KRISHAK BHARATI COOPERATIVE LIMITED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Introduction: KRIBHCO is gearing up to take up higher challenges of growth and visibility in a competitive environment. Keeping in line with that aspiration many new systems and processes have been introduced to make our working environment more productive, transparent and growth oriented. Introduction of new Performance Management System for executive grade employees is one step in that direction. The online system has been developed after a consultative process with all departments, cross section of management at different levels and changes have been incorporated as per suggestion. Now we have fully customized Performance Management system for use of KRIBHCO executives. The user manual provides the instructions to be followed to use the PMS process more Effectively by KRIBHCO executives. LOG IN THE PMS The new KRIBHCO PMS has been developed in an online format for ease of access, analysis and use of the information for effective decision making. The corporate Website of KRIBHCO www.kribhco.net will have a link for the online new PMS. A click on the link will open the access page for PMS. There are four categories of users in this system given below 1) Appraise (Self). 2) Reporting Officer (Immediate Supervisor). 3) Reviewing Officer. 4) Accepting Officer. USER MANUAL 1


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Introduction: KRIBHCO is gearing up to take up higher challenges of growth and visibility in a competitive

environment. Keeping in line with that aspiration many new systems and processes have been

introduced to make our working environment more productive, transparent and growth

oriented. Introduction of new Performance Management System for executive grade employees

is one step in that direction. The online system has been developed after a consultative process

with all departments, cross section of management at different levels and changes have been

incorporated as per suggestion. Now we have fully customized Performance Management system

for use of KRIBHCO executives.

The user manual provides the instructions to be followed to use the PMS process more Effectively by KRIBHCO executives.

LOG IN THE PMS The new KRIBHCO PMS has been developed in an online format for ease of access, analysis and

use of the information for effective decision making. The corporate Website of KRIBHCO

www.kribhco.net will have a link for the online new PMS. A click on the link will open the access

page for PMS.

There are four categories of users in this system given below

1) Appraise (Self). 2) Reporting Officer (Immediate Supervisor). 3) Reviewing Officer. 4) Accepting Officer.



PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The access page of PMS will ask to select the category in which you want to enter the Online PMS. One can enter and use the online PMS as Appraise (Self), Reporting Officer

(Immediate Supervisor), Reviewing Officer and Accepting Officer. These options are available

to be selected from a dropdown List in the “Login As” field. Please select the appropriate category. Once you choose your category, you have to enter your Employee ID as username and The Password, which will be supplied, to you by the HR department. You can change the Password of your liking when you use it for the first time. You can change the password As many times as you want to ensure confidentiality. If you are the authorized user you will be allowed to login to the system. If there Is a message saying “Invalid username or password”, check whether you have entered Your correct username and password. If the problem persists contact your HR section For assistance. In case you forgot your password, the assistance for the same is provided in the link below logIin

field. In case you have trouble logging in the PMS system, you can contact your concerned HR

officer for the same.






The home page will have generalized information for the current

Performance management session.

The home page will have link for PMS guide line and to set individual Performance Plan. An indicative directory for writing the performance plan will be available for individual Departments to help the appraise in the irrespective functional areas.


The PMS format has four sections. Section – A = Guideline to fill the PMS Section – B = Core Responsibilities (CR) Section – Setting the Performance Plan Half-Yearly

Section – C = Self Appraisal by Appraise Section – D = Individual Contribution Area (ICA) Section – To be filled by Reporting Officer For rating and remarks.




PMS GUIDELINE The guide line to fill up the PMS Format can be accessed by clicking the “Guide line” link In the home page.

The guide line section auto-capture the essential employee information as per master

database. This also specifies the appraisal period. You can click “proceed” or

“Performance Plan” to set your performance plans.

In case of any inaccuracy in the personal information in the top panel, it should be

promptly reported to the HR section for correction. USER MANUAL 4



SETTING - UP PERFORMANCE PLAN The objective of this section is to record the plan or performance goal for the upcoming Six months time. This performance plan could be in line with departmental or team plan, Individual targets in the general work area, process improvement areas or new learning Or mentoring targets for individuals. The Performance Plan are also called as Key Result Areas

(KRAs) in many organisations. So sometime it is interchangeably used in the manual too. Time period to set-up Performance Plan in the CR Section-Half-Yearly.


Half-year-Apri-1-September 30


Half-Year-October-1-March 31

Joint Goal Setting Process:

Annual Appraisal Reports play a dominant role in determining the suitability of the employees for a particular role/responsibility. It has been observed that the targets and KRAs/KPI set are not being set in a realistic manner and also the targets are not well defined. The PMS has to be done in a more focused manner i.e. the KRIBHCO objectives should cascade down from top and should be reflected in Performance Plan of each officer depending on his/her area of work. Hence, for this purpose activities of each department/division are required to be aligned with the larger-scale objectives/business plan of KRIBHCO. Each officer while drawing his/her Performance Plan has to draw KRAs which focus on following key elements: Financial (financial, business growth related, strategic, etc.)

Customer (external and internal customers, suppliers, government bodies, other

stakeholders, etc.)

Internal Processes (compliance to policy, systemic improvements, reporting &

documentation, etc.)

Learning & Growth (subordinate development, self-development, etc.)

Keeping this in view Ernst & Young Private Limited has prepared the job descriptions for identified unique roles in KRIBHCO as per Balanced Scorecard to enable us to bridge the gap between strategy and actions. Job descriptions prepared by E & Y should cascade down from top to the officers working in the particular division in different functions covering details of the respective job objectives. Please make sure that all the above mentioned four Balanced Scorecard elements should have minimum eight KPI’s and no element should be left blank.

The individual performance plan has to be jointly set and agreed by the employee (Appraise) and

his/her reporting officer. The performance plan should be filled after the Performance Plan

meeting where the 6 months plan for individual employee is discussed and agreed. In the online

format, the employee submits the performance plan in the Core Responsibilities (CR) section and

they are finally recorded after being agreed by his/her reporting officer.

The employee and their Reporting Officer jointly can set any number of Performance plan as per his/her

work profile. There are two fields “Area of Work” and “Performance Plan” in this page. Area of Work

pertains to the different work area the employee manages in the organization. Performance plans

are the individual activity, target or goal in the particular work area. So there can be more than one

Performance Plan in one work area.

First the “Area of Work” field should be filled and then the corresponding Performance Plan and click “Save”. The process should be repeated for multiple entries. You can click On “View All” to see the entire performance plan saved so far. The Performance plan saved

can be viewed in the table below. This can be selected to edit or remove the performance

plan. For the evaluation purpose, each performance plan is rated separately, and the average of

all the rating is finally counted in the annual appraisal. Therefore, each of the performance

plans should be entered separately and more than one activities or performance goal should

not be clubbed together and entered in one field. Once you fill all your performance goals

for six months period, click “Final Submit” button for approval and ratification by the

Reporting Officer. Hint: Fill your performance plan in specific terms with only the key points. Avoid using Any description, ambiguous or unclear terms and expression while writing the Performance




Key elements to be covered in one sentence: The activity of performance - by what

periodicity or time limit –by what measure (Quality, Accuracy or Quantity etc.).

An indicative guideline or directory of Performance Plan for your department will be

available in your home page. Consultation with Reporting Officer:

Once the employee saves his/her performance plan, the RO can see them as per

authorization. Though, he will not be able to edit it, but the opportunity will be to discuss

with the employee and discuss the performance plan and suggest the required Correction or changes. This will promote mutual agreements in the proposed action plan.

After submission, the employee can see the approval status by his/her RO by clicking “Select

Status” drop down menu. This will show the status of the Performance Plan in three categories -

Not Reviewed, Agreed and Suggestion. In case of Suggestion in particular Performance Plan, if the employee click agree to The suggestion, this becomes a part of his performance plan.

Disagreement to Performance Plan:

The new performance management process provide sample opportunities to the team to

discuss the team goal for next six months and accordingly assign and allocate the individual

goal of performance to employees. This opportunity should be used to maximum to optimize

productivity, improve work systems and develop team culture in understanding and

belongingness to common team goal.

However, in case of disagreement between the employee and his/her RO which can be Captured by tracking the performance plan which is not agreed by both will be treated as

“Unresolved performance Plan”. A list of all such “unresolved performance plan” will be

prepared by HR and shared with the senior management/ department heads for resolution

of the same. Time Limit to Fill the Performance Plan:

Once the appraisal process starts in the organization, the time limit to complete the exercise will

be prominently displayed in the performance plan page, with is minder to complete. Keeping Record of the Performance plan:

The employee can download and save the performance plan at any stage (either at the Time of submission or after final approval by RO) for record and reference. The finally Approved performance plan will be available in the employee home page in PDF format For the use and reference of the individual employee.