A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Szociális Alap társfinanszírozásával valósult meg. A TISZK RENDSZER TOVÁBBFEJLESZTÉSE – PETRIK TISZK TÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ Idegen nyelv angol 9. évfolyam TANULÓI JEGYZET

kommUnikáció idegen nyelv angol - petrik.hu · 6 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM Bevezetés A következő feladatok célja, hogy segítségükkel: 1. beszélni

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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Szociális Alap társfinanszírozásával valósult meg.

A TISZK rendSZer TovábbfejleSZTéSe – PeTrIK TISZKTÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011


idegen nyelv angol9. évfolyamtAnUlói jEgyzEt

Idegen nyelv angol

9. évfolyam

Tanulói jegyzeT

kommunikáció • idegen nyelv angolTÁmoP-2.2.3-07/1-2f-2008-0011

a kiadvány a TÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 azonosító számú projekt keretében jelenik meg.

Szerző: Fáy Réka

Lektor: Bagóné Tóth Katalin

Borító és tipográfia: Új Magyarország Fejlesztési Terv Arculati kézikönyv alapján

A mű egésze vagy annak részletei – az üzletszerű felhasználás eseteit ide nem értve – oktatási és tudományos célra korlátozás nélkül, szabadon felhasználhatók.

A tananyagfejlesztés módszertani irányítása: Observans Kft. Budapest, 2009.Igazgató: Bertalan Tamás

Tördelés: Király és Társai Kkt. • Cégvezető: Király Ildikó

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BEvEZETéS ...........................................................................................................................................................6

UnIT 1. InTROdUCTIOn, PEOPLE And ThEIR EnvIROnMEnT ...............................................................8Topic 1. describing people .................................................................................................................................8

Exercise 1. Positive and negative qualities ....................................................................................................8Exercise 2. People’s outlook ..........................................................................................................................9Exercise 3. Meeting someone ........................................................................................................................9Exercise 4. describe someone .....................................................................................................................10

Topic 2. Teenagers in the world ........................................................................................................................ 11Exercise 1. Countries and people ................................................................................................................ 11Exercise 2. Life in another country ............................................................................................................. 11Exercise 3. Teenagers of hungary ...............................................................................................................12

Topic 3. Clothing ............................................................................................................................................... 13Exercise 1. Clothes ......................................................................................................................................13Exercise 2. Textiles and their rew materials ................................................................................................14Exercise 3. What do teenagers like wearing ................................................................................................14

Topic 4. Organic and fair trade clothing ........................................................................................................... 16Exercise 1. People and the environment ......................................................................................................16Exercise 2. Organic textiles .........................................................................................................................16Exercise 3. Young people about organic and fair trade clothes ...................................................................16Exercise 4. You about buying clother ..........................................................................................................18

Topic 5. A family reunion .................................................................................................................................20Exercise 1. Relatives ....................................................................................................................................20Exercise 2. A family reunion .......................................................................................................................20Exercise 3. do you know what a family reunion is? ...................................................................................20Exercise 4. My family reunion ....................................................................................................................21

Topic 6. Making an excursion ...........................................................................................................................23Exercise 1. do you like making excursions? Where/ do you usually go? Who do you usually go with?...23Exercise 2. A school excursion ....................................................................................................................23Exercise 3. Your own school trip .................................................................................................................23Exercise 4. Buying a ticket ..........................................................................................................................23

UnIT 2. OUR EnvIROnMEnT..........................................................................................................................26Topic 1. home, sweet home ..............................................................................................................................26

Exercise 1. Types of housing .......................................................................................................................26Exercise 2. Beverly hills – A nice place to live ..........................................................................................27Exercise 3. Parts of the house ......................................................................................................................28Exercise 4. describing a room .....................................................................................................................29

Topic 2. Furnishing a home .............................................................................................................................. 31Exercise 1. Types of furniture ......................................................................................................................31Exercise 2. Furniture, furnishing .................................................................................................................31Exercise 3. My room ...................................................................................................................................32

4 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

Topic 3. School ..................................................................................................................................................34Exercise 1. Our school I. .............................................................................................................................34Exercise 2. Our school II. ............................................................................................................................34Exercise 3. Schools in Britain ......................................................................................................................34Exercise 4. Our school III. ...........................................................................................................................35

Topic 4. My favourite subjects .......................................................................................................................... 36Exercise 1. School subjects I. ......................................................................................................................36Exercise 2. School subjects II. .....................................................................................................................36Exercise 3. My favourite subject .................................................................................................................33

Topic 5. Life in a city ........................................................................................................................................ 39Exercise 1. The city .....................................................................................................................................39Exercise 2. Cities of the world .....................................................................................................................39Exercise 3. A big city – Chicago ..................................................................................................................40Exercise 4. A big city – Budapest ................................................................................................................41

Topic 6. Life in a village ................................................................................................................................... 43Exercise 1. The villa ....................................................................................................................................43Exercise 2. Living in british village .............................................................................................................43Exercise 3. Tips for a foreigner moving to a hungarian village ..................................................................44

UnIT 3. EnvIROnMEnTAL PROTECTIOn ....................................................................................................46Topic 1. Let’s go green ......................................................................................................................................46

Exercise 1. green organisations ..................................................................................................................46Exercise 2. greenpeace ................................................................................................................................46Exercise 3. greenpeace actions ...................................................................................................................47

Topic 2. Saving the planet 1. .............................................................................................................................49Exercise 1. Environmental problems ...........................................................................................................49Exercise 2. Environmental expressions .......................................................................................................49Exercise 3. The most dangerous problem ....................................................................................................49Exercise 4. One of the problems: too much waste ......................................................................................50

Topic 3. Saving the planet 2 .............................................................................................................................. 51Exercise 1. Endangered species ...................................................................................................................51Exercise 2. Food chains I. ............................................................................................................................52Exercise 3. Food chains II. ..........................................................................................................................52Exercise 4. Altering the food chain .............................................................................................................54

Topic 4. Common signs and labels ...................................................................................................................54Exercise 1. Basic signs ................................................................................................................................56Exercise 2. green labels ..............................................................................................................................57Exercise 3. green labels and products .........................................................................................................59

Topic 5. A day in environmental protection ..................................................................................................... 59Exercise 1. going green ...............................................................................................................................59Exercise 2. The zero waste project ..............................................................................................................59Exercise 3. Our Zero Waste Project .............................................................................................................59STEP 1. Zero Waste – share the idea with others ........................................................................................59STEP 2. A Waste Audit ................................................................................................................................60STEP 3. Re-Use it if possible! .....................................................................................................................60

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STEP 4. Recycling comes next! ..................................................................................................................60STEP 5. Monitoring, keeping a record .......................................................................................................60

Topic 6. A green website ................................................................................................................................... 62Exercise 1. green organisations – revision ..................................................................................................62Exercise 2. A green website – search ...........................................................................................................62Exercise 3. A green website .........................................................................................................................62

vOCABULARY ....................................................................................................................................................64

6 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM


A következő feladatok célja, hogy segítségükkel:1. beszélni tudj emberekről, öltözködésükről, családodról, mindennapi tevékenységekről, és megismer-

kedj tizenévesek életével a nagyvilágban;2. ismerkedj meg a különböző lakás-típusokkal, szobákkal és berendezésükkel, a vidéki és a városi élet

sajátosságaival, valamint az angol iskolarendszerrel, és a különféle tantárgyakkal; 3. megismerd a főbb környeztvédelmi problémákat, az ezzel kapcsolatos szókincset és megtanulj tájéko-

zódni zöld szervezetek weboldalain.

Reméljük, hogy a tananyag használatával ezekről a témákról írni, beszélni is tudsz majd angolul, és egy projekfeladaton keresztül világossá válik számodra, hogy mi az, amit Te is megtehetsz a környezet védelmében.

CélA következő feladatok célja, hogy az alábbi témaköröket alaposan megismerd:1. rész Bemutatkozás, emberek és környezetük2. rész Közvetlen környezetünk3. rész világunk – környezetvédelmi alapok


1. részTudj angol nyelven a külső és belső tulajdonságokról beszélni, egy emberről leírást adni. Ismerd az –ehhez szükséges szókincset, a pozitív és negatív, külső-belső tulajdonságokét egyaránt.Ismerd meg egy idegen ország iskoláskorú fiataljának egy napját, és képes legyél magadról is be- –szélni.Képes legyél alapvető ruhadarabokat, színeket, anyagokat megnevezni és egy öltözetről leírást –adni.Ismerd meg az organikus, és méltányos kereskedelem szavak jelentését, ismerkedj meg a tudatos –vásárlói magatartásokkal.Képes legyél rokonok, családtagok megnevezésére, ismerd meg a ’family reunion’ kifejezést, és –képes legyél megszervezni egy saját családi összejövetelt.Képes legyél megtervezni egy közös iskolai kirándulást. –

2. részFel tudd sorolni a különféle lakástípusokat, szobákat, kifejezni saját vágyaidat a témával kapcso- –latban.Ismerkedj meg berendezési tárgyak, bútorok neveivel, formákkal, színekkel, anyagokkal. –Ismerkedj meg az iskolarendszerrel kapcsolatos kifejezésekkel, képes legyél véleményt alkotni az –iskola témakörében.Ismerkedj meg tantárgyaid angol neveivel, tudj leírást adni egy-egy tantárgyról. –Ismerj meg a városra, városi életkörülményekre utaló kifejezéseket, mellékneveket, legyél képes –összehasonlítások elvégzésére és kifejezésére.Ismerkej meg a falura, falusi, természet-közeli életkörülményekre utaló kifejezéseket, szavakat, –képes legyél pozitívumok és negatívumok összegyűjtésére.

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3. részIsmerd meg az alapvető környezetvédelmi problémákat, képes legyél azokat rangsorolni, ismer- –kedj meg egy zöld szervezet tevékenységével.Sajátíts el különböző környezetvédelmi kifejezéseket, és ismerkedj meg a szelektív hulladékgyűj- –tés fontosságával.Ismerd meg a táplálkozási lánc fogalmát, tudj beszélni arról, hogy mi történik, ha a láncszemek –valami miatt elmozdulnak.Ismerkedj meg a különféle környezetvédelmi és egyéb jelzésekkel, beszélni tudj azok jelentéseiről, –fontosságáról.Legyél képes egy környezetvédelmi kampányterv kidolgozására. –Ismerkedj meg egy környezetvédelmi szervezet angol nyelvű weboldalával, legyél képesek tájéko- –zódni rajta, és összefoglalni a weboldalon található információkat.


Ikon Jelentés

a fejezet célmeghatározása. Figyelmesen olvasd el, így megismered a fejezet fókusz-pontjait.

Az ikon fontos, jól megjegyzendő, megtanulandó ismereteket jelez.

az ikon mellett olyan gondolatébresztő, kérdéseket, felvetéseket, problémákat találsz, amelyek megválaszolásával elmélyülhetsz a témában.

az ikon a házi feladatot, otthoni munkát jelöli.

8 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

UnIT 1. InTrodUcTIon, PeoPle and TheIr envIronmenT

TopIC 1. DesCrIbIng people

In this unit, we will learn adjectives about people and how to give a description about someone.

eXerCIse 1. posITIVe AnD negATIV QUAlITIesWork in two groups. one group writes positive adjectives of human qualities, the other negative ones! Then share with each other to fill in this table.

positive qualities negative qualities

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eXerCIse 2. people’s oUTlooKFill in this chart with words describing people’s outlook. Use the following words:

tall, slim, fat, casual, skinny, pale, well-built, young, spiky, oval, elderly, middle-aged, teenager, short, in his/her 20s, 30s, 40s, wrinkled, medium/average height, sun-tanned, thin, bald, straight, round, curly, smart, wavy, elegant

Height build Age

Face Hair Clothing

eXerCIse 3. MeeTIng soMeoneThe following questions are missing from the conversation below. Can you put them in their places? Do you find something unusual about it?

a) And what’s he like?b) What does he like?c) OK. But what does he look like?

joe: hi john. Can you do something for me? Phil: Sure. joe: Could you pick my brother up from the central station tomorrow morning? I can’t go myself.

Phil: (1) .......................................................................joe: Well, he’s tall, well-built and has fair hair and blue eyes. he’s got a round face and he’s usually quite suntanned. he’s in his 40s.

Phil: (2) .......................................................................joe: Well he’s pretty easy-going with a good sense of humour. he is hard-working, self-confident and reliable.

Phil: Oh, Ok. And one other thing. Where should I take him? (3) .............................................................joe: Well, he loves cinema!Phil: Yeah Ok. We’ll go and watch a film, then. joe: Thanks, Phil. Oh, and wait. here is a photo of him. It will help.

10 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

eXerCIse 4. DesCrIbe soMeoneDescribe someone in the room. Talk about both the outlook and the personality. The others will find out who the person is. Write down new words.




describe yourself in fifteen sentences. Use the new words.


adjective melléknévbuild testalkatdescribe sb, sth leírást ad valakiről, valamirőldescription leíráseasy-going lazahuman qualities emberi tulajdonságokpick sb up elhoz valakitsense of humor humorérzékshare megosztani

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TopIC 2. TeenAgers In THe WorlD

In this unit, we will learn about life in other countries.

eXerCIse 1. CoUnTrIes AnD peopleWhat do you know about these countries and the people there? Can you name a famous person? A dish? The capital city? Anything else?

1. uSa

2. France

3. england

eXerCIse 2. lIFe In AnoTHer CoUnTrYread the text about a teenager’s day in a different country. Then answer the questions.

hi! My name is Robert and I live in Chicago, Illinois in the USA. The USA has the third largest population in the world and is the fourth largest country. It has 50 sections called states. The state I live in, Illinois, is located in the center part, or Midwestern section, of our country.

I am 14 years old. I have two brothers; their names are Michael, and Trevor. Michael is 7, Trevor is 12. My parents’ names are Tim and Allison jones.

My school is called Parkside high School. In the USA many students go to elementary school between the ages of 5-10, then middle school between the ages of 11-13, and then a four year high school, and last but not least, many people go to college or vocational school. Our school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:20 pm. We go to school on Mondays through Fridays and have the weekends off.

I usually get up at 7.45, get dressed, and have breakfast: cereal with milk and maybe some fruit. I usually walk to school. I leave home at 8 o’clock and get to the school at 8.15.

When I have cold lunch at school my mom usually packs me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with potato chips and sometimes she gives me a soda. Otherwise, you can buy a hot lunch from the school. After we eat our lunch, we go outside for recess.

I get home at about 4. We have dinner at 5.30. We usually eat some meat with vegetables, a pizza or spaghetti. After dinner I do my homework, watch Tv, take a shower and go to bed at about 9.30.

Source: http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0212302/america.html

1. Where does the jones family live? In what part of the USA?


2. What kind of school do Michael and Trevor go to?


12 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

3. Where do students have lunch?


4. does Robert listen to the radio in the evenings?


5. What does the jones family usually have for dinner?


eXerCIse 3. TeenAgers oF HUngArYnow talk about yourself and your home. Talk about the following topics:

1. Where do you live?2. What kind of school do you go to?3. Your daily routine4. What do tourists like in hungary/your town?

Write a similar text about you. Can you make it one page?

Think of how teenagers in other continents live. You can use this website: http://library.thinkquest.org


college főiskola, egyetemdesert sivataghigh school középiskola (US)jelly zselé lake tópant nadrágpeanut butter mogyoróvajrecess szünetsection szekció, részsoccer amerikai focisoda szénsavas üdítőstate államvocational school szakiskola

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TopIC 3. CloTHIng

eXerCIse 1. CloTHesDo you know these clothes? Write their names next to the pictures. Use these words:

blazer, swimsuit, jacket, jeans, sleeveless shirt, coat, leotard, skirt, dress, long-sleeved shirt, socks, sweater, hoodie, T-shirt, sunglasses

............................................... ...............................................

............................................... ...............................................

............................................... ...............................................

............................................... ...............................................

............................................... ...............................................

............................................... ...............................................

............................................... ...............................................


14 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

eXerCIse 2. TeXTIles AnD THeIr rAW MATerIAlsDo you know the materials your clothes are made of? read this text and then fill in this table.

Animal textiles are commonly made from hair or fur.Wool means the hair of the domestic goat or sheep. Wool is often used for warm clothing. Silk is an animal textile made from the fibres of the cocoon of the Chinese silkworm.

Plant textiles: cotton, flax, and even bamboo fibre are all used in clothing. The textiles made from them are called linen or denim.Organic cotton is produced without harming the environment and is allergy free. There are different types of synthetic textiles as well.

natural textiles What’s it made of?

eXerCIse 3. WHAT Do TeenAgers lIKe WeArIng?Fill in this chart. Use the words from exercise 1. Then talk about what you like wearing.

Types of clothes Colours Textilesspecial occasions

In hot weather

In cold weather

Write down what you are wearing.

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acrylic akrilblend kever, vegyülcashmere kasmírcocoon selyemgubódenim vászonszövetdomestic házienvironment környezetfibre rost, szálflax lenfur bunda, szőrgoat kecskehair haj, szőrharm károsítknown for sth ismert valamirőlleotard balett-trikólinen vászonnylon nejlonorganic organikus, biopolyester poliészterreplace helyettesítrope kötélsheep birkasilk selyemsilkworm selyemhernyósoftness puhaságsuch as mint példáultweed, woolen gyapjúszövetvelvet bársonywool gyapjú

16 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

TopIC 4. orgAnIC AnD FAIr TrADe CloTHIng

eXerCIse 1. people AnD THe enVIronMenTDo you ever think of the environment when you buy clothes? Do you know how growing cotton harms the environment?

eXerCIse 2. orgAnIC TeXTIles Do you remember what the word ‘organic’ means?read the text. Then fill in the gaps. Use these words:

uses, harmful, entirely, type, fields, without

Soft and comfortable, it is used for almost every (1) ................................... of clothing. Socks, shirts,

sweaters, dresses, jackets, sleepwear, sportswear and more - all begin in lush green (2) ...............................

of cotton. Traditional cotton farming is (3) ................................... for the environment. It (4) ..........................

chemicals called fertilizers and pesticides for better yield.

however, organic farms produce cotton (5) ................................... the use of these. They use only natural fertilizers, such as compost and natural pest control, such as ladybugs which destroy harmful insects. Organic cotton clothing is now available in many stores and online businesses often through fair trade.

Fair trade is an (6) ................................... different kind of business, where the purpose is not profit, but to help people in the world’s poorest communities escape poverty and promote sustainability.

eXerCIse 3. YoUng people AboUT orgAnIC AnD FAIr TrADe CloTHesread the following interview. Then answer the questions.

Andrea and SamQ. When you buy clothes do you think about the environmental impact?Andrea: I like to buy good quality clothes, but not too expensive. A lot of the people who make clothes

aren’t treated well. I prefer buying clothes from companies where owners pay and treat workers well.

Sam: I don’t really shop for clothes, most of my clothes are just things that I see in markets that look interesting and I don’t really know where they come from.

Q. Do you think about the people who make the clothes? Do you worry that kids of your age are making clothes 12-14 hours a day?Andrea: Yes that’s why I like to get good quality clothes, not from Primark for example. I worry that the

kids aren’t getting any education.Sam: I’ve heard that Primark are particularly bad with child labour and stuff but I shop pretty much

anywhere else.

Q. How do you decide what you wear? How would you describe your style? Do you buy recycled clothes? swap clothes with friends.Andrea: I like to swap clothes with friends, I just wear what I think is nice. I like clothes which are


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Sam: I don’t have a particular style, nor do I have a very good fashion sense because I don’t buy a lot of clothes!

1. What kind of clothes do Andrea and Sam like?




2. do they care about the environment when they buy clothes?




3. What is Primark? What do you think? Why don’t they like it?




4. What style does Andrea and Sam like?




5. When you buy clothes do you think about the environment?




18 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

6. do you think about the people who make the clothes? do you worry that kids of your age are making clothes 12-14 hours a day?




7. how do you decide what you wear? how would/could you describe your style? do you buy second-hand clothes? do you swap clothes with friends?



.....................................................................................................................................................................Source: http://www.peopletree.co.uk

eXerCIse 4. YoU AboUT bUYIng CloTHesnow interview each other. Ask similar questions.

Write down the interview.

Find more information on fair trade on the Internet.

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available kapható, elérhetőcompost komposztcontrol ellenőrzés, irányításdestroy elpusztítfertilizer (növényvédő szer), trágya - műtrágyafield mezőimpact hatásinsect rovarlabour munkaladybug katicabogárlush dús, bujanatural természetesparticularly különösenpesticide rovarirtó szerquality minőségstylish stílusosswap kicseréltreat (somebody somehow) bánik (valakivel valahogy)use használ (ige), használat (főnév)worry aggódikyield termés, hozam

20 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

TopIC 5. A FAMIlY reUnIon

eXerCIse 1. relATIVesWrite down as many names of relatives as you can. explain who is who.

name of relativeexplanation

eXerCIse 2. A FAMIlY reUnIonWhen do you usually meet your extended family? What do you do when you meet them?






eXerCIse 3. Do YoU KnoW WHAT A FAMIlY reUnIon Is? here is an explanation:

A family reunion is an occasion when many members of an extended family get together. Sometimes reunions are held regularly, for example on the same date of every year.A typical family reunion brings together grandparents, great-grandparents, their children, first, second or third cousins, etc, together for a meal, some recreation and discussion. Traditional family reunion activities include an afternoon lunch or early evening dinner and program featuring music, song, poetry reading, history recitals, storytelling, games and maybe some sport activities.

Source: www.wikipedia.com

Answer the questions:1. When and why does your family meet?




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2. What activities are there?




eXerCIse 4. MY FAMIlY reUnIonorganise a family reunion. Decide the following and fill in the table:




........................................................................................................................Who to invite:


........................................................................................................................How to get people’s address: ........................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................How to invite them:




........................................................................................................................What to eat:


........................................................................................................................Who brings the food/drinks: ........................................................................................................................


22 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

Write down your family reunion plan in details.


extended family tágabb családin details részleteseninclude magába foglalmember tagoccasion alkalomrecreation pihenés, felüdülés

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TopIC 6. MAKIng An eXCUrsIon

eXCerCIse 1. Do you like making excursions? Where/ do you usually go? Who do you usually go with?



eXerCIse 2. A sCHool eXCUrsIonread the program of a school excursion from ‘Crusions’.Then complete this table about it.


Enjoy the feeling of being miles away from everything. A paddle up Patonga Creek is a trip full of history, birdlife and beautiful scenery.We paddle through the untouched Brisbane Water national Park past sandbanks with crabs, past sea eagles and to places where we can see azure kingfishers and numerous forest birds. It is truly peaceful.InCLUdES - Morning tea, kayak and safety equipment, guide, national Park feesTIME - 3 hoursMore information:We are more than happy to meet with you to discuss your requirements, so that we come up with something that not only satisfies school needs, but will provide the students with a quality outdoor experience that they will long remember.

Source: http//www.cursions.com

yes no Maybe




natural experience

Sports activity

Meals included


Possible in rainy weather

no special equipment is needed

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eXerCIse 3. YoUr oWn sCHool TrIp now plan your next excursion with the class. Decide where to go, what to do, how to travel and what to eat. Then tell the others.



how many days?


What to do, what places to visit?


how to travel?


What/where to eat?


eXerCIse 4. bUYIng A TICKeTnow go to the station and buy tickets for the entire class. Use these expressions:


I would like to/ can I get information about…

Can I have …..

Can you tell me….

Is there any price reduction for….


Yes, certainly/sure.

I’d recommend you to…

Let me see….

Write down the plan.

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crab tarisznyarákfee belépőfull of valamivel teliguide idegenvezetőkingfisher jégmadárnational park nemzeti parknumerous számospast túl valaminsafety equipment biztonsági felszereléssandbank homokos partscenery látvány, tájsea eagle tengeri saspaddle evezuntouched érintetlen

26 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

UnIT 2. oUr envIronmenT

TopIC 1. HoMe, sWeeT HoMe

eXerCIse 1. TYpes oF HoUsIngDo yo know the names of different houses? Write the names below the picture.

................................................................................. .................................................................................

................................................................................. .................................................................................

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.................................................................................Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos

eXerCIse 2. beVerlY HIlls – A nICe plACe To lIVelisten to a presentation about a wealthy area of California: Hollywood-beverly Hills, the home of celebrities and rich people. Then answer the questions.

beVerlY HIllsBeverly hills is, above all, a small town for the wealthy. Its area is less than six square miles, and it is a neighborhood of homes and shops. The city has churches, restaurants, boutiques, but no industry, hospitals or cemeteries. no one is born or dies in Beverly hills.

Beverly hills is a place for the fortunate to live in comfort. Many of its inhabitants are celebrities. On the city’s tree-lined streets, you’ll see more expensive cars than anywhere else on earth. Even the fireplugs in Beverly hills are painted a gleaming silver.

If you start walking around the residential areas of the city on foot, you’ll probably be stopped by a Beverly hills policeman, who will check your Id, and generally make you feel as if you are intruding.

In 1868 a dentist bought this area for less than 3 dollars an acre. Of course, back then it was a swamp. nowadays you can find some of the most expensive houses of the world and only celebs there.

Source: http://www.seeing-stars.com/Live/Beverlyhills.shtml

1. What buildings can and can not we find in Beverly hills?


2. What can’t we find there? Why?


3. What kind of cars are there?


4. What was this area before, in the 19th century?


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eXerCIse 3. pArTs oF THe HoUseDo you know the different names of rooms in english? Write them down.

................................................................................. .................................................................................

................................................................................. .................................................................................

.................................................................................Source: http://www.theludlownyc.com/images/livingroom/LivingRoom1.jpg

Source: http://www.decorating-country-home.com/Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26861189@n08/2510421431/

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eXerCIse 4. DesCrIbIng A rooMChoose one of the rooms you like and describe it. say why you like it.

Use the following adjectives: Spacious, modern, traditional, harmonic, warm, friendly, bright, wooden

Write down where you live. do you like where you live? Why/why not? If you want you can use expressions like: I’d prefer to, I’d like X better, I’d like to…


condominium társasházblock of flats, apartment estate lakótelepsemi-detached house ikerházsingle family house családi házterraced house, row house sorháztownhouse bérház

A word list for the presenation

acre földterületarea területboutique kis, gyakran drága üzletcelebrity hírességcemetery temetőcomfort kényelemfireplug tűzcsapfurther továbbgleaming csillogó, ragyogóId személyi igazolványindustry iparinhabitant lakóironically vicces, irónikus, hogy…mansion ház, kúrianeighborhood szomszédságresidential area lakóövezetspectacular láványossquare mile négyzetmérföldswamp mocsár, láptitle cím

30 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

intrude betolakodiktree-lined fasorok által övezettwealthy vagyonos

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TopIC 2. FUrnIsHIng A HoMe

eXerCIse 1. TYpes oF FUrnITUrelook at the pictures below. Which pieces of furniture do you like most? Can you say why? Do you know its name?

........................................................... ......................................................... ..........................................................

.......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................

.......................................................... ...........................................................Source: http://www.furniturefind.com

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vintage_pleasure/2341110010/

eXerCIse 2. FUrnITUre, FUrnIsHIngread this text with tips about furnishing. According to the tips, draw a plan of a living room. Write the names, material and colours of the pieces of furniture you would like to place in the room.

Furniture is often a form of decorative art but it has a functional role as well. domestic furniture tries to create comfortable spaces. Furniture can be made from many materials, including metal, plastic, wood and glass.Choosing the right furniture is as essential as oxygen is for our body. After choosing, placing the furniture in a proper way is also important. here are some tips about furnishing you home:

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1. You should not line your furniture up against the wall. Your room will look smaller by this kind of arrangement.

2. It is also important to choose curtains which match the colour of the furniture. 3. Carpets should be darker than the walls.4. There should be enough free space for the daily activities, for e.g. walking. Else, the room will appear

like a furniture shop.5. You can use plants or trees to provide a kind of natural beauty to the atmosphere of the room. It will

also fill in the empty spaces.6. Some interesting paintings or posters can bring a style to your room.

Source: http://freshome.com/tag/living-room/page/2/Make your plan here.

window door window





eXerCIse 3. MY rooMThink of your room. What is your favourite piece of furniture there? Describe its shape, colour, material and its function. Your partner will find out what it is. Take turns.

Write a description about your room. Use names of colours and materials.

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armoire szekrényarrangement elrendezésatmosphere hangulatbookcase könyvszekrénycarpet szőnyegcomfortable kényelmesconsider figyelembe veszconvenient kényelmes, alkalmas, megfelelőcreate létrehozcurtain függönydesign tervezés, dizájndesk íróasztaldining table étkezőasztalempty üresessential alapvető fontosságúfill megtöltfunctional funkcionálisglass üvegin a proper way megfelelő módonincluding beleértve, benne foglalva interior belsőline sg up against sth felállít valamit valami mellettmatch passzolmetal fémnatural beauty természetes szépségplastic műanyagprovide ellát, gondoskodik, nyújtsofa, couch kanapéspace tértip ötlet, tippwood fa

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TopIC 3. sCHool

eXerCIse 1. oUr sCHool I.Do you like your school? Discuss in groups. Think of the following:a) the buildingb) the school yardc) your classd) your teachers

eXerCIse 2. oUr sCHool II.a) do you know the official English name of your school? Write it down.



b) What kind of school is your school? Circle the right answer. 1. secondary grammar school2. elementary school3. vocational school4. college

eXerCIse 3. sCHools In brITAIn listen to your teacher. Then write down what you know about the following school types:

1. state schools




2. private schools




3. primary school




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4. secondary school(11 – 16 year olds)




eXerCIse 4. oUr sCHool III.Discuss these question:

1. What time would you like school to start? Why?



2. What kind/how long breaks would you like to have?



Write down your opinion about your school. Include thoughts from the first and last exercises.


advanced haladócomprehensive school általános középiskolacompulsory kötelezőeducation oktatás, nevelésentry felvételexam(ination) vizsgaprimary school, elementary school általános iskolaprivate school magániskolapupil kisiskolásschool yard iskolaudvarsecondary grammar school gimnáziumsecondary school középiskolastate school állami iskola

36 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

TopIC 4. MY FAVoUrITe sUbJeCTs

eXerCIse 1. school subjects I.Do you know the names of all of the subjects? read the definitions and find out which one is which.

music, biology, physics, chemistry, physical education, geography, mathematics, art, history

1. The subject about drawing, painting, and sculpture is called ................................................................

2. The subject which includes equations, fractions, and addition is ..........................................................

3. The study of the periodic table, gasses and liquids is called .................................................................

4. The study of motion, mechanics and energy is part of ..........................................................................

5. The study of composers and musical notes is all included in .................................................................

6. The subject of what has happened to the cultures and countries of the world is ...................................

7. The natural world and the study of life and plant forms is called .........................................................

8. Running, playing tennis, and other sports are part of ...........................................................................

9. The study of land forms and population growths are included in .........................................................

eXerCIse 2. sCHool sUbJeCTs II.Your teacher will talk about school subjects, grading and tests. listen and answer the questions.

1. Is there a subject taught in Britain that you don’t have?




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2. When do students have to take tests in Britain?




3. What kind of grades can students get? Is it similar to hungarian grades?




4. Study the school report. What were her best subjects?




5. Compare this school report to your last school report. What differences are there?




eXerCIse 3. MY FAVoUrITe sUbJeCTThink of your favourite subject. explain what it is about and why you like it. The others will have to find out which subject it is.

Write a composition about your school or a typical school day. here is a useful website: www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk

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addition összeadáscertificate bizonyítványdrawing rajzenergy energiaequation egyenlőségfraction törtgas gázgrowth növekedésliquid folyadékmechanics mechanikamotion mozgásmusical note hangjegynational curriculum nemzeti alaptantervperiodic table periódusos rendszerpopulation népességsculpture szobrászat

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TopIC 5. lIFe In A CITY

eXerCIse 1. THe CITYIn groups, find positive and negative adjectives and facts that describe a city.

positive things negative things

eXerCIse 2 CITIes oF THe WorlDDo you know these cities? Write their names beneath.Which adjectives or facts from the previous exercise could you use to describe each?

Source: http://api.ning.com


Source: www.google.com


40 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

Source: www.wikipedia.com


Source: www.discoverfrance.com


eXerCIse 3. A bIg CITY – CHICAgoread about a big city, then answer the questions.Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the United States and the largest city in the U.S. state of Illinois. With more than 2.8 million people, you can find it on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan.

Chicago was founded in 1833. The city became a major transportation and telecommunications hub in north America with its O’hare International Airport which is the second busiest airport in the world. Chicago is a centre (stronghold) of the democratic Party, and there are a few influential politicians, for example the current President of the United States, Barack Obama.

In 2007 32.8 million domestic, and about 1.15 million foreign tourists visited the city.Chicago has numerous nicknames, the best known are: „Chi-town”; „Second City” and „City of Big

Shoulders”, the last one refers to its numerous skyscrapers.

1. how big is Chicago?


2. Where is it?


3. What do you know about its airport?


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4. What do you know about the political life in Chicago?


5. how many visitors were there in 2007?


6. What does ‘Big Shoulders’ mean?


eXerCIse 4. A bIg CITY – bUDApesTnow talk about budapest. You can take notes.

1. Where?




2. how many inhabitants?




3. Famous sights?




Write down your presentation about Budapest.

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domestic hazai, belföldihub csomópont, központinhabitant lakosshore partstronghold erődítmény, erősségtransportation közlekedés

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TopIC 6. lIFe In A VIllAge

eXerCIse 1. THe VIllAgeIn groups, find positive and negative adjectives and facts that describe a village.

positive things negative things

eXerCIse 2. lIVIng In A brITIsH VIllAgeread the text below about foreign people living in the british countryside. Then answer the questions.

Country living: life in an english village80% of British people would like to live in the coutryside. English village communities are usually small. They are, however warm and usually welcoming. The local post office or shop is the communication hub of every village. The village pub offers an opportunity for new arrivals to get to know local people and culture. But the heart of many rural communities remains a - usually historic - village church.

Fitting into village lifeA celebrated radio presenter in Shanghai, Maggie Zhang spoke about her experiences. She and her Scottish husband moved to a village near York shortly after their marriage. Five years later they are still in the same village. now they have two children.

“village life is wonderful for the kids,” says Maggie. “The people living here are nice and friendly. Shanghai is all about money, money, money. here it is more relaxed and you can’t tell who has money and who hasn’t.”

For Maggie it is easy to get to know local people. The post office is the main place of contact and neighbours often greet her in the street.

“English people don’t ask direct questions, unlike Chinese.” For those foreigners who lived in a city, living in an English village is a challenge. For instance, there

aren’t so many facilities as in a city and transport links aren’t so well-developed. It can also be harder to find people with the same interests.

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Top tips for surviving in an english villageImprove your language skills. –Try to be part of the community. –Listen to the radio and read the news to help you start conversations. –Encourage your children to make local friends. –Try to visit different places at weekends. –Sometime visit large cities, like London to experience something different. –Learn about gardening! English village communities love their gardens, so if you have a nice –garden it will be a good talking point!

Source: http://www.expatica.co.uk

1. Where would most British people like to live?



2. how would you describe British village communities?



3. Where would you go to know more about the village?



4. What is the difference between English and Chinese people?



5. What problems are there with village life?



eXerCIse 3. TIps For A ForeIgner MoVIng To A HUngArIAn VIllAgenow it’s your turn to give tips to a foreigner who wants to move to a Hungarian village. Think of the following:

Society: how to make friends/meet people, how to make friends with your neighbours Entertainment, freetime activities: how not to be bored, where to goShopping: where/how to do shopping

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Compare city life to village life. Use the expressions from the first exercise.


community (lakó)közösségencourage bátorítevent esemény, rendezvényforeigner külföldilocal helyimake friends with sb összebarátkozni valakivelpraise dícsér

46 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

UnIT 3. envIronmenTal ProTecTIon

TopIC 1. leT’s go green

eXerCIse 1. green orgAnIsATIonsCan you name a few environmental organisations? Do you know what they do?





eXerCIse 2. greenpeACe

read about greenpeace. Then answer the questions.Welcome to greenpeace InternationalIt needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.greenpeace is a global organisation that wants to change our behaviour and to protect and conserve the environment. Some of its most important roles are:

to fight global warming, the biggest environmental problem at the moment. –to defend our oceans, create a global network of marine reserves and to stop overfishing. –to protect the world’s rainforests: the animals, the plants and the people that depend on them. (The –rainforests provide them a place to live and food to eat.)

greenpeace is a non-violent, politically independent international organisation.Source: www.greenpeace.org

1. What does greenpeace want to change?


2. how does it want to change things?


3. What is the biggest environmental problem?


4. how does it try to protect the oceans?


5. Protecting the rainforests does not only mean protecting animals and plants. Why else is it important?


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eXerCIse 3. greenpeACe ACTIonsTake a look at this picture. say what you see on it and what greenpeace action it is connected to.

Source: http://www.greenpeace.org

gather information about climate change and write it down.

Check the website of greenpeace at: www.greanpeace.org

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behaviour viselkedéscatalyse katalizálchallenge kihív, felhív, állásfoglalásra késztetclimate change klímaváltozásdepend on függ valamitőlindependent függetlennon-violent erőszakmentességpromote előmozdít, támogatprotect megvédrainforest esőerdőreserve rezervátumsolution megoldásthreat veszély

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TopIC 2. sAVIng THe plAneT 1

eXerCIse 1. enVIronMenTAl probleMs1. do you remember environmental problems? What does greenpeace deal with?




2. Are there any others that you know?


eXerCIse 2. enVIronMenTAl eXpressIonsMatch the definitions with the following environmental problems:

deforestation, climate change, the food chain, waste, air pollution, greenhouse effect

The “eating” relationships between species within a particular living place.

Too much CO2 in the atmosphere and greenhouse effect cause this change in world temperatures which has many other environmental effects.This effect makes the planet warmer. greenhouse gases cause it; Scientists believe we use large amounts of fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide when they are burned.The cutting down of natural forests.

Unwanted or unusable material.

Unwanted material in the air that causes a lot of environmental problems.

eXerCIse 3. THe MosT DAngeroUs probleMWhich is the biggest environmental problem? Why?




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eXerCIse 4. one oF THe probleMs: Too MUCH WAsTeEuropean society produces more and more rubbish. Each year in the European Union we throw away 1.3 billion tonnes of waste - some 40 million tonnes of it hazardous. This means about 3.5 tonnes of waste for every man, woman and child. Furthermore there are 700 million tonnes of agricultural waste, and it is a serious problem to treat this material.

Source: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/index.htm

Think of possible ideas to lessen the amount of waste. Write down your ideas.




Write down your ideas.


agricultural mezőgazdaságideforestation erdőírtásengine motorfossil fuel fosszilis üzemanyag (benzin, dízel, kerozin, stb) furthermore továbbáhazardous veszélyeslessen csökkentparticular egy bizonyospetrol benzinrelationship kapcsolatrubbish szemétselective waste collection szelektív hulladékgyűjtésspecies fajoktreat kezel

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TopIC 3. sAVIng THe plAneT 2

eXerCIse 1. enDAngereD speCIesThese animals are all endangered. Write their names below the pictures. Choose from this list:

dolphin, shark, whale, seagull, albatross, polar bear, ape, orangutan, chimpanzee, rhino, elephant, tiger, wolf

............................. .............................

............................. .............................

............................. .............................

.............................Source: http://www.flickr.com

52 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

eXerCIse 2. FooD CHAIns I.read this text about what a food chain is. Fill in the gaps with these words:

bees, balanced, deer, lions, energy, depends

Every plant and animal species, (1) ....................................... on another plant or animal species for its

survival. It could be (2) ............................................ taking pollen from a flower, photosynthesis of plants,

(3) ....................................... eating leaves or (4) ....................................... eating the deer.

A food chain shows how (5) ....................................... is transferred from one living organism to another

via food. It is important for us to understand how the food chain works so that we know how the ecology

is (6) ........................................

eXerCIse 3. FooD CHAIns II.explain what happens in this food chain.

Source: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/foodchain/foodchain2.htm

eXerCIse 4. AlTerIng THe FooD CHAInImagine we remove an element. What happens to the food chain? Why does this usually happen? Think of different environmental problems and its effects on the food chain.

Find information about oil tankers on the Internet. Write down what you have found.

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ape emberszabású majombee méhchimpanzee csimpánzendangered veszélyeztetettenergy energiagrasshopper szöcskehawk héjais balanced egyensúlyban vanorganism organizmusphotosynthesis fotoszintézisrhino rinocéroszshark cápasnake kígyósurvival túlélés, életben maradástoad varangytransfer átvisz, átszállítwhale bálna

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TopIC 4. CoMMon sIgns AnD lAbels

eXerCIse 1 bAsIC sIgnsMatch the labels with the words. Then fill in the table to explain what they mean and where/why you can find them. The first one has been done for you. When you finish, explain it with your own words.

no smoking, swine flu, no entry, poisonous substance, don’t leave your luggage, disabled symbol, fire exit

sign Meaning Where is it used? What is it used for?

























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eXerCIse 2. green lAbelsDo you know what green- or eco-labels are? What are they used for?




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eXerCIse 3. green lAbels AnD proDUCTsstudy these eco-labels. Then match them with their meanings.

Choose Cruelty Free (CCF): products that have not been tested on animals.

It helps people in developing countries to get enough money for their work and to lessen their working hours.

The Green Dot means the company pays for packaging recovery.

Do not throw away (only to special containers).

It helps energy efficient products and practices.

Can be recycled.

Source: www.direct.gov.uk

58 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

Find 5 more environmental or green signs. draw a picture of them and write down their meaning.


be allowed megengedettbe forbidden tiltottcomply with betart, teljesítcruelty kegyetlenségdeveloping fejlődődevelopment fejlődésdisabled mozgáskorlátozottenable lehetővé teszforestry erdőgazdálkodáspublic place közterület, közhelysustainable fenntarthatósustainability fenntarthatóságswine flu sertésinfluenzaterrorist attack terrortámadáswaste recovery hulladékkezelés

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TopIC 5. A DAY In enVIronMenTAl proTeCTIon

eXerCIse 1. goIng green

discuss these questions:

1. Are there any possibilities to recycle in your school? do you recycle?

2. have there ever been any green programs in your school?

eXerCIse 2. THe Zero WAsTe proJeCT We will organise a ’Zero Waste’ project in our school. It already exists in many schools and we only have to follow the guidelines to work out our school project. Read the introduction first. Summarize it in two sentences.



IntroductionZero is bad, right? Well, maybe for a test score, or if it’s your bank account, but for the environment, zero can be great. We’re talking about zero waste. Zero waste means creating no garbage. What a nice idea. A dream? not really. Once upon a time, humans did not create any waste. nature makes no waste; waste is a human invention.

If you recycle, it means that your waste turns to a kind of material that the industry can use, so it is not waste any more! That’s why we should recycle.

Source: http://www3.sympatico.ca/dsloly/zerowaste/index.html

eXerCIse 3. oUr Zero WAsTe proJeCTnow follow the steps of the project. List your ideas for each step.

sTep 1. Zero Waste - share the idea with others First you need to understand what Zero Waste is about, and then spread the word among your friends, your class, and your school.

Remember the importance of Zero Waste is reduce, re-use, and recycle to minimise waste! You want to minimise the waste that your school is sending to the landfill where it can continue to pollute the environment for hundreds of years.

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What we will/can do .....................................................................................................................





sTep 2. A Waste Audit What is a Waste Audit you ask!? Well, it’s when the school (or a class) collects all the waste - maybe after a lunch-time or at the end of a whole day - and looks at it to see what is actually there. It is to determine the quantity and composition of your waste.

With the help of a Waste Audit you will be able to decide exactly what you have to reduce and how. It will also help to track improvements in your school’s waste reduction programme and determine future plans.

sTep 3. re-Use it if possible!Encourage your school to reuse paper (e.g. books, exercise books, etc.).

What we will do .....................................................................................................................



sTep 4 - recycling comes next!

What we will do: .....................................................................................................................



step 5 – Monitoring, keeping a recordYour school will need to monitor the progress of your project. You have to see what is happening and also if you can reach your targets.Your school needs to keep good historical records of the project.

What we will do: .....................................................................................................................


.....................................................................................................................Source: www.zerowaste.co.nz/default,schools.sm

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Finish or write down your Zero Waste Project.


amount mennyiségaudit vizsgálatcompetition versenycomposition összetételdetermine meghatározessence alap, lényeggarbage szemétimportance fontosságimprovement fejlődésinstall elhelyezkeep a record of sth dokumentál v.mitlandfill szeméttelepminimise minimalizálmonitor nyomon követ, rendszeresen ellenőrizposter plakát, poszterpreserve megőrizpromote reklámozquantity mennyiségreach a target elér egy céltrecycle bin szelektív konténerreduce csökkentscreening filmvetítésspread the word elterjeszt (hírt)track nyomon követwaste hulladékwork out kidolgoz

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TopIC 6. A green WebsITe

eXerCIse 1. green orgAnIsATIons – reVIsIonDo you remember the green organisations from Topic 1?Which one did we learn about in details? What do you remember about it?

eXerCIse 2. A green WebsITe - seArCHWork in pairs/groups. spend some minutes checking these websites www.wwf.org, www.climatechange.com, www.recyclenow.com, http://notstupid.org. Choose one. Tell the others why you chose it.

We chose this website:




This is why we chose it:




eXerCIse 3. A green websitestudy the website you chose. get information to answer the following questions.

1. What is the main purpose of the website?




2. Summarize its main environmental topic/message. If there are more than one, give a list of them.




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3. Was there anything interactive on the page? If so, what? have you tried it?




4. did you learn anything new? If so, what?




5. What is your general opinion of the website? Was it useful? Was it interesting? Why?




6. Will you visit it again?




Write a one-page summary of your website.

Your own vocabulary

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adjective melléknévacre földterületacrylic akriladdition összeadásadvanced haladóagricultural mezőgazdaságiamount mennyiségape emberszabású majomarea területarmoire szekrényarrangement elrendezésatmosphere hangulataudit vizsgálatavailable kapható, elérhetőbe allowed megengedettbe forbidden tiltottbee méhbehaviour viselkedésblend kever, vegyülblock of flats, apartment estate lakótelepbookcase könyvszekrényboutiques kis, gyakran drága üzletbuild testalkatcarpet szőnyegcashmere kasmírcatalyse katalizálcelebrity hírességcemetery temetőcertificate bizonyítványchallenge kihív, felhív, állásfoglalásra késztetchimpanzee csimpánzclimate change klímaváltozáscocoon selyemgubó

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college főiskola, egyetemcomfort kényelemcomfortable kényelmescommunity (lakó)közösségcompetition versenycomply with betart, teljesítcomposition összetételcompost komposztcomprehensive school általános középiskolacompulsory kötelezőcondominium társasházconsider figyelembe veszcontrol ellenőrzés, irányításconvenient kényelmes, alkalmas, megfelelőcrab tarisznyarákcreate létrehozcruelty kegyetlenségcurtain függönydeforestation erdőírtásdenim vászonszövetdepend on függ valamitőldescribe sb, sth leírást ad valakiről, valamirőldescription leírásdesert sivatagdesign tervezés, dizájndesk íróasztaldestroy elpusztítdetermine meghatározdeveloping fejlődődevelopment fejlődésdining table étkezőasztaldisabled mozgáskorlátozottdomestic házi, hazai, belföldidrawing rajzeasy-going lazaeducation oktatás, nevelés

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empty üresenable lehetővé teszencourage bátorítendangered veszélyeztetettenergy energiaengine motorentry felvételenvironment környezetequation egyenlőségessence alap, esszenciaessential alapvető fontosságúevent esemény, rendezvényexam, examination vizsgaextended family tágabb családfee belépőfertilizer (növényvédő szer), trágya - műtrágyafibre rost, szálfield mezőfill megtöltfireplug tűzcsapflax lenforeigner külföldiforestry erdőgazdálkodásfossil fuel fosszilis üzemanyag (benzin, dízel, kerozin, stb) fraction törtfull of valamivel telifunctional funkcionálisfur bunda, szőrfurther továbbfurthermore továbbágarbage szemétgas gázglass üveggleaming csillogó, ragyogógoat kecskegrasshopper szöcske

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growth növekedésguide idegenvezetőhair haj, szőrharm károsíthawk héjahazardous veszélyeshigh school középiskola (US)hub csomópont, központhuman qualities emberi tulajdonságokId személyi igazolványimpact hatásimportance fontosságimprovement fejlődésin a proper way megfelelő módonin details részleteseninclude magába foglalincluding beleértve, benne foglalva independent függetlenindustry iparinhabitant lakó, lakosinsect rovarinstall elhelyezinterior belsőintrude betolakodikironically vicces, irónikus, hogy…is balanced egyensúlyban vanjelly zselé keep a record of sth dokumentál v.mitkingfisher jégmadárknown for sth ismert valamirőllabour munkaladybug katicabogárlake tólandfill szeméttelepleotard balett-trikólessen csökkent

68 IdEgEn nYELv AngOL • TAnULóI jEgYZET 9. évFOLYAM

line sth up against sth felállít valamit valami mellettlinen vászonliquid folyadéklocal helyilush dús, bujamake friends with sb összebarátkozni valakivelmansion ház, kúriamatch passzolmechanics mechanikamember tagmetal fémminimise minimalizálmonitor nyomon követ, rendszeresen ellenőrizmotion mozgásmusical note hangjegynational curriculum nemzeti alaptantervnational park nemzeti parknatural természetesnatural beauty természetes szépségneighborhood szomszédságnon-violent erőszakmentességnumerous számosnylon nejlonoccasion alkalomorganic organikus, bioorganism organizmuspaddle evezpant nadrágparticular egy bizonyosparticularly különösenpast túl valaminpeanut butter mogyoróvajperiodic table periódusos rendszerpesticide rovarirtó szerpetrol benzinphotosynthesis fotoszintézis

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pick sb up elhoz valakitplastic műanyagpolyester poliészterpopulation népességposter plakát, poszterpraise dícsérpreserve megőrizprimary school, elementary school általános iskolaprivate school magániskolapromote előmozdít, támogat, reklámozprotect megvédprovide ellát, gondoskodik, nyújtpublic place közterület, közhelypupil kisiskolásquality minőségquantity mennyiségrainforest esőerdőreach a target elér egy céltrecess szünetrecreation pihenés, felüdülésrecycle bin szelektív konténerreduce csökkentrelationship kapcsolatreplace helyettesítreserve rezervátumresidential area lakóövezetrhino rinocéroszrope kötélrubbish szemétsafety equipment biztonsági felszereléssandbank homokos partscenery látvány, tájschool yard iskolaudvarscreening filmvetítéssculpture szobrászatsea eagle tengeri sas

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secondary grammar school gimnáziumsecondary school középiskolasection szekció, részselective waste collection szelektív hulladékgyűjtéssemi-detached house ikerházsense of humor humorérzékshare megosztanishark cápasheep birkashore partsilk selyemsilkworm selyemhernyósingle family house családi házsnake kígyósoccer amerikai focisoda szénsavas üdítősofa, couch kanapésoftness puhaságsolution megoldásspace térspecies fajokspectacular láványosspread the word elterjeszt (hírt)square miles négyzetmérföldstate államstate school állami iskolastronghold erődítmény, erősségstylish stílusossuch as mint példáulsurvival túlélés, életben maradássustainability fenntarthatóságsustainable fenntarthatóswamp mocsár, lápswap kicserélswine flu sertésinfluenzaterraced house, row house sorház

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terrorist attack terrortámadásthreat veszélytip ötlet, tipptitle címtoad varangytownhouse bérháztrack nyomon követtransfer átvisz, átszállíttransportation közlekedéstreat (somebody somehow) kezel, bánik (valakivel valahogy)tree-lined fasorok által övezetttweed, woolen gyapjúszövetuntouched érintetlenuse használ (ige), használat (főnév)velvet bársonyvocational school szakiskolawaste hulladékwaste recovery hulladékkezeléswealthy vagyonoswhale bálnawood fawool gyapjúwork out kidolgozworry aggódikyield termés, hozam

Nemzeti Fejlesztési ÜgynökségÚMFT infovonal: 06 40 638 [email protected] • www.nfu.hu