L-AA588, Q-AA358, Dtd. 22.01.14

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  • 8/13/2019 L-AA588, Q-AA358, Dtd. 22.01.14.


    Corporate Office Works & After Sales402, Aurus Chambers, Annex A, EL 31/11, J Block,S. S. Amrutwar Marg, Worli, MIDC Bhosari,Mumbai 400 013, India. Pune 411 026, INDIA.Phone : +91-22-4344 4244 Phone : +91-20-6733 3999

    Fax : +91-22-4344 4242 FAX : +91-20-6733 3900E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified OrganisationWebsite : www.scopetnm.com Website : www.scopetnm.com

    Ref. No.: PSL/CSG/AA588 Date: 22/01/2014

    ToThe Divisional Engineer MRT/GLTS,Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd,220 KV SS premises,Mulug Road Sub Station,Warangal, A.P. 506 007M. No. 09440811083

    Sub : Repairing &Calibration of C.B. Time Interval Meter SCOT 3000 EHVC bearing Sr. No. 223H068

    Ref. Lr. No ADE/MRT/TL&SS/KHAMMAM/F.No/ D.No./13 Dt. /01/2014.

    Dear Sir,

    We are in the receipt of your letter towards subject cited work.

    As per your requirement, we are enclosing our offer for the repairing & calibration of subject citedinstruments your site and as well as at our Chennai office for your kind consideration.

    You may select the suitable option and release your formal work order at the earliest so that we cancarry out the calibration of subject instruments.

    Thanking you and assuring you our best services for all the time, we remain.

    Yours Faithfully,

    For SCOPE T&M Pvt. Ltd.

    Rahul A. UshireManager - Customer Supporte-mail. :- [email protected]. No. 09370151164

  • 8/13/2019 L-AA588, Q-AA358, Dtd. 22.01.14.


    Corporate Office Works & After Sales402, Aurus Chambers, Annex A, EL 31/11, J Block,S. S. Amrutwar Marg, Worli, MIDC Bhosari,Mumbai 400 013, India. Pune 411 026, INDIA.Phone : +91-22-4344 4244 Phone : +91-20-6733 3999

    Fax : +91-22-4344 4242 FAX : +91-20-6733 3900E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified OrganisationWebsite : www.scopetnm.com Website : www.scopetnm.com

    Q U O T A T I O N

    Ref.: Letter Qtn. No.: PSQ/CSG/AA358Date: 22.01.14 Date: 22/01/2014

    Customer : The Divisional Engineer MRT/GLTS,Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd,220 KV SS premises,Mulug Road Sub Station,Warangal, A.P. 506 007M. No. 09440811083

    Sr. No. Description Qty Price (```)

    01. Repairing &Calibration of C.B. Time Interval Meter SCOT3000 EHVC bearing Sr. No. 223H068 at your site.

    01 No.

    a. Per day charges of Service Engineer (@```` 6000/-) 01 Day 6,000=00b. Calibration charges of SCOT 3000EHVC (@```2000/-) 01 No. 2,000=00c. Repairing charges 01 No. At Actuald. Lodging & Boarding charges (@```1800/-) Per day. 01 Day 1,800=00


    01. Repairing &Calibration of C.B. Time Interval Meter SCOT3000 EHVC bearing Sr. No. 223H068 at our Chennai office.

    02 Nos.

    a. Calibration charges of SCOT 3000EHVC (@```2000/-) 01 No. 2,000=00b. Repairing charges 01 No. At Actual

    Note: 1) If Lodging & Boarding is provided by you, then the charges for the same will not beapplicable

    2) This charges does not include cost of repairs, if any occurred to be carried out at thetime of Calibration. It will be charged at actual.

    VAT RC. No. 411030S1663 wef 01.04.2006 C.S.T. RC.No.411030S1108 wef 01.04.2006VAT TIN No. 27410002778V wef 01.04.2006 CST TIN No. 27410002778C wef 01.04.2006OUR PAN No. AABCS 5002J S.T. R No. CE/Pune-736/STC STC No.AABCS5002J-ST - 001

    Consulting Engineers 1071077365 Commissioning and Installation 1071540384

    Maintenance & Repairs Service 1071530774 Technical Testing and Analysis 1071521127Business Auxiliary Services 1071550033 Goods Transport Agency 1071778752

    Commercial Terms & Conditions:1. Payment Terms 100% immediately after completion of work by DD payable at Pune.2. Service Tax Extra as applicable at the time of Invoicing. Present rate is @ 12.36%.3. CENVAT & CST Extra as applicable on replacement of assemblies, if required to be carried

    out at the time of repairs4. SD / EMD As we are the SSI Unit registered under NSIC hence not applicable.5. Freight &

    InsuranceTo your accounts at actual, for both ways.

    6. TransportationCharges

    To your accounts at actual, for both ways.

    7. Validity 3 Months.8. Subject to Pune Jurisdiction.

    For SCOPE T&M Pvt. Ltd.

    Authorised Signatory.