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  • 8/23/2019 last apah paper.docx


    Nishant Grover


    AP Art History

    Taking AP Art History had broadened my horizons and shown me new ways and

    avenues to appreciate art by taking into account the principles and elements of art as well

    as the historical context and artistic styles of various works. The knowledge I have acquired

    will be tested by the AP Art History exam in early May. Most students panic over the

    amount of material to cover and the time for studying. My teacher, however, the ravishing

    Mrs. Kimberly Reese, has planned an annual APAH class trip to Washington D.C. since she

    began teaching at Radford High so that the students can engage in a hands-on experience

    with much of the artwork taught and have a visceral review session given to them. Our trip

    this year is from April 27-29 and we will be covering the following Smithsonian

    institutions: the National Gallery of Art and Sculpture Garden, the Freer & Sackler Galleries,

    the Hirshorn Museum, the African Art Museum and the Natural History Museum. While I

    would like to view every piece at these locations, I know that it is not feasible to do so.

    Instead, I have a list of artwork, exhibits and events during our trip that would be the most

    special for me to visit.

    At the National Gallery of Art, the one painting that I really want to see is Breezing

    Up (A Fair Wind) by Winslow Homer. The reason being is that I really enjoy all of Homers

    work because it reminds me of the Northeast United States and its strong sailing culture.

    The way the leisure of the activity is shown amongst the Atlantic waves and beautiful skies

    always makes me wish I could be on a boat as well. An exhibit that I want to see at the

    Gallery is Picassos Drawings, 1890-1921: Reinventing Tradition because I want to have an

    in-depth exploration of Picasso that goes beyond what was covered in class. Another

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    exhibit I want to see at this museum isA New Look: Samuel F. B. Morse's Gallery of the

    Louvre because of the little known fact that Morse started out as a painter before venturing

    into electromagnetics. Also, during Spring Break, I was able to visit the South Carolina

    Governors Mansion and in its formal dining room was a Morse portrait of Governor Robert

    Young Hayne. After learning about Morses past from the tour guide, Ive been intrigued by

    him and this exhibit will be a way for me to learn more about Morse.

    The next stop on the D.C. trip is the National Gallery Sculpture Garden. The first

    work I would like to see here is Moondog by Tony Smith because of its simplified geometric

    forms and representation of a dog. The next sculpture I would like to see is Cheval Rouge by

    Alexander Calder since this is completely different from mobiles, Calders medium of

    choice, and I would like to see how the artist executed in a more unknown field of art. The

    final piece I would like to see is House Iby Roy Lichtenstein because this is not cartoon-

    based pop art, what Lichtenstein usually creates, but rather a cartoonish frame that

    espouses three-dimensional effects.

    After the Sculpture Garden we will be going to the Freer and Sackler Galleries, which

    focuses on Asian art but has works from many other regions as well. A work that I would

    like to see here is Breakfast in the Loggia by John Singer Sargent. This piece appeals to me

    because of the Victorian architectural style used for the loggia that was very prominent in

    both England and the South during the 1800s and can still be seen today. Furthermore, the

    idea of a quaint breakfast between two intimate individuals, regardless of location or

    ethnicity, in which emotions are shared and feelings are expressed truly draws in the

    viewer to the work. Also, the feelings that I have when seeing this piece remind me of many

    works of literature and film because of the similar layout and aesthetic style. An exhibit

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    that appeals to me at this museum is Moving Perspectives: Kyungwon Moon because the

    artist is attempting to capture fleeting moments in time by using a camera and the many

    snapshots of life it can take.

    The next museum will be the Hirshorn Museum, which deals mainly with modern

    art. The work I would like to see here is People of Chilmarkby Thomas Hart Benton because

    it captures a different mood of Benton than what I am used to from class. In the class text,

    Bentons work showed the happy and upbeat side of life in the Midwest with a motley crew

    of characters interacting and trying to reach the American Dream with many scuffles and

    situations along the way. Chilmark, however, shows a darker side of America with people

    trying to live from day to day. Perhaps Benton was trying to show the effects of

    industrialization or the cottage industry of laborers in Chilmark, Mass. or maybe he was

    trying to show the general human condition; no matter what the theme, viewing this piece

    in person would truly have on impact on my perception of the work as well as my views on

    society. An exhibit at Hirshorn that I would like to see is Black Box: Ali Kazma which

    consists of photographs that Kazma has taken that capture the human action of work and

    its many repeated actions and tasks. Once again, my appreciation for fleeting moments of

    time comes into play again along with the intrigue that common life and daily activities has

    upon me and how those elements of life can become aesthetic and poignant in artistic


    While there arent any specific pieces at the National Museum of African Art that I

    want to see, the National Museum of Natural History has a very interesting exhibit which is

    called The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji. This exhibit is a series of

    photographs by a Congolese artist that showcases the vibrant copper mining industry of

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    the Democratic Republic of the Congo before war, famine, disease and poverty completely

    tore it apart. Baloji avoids the standard angle of a photo series on Africa by showing a more

    unknown aspect of the problem rather than what the general public is already aware about.

    There are many works, exhibits and events that I wish to view, see and attend

    during my time in our nations capital. While I may not be able to do it all, having a

    comprehensive list and doing enough background research helps because I have

    rudimentary knowledge on each piece and I can use leftover research for another trip to

    the Smithsonian museums with friends or family. Regardless of the outcome of this trip, I

    will still have learned a lot and gained a review unlike any other for my AP exam in May.

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