8 Our Music: La Vaca Nonesa Our Music: La Vaca Nonesa Mi son la Vaca Nonesa o`l tram de Val de Non l`e ani che gironzolo e tiro `l me vagon. I maldicenti stupidi La vaca I me ga dit. Per questa voze angelica De toro for a drit. Io sono il tram-“Trento-Malè” Ma il vero nom L`e “Vaca Nonesa” De Val de Non En di `l diseva `n paroco Che I gaga `l pentiment; Che monta su la Nonesa E anca `l testament. Difati a gran pirecole Cascavavo guasi giù, En di `n tel Nos! Miracolo! Me sen fermada ampò. Fastidi po, no tortene Se fosti caminà. Desun da mi de polvere Sarasti rimpinzà. E compra pure l`Adige E anche`l corierin Te gai ben temp de lezerli En fin en Camp Trentin. Ades I me fa corere A scartament ridot. Atento che a pirecole Narem po pu de trot. Mi son la “Vaca Nonesa” E vago `n Val de Sol, Se vegno adasi scuseme Se fa quel se pol. he train from Trento to its final destination: Male` in the next valley, the Val di Sole was a legend, folk- lore, a mascot…and besides that a real train, un tram. While ridiculed affectionately, it was indeed the Vaca Nonesa that transported the thousands of Nonesi down to Trento where they connected with trains that brought them to the seaports…and finally to our shores. It was kind of …slow…and its horn sounded like a cow…na vaca. The train often came off the tracks, boulders fell on to the rails, so that people had to walk. I remember when I was going to Vermiglio in the Val di Sol in 1948 to visit my Zia Suora, my dad told me…Louis…salta giu…rubaghe en pom e salta su”…Lou…jump off…pick an apple and jump right back on. Imagine…I acquired these lyrics from Mauro Dalpiaz of the Coro dei Anziani of the Village of Tassullo. Go to their website www.coroparrocchialetassullo.it and you will find this funny song sung by his choir as well as many other songs of theirs and the Trentino repertoire. T T I am the Nones cow Or the train of the Val di Non It’s been years that I travel And I pull my cars. The stupid neersayers Have called me a cow. For this angelic sound (the train’s horn), I simply go forward I am the train: Trento Malè But my true name Is “Nones cow” Of the Val di Non. One day the pastor had said Those who board the Nonesa Should repent … And write their will. In fact, at the great turns I would also hurl down One day into the river Nos. Miracle! I stopped just in time Don`t get annoyed If you have to walk Without me, you would be covered with dust. And buy the Adige and also a comic book. You will have time to read them getting to the outskirts of Trento. Now they make me run faster at a lower price. Beware with all the turns, we will have to go faster. I am the “Vaca Nonesa” and go to the Val di Sole. If I go slowly, I do what I can Original Vaca Nonesa-Trento-Malè Vaca Nonesa in the Val di Non Choir of the parish Church of the Assumption-Tassulo, Val di Non

La Vaca Nonesa

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Spring Filo 2013

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Our Music: La Vaca NonesaOur Music: La Vaca Nonesa

Mi son la Vaca Nonesao`l tram de Val de Nonl`e ani che gironzoloe tiro `l me vagon.

I maldicenti stupidiLa vaca I me ga dit.Per questa voze angelicaDe toro for a drit.

Io sono il tram-“Trento-Malè”Ma il vero nomL`e “Vaca Nonesa”De Val de Non

En di `l diseva `n parocoChe I gaga `l pentiment;Che monta su la NonesaE anca `l testament.

Difati a gran pirecoleCascavavo guasi giù,En di `n tel Nos! Miracolo!Me sen fermada ampò.

Fastidi po, no torteneSe fosti caminà.Desun da mi de polvereSarasti rimpinzà.

E compra pure l`AdigeE anche`l corierinTe gai ben temp de lezerliEn fin en Camp Trentin.

Ades I me fa corereA scartament ridot.Atento che a pirecoleNarem po pu de trot.

Mi son la “Vaca Nonesa”E vago `n Val de Sol,Se vegno adasi scusemeSe fa quel se pol.

he train from Trento to its final destination: Male` in the next valley, the Val di Sole was a legend, folk-lore, a mascot…and besides that a real train, un tram. While ridiculed affectionately, it was indeed theVaca Nonesa that transported the thousands of Nonesi down to Trento where they connected with trainsthat brought them to the seaports…and finally to our shores. It was kind of …slow…and its horn

sounded like a cow…na vaca. The train often came off the tracks, boulders fell on to the rails, so that people hadto walk. I remember when I was going to Vermiglio in the Val di Sol in 1948 to visit my Zia Suora, my dad toldme…Louis…salta giu…rubaghe en pom e salta su”…Lou…jump off…pick an apple and jump right back on.Imagine…I acquired these lyrics from Mauro Dalpiaz of the Coro dei Anziani of the Village of Tassullo. Go totheir website www.coroparrocchialetassullo.it and you will find this funny song sung by his choir as well as manyother songs of theirs and the Trentino repertoire.

TTI am the Nones cowOr the train of the Val di NonIt’s been years that I travelAnd I pull my cars.

The stupid neersayers Have called me a cow.For this angelic sound (the train’shorn), I simply go forward

I am the train: Trento MalèBut my true nameIs “Nones cow”Of the Val di Non.

One day the pastor had saidThose who board the NonesaShould repent …And write their will.

In fact, at the great turnsI would also hurl down One day into the river Nos.Miracle! I stopped just in time

Don`t get annoyedIf you have to walkWithout me, you would becovered with dust.

And buy the Adige and also acomic book. You will have time toread them getting to the outskirtsof Trento.

Now they make me run faster at alower price. Beware with all theturns, we will have to go faster.

I am the “Vaca Nonesa” and goto the Val di Sole. If I go slowly, Ido what I can

Original Vaca Nonesa-Trento-Malè

Vaca Nonesa in the Val di Non

Choir of the parish Church of the Assumption-Tassulo, Val di Non