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PART 1Basic Servlet Programming

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• Explain servlets and the Servlet API• Compare the Servlet API with CGI

• Use the primary classes in servlet programming

• Implement simple servlets

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 Need for Dynamic Content


– Limitation: based entirely on the client’s platform

• CGI scripts

– Based on the server platform to generate dynamiccontent

– Limitations:• Lack of scalability

• Platform dependence

• Java Servlet technology

– a portable way to provide dynamic, user-oriented content.

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Development Component: ServletsCLIENT


Back End

 Application Server 

Business Logic



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What is a Servlet?

• Standard, server-side Java application thatextends the capabilities of a Web Server 

– Runs completely on the server 

• Nothing is ever downloaded to the browser 

– A replacement for CGI scripts

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Why use Servlets?

• Servlets have advantages in several areas:– Portability and flexibility

– Security

– Performance

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Portability and Flexibility

• A rich set of platform-neutral Java APIs toconnect to most backend assets

• Platform independence through 'write once

run anywhere'

• Reusable objects (JavaBeans)

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Security Advantage

• Called within server context– Can restrict servlet access

– Can be part of a Single (global) Sign On

security architecture

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Performance Advantage

• Run in the same context as application server • Execute and remain in memory

• Can be preloaded or loaded on demand 

• Maintain sessions across HTTP requests

– Reducing activity to backend systems

• Are multithreaded • Scale with multiprocessors and heterogeneous


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Generic Servlet Invocation

• Client makes a request of WebServer naming aServlet as part of the URL

• WebServer forwards request to Servlet engine

which locates an instance of a Servlet class• Servlet engine calls Servlet's service method 


Web Server Application ServerURL


Servlet Instance

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Java Servlet API

• The JSDK includes two packageswhich provide interfaces and classesfor writing servlets

–  javax.servlet

–  javax.servlet.http

• Servlet interface define life-cyclemethods

– GenericServlet class for generic services

– HTTPServlet class for HTTP-specificservices

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• Represents a service• Usually requested via URL

• Servlets are loaded by an ApplicationServer 

– At initialization of Server (if preload)

– At first client request

– Upon servlet reload 

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Servlet Lifecycle

• The lifecycle of a servlet is controlled by thecontainer in which the servlet has been deployed.

– If an instance of the servlet does not exist, the Web

container a. Loads the servlet class.

 b. Creates an instance of the servlet class.

c. Initializes the servlet instance by calling the init method.

– Invokes the service method 

– It finalizes (removes) the servlet by calling the

servlet's destroy method.

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Servlet Lifecycle(continued)

First request mapped to servlet




Request mappedto servlet

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HTTP Servlet

•An HTTP specific request handler 

• Adds two HTTP specific methods

– doGet()

– doPost()

• Subclasses override these methods and may

override init() and destroy()

• doGet() and doPost() are called by the service

• Additional methods:

– doPut(), doOptions(), doTrace(), doDelete()

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Requests and Responses• The service(), doGet() and doPost() methods

each have two parameters:– HttpServletRequest -- provides access to request

data (parameters), HttpSession information, etc.

– HttpServletResponse -- provides services to allowthe servlet to supply a reply to the requesting client

• Most servlet programming amounts to readinga request and writing a response

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HTTP Servlet Request

• Represents client's request

• "Getters" for aspects of request, e.g.,

– Request header, content type, length, method...

– Request URL as a String– Servlet "path"

– Client security type

– Access request parameters (by name)

– Scope for data sharing among participant objects in the


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Request Protocol

• getParameterNames()

– Returns an Enumeration of parameters on the HTML


• getParameterValues(String name)– Returns the value of a multi-valued parameter 

• getParameter (String name)

– Returns the value of a specific named parameter 

• getReader()

– Returns a BufferedReader to view input

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Example HTML Form

<P>Please fill out this form with your name. Thanks! </P>



<P>Please enter your name:</P>

<P>First name: <INPUT NAME="first" TYPE="TEXT"

SIZE="12" MAXLENGTH="20"></P>

<P>Surname: <INPUT NAME="surname" TYPE="TEXT"

SIZE="15" MAXLENGTH="25"> </P>

<P>Thank you! </P>



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Reading a POSTpublic void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)

throws ServletException, IOException


Enumeration enum= req.getParameterNames();

while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {

String name = (String) enum.nextElement();

String value = req.getParameter(name);//… do something with each pair...



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HTTP Servlet Response

• Represents communication channel back toclient

• Allows servlet to return content and/or 


• Set content header (type, length, ...)

• Redirect server to return a particular URL

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Response Protocol

• getWriter()– Returns a PrintWriter for output

• setContentType(String type)

– Set the content type for this response

– Type is a MIME type

• sendRedirect(String anURL)

– Redirect the browser to a new URL

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Simple Servletpublic class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)

throws ServletException, IOException {

// get stream to output HTML on!


PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

// send out a simple banner


out.println("<h1>Hello World!</h1>");



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Invoking a Servlet

• The most common way to call an HttpServlet is by

classname, e.g.,

– http://www.ibm.com/servlets/com.ibm.a.MyServlet

• Support for this "load/run by classname" is provided by another servlet called "Invoker"

• The "Invoker" servlet attempts to find the servlet's

class on its classpath

• A servlet loaded this way is often considered an

anonymous servlet

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Invoking a Servlet (2)

• Alternatively most servlet engines supportregistering servlets by name

– Allows initialization parameters to be supplied 

• Parameters customize servlet behavior • One servlet may provide different services (under 

different "short names")

• Parameters available in the init() method – Allows servlet to be preloaded 

– Permits easy location by RequestDispatcher 

– Allows for the servlet to be secured 

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• We've seen the advantages Servlets haveover CGI

– Security, Portability, Performance

• We've introduced the basic Servlet classes

and interfaces:

– Servlet, GenericServlet, HttpServlet,– HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse

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PART 2Cookie API

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HTTP Sessions in the ArchitectureCLIENT


Back End

 Application Server 

Business Logic

Servlet Servlet Services


Cookie Data

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• Cookies are a way to place persistentinformation on the client machine

(accessible from the browser)

 – A good way to handle preferences or shortcuts

• Cookies have a name

and a value – Like hash table entries

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Cookies: Attributes

• domain

 – domain to which the Cookie shall be sent

• maxAge

• name• path

 – prefix of all URLs for which this cookie is targeted 

• secure• value

• Version

• comment

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Cookies: Applications

• By using cookies several problems can besolved:

 – Identifying a user during a session

• Example: storing “shopping cart” items during an e-commerce session

 – Avoiding username and password 

 – Customizing a site

 – Focusing advertising

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Cookies: Security Issues

• Cookies are a good alternative for low-security sites.

• Proper used cookies are not a serious

security threat.– Cookies are never interpreted or executed in any

way, and thus can't be used to insert viruses or

attack your system in any way.– Cannot be used to fill up someone’s disk or launch

other DoS attacks

• Cookies may be a threat to privacy

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Proper Cookie Use

• Cookies shouldn't be used for things best kept on

the server, such as:

 – Validation information

 – Secure information (credit card numbers)• Cookies can be used to give added value to a site,

 but the site should not depend on them

 – Users can turn off cookies on their computers

• The Session API typically uses the Cookie API

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Cookie API

• Creating cookies

 – Cookie(String name,String value)

• Saving a cookie

 – HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie


• Retrieving cookies – HttpServletRequest.getCookies()

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Cookie API

• Getting/setting a cookie’s name – getName/setName

• Getting/setting a cookie’s value – getValue/setValue

• Getting/setting security

 – getSecure/setSecure

• Getting/setting a cookie’s version,

comment, path, domain, MaxAge


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Cookie Examplepublic void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {

String userType = "novice";

Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies();

if (cookies != null) {

for (int i=0; i<cookies.length; i++) {

if (cookies[i].getName().equals("userType"))userType = cookies[i].getValue();


if (userType.equals("expert"))

// do expert HTML


// do novice HTML


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Cookie Applicability• Cookies have an "expiration date"

 – setMaxAge (int expiryInSeconds)

• Default expiration date is -1

 – Means the cookie is not stored persistently

 – Lasts only as long as the browser is open

• A MaxAge of 0 is a request sent for the browser to

delete the cookie• Can restrict the applicable URLs to which a

Cookie will be sent

 – setPath(String) – setDomain(String)

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PART 3HTTPSession: Management of 

Application Data

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• Explain Session Management

• Tie Servlets with Session Management

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The Need for Tracking Sessions

• HTTP is a “stateless” protocol

• Typical solutions

 – Cookies

• Problem: user can disable cookies – URL rewriting

• Problem: server-side program has a lot of tedious

 processing to do – Hidden form fields

• Problem: every page should be dynamically


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HTTP Session:Managing Application Data



Back End

 Application Server 

Business Logic

Servlet Session Data


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Session Management

• Web Applications must manage state information

 – Current customer, shopping cart, ...

 – Application will involve several Servlets Servlets

 – need to be stateless• The HttpSession interface is the application state

management API

 – Represents a client/server connection

 – Lifetime spans multiple servlets

 – Identified within requests via a Session identifier 

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HTTP Session

• Ask for a Session from HttpRequest object

 – request.getSession(boolean create)

 – Returns the current HttpSession

 – If create is true AND no current Session exists,a newly created session is returned 

• HttpSessions store application-specific

information via a "key" – void setAttribute(String, Object)

 – Object getAttribute(String)

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Sessions at Runtime: Server 

• HttpSessions are

managed by the servlet


• Registered by id • Id must be delivered to

client initially and 

 presented back toserver on subsequent


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Sessions at Runtime: Client

• Preferred(default) delivery

vehicle for session id is

“transient cookie”

• Alternative “URLEncoding”supported by


 – No automatic support in JSP – Requires Ad hoc support for 

client-side script generated 


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Sessions at Runtime

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Session Invalidation

• Sessions can be invalidated either  programmatically or through a timeout

 – session.invalidate()

 – Removes all values from the session• The Session timeout (inactive interval) can

 be set for the application server as a whole

• Also session.setMaxInactiveInterval(int)can provide session specific timeout value

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Session Example

• We'll follow a simple e-commerce exampleusing the Session API to run an on-line


• We have two Servlets: – BookChoiceServlet

• Allows the user to select choices

• Can browse without purchasing

 – CreditInformationServlet

• Takes credit card information

• Confirms and processes the order 

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Bookstore Domain Classes• Very simple, standard domain objects

 – Java Beans (but not required)

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Book Choice Servlet• Order is the key

 – Get the session

 – Create a domain object from thePOSTed data

 – Put the new object on the session for later use by other servlets

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Book Choice Servlet

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Credit Information Servlet

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Thread Safety• The HttpSession object is an "infrequently“ shared 


 – If the Session is volatile (many reads and writes over its

lifetime) -- access should be synchronized 

 – Do not synchronize indirectly (e.g. synchronizing

various Servlet's doPost() methods)

• Instead, wrap sets of putValue() and getValue() ina synchronized block 

synchronized (aSession) {

aSession.setAttribute("aKey", anObject);}

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HttpSession Classes

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Session Serialization

• Objects stored in a session must be


 – To share between servers in a "clustered server 


• Make sure objects reachable from the

Session are also Serializable

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PART 4Miscellaneous Servlet APIs

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• Explain the Request Dispatcher Interface

• Explain the Servlet Context API

• Use send/redirect to handle errors

S l t API

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Servlet APIs



Back End

 Application Server 

Business Logic

Servlet Servlet Services


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Request Dispatcher 

• JSDK (Servlet API) 2.1 added a new

interface, javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher 

• Used to support both forwarding processing

to and including response from a variety of local Web resources

• A RequestDispatcher is acquired from theServletContext

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Sample Use of RequestDispatcher

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Sample Use of RequestDispatcher 


getRequestDispatcher("/WDDisplayOffers").forward(req, res);



include(req, res);

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Servlet Context Bindingwas.WebDev.com

/HRApps /WDInternet

/app1 /app2 /WDLogin /WDDisplayOffer





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Servlet Context

• Servlet Context Attributes – Allows for simple application scoped data

sharing between servlets

 – getAttribute/setAttribute methods

• ServletContext.getResource()

 – Allows a servlet to load resources without

assuming a directory structure on the server 


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Handling Servlet Life-Cycle Events• Define listener objects whose methods get invoked when life cycle

events occur 

• Life-cycle events

 – Web context object

• Initialization/destruction

 – javax.servlet.ServletContextListener and ServletContextEvent

• Attribute added, removed, replaced 

 – javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener and ServletContextAttributeEvent

 – Session object

• Creation, invalidation, timeout

 – javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener and HttpSessionEvent

• Attribute added, removed, replaced 

 – javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener and HttpSessionBindingEvent

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Sharing Information• Collaborating Web components share information

via objects maintained as attributes of four scopeobjects.Scope Object Class Accessible from

Web context javax.servlet.ServletCont


Web components within a Web


session javax.servlet.http.HttpSes


Web components handling a request

that belongs to the session

request Subclass of:



Web components handling the request

 page javax.servlet.jsp.PageCon


JSP page that creates the object