There is a terribly old Chinese expression that no doubt everybody has at sometime heard and can relate to.

Knowledge: A Path To Freedom

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There is a terribly old Chinese expression that no doubt everybody has at sometime heard and can relate to.

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Give a man a fish and he will eat for the day... Teach that man how to fish and he\'s going to eat for a lifetime.

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The reason I mention this proverb is very simple... So many folk are sick and tired of the daily routine and having

to work for somebody else. Making them rich with your work and getting a trifling pittance in exchange. People

desire so much to improve their lives either financially or in many cases, spend a little more time with relatives and buddies. Some just wish for more time on the beach. No

matter what your loves in life we all wish we could partake of them much more.

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This general approach held by so many individuals unfortunately, makes them awfully weak psychologically and they will jump at anything thrown in front of them

that offers a chance to attain their financial independence. Willingly, they throw their money away on get rich fast

schemes and overnight cash making programs that don\'t deliver on their promises.

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I am really not asserting all this hype out there is fully worthless, as in reality most of these offerings will make you a little bit of money. The amount however, can never consistent and after a while once the search engines catch on to what is going on, they incorporate routine changes

and your money making site is in the money no more. The reason for this is quite easy. These so called Guru\'s of the

Web are not going to sell you their secret to millions for fifty bucks. Sorry, but it just does not ever happen. They feed you little tried and somewhat proven systems that may yield you about a hundred or so a month, maybe

more if you really are Gung-Ho but that is about it. Many are terribly short lived.

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The techniques they teach are close to being outdated as most life has already been leveraged from it, and in an

exceedingly short time these so called insider methods are no good. (The Web Is Extraordinarily Dynamic) Then the same Guru\'s are there to sell you yet another fast profit making plan. Once again it won\'t last for long and every

time they\'re getting your fifty USD. They are throwing you a fish and they keep throwing you fish. They feed you for a

day and need you to come back for more. That is really how they make their millions showing you ways to make a few thousand or in most situations hundreds. (Quite sure

there are plenty of zeros as well)

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Man generally is lazy. He wants the maximum return for the least amount of effort. This trait is what creates so many targets for cash making secrets or what ever they call them this time. Try to keep these simple concepts in

your mind. Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Hard honest work always pays off handsomely over the long term.

Always target the long term.

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During the past times of the gold rush, only a few found their fortune in gold. Many more interestingly, made

fortunes selling picks and tools.

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