Thot 4 2 day May thot 4 2 day MAY [Romans] Ronnie Gibson 1

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Thot 4 2 day May

thot 4 2 dayMAY[Romans]

Ronnie Gibson


Thot 4 2 day May

These devotions are dedicated to the endearing memory of my dear friend and brother-in-Christ Robert Robinson, whom the Lord thought

appropriate to call home to glory on July 18th 2014.


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It had long been my late brother’s desire that I focus on producing a set of daily devotions to encourage God’s dear children on their Christian pathway.While sharing some of these devotions with Robert and his wife Maureen my attention was directed, by the Holy Spirit I believe, to Paul’s letter to the Romans.So, for each month of the year, I intend to systematically go through the first twelve chapters of the book - a chapter for each month. This would entail considering each chapter verse-by-verse on a daily basis. Of course, January would equate to chapter one; February to chapter two, and so on. However, since there are sixteen chapters in Romans and only twelve months in the year, I have added an ‘executive summary’ as a tailpiece to December.While I set out my analysis of the Roman epistle it is not meant to be construed as a commentary, but a devotional work.Therefore, I pray as we share these devotions you will be drawn closer to our Lord, and experience His blessing both on your own life, and through you, the life of your family members.


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Chapters 1-7………THE REAL GOSPEL…….



and …..THE FREEDOM OF GOD Ch 5 [part I]


Chapters 9-11THE REAL JEW

Chapters 12-16


As we come to chapter 5 of Romans and contemplate the ‘real gospel’, we add a further dimension – the ‘freedom’ of God – [part I]I will endeavour to follow the above analysis throughout the daily devotions, seeking to stress the ‘reality’ which Paul presents in this wonderful and inspiring epistle.Reality, in the realms as outlined above. Teaching, to challenge all of us as to the will of God for this world, and also for your life and mine.So, let’s go, and please God, we will learn together, more of our wonderful, magnanimous, amazing God.


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May 1st5. THE REAL GOSPEL—and

THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v1

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Paul brings us to a new month and a new chapter in his deliberations on ‘the real gospel’; and this new chapter endeavours to instruct us on ‘the freedom of God - from wrath’

Chapter 4 has diligently taught us concerning God’s accounting system – that is – how He balances His books in terms of what real truth is concerning His real gospel. Now we enter the glorious arena of personalising that process and how it delicately impinges our daily lives.

The ‘peace’ in today’s devotion is openly visible in the verbiage of verse one – it is ‘peace’ achieved exclusively through the medium of justification through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is particularly lovely to realise that this ‘peace’ is not to be construed as either ‘contentment’ or ‘satisfaction’, but rather as ‘reconciliation’. This concept will be compared with verse 10 which deals with our lives before our faith in Christ, when God had us branded as “enemies”.

Sufficient today for us to grasp this delightful and personal balancing between an all-holy God and us as undeserving sinners. ‘Peace’ confirms ‘reconciliation’. Me and God “reconciled” – well, what about that!


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A magnificent symbol of His proffered ‘freedom from wrath’.

May 2nd


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v2

“By Whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”

This little section on ‘peace’ within the freedom of God touches sensitively today on our ‘privilege’.

Speaking of our Lord, Paul uses three active words to highlight our unspeakable privilege. We have “access”; we have “standing”; and we have “rejoicing”.

The “access” is the act of ‘bringing to’. Through our personal faith in the work and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, we automatically – yes, automatically- are brought into the realm of acceptance and freedom by Almighty God.

The “standing” has a graphic picture here as it describes a field, an ordinary field, into which the Lord has opened the gate and allowed us to ‘stand’, not sit or grovel, in this divine and holy field alongside the ultimate owner, the Lord God Himself.

The “rejoicing” follows as we, God’s children, survey the panorama of the majestic concept of what this ‘divine field’ opens to our vision. Paul describes it with words so exquisite I just wish I had thought of them first – “rejoice in hope of the glory of God”. God has so approved of our faith in Jesus Christ that He has ‘planted’ such a crop in the field of our lives


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which uses the seed of ‘hope’ and produces the harvest of “the glory of God.” What a privilege for you and me!

May 3rd


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v3

“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience;”

Today, although at first glance it may not appear so, we continue looking at ‘peace’ as detailed under the ‘freedom’ of the Lord. Today I suggest ‘patience’ is the key thought in our joint devotion. Patience which is brought about by that dreaded and fearsome word “tribulation”. Phew!

I suggest not dwelling on the fundamental words “tribulations” and “patience” today as I cannot, as far as you are concerned, begin to grasp the first; nor the second word since it requires an analysis of your own reaction to such personal matters. But I propose considering two other words which are nonetheless of equal examination, namely, “glory” and “worketh”.

“Glory” in tribulations! Here we feel like finger-pointing at Paul and miming the words – ‘get real’, but please do recall we are gleaning from the appalling personal experiences of the apostle who, now in review, knows what he is talking about.

“Worketh” patience. Here is the nitty-gritty of real life as a Christian. We are called to face many difficulties but – yes, I have a ‘but’ – God is doing this as part of His divine freedom within our eternal relationship. We would be catastrophically


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incorrect to get on the wrong foot here as Paul will take another three days to ‘hit the nail on the head’. Patience please! It will all work out!

May 4th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v4

“And patience, experience; and experience, hope.”

The steamroller is still trundling on in today’s devotion. We could be flattened by the thought of glorying in tribulations and grasping individually that God is behind all of these undesirable happenings. Yet Paul indicates today that the patience will bring experience, and the experience will produce hope.

I am reminded of the little verse in Exodus 14 verse 14 which suggests that (a) we put our hands behind our backs and let “the Lord fight for you” and (b) we put our hands over our mouths as we “hold our peace”. How delightful, yet how difficult.

Yet, dear child of the living God, this dependent ‘patience’ helps us trust our Lord more and more and will strengthen more each occasion we practise it; until, finally, our hope and faith in Him becomes progressively stronger and steadier.

I know that, within your own experiences, the question “why” raises its head and we desire the finger-writing on the wall to explain it all for us, but the gospel-writer John caught it marvellously when he declared the words of Jesus – John 13v7 – “What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know after


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here.” [I know the word in AV is ‘hereafter’, I just like it better this way].

May 5th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v5

“And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us.”

The ponderous roller of the machine seems to plod on and on - patience; tribulation; experience; and hope. But today there is a ‘braking’ of the speed as it comes near to a grinding halt.

The ‘peace’ presented in verse 1 is being progressively developed in verse 2 onwards and reaches the climax here.

Firstly, Paul assures us there is no need to feel abashed or ‘ashamed’ at all the tribulations being faced as they are purposely fashioned to strengthen and enhance our standing in our faith in Jesus Christ.

Then Paul offers a delightful explanation of it all – “love” – God’s love fills our every avenue of life as it touches and impinges on our hearts.

Furthermore, there is the wonderful personal experience of the Almighty God in the Person of “the Holy Spirit”, making His residence within that oft-times weary and heavy heart.


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We are not to be “ashamed” of the real gospel [ch1v16]; nor are we to be “ashamed” of the real hope that we tenaciously hold to, that our loving God is demonstrably in control of our lives and our daily situations, whatever – yes, whatever – those may be. This is the “peace” we receive when we receive the “Peacemaker”.

May 6th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v6

“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”

The ‘peace’ of God in verses 2 to 5 now gives way to the ‘pardon’ of God in the remaining verses, 6 to 21.

In verses 6, 7 and 8 it is the ‘timing’ of God which catches our thought processes. There are two aspects of timing revealed in today’s devotion – man’s time; and God’s time.

Considering ‘man’s timing’ we read - “when we were yet without strength”. There is nothing physical intended here, for Paul is indicating very clearly that it was when we were utterly helpless to do anything to bring about the freedom of God, in our own spiritual strength. No matter how long our pursuit of this freedom from God, no matter our earnestness; no matter our observances of religious practices – these were fruitless and pointless, as they were being exercised in our own “strength”. “Nicodemus”, said Jesus, “marvel not that I say to you, You must be born again”.

Concerning ‘God’s timing’ we read – “in due time Christ died for the ungodly”. What a delightful little expression – “in due


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time”. Resonances here with Galatians 4v4 when the timing is detailed as “when the fullness of time was come”. The devotional rending of this verse draws us with bated breathe to the glorious, all-knowing God Who “makes everything beautiful in His time”.

Beautiful timing – beautiful truth!

May 7th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v7

“For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.”

Paul continues his exploits into the ‘freedom of God from wrath’ and the act and fact of ‘pardon’

He stresses that even if we were exceptionally good we would be hard pushed to find anyone to actually take our place and “dare to die” for us – though, of course, that might just be possible.

Later devotions in this section will draw out the backdrop on which Paul paints the glorious picture of Christ for us, but today we are asked to inward contemplate the unthinkable and unattainable prospect of someone standing taking the bullet for us.

I always admire those serving in our own security forces who tenuously guard statesmen and women, celebrities and aristocrats. I recall when John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 how as the first shots rang out security officials flung themselves over the President in order to shield him from further damage.


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This, of course, was their trained occupation and must therefore be construed as par for the course; but Paul is leading us to a much higher dimension of sacrifice achieved by One Who, although God’s Son, saw us as invaluable assets to His future kingdom. Such, praise God, are you and me if He alone is the basis of our eternal destination.

May 8th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v8“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Now today we can see the background to yesterday’s devotion being highlighted and emphasised. The act of Jesus Christ in dying for us can not in any form be construed as an act of desperate reaction but rather a planned and deliberate decision, discussed and decided before the foundation of the world.

The key here to understanding lies in the beautifully subtle word – “commendeth”. The word entails a ‘placing together’ – a setting of one person beside another.

Forgive a personal illustration here – my wife had to undergo one of those perplexing scans which entailed lying flat for a specific period of time inside a long, and, to many, a claustrophobic tunnel. I assured the radiologist that she would only go through this procedure if I was there alongside her. After a little discussion this was agreed to and as she was transported along the tunnel I held tightly to her big toe to reassure her. (All went well). This is the moving description of how the Lord God shares His love to us by ‘being there’ for us


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at the exact point where we need His pardon. So inclusive and involved was that He, reverently speaking, held our big toe to reassure us of His presence and His comfort. I hope today you feel His pinch on your toe. What a day this is!

May 9th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v9

“Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.”

The full deal of God’s freedom from wrath through the gospel and this section dealing with His pardon gets even more personal, that is, from His point of view.

Not only is the Lord so close He, again reverently speaking, is holding our big toe, but through Paul He adds significantly to His glorious love for us – “much more then”. What a telling phrase. It supersedes even the extent of His love demonstrated in yesterday’s devotion.

We are “justified” – an amazing additive to His love. Love so deep it makes us compatible to the glorious holiness of God in our standing with Him.

We are justified “by His blood” – an amazing value incorporated within His love. The personal cost borne by the Lord Jesus Himself to purchase our justification.

“We will be saved from wrath through Him” – an amazing promise wrapped around His gift of divine love. Whatever


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your perspective on the word “wrath” do not miss the awesome wonder of the loving freedom which Yahweh furnishes for you today – you will not now or ever suffer His wrath, which is reserved for each and every determined rejecter of His sacrificial Lamb, His own Son Jesus Christ.

May 10th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v10

“For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”

The extent of our ‘freedom of wrath’ as children of God is further enhanced today as we contemplate the remarkable concept itself.

Paul assures us that even while we were yet “enemies” we were brought back to a right relationship with God Himself by the ignominious death of His own Son and His shed blood – we are “reconciled.”

Then Paul adds a sensitive little expression, “much more” by which he intends to add ‘icing to the cake’ as it were. And that ‘icing’ is not mere decoration but deep and real substance – for we are “saved”. Saved from past sin of the past – and for some of us that was horrendous; saved from present sin – and for some of us that is continual wrestling; saved from the presence of sin when we enter the prepared abode reserved in Heaven for us.


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But lest we get carried away in euphoria by the undoubted splendour of such blessings, Paul adroitly adds this tag line - all this, he reminds us, has a direct and dynamic cost – “His life”.

You are what you are, who you are, and where you are, because Jesus Christ freely offered His own life as the purchase price to give us freedom from wrath.

Well, hallelujah, anyway!

May 11th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v11

“And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom we have now received the atonement.”

The ‘pardon’ of God for us is still the thrust in Paul’s deliberations for us today. And although he has detailed quite beautifully certain aspects of this relationship, it appears that Paul desires to add even more insights and details. So, he begins – “And not only so” – a phrase he repeats from verse 3 [our devotion on the 3rd]. On that prior occasion it concerned the matter of ‘tribulations’ but now it exalts the matter of ‘triumphalism’.

And that feeling of elation begins with the root word – “joy”. It is a root word because it is at the distinct core of our eternal relationship to our God and its ‘Source’ is “through our Lord Jesus Christ”. And that ‘Source’ has lifted His believers into this outstanding platform of utter and endless ‘joy’. The feeling of well-being regardless of the surrounding, and sometimes invasive, difficulties.


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But this joy has a distinctive and definitive bedrock, for Paul hurriedly reminds us that through Christ “we have now received the atonement”. Not, be careful to note, a future event, but a relevant and practical blessing – “now”. And that blessing is the personal and permanent “atonement” – a making us, through Jesus Christ, a friend on a level playing field with none other than the Lord God Himself. How about that!

May 12th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v12

“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:”

Continuing his insights to the ‘freedom’ initiated by the Lord God, Paul locks his thoughts into the vast extent and ramifications of God’s desire to make us right with Him and gain His ‘freedom from wrath’.

So today he expounds the ultimate depth of this devastating concept by taking us, in thought, to the beginning of earthly time and the need for God’s pardon and acquittal. He highlights the devastating fact that “by one man sin entered into the world”. Adam and his disobedience to God’s Word brought about the entrance of sin.

But such actions have a ‘consequence’ – “death by sin”. Spiritual separation from a holy God ensued as a direct and inescapable consequence of his sin. But there was a distinct ‘conclusion’ to that opening of sin into the world, for Paul advises us that “death passed upon all men” as a result. We, as


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king David admitted, were born in sin and shapen in iniquity, and as an outcome we were condemned to death – in fact in the condemned cell awaiting the final judgment. Or, as the apostle John explained it, we were condemned already.

The verification of Scripture on this subject is within our own hearts and in the lives of our children immediately following birth – “for all have sinned.”

May 13th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v13

“(For until the law sin was in the world; but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”

Paul then takes five verses [or five days] to underscore his thinking on these definitive matters – and he does so by putting ‘brackets’ around verses 13 to 17, indicating that he is remaining in the same arena of sin and its devastating consequences, but developing the theme.

He begins by highlighting the time ‘before the Law’. And lest his avid readers would nitpick on the matter of “sin” and its origin, he emphatically declares that even then “sin was in the world”. From the time of Adam until Moses, people were committing sin, and that because of the inherent root of sin within them. However Paul reasons, that such sinning was not “imputed”/ ‘accounted’ to the perpetrators because the Law had not yet been presented – but death, the result of those sins, still continued. Noah’s compatriots being the prime example, because Noah preached “righteousness” to his fellow-dwellers but they would not and did not wish to recognise the holiness


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of Almighty God but went about doing that which was right in their own eyes. Hence sin and hence death!

Please recall this verse and those immediately following are in brackets, again indicating that such words are meant as expansions of the crucial issue that sin entered into the world via the disobedience of Adam, even though that sin was conducted in the cloistered arena of the Garden of Eden.

May 14th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v14

“Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of Him that was to come.”

The ‘bracketed’ interlude continues today as Paul further develops the origin and basis of sin in the warm concept of God’s pardoning nature.

Emphatically Paul reassesses the dilemma of the period of time between the obvious sin of Adam and the less obvious sinning until the Law. And he declares irrefutably that the evidence of God’s rightness is clearly portrayed in the physical result which he depicts as “death reigned from Adam to Moses”.

Then Paul declassifies Adam’s sin by expanding the theme that death reigned over them “that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression”. That is, because they had not eaten the forbidden fruit as had Adam, nevertheless they had followed their own selfish and personal pursuits refusing to


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acknowledge the true God, and this was ‘sin’, and as such merited ‘death’ and the ‘wrath’ of God.

Then Paul associates this ‘first’ Adam with the ‘second’ Adam Who was to come and deal with and expunge the totality of sin for this world – “who is the figure of Him that was to come”. Christ, before the world began, had the matter and the solution already in place; Adam merely being the precursor.

May 15th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v15 “But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one Man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.”

Please recall that in today’s devotion we are still in the ‘bracketed’ scenario wherein Paul is defining and defending his stance on the originating cause of sin being Adam and the resultant wrath of God.

He classifies Adam’s misdemeanour as an “offence” and particularises God’s response as “the free gift”. How about that for a splendid statement! But the conclusion of that one offence by Adam is that “many be dead”. We suffer individually the dramatic consequence of Adam’s failure and, before God, are alienated and debarred from His presence.But into the verse Paul adds his delicate little response – “much more”. Here he is about to detail the greater side of this lesser problem.


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God offers His “grace”, and He does so as a “gift”, and He gladly presents it as wrapped up in “one Man” – and that one Man God details specifically as His Son “Jesus Christ.” Then, because “many” have been cursed by death because of Adam’s sin, that same number – “many”- can find the answer to their need in God’s “abounding” grace. Forgiveness; pardon; rightness; reconciliation; justification and atonement are just a trifling amount of His grace – coupled with ‘freedom from wrath’.

May 16th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v16

“And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.”

The ‘bracketed’ exposition of verses 13 to 17 continues as Paul explains God’s will in the matter of original sin.

And in today’s devotion he again highlights the action of just “one that sinned”. So he immediately sets out the contrasting scenario that God’s gift equally follows the same pattern, for “the gift” is also because of the actions of one Man.

The comparisons and contrasts then continue as Paul pinpoints the result of that one sinning – “the judgment was by one to condemnation.” Adam’s one offence brought about “judgment”, and a guilty verdict indicted each of us to “condemnation”. Case closed! Or, so it seemed.

But God had prepared beforehand to compensate for man’s offences, and through “the free gift” the “many offences” are …dealt with. The free gift even extended to include the crucial


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realm of “justification”. The one who sinned and was obviously subject to the judgment and wrath of Almighty God has been pronounced ‘not guilty’ on the supreme and exclusive basis of the death of God’s Son Jesus Christ.

This just gets better!

May 17th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v17

“For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ).”

The brackets now come to an end; Paul’s digression since verse 13 is about to be completed before he returns, in thought, to the main but related topic of the first Adam and the second Adam, Jesus Christ.

The devastating effect of Adam’s betrayal was that “death reigned by one”. The key thought being the word “reigned”. Death became the ‘king’ of every man’s life ever since Adam fathered us. The statistics are astounding – one out of every one dies!

Into this dreadful scene steps the Lord Jesus, and Paul launches into this realm with his customary – “much more”. There is only a smattering of direct comparison between what Adam offered this world in contrast to what Jesus Christ offers. Christ offers “much more”.


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Two distinctive results offered are the receipt of “abundance of grace” and “the gift of righteousness”- both expressions of our ‘freedom from wrath’.

The wonderful conclusion from such gifts is they shall “reign in life, by One, Christ Jesus.” Again the word “reign” springs out at us like a lighthouse on the shores of life. The “reign of death” is now surpassed and superseded by the “reign of life,” to all who imbibe Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

May 18th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v18 “Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.”

For the sixth time in this chapter Paul refers to “gift”; and for the third time he expands to quote “free gift”. On this occasion the “free gift” is a widespread one and a wonderful one. It is widespread because it encompasses “all men” – that is, all who have by faith accepted God’s solitary offer of forgiveness in Jesus Christ His Son. It is wonderful because it translates “judgment” to “justification”- ‘freedom from wrath’.However it is important for us to follow the continuing theme of Paul as he paints the picture of the fall of Adam and his succeeding race, and contrasts the “free gift” encapsulated in the Person of Jesus Christ.“The offence of one” brought a highly significant and devastating effect – namely, “judgment”; and the resulting factor of that judgment was “condemnation” and wrath for all who inherited the seed of sin from Adam. We, without Christ,


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stand in the courtroom of Almighty God totally and absolutely condemned with no defence or adequate response. However, “the righteousness of One” brought a highly expensive but “free gift”. That gift is beautifully ascribed as “justification of life”. Wrath was the due reward of our sin, but the work accomplished on the cross and in the resurrection of Jesus Christ grants to the believer’s life freedom with an eternal dimension.That’s you and me! What about that!

May 19th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v19“For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” Paul continues today to confront the inequality between the first Adam and second Adam.There are three intrusive comparisons here – “one man”; then “one” [other]; “disobedience”; and “obedience”; finally, “sinners”; and “righteous”.A direct and distinct observation of Adam and Christ focuses firstly on the number “one”. As “one man” Adam conducted himself in a most-degrading manner; as the (other) “man” Jesus Christ provided irrefutably the answer to that shocking display of human frailty.The classification of Adam’s misdemeanour is categorised – and that without frills or decoration – as “disobedience”. Revolt against the will, word and work of God. At this moment today as I write this devotion a gentleman has stood up at an ecclesiastical gathering to protest at the ordination of a female


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bishop claiming it is not in the Scripture. The man was dismissed by the announcement that it was not against the law of the land to so conduct an ordination. Paul pinpoints Adam’s behavioural pattern as “disobedience” to God’s law.Finally, Paul insists that disobedience makes individuals to be “sinners”. However “obedience” by the second Adam brought that same sinner into the wholesome benefit of being “righteous”, hence ‘free from wrath’.

May 20th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v20 “Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound;”In viewing the real gospel and its inherent qualities, this month we have considered the ‘freedom from wrath’ offered by God to man through that same gospel. Today’s devotion endeavours to paint for us the bigger picture. Thus far the debate has predominately centred on the period between Adam and Moses and the resultant ramifications. However Paul now brings it forward to the current realm and writes of how “the law entered”.His purpose in so doing is to magnify the damning consequences of “the offence” by expanding the grossness of Adam’s sin by citing that the law merely made his offence seem all the deeper and darker; in fact, that its stench might “abound”.So Paul’s assertion is that as the filth of sin spread its horrible tentacles throughout mankind, God’s preordained response was


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to super-match that awfulness with a super-abounding supply of “grace” – ‘freedom from wrath’.So much so that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound”. How delightful that Paul would here today revert to his oft-quoted maxim – “much more”.Our Lord is “much more”! Our Lord gives “much more”! Our Lord promises “much more”! Our Lord delivers “much more”! Our Lord loves “much more”! Just how “much” do I give back? Could I give “more”?

May 21st


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Romans 5v21 “That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.”

The ‘freedom from wrath’ by God within the confines of the real gospel reaches its conclusion today.Neither you, nor I, can fail to grasp the magnificent arena of comparisons afforded to us in this final verse – “sin”; sin “reigned”; the reign of sin brought “death”. Yet, in dynamic contrast there is “grace”; and that grace also has a “reign”; and that grace stretches unendingly to “eternal life”.

The utter horribleness of sin has the demonic effect of ruling and reigning in the life of men and women, its ultimate conclusion takes those same individuals to eternal “death” and wrath.


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But, [and the word ‘hallelujah’ is not far from my lips as I write this], the glorious restoration and recovery is spear-headed “by Jesus Christ our Lord”.

What a delightful way to conclude a section of God’s Word by focusing on the One Who paid fully for man’s ‘freedom from wrath’ by His death and resurrection – and the nomination of that One as our sponsor before Almighty God and achieving for us His acquittal and rightful standing for eternity.

May 22nd


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Chapter 5 is now complete, having only 21 verses, which leaves us a lovely few days (10 in total) to consider some aspects of the chapter in greater detail. What I hope to do is look at some of the more obscure words adapted by Paul and take a little closer peek at each of them.

[1] Today we look at the word “justify”/”justification” found in verses 1, 16 and 18.

To be in receipt of this ‘freedom from wrath’ God requires this unique act of “justification”. Verse 1 exclaims – “justified by faith”; verse 16 – “the free gift is …. unto justification.” and verse 18 – “unto justification of life.”

“Justification” is the act of pronouncing someone ‘righteous’. In verse 1 the word is used in the ‘aorist’ or ‘point’ sense, indicating the definite time at which each person, upon the exercise of faith, was justified. You were justified at the moment of your conversion, and because my moment of


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salvation was different from yours, then I was justified at that personal time.

The Lord God does this for the sinner on the exclusive basis of Christ’s death, and includes His “free gift” of life. This act by God is the legal and formal ‘freedom from wrath’, the pronouncement of the sinner as righteous, who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Justification” signifies the establishment of that person as just – by acquittal from guilt, and because all that was necessary on God’s part for our justification had been effected in the death of Christ, on this account He was raised from the dead.

May 23rd


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[2] Our word today is “tribulation/s” found twice in verse 3.

“we glory in tribulations …knowing that tribulation worketh patience.”

The word used here by Paul is rendered throughout other scripture passages and here, of course, as indicating ‘a pressing’ or ‘pressure’ by anything which burdens the spirit of the believer.

It contains the concept of suffering affliction, or, to be troubled, and has the distinct reference to sufferings due to the pressure of circumstances. It would also entail the pressure exerted by the antagonism of other persons on the Christian.

The Amplified Bible adds some words of clarification in its rendering of this verse – it speaks of ‘troubles’; ‘sufferings’; ‘pressures’; ‘afflictions’ and ‘hardships’.


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And what Paul invites the believer to do in such circumstances is to “glory”. A hard ask! But there is personal testimony backing up such advice and there is also practical therapy in that he reminds us that such afflictions produce “patience”.

Some days our devotions are hard to take on board, today is one of those. I would refer you as I did earlier, take a leaf out of Exodus 14 verse 14 and believe “the Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

May 24th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[3] Our third word is found in verse 6 – “…Christ died for the ungodly.”

Paul has used this word earlier in 4v5 and highlights that these Romans are no different from all other humans in that they are “ungodly”. When he selected such a word he was reminding them that they were without reverence for God, not merely irreligious, but were acting in contravention of God’s demands.

However, Paul’s usage here would further indicate not only their defiance and disregard for God’s laws, but they had the same attitude towards God’s Person.

On May 6th when we considered this verse our devotions concentrated more on God’s ‘timing’ in that Christ died for all this rebellion at a specific and designated time on God’s calendar. Today the focus fixes the extent to which God’s Son


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went to, in order to remedy our war-like nature against His laws and, to a deeper degree, against God’s own Person.

Many around us are engaging in such attitudes and determinations and yet, the loving God has provided the glorious route to being declared ‘free from wrath’ – of being ‘acquitted’ in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ.

May 25th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[4]: Our fourth word is found in verse 8 – “but God commendeth His love towards us ….”

You will have gleaned from our devotion on the 8 th how beautiful this word is within the verse. So, today I want to ‘play’ with the word to emphasise its delightful characteristics – of course, without in any degree being irreverent.

Let’s consider just three slight amendments to our key word.

The first is to bring the word up to current parlance by dropping the ending – ‘eth’ – and adding ‘ed’ to make the word ‘commanded’ [no offence so far? Good!]

The second little adjustment is now to change the fifth letter ‘o’ to an ‘a’ making the word – ‘commanded’. We could never


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envisage God ‘commanding’ His love, thereby forcing us to accept it without free choice. [still no offence?]

The final change would be to add the letters ‘re’ before the word, rendering it as ‘recommended’. Though this is a softer word than ‘commanded’ it still portrays the thought of God standing back and merely suggesting that His love was an option.

How delightful to get the word as it really appears in Scripture – “God commended His love towards us…” And if you revert to our devotion of the 8th you will grasp the personal involvement of God Himself in the offering of His love, and that in His declaration of our ‘acquittal’; [and no offence].

May 26th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[v9]: Our fifth word comes from verse 9 – “we shall be saved from wrath through Him.”

Paul’s usage of this fearsome word “wrath”is heightened and strengthened by the fact that it is used eighteen times in the New Testament, and of these, ten are found in the book of the Revelation. Paul himself uses the word on six occasions in Romans and thereby adjoins himself to the apostle John in his declaration of the severity of such a word.

Two words are generally used to convey ‘wrath’ or ‘anger’ in NT writings. The first would suggest a natural impulse, or desire, or disposition resulting in ‘anger’ – the strongest of all passions. However, the second, which is the word Paul uses here, is distinguished from the first in that it indicates a more


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agitated condition, something like an outburst, but is long-lasting in its nature.

It is primarily an inward feeling and reaches its zenith in Revelation where the Lord God is attributed with having a “fierceness” of wrath, which is what I believe Paul is alluding to in our devotion today.

It is from that astonishing retribution that chapter 5 of Romans centres around our ‘freedom from wrath’ and our being shielded through Jesus Christ from such eternal horror.

May 27th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[6]: Our sixth devotion in this mini series focuses on a crucial word found twice in verse 10 – “we were reconciled to God….. being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”

Another beautifully constructed word used by Paul here in Romans 5 – it speaks eloquently of persons who lives have been changed from ‘enmity’ to ‘friendship’, hence, “reconciled”.

With regard to this relationship between God and us this word shows that the primary reconciliation is what God accomplishes as He exercises grace towards sinful man on the ground of the death of Christ as our sacrifice as He endured the wrath which was due to our sin.


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Therefore it the exclusive work of God to construct the means of reconciliation. We were ‘enemies’, which not only expresses our hostile attitude to Him but signifies that until this change takes place, we remain under the condemnation of a holy God – exposed to God’s wrath.

And it is the death and resurrection of Christ whereby the means of the removal of this condemnation is achieved; and thus we receive this reconciliation – that is, we are “saved by His life.”

The ‘enmity’ is alone on our part. We needed to be reconciled to God, not God to us, and it is His Son’s sacrifice which His righteousness and mercy have provided, that makes reconciliation possible to us who have received it – we are ‘free’.

May 28th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[7]: An unusual word comes next in our devotions, namely “atonement” – found in verse 11 – “by Whom we have now received the atonement.”

This word “atonement” used in verse 11 has somewhat of a unique setting. For example, this is the only such reference in the whole of NT and many commentators argue that it should be interpreted as ‘reconciliation’ as used twice in the previous devotion of verse 10.

But since it is here in verse 11 it might well be profitable for us in this devotion today to look at its background. Since the word is not elsewhere found, it is however important to note it is also interpreted as ‘ransom’ in many other NT verses; that is, “the bearing of our sins in His own body on the tree”; “He


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was made a curse for us”; “He was delivered for our offences”; “He was manifested to take away our sins.” Such are the renderings of the variations in the use of the word translated “atonement” in our devotion.

In the OT the word is presented as “purging”; “cleansing”; “reconciling”; highlighting graphically the work done by our Lord in bringing us to a right and eternal relationship with His Father, where we are ‘free from wrath’.

May 29th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[8] We now reach our eighth word and it is found in verse 13 – “but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”

We have encountered this crucial word used by Paul in our April (chapter 4) devotions. There we ascertained that it had parallel words such as ‘count’ and ‘reckon’, all of which amply defines the word.

The principle of ‘charging to another’s account’ is applied here in chapter 5 that between Adam’s transgression and the issuing of the Law of God, sin was in the world and that sin caused death, but there was no actual and written commandments of God as to rights and wrongs by man.


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However, there was the law of conscience during that period when man could easily decipher the correctness of their actions and attitudes.

But the general concept of ‘imputation’ is that God operates His unique bookkeeping and draws the double completion line underneath all our sinful transactions by applying victoriously the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, to perfectly balance the ‘accounts’. His blood cleansing all the damage caused by our wrongdoings and offering us ‘freedom from wrath’.

What a truly remarkable acquittal process!

May 30th


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

[9]: Our penultimate word of clarification is found in verse 16 and 18 – “for the judgment was by one to condemnation…. judgment came upon all men to condemnation”

This is quite a remarkable word in that it is exclusive to Paul. The basic root word implies the sentence pronounced; a verdict; the decision resulting from an investigation.

But here in these two verses and also in chapter 8 and verse 1 – “There is therefore no condemnation to them that be in Christ Jesus” – an additional aspect is added to that basic word by the suggestion that there is a punishment to follow.


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So we can understand a little more fully how that the sin of Adam had within it the obnoxious connotation of impending judgment – wrath. What Adam did back then brought forth judgment, and that judgment had the effect of total infection in that all of us, since born, carried the judgment gene, because we carried the sin.

Yet when we reach verse 1 of chapter 8 we read with exhilarating delight that to those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, this gene has been wiped clean from us and the deadly threat of judgment has been eradicated eternally – we have ‘freedom from wrath’.

What a message contained within the real gospel, and furthermore, what an amazing ‘acquittal’ there is for all who trust. Is that your understanding and experience?

May 31st


THE FREEDOM OF GOD (part I) – freedom from wrath

Our final word in this little diversionary series is found three times in chapter 5 – verses 17, 18 and 19 – “the gift of righteousness; by the righteousness of one; by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” A brilliant and precious final word in our little series of devotions in this chapter for the month of May – “righteousness/righteous”. A word frequently in usage by the Lord Himself throughout the gospels; propagated by the apostles during their Acts; but prolific in its use by Paul.


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Its fundamental meaning being the old fashioned word “rightwiseness”. How cute is that, and how fully expressive in its rendition of the word. It is the character or quality of being ‘just’ or ‘right’.It speaks of God’s “righteousness” as wonderfully demonstrated in the death of Christ, which is sufficient to declare to men that God is neither indifferent to sin nor regards it lightly. On the contrary, it demonstrates that quality of holiness in Him which detests the odour of sin.But Paul’s massive usage of the word is to display the gracious gift of God to men whereby all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are brought into a right relationship with God and have ‘freedom from wrath’.A relationship which cannot be attained by obedience to any law, or observance of any religious observance, or any merit perceived by man himself – but is available to all who exercise faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.Now that is what I call being “acquitted”! All being another gift freely available under the terms of the real gospel.