U o 2 t B 4u and Gents BUYSh TRIBBLE Main Street Richmond Ky 1 he BftfefflOflA Climax 1 CI1AULP Presid- entA1LLR Editor t Manager KDXESDAY JULY 29 11103 UHMSHKIUVERY WKDNK8UAY BY The Climax Printing Co ItIeospor8I- HLDEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR CIHLUIT JUDGE EON J M BENTON- Of Clark County lOit COMMON AKALTHS ATTORNEY lION B A CKUTCHER Of Jessamine County FOR CIRCUIT COURT CLERK ROY C WHITE AnnouncementsFOR We are authorized to announce J H K NNHDY of est End Precinct Klcnmond as candidate for Jailer of Madison county subject to the action of the Democratic party FOlt COUNCILMAN We re authorized to announce D B HHAVKBIFOKD a candidate lor Councilman froti ruirenlty Wxnl subject Hi the action ol I i Democratic pal ty- Wf are authorized to announce L T WI SON a candidate for Councilman from End Ward Mil > ect to the action 01 the J > eiuoi ulic party u are authorized to announce JOE W MA ts a raiuli att for Councilman fnim VSjyat In War i aobject to the action of the cr party POIt fONSTAHLB W are authorized to anrnxiBceJ L BAXTER i cliiateforOoaatible subject to the ac- tioi fiue HeBwcmllc party t lIlTING hy teo liinejsihl e6i la uiKfW York but just to think that yri II kissiii may ffl > favor it nev ep aiifK4iv J9pIiotae The old style Wi nli broke the hingfs on the front jjuii is good eiiniigli in Kfiilucky tit iiouiinee of the Ktiputilican part fn iviTuur of this state is the man wij haul that 12 it day wguoll m ugh for any titan Oati it be jiossi bt IIt a single workiiiu man in the BU will vote for Uelkaap alter such a i tenjtnt Anetbtr One A Jew lava ago we retieivinl a letter an i iietrk from Aim W O Durrett oi srtier MiiBouri Site dialed that ths Cl lAX WILt like a teller from homo eacii eok Mrs OurrfttVjiarentH Mr anl Mrs JN pttUIi ate biniiiliujj the c u miner with tier CI FiBrowefiCoLBXINGTON Are You OR < Remodeling If so we want to call your atten ¬ tion to our Mantel Department A plain statement of facts UB how 65 stvled of Wood Mantels W fj otter you 45 colors of Tiling for selection V K handle all of the best wakes aud finishes in grates U E adopt every precaution to insure perfect workmanship WrS give you our absolute personal guarantee with every purchase V I employ an expert Tile Setter We will well you lantels as low as any- body any where We will not be undersold CJBrower Co111- AtN AND B1WADWALaJNGVJN JLY La Gen Clays Will IThl following is an exact copy of the will written in Gun Clays own hand- writing ¬ and dated May 12 1000 niid which will be utTered for probate in the county court August 3 The last will and testament of Get I Cassius Mnrcellus Clay born in White Hull Madison county KentuckyUnited Suites of America of Green Clay aud Snllie Lewis both of Revolutiouiuy blood anti fame October 10 1810 1 appoint John Cnbull Olienault lawyer and Daniel Bates Shackelford merchant my executors Further I give said Cht naulu as lawyer 8200 a year from this date to my death When said Cheuault and Shackelford shall en ¬ ter upon their duties as executors they shall receive in full of all claims upon my estate 10 per cent upon nil moneys distributed and paid out to creditors But they shall form a company based upon my Clay county coal mines where Eli Delhi lives The stock shall be divided into 100 shares at first but in- creased ¬ in time if deemed expedient- Of this stuck my former wile Dora Clay shan receive onefourth of the dividends of profits per year till her death At her death Cassins Marcellus Clay hock her child shall receive her prolits from the winos But if she Dora leaves other children then the said Cassius shall receive onehalf only md the other half shall be divided equally between the others their huirs and assigns forever lint it is ordered that none of the Brock family includ- ing ¬ Riley Brook aud none of the Richj ardsoti family Doras family shall re ¬ ceivo anything except CL te Brock and the cuildren giily that she Dora unity have at hcottth Bntall moneys thlQrt1 Siiall be turned into the Dora Clay fund forever Twenty shares of said stock Shall be owned by SKid John Uabell CLenault and tun hures by said Dauiel Bates Shackelford their heirs and assigns foreverThe other forty five shares shall be a part of my estate Jlly executors shall act III Concert and not agreeing the lawyer Cheuault shall decide This gives him more work and he is hereby paid more At my death my executors shall take an inventory of nil my estate real and personal sell at auction alter lull advertisement as far as New Yurk City such things as may be ordered and expiedeul small things of value for cash things If more value especially luud or works of art way be allowed with good security two years credit with interest front date of sale By Green Clays will of which I nm the only living executor my children were to have 2000 acres of land at my death Said will was dated November 3 1828 of record in the Madison county clerks ollice By an agreement between me and IUY children the laud was laid oil by Stock and deeded them March 25 1870 recorded in the Madison couuty court by J G D Shackelford clerk By my fathers will also recorded in said oflicu the number of acres giveu thew was I wo thousand about But to avoid any controversy 1 deeded them two thousand aud twentytwo aud one fourth 2022 acres and all the chil dren declared that the joint iuterest wits lixed and severed forever At the time of Grjeu Clays death and by his will 1 owned thousands of acres uf laud extending from White Hull continuously to Kentucky river at Clays Ferry live miles away so all the lauded interests of my children by their own motion and for their own mturests nave been fixed forever To carry out my and their wishes uiy executors are ordered under penalty of forfeiture of all money interests iu my will and es ¬ tate to have nothing more to do with these lands but leave them severely alone My father being a military man set aside It portion of hiS money devised as- a reserve or contingent fund to save his children from poverty not my chil- dren ¬ but his children By the said will 1 am left the sole executor That fuud if any left belongs to my living children and must be sacredly paid About live Hows Ibis We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward her any ease of Catarrh that can ¬ not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure FJ U1ENEY CO Toledo 0 We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm Vest Truax Wholesale Druggists MarvenI rinllV CatarrH Cure is tat en inter ¬ nally acting directly upon the blood and muM surfaces of the system Testiaionial8v8ent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Drugdsus Hulls JfXSiily tills are tlI6 bfeftt laa < 4 U5r t CRUTCHER BuildingH thousand 5000 dollars of the fund was paid me by brother Sidney Payne Clay first executor 1art of said five thousand dollars fund bus been paid to Cossius Curran Smith and others re- ducing it So my executors are amply able to pay all I owe ou that fund and all other debts When all my property has been sold and my executors are ready to pay creditors my children will be paid as others ou a Oasis of equity and proof of debt as required by law I give and devise to my former wife Lora Cluy ten thousand 10000 dol ¬ lars to be held in trust for her sole use and benefit during her natural life and at her death to go to her children ou the same conditions and under the same restrictions as the mining stock uereiu referred to I devise 2000 to build a Methodist church withiu onehalf mile ot Dora Clays residence near Linkard iu Woodford county Kentucky- I devise to James Bowlin sou o Polly Bowlindeceased and to his wile Mary Bowlin and their children John aud Herbert the sum of 2000 To each of the following i devise 8200 viz Elijah Barns David Shanks George Shanks Zach White cut Esq aud Tutu Williams My friend John Cabell Chenault came to me When 1 was iu distress of mind and body and hat counseled and advised me and has been of great sur vice and comfort to me and I devise to him the sum of three thousand dollars I give my friend GeoFgtr V Pickels one hundred SlOO dollars He has been k ito me and has done me many little acts of kindness I divise to Joe Chenault whose mother Florence Dillingham was my steadfast friendmy shotgun which has done me such good service for sev ¬ entyfive years I give Barney Kelly who has always been polite aud Kind to- me fifty 50 dollars To Mrs John D Harris I give the portrait of my son Warfield Clay I de ¬ vise to John Watson sun of my niece the daughterof William Itodes and my sister Paulina Clay Bodes an old painting of the Virgin Mary now on the wall of my boudoir 1 devise the marble bust of myself donated to me by Joel T Hart which is now in the possession of Brutus J Clay to the Corcoran Art Gallery Washington D C appoint John C Chenault D Bates Slmckclford and George W Pickets trustees for Dora Clay and they are di ¬ rected to invest the fund devised to her in trust in United States bonds and pay her annually the income from said fundsave the expense of managing same I devise a decent burial at an expense not greater than one hundred dollars by my mothers grave in tIe Richmond Ky Cemetery with a plain inexpensive headstone to mark my lost resting place Finally should anything remain after the foregoing bequests aud de- vises ¬ are paid off and nettled I devise same to be equally divided between the Filson Club of Lovisville of which my friend Hou R T Durrett is Pres ¬ ident and the Society of American Authors located in the City of New York Having previously given direc ¬ tions as to the sale of uiy property iu general terms I now specify White Hall and 300 acres shiil be sold at a different sale from that of iny other propertyWitness my signature at White Hall Madison county Kentucky this May 12 iu the year of our Loid one thou ¬ sand nine hundred CASSIUS JUAKOELLUS CLAYS Signed by Cassius Marcellus Clay In our presence and at his Request signed by us in his presence aijd in the pies ¬ ence of each other May 12 1900 CLARENCE EVEUETT WOODS W A HALL IMAGINE a republican Governor in office and pardoning those murderers of Goebol Of course they would par don them because the republicans all say that those parties ire not guilty and if they believe that they are not guilty they will surely pardon them No Governor believing that a man is innocent would leave hIm remain in the pen We pray the Lord that we may never see a mail Governor of Kentucky who will say a man is not guilty when six different juries have conI ¬ than for a man to say that a set of men are not joJItllty aftei six different juries selectedfrom tint best citizens ofthreo different counties have jaid that they are guilU What more could you expect from a party that was by those seekinsr office and OIJC8DrZOO this prom ¬ ier nl England any ¬ thing that would count abne We can jiot believe that the aw d people lire going to trust the safety > f their loved IIIIPU and their IIOHHHS U thieliiLex lugtou JiacrL I + 4 PERSONAL Miss Gurraleen Smith is visiting in 3Vinchester Mr and Mrs Bertram have returned from Louisville Mrs Claude Smith is visiting rela ¬ tives in Irvine Messrs Herman and Charlie Frasa attended the Crab Orchard alrI Mr R L Gentry left morn ¬ lag for his regular trip through Ohio Miss JiPttie French left today for ai visit to Miss Ashbrook in Uynthlana Mr T C Adams of Lawrenceburg spent Sunday with lila relatives here Mr J P Bpaty has returned home aftera jnost pleasant visit in Virginia Miss Ethel Watts is visiting Miss Carlisle Chenault At Cumberland ViewMiss Margaret Hanna is visiting rel- atives ¬ in Richmond Harrodshurg Herald Miss Kate McDaniels of Mt Sterl ¬ lug spent last week with Miss Linda Gormley Mr J W King of Unionviile Iowa Is visiting friends and relatives in this county Mrs Elizabeth Miller is visiting her daughter Mrs James Wlnn in Win ¬ chester Miss Lelia Jam Bpaty was the guest of Mr and Mrs Jatnes B Deatherage last week Mrs Mnriah Lynn in at home from a visit to Mrs Minerva Williams in Mt Sterling Miss Belle Bennett has gone to Lake Chautauqua NY for the rest of the heated term Misses Ethel and May Barnett visited the family of John W Wade in Mt Sterling last week Mrs J L Schlegel has returned from Mt Sterling where she visited the family of Mr A Schlegel Miss Georgia Neal Shipman of Shel hyville is the attractive guest of Miss Lelia Beatiy on Third street Miss Nannie C Parrish of Colum hus Ohio is visiting her sister Sirs G W Pickels on Third street Mrs O A Kennedy and daughter Katherine of Crescent Hill near Louis- ville are guests of Mrs W R Letdier- blisses Eliza Hulett and Roberta Farm of Lexington spent last week with Miss Margaret Myers on High streetMiss Mary A Rice general manager uguesne Development Cowas a guest Monday of Mrs Edward Norris BroadwayMisses and Rosa Cartrwright of Decatur Alabama will arrive today for a mouths visit to Mrs E O Vance on the Summit Mrs Ida Powell and daughter Elizabeth are at home from a visit to Mr and Mrs T Ghenault Willis in Stanford Mr and Mrs Nelson P Gay and children of Clark county spent last we k with Colonel and Mrs T J Chenault near town Miss Judith Tudor passed through here Wednesday en route to her lioine at Irvine alter a visit to Mr and Mrs George Shepherd at Kirkgville Mr Eloitt Poe Smith was down from Jackson Saturday sun browned ana dusty and with a good start of chin whiskers lie looked like he had been roughing it Mrs A B Wagers and little son Hugh Colyer of Gin Gv and Mrs 11 W Millet and son Hogan of Waco arevisiting relatives in Williamsburg and Danville Presiding Elder J W Deering was the guest of Mrs Jo S Joplin Saturday- He delivered two very interesting ser ¬ mons at the SI E Church and ad ¬ ministered the sacrament of the Lords SupperMiss Elizabeth Taylor is at horn from a pleasant visit to Mrs Graham Vreeland in Louisville Mrs Vreelam was formerly Miss Annie Crutcher of Versailles and attended Madison In ¬ stitute one session Mrs RE Douglas and daughter of Macon Ga Mrs V8 Montgomery and children of Lexington and Mrs John N Turner of Campbellsville attended the funeral and burial of their grandmother Mrs Anne Walters Mrs John Arnold lett last Wednes ¬ day for Mt Sterling where she will spendseveral weeks with liar parents Mr and Mrs Henry Jones Mr Ar- nold ¬ will join his wife about August 1 and after a stay in Mt Sterling will visit Crab Orchard Springs Mr and Mrs W Abercrombia of Florida are spending the summer with Mr and Mrs T J Curtis at their lovely home near Kirksville Mr and Mrs Curtis were guests of Mr and Mrs Abercrombia while they were in Florida last winter Mrs J B Stoufler has issued invita ¬ tions for a reception tomorrow after ¬ noon at four oclock It will be in honor of Miss Lucy Crowe one ol Richmonds mOit popular young la ¬ dies who will soon become the bride of Prof L C Hunt One feature of tomorrows entertainment will be a linen shower Mrs Nora Brooks and Miss Brooks entertained at their borne on Maple street Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 oclock with a reception in honor of their guests Miss Clokey of Decattr III and Miss Curraleen Smith of Richmond Ky The home was beau fully decorated for the occasion in terns palms anil fl ivvers In the re- ceiving ¬ line were Mrs Brooks Miss rooks Miss Clokey and Miss Smith acli in charming costumes About oud hundred and twentyfive friends enjoyed the occasion The musicians were hidden behind a bank of ferns and palms in the hall Frappe was served in the bay winday of the libra- ry ¬ Presiding over the punch bbwl were Misses Browne and Buckwalter in evening dress The refreshments were served in the dining room which was darkened and lighted with can- delabra ¬ emitting a soft light from be- neath their red shade Tbe decora- tions ¬ in this room were carnations The refreshments consisted of assorted cakes bon bons and individual ices in assorted designs of flowers fruits and animals The reception will long he remembered as one of the most pleas- ant of Winchesters many social func tions Misses Clokey and Smith were the recipients of many compliments from tile friends of the hostesses Sun Sentinel The Miller Range people tell us If a customer telephones us they Jo not like the Miller Range fores to send a wagon for it and refund the money for they are guaranteed from end to end ti- DB Shftckelford kCo- O M Coyle Richmond Ky makes your old furniture look like new All work guaranteed ijhwMit esh price 8tf 4 o TIiTT1 1 TIiI12 ± Tn r In Hnaorla- mMissSudieCrawlord one of the best beloved and most consistent members of Mt Zicn Christian church passed peacefully into rest at 1030 oclock on Sunday morning July the 19th 1003 after an illness of about six months She made the good confession about ten years ago and all theselyearsofhei short life have been devoted to the cause phe so much loved It was the rubof her life to meet with the dis ciples on each Lords day to break bread and was sore distressed if by any means she was prevented from so do lug How fitting it seemed that on this Lords day morning she should go to sit down at the table with her Savior who was at all times so real and so dear to her The funeral services HughrcLollau Mt Zion chUrch house on Monday morning the 20th at nine oclock In- terment lii Richmond Cemetery She leaves a father mother two brothers and three sisters besides a host of lov ing friends who mourn for her but not without hope She will be sadly miss ed from her home and church but we take comfort in the thought that she is at rest M V 0 KIRKSVILLE The Kirksville fair was quite a suc- cess in every respecL The largest crowd that has attended in years In- cluding ¬ a number from neighboring towns was here There were plenty of splendidbehaviour enjoyed by all present Among the visitors to the fair were Major Abercrumbia and wile of New Smyrna Florida The Major is a mill ¬ ionaire They will spend the summer In and around Kirksville Notwith- standing ¬ they are from the laud oi flowers wlncli is hard to beat still they are carried away with Kentucky and the genuine hospitality of a Ken ¬ tucky home They will be entertained by Hr Fry Mr T J Curtis and Mr D G Simmons Mrs D B Willis gave a swell party on the evening of the 12th Society was out in full force Frank Fowler is smiling now behind the counters of R L Browns store uphis thing in readiness for the opening on September 1 Prof Simmons will ar rivw in a few dys to prepare for the opening Letour people rally to the support of our new instructor for he is most worthy of a hearty patronage The public school at this place will begin on the tint uf September The services of Miss Ora Headrest who has taught here for the past three years and who is extremely popular with all have been engaged for the ensuing termMiss Bessie Elkin of Louisville at tenled the fair and is the guest now other aunt Mrs J P Simmons Several of our citizens are at Slate Lick Springs this week Mrs Maggie Fiunell and sister Miss Eilie of Kansas City Mo are the guests of their grandfather Mr W P Prewitt While engaged in repairing the roof of Mr George Shepherds house Mr Charlie Nikirk oi Silver Creek slipped aud fell His escape rom death was most marvelous tie sustained some very severe ana painful bruises but is not seriously injured Mrs John Cameron who resides near here fell from the merrygoround on Saturday during the fair and sul fured a bruised toot Sue lass since experienced considerable pain Mr Ben Simmons sold his buy ware last week for SO Quito a number from Kir ville and vicinity attended the dab Orchard lair Miss Maggie Layton of this place is taking in tee Ural Orchard fair She will also visit the Danville fair before returning mAtte Alex Miller colored was tried to- day in Judge Coys court for shooting at George Prewitt colored He con ¬ fessed and was tIned 10 and costs Elder J M Bruce and daughter La verne have returned from a visit to Danville and Mercer county Tuey report that it id distressingly dry in those placed Partners here and in this vicinity are rejoicing over a tine rain which came in liuie to nave tilt corn crop prominentlawyer last week wilii Ins brother Dr 1 B Oldlmiu iVlr Oidnam spends much ol his tUlle in Washington City aud is now on his way West The stork arrived on the night of the 20th at the hume of Rev C B Batch ford bringing with him a fine baby girl Bout parents are very proud over the arrival of the wee little one She has not yet been cliristeueU Mrs Alice Furls entertained quite a number of young people on the even ¬ lug of the 20th Mrs Lula Everett oi Stanford has been with tier mother who is quite sick at the home of Mr Fowler here Misses Florence and Blanch Smith of Irvine are spending a few weeks with their aunt Mrs Alice Earls Miss Julia Shepherd of the same place is with her brother Mr George Shepherd at the Hall All three of these young ladles attended the lair Fire destroyed the postoffice at Nina Garrard county on the night of the 2s Every thing pointed to the fact that it was incendiary When the fire was first discovered it was burning on the outside of the building near where the coal oil tank sat on the inside Postmaster Creech telephoned to Wil more for the bloodhounds but they have been unable so far to make any track ot the fiends Nothing was saved and it was hard work to save Mr Cr dwellings Miss Sallie Secrest has returned from a pleasant visit to Danville Dr J C Furls of Lancaster is at howe now on the sick list Mrs Mattie Routte and little daugh ¬ ter Dora of Point Leavell were guests of your correspondent last week and attended the fair and also enjoyed the Shepherd ball RELIGIOUS The Committee on Union of the Congregational church the Method ist Protestants and the United Bret ren met at Pittsburg la July 1 and agreed upon a platform for a federated union whose main points are as Id lows The power of the general coun oil shall be advisory and any recom- mendations it way make shall be re- ferred to the constituent bodies of the three deuominatious for approval Tiie purposes of tile general council shall be to present to tbe world soma realization of that unity of believers desired among Utiristittii churches to promote a better knowledge and a clos- er fellowship among the Christian bodies thus uniting to secure as far as possible the unification of kindred or iranlzHtiotm now existing in the several bodies to consider methods by which in the State annual and district con Terences the bodies may be brought into coordinate activity and organic unity to prevent the unnecessary multiplication of the churches and to unite weak chnrches of the same neighborhood whenever practicable and to unite encourage the alhhlia thou with the councils of Christian bodies cheriehinu a kindred faith aud purpose The basis of representation in the general councils shall be one delegate for every five thourendmem hers Dr Washington Gladden of this Con regatinnal church and Dr W M Weekley tf the United Brethren church were appointed as commission era to present the matter to the Kovnrn ing bodies of the three churchal their sessions to be held next vest Christian Observer cacT w LeU I can get you mOney at 5 per cent In ¬ terest on long time in sums of f 1 000 or over oa your fr property For partlculftrs call on or W R LrrcHKK JK apt Ii Mt Bkb 4 x MOBERLY Mesdames R 0 Moborloy and John Turpin who have been quite sick are convalescing charmingdaughter formers brother Mr Robert Daugher ty a prominent merchant of Beatty villa ElderT Q Martin of Winchester Oiled his regular appointment at Flat woods Sunday He went from there- to Winston Estill county to conduct- a series of meetings receivinglambs McKinney having the toppy bunch his averaging 104 Ibs Elder T Q Martin assisted by Elder P L Cunningham of III will com- mence ¬ a protracted meeting at Flat AugustElder inlaw to our popular merchant and Doctor D Z and V B Taylor of Waco is said to be a fine preacher Capt Robt Harris our polite and affable express messenger of the L A has established quite a market here for blackberries During the berry sea ¬ son he distributes from 10 to 20 in greathelp If you want to see some good horses and fast goers visit Haxhall Stock Farm on Tuesdays and Fridays and see such pacers and trotters as Linnen Walter T Etta Clarence C and many others step a mile in less than 20 Go anything Our farmers are through cutting and stacking their oats and are now busy taking care of their hay which is much better than anticipated Some TelephoneCo can make quite a speck by establishing an independent telephone line from Richmond to Mob erly Waco College Hill Union City and Doylesville and in fact all over Madison county if they will make rates similar to those in Jessamine Clark and other adjoining counties thereby enabling the farmers and all other parties to have phones in their hou ell We have a telephone line here hut rates are BO high that but few can afford to have same in their houses We are against trusts and monopolies out hare that is why we always send up such a big Democratic vote A Famous fey Rider Among the many attractions at the Crab Orchard Fair last week was Mas ¬ ter Charlie Dunn the son of Mr Theo Dunn of Whites Station who is known as a champion boy rider Charlie enter in two rings taking the blue ribbon in each One was for the best boy rider and the other in the best walking ring he riding that famous saddle mare of his fnthers which has been shown in all fairs over Kentnrky with not more than one or two defeats and has taken over a thousand dollars in premiums Charlie has exhibited his skill as a horseback rider on no less than twen ¬ ty occassions and has only one defeat against him that being at Lexington when but six years old Charlie will heap attraction at the Houstonville and Danville fairs and we feel salen vouching that he will come home a winner Teachers Institute The annual session of the Madison County Teachers Institute convened on Monday and will continue through ¬ out the week About seventy teachers wer enrolled on the first day but there will probably be ninety in all Professor RN Roark Dean of State College Lexington is the Instructor and quite a good deal of interest is be ¬ lug manifested by all present The meeting opened on Monday morning with a most able and eloquent address of welcome by Hon R W Miller Thus was responded to by Professor Roark before beginning the school work Every thing bids fair for this to be one of the most successlul Institutes in years Tonight an open session will be held at the court house begin ¬ ning promptlv at eight oclock The program will consist of music recita- tions ¬ aud a lecture by Professor Roark whose subject will be The Man and the Woman The public is most cor ¬ dially invited For Sale Property advertisedunder this head is not charged for unless sale is made For corn ¬ plete particulars call on or ad ¬ PrintingCo 1023A twostory frame residence contain ¬ 6 rooms and two hansln Rich ¬ Ky Lot 40x150 feet small Price 1000 S50U less than cost twostory frame residence on one the nicest resident streets in Rich ¬ lias all necessary outbuild ¬ A great bargain for anyone de ¬ a nice home nice residences near Main street only three squares from court A more desirable location for ideal home could not be found residences will be sold at a bar ¬ twostory frame residence on street Building in good re ¬ Price Sooo 120 will buy a good town lot 40x200 good town lot on good street 40x feet Price SI50 producingfarm barn and other outbuild ¬ Price 4200 farm containing about 130 acres residence barn and other Im- provements ¬ In fine locality Price 2500 containing 100 acres well but with no other improve ¬ Can be bought in connection No8 Price 1000 Four cottages on nice street well I I improved Price 1000 each I I Good cottage In flrstclasa condition I clsterd etc Price 500 j Handwne twostory residence in best part of Richmond large lot and necessary out buildings A bar at saOUO Nice residence containing seven ctlyLarge necessary outbuildings Price 13000 Good lot suitable for business house can be bought cheap One of the best Improved farms in Madison county containing 255 acres outbuildIngs venient Situated on pike I A four room cottage and seven acres I of land five acres in grass and two In garden good orchard and grape arbor nil necessary ont bnildingn This property is in a thriving villxge where churches and schools are convenient Price 500One of the nicest residences In Richmond containing eight rooms CityLOUI025O A twostory residence in good neighborhood Lot 120x130 feet All necessary outbuilding Price rzsoo A nice residence for nny one deslr lOgan Ideal home One cfthe best cnnstrncied buildings in Richmond welt improved 2200 neighborhood ¬ stnoetcOulalnlBg sary iiutliniloings Can be pur ¬ chased OB the installment plan A great bargain at 1100 Will paint resilience for purchaser An ideal cottage of live rdoms beautiful yard and all neceetary uildlngsliiondlng stable ud cistern Price ttftOi Will Kelt OB iB3tellM nt plan Will paiat residence for purchaser Nice reldeace on a4acre lot COB taitiing xeven rooms and two porches Kitunted In best reMece portloB or city Stable coat h UKe lmlldInflll c iiiiliii a aw Jtom For Ten Days Only It For Tm Days we will sell the fpllowing goods at the prices quoted below 8 l3c Laws at 5c Ladies 25c Corset Covers for 19c lOc Lawns at 9c 39c 29c 15c Lawns at12e1- 8c 49c 39c Lawns 15e5e h 69c 75c Gowns for 69c 75c Skirtsfor 69o 99c 89c 99c 89e Ladies Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoats U inch flounce trimmed at bottom with 4 inch ruffle and ruching at top of flounce separate dust ruffle at 99c each LadiestBlack and White Striped Mercerized Sateen Petticoats JO inch accordion plaited flounce trimmed with bands of black foot ruffle 199 LadiestFine Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoat- st High luster J2 inch flouncetrimmed with J2 narrow ruffles at J99 each eCall in during our cut rate sale of ten days andpurchase some bargains Respectfully Yours I IL Iu III OWEN McKEE Cor Main and First RICHMOND KENTUCKY Diphtheria relieved in twenty min ¬ utes Almost miraculous Dr Thom- as ¬ Electric Oil At any drug store 1m Auctioneer My services as an auctioneer can be secured bv leaving word at the State Batik Trust Companyprhy writing TD CIIENAULT tnlilS tf Terrill ivy Whats the secret of happy vigorous health Simply keeping the bowels the stomach the liver and kidneys Mtuiiig and active Burdock Blood Hitters does it hal Come and see the heaviest the best and the most complete Range in the marketThe Miller You will find plenty ot them that have been in use in this city for fifteen years tf D B Shackelford Co Mothers lose their dread for that ter ¬ rUde second summer when they have Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw- berry in the house Natures specific for bowelcomplaints of every sort 1m The Best System of Heating a Residence We will call and see you if you w- antPlumbing Or HeatingAddress RICHMOND KY- or Third floor of Post Off- iceLEXINGTON Plumbing Co A RemintJeri That we are right in the push withour superb < Stock of f I i J6j6je Dry Goods We carry a complete line of Notions Laces Hamburgs also the best quality of Matj tings 6 Give us a call and we will give you satisfaction i White Gibson Corner Main and Secondi RICHMOND KENTUCKY j Dont forget to see that swell line of wall paper shown by Perry fe Thomas A little life may be sacrificed to an hours delay Cholera infantum dye entery diarrhoea come Kuddciily On ¬ ly safe plan la to have Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry always on hand Call us up bv phone or drop us a note and let us call and look over your work and give you an estimate of cost I to put it ii good order for the coming season We do good work at moderate prices All work tailed for finished and delivered when promised We put on rubber tire and guarantee same for one year See our new stock of surI rys buggies etc before buying Richmond Carriage Works tf S L MIDKIFF Prop Notice to Creditors All parties having claims against the estate of Owen McKee deceased are requested to file same properly verified on or before August 15 1903 or same will be barred All parties indebted to the estate are requested to call and settle at once and save costs R J McKEE July 15 4t Administrator I OLD JOE WUlSKYI hand made Sour Mash Every drop guaran ¬ I teed to be pure It is of old style manu- facture ¬ No- BETTER can be found for medicinal pur- poses ¬ You want theI best Furnished Strictly to Family Trade 10 year old in jugs 1 00 per gallon 10 bottles S3 h 5 1 rJUIotS 2CO 5Ii I bottles 3 2 jogs 210 Orders promptly filled WILEY SEARCY Prop Old Joe Distillery McBrajer novljT Anderson county Kv For upholstering and repairing see C M Coyle two doors East Grand Opera House Richmond Ky tf Hives are a tpnible torment to the little folks and to some older ones Easily cured Doans Ointment never fails Instant relief permanent cure At any drug store 20 cents 1m ELDERS BARGAIN STORE J It We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we are again in business arid are now daily receiving a full line of Spring Goods Prettiest line ofIt White Goods Ginghams Embroideries Laces Ribbons Clothing Shoes and Millinerye g ever shown in this tit Call and inspecfrour line and be convinced that we can save you money i J lt C j V p C r r + I C I J k II co Ie Respectfully Submitted to the Cash Trade J C J2JV ELDiBR I IL It

Ladies Corset Covers for AugustElder 4unyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51hc1s/data/0358.pdf · U o 2 t B 4u BUYShand Gents TRIBBLE Main Street Richmond Ky 1 he BftfefflOflA Climax 1 CI1AULP

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Page 1: Ladies Corset Covers for AugustElder 4unyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51hc1s/data/0358.pdf · U o 2 t B 4u BUYShand Gents TRIBBLE Main Street Richmond Ky 1 he BftfefflOflA Climax 1 CI1AULP

U o 2t

B 4uand GentsBUYSh

TRIBBLEMain Street Richmond Ky

1 he BftfefflOflA Climax

1 CI1AULP Presid-entA1LLR Editor t Manager



The Climax Printing CoItIeospor8I-


EON J M BENTON-Of Clark County


lION B A CKUTCHEROf Jessamine County




We are authorized to announce J HK NNHDY of est End Precinct Klcnmondas candidate for Jailer of Madison countysubject to the action of the Democratic party


We re authorized to announce D BHHAVKBIFOKD a candidate lor Councilmanfroti ruirenlty Wxnl subject Hi the actionol I i Democratic pal ty-

Wf are authorized to announce L TWI SON a candidate for Councilman from

End Ward Mil > ect to the action 01 theJ> eiuoi ulic party

u are authorized to announce JOE WMA ts a raiuli att for Councilman fnim VSjyat

In War i aobject to the action of thecr party

POIt fONSTAHLBW are authorized to anrnxiBceJ L BAXTER

i cliiateforOoaatible subject to the ac-

tioi fiue HeBwcmllc party

t lIlTING hy teo liinejsihl e6ila uiKfW York but just to think thatyri II kissiii may ffl > favor it nevep aiifK4iv J9pIiotae The old styleWi nli broke the hingfs on the frontjjuii is good eiiniigli in Kfiilucky

tit iiouiinee of the Ktiputilican partfn iviTuur of this state is the manwij haul that 12 it day wguollm ugh for any titan Oati it be jiossi

bt IIt a single workiiiu man in theBU will vote for Uelkaap alter sucha i tenjtnt

Anetbtr One

A Jew lava ago we retieivinl a letteran i iietrk from Aim W O Durrettoi srtier MiiBouri Site dialed that thsCl lAX WILt like a teller from homo

eacii eok Mrs OurrfttVjiarentH Mranl Mrs JN pttUIi ate biniiiliujj thecu miner with tier


Are You

OR <

RemodelingIf so we want to call your atten ¬

tion to our

Mantel DepartmentA plain statement of facts

U B how 65 stvled of Wood MantelsW fj otter you 45 colors of Tiling for

selectionV K handle all of the best wakes aud

finishes in gratesU E adopt every precaution to insure

perfect workmanshipWrS give you our absolute personal

guarantee with every purchaseV I employ an expert Tile Setter

We will well you lantels as low as any-body any where

We will not beundersold

CJBrower Co111-



Gen Clays Will

IThl following is an exact copy of thewill written in Gun Clays own hand-writing


and dated May 12 1000 niidwhich will be utTered for probate in thecounty court August 3

The last will and testament of GetI

Cassius Mnrcellus Clay born in WhiteHull Madison county KentuckyUnitedSuites of America of Green Clay audSnllie Lewis both of Revolutiouiuyblood anti fame October 10 1810

1 appoint John Cnbull Olienaultlawyer and Daniel Bates Shackelfordmerchant my executors Further Igive said Cht naulu as lawyer 8200 ayear from this date to my death Whensaid Cheuault and Shackelford shall en ¬

ter upon their duties as executors theyshall receive in full of all claims uponmy estate 10 per cent upon nil moneysdistributed and paid out to creditorsBut they shall form a company basedupon my Clay county coal mines whereEli Delhi lives The stock shall bedivided into 100 shares at first but in-


in time if deemed expedient-Of this stuck my former wile Dora

Clay shan receive onefourth of thedividends of profits per year till herdeath At her death Cassins MarcellusClay hock her child shall receive herprolits from the winos But if sheDora leaves other children then thesaid Cassius shall receive onehalf onlymd the other half shall be dividedequally between the others their huirsand assigns forever lint it is orderedthat none of the Brock family includ-ing


Riley Brook aud none of the Richjardsoti family Doras family shall re ¬

ceivo anything except CL te Brockand the cuildren giily that she Doraunity have at hcottth Bntall moneysthlQrt1Siiall be turned into the

Dora Clay fund foreverTwenty shares of said stock Shall be

owned by SKid John Uabell CLenaultand tun hures by said Dauiel BatesShackelford their heirs and assigns

foreverTheother forty five shares shall be

a part of my estate Jlly executors shallact III Concert and not agreeing thelawyer Cheuault shall decide Thisgives him more work and he is herebypaid more

At my death my executors shalltake an inventory of nil my estate realand personal sell at auction alter lulladvertisement as far as New YurkCity such things as may be ordered andexpiedeul small things of value forcash things If more value especiallyluud or works of art way be allowedwith good security two years creditwith interest front date of sale

By Green Clays will of which I nmthe only living executor my childrenwere to have 2000 acres of land at mydeath Said will was dated November3 1828 of record in the Madison countyclerks ollice

By an agreement between me andIUY children the laud was laid oil byStock and deeded them March 25

1870 recorded in the Madison couutycourt by J G D Shackelford clerkBy my fathers will also recorded insaid oflicu the number of acres giveuthew was I wo thousand about But toavoid any controversy 1 deeded themtwo thousand aud twentytwo aud onefourth 2022 acres and all the children declared that the joint iuterestwits lixed and severed forever

At the time of Grjeu Clays deathand by his will 1 owned thousands ofacres uf laud extending from WhiteHull continuously to Kentucky river atClays Ferry live miles away so all thelauded interests of my children by theirown motion and for their own mturestsnave been fixed forever To carry outmy and their wishes uiy executors areordered under penalty of forfeiture ofall money interests iu my will and es¬

tate to have nothing more to do withthese lands but leave them severelyalone

My father being a military man setaside It portion of hiS money devised as-

a reserve or contingent fund to savehis children from poverty not my chil-


but his children By the said will1 am left the sole executor That fuudif any left belongs to my living childrenand must be sacredly paid About live

Hows IbisWe offer One Hundred Dollars Re

ward her any ease of Catarrh that can ¬

not be cured by Halls Catarrh CureFJ U1ENEY CO Toledo 0

We the undersigned have known FJ Cheney for the last 15 years andbelieve him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transactions and financiallyable to carry out any obligations madeby their firm

Vest Truax Wholesale DruggistsMarvenIrinllV CatarrH Cure is tat en inter¬

nally acting directly upon the bloodand muM surfaces of the systemTestiaionial8v8ent free Price 75c perbottle Sold by all Drugdsus

Hulls JfXSiily tills are tlI6 bfeftt laa






thousand 5000 dollars of the fundwas paid me by brother Sidney PayneClay first executor 1art of said fivethousand dollars fund bus been paid toCossius Curran Smith and others re-ducing it So my executors are amplyable to pay all I owe ou that fund andall other debts When all my propertyhas been sold and my executors areready to pay creditors my children willbe paid as others ou a Oasis of equityand proof of debt as required by law

I give and devise to my former wifeLora Cluy ten thousand 10000 dol ¬

lars to be held in trust for her sole useand benefit during her natural life andat her death to go to her children outhe same conditions and under thesame restrictions as the mining stockuereiu referred to

I devise 2000 to build a Methodistchurch withiu onehalf mile ot DoraClays residence near Linkard iuWoodford county Kentucky-

I devise to James Bowlin sou oPolly Bowlindeceased and to his wileMary Bowlin and their children Johnaud Herbert the sum of 2000 Toeach of the following i devise 8200 vizElijah Barns David Shanks GeorgeShanks Zach White cut Esq audTutu Williams

My friend John Cabell Chenaultcame to me When 1 was iu distress ofmind and body and hat counseled andadvised me and has been of great survice and comfort to me and I devise tohim the sum of three thousand dollarsI give my friend GeoFgtr V Pickelsone hundred SlOO dollars He hasbeen k ito me and has done memany little acts of kindness

I divise to Joe Chenault whosemother Florence Dillingham was mysteadfast friendmy shotgun whichhas done me such good service for sev ¬

entyfive years I give Barney Kellywho has always been polite aud Kind to-

me fifty 50 dollarsTo Mrs John D Harris I give the

portrait of my son Warfield Clay I de ¬

vise to John Watson sun of my niecethe daughterof William Itodes and mysister Paulina Clay Bodes an oldpainting of the Virgin Mary now onthe wall of my boudoir

1 devise the marble bust of myselfdonated to me by Joel T Hart whichis now in the possession of Brutus JClay to the Corcoran Art GalleryWashington D C

appoint John C Chenault D BatesSlmckclford and George W Picketstrustees for Dora Clay and they are di ¬

rected to invest the fund devised to herin trust in United States bonds and payher annually the income from saidfundsave the expense of managingsame I devise a decent burial at anexpense not greater than one hundreddollars by my mothers grave in tIeRichmond Ky Cemetery with a plaininexpensive headstone to mark my lostresting place

Finally should anything remainafter the foregoing bequests aud de-


are paid off and nettled I devisesame to be equally divided between theFilson Club of Lovisville of whichmy friend Hou R T Durrett is Pres ¬

ident and the Society of AmericanAuthors located in the City of NewYork Having previously given direc¬

tions as to the sale of uiy property iugeneral terms I now specify WhiteHall and 300 acres shiil be sold at adifferent sale from that of iny otherpropertyWitness

my signature at White HallMadison county Kentucky this May12 iu the year of our Loid one thou ¬

sand nine hundredCASSIUS JUAKOELLUS


Signed by Cassius Marcellus Clay Inour presence and at his Request signedby us in his presence aijd in the pies ¬

ence of each other May 12 1900CLARENCE EVEUETT WOODSW A HALL

IMAGINE a republican Governor inoffice and pardoning those murderersof Goebol Of course they would pardon them because the republicans allsay that those parties ire not guiltyand if they believe that they are notguilty they will surely pardon themNo Governor believing that a man isinnocent would leave hIm remain inthe pen We pray the Lord thatwe may never see a mail Governor ofKentucky who will say a man is notguilty when six different juries haveconI ¬

than for a man to say that a set ofmen are not joJItllty aftei six differentjuries selectedfrom tint best citizensofthreo different counties have jaidthat they are guilU

What more could you expect froma party that was by thoseseekinsr office and OIJC8DrZOO this prom ¬

ier nl England any ¬

thing that would count abne We canjiot believe that the aw d people liregoing to trust the safety > f their lovedIIIIPU and their IIOHHHS U thieliiLexlugtou JiacrL



Miss Gurraleen Smith is visiting in3Vinchester

Mr and Mrs Bertram have returnedfrom Louisville

Mrs Claude Smith is visiting rela¬

tives in IrvineMessrs Herman and Charlie Frasa

attended the Crab Orchard alrIMr R L Gentry left morn ¬

lag for his regular trip through OhioMiss JiPttie French left today for ai

visit to Miss Ashbrook in UynthlanaMr T C Adams of Lawrenceburg

spent Sunday with lila relatives hereMr J P Bpaty has returned home

aftera jnost pleasant visit in VirginiaMiss Ethel Watts is visiting Miss

Carlisle Chenault At CumberlandViewMiss

Margaret Hanna is visiting rel-


in Richmond HarrodshurgHerald

Miss Kate McDaniels of Mt Sterl ¬

lug spent last week with Miss LindaGormley

Mr J W King of Unionviile IowaIs visiting friends and relatives in thiscounty

Mrs Elizabeth Miller is visiting herdaughter Mrs James Wlnn in Win ¬

chesterMiss Lelia Jam Bpaty was the guest

of Mr and Mrs Jatnes B Deatheragelast week

Mrs Mnriah Lynn in at home froma visit to Mrs Minerva Williams inMt Sterling

Miss Belle Bennett has gone to LakeChautauqua NY for the rest of theheated term

Misses Ethel and May Barnett visitedthe family of John W Wade in MtSterling last week

Mrs J L Schlegel has returned fromMt Sterling where she visited thefamily of Mr A Schlegel

Miss Georgia Neal Shipman of Shelhyville is the attractive guest of MissLelia Beatiy on Third street

Miss Nannie C Parrish of Columhus Ohio is visiting her sister SirsG W Pickels on Third street

Mrs O A Kennedy and daughterKatherine of Crescent Hill near Louis-ville are guests of Mrs W R Letdier-

blisses Eliza Hulett and RobertaFarm of Lexington spent last weekwith Miss Margaret Myers on High

streetMissMary A Rice general manager

uguesne Development Cowas aguest Monday of Mrs Edward Norris

BroadwayMissesand Rosa Cartrwright of

Decatur Alabama will arrive todayfor a mouths visit to Mrs E O Vanceon the Summit

Mrs Ida Powell and daughterElizabeth are at home from a visitto Mr and Mrs T GhenaultWillis in Stanford

Mr and Mrs Nelson P Gay andchildren of Clark county spent lastwe k with Colonel and Mrs T JChenault near town

Miss Judith Tudor passed throughhere Wednesday en route to her lioineat Irvine alter a visit to Mr and MrsGeorge Shepherd at Kirkgville

Mr Eloitt Poe Smith was down fromJackson Saturday sun browned anadusty and with a good start of chinwhiskers lie looked like he had beenroughing it

Mrs A B Wagers and little sonHugh Colyer of Gin Gv and Mrs 11W Millet and son Hogan of Wacoarevisiting relatives in Williamsburgand Danville

Presiding Elder J W Deering wasthe guest of Mrs Jo S Joplin Saturday-He delivered two very interesting ser¬

mons at the SI E Church and ad ¬

ministered the sacrament of the LordsSupperMiss

Elizabeth Taylor is at horn froma pleasant visit to Mrs GrahamVreeland in Louisville Mrs Vreelamwas formerly Miss Annie Crutcher ofVersailles and attended Madison In ¬

stitute one sessionMrs R E Douglas and daughter of

Macon Ga Mrs V8 Montgomeryand children of Lexington and MrsJohn N Turner of Campbellsvilleattended the funeral and burial oftheir grandmother Mrs Anne Walters

Mrs John Arnold lett last Wednes ¬

day for Mt Sterling where she willspendseveral weeks with liar parentsMr and Mrs Henry Jones Mr Ar-nold


will join his wife about August1 and after a stay in Mt Sterling willvisit Crab Orchard Springs

Mr and Mrs W Abercrombia ofFlorida are spending the summerwith Mr and Mrs T J Curtis attheir lovely home near KirksvilleMr and Mrs Curtis were guests of Mrand Mrs Abercrombia while theywere in Florida last winter

Mrs J B Stoufler has issued invita ¬tions for a reception tomorrow after ¬

noon at four oclock It will be inhonor of Miss Lucy Crowe one olRichmonds mOit popular young la¬

dies who will soon become the brideof Prof L C Hunt One feature oftomorrows entertainment will be alinen shower

Mrs Nora Brooks and Miss Brooksentertained at their borne on Maplestreet Friday afternoon from 4 to 6oclock with a reception in honor oftheir guests Miss Clokey of DecattrIII and Miss Curraleen Smith ofRichmond Ky The home was beaufully decorated for the occasion in

terns palms anil fl ivvers In the re-


line were Mrs Brooks Missrooks Miss Clokey and Miss Smithacli in charming costumes About

oud hundred and twentyfive friendsenjoyed the occasion The musicianswere hidden behind a bank of fernsand palms in the hall Frappe wasserved in the bay winday of the libra-ry


Presiding over the punch bbwlwere Misses Browne and Buckwalterin evening dress The refreshmentswere served in the dining room whichwas darkened and lighted with can-


emitting a soft light from be-neath their red shade Tbe decora-tions


in this room were carnationsThe refreshments consisted of assortedcakes bon bons and individual ices inassorted designs of flowers fruits andanimals The reception will long heremembered as one of the most pleas-ant of Winchesters many social functions Misses Clokey and Smith werethe recipients of many complimentsfrom tile friends of the hostesses SunSentinel

The Miller Range people tell us Ifa customer telephones us they Jo notlike the Miller Range fores to send awagon for it and refund the money forthey are guaranteed from end to end ti-

DB Shftckelford kCo-

O M Coyle Richmond Ky makesyour old furniture look like new Allwork guaranteed ijhwMit esh price




TIiTT1 1 TIiI12± Tn r

In Hnaorla-mMissSudieCrawlord one of the best

beloved and most consistent membersof Mt Zicn Christian church passedpeacefully into rest at 1030 oclock onSunday morning July the 19th 1003after an illness of about six monthsShe made the good confession aboutten years ago and all theselyearsofheishort life have been devoted to thecause phe so much loved It was therubof her life to meet with the disciples on each Lords day to breakbread and was sore distressed if by anymeans she was prevented from so dolug How fitting it seemed that onthis Lords day morning she shouldgo to sit down at the table with herSavior who was at all times so real andso dear to her The funeral services

HughrcLollauMt Zion chUrch house on Mondaymorning the 20th at nine oclock In-terment lii Richmond Cemetery Sheleaves a father mother two brothersand three sisters besides a host of loving friends who mourn for her but notwithout hope She will be sadly missed from her home and church but wetake comfort in the thought that she isat rest M V 0

KIRKSVILLEThe Kirksville fair was quite a suc-

cess in every respecL The largestcrowd that has attended in years In-cluding


a number from neighboringtowns was here There were plenty of

splendidbehaviourenjoyed by all present

Among the visitors to the fair wereMajor Abercrumbia and wile of NewSmyrna Florida The Major is a mill ¬

ionaire They will spend the summerIn and around Kirksville Notwith-standing


they are from the laud oiflowers wlncli is hard to beat stillthey are carried away with Kentuckyand the genuine hospitality of a Ken ¬

tucky home They will be entertainedby Hr Fry Mr T J Curtis and MrD G Simmons

Mrs D B Willis gave a swell partyon the evening of the 12th Societywas out in full force

Frank Fowler is smiling now behindthe counters of R L Browns storeuphisthing in readiness for the opening onSeptember 1 Prof Simmons will arrivw in a few dys to prepare for theopening Letour people rally to thesupport of our new instructor for he ismost worthy of a hearty patronage

The public school at this place willbegin on the tint uf September Theservices of Miss Ora Headrest whohas taught here for the past three yearsand who is extremely popular with allhave been engaged for the ensuingtermMiss

Bessie Elkin of Louisville attenled the fair and is the guest nowother aunt Mrs J P Simmons

Several of our citizens are at SlateLick Springs this week

Mrs Maggie Fiunell and sister MissEilie of Kansas City Mo are theguests of their grandfather Mr W PPrewitt

While engaged in repairing the roofof Mr George Shepherds house MrCharlie Nikirk oi Silver Creek slippedaud fell His escape rom death wasmost marvelous tie sustained somevery severe ana painful bruises but isnot seriously injured

Mrs John Cameron who residesnear here fell from the merrygoroundon Saturday during the fair and sulfured a bruised toot Sue lass sinceexperienced considerable pain

Mr Ben Simmons sold his buyware last week for SO

Quito a number from Kir ville andvicinity attended the dab Orchardlair

Miss Maggie Layton of this place istaking in tee Ural Orchard fair Shewill also visit the Danville fair beforereturning mAtte

Alex Miller colored was tried to-day in Judge Coys court for shootingat George Prewitt colored He con ¬

fessed and was tIned 10 and costsElder J M Bruce and daughter

La verne have returned from a visit toDanville and Mercer county Tueyreport that it id distressingly dry inthose placed

Partners here and in this vicinityare rejoicing over a tine rain whichcame in liuie to nave tilt corn crop

prominentlawyerlast week wilii Ins brother Dr 1 BOldlmiu iVlr Oidnam spends much olhis tUlle in Washington City aud isnow on his way West

The stork arrived on the night of the20th at the hume of Rev C B Batchford bringing with him a fine babygirl Bout parents are very proudover the arrival of the wee little oneShe has not yet been cliristeueU

Mrs Alice Furls entertained quite anumber of young people on the even ¬

lug of the 20thMrs Lula Everett oi Stanford has

been with tier mother who is quitesick at the home of Mr Fowler here

Misses Florence and Blanch Smithof Irvine are spending a few weekswith their aunt Mrs Alice Earls MissJulia Shepherd of the same place iswith her brother Mr George Shepherdat the Hall All three of these youngladles attended the lair

Fire destroyed the postoffice at NinaGarrard county on the night of the2s Every thing pointed to the factthat it was incendiary When the firewas first discovered it was burning onthe outside of the building near wherethe coal oil tank sat on the insidePostmaster Creech telephoned to Wilmore for the bloodhounds but theyhave been unable so far to make anytrack ot the fiends Nothing wassaved and it was hard work to saveMr Cr dwellings

Miss Sallie Secrest has returned froma pleasant visit to Danville

Dr J C Furls of Lancaster is athowe now on the sick list

Mrs Mattie Routte and little daugh ¬

ter Dora of Point Leavell were guestsof your correspondent last week andattended the fair and also enjoyed theShepherd ball

RELIGIOUSThe Committee on Union of the

Congregational church the Methodist Protestants and the United Bretren met at Pittsburg la July 1 andagreed upon a platform for a federatedunion whose main points are as Idlows The power of the general counoil shall be advisory and any recom-mendations it way make shall be re-ferred to the constituent bodies of thethree deuominatious for approval

Tiie purposes of tile general councilshall be to present to tbe world somarealization of that unity of believersdesired among Utiristittii churches topromote a better knowledge and a clos-er fellowship among the Christianbodies thus uniting to secure as far aspossible the unification of kindred oriranlzHtiotm now existing in the severalbodies to consider methods by whichin the State annual and district conTerences the bodies may be broughtinto coordinate activity and organicunity to prevent the unnecessarymultiplication of the churches and tounite weak chnrches of the sameneighborhood whenever practicableand to unite encourage the alhhliathou with the councils of Christianbodies cheriehinu a kindred faith audpurpose The basis of representationin the general councils shall be onedelegate for every five thourendmemhers Dr Washington Gladden of thisCon regatinnal church and Dr W MWeekley tf the United Brethrenchurch were appointed as commissionera to present the matter to the Kovnrning bodies of the three churchaltheir sessions to be held next vestChristian Observer

cacT w LeU

I can get you mOney at 5 per cent In¬

terest on long time in sums of f 1 000or over oa your fr property Forpartlculftrs call on or

W R LrrcHKK JKapt Ii Mt Bkb

4 x


Mesdames R 0 Moborloy and JohnTurpin who have been quite sick areconvalescing

charmingdaughterformers brother Mr Robert Daugherty a prominent merchant of Beattyvilla

ElderT Q Martin of WinchesterOiled his regular appointment at Flatwoods Sunday He went from there-to Winston Estill county to conduct-a series of meetings

receivinglambsMcKinney having the toppy bunchhis averaging 104 Ibs

Elder T Q Martin assisted by ElderP L Cunningham of III will com-mence


a protracted meeting at FlatAugustElderinlaw to our popular merchant andDoctor D Z and V B Taylor ofWaco is said to be a fine preacher

Capt Robt Harris our polite andaffable express messenger of the LA has established quite a market herefor blackberries During the berry sea ¬

son he distributes from 10 to 20 ingreathelpIf you want to see some good horses

and fast goers visit Haxhall StockFarm on Tuesdays and Fridays andsee such pacers and trotters as LinnenWalter T Etta Clarence C and manyothers step a mile in less than 20 GoanythingOur farmers are through cuttingand stacking their oats and are nowbusy taking care of their hay whichis much better than anticipated

Some TelephoneCo can make quitea speck by establishing an independenttelephone line from Richmond to Moberly Waco College Hill Union Cityand Doylesville and in fact all overMadison county if they will makerates similar to those in JessamineClark and other adjoining countiesthereby enabling the farmers and allother parties to have phones in theirhou ell We have a telephone linehere hut rates are BO high that butfew can afford to have same in theirhouses We are against trusts andmonopolies out hare that is why wealways send up such a big Democraticvote

A Famous fey Rider

Among the many attractions at theCrab Orchard Fair last week was Mas ¬

ter Charlie Dunn the son of Mr TheoDunn of Whites Station who is knownas a champion boy rider Charlie enterin two rings taking the blue ribbon ineach One was for the best boy riderand the other in the best walking ringhe riding that famous saddle mare ofhis fnthers which has been shown inall fairs over Kentnrky with not morethan one or two defeats and has takenover a thousand dollars in premiumsCharlie has exhibited his skill as ahorseback rider on no less than twen ¬

ty occassions and has only one defeatagainst him that being at Lexingtonwhen but six years old Charlie willheap attraction at the Houstonvilleand Danville fairs and we feel salenvouching that he will come home awinner

Teachers Institute

The annual session of the MadisonCounty Teachers Institute convenedon Monday and will continue through ¬

out the week About seventy teacherswer enrolled on the first day butthere will probably be ninety in allProfessor R N Roark Dean of StateCollege Lexington is the Instructorand quite a good deal of interest is be¬

lug manifested by all present Themeeting opened on Monday morningwith a most able and eloquent addressof welcome by Hon R W MillerThus was responded to by ProfessorRoark before beginning the schoolwork Every thing bids fair for this tobe one of the most successlul Institutesin years Tonight an open sessionwill be held at the court house begin ¬

ning promptlv at eight oclock Theprogram will consist of music recita-tions


aud a lecture by Professor Roarkwhose subject will be The Man andthe Woman The public is most cor ¬

dially invited

For SaleProperty advertisedunder

this head is not charged forunless sale is made For corn ¬

plete particulars call on or ad ¬



twostory frame residence contain ¬6 rooms and two hansln Rich ¬

Ky Lot 40x150 feet smallPrice 1000 S50U less than


twostory frame residence on onethe nicest resident streets in Rich ¬

lias all necessary outbuild ¬

A great bargain for anyone de ¬a nice home

nice residences near Main streetonly three squares from court

A more desirable location forideal home could not be found

residences will be sold at a bar ¬

twostory frame residence onstreet Building in good re¬

Price Sooo

120 will buy a good town lot 40x200

good town lot on good street 40xfeet Price SI50

producingfarmbarn and other outbuild ¬

Price 4200

farm containing about 130 acresresidence barn and other Im-


In fine locality Price2500

containing 100 acres wellbut with no other improve ¬Can be bought in connection

No8 Price 1000

Four cottages on nice street well I

I improved Price 1000 each I


Good cottage In flrstclasa conditionI clsterd etc Price 500


Handwne twostory residence inbest part of Richmond large lot and

necessary out buildings A barat saOUO

Nice residence containing sevenctlyLargenecessary outbuildings Price 13000Good lot suitable for businesshouse can be bought cheap

One of the best Improved farms inMadison county containing 255 acresoutbuildIngsvenient Situated on pike I

A four room cottage and seven acres I

of land five acres in grass and twoIn garden good orchard and grapearbor nil necessary ont bnildingnThis property is in athriving villxge where churchesand schools are convenient Price500One

of the nicest residences InRichmond containing eight roomsCityLOUI025OA twostory residence in goodneighborhood Lot 120x130 feetAll necessary outbuilding Pricerzsoo

A nice residence for nny one deslrlOgan Ideal home One cfthe bestcnnstrncied buildings in Richmondwelt improved 2200

neighborhood ¬

stnoetcOulalnlBgsary iiutliniloings Can be pur ¬

chased OB the installment plan Agreat bargain at 1100 Will paintresilience for purchaser

An ideal cottage of live rdomsbeautiful yard and all neceetaryuildlngsliiondlng stableud cistern Price ttftOi Will KeltOB iB3tellM nt plan Will paiatresidence for purchaserNice reldeace on a4acre lot COBtaitiing xeven rooms and twoporches Kitunted In best reMeceportloB or city Stable coat h UKe

lmlldInflllciiiiliii a aw Jtom

For Ten Days OnlyIt

For Tm Days we will sell the fpllowing goods at the pricesquoted below

8 l3c Laws at 5c Ladies 25c Corset Covers for 19clOc Lawns at 9c 39c 29c15c Lawns at12e1-8c

49c 39c

Lawns 15e5e h 69c75c Gowns for 69c 75c Skirtsfor 69o99c 89c 99c 89e

Ladies Black Mercerized Sateen PetticoatsU inch flounce trimmed at bottom with 4 inch ruffle and ruching at top of flounceseparate dust ruffle at 99c each

LadiestBlack and White Striped Mercerized Sateen PetticoatsJO inch accordion plaited flounce trimmed with bands of black foot ruffle 199

LadiestFine Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoat-st High luster J2 inch flouncetrimmed with J2 narrow ruffles at J99 each

eCall in during our cut rate sale of ten days andpurchasesome bargains Respectfully Yours



Diphtheria relieved in twenty min¬

utes Almost miraculous Dr Thom-as


Electric Oil At any drug store 1m


My services as an auctioneer can besecured bv leaving word at the StateBatik Trust Companyprhy writing


tnlilS tf Terrill ivy

Whats the secret of happy vigoroushealth Simply keeping the bowelsthe stomach the liver and kidneysMtuiiig and active Burdock BloodHitters does it hal

Come and see the heaviest thebest and the most complete Range inthe marketThe Miller You will findplenty ot them that have been in usein this city for fifteen years tf

D B Shackelford Co

Mothers lose their dread for that ter ¬

rUde second summer when they haveDr Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw-berry in the house Natures specificfor bowelcomplaints of every sort 1m

The Best System of Heatinga Residence

We will call and see you ifyou w-



RICHMOND KY-or Third floor of Post Off-


Plumbing Co

A RemintJeriThat we are right in the push withour superb <

Stock of f I i J6j6jeDry Goods

We carry a complete line of NotionsLaces Hamburgs also the best quality of Matjtings 6 Give us a call and we will give yousatisfaction i

White GibsonCorner Main and SecondiRICHMOND KENTUCKY j

Dont forget to see that swell line ofwall paper shown by Perry fe Thomas

A little life may be sacrificed to anhours delay Cholera infantum dyeentery diarrhoea come Kuddciily On ¬

ly safe plan la to have Dr FowlersExtract of Wild Strawberry always onhand

Call us up bv phone or drop us anote and let us call and look over yourwork and give you an estimate of cost

I to put it ii good order for the comingseason We do good work at moderateprices All work tailed for finishedand delivered when promised Weput on rubber tire and guarantee samefor one year See our new stock of surIrys buggies etc before buying

Richmond Carriage Workstf S L MIDKIFF Prop

Notice to Creditors

All parties having claims against theestate of Owen McKee deceased arerequested to file same properly verifiedon or before August 15 1903 or samewill be barred All parties indebtedto the estate are requested to call andsettle at once and save costs

R J McKEEJuly 15 4t Administrator


OLD JOE WUlSKYIhand made Sour Mash

Every drop guaran ¬

I teed to be pure It isof old style manu-



BETTERcan be found

for medicinal pur-poses


You want theIbest Furnished Strictly toFamily Trade

10 year old in jugs 1 00 per gallon10 bottles S3 h5 1 rJUIotS 2CO

5Ii I bottles 32 jogs 210

Orders promptly filled

WILEY SEARCY PropOld Joe Distillery

McBrajernovljT Anderson county Kv

For upholstering and repairingsee C M Coyle two doors East GrandOpera House Richmond Ky tf

Hives are a tpnible torment to thelittle folks and to some older onesEasily cured Doans Ointment neverfails Instant relief permanent cureAt any drug store 20 cents 1m



We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we areagain in business arid are now daily receiving a full line ofSpring Goods Prettiest lineofItWhite Goods Ginghams Embroideries

Laces Ribbons Clothing Shoes andMillinerye g

ever shown in this tit Call and inspecfrour line and beconvinced that we can save you money iJ lt Cj

Vp Cr r

+I C



Ie Respectfully Submitted to the Cash Trade JC