l1'Wtl6Y G11'l! 'WC91

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Page 3: l1'Wtl6Y G11'l! 'WC91

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Page 4: l1'Wtl6Y G11'l! 'WC91

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bb~~bfl'IS-fPl':ibbvJ\JG'l'VlU'5~'li1'li1~ (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: FAO)

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Page 5: l1'Wtl6Y G11'l! 'WC91

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Page 6: l1'Wtl6Y G11'l! 'WC91

.t....lUo 4.:.1)}11, ~ll~l

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Viale deUc terme di Carnc.alla,OI>IS3 Rome, rtnly

OurRef.: C/CF-4/2

food and Agriculture Organization of the

United Nations

Fax: -+-39 0657053152

Organisation des Nations Unies poor l'alfmentation et

I' agriculture

0pO,II080QbClBfHHan ll <E~bCJIOJCOlniicmeHHaR


06btA11HeHHhiX HaqHii

Tel: +39 0657051

25 July 2018

Dates for Submission of Nominations for the Office of Director-General

Organizad6n de las lhciones Unicfas para Ia

Alilllentacian y Ia Aglicu[tura


The Secretary-General of the Conference and Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has the honour to draw the attention of its Member Nations to the period set by the Council at its I 59th Session (Rome, 4-8 June 2018) in which, in accordance with Rule XXXVII-I (b) of the General Rules of the Organization, nominations for the post of Director-General are receivable: I December 2018 to 28 Febmary 2019. The relevant paragraph of the Council Report is quoted below:

"Dates (or Submissioll o(Nomiltatio11s (or tire Office of Director-General 18. The Council set the dates of 1 December 2018 to 28 Februmy 2019 as the period during which Member Nations could submit nominations for the office of Director-General."

In accordance with the provisions of Article VIH of the F AO Constitution and Rule XXXVII-l{a) ofthe General Rules of the Organization, the FAO Conference, at its 41st Session (22-29 June 20 19), will be required to appoint the Director-General of FAO for the period I August 2019 to 31 July 2023.

This communication is sent to addressees ofFAO Members as prescribed in the official channels of communication ofFAO, as follows:

For ACTION/INFORMATION. as aupropriate: - Main Addressees (Ministers for Foreign Affairs or Agriculture or other addressees selected by U1e Government); -Permanent Representatives to FAO!Embassies.

Page 7: l1'Wtl6Y G11'l! 'WC91

Memorandum Note Ref.No.: 5 Agency: Office of Agricultural Affairs, RTE, Rome, Italy Author: Federica Veschi Subject: FAO DGs- since FAO establishment

FAO Directors-general

Name Mr/Ms Nationality

1) Sir John BOYD ORR Mr UK

2) Norris E. DODD Mr USA

3) Philip V. CARDON Mr USA

4) Sir Herbert BROADLEY (acting) Mr UK

5) Binay RaJ\ian SEN Mr India

6) Addeke Hendrik BOERMA Mr Netherlands

7) Edouard SAOUMA Mr Lebanon

8) Jacques DIOUF Mr Senegal


Sources: - FAO Website - Wikipedia

Date: 11111/2014

Term of Office Ys.

Oct. 1945-Apr. 1948 3

Apr. 1948-Dec. 1953 3

Jan. 1954- Apr. 1956 2

Apr. 1956- Nov. 1956 6ms

Nov. I 956- Dec. 1967 11

Jan. 1968-Dec. 1975 8

Jan. 1976-Dec. 1993 18

Jan. 1994- Dec. 2011 18

Jan. 2012- July 2019 8


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