpt. The first time, when Moshe initially came to the Jews to bring the word of Hashem and begin the process of redemption from Egypt it states clearly that the people believed him. The second is at the splitting of the sea, where before Az Yashir it states clearly that the people believed in Hashem and Moshe. The third time is standing at Mt. Sinai, where Hashem says to Moshe, I am coming to you in a cloud so that the people will be able to listen when I speak with them and also that they will believe in you. The Maharal explains the need for these three belief statements in the story because our religious beliefs are subsumed into three main categories. The three beliefs are fundamental to Judaism and a deficiency in any of them will affect one’s commitment to Hashem. They are 1)Hashgachat Hashem 2)Hashem’s Omnipotence 3)Torah Min Hashamayim. When Moshe came to save and redeem the Jewish people, it was important to convince them that Hashem was really going to take them out of Egypt and he therefore stressed to them belief #1, that Hashem watches over everything and that He did not forget the Jewish people. At the Yam Suf, as the Jewish people saw amazing miracles that broke the laws of nature, it was important to note that Bnei Yisrael had understood belief #2, that Hashem has the power to do anything in this world; He has the ability to turn dry land to water. And at Mt. Sinai, as the Jewish people prepared to receive the Torah from Hashem and to experience the theophany of Ma’amad Har Sinai, it was important to tell them belief #3, that Hashem communicates directly with man as He is about to utter the 10 Commandments. Therefore in each of these three situations the term of belief is mentioned and stressed. These were when these critical beliefs were instilled into Bnei Yisrael and when they became part of our belief system in Judaism. These remain the fundamental beliefs of the Jewish people and define us as a people. The Maharal then goes on to connect this idea with the statement of R. Yirmiyah bar Elazar in Eruvin about the three entrances to Gehinnon – one in the wilderness, one at the sea, and one in Jerusalem. The Talmud brings pesukim to support this statement, but the Maharal goes beyond the pesukim quoted and connects this Talmudic statement with the three primary beliefs discussed above. According to the Maharal, who is destined to enter Gehinnom? The individual who is deficient in his basic Jewish beliefs. The Maharal as such sees the statement in Eruvin as follows. If you miss one of the three key Jewish beliefs the doors of Gehinnom open up for you. You are no longer a believer in fundamental Jewish beliefs if you reject any of these three. The Maharal lines up the three gates with the three beliefs as follows: 1) The entrance to Gehinnom in Jerusalem, Hashgachat Hashem 2) The entrance to Gehinnom at the sea, Hashem’s Omnipotence 3) The entrance to Gehinnom at the wilderness, Torah Min Hashamayim. As those who identify with the State of Israel and the religious Zionist movement, we appreciate the role emunah plays in our support of the modern State of Israel. We are faithful to all three of these fundamental beliefs: we follow the Torah which is the word of Hashem to us; we know that Hashem can and does do everything in this world; and we know that Hashem watches over us constantly. Eruvin takes this a step further and makes it clear that to believe in Hashem means to believe in Jerusalem. During difficult political times, when there are those who debate the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, we may not forget the fundamental role that it plays as one of our basic belief statements. As we prepare to celebrate the 70 years since our Independence we must make sure that we stand strong in our belief and support for the State of Israel; remain proud of all it has achieved and dedicate ourselves to ensuring our children have a strong understanding of Israel's place in our lives.


As we prepare to joyously celebrate the 70th anniversary of Israel, we must remember that

without the 23,632 soldiers and security forces who sacrificed their lives defending and pro-

tecting our land, we would not be privileged to celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut.

We are obligated to perpetuate their memories.

The YIH Youth department has signed up to remember 1500 soldiers this year. If every family

takes just one soldier we can remember 602 soldiers, however if every member of the YIH

family commits to remembering 1 soldier we will not just easily reach our 1500 soldiers but

will add an additional 1123 names to our memorial.

We ask you and your family, no matter what age, whether only 8 days or 120 years old, to

join the Youth Department in remembering our fallen soldiers.

Next Steps:

1: Follow link http://honorisraelsfallen.com/group/307

2: Select a fallen solider (we only have 1500 names so if you know a fallen soldier they may

not be listed but will appear on another communities list)

3. Click on "Honor this fallen hero"

4. Select how you are going to honor the a hero from the options

5. Honor the hero!!

Yom HaZikaron


9:45am Chidon HaTanach with Rav James in Social Hall

9:45am KYHS Mishmar with Rabbi Nachbar in Beit Midrash


7:30pm Middle School Mishmar in the Beit Midrash & Modular

8:30pm High School Monday Learning with Bnei Akiva & NCSY

in Beit Midrash


6:15pm Cub Scouts in Rooms 3-4

6:15pm Girl Scouts in Room 5

7:30pm Boy Scouts in Rooms 1 & 2

7:30pm Bnei Akiva Tzevet Meeting in Room 6


8:00pm Latte & Learn at Baskin Robbins

Youth Happening This Week

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