Lake Shore Boulevard Rezoning

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  • 8/16/2019 Lake Shore Boulevard Rezoning



    To: Municipal Planning Prepared By: Ronald M. Traub, Director Commission Economic & Community Development

    Meeting Date: May 2, 2!"

    Applicant: #"! C$ %%C and Ma Deering and 'e(itt & Patricia )redebaug*, Property +(ners

    Requested Action: n-ormal Reoning

    Purpose: To reone properties -rom R/0, 1ingle )amily Residential to R3, illage 3reenExisting Zoning: R/0, 1ingle )amily Residential

    Parcel D !u"#er :

    $ocation: 1out* side o- %a4e 1*ore 5oulevard and (est o- 1tate Route 00, "/D/""#/!/!!/!"6/!,"/D/""#/C/!!/!!#/, !!0/!, "/D/""#/D/!!/!2#/, !2/!

    Si%e: 22.#7 acres

    Existing $and &se: acant property

    Surrounding $and&se and Zoning: T*e site and surrounding area is oned R/0, 1ingle )amily Residential

     8ort*: Deer(ood Estates 1ubdivision, single/-amily *ouse and -ormer $*ite )ield9nglican C*urc*

    1out*: )reedom 9ssembly o- 3odEast: De%ongs Topsoil and Mulc* and single/-amily *ouses$est: ;luni4 8ursery and )arm Mar4et

    Zoning 'istory: Prior to "uiredC*apter ""#7.!" Districts Establis*edC*apter ""##.!" 1c*edule o- District Regulations ?g@C*apter ""#A.!A 1pecial provisions relative to R3 illage 3reen Bones

    Pu#lic &tilities: T*e site is served by all utilities

    Engineering (o""ents:C%1TE:

    • C1" )inal site plan to con-orm to City standards ?available upon re>uest@ as part o- net submittal.

    •C1#F 1ide(al4 con-orming to City standards s*all be constructed along -ront property and curb rampss*all be constructed in (al4(ays and drive(ays. # ?minimum@ uni-orm treela(n (idt* s*all be provided.

    • C1AF 9ll utilities servicing site s*all be bored under %a4es*ore 5lvd., 5lac4broo4 Rd. and 'eisley Rd. as


    • C1"" 9ll easements and o(ners*ip rig*ts over subGect property s*all be identi-ied on site plan.

    • Proposed road(ay cross sections s*all be provided.

    • - roads are to be dedicated road(ays, roads s*all meet all City design standards.

    • 9ll proposed utilities s*all be s*o(n on plans.


  • 8/16/2019 Lake Shore Boulevard Rezoning


    • T2 Pursuant to ""77.!A o- t*e Mentor Code o- +rdinances: 9ny person, -irm, corporation, o(ner or

    lessee o- any lot or land, constructing or causing to construct access to any public road(ay in t*e City, ecept-rom residential subdivisions totaling -ive ?#@ acres or less, s*all -irst present to t*e City t*e results o- a tripgeneration study and tra--ic impact study per-ormed by an engineer >uali-ied and pre/approved by t*e CityEngineer. T*e trip generation and t*e tra--ic impact study s*all describe t*e maimum anticipated tra--icvolumes by location and direction to be generated and (*ic* (ill impact t*e road system during a pea4design *our in t*e year o- construction plus t(enty ?2!@ years. T*e report s*all also provide t*e means tocompensate, -or any degradation o- t*e tra--ic services eisting on t*e City road(ay system to t*e City

    Engineers satis-action prior to t*e granting o- a permit -or construction. mprovements to t*e City road(aysystem s*all be constructed as part o- t*e development and its permit, t*e developer s*all provide inspection-ees, a testing deposit and a surety representing "!!I o- t*e cost o- improvements.

    • T 9ll tra--ic control devices s*all be designed, installed and maintained in con-ormance (it* t*e +*io

    Manual o- Jni-orm Tra--ic Control Devices and s*all be detailed on t*e plan. Provide appropriate directionaltra--ic control to promote sa-e and -ree -lo(ing tra--ic movement (it*in site. 9ll sign s*eeting material s*all be Type ' re-lective s*eeting. 9ll signs s*all be mounted at a A *eig*t to t*e bottom o- t*e sign.

    • ?T6@ Provide pavement mar4ing and signing plan and details.

    • Development as proposed (ould re>uire abandonment o- a portion o- t*e $est 'eisley rig*t/o-/(ay.

    9ssessment as to utilities and -easibility o- abandonment is necessary.

    Fire Depart"ent (o""ents:• 1ide setbac4s s*all be "#K gutter to gutter 

    • )ire *ydrants per city ordinance "#!#, and all ne( *ydrants s*all *ave a #L 1tor connection

    • Turning Radius s*all be 2# -t. in & #! -t. out.

    • Turnarounds on cul/de/sacs s*all *ave a minimum "0!K diameter rig*t o- (ay and "!!K diameter pavement. -

    t*e turnaround includes a center island a minimum o- 2#K o- pavement s*all be provided around t*e island(it* t*e turnaround radii o- t*e pavement at t*e cul/de/sacs being #!K

    Police Depart"ent (o""ents:

    Concern -or cut t*roug* tra--ic i- 5a4er is cut t*roug*.Analysis: T*e applicant is proposing to reone approimately 22.#7 acres along t*e sout* side o- %a4es*ore

    5oulevard and (est o- 1tate Route 00 -rom R/0, 1ingle )amily Residential to R3, illage3reen. T*e parcels to be reoned include "/D/""#/!/!!/!"6/!, "/D/""#/C/!!/!!#/, !!0/!, &"/D/""#/D/!!/!2#/, !2/!. T*e development (ill *ave curved streets (*ic* according to t*eapplicant (ill *elp maimie curb appeal o- t*e *omes and provide -or vie(s o- t*e open spaces(it*in t*e development. T*e proposed development (ill *ave a -ive ?#@ /-t. side(al4 on eac* sideo- t*e street and a si ?@ /-t. pedestrian trail connecting t*e nort* end o- t*e development to t*esout* end. T*e City Engineer *as commented i- t*e roads are to be dedicated t*en t*ey s*all meett*e Citys design standards.

    Per C*apter ""##.!" 1c*edule o- District Regulations ?g@, t*e maimum density -or a R3,

    illage 3reen oning is 2.# units per acre. T*e 22.#7/acre site (ould allo( -or a maimumdensity o- # units= ## units are proposed. T*e minimum area and (idt* re>uirement -or t*eR3, illage 3reen district is establis*ed by development plan. T*e proposed sublots (ill vary insie (it* t*e average lot being approimately "",A27 s>. -t. T*e minimum lot (idt* is proposedat

  • 8/16/2019 Lake Shore Boulevard Rezoning


    Per C*apter ""#A.!A 1pecial Provisions Relative to R3 illage 3reen Bones= "# percent o- t*earea o- an R3, illage 3reen development eclusive o- streets must be dedicated -or openspace. T*e conceptual site plan indicates 7.7A< acres o- open space are re>uired to meet t*eminimum "# percent (*ile 7.7# acres are provided or "." percent open space. 9 perpetualmaintenance plan is re>uired -or t*e recreation, par4 and common open space (*ic* sets -ort* t*emaintenance responsibility and met*od o- -inancing t*e maintenance program. T*e plan s*all beapproved by t*e %a( Department and 9dministrator prior to approval o- t*e -inal subdivision.

    T*e City Engineer is re>uiring a trip generation study to be submitted as part o- t*e -inal reoning

    application. T*e Engineering Department *as also commented t*at t*e development as submitted,(ill re>uire t*at a portion o- $est 'eisley Road be vacated as part o- t*e development. T*ey*ave also indicated t*at all utilities servicing t*e development s*all be bored under t*e eistingroad(ays.

    Per C*apter ""7A 9mendments, t*e -irst step to amend t*e +--icial Boning Map is to -ile anin-ormal re>uest, (*ic* is t*en -ollo(ed by t*e -ormal reoning application to t*e MentorMunicipal Planning Commission. T*e Commission ma4es a recommendation to City Council,(*o (ill t*en vote on t*e ordinance o- t*e oning amendment. T*e proposed reoning (ill not besubGect to a voter re-erendum.

    T*e 9dministration suggests t*e -ollo(ing conditions be approved by t*e Commission -or t*e

    applicant to provide as part o- t*e -ormal reoning re>uest.

    (onditions:". Comments per t*e City Engineer, )ire and Police Departments s*all be addressed as part o- t*e -ormal

    reoning re>uest.

    2. T*e proposed minimum setbac4s s*all be indicated on t*e development plan.

    7. 9 legal description o- t*e property s*all be submitted as part o- t*e -ormal reoning re>uest.

    0. T*e preliminary plans s*all include t*e names and addresses o- t*e property o(ners contiguous or directlyacross t*e street -rom t*e subGect property.

    #. Eisting topograp*y at 2/-t. contour intervals o- t*e property to be reoned and etending at least 7!! -t.outside o- t*e proposed site, including property lines, easements, street rig*t/o-/(ay, eisting structures, trees

    and landscaping -eatures eisting t*ereon.. T*e proposed ve*icular and pedestrian tra--ic patterns.

    A. T*e location o- all eisting and all proposed structures.

    6. T*e proposed assignment o- use and subdivision o- land including private land and common land.