KOL TOL The Voice of Tree of Life April 2020 / Nisan- Iyar 5780 Shabbat Worship Services Fri., Apr. 3 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Tzav Fri., Apr. 10 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Pesach Chol Hamoed Fri., Apr. 17 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Shemini Fri., Apr. 24 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Tazria- Metzora

KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

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Page 1: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

KOL TOL The Voice of Tree of Life

April 2020 / Nisan- Iyar 5780

Shabbat Worship Services

Fri., Apr. 3 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Tzav

Fri., Apr. 10 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Pesach Chol Hamoed

Fri., Apr. 17 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Shemini

Fri., Apr. 24 7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service Parshat Tazria- Metzora

Page 2: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

From the President/ Rabbi/ Education Director 2-4 125th Anniversary News/ TOL in Action 5-6 Last Months Events 7-8 TOL Celebrates 9 Yahrzeit Obervances 10 Contributions 11

Pg. 2 KOL TOL From the Board President

Inside this Issue

Shalom Chaverim, Hello Friends!

As the COVID-19 emergency continues we find ourselves in uncharted territory, glad

for the solace of our beloved faith community. Though we now are able to worship only virtually, how glad we are for the technologies that make possible our continued connections to one another. If you haven't yet, please be sure to join us for Shabbat evening services each Friday night. And, as time permits, be sure to explore the many and varied on-line resources provided to us through the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).

Our Caring Committee together with the TOL Sisterhood, David Sella, and Eleanor Stein-Glavey are working together to reach out to all of our senior congregants and others who might be strengthened by the loving outreach of our community.

In these difficult times, the message from your volunteer Temple leaders is simple: stay safe and know that we

are in this together. May peace and health prevail. May we be together (actually) in the not too distant future.

L’shalom Jessica Elfenbein President, TOL

Page 3: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

KOL TOL Pg. 3 From the Rabbi

Mah nishtanah hashanah hazot… why is this year different from all other years?

During most years on Pesach, we come together with our family and friends to celebrate. We spend hours in the kitchen to prepare a festive meal and use recipes that have been passed down through the generations. Then we gather around the seder table with our loved ones to tell the story, bless, sing and celebrate. But this year, our “Feast of Freedom” arrives at a time when we experience unprecedented restrictions and angst. With a stay-at-home order in place, we will be at home by ourselves, or with only the immediate members

of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table.

With our freedom of movement curtailed, we find ourselves in a physical, spiritual and psychological mitzrayim – a narrow place of disappointment, anxiety, uncertainty. This year, when we share our bread of affliction (ha lachma anya), we share in the suffering of the world around. We acknowledge that we are all in this together and become keenly aware of our shared humanity. And when we share, redemption begins. This year, when we recount the Ten Plagues, they will resonate differently with us. When we dip our finger into our wine or grape juice and touch it to the plate, we acknowledge the universality of tears of pain. We are reminded of those who are ill and dying and their suffering and the pain of their families. Perhaps we will add an 11th plague, and an 11th drop of wine to give voice to our deepest hope that this modern plague, too, will eventually come to an end. This year, more than ever, dayenu will encourage us to find hope amidst brokenness and to cultivate gratitude for small miracles. If people continue to practice physical distancing – dayenu, it would be enough! If more ventilators become available – dayenu, it would be enough! If our doctors, nurses and first responders have sufficient PPE – dayenu – it would be enough! If people in our community continue to support each other – dayenu – it would be enough!

This year, as we struggle with our lives and routines so radically changed, let us remind ourselves that the seder is a little bit like jazz. Improvisation is built into it. This year let’s give ourselves the freedom to improvise with the musical score of the Haggadah. If you’re not up to cooking an elaborate dinner because there’s only one or two of you, matzo ball soup and a salad will suffice. If you want to host a big virtual seder, have your guests be responsible for different parts of it (check our website for resources and ideas). If family members live in different time zones, and even video conferencing is a challenge, add an (electronic) picture frame with rotating photos of children and grandchildren to conjure their presence at the table. If you feel overwhelmed at the mere thought of having a seder, celebrate the first night with matzah pizza and a movie; put on your PJs, snuggle the kids and dogs and watch the Prince of Egypt.

This year, Passover will be different. We will create beautiful memories nonetheless. And perhaps start new traditions. This year, more than ever, let us remember that redemption and freedom came to our ancestors who escaped slavery in Egypt. When we see ourselves as if we went out of Egypt, we are reminded that redemption and freedom will come to us, too. One day, hopefully soon, we will again be able to go about our lives in freedom and in health. We express that hope at the end of the seder when we say, “Next year in Jerusalem" – may we soon reach that spiritual Yerushalayim, City of Peace, a place of hope, well-being and peace. Wishing you a Passover of freedom, hope and possibility,

Rabbi Sabine Meyer, Ph.D.

Page 4: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

Pg. 4 KOL TOL From the Education Director

I have been in my position as Director of Education long enough to have fallen

into a rhythm and cycle of time. Certain tasks need to be accomplished on particular days each week and the month has a rhythm and cycle to it as well. I have learned to begin generating ideas for this newsletter throughout the month to save myself last minute angst. But alas, this month, none of that fore thought is helpful as our lives have been turned topsy turvy and we find ourselves in a situation that we formerly only associated with works of fiction. Our school year has abruptly ended, and we are grappling with how to capture the warmth, joy and message of Passover when we are ill-advised to gather in groups that exceed the members of our households.

With this forced end to our school year, I find myself thinking about the year that is now history. I have looked through a good number of pictures from the year and can see how much our TOL students have grown. I know areas that we will be working on for the year to come so that we can enrich and improve the educational and community experience of our students. I want to especially highlight the introduction of Family Education programs to our school during this past year. Thanks to the generosity of the Columbia Jewish Federation we were able to provide the opportunity for parents to have significant involvement in their children’s Jewish education, helping to enrich and broaden our typical classroom reach. While Family Education will take a different form next year, we will offer one or more programs that will involve parents in their children’s learning. Stay tuned!

Please also continue to watch this space for information about other dynamic changes and improvements that will be coming to the TOL Religious School as we enter 5781.

In the meantime, please stay home, practice physical distancing, wash hands and stay calm. Continue to

watch your e-mailboxes for ideas and activities to help keep your students engaged and learning. Most of all, my prayer for everyone is that we continue to see the beauty in the world and express the

gratitude for the things we have. During these challenging days, I have found guidance and strength from this teaching in Pirkei Avot (4:1) and hope you will also:

Who is wise? The one who learns from all people.

Who is mighty? The one who subdues the evil inclincation.

Who is rich? The one who rejoices in his portion.

Who is honored? The one who honors other human beings.



Page 5: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

KOL TOL 125th Anniversary News Pg. 5

Friends of the 125th Anniversary Laura Becker Steve & Roberta Friedland- In honor of the birth of Charlotte Elizabeth Tucker Sue & Larry Glasser Gene & Lois Green Fred & Marci Medway Jeff & Peggy Miller Andy & Mindy Tucker Barb Willens

The kickoff weekend to celebrate our 125th anniversary was a resounding success! The weekend included Friday night Shabbat services attended by almost 150 members and guests able to sing and rejoice in our celebration, a Saturday night gala and concert with the same numbers attending, and a Sunday musical workshop for religious school students and parents all enhanced by the soulful music of Nefesh Mountain. See page 7 for pictures of the weekend!

In the Dvar Torah Friday evening, Rabbi Meyer posed this question, “What makes a home Jewish?” Below is an excerpt that we think sums up why the weekend was such a success for our community, and why we will continue to thrive as we go forward.

Now that we are celebrating our 125th anniversary here at the Tree of Life, many of us look back at our community’s accomplishments and the changes we’ve been through. Founded in 1896 by 18 Jews, Etz Chayim, as the community was then called, first worshipped at the Independent Fire Company's station before moving to its new building on Lady Street synagogue in 1905. Then came the move to Shandon in 1952, and, when the congregation outgrew that space, the relocation to our current building in 1986. If our own synagogue history is any indication, we know that buildings don’t last forever. But as long as there a Jewish people coming together to meet, pray, schmooze, eat, drink and study in a building, that building is their Jewish home.

Tonight, as we kick off our anniversary celebrations, there is no doubt in my mind that our community has come this far because of the people who are part of it. We are a true Jewish home for our community not because of the mezuzah on the door, but because of our dedicated lay leadership and volunteers who give so generously of their time and skills. We are a true Jewish home not because of the Jewish books in our library, but because of the children who grow up here and form life-long friendships with their classmates. We are TOL strong!

The weekend events illustrated exactly the community Rabbi Meyer described. Because of the generosity of so many members we also exceeded our financial goals. While the final numbers are not in yet, we know we will have at least $20,000, to get started renovating our building. We are grateful for the support of the weekend by the Sid Krauss Fund.

How fortunate were we that our celebratory weekend occurred before the coronavirus pandemic. We hope you enjoy a few photos from the weekend and that they remind you of happier times. Our future events will be that much sweeter after these difficult times. #tolstrong #125thanniversary

The 125th Anniversary Committee

Beth Maris Bruce & LA Miller Larraine & Jeff Moses Jennifer and Hans Mykytyn Scott & Randi Numbers Marc & Ann Posner David & Ellen Potter Ira & Kay Radin Marc & Mia Rapport Alan & Anne Reyner Deborah Ritter Jerry & Carole Rothstein Jennifer & Stephen Savitz Amy & Rob Scully- In memory of Harriet Posner Ned & Julie Strauss Jeanne & Doug Swager Temple Sinai-Sumter Michael & Patty Tucker David & Sarah Turell Heather & Todd Weiss Paul & Elisa Westfall

Alice K. Adams Frank & Melanie Baker Barry & Eleanor Bornstein Susan & Alan Brill Steven & Helga Cohen Karen Cooper- Haber & Russell Haber Doris & Fred Davidson Jessica Elfenbein & Robert Feinstein Steve & Roberta Friedland Steve Goldring George David & Annette Goldstein David & Debbie Greenhouse Naomi Farber & Steven Grosby Lisa & Andrew Helfer Harvey & Beth Helman Richard & Ellen Helman Arthur & Yuliana Iskhakov Laura & Rick Kagan Alex Ogden & Judy Kalb Lewis & Maryann Lapine Ernie & Donna Magaro Rabbi Sanford & Ruth Marcus

125th Anniversary Building Sponsors

Page 6: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

Pg. 6 TOL in Action KOL TOL

Caring Committee

A Mitzvah Opportunity! ColaTown Gown Makers is collecting old sheets to make gowns for hospital workers. If you’d like to donate, their volunteer Sarah Burnett will pick them up from your porch. Simply put the sheets on the porch in a paper bag, then text or call Sarah at 803-414-4313 with your address. She will pick them up and deliver. No physical contact. Thank you for your help!

Membership Committee

In this unprecedented crisis we hold our community especially close. To ensure the well-being of our members, Annette Goldstein is coordinating our Caring Committee's outreach. Please let Annette know if you, a loved one, or a member of the congregation is struggling because of social isolation, illness, hospitalization, financial difficulties, needs help with grocery shopping or prescription pickups, or just needs a caring voice and a virtual hug as we navigate these uncertain times. Our Caring Committee and Rabbi Meyer want to be there for you in your time of need. Since hospitals are no longer informing us of Jewish patients, please reach out to Annette via text 803.556.4929 or email [email protected] or call the temple office and leave a message.

If you have any questions regarding your 2019-2020 membership and payment status please reach out to Steve Friedland ([email protected]) or Patty Tucker ([email protected])

Community Updates

Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day Programs Yom HaShoah will be observed on April 21. While our Yom Hashoah community event on April 19 had to be canceled, there are special TV programs and online programs to honor the victims of the Shoah and keep their memory alive.

April 5, 2020, 5:30 PM and April 6, 2020, 7 PM: #TogetherWeRemember Summit A virtual gathering to turn memory and learning into action. Join us as we remember humanity at its worst to demonstrate what Pittsburgh and the United States can be at their best. The program will include a name-reading ceremony honoring victims, survivors, and upstanders to identity-based violence throughout history and conclude with a powerful town-hall style dialogue on the meaning of “never again” and ways we can take action to make it a reality.

April 15, 2020: “Holocaust Remembered” supplement in local papers The supplement “Holocaust-75 years ago: What have we learned?” will be distributed in The State and The Free Times in Columbia, and in all McClatchy papers in SC and most Post & Courier papers in SC

April 16, 2020: Palmetto Scene, SCETV, 8:00 pm A special interview with Elisha Wiesel, snapshots of the 75th Commemoration, and an interview with Lilly Filler, Chair-SC Council on the Holocaust. Re-broadcast on Sunday, April 19 at 1:00 pm. https://www.scetv.org/live/75th-anniversary-liberation-auschwitz-commemoration

From the B’nai Brith Archives https://www.bnaibrith.org/uploads/7/8/5/9/7859990/unto_every_person_there_is_a_name-2016.pdf

Page 7: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

125th Anniversary Kickoff Weekend March 6-8, 2020

Shabbat Service with Nefesh Mountain Friday, March 6, 2020

Nefesh Mountain Concert & Gala Saturday, March 7, 2020

CoFTY Q & A with Nefesh Mountain Sunday, March 8, 2020

KOL TOL March Events Pg. 7

Page 8: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

Purim Spiel March 10, 2020

Pg. 8 More March Events KOL TOL

Save the Date

New date to come!

Page 9: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

April 2 April 3 April 5 April 6 April 8 Carole Rothstein

Daniel Sobel Kate Avosso Peter Blue

Donald Portnoy Molly Westfall Lucy Westfall

Sophie Westfall Willa Zug

Anne Reyner

April 10 April 12 April 15 April 16 April 18 David Nudelman Heather Weiss

Kiyrese Burton Ericka Johnson Vladimir Shtessel

Avni Gupta-Kagan Marisa Kornblut

April 19 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 Maggie Valentine Lois Green

Kathryn Rubin Gerald Euster JP Ginsberg

Gail Bienstock Amit Gupta-Kagan

Terry Gomberg Emma Miller

April 27 April 29 April 30

Karen Portnoy Adam Schor Shu-Mei Richman

April Anniversaries

April 4 Amy & Rob Scully- 38 years

April 9

Sally & Steven Langer- 20 years

April 10 Rick & Robin Chapman- 51 years Gregg & Caryn Helman- 21 years

April 27

Jonathan & Bonnie Leader- 45 years

KOL TOL TOL Celebrates Pg. 9 April Birthdays

Page 10: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

Pg. 10 Yahrzeits KOL TOL April 3

Oscar Brill* Sadie Dickman Woodrow Emanuel Celia Foxman* Jacob Foxman* Alfred Garawitz Leon Garber Sylvia Gerber Joseph Gergel* Dorothy Haegele Bernard Hupert Max Kalb Henry G. Levkoff* Esther Politis Sophie Revelise* Rose Silk Susan Markel Starr* Ben Steingold Boyd Haven Sulser Saul Wasserman* Sarah Young

April 10 John Joseph Alion* Michael S. Blick* Samuel Burnstein* Laura Burnstein* Sonia Davis* Morris Drucker Jay J. Duni* Melvin Gergel* Blanche Glaser* William P. Green Benjamin Hack* Barbara Jane Helman* Louise Foglia Hill Edith Hunter Krauss* Leon W. Love* Harold Markel* Lana Mayskaya Herbert Sobel Beatrice Stiglitz Helen Strauss* Florette Weitzman Lewis Winter* Rose Zellman

April 17 Ida Abrams* Joseph Alon Bissie Alon Etea Cohen Lazarus Cohen Daniel "Dan" Davis Charles F. Donen* Ethel Dunay* Joseph Ertzan Regina Ertzan Mihai Ertzan Michelle Ertzan Richard Hafter* Alfred Harvey Miriam G. Kohn* Edward Krantz Ralph Lerner* Gabriel Levy Edwiga Marcus William C. McLain,Jr. Helen Mendel* Verna Mooney Barbara Rosenberg Joseph Schwartz Malvina Schwartz Manfred Schwartz Daniel Sella Bernice Ertzan Sella Marcel Sella Trisa Sella Richard Mark Siegler Bertie Simmons* Allison Stiegel Elsie Turner Rakhil Veytskin Anna Morganti Villa Vincenzo Villa Frederick Watts Margaret Watts Mitchell Weiner* Silvia Zuckerman

April 24 Gilbert Alpert Mordie M. Donen* Jacob Fleischman Simon Goldenberg Helen Kohn Hennig* Harriet Hoffman David Levin Charles Madoff George Julius Mann* Joseph Marton Shirley McLeod* Estelle Morino Francis Oliver Musarra Alvin H. Reyner* Anne Wadness Segal Arthur Silber* Theresa S. Vineburg* Lewis Weinberg* Joseph Weinberg* Harry Zalin*

We hope that you will continue to support our community with a donation to the Flower Fund in memory of your loved ones. All donations collected while we hold virtual services will be used for the beautification of our temple grounds.

Page 11: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

KOL TOL Contributions Pg. 11

Bimah Flowers/ Temple Grounds March 6 Lois & Jerry Gibson in memory of Morris Rauch Stanley & Terry Gomberg in memory of Gary Gomberg Joanne Hafter in memory of Sylvia Jastrow Beth & Ron Maris in memory of Manya Cohen Jeff & Peggy Miller in memory of Paul Snyder Feliks & Sarra Rabinovich & Family in memory of Mariya Volfson Joan Tucker in memory of Beatrice Kapilian Morton & Ellen Winter in memory of Phillip Winter March 13 Deborah & Allan Brett in memory of Leon Brett & Shirley Levine Joanne Hafter in memory of Mylon Louis Jastrow Kay & Ira Radin in memory of Benjamin Radin Janice Park Rivers in memory of Grier Park Jerry & Carole Rothstein in memory of Mary M Rothstein Morton & Ellen Winter in memory of Rebecca Winter

March 20 Jan & Joann Barkan & Family in memory of Andrea Gerstle Carolyn & Alan Conway in memory of Arline Wander, Myron Wander, & Sidney Conway Nard Fleischman in memory of Marian D Fleischman Lois & Jerry Gibson & Nancy & Dave Gangemi in memory of Mike Sigel Stanley & Terry Gomberg in memory of Elaine Gomberg Alex Ogden & Judith Kalb & Family in memory of Terry Ogden Scott & Randi Numbers in memory of Richard Numbers Alan & Anne Reyner & Family in memory of William S Reyner Sara Schechter Schoeman in memory of Matthew Schechter Joan Tucker in memory of Irving Schwartz March 27 Terry Garber in memory of Gorman A Garber Joanne Hafter in memory of Julius Jastrow Rick & Laura Kagan in memory of Rhoda Kagan Scott & Randi Numbers in memory of Arthur Berg Alan & Anne Reyner & Family in memory of Julius E Love

March 27 Continued Jessica Elfenbein & Robert Feinstein in memory of Julius Feinstein, Edna Meltzer, & Richard Elfenbein Amy & Rob Scully in memory of Elliott Posner & Kate Posner Jonathan Scott Train Youth Group Endowment Fund Jennifer & Hans Mykytyn in memory of Harriet Blau Pooley in memory of Belinda Gergel’s mother Religious School Fund Laura & Rick Kagan In honor of the births of Charlotte Elizabeth Tucker and Julia Margaret Friedland Sisterhood Fund Laura Becker In memory of Frank Riley, Dana Cason’s father Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Rabbi Suzanne Singer, Riverside Temple Beth El In honor of Rabbi Meyer

To make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one, please notate the fund to which you wish to contribute in the memo portion of your check. You may drop it at the Temple Office or mail it to: Tree of Life Congregation

6719 North Trenholm Road Columbia, South Carolina 29206

To pay by credit card, go to temple’s website www.tolsc.com/giving If you do not find the fund to which you wish to donate, you may donate your money under General Fund and fill in the special notes at check out, note where and to whom the donation should be accredited.

TOL Fund Directory Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to your favorite TOL fund.

Donations make wonderful gifts! • General Funds ($10 minimum donation) • Building Fund ($10 minimum donation) • Choir Fund • Foyer Leaf Fund ($72)

High Holy Day/Passover Fund (to help cover holiday operating expenses)

• Library Fund • Memorial Board & Plaque Fund ($500) • Prayer Book Fund • Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund • Rabbi Emeritus’ Discretionary Fund • Religious School Fund

o Religious School Neil Cartiff Memorial Fund

WRJ/Sisterhood Funds ($10 minimum) • Reyner Convention Fund • Courtesy Fund • Evelyn & Dan Daniel Leadership Development Fund Endowment Funds ($25 minimum) • Jeanette Birch Endowment Fund • Diane Brown Sobel Endowment Fund • Marian D. Fleischman Endowment Fund • Ralph & Sarah Levine Endowment Fund • Sylvia & Sam Savitz Music Enrichment Fund • Jonathan Scott Train Youth Group Endowment Fund • General Endowment Fund

Page 12: KOL TOL - ShulCloud · of our family. Computer or phone screens will be ubiquitous at our seders to allow for the virtual presence of our friends and family at the table. With our

Tree of Life Congregation 6719 North Trenholm Road Columbia, South Carolina 29206

Tree of Life Congregation Office: 803.787.2182 Fax: 803.787.0309

Website: www.tolsc.org Email: [email protected] Office Hours

Tuesday—Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm Friday 9:00am-4:00pm

Sabine Meyer, Rabbi [email protected]

Dr. Laura Kagan, Education Director [email protected]

Sanford T. Marcus, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus [email protected]

EXECUTIVE BOARD COMMITTEE CHAIRS BOARD MEMBERS President Jessica Elfenbein Endowment Ernie Magaro Jackie Dickman-Babcock First Vice President Alex Ogden House & Grounds Co-Chairs Gregg Helman & Ira Radin Kim Bannister Second Vice President Steve Friedland Membership Steve Friedland Alan Brill Secretary Mindy Tucker Religious School Board Elisa Westfall Annette Goldstein David Treasurer Marc Posner Ritual David Sella Steven Grosby Finance Patty Tucker Caring Annette Goldstein David Josh Gupta-Kagan Immediate Past President Bruce Miller Oneg Annette Goldstein David Gregg Helman Donna Magaro AFFILIATES TEMPLE EMPLOYEES LIFETIME BOARD MEMBERS Randi Numbers Brotherhood President Eric Feuerstein Charlotte Gibson Bernard Fleischman, Jr. David Polen Brotherhood Co-Chair Jerry Emanuel Sharon Witherell Stephen Savitz Ira Radin WRJ/Sisterhood President Terry Garber Amy Scully Marc Rapport CoFTY President Molly Westfall/Hayden Cohen David Sella Heather Weiss