L2 Managing Diversity

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  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Managing Human Resources

    Week 2

    Managing diversity

    - Current employment experiences of

    socially defined minority groups

    - Different approaches to equalities

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Current employment experiences of socially

    defined minority groups


    Racial and ethnic group Disaled people

    !lder people

    "esian# gay and isexual people

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,


    $n %pril to &une 2'() around *+, of omen aged (*to *. ere in ork# an increase from /), in (0+(1

    or men the percentage fell to +*, in 2'() from 02,

    in (0+(1 3his increase is mainly due to the replacement of full-time 4os ith part-time 4os56 Most omen remain in three occupational groups7

    Clerical and secretarial 8+.,9

    :ersonal and protective services 8e1g1 catering# caring# cleaning*+,9

    ;elling occupations 8*),9

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Women - :ay differentials

    2'(.7 3he gender pay gap in the

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Racial and ethnic groups

    3he latest ()1) per cent unemployment

    rate among non-hites is still almost

    doule the figure recorded for hites1

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Racial and ethnic groups

    ;everal ethnic groups are knon to have a high

    proportion of minimum-age orkers#

    particularly Bangladeshis# :akistanis and

    migrant orkers 8"o :ay Commission# 2'()91 urthermore# income-ased measures of

    poverty reveal significantly higher poverty rates

    for Bangladeshis# :akistanis and lacks

    8including lack %fricans and lack Carieans9

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Racial and ethnic groups

    $n the high-visiility orlds of the estalishment#entertainment and sport# there are signs of progress7there are more than four times as many lack and ethnicminority M:s in :arliament as there ere in (00)1 %Muslim oman takes her seat at the cainet tale every3uesday1 %n %frican-orn man is in charge of a 3;('' company1 Black and %sian actors regularly takeleading roles in prime-time 3 series1

    3he population has changed since (00)7 then ethnicminorities accounted for /1( per cent in ngland and

    Wales5 the latest figure is ?1+ per cent1 2.th;ept 2'(.

    ;ource7 3he $ndependent 2.th;ept 2'(.

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Racial and ethnic groups

    Eoever# lack men and omen in their

    early tenties are tice as likely to e not

    in employment# education or training as

    hite people

    3here is no shortage of ethnic minority

    undergraduates7 nearly one in five in

    2'('# an increase of almost a third since(00.1

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Racial and ethnic groups

    Discriminatory orkplace practices have

    een reported to contriute to the

    self-Fdeselection> of ethnic minority omen

    from the 4os market

    8Gao4un "i# cited in %ll :arty :arliamentary

    Hroup on Race and Community# 2'(291

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,


    %ccording to the 2'(( census# one in nine

    8('10,9 of the employed orkforce 8in

    ngland and Wales9 is a IManager# director or

    senior official3ypical Manager7

    manager is 4ust under .*# is more male than

    female# and predominately hite# ut over thelast eight years has got slightly older# more

    female# less hite and a it etter qualifiedJ

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,


    3he non-manager orkforce splits almostexactly /'7/' male and female 8/'1(, male#.010, female95

    y comparison# */1(, of managers are maleand ).10, are female1

    3he proportion of KnonhiteL managers hasincreased from .1), in 2''. to +1., in 2'(2

    3his represents a ma4or challenge to employers#in revieing their recruitment# promotion andcareer development strategies

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Disaled :eople

    3here are aout (' million disaled people in Hreat Britain ho arecovered y the Disaility Discrimination %ct1 3his represents around(?, of the population1

    3here are over *10 million disaled people ho are of orking age#representing nearly one in five people of orking age in Hreat

    Britain1 Many people think that people are usually disaled from childhood1$n fact# most people ho have a disaility or a health conditiondevelop it in later life1

    +?, of disaled people acquire their impairment aged (* or older1 2, of the

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Disaled :eople

    Research from the E; has found that

    disaled employees are7

    %s productive as their colleagues

    Eave less time off sick

    ;tay longer in their 4os

    Eave feer ork accidents

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    !lder Workers

    3he working population is getting older -employers ill have more older orkers torecruit and manage and feer younger orkers1

    3here are currently 2' million people aged /'and over in the

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    !lder people

    % survey of /'' British residents eteen /' and *0

    years of age found that ?/, elieved that employers

    discriminate against older orkers5

    - Df 8(0009

    Discriminations are likely to occur in relation to

    recruitment# selecting staff for promotion#

    redundancy# training and deciding the age of


    -3orrington 82''29

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    "esian# gay and isexual people

    Difficult to descrie

    .. , of the ..' gay# lesian and isexual

    respondents mentioned they had experienced

    discrimination due to their sexuality


  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Different approaches to equality

    qual opportunities approach

    6 ;eeking to influence ehaviour through legislation so thatdiscrimination is prevented

    Management of diversity approach

    6 ocusing on individuals rather than groups and encouraging theimprovement of opportunities for all individuals and not 4ust those inminority groups

    -3orrington 82''29

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    :rolems ith equal opportunities approach

    %ssumption7 equality of outcome ill e achieved if fairprocedures are used and monitored

    3he approach alienated large sections of the orkforce ho feltthat there as no enefit for themselves

    qual opportunities results in the loering of entry standards

    3he approach creates divisions in the orkforce

    F3raditional equal opportunities strategies encourage a vie that

    omen have a prolem and need help>1

    -3orrington 82''29

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    :rolems ith equal opportunities approach

    $n general#

    6 3he approach is regarded as simplistic5

    6%ttempting to treat the symptoms rather than the

    causes of unfair discrimination

    -3orrington 82''29

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Management of diversity approach

    FManaging diversity is aout the realisation of

    the potential of all employeescertain group

    ased equal opportunities policies need to e

    seriously questioned# in particular positive

    action and targets>

    - =andola and ullertoon 8(00.9

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Management of diversity approach

    F3he challenge of meeting the needs of a

    culturally diverse orkforce and of sensitising

    orkers and managers to differences

    associated ith gender# race# age and

    nationality in an attempt to maximise the

    potential productivity of all employees>

    - llis and ;onnenfield 8(00.9

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Management of diversity approach

    FWhereas the equal opportunities approach minimises

    difference# the managing diversity approach treats differences

    as a positive asset>

    $t is ased on the economic and usiness case for recognising

    and valuing difference# rather than the moral case for treating

    people equally1

    Whereas equal opportunities are normally driven y the ERfunction# managing diversity is regarded as the responsiility of

    all managers1

    - 3orrington 82''29- 3orrington 82''29

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    % process for managing diversity

    $nvestigation of the current situation in terms of statistics# policy andculture# etc15

    ;etting visions of hat the organisation ould look like if itsuccessfully managed diversity5

    ;preading the onership5

    :olicy development5

    $nitiating a range of training schemes5

    Managing the programme to sustain momentum

    - Ross and Schneide (1992) in

    Torrington (2002)

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    :rolems ith the managing diversity approach

    3oo many complications 8different interpretations95

    Concentration on the individuals may reduce theaareness of social-group-ased disadvantage5

    Managing diversity can e considered asintrospective as it deals ith people already in theorganisation# rather than ith getting people into the


    -3orrington 82''29

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20,

    Fqual opportunities> approach vs1 Fmanagement of

    diversity> approach

    Aspect Equal opportunities anaging di!ersit"

    #urpose Reduce discri$ination %tilise e$plo"ee potentialto $a&i$u$ ad!antage

    'ase argued oral and ethical usiness case-i$pro!eproita*ilit"



    ,Rpersonnel depart$ent All $anagers

    .ocuses on /roups ndi!iduals

    #erspecti!e ealing with dierent needso dierent groups


    eneits or


    pportunities i$pro!ed or

    disad!antaged groups3pri$aril" through settingtargets

    pportunities i$pro!ed

    or all e$plo"ees

    .ocus on$anage$entacti!it"

    Recruit$ent anaging

    Re$edies 'hanging s"ste$s andpractices

    'hanging the culture

  • 7/24/2019 L2 Managing Diversity


    November 20

    Fqual opportunities> approach vs1 Fmanagement of

    diversity> approach

    Much of literature suggest that management of

    diversity is a superior approach to equal

    opportunities# and is not compatile ith the equal

    opportunities approach

    - 8=andola et al1# (00*9

    Mutually supportive

    -ord 8(00*9