labnol's Favorite Tweet Book Compiled By Amit Agarwal.

labnol - Twitter Favorites

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My favorites tweets on twitter

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Favorite Tweet Book

Compiled By Amit Agarwal.

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Amit Agarwal

Tech Columnist & Professional Blogger



All content © Amit Agarwal. All rights reserved.

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Monday, 14th of April.

19:48:52 Google bought Amit a car! http://tinyurl.com/468q7d  By:steverubel

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Wednesday, 7th of May.

14:53:03 Can youtube please come up with a better video for their India launch?

http://tinyurl.com/6z9yb3  By:garimadhiman

Thursday, 8th of May.

22:45:28 My new email signature : "Please do not respond to this email because it will be potentially used

against you in a court of law."  By:ai

Wednesday, 14th of May.

09:46:05 Just remembered this - One of the grannies during our wedding when told Ash is Oriya looked

puzzled and asked, she's from Korea? ROTFL.  By:patrix

14:49:52 Listening to a talk about social networks in German. I can't understand a word except Facebook

and iGoogle. :-)  By:steverubel

Thursday, 22nd of May.

19:37:22 At the airport's cellphone lot, 30 people sitting in cars and one guy stretched out on the grassy

mound soaking in the sun. Me.  By:judell

Thursday, 29th of May.

11:30:17 [blog post] Bloggers get “paid” with comments: The debate over fragmentation of blog

comments .. http://tinyurl.com/5wd6hr  By:mathewi

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Sunday, 1st of June.

10:37:00 @Brajeshwar Guess Twitter must first learn to handle the load on Earth :)  By:patrix

Monday, 2nd of June.

21:04:40 The end is nigh: just got friended by my Mom on Facebook.  By:rklau

Tuesday, 3rd of June.

11:28:01 @twilightfairy I guess Google favicon small g is for insignificant searchers, capital G means you

are a 'special user' ;-) !  By:GautamGhosh

12:50:49 will happily pay for a limit-free premium Twitter API  By:codelust

13:48:32 Invited someone to view/download a google doc, but they need a google account..if i publish to

a public url they can only view, not download  By:johnt

Thursday, 12th of June.

14:55:58 FF2 has passed its age and FF3 is not ready yet .. lets see what happens once the final version

is released on 17th  By:mrinal

Monday, 16th of June.

07:41:53 I now get more traffic to my blog from Friendfeed than I do from Twitter by factor of 2x.  By:


Tuesday, 17th of June.

10:33:24 recording of waitress spilling coffee over me and my (now dead) laptop: guy i'm interviewing

says 'shit'. i say 'interesting.' huh?  By:loosewire

21:11:36 @dannysullivan You need to blog about payday loans or mesothelioma ;)  By:jenstar

Wednesday, 18th of June.

22:16:32 thank you, Firefox 3, for a wonderful legal wedding gift--the best traffic day in Lifehacker's

history yesterday  By:ginatrapani

22:20:36 omg, THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your kind words and support--my Twitter

replies tab is my virtual legal wedding guest book!  By:ginatrapani

Tuesday, 24th of June.

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13:42:59 hilarious mixup at RWW, as three of us start writing the Nokia-Symbian story. Two got posted.

The resulting post is 50% mine and Frederic :)  By:rww

Thursday, 26th of June.

00:09:44 Also: life hack? Using Ustream as a baby monitor.  By:mollywood

Saturday, 28th of June.

09:10:56 At the Pownce anniversary party. Am I allowed to Twitter that?  By:ryanblock

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Sunday, 6th of July.

05:26:57 Today I threw two pennies at a bird outside my window. Naptime is naptime, bird.  By:


Tuesday, 22nd of July.

20:30:18 this stinks, Wordpress uploads their app yesterday, gets it approved and for sale today. I've had

mine uploaded for A WEEK and no progress  By:mdjensen

Friday, 25th of July.

12:54:32 playing with an iPhone. In 5 hours I've had 4 hard spontaneous reboots and 2 lockups. Contacts

are unusable with only 2800 contacts. Rough.  By:shanselman

Sunday, 27th of July.

04:44:46 Studying for the bar exam is like eating Phantom Tollbooth subtraction soup. The more I study

one topic, the more I forget of the last.  By:meredithlea

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Monday, 4th of August.

09:43:46 hubby just smashed a spider with his iPhone to save me.  By:nancyduarte

Monday, 11th of August.

21:40:23 Google Docs: Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties and cannot show all of your

documents.  By:scottkarp

Wednesday, 13th of August.

00:30:33 it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and

lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae.  By:pluggdin

Thursday, 14th of August.

06:17:47 Just got an IM from my 8 year-old. That rocks.  By:rklau

Friday, 22nd of August.

12:06:21 Retweet @ev: I like this new Twitter UI so much better, I now hate looking at the old (current)

one. (Coming soon.)  By:crazybob

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Friday, 19th of September.

05:28:18 Wow, the Zune 3.0 software is *WAY* faster to navigate than iTunes 8.  By:shanselman

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Saturday, 4th of October.

17:36:06 Journalist Rafe Needleman has been pitched by PR people in the restroom

http://tinyurl.com/3zguly  By:steverubel

Monday, 13th of October.

10:36:15 @TechCrunch just told me to go to hell. Among some circles in the Valley that's a compliment!

:-)  By:Scobleizer

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Friday, 7th of November.

23:33:29 Here's an idea for a Gmail Widget: One that auto puts the recipient's full name as SUBJECT

when left blank.  By:brucewagner

Sunday, 9th of November.

01:02:07 so, I've switched back from Leopard to Windows XP for work reasons, and I'm way happier with

it than I expected.  By:ginatrapani

Tuesday, 11th of November.

03:02:04 @JohnMu - I only worry now about keeping my BP under control :-) But management like the

figures of GOOG green bar :-)  By:Harith

11:17:02 @TechCrunch Did you ever wonder whether your own policy on requiring exclusives has led

others to bust embargoes?  By:timoreilly

Wednesday, 19th of November.

18:48:33 John Faughnan: "I think of Google as a device sent back in time to create archives for the

Skynet's reading pleasure." http://bit.ly/DPbw  By:judell

Monday, 24th of November.

19:22:25 Since Microsoft is apparently searching for new names for Live search, I'd like to suggest one or

two: NotGoogle and BetterthanYahoo  By:LanceUlanoff

Tuesday, 25th of November.

17:14:59 I actually had a dream about Twitter last night. Very weird, but real enough I woke up and it took

a bit to realize it wasn't true.  By:judis217

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Monday, 15th of December.

09:25:24 @loiclemeur I thought LeWeb rocked. The most vocal critics have their own agendas, just like

with Sarkozy 2 years ago.  By:gapingvoid

Tuesday, 30th of December.

08:43:34 Yes Virginia, Techmeme's most bitter and persistent critics are merely upset that Techmeme

doesn't love their posts. Always been that way.  By:gaberivera

Wednesday, 31st of December.

12:21:16 Yes, Google updated our toolbar PageRank values today. Consider this the confirmation.  By:


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Saturday, 3rd of January.

09:35:10 It's been 2 weeks with the Mac, inlcuding 10 days w/ no PC. So far, I'm nowhere near as fast as

I was on Windows. How long do I give it?  By:Rafe

Tuesday, 6th of January.

06:33:09 Holy cow. I'm following Guy Kawasaki on Twitter...he's tweeting EVERY 3 MINUTES!! Don't

people have lives!?!?  By:Pogue

Tuesday, 13th of January.

10:51:20 Tip to Techmeme bloggers: You'll get more hits summarizing your original idea as the title,

rather than just duplicating the first headline.  By:jdowdell

13:04:04 I don't appreciate bloggers that don't give credit. (even if they hear about a piece of news on

Twitter)  By:Orli

Wednesday, 14th of January.

10:59:54 Just received a gorgeous wedding invitation in the mail. Shame I can't recall ever having met the

bride or groom (and yes, I Googled 'em).  By:thatadamguy

Friday, 16th of January.

18:42:45 -5℉. Plenty of ☀ but not much ♨. Only a ☃ can ❤ this.  By:judell

Monday, 19th of January.

09:17:58 SnailMailTweet lets you mail in tweets for posting in 6-8 business days -

http://tweetbysnailmail.com. Uhhh....no thanks  By:sarahintampa

Tuesday, 20th of January.

12:17:36 mrs_crazybob: "Is it a coincidence that both Google and the Whitehouse have the address #

1600 Amphitheatre and Pensylvania respectively?"  By:crazybob

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Friday, 23rd of January.

11:26:43 Discovering that in Gmail, each email has a unique URL. pretty useful. i can bookmark my

emails  By:OurielOhayon

Saturday, 31st of January.

11:24:36 Arrrgh! Just spent hours reading Amit Agarwal's blog - fascinating stuff on blogs, googledocs,

email, tweets - & accomplished zilch myself!!  By:kateduttro

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Monday, 2nd of February.

15:10:24 @OurielOhayon now that you won't be linking to Techmeme anymore from fr.techcrunch.com, I

just want to state that I've always disliked you.  By:gaberivera

Wednesday, 4th of February.

08:33:55 hoping india pulls off the $20 laptop  By:emilychang

Friday, 6th of February.

08:24:03 I just landed in houston in my private jet. Due to cutbacks and scrutiny from obama

administration i decided to give a few 100 a ride an ...  By:jowyang

22:20:28 Removing "friends" from Facebook that constantly sending me spam (comments, messages)


Tuesday, 10th of February.

10:35:15 Twhirl 0.9 uses as much memory as Windows Media Center playing a recorded HD TV show.

Wow. Not cool.  By:brandonleblanc

Thursday, 12th of February.

05:31:33 Google.co.jp PageRank is now ~5 instead of ~9. I expect that to remain for a while.  By:


Tuesday, 17th of February.

19:10:08 Aha! I have just got an idea for a blogpost. It is the greatest feeling in the world that.  By:sidin

Thursday, 19th of February.

21:39:17 contemplating to change popurls TOS FB/tumblr-style in resp. of imposing a ban to click any

link,then revert back when WSJ picks up t. story  By:thomas

Saturday, 21st of February.

11:53:33 'nothing we've done with wordpress is original' - matt #wci  By:garimadhiman

Tuesday, 24th of February.

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17:44:13 FreiedFeed ought to give @scobleizer stock, his Twitter feed is 97.4% links into FF-space.  By:


Thursday, 26th of February.

05:34:18 I'm 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000

01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010  By:google

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Tuesday, 3rd of March.

00:09:54 OH: Social media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. No one actually knows how. When

finally done, there is surprise its not better.  By:avinashkaushik

Thursday, 5th of March.

00:20:30 Disabled offline on all my Gmail accounts and it's suddenly usable again. Guess that was the

problem. When am I seriously offline anyway?  By:judis217

05:04:48 After about 5,000 followers do you ever get the feeling you need to start saying something of

value on Twitter? So much pressure!  By:avinashkaushik

Friday, 6th of March.

23:57:54 Great write-up by Amit Agarwal about last week's Search Masters conference in India:

http://bit.ly/THPDw  By:mattcutts

Saturday, 7th of March.

16:33:30 had a memorable lunch today with someone whose work has greatly influenced my digital world


Tuesday, 10th of March.

03:03:26 @gaberivera - awesome job today getting the story about the office up on tm!  By:


07:30:40 Wondering why Discovery/TLC channels have lost all quality programming over the past five

years. Is it all Real estate+reality show now?  By:peeyush

Tuesday, 17th of March.

11:03:03 dell tries and give two different embargo times to different outlets. i am sick of this shitty

behavior. okay serenity now!  By:om

22:14:11 Ben Huh: "Everyone starts out on the internet as a douchebag. Then you do something that

moves you above or below that line." #sxsw  By:ginatrapani

Wednesday, 18th of March.

21:39:50 My father is teaching me Twitter. Isn't that a little backwards?  By:TheJub

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Friday, 20th of March.

02:26:43 Does anyone else think Twitter should ban RSS-aggregating alert-spam? Get that garbage out

of here, how much bandwidth are you wasting?  By:leemathews

09:45:22 We want kid coming out of college to be an engineer, doctor, scientist, but not an investment

banker. - Barack Obama on Jay Leno Show  By:alexiskold

Saturday, 21st of March.

10:45:27 after meeting with Wordpress founder @photomatt i think stocktwits should have StockCamps in

different cities  By:howardlindzon

Monday, 23rd of March.

05:16:52 i swear window movie maker is so much more intuitive than imovie 08  By:dannysullivan

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Friday, 3rd of April.

00:58:04 Annoying: The iPhone's touch screen does not work if there's a band-aid on your finger.  By:


08:07:01 another poor habit i've seen is echochambers crediting other echochambers, and not the

original source. engadget does this a lot  By:longzheng

11:13:20 @gaberivera - you may know this @google is now following @techmeme. Now would be a

good time start @google acquiring @techmeme rumor :-)  By:atul

Thursday, 9th of April.

09:35:59 @anand_raj Re: Jet Lag, two tricks that work for me - Drink liters of water & hit the gym soon

after you land. Get into the zone by 10p.  By:amitsomani

Sunday, 12th of April.

12:27:45 Also shouldn't SP change its name to Samajwadi Dal since "party" is a filthy English word?  By:


Tuesday, 14th of April.

21:09:14 ok people plz tell me if u r going to tweet score and cricket discussions during IPL. I will have to

unfollow u till IPL ends.  By:Reema226

Thursday, 16th of April.

03:44:09 CNN Acquires @CNNbrk Twitter Account With Nearly 1 Million Followers. http://tr.im/iUQV  By:


Wednesday, 22nd of April.

14:33:39 Note to self: speak slower when attempting to make jokes to non-native speakers of your

language.  By:randfish

Thursday, 23rd of April.

01:41:00 i'm bored with twitter. goodbye, followers.  By:thewishnow

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Thursday, 7th of May.

00:14:29 New Pew Report says 93% of blogger interest in the Kindle is driven by a $40 affiliate kickback;

7% is based on "something something books."  By:hotdogsladies

Thursday, 14th of May.

21:26:56 Is Google also crawling semantic location data too? I missed that. [pic] http://ff.im/-2SZBp  By:


21:32:43 Google stumbles and the internet breaks a leg: http://tr.im/lljo #googlefail  By:dewalt

Thursday, 21st of May.

23:06:05 Reader gripes that our site doesn't look right w/ AdBlock. One, it does in a copy of Firefox I just

tested; two... why is that our problem?  By:robpegoraro

Saturday, 23rd of May.

13:29:16 I know I shouldn't be working while on vacation, but fixing a bug... perl is like a vacation unto

itself...  By:btabke

Friday, 29th of May.

16:14:09 The focus on how Wave will make money is misguided. It's part of the platform that Google's

building.  By:nbradbury

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Wednesday, 3rd of June.

02:15:51 Any browser not giving each tab its own thread is not fit for the modern web. i.e., all Mac

browsers are broken.  By:gaberivera

Thursday, 4th of June.

00:49:57 This iGoogle showcase of Celebrity home pages shows how celebrities are like regular people,

but with stuff to sell http://bit.ly/18pPul  By:MParekh

Wednesday, 17th of June.

20:25:32 Lack of computer injurious to your wealth but luxurious for your brain. I found out the hard way

when my macbook died.  By:om

Tuesday, 23rd of June.

18:16:04 PCMag.com: iPhone 3G S is "The Best Handheld PC Ever" http://tr.im/prPe Me: Yeah, it's that

good. Now if they could just work on the phone.  By:LanceUlanoff

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Wednesday, 15th of July.

20:18:06 Side-by-side, FF3.5 renders pages faster for me than Chrome.  By:GetAdam

Friday, 17th of July.

17:29:49 Reading the twttr doc @TechCrunch feels like snooping someone's medicine cab: it might be

interesting, but it doesn't feel good  By:GetAdam

Friday, 31st of July.

23:47:51 Prediction: 7 people buy the Crunchpad tablet thing and they're all employed by the same

person. Ultralight notebooks win out.  By:MITorres

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Tuesday, 4th of August.

23:33:29 IE's Web Slices won't catch on because anyone geeky enough to figure out how to use them

doesn't use IE.  By:dmozealous

Thursday, 13th of August.

18:26:56 RT @DanBlank Guy next to me on the train read 4 newspapers in 45 minutes. He says they all

say the same thing, he just reads the headlines.  By:scottkarp

20:20:12 I wonder if the AP purchased Twitter if we would be required to pay to ReTweet?  By:nickbilton

Monday, 17th of August.

10:22:00 Indian media celebrating 10 years of blogging 12years after the first blog came. Is it just

Blogger's anniversary or am I missing something?  By:PragatiVerma

Tuesday, 18th of August.

22:50:42 Sitting in a windowless Windows conference room right now. Bldg 37...A lull between meetings


Wednesday, 19th of August.

20:05:53 RT @NiemanLab: BMW calls its takeover of NYT homepage "edgy." Times calls it "unique."

User calls its "super-annoying" http://tr.im/wGzY  By:mathewi

Monday, 24th of August.

22:33:23 I'll give $1 for each retweet up to $1k. @lammerding son suffers rare genetic disorder

http://lammerding.org he's a doll. Pls help.  By:nancyduarte

Sunday, 30th of August.

16:20:50 Flight ☑ Hotel ☑ TC50 Ticket ☑ - San Francisco here I come!  By:Orli

Monday, 31st of August.

09:50:08 My boyfriend is using Bing to search for flights. He seems satisfied! :)  By:maileohye

11:56:41 Irony: the fastest way to get UNfollowed is to DM me with a spammy msg telling me you have a

program to get more followers  By:problogger

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Wednesday, 9th of September.

16:00:32 Why do couples hold hands during their wedding? It's a formality just like two boxers shaking

hands before the fight begins!  By:tanya25m

Friday, 11th of September.

00:19:28 "Ask and you Shall Receive." This is why I love Twitter, where else can you get so many

genuine responses in minutes?  By:rjacquez

00:41:23 Wow - just saw a very cool demo of the next version of Bing. Extremely cool. Lots of innovative

Silverlight features.  By:mdowney

Tuesday, 22nd of September.

18:50:01 Responding to his critics, NYT's David Pogue says: "Since when have I ever billed myself as a

journalist?" http://bit.ly/ByDdK  By:NYTPicker

19:21:01 'RT' for a retweet, 'via' when you get the link via someone. RT @iyermatter: RT or via ?

#youPrefer  By:amitvarma

Thursday, 24th of September.

08:04:53 RT @ginatrapani: Prediction: Google Sidewiki will go the way of Google Knol (ie, you'll never

hear about it again)  By:jeffjarvis

10:15:27 This site is best viewed in Google Chrome Frame for IE Tab for Firefox for Windows in Parallels

on a Mac. Upgrade Now!  By:anildash

12:50:12 Some people never stop checking my site rank on Alexa. I find it amusing. Please don't bother,

'cause I'm not worth it =).  By:ckunte

Friday, 25th of September.

10:27:37 #WordPress developers: When the plug-in directory asks for a "description," please DESCRIBE

your plug-in. http://ow.ly/qZAJ  By:jdlasica

11:50:25 Welcome back, Gmail. We need to talk though.  By:robinwauters

21:37:03 Amit Agarwal's Digital Inspiration blog (http://bit.ly/FJKw) is outstanding, replete with practical

computing tips. Highly recommended!  By:rsivaram

Tuesday, 29th of September.

00:56:00 I am deeply amused by @nprnews using su.pr links when their own site's Terms of Use says

"NPR does not allow framing of the Site." AWESOME.  By:meyerweb

12:58:14 why is banking software so lame? feels like it was written by dorks in the mid 1990s  By:

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17:34:38 I'm considering changing my job title from "editor" to "full time comment spam remover"  By:


23:25:48 I've said it before, and I'll definitely say it again: Thank God, Krishna & Allah for the GMail Undo

button.  By:nickbilton

Wednesday, 30th of September.

09:17:49 I hate to beg, but if anyone has a Google Wave invite I would be most grateful :-)  By:mathewi

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Friday, 2nd of October.

23:13:11 I've made 37 calls from my iPhone 3Gs in the last week and literally 100% of them have

dropped. I'm disgusted by this poor service.  By:mdowney

Saturday, 3rd of October.

13:38:47 RT: @peterrojas: My mom just called: "I read on Facebook that you weren't feeling well.

Everything ok?" - interesting  By:Nandini_M

Tuesday, 6th of October.

06:22:46 lol @Office_Live tweet -- Display your pictures like a pro using Microsoft Popfly -

http://bit.ly/RLneu. Um, Newsflash: MS closed Popfly  By:inafried

14:05:44 By simple logic, Wave invites should first be offered to the (heavy) users of Google Groups,

'cause that's where people really collaborate.  By:ckunte

17:36:27 RT @shelleypowers Isn't it interesting how HTML5 has now become Google's primary

competitive tool against Microsoft.  By:Carnage4Life

Wednesday, 7th of October.

22:45:22 I remember when I used to write blog posts for a living. SHeesh this event organizing stuff can

sure take up a lot of time!  By:marshallk

Friday, 9th of October.

00:53:17 Twitter Tip: If a tweet has vague text and a link, don't click it... compromised Twitter passwords

could be inviting you to an exploit page.  By:jdowdell

Saturday, 10th of October.

10:17:56 apparently hiring a pr firm means that a startup is "showing maturity"  By:centernetworks

Monday, 12th of October.

19:42:35 Dear Mr. Cheap Data Recovery, I like your site too.  By:JohnMu

Wednesday, 14th of October.

14:02:45 As a user, the best way to learn about any software is to sit with a power user for 15 mins. It

works, every single time!  By:amitsomani

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Thursday, 15th of October.

02:13:41 If you apologize a lot during your presentation/keynote, you are doing something wrong.  By:


10:57:41 How many bloggers does it take to blog about Blog World Expo? None. They're all tweeting

about it, instead.  By:chrispirillo

14:09:47 RT @nirav: Oh, just noticed that Diwali is a trending topic. @twitter India is your big market!  By:


18:10:06 TechCrunch keeps link-whoring titles about Chrome OS, and TechMeme keeps posting the

headlines. Weak.  By:leemathews

23:18:24 One should always invest in a good chair, monitor, bed and keyboard. Don't buy cheap if you're

using something thousands of hours a year.  By:shanselman

Friday, 16th of October.

23:15:30 i'm begging. please don't use URL shorterners that do the annoying frame thing. just say no.


Sunday, 18th of October.

10:19:19 RT @waynesutton Only in Vegas where water is $4.00 and beer is free! #waynedoesnotdrink!

#bwe09  By:hc

Wednesday, 21st of October.

18:07:07 Some1 jst asked me why I wasn't flying a Pvt craft. Bcause we did hv 2 planes&a

chopper&when we sold them our stock price went up!!  By:anandmahindra

Friday, 23rd of October.

00:02:23 In life one is always short of something- money,time,love,health....you're lucky if you're only

short of height.  By:suhasinih

20:46:44 Why do d 'wonders of d world' hv to b of brick&mortar?The colour of the leaves in new england

in Fall is a spectacle that is a true wonder.  By:anandmahindra

22:16:24 welcoming @timberners_lee to twitter  By:GoogleAtWork

Saturday, 24th of October.

12:42:30 Always disappointed when I meet someone from Twitter and they don't look like their avatar.

Was hoping for a Panda, not a dude in a onesie.  By:shanselman

18:16:58 Kingfisher Airlines knows how to delight. if you are traveling with a young child, they serve your

meal early AND one parent at a time.  By:amitsomani

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Monday, 26th of October.

16:53:53 Just helped a friend think through their 3-min talk at TED India. Boy, short presentations are

really, really hard.  By:amitsomani

17:33:41 Please use Google reader to share items from blogs OTHER THAN YOUR OWN. Thank you,

that is all. /unfollow  By:leemathews

Tuesday, 27th of October.

13:19:10 Now introducing the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). IBM, Oracle, Hello???

http://bit.ly/QJaNf  By:amitsomani

Thursday, 29th of October.

19:18:49 But do you wish to be fraands with the geek from Gopalpur? RT @labnol: They have redesigned

Orkut.. http://bit.ly/4BgcSK  By:kushanmitra

Friday, 30th of October.

10:42:57 Building Twitter lists. Surprisingly useful.  By:rklau

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Sunday, 1st of November.

10:05:52 Marathon update: Finished 21km in 3hours 10 minutes #delhi #marathon  By:indianterrain

20:47:10 Wishing upcoming Kindle Reader for PC/MAC were AIR-based, it would also include Linux in

one shot, a la TweetDeck and TimeReader #justsaying  By:rjacquez

Tuesday, 3rd of November.

20:45:47 Apparently the population of New York decided two years ago to only have boys. Every

pre-school has limited/no openings for 2-yr boys. @%#^!  By:Shripriya

Thursday, 5th of November.

00:07:09 Delighted to meet @labnol Amit Agarwal of http://digitalinspiration.com #TEDIndia great guy,

brilliant blogger who I have follwed 2-3yrs #fb  By:DrAwab

Monday, 9th of November.

00:56:50 I explain my vegetarianism by saying i don't want to bite into anything that in its natural living

state would have bitten me back.  By:ShashiTharoor

01:58:39 We discovered 62 wireless signals on our block. We've used the advice at

http://labnol.org/?p=10549 to ensure security for each user.  By:Rey_Carr

Friday, 13th of November.

22:07:48 Attn PC makers: If your desktop's design includes a wireless keyboard and mouse, build the

transceiver into box. Dongles are a pain.  By:dsilverman

Saturday, 14th of November.

21:24:09 NRI Tip of the day. 'Instead of hiring a Pundit for a Puja, just play one of the devotional

Anuradha Paudwal CDs.'  By:tanushreebaruah

Monday, 16th of November.

06:06:27 @grandmarquee AdBlock wouldn't block video ads. Besides, as someone whose livelihood

depends on web ads, I don't believe in blocking ads.  By:ryanblock

Tuesday, 17th of November.

13:35:07 I wonder about people who spam the Google blogs ... are they doing it on purpose? Putting time

into their sites would help more.  By:JohnMu

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Thursday, 19th of November.

22:30:09 Observation upon meeting the very-tall @jeffjarvis: "Everyone is the same height on Skype."

Love that guy.  By:ginatrapani

Friday, 20th of November.

01:59:13 I have no opinion about Chrome OS. All I know is that cheap hardware feels cheap. It's less

"cloud computing" than "disposable computing".  By:al3x

09:16:14 Is it just me or is Google's OS really just a web browser? I mean really.  By:davewiner

Saturday, 21st of November.

11:08:43 Wife: "I found a gray hair!" Me: "Don't worry, everyone has them." Wife: "You don't!" Me: "I

know, I was trying to make you feel better."  By:mike9r

Monday, 23rd of November.

20:45:03 I made "friends" with many of the top Bajrang Dal leaders; they promised my crew a ringside

seat when "the great event" took place.  By:vikramchandra

Tuesday, 24th of November.

07:25:45 Is it me and my computer, or is Twitter still experiencing growing pains? Now, I see Twitter, now

I don't & no sign of fail whale either!  By:kamla

Wednesday, 25th of November.

16:15:22 My first debate in the Lok Sabha today.Spoke on Afghanistan & answered 6 supplementary

qsns.Full house,pindrop silence.Terrific experience.  By:ShashiTharoor

Friday, 27th of November.

13:40:27 Ironically, the only person really safe, 1 yr after 26/11 is Kasab !  By:drbindu

Monday, 30th of November.

18:30:50 You can't make a Gmail label called "Voicemail" b/c it's "a reserved system label." Sign of

impending Google Voice/Gmail integration?  By:ginatrapani

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Thursday, 3rd of December.

15:28:45 In Javascript, if you don't declare a variable with "var" it's global. I keep forgetting this!  By:


19:03:13 Twitter is like a field full of kindergartners. One catchy chant, and they all join in.  By:aditya

Friday, 4th of December.

08:08:36 we're aware and looking into it...stay tuned ^az  By:bing

Saturday, 5th of December.

00:49:50 @ClaytonMorris You said it. It was a bad idea. Any netbook could do what CrunchPad could do

and more for less cost. 'Tweener devices FAIL  By:Gartenberg

08:54:13 Dear NYU, We pay you shit loads of tuition fees. The least you can do is keep the NYU Home

site up (a night before our mid-terms) Thank you.  By:shahpriya

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