l5r Questions for Characters

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1 what clan does your character belong toLion clan2 what family does your character belong toMatsu, although she doesn't quite seem it almost being approachable compared to most Matsu her initial approach is actually usually... to talk things over...because people would comment on her initial approach in a more private setting.3 is your character a bushido, shugenja or courtier?Bushido, but well unconventional in the sense she's a matsu beastmaster. So an unconventional approach to combat.

4 how would others describe your characters apperance?Beautiful yet untamed, and surprisingly human given her parentage. Her hair is a long blonde reaching down to her long busy tail seems to be at least not fully combable leaving two parts of her hair looking like ears. Besides that her skin usually has a tanned look with red eyes. The outfits she wears to court are risque matching fox clan more than lion clinging to her skin and showing off alot out of court she actually wears more practical clothing mostly because she does travel on foot with her lions more than riding in vehicles5 what is your characters primary motivation"my primary motivation? Well that's a bit of an awkward answer.... I know my behavior and what people attribute to well...my type. So my motivation really... is to try not to implicate people with my behaviors. "6 who is the person your character trusts the most in the world?"I know here I should be stating something like dramatic like the empress where that's true if the empress gave me any order I would do it without question. But, thankfully this is confidential or else I'd state my damiyo or my husband...but no really.... I admit it...I trust...well theres a member of the fox clan....his names well Machigama...I met him before my husband, but well my husband and him don't get along too well. I was hoping to marry him but the plans fell through....so it's umm...a bit of an awkward situation. But I try to do things for him when I can ever get the chance too....our private interactions are well...something I could write volumes of pillow books about..."

7 what is your characters greatest strength and weakness"My greatest strength and weakness? Hmmmm I think it's easier to identify my weakness well it's surprisingly easy to get my pants off...and the only saving grace there is well I know when to take them off, as for my strength.....I guess I am compassionate I beleive it's the easiest tenant of bushido I can follow. My lions, citizens, my clan I try to look out for them all with the best of my abilities."

8 what does your character think of bushido"I'm a lion is that even a question? We wrote the code of Bushido ofcourse I adore it. I carry a lineage directly tied to the Empress and the heir apparent with her husband. I try to follow it with every day of my life and use it to lead an example to everyone I encounter.9 what is your characters opinion of her clan?"My clan why I admit I'm proud of my clan, we are the sword of the empire that which fights to keep the peace of the empire. What isn't there to be proud of there?10 is your character married?

11 does your character have any prejudices

12 to whom does your character owe the most loyalty?

13 what are your characters favorite and least favorite things

14 do you have any recurring mannerisms?

15 what about your characters emotions?

16 how would your character handle a subordinates improper behavior

17 how would your characters parents describe him?

18 what is your characters highest ambition?

19 how religious is your character?

20 how will your character die

does your character have an ultimate goal and if so what is it?

What is your characters secret ?

What does your character think of the political climate of rokugan

what does your character do to relax

if your character were given a koku, how would she spend it?"That would depend how long does a koku last me in the various geisha houses of the area I'm in."

Does your character have a stereotypical view of the lower class?

What are the names of yoru character's parents and siblings, and what do they do?

What reward would your character most wish to recieve?

What does your characters katana and saya look like?

Does your character rever the tao of shinsei or the fortunes more?

What is your character's most sacred posession?

Who is your characters closest friend?

What does your character love,fear, and hate?

How does your character react to minor impurities or irreverence in others?

Has your character ever been exposed to maho or other major blasphemies?

What advice would you give to your character?

Who wouldbe your character's ultimate enemy?