June 2016 Volume 2 Issue #6 www.LadyYumMag.com We Are Family Primaries 2016: Referendum On Sexism Cat Jobs I Want To Date Her! How To Celebrate Lesbian Pride

Lady Yum - June 2016

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Page 1: Lady Yum - June 2016

June 2016Volume 2

Issue #6www.LadyYumMag.com

We Are FamilyPrimaries 2016: Referendum On Sexism

Cat Jobs

I Want To Date Her!

How To Celebrate Lesbian Pride

Page 2: Lady Yum - June 2016

`Happy PrideAnd Happy Summer!

The days are longer, everything is in bloom and the weather is terrific.

Summer is my favorite time of year and I hope it is yours as well.

This month, we continue our series on online dating. We’re covering how to write a great profile. If you’re single, I’m hoping this will help in your quest for love.

Lady Yum is also continuing a change in focus to become more of a feminist magazine as well. June features part two of a four part series in the sexism in science fiction. The May issue tackled the Star Wars franchise, while this month’s issue covers Star Trek.

As the primary system has been playing out in the U.S., I’ve become shocked at the staggering amount of sexist and misogyny flung around. I expected a fair amount of it from the Grand Old Party, but what has been more surprising has been from the liberals. Not where I would have expected it to come from. Jane Doe Public tackles why she’s been turned off by the Bernie Sanders from her perspective as a woman. It’s a fascinating read.

Herstory this month features a woman whom has been significantly shortchanged by the men who write history, Helen Keller. Historians have frozen her in time as a child who overcame significant barriers. But she actually had a full adult life as a social reformer and activist. No one knows much about that and Herstory covers her story this month.

And again, as always, thank you for buying a copy of Lady Yum and supporting small business and the arts!

Page 3: Lady Yum - June 2016

June 2016Volume 2, Issue 6www.LadyYumMag.com

In This Issue:

Feature Articles 7 Herstory Profile of the Month: Helen Keller22 Once Upon A Time: Juno27 Dating: I Want To Date Her! How to write an engaging online profile 32 My Two Cents: Primaries 2016: Referendum On Sexism44 Can’t Look Away: Science Fiction or Bigoted Fantasy? Star Trek

In Every Issue:2 Letter From The Editors4 Lesbian Life Video: How To Celebrate Lesbian Pride5 Herstory 26 Vintage Video: Sister Sledge: We Are Family 52 Obligatory Cat Video: Cat Jobs53 The Way To A Woman’s Heart: Mediterranean Hummus54 The Lido Deck61 How To Become Featured Lady Yum Artist62 About The Publishers/Writers64 Bookshelf

Page 4: Lady Yum - June 2016

Lesbian Life


And now, the ultimate guide to how exactly celebrate Pride, as long as you’re a big ol’ dyke.

Warning, some results may vary...

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Page 5: Lady Yum - June 2016

Samantha Starr


Her story.

Now before you start rolling your eyes and begin thinking we’ve segwayed into a college Womyns Studies class here, I want to make it really clear that’s not what this section is about at all. This section is simply to talk about powerful, interesting women that simply don’t get talked about much. Or, time, and more properly history has lied about what they really were like.

That’s part of the problem about history. When you break the word up to it’s two parts, his story, the problem becomes clear. History for the most part has become the story about what the guys have done through the ages and the girls get left on the sidelines. Most, unless they were truly incredible and extraordinary, most of them get eventually erased by later generations and even then, most get eventually forgot-ten and pushed aside by the boys. Think about it like foot-ball players vs cheerleaders. The football game is about what the guys are doing on the field. Sure, the girls were there too, but nobody remembers them or anything they did on the sidelines.

And that is the problem in a nutshell. How many women can you name off the top of your head that are major figures in history? Now, how many men can you name? So many women’s contributions have been usurped by men or com-pletely forgotten as the fact that women had anything to do with them.

Personally, I love history. I am a history geek, and proud of it. If you can get beyond the quantitative crap you had to learn to demonstrate on your tests in high school, history is really interesting. The problem in the way it is taught is that the only way most people can figure out if you learned the material was to ask you the dates that things occurred on.