Laser-Assisted Cryosurgery in ex vivo Mice Hepatic Tissue: Viability Assays Using Green Fluorescent Protein L. MARTI ´ NEZ-SUA ´ STEGUI, 1,4 B. DUPERRAY, 2 F. GODINEZ, 1 G. GUILLE ´ N, 3 A. SLADE, 1 and G. AGUILAR 1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA; 2 Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Ingenieur de Caen, Caen 14000, France; 3 Departamento de Biologı´a Molecular de Plantas, Instituto de Biotecnologı´a, UNAM, Cuernavaca 62210, Mexico; and 4 Seccio´n de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacio´n-IPN, Me´xico, DF 02250, Mexico (Received 7 May 2010; accepted 9 October 2010; published online 21 October 2010) Associate Editor Kyriacos A. Athanasiou oversaw the review of this article. AbstractAn experimental investigation is carried out to develop a novel approach to cryosurgery, where laser heating counteracts tissue freezing to better confine damage to the targeted cancerous tissue within a lethal low-temperature isothermal boundary—an approach we refer to as laser- assisted cryosurgery (LAC). The advantage of this procedure relative to conventional cryosurgery assisted with urethral warmers or cryoheaters is that laser heating provides volumetric rather than superficial heating, which leads to deeper penetration, more homogeneous tissue protection and better demarcation of the destructive freezing effect to a well- defined targeted volume. Tissue viability assays are per- formed using green fluorescence protein (GFP) as a viability marker and correlated with temperature history after performing LAC procedures on ex vivo mice hepatic tissue. The limit for cell denaturation at the irradiated surface predicted by GFP analysis is further confirmed using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In addi- tion, the correlation between GFP fluorescence and cell viability and loss of GFP fluorescence in non-viable cells has been tested and validated by histological analysis using a standard cell viability measuring method (hematoxylin and eosin staining). Analysis of our experimental measurements show that reproducible thermal gradients (of 236 ŶC/cm) and predictable tissue necrosis can be reliably produced by LAC without exceeding temperature thresholds for cell denatur- ation (of T surf 48 ŶC) beyond preset tissue boundaries (with resolution of 0.1 ŶC/mm). The results have shown the feasibility of controlling temperatures at specified tissue locations to prevent hyperthermal or freezing damage. KeywordsCryoablation, Prostate cancer, RT-PCR. NOMENCLATURE d Distance (mm) SD Standard deviation t Time (s) T Temperature (ŶC) TC Thermocouple Greek Letters d Thickness of protection layer (mm) l a Absorption coefficient (mm 21 ) Subscripts Amb Ambient Cryo Cryoprobe Surf Surface Th Threshold INTRODUCTION Cryosurgery is the infliction of a lethal freezing injury achieved by the contact of one or more metallic probes at low subzero temperatures with a target tumor tissue. Prostate cryosurgery was the first mini- mally invasive cryosurgical procedure to pass from the experimental stage and become a routine surgical treatment. 25 While the main objective during a cryo- surgical procedure is to ensure tissue destruction within the cryolesion, the greatest challenge is on how to spare the surrounding healthy tissues from cryoablation. In order to overcome this difficulty and with the aid of recent technological developments, the total number of cryoprobes used during a cryosurgical procedure has been increased because of a considerable Address correspondence to L. Martı´nez-Sua´stegui, Seccio´n de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacio´n-IPN, Me´xico, DF 02250, Mexico. Electronic mail: [email protected] Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 2, February 2011 (ȑ 2010) pp. 636–648 DOI: 10.1007/s10439-010-0186-0 0090-6964/11/0200-0636/0 ȑ 2010 The Author(s). This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com 636

Laser-Assisted Cryosurgery in ex vivo Mice Hepatic Tissue ... · Laser-Assisted Cryosurgery in ex vivo Mice Hepatic Tissue: Viability Assays Using Green Fluorescent Protein L. MARTI´NEZ-SUA´STEGUI,

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Page 1: Laser-Assisted Cryosurgery in ex vivo Mice Hepatic Tissue ... · Laser-Assisted Cryosurgery in ex vivo Mice Hepatic Tissue: Viability Assays Using Green Fluorescent Protein L. MARTI´NEZ-SUA´STEGUI,

Laser-Assisted Cryosurgery in ex vivo Mice Hepatic Tissue: Viability

Assays Using Green Fluorescent Protein


1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA; 2Ecole Nationale Superieured’Ingenieur de Caen, Caen 14000, France; 3Departamento de Biologıa Molecular de Plantas, Instituto de Biotecnologıa, UNAM,

Cuernavaca 62210, Mexico; and 4Seccion de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacion-IPN, Mexico, DF 02250, Mexico

(Received 7 May 2010; accepted 9 October 2010; published online 21 October 2010)

Associate Editor Kyriacos A. Athanasiou oversaw the review of this article.

Abstract—An experimental investigation is carried out todevelop a novel approach to cryosurgery, where laser heatingcounteracts tissue freezing to better confine damage to thetargeted cancerous tissue within a lethal low-temperatureisothermal boundary—an approach we refer to as laser-assisted cryosurgery (LAC). The advantage of this procedurerelative to conventional cryosurgery assisted with urethralwarmers or cryoheaters is that laser heating providesvolumetric rather than superficial heating, which leads todeeper penetration, more homogeneous tissue protection andbetter demarcation of the destructive freezing effect to a well-defined targeted volume. Tissue viability assays are per-formed using green fluorescence protein (GFP) as a viabilitymarker and correlated with temperature history afterperforming LAC procedures on ex vivo mice hepatic tissue.The limit for cell denaturation at the irradiated surfacepredicted by GFP analysis is further confirmed using reversetranscription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In addi-tion, the correlation between GFP fluorescence and cellviability and loss of GFP fluorescence in non-viable cells hasbeen tested and validated by histological analysis using astandard cell viability measuring method (hematoxylin andeosin staining). Analysis of our experimental measurementsshow that reproducible thermal gradients (of 236 �C/cm) andpredictable tissue necrosis can be reliably produced by LACwithout exceeding temperature thresholds for cell denatur-ation (of Tsurf � 48 �C) beyond preset tissue boundaries(with resolution of 0.1 �C/mm). The results have shown thefeasibility of controlling temperatures at specified tissuelocations to prevent hyperthermal or freezing damage.

Keywords—Cryoablation, Prostate cancer, RT-PCR.


d Distance (mm)SD Standard deviationt Time (s)T Temperature (�C)TC Thermocouple

Greek Letters

d Thickness of protection layer (mm)la Absorption coefficient (mm21)


Amb AmbientCryo CryoprobeSurf SurfaceTh Threshold


Cryosurgery is the infliction of a lethal freezinginjury achieved by the contact of one or more metallicprobes at low subzero temperatures with a targettumor tissue. Prostate cryosurgery was the first mini-mally invasive cryosurgical procedure to pass from theexperimental stage and become a routine surgicaltreatment.25 While the main objective during a cryo-surgical procedure is to ensure tissue destructionwithin the cryolesion, the greatest challenge is onhow to spare the surrounding healthy tissues fromcryoablation. In order to overcome this difficulty andwith the aid of recent technological developments, thetotal number of cryoprobes used during a cryosurgicalprocedure has been increased because of a considerable

Address correspondence to L. Martınez-Suastegui, Seccion de

Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacion-IPN, Mexico, DF 02250,

Mexico. Electronic mail: [email protected]

Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 2, February 2011 (� 2010) pp. 636–648

DOI: 10.1007/s10439-010-0186-0

0090-6964/11/0200-0636/0 � 2010 The Author(s). This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com


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reduction in cryoprobe size and an increase in theability to control the freezing rate.6,27,30 Recentimprovements in imaging devices that help to monitorthe freezing process, such as ultrasound or MRI,have further enhanced the popularity of cryosur-gery.16,18,30,36,37 Also, numerical optimization tech-niques have been developed1,2,19,36,37 so that theoptimal number and placement of cryoprobes mini-mizes collateral damage.

During prostate cryosurgery, urethral warmers(double-pipe water heat exchangers embodied in astandard catheter) are used for routine cryosurgerycontrol8,28 to protect the urethral wall from damage.A recent investigation suggests that cryoheaters(temperature-controlled electrical heaters) can be moreeffective in protecting the urethral surface and bettershaping the frozen region to maximize destruction ofthe unhealthy tissue.29 Although this may greatlyimprove the procedure effectiveness, the success ofcryosurgery is still very dependent on the experienceand good judgment of the surgeon, who monitors thegrowth of the ice ball and determines its maximumsize.20 In this regard, if temperatures were maintainedabove the damage threshold within healthy tissue at alltimes, independent of the cooling application time,great progress would be achieved.

Recently, a new means of cryosurgery control wassuggested,31,32 where laser heating counteracts tissuefreezing to better confine damage to the targetedcancerous tissue within a lethal low-temperature iso-thermal boundary—an approach referred to as laser-assisted cryosurgery (LAC). The thermal confinementachieved by LAC was compared against that achievedby warmers or cryoheaters, demonstrating that LACwas more efficient in terms of protecting a muchthicker layer of tissue. In LAC, the frozen region canbe shaped to selectively destroy malignant tissue. Thisis achieved by strategically inserting minimally invasiveoptical fibers into predetermined sites to supply thevolumetric heating needed to prevent unwanted tissuefreezing. This approach is very practical for worst casescenario for tissue damage, which occurs when thesteady-state temperature is reached in the region ofinterest, which is when the freezing front gets closer tothe heating boundary. The advantage of LAC com-pared with traditional methods is that it providesprotection to certain regions of tissue from being fro-zen without limiting so severely the application of thecryoprobe. In addition, if only a portion of the pros-tate needs to be destroyed, cryoablation of portions ofhealthy prostate tissue can be avoided by effectivelylocalizing optical fibers inside the prostate. Thisapproach cannot be employed using cryoheaters orwarmers. The major impact of a successful LAC pro-cedure is that there would be no need to stop the

freezing process prior to achieving the target lethaltemperature. In addition, a more uniform and lowertemperature inside the tumor could be achieved byfreezing to temperatures below the lethal isotherm4,12

and effectively confining the frozen tissue within presetboundaries.

The correlation between loss of GFP fluorescenceand loss of cell viability is well established and has beenpreviously tested and validated.17 GFP was used tomonitor metabolic activity and the authors point outthat this detection method should be used as a stan-dard assay.38 The GFP-based assay was comparedagainst commercial viability DNA-binding dyes(SYTO9-PI), and results showed that the GFP-basedassay improves reliability for the assessment of cellviability with no marked difference in sensitivity.18

Also, GFP was used as a reporter for cell viability andthe authors point out that it offers greater simplicity,easier monitoring, enhanced biosafety, and lower costthan the luciferase reporter assay.9 The resultsobtained with the GFP viability assay method wereconfirmed by comparing them against PropidiumIodide and Annexin V staining.35 The authors reportedthat GFP can be used as an excellent marker fordetection of necrosis by measuring the decrease ofGFP fluorescence intensity. In addition, the validity ofGFP viability assays for cryobiological applicationshas been established by comparing the results againstcommon viability indicators (trypan blue and ethidiumbromide) with excellent correlation coefficients of 0.97and 0.95, respectively.11 As GFP accumulates in thecytoplasm of the normally metabolizing transfectedcells, damage to the plasma membrane due to heatingor freezing insults results in leakage of cell contents,including GFP.3 Denaturation of the GFP results in aloss of fluorescence, primarily because the chromo-phore is no longer encapsulated and protected.7,26

Since viable cells express GFP continuously, loss ofGFP fluorescence in necrotic cells is used to correlatethe recorded temperature histories with the outcome ofviability after a LAC procedure.

The aims of the present investigation are to(a) assess the feasibility of LAC to limit cryoinjury to apredefined region and (b) correlate tissue viability withlocal tissue temperature histories on ex vivo micehepatic tissue after exposed to LAC procedures. Forthis purpose, we use mice transfected with green fluo-rescence protein (GFP). As GFP fluorescence in non-viable cells is lost when cell membranes are damagedeither by freezing or heating insults, GFP is used as amarker for tissue viability by relying on the expressionand retention of GFP. The maximum temperature atwhich thermal necrosis occurs at the irradiated surfaceduring LAC is further confirmed using reverse tran-scription polymerase chain reaction assays.

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The ultimate applicability of this research is todestroy with precision any tumor regardless of its sizeand shape by avoiding postsurgical complications andmalignancy recurrence.


Sample Preparation

LAC was performed ex vivo on fresh mouse liversamples. Cryothermia was induced to the liver oftransgenic mice expressing GFP in all of their cellsusing a 7.7-mm-diameter cylindrical cryoprobe cooledby internally circulating liquid nitrogen. The temper-ature of the cryoprobe tip (Tcryo = 2188 �C) wasdetermined by placing a thermocouple at the tip’ssurface. For freezing, the cryoprobe was placed care-fully on the surface of one side of the tissue sampleafter being precooled. A Nd:Yag Laser system (Cool-Touch, NS130C) with a wavelength of 1320 nm and amaximum power of 10 W was used to irradiate andinduce volumetric heating to the tissue from one end.For these experiments, the laser light was attenuatedwith optical density filters to the required energy(43 mJ, pulse duration 300 ls, 20 Hz, spot size2.6 mm). The absorption coefficient in mouse hepatictissue for a wavelength of 1064 nm is of la = 0.13(mm21).24 Although an exact assessment of the opticalproperties of mouse hepatic tissue was not performedfor a wavelength of 1320 nm, since in the near-infraredthe absorption decreases with shorter wavelengths dueto tissue water content, the thermocouples were notconsidered as light absorbers because they wereinserted at a distance from the irradiated surface that’s

larger than the penetration depth of light in mouseliver tissue at a wavelength of 1320 nm.

The resultant temperature histories produced withinthe tissue specimens during a LAC procedure weredetermined experimentally with an array of four sep-arate 33-gage needle copper-constantan thermocoupleprobes (Omega Engineering, HYP0 mini-hypodermicprobes) connected to a data acquisition system. Thethermocouple probes were held in position by anacrylic lid, and the vertical positions of the thermo-couples were adjusted with depth stops so that all tipswere brought to the same plane orthogonally to the lidat the depth of the laser lightguide axis. The in situtemperature measurements were acquired at 2.5 Hz,displayed in real-time and logged into a PC for furtheranalysis. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of theexperimental setup used to measure the temperatureresponse of tissues at selected points during a LACprocedure.

LAC Procedure

All procedures employed in this study wereapproved by the Institutional Animal Use and CareCommittee of the University of California, Riverside:Protocols A-20080013 and A-20080019. After the ani-mals were euthanized by CO2 gas asphyxiation, theliver was excised and carefully cut with a custom cut-ting tool to a predetermined rectangular block of10 9 6 9 2.6 mm.

Hepatic tissue was selected because it is one of thelargest organs of the mouse. A tissue block size of 1 cmwas chosen because it allowed measurements of thetemperature history at four different locations insidethe tissue sample to be taken. Rectangular tissue

FIGURE 1. Schematic of the experimental setup.


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samples were used for all the experiments in order toavoid variations in their dimensions that could lead tosignificant variations of the position of Tth from oneexperiment to the other.31,32 The tissue sample wascarefully placed and fitted with the miniature needlethermocouples in the disassembled transparent acrylicchamber shown in Fig. 1 and detailed in Fig. 2. Theneedle thermocouples TC1, TC2, TC3, and TC4 weremounted equidistant from the cryoprobe tip at: d = 2,4, 6, and 8 mm, respectively. Afterward, the chamberwas closed and the tissue sample was slightly com-pressed so that there was no variance in its dimensionsfrom one experiment to another. The cryolesion wascreated using a single freeze/thaw cycle, and through-out the experiment, ice ball progression was monitoredwith a digital camera. The temperature data from theLAC procedure was compiled to evaluate the freezingfront propagation and to correlate the thermal historywith the resulting cryoinjury, seeking to define the socalled ‘‘lethal temperature.’’

Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase ChainReaction Analysis

To quantify the amount of hyperthermic damageinduced to the cells at the irradiated surface for dif-ferent laser settings, reverse transcriptase polymerasechain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis was performed. Totest the integrity of the RNA of LAC-treated samplesand untreated controls, RNA was isolated from100-lm thick slices taken from the laser-irradiatedsurface after 2 h of being irradiated and RNA wasextracted using the QIAGEN RNeasy� mini kit(QIAGEN) according to the instructions of the man-ufacturer. RNA yield and purity was analyzed using aNanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometer. RT-PCR expres-sion of b-actin was determined in tissue samples afterLAC procedures and appropriate controls usingconventional RT-PCR. Briefly, 50 ng total RNA was

reverse transcribed using oligo(dT)15 primer, 1 U ofRNasin ribonuclease inhibitor and 1 U of AMVreverse transcriptase system (PromegaTM) for 10 minat 70 �C, 5 min at 4 �C, 60 min at 42 �C, and 5 min at95 �C. A 154 pb fragment of b-actin was amplifiedwith Taq DNA polymerase (Biolabs) using 100 ng ofeach cDNA and 300 lM primers (forward primer:5¢-CCTCTATGCCAACACAGT-3¢; reverse primer:5¢-AGCCACCAATCCACACAG-3¢). PCR conditionswere based on the recommendations of the manufac-turer. An initial cycle at 95 �C for 1 min, followed by35 cycles of 30 s at 95 �C, 30 s at 55 �C, and 120 s at60 �C. The amplicon was resolved with electrophoresison agarose gel (2%) and stained with ethidium bro-mide. A target temperature of 3 �C for TC4 was foundto be the value that maximizes the thickness of theprotection layer without surpassing the lethal thresh-old for cell viability due to hyperthermia.

Time Sequence for a LAC Procedure

The complete LAC procedure lasts a total of 700 sand consists of a single freeze/thaw cycle. The freezingprocess involves a single 300-s freeze period (consistingof an initial 200-s transient and a 100-s steady-state)followed by a 400-s thawing period. Regulated laserpower was supplied during the transient freezing andthawing periods, while constant laser power was sup-plied during steady-state heat transfer. After thawing,the samples were stored in Dulbecco’s PhosphateBuffered Saline (DPBS) and analyzed for viabilityusing GFP as a viability marker.

Power Regulation/Modulation and Establishmentof Steady-State

During LAC, the power needed to achieve thedesired protection depends on the thermal/optical

FIGURE 2. (a) Disassembled acrylic chamber (upper view) with the miniature needle thermocouples at even and known distances.(b) After the tissue sample is placed and the thermocouples inserted, the chamber is closed.

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properties of the tissue and the separation between thecryoprobe and the laser-irradiated surface. Since thetime scale for energy transport by conduction in tissueis different to that for laser energy absorption, thecryoprobe and the laser must be turned on at differenttimes and the laser energy must be supplied graduallyduring the procedure. For simplicity, during a LACprocedure the laser power delivered remains fixed to apreset value and, to avoid undesirable heating damage,the laser beam is blocked using a mechanical devicethat works as a shutter that switches the laser on or off.The appropriate timing for laser irradiation/suppres-sion was designed to maintain the maximum tissuetemperature below that known to produce thermalnecrosis (43–48 �C).21,22,33,34 While the maximumtemperature was expected to be reached at or near theirradiated surface, it was impractical to use a thermo-couple placed at that surface for the laser controlfeedback because the bead absorbs the laser lightdirectly and, thus, disrupts the temperature field at thatlocation. Instead, this temperature feedback wasobtained by using the reading of the thermocouplelocated farthest away from the cryoprobe tip(TC4 = 8 mm). Preliminary tests showed that a targettemperature of TC4 = 3 �C was required to maximizethe thickness of the protected tissue and to avoid lossof fluorescence due to undesired thermal damage at theirradiated surface. The temperature of the irradiatedsurface remained within a viable value (presumablyless than ~48 �C), as was confirmed by RT-PCRanalysis performed at the irradiated surface (seeSection Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase ChainReaction (RT-PCR) Analysis).

The laser power requirements needed to achievethe desired protection in the implementation of LAChad already been addressed.32 Briefly, the cryopro-cedure starts by turning the cryoprobe on to initiatethe freezing process while the laser is off. During thetransient process, as the freezing front advances awayfrom the cryoprobe and the temperature at theopposite end starts to drop, regulated laser irradia-tion is gradually applied to avoid excessive heating.As a consequence of the progressive increase in laserirradiation heating, the freezing front is stopped atsome distance from the irradiated surface and asteady-state temperature distribution is achieved andheld by supplying constant laser irradiation whilemaintaining a target temperature of 3 ± 1 �C in TC4.For the last stage of the cryoprocedure, the cryo-probe is turned off and the regulated laser irradiationsupplied is gradually decreased so that the targettemperature in TC4 is always maintained. Afterward,the laser is turned off and the sample is thawed atroom temperature until there are no visible signs offrozen tissue. Figure 3 shows the normalized laser

power as a function of time required during a com-plete LAC procedure in order to avoid undesirableheating at the irradiated surface. Note that althoughlaser power regulation is performed by blocking thelaser beam with a shutter, this method is sufficient tocontrol the temperature of the tissue sample withoutproducing any significant temperature fluctuationsin the overlying volume. Nevertheless, future workin the implementation of LAC must be aimedtoward the development of an accurate laser poweralgorithm that includes a control approach withoptimization.

GFP Viability Assays

Expression of GFP, originally isolated from thebioluminescent jellyfish Aequorea victoria, represents aunique method for fluorescent labeling of viable cells.5

An advantage of using GFP fluorescence is that thetissue can be assayed without altering the system in anyway, other than illuminating with light of the properexcitation wavelength. GFP fluorescent assays do notrequire staining or fixation of the tissue to indicateviability, but rather rely on the expression of GFP,where aside from the addition of buffer substrate, noother processing of the sample is required.

In this work, GFP viability assays are performedfollowing a LAC procedure by using transgenic miceexpressing GFP in all tissues obtained from TheJackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, MD) to accuratelyquantify the limits of tissue viability.

FIGURE 3. Normalized laser power as a function of timerequired to avoid excessive heating at the irradiated surfaceduring a complete LAC procedure with a total duration of700 s starting when the cryoprobe is turned on to initiate thefreezing process. For clarity, the variations in the laser powersupplied by blocking the laser beam with a shutter are notshown.


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Temperature Recordings

All of the LAC procedures presented were per-formed using the time sequence previously described.Figures 4a–4e show the elapsed time required for thefreezing front to travel from the cryoprobe tip to thesites where the thermocouples were located. Figure 4fshows how the freezing front is stalled during steady-state heat transfer (from 200 £ t £ 300 s) at a distanceof d � 8.2 mm away from the cryoprobe.

Figure 5 shows the recorded temperature history fora LAC procedure. The tissue temperatures measured atvarious longitudinal positions illustrate the tempera-ture gradient achieved. The lowest temperature insidethe tissue is achieved at a distance of d = 0 mm at thecryoprobe tip, while the higher temperature shown forreference is the ambient temperature Tamb = 25 �C.

Figure 6 shows the temperature profile of the tissuesample during steady-state heat transfer. The temper-atures shown are expressed as mean ± SD for 200 £t £ 300 s. The mean and SD were calculated with the

FIGURE 4. (a)–(e) The images illustrate the freezing front advancement during a LAC procedure from the cryoprobe tip at: d 5 0,2, 4, 6, and 8 mm, respectively. (f) From 200 £ t £ 300 s the freezing front is stalled at d � 8.2 mm away from the cryoprobe duringsteady-state heat transfer.

FIGURE 5. Tissue temperature measured by the five thermocouples at various longitudinal positions as a function of time duringa LAC procedure. The closer the thermocouples to the cryoprobe are, the steeper is the fall of the tissue temperature upon freezing.

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readings of the thermocouples for each time instantand the sample size was of 250 for each thermocouple.Note that the temperature gradients are very steep,e.g., having a temperature of Tcryo = 2188 �C at thecryoprobe tip while a maximum surface temperature ofTsurf at a distance of 10 mm away from the cryoproberemained within a viable value throughout the wholeLAC procedure.21,22,33,34 Freezing with a shorterinterval was not performed since the temperatureprofiles during steady-state would be the sameregardless of the duration of the freezing interval.Correlation between the temperature histories and theoutcome of viability assays showed that the thresholdof lethal injury after a LAC procedure (Tth � 4 �C)was located at a distance of d � 8.2 mm away from thecryoprobe. Note that this value is higher than the le-thal threshold for conventional cryosurgical proce-dures (where the lethal threshold occurs over a rangeof temperatures from 0 to 250 �C).

An analysis of the reproducibility of the resultanttemperature distribution was carried out from repeatedexperiments on ex vivo mice hepatic tissue. The resul-tant temperature profiles in this series of experimentsshowed excellent reproducibility, with an error of<4% in the averaged mean target temperatures and aSD of <1.4 �C. The feasibility of LAC to limit cryo-injury to a predefined region has been assessed aftercorrelating tissue viability with local tissue temperaturehistories on ex vivo mice hepatic tissue after exposed toLAC procedures. Results show that reproduciblethermal gradients (of 236 �C/cm) and predictable tis-sue necrosis can be reliably produced by LAC withoutexceeding temperature thresholds for cell denaturation

(of Tsurf � 48 �C) beyond preset tissue boundaries(with resolution of 0.1 �C/mm).

Table 1 shows a comparison between the results ofRNA yields for LAC-treated samples and untreatedcontrols for different values of the target temperaturemeasured at TC4. The inverse controls were takenfrom the surface where the cryoprobe was placed.Three replicates of this assay were performed and thevalues displayed are normalized values of mean massof RNA in ng/lL, the standard error of the mean(SEM), and the resultant GFP fluorescence. In addi-tion, 150 pb are amplified from the b-actin gene. TheRT-PCR results show that b-actin expression isdetectable and virtually identical between irradiatedand non-irradiated tissues.

FIGURE 6. Temperature history during steady-state heat transfer. The temperatures displayed are expressed as mean 6 SD for200 £ t £ 300 s.

TABLE 1. Results of mean RNA yields between LAC-treatedsamples and untreated controls expressed as mass of RNA in




mass of

RNA in ng/lL


error of the

mean (SEM)

GFP fluorescence

at the irradiated


Control 1 0.000 Yes

TC4 = 3 �C 0.963 0.013 Yes

TC4 = 6 �C 0.455 0.021 No

TC4 = 35 �C 0.061 0.008 No

Inverse control 0.066 0.001 No

The samples are 100-lm thick slices taken from the laser-

irradiated surface and inverse controls were taken from the surface

where the cryoprobe was placed. Data represent averages of three

replicates. LAC-treated samples show the target temperature used

for TC4.


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Viability Assays

After thawing, the samples were stored in DPBSand assessed with a Leica MZIII Stereo DissectionMicroscope (Diagnostic Instruments, Inc.) coupled toa digital color/grayscale camera (Pursuit 4 Mp Slider,Model 16.4) by detecting fluorescence under UV illu-mination using Spot Advance software (version 4.6).The recorded images were then analyzed to determinewith precision the thickness of the protected region dueto laser irradiation, the extent of necrotic tissue due tocryoablation, and the temperatures below which tissuewas cryoablated.

In order to avoid false positive viability assessmentdue to a narrow time window after thermal insult, theappropriate time point needed for lethally affected cellsto lose fluorescence was estimated for both hyper-thermia and cryoablation. Surprisingly, it was foundthat they differ considerably. For the case of temper-atures above the lethal threshold for cell denaturationdue to hyperthermia, GFP was immediately degradedand fluorescence was immediately lost. On the otherhand, it was found that the damage induced by freez-ing was not evident immediately after a LAC proce-dure. Therefore, the sample had to be stored in DPBSat room temperature for 5 h before being imaged sothat the transient changes in permeability suggestinglethal damage lead to loss of GFP fluorescence. This isa very important issue in cryobiology applications. Itwas found that this time window after the thermalinsult was needed after cryoablation. In order to makesure that fluorescent cells after the time window arepositively alive, the results obtained with the GFPviability assay method were confirmed by comparingthem against histological analysis using a standard cellviability method (hematoxylin and eosin staining).Tissue samples were divided into two main treatmentgroups: untreated controls and tissue samples thatunderwent a LAC procedure without laser heating.Both groups were incubated using the same protocol

described above. After the incubation period, tissuesamples from both treatment groups were analyzed forviability using GFP fluorescence as a viability marker.After verifying that the control was fluorescingbrightly and that the treated tissue samples had lostfluorescence due to damage induced by cryoinjury,formalin fixation was performed. Liver sections(10 lm) were prepared using a microtome and placedon glass slides. Standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)stains were employed and histopathologic examinationwas determined by light microscopy. Representativesections from H&E staining in mouse hepatic tissue areshown in Fig. 7. The histologic appearance of the liverparenchyma in the control group appeared normal andshowed regular hepatocellular architecture with intactsinusoidal lining. The structural details are shown inFig. 7a. The tissue samples that underwent a LACprocedure without laser heating revealed homogeneoussevere tissue damage and necrosis at all sites. Figure 7billustrates how exposure to temperatures below thelethal isotherm caused a destructive effect in the liverwith clear histopathological alterations such as sinu-soidal congestion, hepatocyte congestion, and loss ofcellular morphology. The findings of the present his-tological investigations corroborated a direct correla-tion between fluorescent tissue and viable tissue afterthe time window. In addition, massive hepatic necrosisindicating irreversible cell death was apparent in all ofthe cryotreated tissue samples that had lost fluores-cence after the incubation period.

Figure 8 shows the outcome of viability followingLAC. Figures 8a and 8b are two different samplesassayed after identical LAC procedures. On the leftside of the sample, a scale displays the thickness of thehigh fluorescence intensity region (d) in mm. In bothcases, d � 1.8 mm. The thickness of the high fluores-cence intensity region was determined by placing thetissue sample on top of a high resolution scale. Liversof three additional animals served as controls. The first

FIGURE 7. (a) Photomicrograph of hematoxylin and eosin stains (2003, H&E section) showing normal hepatic parenchyma withregular hepatocellular architecture and intact sinusoidal lining. (b) Destruction of vascular structures resulting from cryoinjuryindicating hepatic necrosis.

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one was fixed after being excised in 4% formaldehydefor 5 h at room temperature, then transferred to a 30%sucrose solution and incubated at 4 �C overnight. Thesecond one was imaged immediately after being excisedand the third control was stored in DPBS and imagedafter 5 h. All the controls showed that all viable cellswere found to be positive for GFP expression. Inaddition, formaldehyde-fixed control tissues showedno degenerative changes and were histologically simi-lar. Figure 8c shows a control imaged immediatelyafter being excised displaying the same level of fluo-rescence than the regions of viable tissue in Figs. 8aand 8b. Note that in Fig. 8c the lower section of thecontrol has a slight variation in GFP fluorescencelevels. This occurs because when the samples areplaced at the microscope stage their height is not evenand this results in uneven levels of fluorescence inten-sity. This also can be seen in Figs. 8a and 8b where thebrightness of the upper necrotic tissue is also dimmer.Nevertheless, these slight variations in fluorescence

intensity are not significant when observing a cleardemarcation between necrotic and viable tissue.Figure 8d shows an inverse control imaged after 5 h ofincubation in DPBS after running a LAC procedurewithout laser heating. The image illustrates the loss ofGFP fluorescence in non-viable cells. In order to assessthat the incubation in DPBS does not affect fluores-cence intensity, after identical LAC procedures, thesamples are imaged after 1, 2, 3, and 4 h. A compari-son between fluorescent intensities of the imagedsamples (not shown) did not show any reduction inGFP fluorescence due to incubation alone. Figure 9shows the outcome of viability for the same tissuesample after a LAC procedure for different levels ofthe exposure values (EV) in milliseconds. Detection oflow expression levels of the GFP signal was quantifiedby converting the acquired images to grayscale(16 bits) and assigning a threshold of pixel intensitythat corresponds to at least a 50% reduction of fluo-rescence relative to the higher peak. Again, although

FIGURE 8. High–low intensity contrast in fluorescence. The sharp contrasts in GFP intensity are directly correlated to cellviability in that region. (a, b) GFP viability assays showing a demarcated frontier between viable and necrotic tissue in two differentsamples assayed after identical LAC procedures. In both cases the thickness of the protected region achieved is the same, and itsestimated value is d � 1.8 mm. (c) Control sample imaged immediately after excision. (d) Inverse control imaged after 5 h ofincubation in DPBS after running a LAC procedure without laser heating.


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the levels of fluorescence intensity throughout thesample show a slight variation, a clear demarcationbetween necrotic and viable tissue is evident for all theEVs. Figure 10 shows a comparison between the tem-perature history of a LAC procedure (solid lines) and aLAC procedure without laser heating (dashed lines).The image clearly shows that steeper gradients can beachieved using LAC.


The success of a cryosurgical procedure today isvery user-dependent. One of the most substantialchallenges in cryosurgery is the incomplete tumorablation near the ice ball edge, where tissues are frozenbut not completely destroyed and, thus, are prone totumor recurrence.16 Since tumor recurrence after sur-gery should be precluded at all costs, a safety margin of1 cm is used to freeze all regions of a small tumor tolethal temperatures. In prostate cryosurgery, it isdesirable to set a temperature goal of 250 �C in allcancer areas and 240 �C at a distance of 1 cm fromthe tumor.13,14 However, with traditional cryosurgeryprocedures, this recommendation is difficult to followin some anatomic locations, such as the prostate glandwith its proximity to the rectum and urethra. Resultsof this study indicate that the above potential problemscan be eradicated by LAC implementation. With thisnew methodology, the freezing injury is significantlyenhanced by creating very steep temperature gradientsclose to the edge of the interface between frozen andunfrozen tissue. Therefore, a lower temperature insidethe tumor can be achieved by freezing to temperaturesbelow the lethal threshold with a better enclosure ofthe tumor within a critical isotherm. In addition, as thedistance between the cryoprobe and the optical fiber is

FIGURE 9. Images taken after a LAC procedure for different levels of the exposure values (EV): (a) EV 5 50, (b) EV 5 100,(c) EV 5 150, (d) EV 5 200, (e) EV 5 250, and (f) EV 5 300.

FIGURE 10. Comparison of temperature histories between aLAC procedure (solid lines) and a LAC procedure withoutlaser heating (dashed lines).

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reduced, steeper gradients can be achieved, since thebest protection occurs when the cryoprobe is placednear the protected surface.31 Nevertheless, future workin the development of LAC must address the obviousproblem of locating the optical fibers with enoughprecision to achieve the desired gradients. This is anoptimization problem, in which the placement of theoptical fibers within the tissue and its location relativeto the cryoprobes are parameters that should be variedto maximize the superficial tissue protection.

Since the absorption of laser energy is wavelengthdependent, the light distribution, penetration depth,and resulting heat generation will depend on the laserof choice. Although this study uses a wavelength of1320 nm with an absorption coefficient of <0.13(mm21),24 previous studies31,32 show that for infraredwavelengths, even when most of the laser energy isabsorbed near the surface, the protection achieved bylaser heating is still better than the protection achievedby conventional constant temperature heating tech-niques. In addition, by having proper estimates on thespectral optical properties of prostate, one may betterselect a laser wavelength that provides a higher pene-tration depth to increase the thickness of the protectedtissue, if required.

Correlation between the temperature histories andthe outcome of viability assays presented herein showthat the threshold for tissue thermal damage due tocryoinjury using LAC is of Tth � 4 �C located at adistance of 8.2 mm away from the cryoprobe tip.Interestingly, this isotherm is located very close to theinterface between frozen and unfrozen tissue. This isprobably explained because the non-frozen tissue issubject to continued metabolic derangement and theperiphery of the frozen tissue has a margin of partiallydamaged tissue. Therefore, although this region hasbeen exposed to a sublethal freezing insult, this seemsto be enough to induce apoptosis. Since the safetydistance in cryosurgical procedures may be dramati-cally reduced with LAC, the requirement to freezelarge zones surrounding the tumor to ensure completedestruction may be reduced.

The implementation of LAC may eventually lead toclinical improvements in the outcome of cryosurgery.The implications of its implementation are:

i. Only one freeze/thaw cycle will be necessary.The reason is because once steady-state heattransfer is reached, the entire tumor isencompassed in a lethal isotherm that ensurestissue necrosis.

ii. There will be no need to stop the freezingprocess prior to achieving the target lethaltemperature.

iii. The effective cryosurgical tissue destructionzone will be enlarged by producing largethermal gradients, particularly for largerlesions that require overlapping cryoablationzones.

Current research in cryosurgery is concerned withfinding a thermal procedure that will absolutelydestroy tissue. In this scenario, a new cryosurgical tech-nique has been developed, whereby laser irradiationcombines with cryogenic freezing to selectively freezeand better confine damage to cancerous tissue. This isin contrast with most laser tissue heating applications,where lasers are used for ablation and coagulation ofsoft tissue rather than its preservation. In this study, thethermal history obtained during freezing and thawingin a LAC procedure has been measured. Our experi-mental results demonstrate the feasibility of LAC forproviding thicker and controllable penetration depths.Nevertheless, there are still many issues to address infuture research and development of LAC:

i. The time spent at the end-temperature duringsteady-state heat transfer was not explicitlystudied in this work, since we limited this timeto 100 s. Further studies are required to verifythe influence of the duration of steady-state inthe thickness of the protection achieved.

ii. Although LAC is a promising new method-ology to treat prostate cancer, significantadditional work will be necessary to developlaser power regulation algorithms to controlthe laser irradiation emitted from the urethra,across its wall and into the prostate. Optimi-zation of laser delivery can be achieved byusing a laser system that includes a thermalfeedback feature to automatically adjust thelaser energy so that a maximum temperaturewithin the tissue never exceeds a specifiedtemperature. In order to obtain improvedcontrol, a temperature sensor has been used bysome to provide feedback for regulation of thedelivered energy, accomplished by switchingthe laser on or off.10,15,23 The sensor can bepositioned at the border of the tumor and thetemperature kept constant at that positionthrough computer controlled feedback regu-lation of the laser output.

iii. Development of an accurate deliverance oflaser energy needed to achieve the desiredprotection of the inner wall of the prostatesurrounding the urethra. This can be accom-plished by using FDA cleared modified fiberoptic probes for urethral soft tissue treatmentwith 360� or side firing diffusion tips.


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iv. Optimization of the location of optical fibersto enhance the sharpness in the ablative edgesmust be developed before LAC can be imple-mented in pre-clinical and clinical trials. Thiscan be accomplished by developing numericaloptimization techniques as in previousworks.1,2,19,36,37

The overall goals, not yet achievable with theresults from the present study are to provide a newtool to develop a treatment modality that overcomesthe limitations of traditional prostate cancer cryo-therapy, especially for large or irregularly shapedtumors. By having the capability to shape the frozenregion to strict boundaries within which tissuenecrosis is ensured and beyond which viable andhealthy tissue prevails, it may be possible to eradi-cate most of the major complications of cryosurgery,such as sloughing (necrosis) of the prostatic urethra,bladder neck contracture, incontinence, and impo-tence. As most advances in medical technology, LACis expected to positively impact the therapeuticoutcome and, thus, the quality of life of manypatients.

The present results suggest that further studiesexamining the feasibility of such a procedure in vivoshould be pursued. Such studies are currently underway in our laboratory.


G. Aguilar and L. Martınez-Suastegui would like toacknowledge the support of the UC MEXUS-CONACYT program for a Postdoctoral Fellowshipgranted to the latter to spend a year as a postdoctoralresearcher at UCR. The authors thank David R.Hennings CoolTouch CEO for providing the lasersystem and optical fibers. B. Duperray acknowledgesthe school of ENSICaen and F. Godinez acknowledgesthe UCR Undergraduate Research Grant, theUC-LEADS, and the CAMP programs for the supportprovided to him. G. Guillen acknowledges support ofthe DGAPA program (UNAM) for a Fellowship tospend an internship at UCR. The authors thank FengSun and Florian Langer for their help and efforts withH&E staining. In particular, the authors appreciatethe input of A.M. Walker from the University ofCalifornia Riverside, Division of Biomedical Sciencesand S. Robert from the VIB Department of PlantSystems Biology, Ghent University. The authorsgratefully acknowledge expert animal husbandry byMs. Sally Scott. This work was supported in part byNSF under grant NSF-CTS-SGER: 0609662.


This article is distributed under the terms ofthe Creative Commons Attribution NoncommercialLicense which permits any noncommercial use, distri-bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided theoriginal author(s) and source are credited.


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