Wants For Rent For $ hie Boarding-L- ost Found icillbe'ihiertedmthis e lUmn at 25 Cents each in- sertion, t lines; over Jive lines 5 Cents "or each kkt&ional line tnill h eharoed. R'iad. TliisI TELLypurwif 5 nnd neighbors, asd keep the-- news ttirring, that B AHliY k McDANNEL, No. 10 Gay street, are selhr $ a KOod article of nice SYRUP at 50 rentt per gailoi i: others are asking 80 cents and 81.00 for the same a- - tide. They sell a oetter artible of SYRUP at 75 cent--; oth- er? cnarge SI .25 The finest ''GOLDEN DRIP." they sell at 81.00 ; oth- er:" ask 51.50. Gkis Coex. Peas. Strawberries. Raspberries. and Tomatoes at 25 cents ner ran. Cove. Spiced and Pickled OYSTERS, at 20, 25. . 40 LAYER Raisins. 5SppTit. a Finest FRENCH CANDIES, assorted. at 50 cts. per pound. Inese candies ar? made of the purest and bet maicrwi. uiaera are selling a very indifferent article 11, i.n w. mm STRAINED HONEY. 20 cts per pound. BM : and nicest LARD. 14 cts. per pound at ntail. TOYS and FANCY GOODS genuine GRAVELY TOBACCO, Snuff and Segars. ? VVucet Aea, nocoiaie. J .LITs. Nuts. Srices, Soaps, Yeast Powder, ic. Ctaee?.. Sardines. Lohsfpps. FRESH CRACKERS They sell Soda, Pie Nic and Butter at 10 ents per pound . Wine, Sugar, Lemon. Cream, &c at 15 cents. MS" Remember, you can not pet Freeh Crackers anywhere else in t ecity. They hake daily and sell for about one-ha- lf what others charge for their old stile staff. They als dispense from their justly celebrated Arc tic Apparatus, pure sparkling Soda, Kissingen and Congress Waters, as cool as if just from the heart of an i ccbcr BARRY A JIcDAXXEL, sept 11. 1S71. For Rent. THREE-ROOM- IN SECOND STORY OF EX- - 1 CHANGE AND DEPOSIT BANK BUILDING. are lor rem iroin uciODer xst. ix-T- dtf E. P. BAILEY. Cashier. Wanted. CTIVE AND ENERGETIC MEN TO SOLICIT insurance. Address, sept3dl0t BROOKS Jfc WEBB. THE DAILY CHRONICLE. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 12, 1871. No, The Earnest Circulation I n East Tennessee. CHRONICLE 19 MARKET METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. c w e 7 A. X, 2 p. x. 4 p. x. Service, U. S. KsoxTittK. September 9. lm O I O t SS a x2t 2gft . 55 c S c.2 30.263 30.116 30.CN5G a o a v. M H 5T-70- r 70s- - s o a 62 E. 72cjS.E. 69iE. S of any Dally OFFICE PLACE. DAILY Signal Army. Tens.. 1871. 5fcB-o- e -c II a C C a S I? Hazy. 0.00-Hary- The Public Printing: Frauds. Since the inside of the Chronicle was put on the press, we havo received word from Col. Baxter thai his reply to the attempted defense of Jones, Purvis & Co., will be ready for to- morrow's issue. Ilouses Furnished At the lowest rates, by the old manufacturer, J. H. Renshaw, who keeps on hand a full stock of the best furniture. Colored Teachers for Jeflerson comity Schools, Commissioners desiring eolored teachers for Jefferson county, can obtain them by address Yardley Warner, Superintendent Friends' Freedmen's School, Maryville, Tenn. Parties interested please take notice. R. PiERce. Globe Flower Syrup cures whooping cough, sore throat, bronchitis and asthma. The Tennessee Association. The meeting of this body has been definitely fixed by the action of the majority of the churches, and will take place positively on Fri ay 20th inst. one week sooner than the usual time. D. M. Breaker, Moderator. "Look at This." Don't pay two prices for a stove, but buy the "Fashion." for $27.50, all furnished, from IIox tie & DePue, No. 106 Gay st viii9-dw2- m Xfff Dru? Store. Since Mr. John U. Benziger has purchased two drug store st the House, he has re placed the old stock with a fresh supply of med lcines and drugs, in-s- n and pure. Mr. uenziger iiiis nad long experience in tne drug business. and is opening where he will command a large custom, especially irom tne citizens ol iVorth knoxvule. Proscriptions will be accurately and promptly filled at any hour. With a thor- ough knowledge of the business and a determ ination to please, we cordially recommend tho AtKin House drug store. Tut try Globe Flower Cough Syrup for con sumption, asthma and croup. Personal. Col. Thomas II. Eeeve of the Jonesboro . T I .1 airivr, was ai our sanctum yesterday, lie is here in the interest of his paper. IFair. Atkin Col. Geo. Edgar Grisham, the jolly editor of the Jonesboro' Flag, was in town yesterday, g C. B. Woodward, of the Sweetwater Enter-2iri$- c registered at the Atkin House yesterday. Mr. Peter B. Akers, the well known auction- eer, arrived in this city on Sunday, and will re- main a day or two, proceeding hence to Jeffer- son, Texas, where he will engage in business. At Cost. A few dozen Glass and Stonr Fruit Jars at tost. Jonx L. IIudiburg. West side Market Square. Meeting: or the Bridge Commissioners. The commissioners of the Ilolston river bridge held a meeting yesterday at the office of Julius Ochs, Esq., all of them tircsent ercapt A. Caldwell. Eleven propositions were submitted from dif- ferent parties, for building the stone piers. The commissioners decided to hold over the proposi- tions under advisement until to-da- y. It was decided that proper excavations should be made in the bed of the river so that the piers may stand on solid rock, if practicable. They then adjourned, to meet this evening at 4 o'clock. Pcmbcrton's compound extract of Stillingia cures all diseases arising from impure blood. Sparks from the Locomotive. Gen. Beauregard passed down on Sunday. A small sprinkle of rain fell at Chattanooga yesterday morning. The Selma and Dalton road failed to connect yesterday morning. The western bound mail was about half an hour behind time yesterdsy, having broken an eccentric at Hodge's, between Mossy Creek nd New Market The western bound night train of Sunday broke an axle a few miles beyond Grccnevillc, by which the tender and baggage car were thrown from the track. Nobody was hurt. Cadet Arrivals. Amongthe numerous arrivals of ftudents at the East Tennessee University, we note the fol- lowing: Ja. H. Robinson, of Hardeman county; Geo. R. Hancock, of Franklin ; Henry King, of Williamson ; Robert h. Myers, of Marshall ; Robert M. Cass, of Carter ; W. A. Norment, of Dyer; Jas. B. Franklin, of Jefferson; J. R. and Albert V. Goodpasture, of Overton; Cross, of Anderson ; A. N. Jackson, of Blount; J. C. Sawyer, Thos. D. Thonlpson and Wm. F. Wardlaw, of Lauderdale, and Frank AV. Tay- lor, of Hamblen. OJPEXttfG OF THE SUPREME COURT. Order of Business Information for Law yers. The annual term of the Supreme Court of the State began its session yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, in their new rooms in the old Union Bank building, Main street. Present, the Hon. A. O. P. Nicholson, Chief Justice, Hon. P. Turney, Hon. Thos. A. R. Nelson, Hon. J. L. T. Sneed, and Hon. James W. Deaderick. Hon. T. J. Freeman was not present yesterday, but is expected to be on the bench to-da- y. Eon. Jos. B. Heiskell, the Attorney General, will also be present to-da- y. Chief Justice Nicholson, on opening the Court, remarked that the order of business prescribed at the adiournment of tho Court last session. was upon the presumption that the judges would all fit together, but as it had been found better at Nashville and Jackson to sit in sections, the same course would be pursued here. The busi- ness would begin in the second section with the fourth circuit, and in the first section with the second circuit The first section is composed of Chief Justice Nicholson, and Judges Deaderick and Sneed. The second section, of Judges Nel- son, Turney and Freeman. In the circuits, the business will be diposed of by counties, as prescribed by law, and in the oraer iney are named mtheactol AssemDiy creating the circuits, adopted June 24th, 1870. (See acts of General Assembly for 1870, chapter 21, page 59.) The act directing the causes to be heard Dy the court by counties will be found in the acts of 18689, chapter 28, page 36. As the causes on the docket of the fourth cir- cuit are about twice the number of those in the second circuit the first section, on completing tho business of the second circuit, will proceed to that of the first circuit Chief Justice as Court here the expectation of clearing the docket of all business, all the in county, including those appealed in 1871, would be disposed of as the counties were called. Xo, The said that the had come with cases each first or the inlormation 01 the liar and litigants we erive the counties of the several circuits in the order in which they will be called by the clerk. CIRCUIT "0. 2 ORDER COUXTIES. No. 1, Cocke, No. 5, Sevier, No a, 4, OF Jeflerson, " 0, Scott Grainger, " 7, Campbell, Union. (8, Claiborne. No. 9, Hamblin. CIRCUIT ko. 1, McMinn, 4 ORDER COUXTIES. 'A I'olfc, " 7, -- Marion, 3, Meigs, " 8, Sequatchie, 4, " Bledsoe, 5, Rhea, ' 10, James, Circuit No. 1 Order f 1, Hancock, 2, Hawkins, 3, Greene, No. Circuit No. 1, Morgan, 2, Anderson. 3, Knox, 4, Monroe, dockets. OF No. 6. Hamilton. Bradley, 9, Counties. No. 4, Johnson, " C, Sullivan, t, Washington. 3 Order of Counties. No. 5, Roane, " 6, Cumberland, " 7, Fentress, o, lilount No. 9, Loudon. Carter, There will be a first and second call of the dockets of each Circuit beginning: with the law Mr. J. F. Deaderick. the Clerk, will be with the second section, which sits on the first floor. I). D. Anderson, Esq.. will act as Clerk to the first section, sitting on the second floor. Uwmg to the absence of some ot the counsel from the 2d Circuit the full Court sat on the first floor and began with tbe call ot the law docket of the 4th Circuit In less than fifteen minutes from the openinsr of the Court, a case from McMinn county was being argued Dy counsel, bome ten cases were heard up to twelve o'clock, when the Court ad- journed until 9 o'clock this morning, when the 2d and 4th Circuits will be heard ly the first and second sections respectively. U. S. Circuit and District Courts. TheJCircuit and District Courts of the United States began their fall sessions yesterday morn- ing at 11 o'clock in the second floor of tho court house. Hon. Connelly F. Trigg, District Judge, presiding. Upon the opening of the Court the jurors summoned were called and qualified as fol- lows: GRAXD JURY. James H Walker, J P Collins. G H Dame, David Cowan, James Smith, F AHennegar, A Randle, Wm Morgan, Perez Dickinson, John Lee, A D February. J G Shell. Frederick Pegg, E H Shine. C L Sturges, Jno F Henry, A Hill, Hugh LMcClung, Cha3 Inman, W H Turley, G M Hazen, Samuel Gill, Danuel Mc-Willia- traverse list. Peter Brown, Thos Caldwell, Harrison Reed, John F Pape, John W Webster, Jno Tunnell, J II Keene, Tho3 B Swan, James Lacky, Lu- ther Lillard, Thos Easterly, W C Witt. TRAVERSE JURY 2D LIST. Sam'l M Warren, Worsham Easlcj', Daniel Haynes, Barry Taylor, RH Guthrie, Henrv Kirk, A S IIudiburg;, A C Claiborn. G D Joiner, J J Crawford, John Williams, Wrm Crots. Traverse J ury 3d List. Matthew Simpson, DA Taylor, J A Barnard, Sam'l Hutsell, JAG Brown, H C Northington, Jno G Ruster.. B Frazier, N J Peters, PM Craigmiles, J D Smith, Wm Jack. After the qualification ofjurors, tho following proceedings were had: R B Dowell sworn as attorney. The United States vs Martin Van, nol pros on costs. O A Odell. fined $10 with costs. The Criminal Docket was continued until the 3d Monday of the term with the exception of the indictments for violation of the Fourteenth Amendment and for holding ofSce in violation of law, which were continued until next term. The Court will proceed at once to take up the civil docket, which will be called regularly. Court adjourned until 7 a. m. to-da- y. Local Brevities, John Moody was on the street vesterdav with some ore from the reported Grainger county gold mines. 1 en converts were baptised into membershin of Longfield (Baptist) church at Coal Creek, on Sunday, by Rev. Wm. Lindsay. 1 he travel to Fountain Head on the Knox- - ville road, as noted by Esquire Conner's boys, on Sunday morning, was as follows: butrs-ips-. 53; two-hor- se carnages, 23; one-hor- se hacks. lb; two-hor- se hacks. 12. waeons. 23: four- - horse omnibuses, 3 ; 1 two-hor- se omnibus : horsemen, lot; footmen, 83. The above u "M as quit counting. Oreene Connly Items. A Are occurred at Pkheatown on the nicrhth of the 0th consuming four shops. Loss, $4,000. A meeting ot great interest lias been held at Stone Dam Camp Ground under auspices of the M. E. Church. We had the pleasure of attending a Sunday School picnic on the 9th instant. The congre- gation was large. Speaches were made bv Kevs. AV. Bankin and J. A. Ruble, of Greenevillc. A little child of Mr Missincer. of th fith dis trict this county, was burned to death on the Cth inst. StraXGERS visiting our rifv rli will find the E. T. B. It an agreeable lounging and always a cheerful welcome from the proprietors. New Clothing House. Gaines, Bro. & Co. h ture in their business, by opening a clothing department in their boot and shoe house. The second hoor is almost filled with a well selected stock of ready made clothing and gentlemen's furnishinar goods. Thev .,rT c,.n,vi, ti,: 1 . - 1 v-- iuiiiicu any til i n nu everj uiing woin by the masculine popula- tion from a hat down to a pair of boots. And speaking of these latter, tb;- - t, i i as formerly, as well as the latest style of ladies' boots, gaitors .shoes, &c. new attraction will meet with a liberal patronn .m, ,n deserves. . Teachers for Colored Schools. Jefferson county school commi;nn... : insr teachers for colored schools. by calling on Yardley Warner, Maryville. "Camp Meeting:. A pleasant drive of five miles on the Jacks-bor- o pike, and among pleasant farms and farm houses, and half a mile on a direct road, brings you to Fountain Head. Here you find one of the most beautifully flowing crystal springs in the country. The rest evorybody who has seen a camp ground can imagine. Sunday morning the woods were filled wilh wagons, buggies, carriages, farm wagons, sew- ing machine wagons, stove wagons; United States mail hacks, city drays, omnibusses, and almost every conceivable kind of vehicles. It was estimated that one thousand five hundred persons were present Rev. E. E. Hoss preach- ed the first morning sermon ffom Hebrews 3 : 1, and was followed by Rev. J. M. McTeer, text, Revelations 12: 1, after which a collection was taken up, amounting to $01.50. The Lord's Supper was then administered. In the afternoon, Rev. G. D. French preached from 1 Thessalonians, 5: 10. Rev. J. M. Mc- Teer preached in the evening from the two first verses of the 40th Psalm. On Sunday evening the meeting began in earnest, and great excitement prevailed. There were about thirty penitents, and a large number of professions. The meeting still continues. Pemberton's compound extract of Stillingia cures all old mercurial and venerial diseases without fail try it Accidental Deatb. We learn from Mr. J. E. Creswell that Mr. James Hix, of Sevier county, met an acci- dent on the second instant sustaining injuries 'from the effects of which he died a few days af- ter. Mr. Hix was hauling a load of benches to be placed in a school house, when as he was passing through an opening In the fence, his oxen took fright and ran away, the wagon pas- sing over a pile of stones and throwing him un- der the wheels, fracturing his leg in two places. The deceased was a member of Capt Arm- strong's company, of Gen. Cooper's old resi- - V in a a le 5 I O ii taw "V 441UIUJbU leg that was broken by the for having uuiy uhb sounu nmD, ne could not leap Irom the wagon, and lost his life. His mother was in sight when the accident occurred and hurried to his relief, only to find that her son, the prop of her years. he whom the bullets of the foe had spared, though scarred, had received the dread sum- mons. He lingered until morning at nine o'clock, when death rama to his rpHpf The funeral of the deceased took place at Seven Islands, on the 7th inst. Terrible Accident. We regret to learn that Polk a lad of about twelve yeass, met with a terrible acci- dent at Sulphur Rhea county, last injuries which have doubtless proved mortal before this ac- count will meet the leaders eye. Our informant states that the boy was occu pied about a cane mill, which was worked by a lever horse power, when his head was caught between the lever to which the horse was hitched, and his skull broken. Thera was 1 ! i a 1 1 A 1 i t . uuio space oeiween me lever and the cross beam that when the child was caught the ma- chine stopped. Medical aid was at once procured, and thnntrTi the little sufferer was alive on Sunday he was No hones were entertm'npH of his recovery. Just b. has just returned from New lork, where he has and is now re- ceiving a fine stock of clothing and gents' goods. His leng in this market is a sufficient guarantee that Mr. what the people need, and the success with which he has met is evidence. tW. he is Call before making your He will be found at his old stand, corner of Gay and Clinch streets. Use Globe Flower Cough Syrup. Select School. The fall term of Mrs. M. A. school will commence on 4th, in the school-roo- m of St. John's church. Having made alteration in the rooms, she can a larger number of pupils than before. Any person wishing for further win piease can on ner at the residence opposite Dr. on the corner of Clinch and Crooked streets. vii 18-l- m How to Look Well. A well dressed man is a good look- ing man, whether or not. bachelors and very young gentle- men can be greatly in by having their clothes made at the of R. C. Bailey & L. A. bammons. 1 heir shop is over tho store of John W. Paulett & Co., corner of Market Square, (west side,) opposite Citv Hall. They keep on hand a good supply of Cloths, &c., and are fully to do all kinds of work in the line. and attended to. The quality of work and prices moderate. This nrm win act fairly by you. Call and see them. ix-8d- lw Family Flonr John has the best family flour for sale. All goods are and taken back free charge, if is not given. he will take the flour to your house. CITY Coal at I am to furnish all persons who wish it with the very beit quality of bitumin- ous coal, by the car load, at very low figures e take delight in our afflicted friends to the of E. J. Sanford & Co where that most estimable Dr S o' Sherrv "Win T5ittor v f " vvvi vein uu Uiv cured. We advise our friends to use it, because we know its value in curing fever and Aeue diseases common in the West and all new countries. It should be kept at hand in every Sold by all OS Essays for Young Men, on great ntCrfere -- UAlklkliUji. and min ..f il sands. with sure means of relief for the Errin? and diseased and Sent ... ivLtci erivi nnpc tpao at rhnn ra nrnc, HOW A 1tV onlv what passed Mr. Conner's homon V.i; V5n3. 2 S. road, and those all. the bovs tir nni nnH ""UP. - sept3-d3- m the B. of Arthur place, The with of The great rush Place is caused bv the nor. on the west side of rai- - s seeking bnr gains at furniture ware rooms.' To be taken in the place of Quinine or Bitters of any kind; the dose is small and its virtues It will be found cheaper and bet-t- ea than any other remedy for that purpose, and also as a general and Family Medi- - "-- , uiiiiiuuiis Oliver lieguiator ias no supe- - Mr. L. tha well v- --i tailor on street, has just received a lull stock of fall goods, which he UP in garments of the latest stvie. Examine his stock, and from his We selection you will be at once of his for Balls, Parties and Picnics, at short notice, by A. M. Spiro & Bko. ivV Brick! Brick t! "VI luv .. ... "w, sale gooa onck, well burned, now on hand. for hy lxdubt E. II. Lots For Sale. I offer a few Lots, in the city, for marS-t- f JS' A' Mabry' Of the 10,000 Bushels VCrV host niiolltrr rr t t ft t, t- - at lny coal yard' at low viii-l'l-t- f. A. S. uce. We it Tork Market. STOCKS. New York, Sept. 8. Money easy, 2a3per cent Sterling steady, 8Ia8i. Gold, $1 13ia 1 13s. declined J. States, heavy. 73i ; new 73J. 631 ; new, 70. 65, new, 60; 7s, 71; 8s, 82. 100; 5s, 68. 82; 7s, 91. North 43 ; new 25. South Caroli-na- s, 75; new 57. PRODUCE. New York, Sept. 8. Cotton quiet; sales, 1,816 bales ; 20J ; Orleans, 21J. Flour, firmer ; common to fair extra, $5 80a 6 75 ; good to choice extia, $6 80a6 89, Whisky dull, 92. Wheat la2 cents better; winter red and western, $1 48al 53. Corn, la2 cents bet- - 69a70. Pork, steady, S14 50a14 62. Lard, firmer, kettle 91. Cincinnati Market. Sept 8. Flour Corn demand good. Pork demand good with full prices, 12c. Lard light, holders firm 0c. Bacon higher ; Glclear sides, 7ia7c. steady, 90c. St. Lonls Market. St. Louis, Sept. 8. Flour, firm, closing, winter Corn, in demand. Sacks 51. Whisky 89. xuiet. Pork firm, $11. on orders. Bacon stiff, shoulders 6; clear sides, 7Ja 8c. Lard firm, 9aI0 ANNOUNCEMENT. Division Foil th'SSfiS?1!!? Geoirf moirvtA October 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th. accident, declining Wednesday Thursday, Heiskell, Springs, Saturday morning, receiving morning, unconscious. Returned. Bissinger purchased fur- nishing experience Bis- singer purchases appreciated. purchases elsewhere. Richardion's Monday, September Episcopal considerable accommodoto particulars Alexander's, generally naturally handsome Widowers, improved appearand fashionable establishment Cassi-mere- s, Vestings, prepared tailoring Ren- ovating repairing guaranteed Lichtenwangcr guaranteed satisfaction Remember XOTirES. Wholesale. prepared referring drugstore medicine. Richardson's drtiggists. MARRIAGE. SOCIAL Vhich Lnfortunate, debilitated. AcK?X'Ai.rZ;al!?- - 4,U,VAA11U not Fnrnltnre. Itenshaw's undoubted. Plantation Gentlemen's Clothin?. Schwfiikfird Cumberland gentlemen's iJlrepaied to.ma,k.e convinced Refreshments Furnished RIlline Building figures.' Marixeb. Governments Tennessees, Virginias, Louisianas Alabamas, Georgias, Carolinas, uplands, Southern, CnrcixNATi, advanced. shoulders, Whisky, superfine, $4.00a5.00. Bagging advancing tendency Eastern Fair 1871, l0SLng 10th, tailoring The Board of Directors of the East Tenn. Agricultural Society Take pleasure in announcing to the public that the EASTERN DIVISION FAIR FOR 1871, WILL BE HELD ON THE Fair Grounds, Knoxville, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 101 Ii, Continuing Commencing AND Throughout Week, The Board Directors invite the hearty co- operation the people Tennessee making the Fair 1871 superior the dis- plays tho AGEICTJLTUEAL AND MECHANICAL Industries and Eesources OK on of of of in of in of EASTERN DIVISION OF TENNESSEE, To any of the preceding displa3Ts. A cordial invitation is extended to EXHIBITORS From Middle and "West Tennessee and other States. THE Is now being announced. THE PREMIUM LIST prepared and will shortly be By order of the Board of Directors. JAS. S. BOYD, President. C. McCORKLE, Secretary. augl5-dw- tf Family Groceries. WHOLESALE GROCERIES. D. A. CARPENTER. Enox County. the East from -A- ND MARTIN E. ROSS. Anderson County. CARPENTER & ROSS. Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Brown's Block, Gay Street, KNOXVILLE, TENN. WE TAKE THIS METIIOD OF INFORMING the Merchants of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina that we have opened a new and varied ioc oi aii Kinas oi GROCERIES, Comprising full Line of COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SOAPS, CANDLES, PICKLES, CANDIES, PRESERVED FRUITS, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, DYES, SHOT, LEAD, BUCKETS, TUBS AND CHURNS, WILLOW WARE, ROPE, fc. Our stock is entirely new and fresh, and hjivinj been bought since the reduction in the tariff, oui Coffees and Teas Cannot be undersold by any other house in the city. v e also deal in WHEAT, CORN, BACON AND ConntryProducc Generally. Highest market price always given. solicited and liberal Cash Ad-anc- es made. CARPENTER k ROSS, mar23-dJcTT- ly Brown's Block, Gay StZ SEEDS ! SEEDS !! 20O " ORCHARD GRASS 200 " HERDS or RED TOP " 20O .KENTUCKY BLUB GRAM 2,000 SECOND BAND 2 BAGb J ust received. Serrt Wheat, Oats, Bnrley BLANCIIARD CHURN. FARM "vJg0n!1W. IIOIG1I A CHt RCII, Seedsmen, nuS13-dw3- m KsoxvitLK, Ttyy. Orders for job work from ties promptly attended to at the Chroxicle of-- JE respectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that we are receiving our usual large supply of Fall and Winter Uow . . .... ui every description and latest dren. And in Addition to thp nK.vf ;Vsand gentlemen, boys, misses and chil- - ic.we opening large and stock Keady-Mad- e Clotliim Comprising all the latest styles and ; and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety and extra quality, forming the largest and this city, popular prices. CaTPJease calf and examine, AVE will also keep on a large supply of TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, R. R. BAGS, LEATHER, Shoe Findings, &c. Sept. 10, 1S71. now stock hand GAINES, & CO. SUMMER TR A D Will KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. WVnw? sccial. attention in Tennessee, Southern Kentucky, Virginia Georgia and Alabama, to a very large addition to their Summer stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Queensware and Groceries, adapted to the requirements of the people, including the bf-s- t and mo;t desirable lines of BOOTS AN SHOES, ever offered to the Trade. Their very heavy ditrib ution of Goods gives them the IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE of placing large orders with the Manufacturers, thereby enabling them hands of tho Merchant upon the most favorable terms. UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES I? a! A sssifpf L. C. SEEPAED, Corner of Main and Crooked Sts., Knoxville, Tenn. EVERY variety of Metalic and Caskets, Fine Silver-mounte- d Caskets and Ornamented. Emblematical or readv for im I have a No. 1 IIEARSE, furnish Carriases and everything used in my line, including an Orders bv Telegraph filled at once. Interments attended to in cityor country cliicivo busincM, I can make it to the interest of thoso wishing my servi-c- s most to place Cases Plain, xJ. Having been appointed Agent lor TAYLOR'S PATENT CORPSE PRESERVER, am rrepared to Bodies from Four to Six Days before putting them into coffins, when deired WJUshop Rights the use of these Preservers, aad tho Preservers, can be obuined ot me Julyl3-deod- 3m; c EAST TENNESSEE BOOK O Williams, Sturges WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. To Merchants we Offer Special and Harness. T. 0'CONNER & OF SADDLES AND BRIDLES Of Every Description, CARRIAGE AND Harness Collars. Also, Wholesale Dealers in Commission Merchants. SADDLERS' HAEDWAEE. Gay Street, KNOXVI.LLE, TEXXESSEE febo-dw- ly The City Clothing Bazar. CHRISTIAN & MILLER, No. 10 Gay Street, Knoxville, - - Xeimoisisee. rOnposito Base Ball Ground. THE SUBSCRIBERS WOULD RESPECTFULLY aus inform the citizen ot Knoxville and trade gener- ally that the hare located in the city the purpose of conducting tho Clothing business in all its diUerent branch?, and will keep a well selected stock ot" Ilencly 3Xatle ClotlUiiir And Gents' FuBXiSHixr, Goons, and. in fact, every article to make a gentleman's wardrobe complete. They will also keep a fine stock of Cloths. Caiuicres and Vestings. which be made to ord r in the be.-- t manner, at short notice, Mr. P. .McDisit, whoe long experience and skill as a manufacturercannot fail f please all who may give us a call. Try us. No. Gay street. September 9th, 1S7L d(3t i Advertise and grow rich. t , a elegant of novelties at AND EETAIL BAKEK. 5 attractive continue BEO. E. Merchants Carolina, Goods the junell,187l. . --- -I 4f asrortmentof Roles. make thia . keep SUEPARO. Saddles CO.. JUMTFACTITREKS BUGGY vr. r. in to of for by BY in Ai my ex- - for L; wil HOUSE. Co., Inducements. and Drugs and Medicines. B. J. STEPHENSON BAKER & STEPHENSON, Have just opened a new lot of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, PERFUMERY, &C, Which they offer as Low as any other House in the Citv. 1'articnlar Attention poniKlinsr ledieinen. Prescriptions Carefully rrepared BAKER STENIEXS0X. niarchI24-d'- ) J. M. TH0H.nCRGH. I I Paid to Cmm by & CHA3. D. M GCrrKT TIIORMJUUGIi & McGUFFET, Attorneys at Law, KNOXVILLE, TEXX. I ractice in the Circuit and Chancery Courts of Knox and neignboring rouutie.x. and in the Supreme aneV. federal Courts at Knoxville. Collections made at all points in Eut Tennessee, j anl4-- tf

Knoxville Daily Chronicle. (Knoxville, Tennessee) 1871-09 ... · Wants For Rent For $ hie Boarding-L-ost Found icillbe'ihiertedmthis e lUmn at 25 Cents each in- sertion, t lines;

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Page 1: Knoxville Daily Chronicle. (Knoxville, Tennessee) 1871-09 ... · Wants For Rent For $ hie Boarding-L-ost Found icillbe'ihiertedmthis e lUmn at 25 Cents each in- sertion, t lines;

Wants For Rent For $ hie Boarding-L-ost Foundicillbe'ihiertedmthis e lUmn at 25 Cents each in-

sertion, t lines; over Jive lines 5 Cents"or each kkt&ional line tnill h eharoed.

R'iad. TliisITELLypurwif 5 nnd neighbors, asd keep the-- news

ttirring, that B AHliY k McDANNEL, No. 10 Gaystreet, are selhr $ a KOod article of nice SYRUP at 50rentt per gailoi i: others are asking 80 cents and 81.00for the same a- - tide.

They sell a oetter artible of SYRUP at 75 cent--; oth-er? cnarge SI .25

The finest ''GOLDEN DRIP." they sell at 81.00 ; oth-er:" ask 51.50.

Gkis Coex. Peas. Strawberries. Raspberries.and Tomatoes at 25 cents ner ran.

Cove. Spiced and Pickled OYSTERS, at 20, 25. . 40

LAYER Raisins. 5SppTit. aFinest FRENCH CANDIES, assorted. at 50 cts. per

pound. Inese candies ar? made of the purest and betmaicrwi. uiaera are selling a very indifferent article11, i.n w. mm

STRAINED HONEY. 20 cts per pound.BM : and nicest LARD. 14 cts. per pound at ntail.TOYS and FANCY GOODSgenuine GRAVELY TOBACCO, Snuff and Segars.

? VVucet Aea, nocoiaie.J .LITs. Nuts. Srices, Soaps, Yeast Powder, ic.Ctaee?.. Sardines. Lohsfpps.FRESH CRACKERS They sell Soda, Pie Nic and

Butter at 10 ents per pound . Wine, Sugar, Lemon.Cream, &c at 15 cents. MS" Remember, you can notpet Freeh Crackers anywhere else in t ecity. Theyhake daily and sell for about one-ha- lf what otherscharge for their old stile staff.

They als dispense from their justly celebrated Arctic Apparatus, pure sparkling Soda, Kissingen andCongress Waters, as cool as if just from the heart of an


sept 11. 1S71.


are lor rem iroin uciODer xst.ix-T- dtf E. P. BAILEY. Cashier.


sept3dl0t BROOKS Jfc WEBB.


The Earnest CirculationI n East Tennessee.



cw e

7 A. X,

2 p. x.

4 p. x.

Service, U. S.

KsoxTittK. September 9.lm O IO t SS


x2t2gft .55 c S c.2






5T-70- r


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62 E.


69iE. S

of any Dally



Signal Army.

Tens.. 1871.

5fcB-o- e


aC C

a SI?



The Public Printing: Frauds.Since the inside of the Chronicle was put

on the press, we havo received word from Col.Baxter thai his reply to the attempted defenseof Jones, Purvis & Co., will be ready for to-

morrow's issue.

Ilouses FurnishedAt the lowest rates, by the old manufacturer,J. H. Renshaw, who keeps on hand a full stockof the best furniture.

Colored Teachers for Jeflerson comitySchools,

Commissioners desiring eolored teachers forJefferson county, can obtain them by addressYardley Warner, Superintendent Friends'Freedmen's School, Maryville, Tenn. Partiesinterested please take notice. R. PiERce.

Globe Flower Syrup cures whooping cough,sore throat, bronchitis and asthma.

The Tennessee Association.The meeting of this body has been definitely

fixed by the action of the majority of thechurches, and will take place positively on Friay 20th inst. one week sooner than the usualtime. D. M. Breaker, Moderator.

"Look at This."Don't pay two prices for a stove, but buy the

"Fashion." for $27.50, all furnished, from IIoxtie & DePue, No. 106 Gay st viii9-dw2- m

Xfff Dru? Store.Since Mr. John U. Benziger has purchased

two drug store st the House, he has replaced the old stock with a fresh supply of medlcines and drugs, in-s- n and pure. Mr. uenzigeriiiis nad long experience in tne drug business.and is opening where he will command a largecustom, especially irom tne citizens ol iVorthknoxvule. Proscriptions will be accuratelyand promptly filled at any hour. With a thor-ough knowledge of the business and a determination to please, we cordially recommend thoAtKin House drug store.

Tut try Globe Flower Cough Syrup for consumption, asthma and croup.

Personal.Col. Thomas II. Eeeve of the Jonesboro

.T I .1airivr, was ai our sanctum yesterday, lie ishere in the interest of his paper.



Col. Geo. Edgar Grisham, the jolly editor ofthe Jonesboro' Flag, was in town yesterday, g

C. B. Woodward, of the Sweetwater Enter-2iri$-cregistered at the Atkin House yesterday.

Mr. Peter B. Akers, the well known auction-eer, arrived in this city on Sunday, and will re-main a day or two, proceeding hence to Jeffer-son, Texas, where he will engage in business.

At Cost.A few dozen Glass and Stonr Fruit Jars at

tost. Jonx L. IIudiburg.West side Market Square.

Meeting: or the Bridge Commissioners.The commissioners of the Ilolston river

bridge held a meeting yesterday at the office ofJulius Ochs, Esq., all of them tircsent ercaptA. Caldwell.

Eleven propositions were submitted from dif-ferent parties, for building the stone piers. Thecommissioners decided to hold over the proposi-tions under advisement until to-da- y.

It was decided that proper excavations shouldbe made in the bed of the river so that the piersmay stand on solid rock, if practicable.

They then adjourned, to meet this evening at4 o'clock.

Pcmbcrton's compound extract of Stillingiacures all diseases arising from impure blood.

Sparks from the Locomotive.Gen. Beauregard passed down on Sunday.A small sprinkle of rain fell at Chattanooga

yesterday morning.The Selma and Dalton road failed to connect

yesterday morning.The western bound mail was about half an

hour behind time yesterdsy, having broken aneccentric at Hodge's, between Mossy Creeknd New MarketThe western bound night train of Sunday

broke an axle a few miles beyond Grccnevillc,by which the tender and baggage car werethrown from the track. Nobody was hurt.

Cadet Arrivals.Amongthe numerous arrivals of ftudents at

the East Tennessee University, we note the fol-

lowing:Ja. H. Robinson, of Hardeman county; Geo.

R. Hancock, of Franklin ; Henry King, ofWilliamson ; Robert h. Myers, of Marshall ;

Robert M. Cass, of Carter ; W. A. Norment, ofDyer; Jas. B. Franklin, of Jefferson; J. R.and Albert V. Goodpasture, of Overton;Cross, of Anderson ; A. N. Jackson, of Blount;J. C. Sawyer, Thos. D. Thonlpson and Wm. F.Wardlaw, of Lauderdale, and Frank AV. Tay-lor, of Hamblen.


Order of Business Information for Lawyers.

The annual term of the Supreme Court of theState began its session yesterday morning at 10o'clock, in their new rooms in the old UnionBank building, Main street. Present, the Hon.A. O. P. Nicholson, Chief Justice, Hon. P.Turney, Hon. Thos. A. R. Nelson, Hon. J. L.T. Sneed, and Hon. James W. Deaderick. Hon.T. J. Freeman was not present yesterday, but isexpected to be on the bench to-da- y. Eon. Jos.B. Heiskell, the Attorney General, will also bepresent to-da- y.

ChiefJustice Nicholson, on opening the Court,remarked that the order of business prescribedat the adiournment of tho Court last session.was upon the presumption that the judges wouldall fit together, but as it had been found betterat Nashville and Jackson to sit in sections, thesame course would be pursued here. The busi-ness would begin in the second section with thefourth circuit, and in the first section with thesecond circuit The first section is composed ofChief Justice Nicholson, and Judges Deaderickand Sneed. The second section, of Judges Nel-son, Turney and Freeman.

In the circuits, the business will be diposed ofby counties, as prescribed by law, and in theoraer iney are named mtheactol AssemDiycreating the circuits, adopted June 24th, 1870.(See acts of General Assembly for 1870, chapter21, page 59.) The act directing the causes to beheard Dy the court by counties will be found inthe acts of 18689, chapter 28, page 36.

As the causes on the docket of the fourth cir-cuit are about twice the number of those in thesecond circuit the first section, on completingtho business of the second circuit, will proceedto that of the first circuit

Chief Justice as Courthere the expectation of clearing the

docket of all business, all the incounty, including those appealed in 1871, wouldbe disposed of as the counties were called.


The said that the hadcome with

cases each

firstor the inlormation 01 the liar and litigants

we erive the counties of the several circuits inthe order in which they will be called by theclerk.

CIRCUIT "0. 2 ORDER COUXTIES.No. 1, Cocke, No. 5, Sevier,




Jeflerson, " 0, ScottGrainger, " 7, Campbell,Union. (8, Claiborne.

No. 9, Hamblin.CIRCUIT ko.


'A I'olfc, " 7, --Marion,3, Meigs, " 8, Sequatchie,4, " Bledsoe,5, Rhea, ' 10, James,Circuit No. 1 Order f1, Hancock,2, Hawkins,3, Greene,

No.Circuit No.1, Morgan,2, Anderson.3, Knox,4, Monroe,


OFNo. 6. Hamilton.

Bradley, 9,

Counties.No. 4,

Johnson," C, Sullivan,

t, Washington.3 Order of Counties.

No. 5, Roane," 6, Cumberland," 7, Fentress,

o, lilountNo. 9, Loudon.


There will be a first and second call of thedockets of each Circuit beginning: with the law

Mr. J. F. Deaderick. the Clerk, will be withthe second section, which sits on the first floor.I). D. Anderson, Esq.. will act as Clerk to thefirst section, sitting on the second floor.

Uwmg to the absence of some ot the counselfrom the 2d Circuit the full Court sat on thefirst floor and began with tbe call ot the lawdocket of the 4th Circuit

In less than fifteen minutes from the openinsrof the Court, a case from McMinn county wasbeing argued Dy counsel, bome ten cases wereheard up to twelve o'clock, when the Court ad-journed until 9 o'clock this morning, when the2d and 4th Circuits will be heard ly the firstand second sections respectively.

U. S. Circuit and District Courts.TheJCircuit and District Courts of the United

States began their fall sessions yesterday morn-ing at 11 o'clock in the second floor of thocourt house. Hon. Connelly F. Trigg, DistrictJudge, presiding.

Upon the opening of the Court the jurorssummoned were called and qualified as fol-lows:

GRAXD JURY.James H Walker, J P Collins. G H Dame,

David Cowan, James Smith, F AHennegar, ARandle, Wm Morgan, Perez Dickinson, JohnLee, A D February. J G Shell. FrederickPegg, E H Shine. C L Sturges, Jno F Henry,A Hill, Hugh LMcClung, Cha3 Inman, W HTurley, G M Hazen, Samuel Gill, Danuel Mc-Willia-

traverse list.Peter Brown, Thos Caldwell, Harrison Reed,

John F Pape, John W Webster, Jno Tunnell,J II Keene, Tho3 B Swan, James Lacky, Lu-ther Lillard, Thos Easterly, W C Witt.

TRAVERSE JURY 2D LIST.Sam'l M Warren, Worsham Easlcj', Daniel

Haynes, Barry Taylor, R H Guthrie, HenrvKirk, A S IIudiburg;, A C Claiborn. G DJoiner, J J Crawford, John Williams, WrmCrots.

Traverse J ury 3d List.Matthew Simpson, DA Taylor, J A Barnard,

Sam'l Hutsell, JAG Brown, H C Northington,Jno G Ruster.. B Frazier, N J Peters, PMCraigmiles, J D Smith, Wm Jack.

After the qualification ofjurors, tho followingproceedings were had:

R B Dowell sworn as attorney.The United States vs Martin Van, nol pros on

costs.O A Odell. fined $10 with costs.The Criminal Docket was continued until the

3d Monday of the term with the exception ofthe indictments for violation of the FourteenthAmendment and for holding ofSce in violationof law, which were continued until next term.

The Court will proceed at once to take up thecivil docket, which will be called regularly.

Court adjourned until 7 a. m. to-da- y.

Local Brevities,John Moody was on the street vesterdav with

some ore from the reported Grainger countygold mines.

1 en converts were baptised into membershinof Longfield (Baptist) church at Coal Creek, onSunday, by Rev. Wm. Lindsay.

1 he travel to Fountain Head on the Knox- -ville road, as noted by Esquire Conner's boys,on Sunday morning, was as follows: butrs-ips-.

53; two-hor- se carnages, 23; one-hor- se hacks.lb; two-hor- se hacks. 12. waeons. 23: four- -horse omnibuses, 3 ; 1 two-hor- se omnibus :horsemen, lot; footmen, 83. The above


quit counting.

Oreene Connly Items.A Are occurred at Pkheatown on the nicrhth of

the 0th consuming four shops. Loss, $4,000.A meeting ot great interest lias been held at

Stone Dam Camp Ground under auspicesof the M. E. Church.We had the pleasure of attending a SundaySchool picnic on the 9th instant. The congre-gation was large. Speaches were made bvKevs. AV. Bankin and J. A. Ruble, ofGreenevillc.

A little child of Mr Missincer. of th fith district this county, was burned to death on theCth inst.

StraXGERS visiting our rifv rliwill find the E. T. B. It an agreeable lounging

and always a cheerful welcome from theproprietors.

New Clothing House.Gaines, Bro. & Co. h

ture in their business, by opening a clothingdepartment in their boot and shoe house. Thesecond hoor is almost filled with a well selectedstock of ready made clothing and gentlemen'sfurnishinar goods. Thev .,rT c,.n,vi, ti,:

1 .- 1 v-- iuiiiicu any til i nnu everj uiing woin by the masculine popula-

tion from a hat down to a pair of boots. Andspeaking of these latter, tb;- - t, i ias formerly, as well as the latest style of ladies'boots, gaitors .shoes, &c. new attractionwill meet with a liberal patronn .m, ,ndeserves.

. Teachers for Colored Schools.Jefferson county school commi;nn... :

insr teachers for colored schools.by calling on Yardley Warner, Maryville.

"Camp Meeting:.A pleasant drive of five miles on the Jacks-bor- o

pike, and among pleasant farms and farmhouses, and half a mile on a direct road, bringsyou to Fountain Head. Here you find one ofthe most beautifully flowing crystal springs inthe country. The rest evorybody who has seena camp ground can imagine.

Sunday morning the woods were filled wilhwagons, buggies, carriages, farm wagons, sew-ing machine wagons, stove wagons; UnitedStates mail hacks, city drays, omnibusses, andalmost every conceivable kind of vehicles. Itwas estimated that one thousand five hundredpersons were present Rev. E. E. Hoss preach-ed the first morning sermon ffom Hebrews 3 : 1,and was followed by Rev. J. M. McTeer, text,Revelations 12: 1, after which a collection wastaken up, amounting to $01.50. The Lord'sSupper was then administered.

In the afternoon, Rev. G. D. French preachedfrom 1 Thessalonians, 5: 10. Rev. J. M. Mc-Teer preached in the evening from the two firstverses of the 40th Psalm.

On Sunday evening the meeting began inearnest, and great excitement prevailed. Therewere about thirty penitents, and a large numberof professions. The meeting still continues.

Pemberton's compound extract of Stillingiacures all old mercurial and venerial diseaseswithout fail try it

Accidental Deatb.We learn from Mr. J. E. Creswell that Mr.

James Hix, of Sevier county, met an acci-dent on the second instant sustaining injuries'from the effects of which he died a few days af-ter. Mr. Hix was hauling a load of benches tobe placed in a school house, when as he waspassing through an opening In the fence, hisoxen took fright and ran away, the wagon pas-sing over a pile of stones and throwing him un-der the wheels, fracturing his leg in two places.

The deceased was a member of Capt Arm-strong's company, of Gen. Cooper's old resi- -

V in a a le 5 IO ii taw "V 441UIUJbUleg that was broken by the for having

uuiy uhb sounu nmD, ne could not leap Irom thewagon, and lost his life.His mother was in sight when the accident

occurred and hurried to his relief, only to findthat her son, the prop of her years.he whom the bullets of the foe had spared,though scarred, had received the dread sum-mons. He lingered until morningat nine o'clock, when death rama to his rpHpfThe funeral of the deceased took place at SevenIslands, on the 7th inst.

Terrible Accident.We regret to learn that Polk a lad

of about twelve yeass, met with a terrible acci-dent at Sulphur Rhea county, last

injuries whichhave doubtless proved mortal before this ac-count will meet the leaders eye.

Our informant states that the boy was occupied about a cane mill, which was workedby a lever horse power, when his head wascaught between the lever to which the horsewas hitched, and his skull broken. Thera was

1 ! i a 1 1 A 1 i t .uuio space oeiween me lever and the crossbeam that when the child was caught the ma-chine stopped.

Medical aid was at once procured, and thnntrTithe little sufferer was alive on Sundayhe was No hones were entertm'npHof his recovery.

Justb. has just returned from New

lork, where he has and is now re-ceiving a fine stock of clothing and gents'

goods. His leng in thismarket is a sufficient guarantee that Mr.

what the people need, and thesuccess with which he has met is evidence. tW.he is Call before making your

He will be found at hisold stand, corner of Gay and Clinch streets.

Use Globe Flower Cough Syrup.

Select School.The fall term of Mrs. M. A.

school will commence on4th, in the school-roo- m of St. John'schurch. Having made alterationin the rooms, she can a largernumber of pupils than before.

Any person wishing for furtherwin piease can on ner at the residence oppositeDr. on the corner of Clinch andCrooked streets. vii 18-l- m

How to Look Well.A well dressed man is a good look-

ing man, whether or not.bachelors and very young gentle-

men can be greatly in byhaving their clothes made at the

of R. C. Bailey & L.A. bammons. 1 heir shop is over tho store ofJohn W. Paulett & Co., corner of MarketSquare, (west side,) opposite Citv Hall. Theykeep on hand a good supply of Cloths,

&c., and are fully todo all kinds of work in the line.

and attended to. The qualityof work and prices moderate. Thisnrm win act fairly by you. Call and see them.

ix-8d- lw

Family FlonrJohn has the best family flourfor sale. All goods are and takenback free charge, if is not given.

he will take the flour to your house.


Coal atI am to furnish all persons whowish it with the very beit quality of bitumin-ous coal, by the car load, at very low figures

e take delight in our afflictedfriends to the of E. J. Sanford & Cowhere that most estimable Dr S o'Sherrv "Win T5ittor v

f " vvvi vein uu Uivcured. We advise our friends to use it, becausewe know its value in curing fever and Aeuediseases common in the West and all newcountries. It should be kept at hand in everySold by all

OSEssays for Young Men, on great

ntCrfere--UAlklkliUji. and min ..f ilsands. with sure means of relief for the Errin?and diseased and Sent... ivLtci erivi nnpc tpao at rhnnra nrnc, HOW A 1tV

onlv what passed Mr. Conner's homon V.i; V5n3. 2 S.road, and those all. the bovs tir nni nnH ""UP. - sept3-d3- m








The great rushPlace is caused bv the


on the west side of rai--

s seeking bnrgains at furniture ware rooms.'

To be taken in the place of Quinine or Bittersof any kind; the dose is small and its virtuesIt will be found cheaper and bet-t- ea

than any other remedy for that purpose, andalso as a general and Family Medi- -"-- , uiiiiiuuiis Oliver lieguiator ias no supe- -

Mr. L. tha well v- --i

tailor on street, has just received alull stock of fall goods, which heUP in garments of the lateststvie. Examine his stock, and from his Weselection you will be at once of his

for Balls, Parties and Picnics, atshort notice, by A. M. Spiro & Bko. ivV

Brick! Brick t!"VI luv .. ..."w,sale

gooa onck, well burned, now on hand.for hylxdubt

E. II.

Lots For Sale.I offer a few Lots, in the city, formarS-t- f

JS' A' Mabry'

Of the10,000 Bushels

VCrV host niiolltrr rr t t ft t, t- -

at lny coal yard' at lowviii-l'l-t- f. A. S. uce.

We it Tork Market.STOCKS.

New York, Sept. 8. Money easy, 2a3percent Sterling steady, 8Ia8i. Gold, $1 13ia1 13s. declined J. States, heavy.

73i ; new 73J. 631 ; new,70. 65, new, 60; 7s, 71; 8s, 82.

100; 5s, 68. 82; 7s, 91.North 43 ; new 25. South Caroli-na- s,

75; new 57.PRODUCE.

New York, Sept. 8. Cotton quiet; sales,1,816 bales ; 20J ; Orleans, 21J. Flour,

firmer ; common to fair extra, $5 80a6 75 ; good to choice extia, $6 80a6 89, Whiskydull, 92. Wheat la2 cents better; winter redand western, $1 48al 53. Corn, la2 cents bet- -69a70. Pork, steady, S14 50a14 62. Lard,firmer, kettle 91.

Cincinnati Market.Sept 8. Flour

Corn demand good. Pork demand good withfull prices, 12c. Lard light, holders firm 0c.Bacon higher ; Glclear sides, 7ia7c.

steady, 90c.

St. Lonls Market.St. Louis, Sept. 8. Flour, firm, closing,

winter Corn, in demand.Sacks 51. Whisky 89. xuiet. Porkfirm, $11. on orders. Bacon stiff,

shoulders 6; clear sides, 7Ja 8c. Lardfirm, 9aI0



th'SSfiS?1!!? GeoirfmoirvtA

October 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th.accident,





Springs,Saturday morning, receiving




nishing experienceBis-

singer purchases

appreciated.purchases elsewhere.

Richardion'sMonday, September




generallynaturally handsome

Widowers,improved appearand


Cassi-mere- s,

Vestings, preparedtailoring Ren-

ovating repairingguaranteed









VhichLnfortunate, debilitated.

AcK?X'Ai.rZ;al!?- -






Gentlemen's Clothin?.SchwfiikfirdCumberland

gentlemen'siJlrepaied to.ma,k.e






GovernmentsTennessees, Virginias,

LouisianasAlabamas, Georgias,



CnrcixNATi, advanced.


superfine, $4.00a5.00.Bagging


Eastern Fair1871,

l0SLng 10th,


The Board of Directors of the

East Tenn. Agricultural Society

Take pleasure in announcing to the public that the


FOR 1871,


Fair Grounds, Knoxville,





Throughout Week,

The Board Directors invite the hearty co-

operation the people Tennesseemaking the Fair 1871 superior the dis-

plays tho


Industries and EesourcesOK


ofof of in

of inof


To any of the preceding displa3Ts.

A cordial invitation is extended to

EXHIBITORSFrom Middle and "West Tennessee and

other States.


Is now beingannounced.


PREMIUM LISTprepared and will shortly be

By order of the Board of Directors.

JAS. S. BOYD, President.C. McCORKLE, Secretary.

augl5-dw- tf

Family Groceries.


D. A. CARPENTER.Enox County.




-A- ND

MARTIN E. ROSS.Anderson County.



Brown's Block, Gay Street,


the Merchants of East Tennessee and WesternNorth Carolina that we have opened a new and variedioc oi aii Kinas oi

GROCERIES,Comprising full Line of




WILLOW WARE, ROPE, fc.Our stock is entirely new and fresh, and hjivinj beenbought since the reduction in the tariff, oui

Coffees and TeasCannot be undersold by any other house in the city.

v e also deal in


ConntryProducc Generally.Highest market price always given.

solicited and liberal Cash Ad-anc- es

made. CARPENTER k ROSS,mar23-dJcTT- ly Brown's Block, Gay StZ



Just received.Serrt Wheat, Oats, Bnrley


nuS13-dw3- m KsoxvitLK, Ttyy.Orders for job work from

ties promptly attended to at the Chroxicle of--

JE respectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that we arereceiving our usual large supply of Fall and Winter Uow

. . ....ui every description and latestdren. And in Addition to thp nK.vf ;Vsand gentlemen, boys, misses and chil- -

ic.we opening large and stock

Keady-Mad- e ClotliimComprising all the latest styles and ; and

GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS.Of every variety and extra quality, forming the largest andthis city, popular prices. CaTPJease calf and examine,

AVE will also keep on a large supply ofTRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, R. R. BAGS, LEATHER, Shoe Findings, &c.

Sept. 10, 1S71.







WVnw? sccial. attention in Tennessee, Southern Kentucky, VirginiaGeorgia and Alabama, to a very large addition to their Summer stock of


Hardware, Queensware and Groceries,adapted to the requirements of the people, including the bf-s- t and mo;t desirable lines of

BOOTS AN SHOES,ever offered to the Trade. Their very heavy ditrib ution of Goods gives them the

IMPORTANT ADVANTAGEof placing large orders with the Manufacturers, thereby enabling themhands of tho Merchant upon the most favorable terms.


I? a! A


L. C. SEEPAED,Corner of Main and Crooked Sts., Knoxville, Tenn.

EVERY variety of Metalic and Caskets, Fine Silver-mounte- d Caskets andOrnamented. Emblematical or readv for imI have a No. 1 IIEARSE, furnish Carriases and everything used in my line, including an

Orders bv Telegraph filled at once. Interments attended to in cityor countrycliicivo busincM, I can make it to the interest of thoso wishing my servi-c- s


to place


xJ. Having been appointed Agent lor

TAYLOR'S PATENT CORPSE PRESERVER,am rrepared to Bodies from Four to Six Days before putting them into coffins, when deiredWJUshop Rights the use of these Preservers, aad tho Preservers, can be obuined ot meJulyl3-deod- 3m; c


Williams, SturgesWHOLESALE



and Harness.



SADDLES AND BRIDLESOf Every Description,


Harness Collars.Also, Wholesale Dealers in

Commission Merchants. SADDLERS' HAEDWAEE.Gay Street,


The City Clothing Bazar.CHRISTIAN & MILLER,

No. 10 Gay Street,Knoxville, - - Xeimoisisee.



inform the citizen ot Knoxville and trade gener-ally that the hare located in the city the purposeof conducting tho Clothing business in all its diUerentbranch?, and will keep a well selected stock ot"

Ilencly 3Xatle ClotlUiiirAnd Gents' FuBXiSHixr, Goons, and. in fact, everyarticle to make a gentleman's wardrobe complete.They will also keep a fine stock of Cloths. Caiuicresand Vestings. which be made to ord r in the be.--tmanner, at short notice, Mr. P. .McDisit, whoelong experience and skill as a manufacturercannot fail

f please all who may give us a call. Try us. No.Gay street. September 9th, 1S7L d(3t


Advertise and grow rich. t

, a elegant of











Goods thejunell,187l.

. --- -I


asrortmentof Roles.

make thia.






vr. r.








Ai my ex- -







Drugs and Medicines.B. J. STEPHENSON


Have just opened a new lot of


PERFUMERY, &C,Which they offer as

Low as any other House in the Citv.

1'articnlar AttentionponiKlinsr ledieinen.

PrescriptionsCarefully rrepared

BAKER STENIEXS0X.niarchI24-d'- )




Paid to Cmm





Attorneys at Law,KNOXVILLE, TEXX.

I ractice in the Circuit and Chancery Courts of Knoxand neignboring rouutie.x. and in the Supreme aneV.federal Courts at Knoxville.

Collections made at all points in Eut Tennessee,j anl4-- tf