Graziano Onder Dept. of Geriatrics, Neurosciences and Orthopedics Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome - Italy LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO Le alterazioni cognitivo-comportamentali: Il DELIRIUM

LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO - sigg.it · LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO Le alterazioni cognitivo-comportamentali: Il DELIRIUM. ... •Postoperative blood work is

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Page 1: LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO - sigg.it · LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO Le alterazioni cognitivo-comportamentali: Il DELIRIUM. ... •Postoperative blood work is

Graziano OnderDept. of Geriatrics, Neurosciences and OrthopedicsCatholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome - Italy

LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANOLe alterazioni cognitivo-comportamentali:


Page 2: LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO - sigg.it · LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO Le alterazioni cognitivo-comportamentali: Il DELIRIUM. ... •Postoperative blood work is

Introduzione: anziano con trauma/frattura


Alta prevalenza di multimorbilità cronica


Alto rischio di:

• Inappropriato uso di farmaci

• Eventi negativi

• Disidratazione

• Malnutrizione

Page 3: LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO - sigg.it · LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO Le alterazioni cognitivo-comportamentali: Il DELIRIUM. ... •Postoperative blood work is

Delirium: I numeri/background

In particolare:Il 25-65% dei pazienti con frattura di femore sviluppano delirium

• Soggetti ospedalizzati: dall’11% al 42%• Dopo chirurgia: fino al 60%• Peggiora la prognosi

• Aumenta la mortalità• Aumenta la durata della degenza• Aumenta la disabilità

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Delirium: Le conseguenze

Witlox et al. JAMA 2010

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Delirium: I costi

…delirium was associated with a mean incremental total length of hospital stay of 7.4 days (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.7 to 11.2 days; p < 0.001), and a mean incremental episode-of-care cost (in 2012 Canadian dollars) of $8286 (95% CI = $3690 to $12,881; p < 0.001). The total incremental episode-of-care cost attributable to delirium over the study period was $961,131 in 2012 Canadian dollars.

Health Economic Implications of PerioperativeDelirium in Older Patients After Surgery for a Fragility Hip Fracture

Zywiel et al. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2015

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Delirium: fattori di rischio

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate risk factors for postoperative delirium in a cohort of elderly hip-surgery patients and to validate a medical risk stratification model.

Kalisvaart et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006

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Delirium: fattori di rischioRisk factors for postoperative delirium following hip fracture repair

• Cognitive impairment 3.21

• Advanced age 2.25

• Living in an institution 2.94

• Heart failure 2.46

• Total hip arthroplasty 2.21

• Multiple comorbidities 1.37

• Morphine usage 3.01

• Female gender 0.83

Odds Ratio

Yung Y et al. Aging Clin Exp Res 2016

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Delirium e farmaci: Drug-GeriatricSyndrome interactions

NH (SHELTER) N=4023 Interacting drugs

Delirium (n=691)Falls (n=774)Incontinence (n=3098)Malnutrition (n=391)


HC (IBenC) N=1778

Delirium (n=252)Falls (n=372)Incontinence (n=806)Malnutrition (n=161)


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Delirium: dolore e sintomi psichiatrici







Alterazione processi ideativi

Delirio Allucinazioni Qualsiasi sintomo

Non dolore Dolore


p<0.001 p=0.44 p<0.001p=0.006

Tosato et al. et al Pain 2012


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Delirium: dolore e sintomi psichiatrici

Husebo B et al BMJ 2011

Treatment of pain and behavioural symptoms in NH residents with dementia

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Riconoscere precocemente il delirium

Early symptoms in the prodromal phase of delirium: a prospective cohort study in elderly patients undergoing hip surgery.

The Delirium Rating Scale-Revised (DRS-R-98) was used to measure early symptoms during the prodromal phase before the onset of delirium.RESULTS: The average DRS-R-98 total scores on day -4 to day -1 before delirium were 1.9 for the comparison group patients and 5.0, 4.3, 5.8, and 10.7 for patients with postoperative delirium. Multivariate analysis showed that the early symptoms memory impairments, incoherence, disorientation, and underlying somatic illness predict delirium.

De Jonghe et al. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2007

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Delirium: prevenzione

1. Evitare l’uso di farmaci a rischio2. Mantenere una buona idratazione3. Evitare l’ipossia4. Trattare prontamente patologie acute5. Stimolazione cognitiva/riorientamento (Really orientation)6. Correggere i deficit sensoriali7. Tenere l’ambiente ben illuminato e poco rumoroso8. Tenere sotto controllo il dolore9. Rassicurazione10. Facilitare la presenza dei familiari11. Ridurre al minimo mezzi di contenzione e utilizzo di presidi

invasivi (catetere vescicale, linee venose)12. Facilitare il ritmo sonno-veglia13. Favorire la mobilizzazione14. Prevenzione infezioni

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Delirium: prevenzione

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of inpatient geriatric

consultation teams (IGCTs), which have been introduced to

improve the quality of care of older persons hospitalized on

nongeriatric wards, on delirium and overall cognitive

functioning in older adults with hip fracture.

Deschodt et al. JAGS 2012

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• More controls (53.2%; n = 41) than intervention group participants (37.2%; n = 35; p=.04; OR=1.92, 95% CI 1.04–3.54) were delirious at any point after surgery.

• Cognitive decline at discharge was higher in controls than in those assigned to geriatric intervention (38.7% vs 22.6%; P = .02; OR = 2.16, 95% CI = 1.10–4.24).

Deschodt et al. JAGS 2012

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OBJECTIVES: To compare the feasibility (adherence) andeffectiveness (prevalence of delirium, length of stay, mortality, discharge site) of delirium-friendly preprinted post-operative orders (PPOs) for individuals with hip fracture, administered by regular orthopedic nurses, with routine postoperative orders.

Freter S et al. JAGS 2016

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Delirium: “intervention”

• Acetaminophen administration scheduled and doses and frequency of as-needed opioid analgesics are lower.

• The option for nighttime sedation is trazodone.

• Benzodiazepines are not initiated or abruptly withdrawn.

• For nausea, domperidone was available.

• Urinary catheters were removed on postoperative Day 2.

• Laxatives are scheduled.

• Postoperative blood work is expanded to help the treating team identify dehydration.

• In case of severe agitation, low doses of haloperidol are used.

Freter S et al. JAGS 2016

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Delirium: results

Freter S et al. JAGS 2016

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Delirium: terapia



Non farmacologica

Gli obiettivi sono principalmente tre: 1) trattare la causa2) fornire terapia di supporto3) prevenire gli infortuni del paziente stesso e di chi gli sta vicino

Page 19: LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO - sigg.it · LA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA NELL’ANZIANO Le alterazioni cognitivo-comportamentali: Il DELIRIUM. ... •Postoperative blood work is

Delirium: terapia non farmacologica

• Interventi ambientali (riduzione degli stimoli sonori e luminosieccessivi, ri-orientamento temporale, oggetti personali), presenzadei familiari, assistenza infermieristica

• Correzione delle cause metaboliche, trattamento delle patologiesottostanti, revisione della terapia farmacologica:

eziologia multifattoriale -> trattamento multifattoriale

• Normalizzazione del ritmo sonno-veglia

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Delirium: terapia farmacologica

• Three studies were found that satisfied selection criteria.

• Low dose haloperidol may be effective in decreasing the degree and duration of delirium in post-operative patients.

• Haloperidol in low dosage has similar efficacy in comparison with the atypical antipsychotics.

• High dose haloperidol was associated with a greater incidence of side effects than the atypical antipsychotics.

Antipsychotics for delirium

Lonergan et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007

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Delirium: terapia farmacologica

• Only one trial satisfying the selection criteria could be identified. • No adequately controlled trials could be found to support the use of benzodiazepines • Benzodiazepines cannot be recommended for the control of this condition.

Benzodiazepines for delirium

Lonergan et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009

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Delirium e farmaci: Antipsychotic druginteractions

Potential Adverse Effects caused

from interactions with antipsychotics

n (%)

• Decreased blood pressure and falls 210 (34.8%)

• QT prolongation 44 (7.3%)

• Sedation 43 (7.1%)

• Interactions with inhibitors of cytochrome p450

9 (1.5%)

• Anticholinergic effects 2 (0.3%)

All 278 (46.0%)

Liperoti et al. J Clin Psychiatry in press

SHELTER study (n=604)

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Incident rate

per person-year


(95% CI)

No interactions





1.68 (1.13-2.49)

No interactions


Log-Rank= 0.02

Liperoti et al. J Clin Psychiatry in press

Delirium e farmaci: Antipsychotic druginteractionsSHELTER study (n=604)

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Delirium: conclusioni

Il delirium è comune nei pazienti con frattura

E’ importante:

- CONOSCERE e RICONOSCERE questa condizione

- Ricercare le possibili CAUSE e rimuoverle/trattarle

- Rivalutare sempre la TERAPIA FARMACOLOGICA

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Delirium da farmaci

•Antipsicotici triciclici (fenotiazine)•Antidepressivi triciclici (Nortriptilina)•Barbiturici•Benzodiazepine•Antistaminici•Antiparkinsoniani•Antidiarroici (difenossilato)•Miorilassanti, spasmolitici•Prodotti da banco per il trattamento sintomatico della tosse (Codeina)•Digitale•Narcotici (Meperidina, Morfina)•Prednisolone•Antibiotici (Cefalosporine)•Oppiodi