Kolel Chatzot

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Presentation about Kolel Chatzot in beitar מצגת אודות כולל חצות

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1. �e Sec�tDiscovered by King David-the most powerful segulah in the world.

“Chatzos laylah akum l’hodos lach,” King David sang. “At chatzos of the night, shall I rise to give thanks to You.” Every night, at chatzos, a breeze burst into his room and plucked the strings of the wondrous harp that hung above his bed. He awoke and secretly began his holy service, preparing the Redemption.

Chatzos, that ancient secret, that greatest eis ratzon of all. As the Zohar teaches, at chatzos, the Holy One says to the angels, “Let us go down and see who is learning my Torah now,” and of such a person He says, “What he decrees, and every blessing that he utters-I fulfill.”

Chatzos. The Redemption, and each personal redemption, is entwined in it. But for millennia, no one knew of the great hidden powers of this most propitious time of all. Those who did know could not pinpoint the exact hour.

King David knew this secret and he knew the precise moment of chatzos.

2. �e Ho�Chatzos is a climactic moment, unique, intense. At Chatzos yom, midday, the sun is at its most intense. At Chatzos laylah, midnight, it’s at its lowest point beneath the horizon. Creation is sunken in its deepest darkness. Precisely then, hope sprouts forth.

Chatzos means “half.” At the moment of chatzos, the night is “broken” in half. This is the moment most conducive to breaking down the wall of the long Galus, the Exile. Our personal difficulties, those things which hinder us, can be broken then, as well. During this propitious time from chatzos until dawn, great things can be effected, including a revolution in our lives—from the depths of darkness to the zenith of light.


3. �e SegulahLooking for segulos? Take some minutes of chatzos.

This unique time has stored within it such exalted segulos that the holy Zohar proclaims (Bereishis 77): “If Israel kept to learning at night after chatzos, the nations … would submit to Israel and would not pass any harsh decrees on Israel.”

Chatzos is the most certain, established, proven, and effective segulah! To actualize this wondrous segulah, no special ability is necessary. Anything Jewish done during this time is wonderful. You are invited to savor for yourself this wonderful taste. At chatzos, wherever you are and in whatever way is comfortable and applicable for you, dedicate some minutes to serving Hashem and you too will be accounted as one of the anshei chatzos, a part of the whole: learning, a short prayer, or hisbodedus-talking with your Abba in Heaven in your own words, thanking Him for everything you have, asking Him for whatever you want-both spiritual and material. Rebbe Nachman said: “Hisbodedus is the highest level of all,” at all times of day, but chatzos is best.

Try it!

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״סגולה מהבן איש חי לזרע של קימא וז״ל:

סגולת ההריון האיש והאשה יספיקו משקה ה׳ בבית שעומדים לאנשים קאווי הנקרא יוושעו.. ובוודאי הלילה מחצות בלילות הרבה תורמים נושעו בזכות תרומתם עבור

קפה וחלב וכיבוד ללומדים בחצות״

סגולה בדוקה ומנוסה מהבן איש חי לזרע של קיימא ולנחת מהילדים

800 $ בחודש

רבים מאוד נושעו בסגולה זו ! הלומדים מתפללים על השמות

שיהיו כתובים בחדר קפה !

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שלב א׳ כבר הסתיים ! להלן אפשרויות תרומה שעדיין אפשר לתרום ולהנציח

כל המחירים הם מחירים אמיתיים !

$ 20.000

$ 3000

$ 1200 לסט

$ 1000 לארון

$ 1000 לארון

$ 4000 $ 1800

$ 4000

$ 8000

$ 20.000

$ 3000

$ 1200 per set

$ 1000 per set of bookshelves

$ 1000 per set of bookshelves

$ 4000 $ 1800

$ 4000

$ 8000

ספר תורה מהודר

חדר קפה/ מטבחון

2 נברשות מכובדות לתקרה בלובי/ כניסה לבנין

8 סטים של שולחנות וספסלים – הנצחה על השולחן

3 ארונות ספרים בהיכל בית המדרש – הנצחה על הארון

2 ארונות ספרים בחדר העזרת נשים הנצחה על הארון

עמוד לחזן מפואר

גג כניסה – פרגולה לבנין – מאוד חשוב כשיש גשם

גינון ועצים וצמחיה יפה מסביב לבנין

חדר התבודדות הכל עץ טבעי יפה ומהודר

The �r� stage is complete! Below is a list of dedication opportunities,

all prices listed are the actual costs.

Mehudar Sefer Torah:

Refreshment Room with small kitchenette:

2 Chandeliers for the entrance lobby

8 sets of tables and chairs, with a dedication plaque on each table per set

3 sets of bookshelves for the Beis Medresh, with a dedication plaque on each set

2 sets of bookshelves for the Women›s Section, with a dedication plaque on each set

Magnificent Chazan›s Stand

Roofing for the outside entrance, very important when there›s rain!

Landscaped garden -

Natural wood Hisbodedus room

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ווה ממהודר ומשוכלל !

רוצים אנחנו בקרוב החפירות את להתחיל של הבנייה ואת המקווה שייבנה לפי כל השיטות במיטב ההידור 2 הכולל והשכלול חמים מים של בורות דמי טושים 10 וקרים המקווה בניית עלות


Mikveh.In the new wing we will be constructing a beautiful mehudar mikveh. We hope to soon start excavations for the building s foundations. The mikveh will be constructed according to the strictest halachic shitot, and will include a hot mikveh, a cold mikveh and 10

showers. Total cost of construction: $250,000.

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ווה ממהודר ומשוכלל !

רוצים אנחנו בקרוב החפירות את להתחיל של הבנייה ואת המקווה שייבנה לפי כל השיטות במיטב ההידור 2 הכולל והשכלול חמים מים של בורות דמי טושים 10 וקרים המקווה בניית עלות


Mikveh.In the new wing we will be constructing a beautiful mehudar mikveh. We hope to soon start excavations for the building s foundations. The mikveh will be constructed according to the strictest halachic shitot, and will include a hot mikveh, a cold mikveh and 10

showers. Total cost of construction: $250,000.

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.The Holy Building 24 hours of Torah, Tefillah and Avodas Hashem around the clock !‘הדת


ה פלות

ה ור תשל

ת עוש


ושקדין ה הבנ

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.The Holy Building 24 hours of Torah, Tefillah and Avodas Hashem around the clock !‘הדת


ה פלות

ה ור תשל

ת עוש


ושקדין ה הבנ

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The night before

Hurricane Sandy was

to hit, several of our do-

nors in the seaside neighborhood

of Mill Basin, Brooklyn, phoned in

a panic. I told them that they had

nothing to fear—but we said special

prayers for everyone, and especially

for them. Days later, they reported

that though their streets were floo-

ded, but miraculously, none of their

property was damaged. "The water

skipped over my house!" one said. "It

was like the Splitting of the Sea. My

car was dry!"

A prominent doctor was in deep legal trouble. One of the doctors in the clinic where he worked had forged docu-ments; the entire clinic was on trial. His family asked for our prayers. I recommended several hours of chatzos learning. The night before the trial, the family phoned in a panic that their lawyer feared a long prison term. We davened from the depths of our heart, made a special pidyon hanefesh, and the verdict was

a relatively small fine.

Mr. R. had been in jail for two months, be-

cause of immigration problems. Two weeks

before Pesach; the authorities wouldn›t let

him out for the Seder. A family friend con-

tacted me. "Let them give matzos, setting the

kollel families free from worry," I said, "so he

should be freed." On the spot, he wrote a check

for $10,000. At chatzos, we opened the aron ko-

desh, davened, and learned for him. Days before

Pesach, as we distributed the matzos, the judge

threw out the case.

A wealthy donor wailed over the phone,

"A huge competitor wants to open a branch

near my business. If they do, I›m finished!" I

told him, "You give money to those who learn at

chatzos; that›s your insurance policy. But maybe

take on another Yissachar-Zevulun partnership.

One for family; one for business." He did, and

soon after, he reported that, unaccountably, the

branch had closed.

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In Williamsburg,

a business had been

dry for six months. They

signed up for thirty-six hours

monthly of Torah learning at

chatzos, and agreed to donate 4%

of any profit that year. He gave

me the twelve checks, we shook

hands and the phone rang; a huge

company they›d been pursuing

for six months wanted to close

the deal.

K›s six-year-old son was in

the PICU, swollen up with a problem in

the lungs. "What do you need?" he asked. "I haven›t

paid the yungeleit for last month," I said. "I need

$11,000." "Take my credit card and pay them now."

It was 11 p.m. I ran and wrote checks for everyone.

We made a pidyon nefesh, opened the aron kodesh,

screamed for the child to get well, learned in his me-

rit. The next day, the doctors were astonished; the

child was completely well.

A mother phoned from London, sobbing that her daughter wasn›t speaking with her and planned to marry a non--Jew she›d been going with for a year, R"l. The mother donated for one night of merits. We stormed the Heavens. The next day, the daughter woke with an eye infection; her boyfriend cursed her for being a filthy Jew, and she dropped him. The mother gave money for another night and soon phoned: "My dau-ghter is begging my forgive-ness! She wants to do


A typical letter: "When my wife was expecti-

ng our tenth child, the doctors predicted that

the child would be born sick. After visiting

the kollel and being impressed by the deep de-

votion of the Torah scholars who studied there,

I made a substantial contribution. The kollel re-

cited special prayers and learned throughout the

night on our behalf. Days later, new tests showed

that the baby was fine, and no one could under-

stand why! Baruch Hashem, despite the doctors›

dire predictions, our baby is completely healthy.

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שבט תשע״גטבת תשע״ג

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ניסן תשע״גאדר תשע״ג

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סיון תשע״גאייר תשע״ג

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אב תשע״גתמוז תשע״ג

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תשרי תשע״דאלול תשע״ג

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כסלו תשע״דחשון תשע״ד

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א ו בבשעה וראה קם שאדם הלילה בחצות בתורה לעסוק מקשיב הקב"ה שכתוב כמו לו ת ב ש ו י החברים בגנים ם י ב י ש ק מך ל ו ק לוכל השמעיני וכל המלאכים

המזמרים למעלה כולם שוקטים כדי לשמוע את בתורה העוסקים אותם

ברכו הנה " ואומרים את ה' כל עבדי ה' " אתם

העוסקים בתורה ברכו את ה' ואז קמה האיילה לפני המלך

באנו בן באיזה ראה ואומרת: לפניך , ומי הם שכל השבח שלהם

"העומדים אלו – המלך לפני הוא בבית ה' בלילות" אלו הם הנקראים עבדי

והברכה ה' אלו הם הראויים לברך את מלך שלהם מתברכת ומה שהם גוזרים מתקיים

הזוהר הקדוש פרשת ויקרא דף י”ג

Come and see how, when a person arises at midnight to immerse himself in To-rah, Hashem considers it as if he is "sit-ting in a garden, as friends listening to Your voice," and all the angels and all the musicians Above, they are silent to listen to those people learning Torah, and they say, Here! Blessed be Hashem, all servants of Hashem.› You, who immerse yourselves in Torah, bless Hash-em. Then the doe arises before the King and says: See which son we have brought before you. Who are those, who praise the King? It is those who Stand in the house of Hashem at midnight., They are called servants of Hash-em and they are worthy to bless the King and their blessings are blessed, and whatever they decree is fulfilled.

The Zohar, Parshas Vayikra, page 13, states: