L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Quarterly National Accounts Course

    Joint Vienna Institute

    August 5 - 16, 2013

    L-3: Sources for GDP by theProduction Approach

    Reproductions of this material or any parts of it should refer to the IMF Statistics Department as the source

    Lecture Outline

    GDP b the roduction a roach

    Main data sources

    Issues in the calculation of value added

    Data sources by economic activity

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 2IMF Statistics Department

  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    GDP by the Production Approach

    GDP = Gross Value Added GVA at basic rices+ Taxes less subsidies on products

    Most common approach in QNA

    Availability of more infra-annual data

    Better coverage from businesses in the short-term

    Provide rowth decom osition b industr

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 3IMF Statistics Department

    Short-term surve s b economic activit

    Main sources from the Statistical Office

    Industrial production


    Retail Trade

    Labor force

    and on prices

    onsumer pr cesProduction prices

    Agricultural prices

    Export and import prices (or unit value indices)

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 4IMF Statistics Department

  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Re ulator Data

    Main administrative sources

    Agriculture commodity prices, forestry permits, fishcatch, etc.

    Mining production, building permits, vehicleregistration, tourist arrivals, etc.

    Customs Revenue and Tax Systems

    VAT system data on turnover and inputs

    Excise, turnover and VAT taxes, import dutiesSocial security system

    Wages/salaries, contributions

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 5IMF Statistics Department


    Other sources

    Budget data on revenues and expenditures

    Central BankFinancial intermediation and insurance companies

    Quantity information from large corporations orbusiness associations

    Oil, Electricity, Communication, Transportation

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 6IMF Statistics Department

  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Concept of value added

    Gross Value Added GVA at basic rices =Gross Output (GO) at basic prices Intermediate Consumption (IC) at purchasersprices

    Contribution of an industry to the total outputavailable for final uses in the economy

    Non-observable concept; residual item

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    Double indicator methods for value added

    Variables values prices volumes


    GVA residual implicit residual

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    GVA in QNA

    uarterl indicators on both GO and IC arehardly available, or are of poor quality

    Some exceptions: agriculture, oil, energy

    Risk of erratic results (negative GVA) if IC/GO ishigh and relative prices change rapidly

    to be applied at the quarterly level

    Simplified approximations are needed, especially forvolume estimates

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    Single indicator methods for volume GVA

    Out ut-related methods

    Deflation of GVA with output price index

    Extrapolation of GVA with volume GO

    Extrapolation of GVA with physical quantity index

    In ut-related methods

    Deflation of GVA by an input price index

    Deflation of GVA by a wage rate index

    Extrapolation of GVA by an index of employment

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Single indicator methods for volume GVA

    Out ut index enerall more reliable than in utindex, then it should be preferred

    But GVA shares of GO and IC matter (moreinputs, more likely GVA deviates from GO)

    Implicit fixed ratios (VA/O, VA/IC)

    prices (relative prices can change in the short term

    more than technology)Desirable to show calculated GO and IC explicitly

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    Improving the fixed-ratio assumption

    Possible to obtain GVA GO or GVA IC fromactual data rather than ratios?

    Desirable if ratios are variable (looking at historicalrelationship helps)

    Possibly available for public enterprises andimportant industries dominated by a few large

    Input and output prices widely available, always tobe used at the most detailed level. GVA atcurrent prices should behave accordingly

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Agriculture, forestry

    and fishing (A)Quarterly indicators: values/quantities

    Ministry of agriculture Actual harvest data Forecasts, especially for most recent quarters

    Surveys (farmers, marketers, customers)Marketing organizationsPopulation/employment data (subsistence)

    Aquaculture and fish catch data

    ExportsAgricultural prices, or CPI/PPI components

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 13IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Mining

    and quarrying (B)Quarterly indicators: values/quantities

    Production indexPhysical quantity indicators

    Administrative data from Ministry of EnergyRoyaltiesExports

    VAT data

    mp oyment ours wor e + pro uct v ty tren

    PPI components/specific purpose price indices

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Manufacturing (C)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Industrial production index


    Quantity data

    Sales / revenue / turnover (+ change in inventories offinished goods, W-I-P)


    Company reports

    Combination of above

    PPI components/specific tariffs

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 15IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Electricity

    and Gas (D); Water supply (E)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Industrial production index

    Physical quantity from large utility companies orauthorities

    Electricity generation/consumption

    Gas/water supplied

    PPI components/specific tariffs

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Construction (F)Quarterly indicators: values/quantities

    Building permits (administrative register)Surveys: Builders (residential, non-residential) Customers of builders

    Input indicators (supply of building materials)Employment/hours worked (+ productivity trend?)

    -Government budget for public construction

    Road constructionOutput price index or, more commonly, inputprice index (cost of materials, wage index)

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 17IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Wholesale and retail

    trade (G)

    Conce tual issues:

    Output is calculated as trade margins

    Trade margins (output) = Value of sales value of goodspurchased for resale + Changes in inventories

    The volume of trade margins at constant prices isproportional to the volume of goods distributed (i.e.Base ear mar in x current volume of oods

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    Sources by Activity: Wholesale and retail

    trade (G)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Surveys of retail and wholesale sales/turnover

    VAT data

    Sum of trade margins from value/quantity of goodsdistributed (commodity flow by type of goods).SUT helpful

    CPI/WPI/PPI components

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 19IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Transportation and

    storage (H)uarterl indicators: values uantitiesSurveys : revenue/quantities (passengers orpassenger-km)

    VAT data (turnover)

    Information from large enterprises (airlines, airports,rail, public transportation)

    Frei ht: volume of oods handled

    Employment/hours worked

    PPI/CPI components

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Accommodation and

    food service activities (I)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Surveys (revenue, number of overnight stays)

    VAT data

    Tourist arrivals

    Balance of payments travel item

    Employment / hours worked

    CPI components

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 21IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Information and

    communication (J)

    uarterl indicators: values uantitiesLandline/mobile users from communication operators

    Internet connections

    Number subscribers TV/cable service

    Gross revenue postal service

    TV/radio advertising


    PPI components/specific tariffs

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Financial and

    insurance activities (K)uarterl indicators: values uantitiesMoney and banking statistics

    Stocks of deposits and loans, interest receivable andpayable by institutional sector (for FISIM calculation)

    Activity quantity measures (number of accounts,policy-holders, transactions)

    Life insurance remiums and claims

    Non-life insurance (premiums and benefits)

    Employment/hours workedBroad-based deflators (on deposits and lending,but not on FISIM directly)

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 23IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Real estate

    activities (L)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Surveys on occupancy rates

    Dwelling rents

    Stock of dwellings (own-account)

    Administrative by-products

    Real estate: land transfers

    Housing price/rates

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Professional, scientific

    and technical activities (M)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Surveys on professional services

    Employment/hours worked

    VAT data

    Administrative by-products

    Lawyers: cases/deaths/divorces/land transfers

    PPI/CPI components, rates

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 25IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Administrative and

    support service activities (N)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities


    Employment/hours worked

    VAT data

    In ut costs rates

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Public administration;

    Defence; Social Security (O)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Government finance statistics

    Employment/hours worked

    Wage index/CPI

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    Sources by Activity: Education (P)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Government finance statistics

    Employment/hours worked

    Wages and salaries

    Quantity indicators from public/private school(number of pupils enrolled, teaching staff number)

    Households survey

    Wage index/CPI

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Human health and

    social work activities (Q)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Government finance statistics

    Employment/hours worked

    Wages and salaries

    Data from health insurance schemes

    Number of patients/beds

    Wage index/CPI

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    Sources by Activity: Arts, entertainment

    and recreation (R)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Sales/turnover indexes

    Employment/hours worked

    Expenditure on sport and gambling activities

    Wage index/CPI

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Sources by Activity: Other service

    activities (S)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Surveys on trade unions/business associations

    Government funding

    VAT data

    Employment/hours worked

    CPI rates In ut rices

    JVI/QNA/L3 : 31IMF Statistics Department

    Sources by Activity: Households as

    employers (T)

    uarterl indicators: values uantities

    Employment/hours worked (domestic staff servinghouseholds)

    Wages and salaries

    CPI for domestic staff

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  • 8/11/2019 L03 - Sources for GDP by the Production Approach (ENG)


    Taxes/Subsidies: Import Duties

    uarterl indicators

    Government finance statistics

    Values and volumes of imports (preferably withbreakdown by type of product)

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    Taxes/Subsidies: VAT, others on products

    uarterl indicators

    Government finance statistics

    Values and volumes of goods and servicesproduced/sold subject to tax/subsidy (preferably withbreakdown of goods and services that closely

    correspon wit type an rate o taxes

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