Grand Knight Report Knights Knews Knights Knews Knights Knews Knights Knews Feb. 2018 Greetings Brothers of Council 5803, To start off the New Year, the Council hosted not one but two first degree ceremonies as well as a membership meet and greet on the west patio at St. Rose of Lima. I want to thank Past Grand Knight Dan Owens for putting together the degree team and our brothers who attended and supported this effort. I want to also thank Past Grand Knight Jerry Padgett for his persistence in seeing that these two ceremonies happened. Our goal is to have a formal membership drive in the weeks ahead. We all know someone or at one point have been personally affected by the deadly opioid epidemic. To help put an end to this national cri- sis, Council 5803 has taken receipt of 110,000 drug deactivation pouches from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. We will be distributing these devices to other locations with the state of California in the weeks to come. By taking on this task we are not only helping to keep narcotics out the hands of minors, but sending a mes- sage that we are committed to taking our cities back from this intolerable evil. I want to thank Brother Clark Pentico and Will Fernandez for assisting me with this ongoing effort. If you wish to help in the distribution of these devices please contact me or Clark Pentico at your earliest convenience. Together we will make a difference! As always, we’re we are looking for callers and folks to help sell pull tabs for Bingo. If you have- n’t worked Bingo in a while or ever, please think about lending a hand. Just a couple hours a month would help lighten the load for our brother working this event. FYI your wives are wel- come to help as well. Call Rich Ostrich for details. In closing I want to thank Past Grand Knight Ron Huerth, the Monday night football crew and all those who gave generously at the charity event for our late brother, Past Grand Knight Andy Prete. We can all agree that Andy was an amazing force. He was never one to say no or back down from a challenge. He lived life delivering the message of Christ and in his final day’s demonstrated unbelievable courage. Let us all continue to pray for Andy’s wife Barbara and our brothers who are in poor health. Vivat Jesus Business Name

Knights Knews · 2019-09-19 · Grand Knight Report Knights Knews Knights Knews Feb. 2018 Greetings Brothers of Council 5803, To start off the New Year, the Council hosted not one

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Page 1: Knights Knews · 2019-09-19 · Grand Knight Report Knights Knews Knights Knews Feb. 2018 Greetings Brothers of Council 5803, To start off the New Year, the Council hosted not one

Grand Knight Report

Knights KnewsKnights KnewsKnights KnewsKnights Knews Feb. 2018

Greetings Brothers of Council 5803,

To start off the New Year, the Council hosted not one but two first degree ceremonies as well as a membership meet and greet on the west patio at St. Rose of Lima. I want to thank Past Grand Knight Dan Owens for putting together the degree team and our brothers who attended and supported this effort. I want to also thank Past Grand Knight Jerry Padgett for his persistence in seeing that these two ceremonies happened. Our goal is to have a formal membership drive in the weeks ahead.

We all know someone or at one point have been personally affected by the deadly opioid epidemic. To help put an end to this national cri-sis, Council 5803 has taken receipt of 110,000 drug deactivation pouches from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. We will be distributing these devices to other locations with the state of California in the weeks to come. By taking on this task we are not only helping to keep narcotics out the hands of minors, but sending a mes-sage that we are committed to taking our cities back from this intolerable evil. I want to thank Brother Clark Pentico and Will Fernandez for assisting me with this ongoing effort. If you wish to help in the distribution of these devices please contact me or Clark Pentico at your earliest convenience. Together we will make a difference!

As always, we’re we are looking for callers and folks to help sell pull tabs for Bingo. If you have-n’t worked Bingo in a while or ever, please think about lending a hand. Just a couple hours a month would help lighten the load for our brother working this event. FYI your wives are wel-come to help as well. Call Rich Ostrich for details.

In closing I want to thank Past Grand Knight Ron Huerth, the Monday night football crew and all those who gave generously at the charity event for our late brother, Past Grand Knight Andy Prete. We can all agree that Andy was an amazing force. He was never one to say no or back down from a challenge. He lived life delivering the message of Christ and in his final day’s demonstrated unbelievable courage. Let us all continue to pray for Andy’s wife Barbara and our brothers who are in poor health.

Vivat Jesus






Page 2: Knights Knews · 2019-09-19 · Grand Knight Report Knights Knews Knights Knews Feb. 2018 Greetings Brothers of Council 5803, To start off the New Year, the Council hosted not one


1. Get away from it all - Getting away from daily distractions allows us to immerse ourselves into thoughts about God.

2. Take care of ourselves - Taking time to look inward at our God giv-en talents and gifts is a worthy goal.

3. Put first things first - Going on retreat is a way of acknowledging that God is most important in our lives.

4. Slow down and pay attention - A retreat is an opportunity to be-come more intentional about how we want to live and being more de-liberately mindful of God, who is always present in our lives.

5. Bask in the glow of affirmation - Retreats are a wonderful place to share with our brothers how much we care about each other.

6. Renew spiritual practices - Our spirits are refreshed as we spend time learning more about God.

7. Take time to listen - Open our hearts and our entire being to listen to God and what that means to us.

8. Imitate the Master - Contemplate doing God’s will.

9. Accept God’s invitation - Retreat helps us to understand ourselves better and to recognize the love that surrounds us.

10. Be open to God’s spirit - Come to retreat and experience the wonder which God has in store for each and everyone of us.

Vivat Jesus!

Deacon’s Corner

Page 2

Motions to be voted on in the February Meeting

1) Motion made by Chris Smith for $300 for Carnicelli Family for medical bills, 2nd by Ron Brown.

2) Motion made PGK Jerry Padgett for $1000 for Andy Prete’s family for medical bills, 2nd by

PGK Bob Spielman.

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Hi my Brothers & Sisters in Christ:

It’s been a difficult start of the year, during the Month of January we lost Past Grand Knight Andy Prete, Tom Holman Father of SK Lance Bob and Diane Leonard wife of Bud.

Al McKinley is still in Canyon Oaks rehab center John Linscott was in and out of Los Robles Hospital with a collapsed Lung. Bill Alexander came home to continue his recovery from back surgery. This month Several of our brothers and there spouses have serious Illness. Sandy Tortorici wife of Mike Is battling Cancer, Angelia Hernandez Niece of PGK Tony Demarco was hospitalized battling Cancer and a Virus, Shirley Zengierski wife of SK Dan is going to have a knee replacement, PGK Ed Roberts and his Wife Jean are having procedures this week. Please Keep them in your Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Our Love & prayers also go out to those below: Please continue praying for our service men and woman, they serve throughout the world helping to maintain peace and the ideals of our coun-try.

My brother’s if you know of someone in your family, or a friend who is ill health, who needs our prayers give us a call, at the phone numbers below to let us know.

Peace and God’s blessings from your Bereavement and Fraternal Minis-try.

PGK Al & Jo McKinley 805- 527-2056

Bereavement & Fraternal Ministry

Page 3

Dorothy, wife of Jerry Brusseau Emily, wife of Paul Como Ann, wife of Tony Crane Seth Fabry, Jim’s Grandson Dante, son of Patrick Ferrari Peggy, wife of Harold Giarrussio Andrea and Jacqueline Griffith, wife and mother of Mark Terry, wife of Tim Hodgins Lois, wife of PGK Ron Huerth Rachel, wife of PGK John McCracken Julia Mora, daughter of Joe Lopez Afra, wife of Ralph Rogers (d) Bernadette Chisholm Wife of Hugh (d) Sandy, wife of Mike Tortorici Cathy, wife of Patrick Sullivan Jeanne Conant wife of Herman Kitty Fidermutz, daughter of Lonnie Todd Colleen, wife of Jim Weir (d) Helen, wife and Chelsea, grand-daughter of Jack White (d) Stephanie Sullivan, daughter of

Dan Zengierski Alberta, wife of David Tellez Sara, wife of Jim Spencer Richard & Susie Case Pat & Jan Moran Joe & Ginger Trematore Andrew Budinski Greg Cassidy Sal D’Angelo PGK Tony Demarco Cody Gorecki Debbie Hollar Carmel Kelly Dan Lang Harold (Chris) Lev Jr. PGK John Linscott Charles Miserendino PGK John Mitchell Maryann daughter of Tom King Hope Morrissey Patrick Magilio Harrison Goodwin Flora Mulet Vincent Lendonne Ramon Lopez

Ludetta Bolcelli Michael Claton Mika Shepard Libia Perez Bob King Juan Dios Casias PGK Bill alexander Jerry Myszkowski Tyler Ritch Pat Silvestri Colleen Small PGK Earl Todd Michael WilkommFred David Telez PFN Gerry Padgett Fred Erickson PGK Al Coster Shirl, wife of Dan Zengierski Ken Hansen, brother-in-law of Jerry Myszkowski Bill Otto Joann Occonel Peter Grace Carlos Robles Irene, wife of Alan Canfield

Page 4: Knights Knews · 2019-09-19 · Grand Knight Report Knights Knews Knights Knews Feb. 2018 Greetings Brothers of Council 5803, To start off the New Year, the Council hosted not one

Your Last Chance? If you knew that today was the last chance you would ever

have to buy additional life insurance, how much would you

buy? If you had a money-making machine, that once broken,

could never be repaired, how much would you insure it for?

If you knew that today was the last time you would have the

opportunity to guarantee your family an income if something

happened to you, how much income would you give them? If

you knew that today marked the end of your ability to buy fu-

ture retirement security, how much would you buy?

Isn’t it safe to say that you would put some additional dollars into more life insurance pro-

tection that could be used for family or re-

tirement benefits?

Chances are that you will be around for a

long time, but life is full of “ifs” and surprises

isn’t it?

Let me help you plan for the future. Call me


Insurance Report

Page 4

Homeless Breakfast

We continue to server breakfast once a month on the second Sat-urday of the month at the Samaritan Center to those less fortunate.

The next breakfast is scheduled for February 10th at 6:15am. We are done and back at the KC hall at 8;30am.

If you wish to help please call Rick Ostrich at 805-501-8818

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Making a Difference with


Matthew 25:37-40

“Then the just will ask him: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink? When did we welcome you away from home or clothe you in your nakedness? When did we visit you when you were ill or in prison?’ The king will answer them: ‘I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did for me.’ ”

We have all heard this Gospel in Church. So the question is how have we respond-ed? As a Brother Knight of Council 5803 I believe we have done very well in an-swering the Lord’s call. Last year our Council’s Bingo had a good year and it was able to donate $34,000 to St Rose of Lima Church, $34,000 to Serving Those In Need (STIN), and deposited $68,000 into our Council Charity Account. Our Council was also able to raise specific funds for those in dire need of help through special fundraisers.

STIN also received donations from Parishioners and the Community, however, the majority of the funding came from our Bingo. Last year STIN paid out $5,135.00 in food assistance, $10,600.00 in utility assistance, $16,850.00 in housing assistance and $4,777.00 in other various assistance requests.

We should all be proud of these accomplishments and thank those who have given of so much of their time. As we move forward into 2018 we must continue to im-prove our efforts because there are no guarantees that this year’s Bingo will do as well as it did last year. So I ask those Brother Knights that are not involved in Bingo to give prayerful consideration to volunteering 4 hours a month at Bingo to help raise the funds needed to answer the Lord’s call. Hopefully, with your help we can continue to provide food, housing, utility and other assistance to those in need.

Vivat Jesus!

PGK George Gnesda, Bingo Committee

Page 6: Knights Knews · 2019-09-19 · Grand Knight Report Knights Knews Knights Knews Feb. 2018 Greetings Brothers of Council 5803, To start off the New Year, the Council hosted not one

Andy Prete’s a Knight to Remember

I am sorry to report the passing of Past Grand

Knight Andy Prete of esophagus cancer. He was

71 years old and always appeared full of life.

Saturday when I heard that PGK Andy Prete

passed away I immediately thought the time I intro-

duced him to the Knights 20 years ago. Here is

how it was done.

Twenty Years ago I was looking for a King Size

mattress for my bedroom. Just up the street their

was a Bed & Bedroom store on Los Angeles Ave.

Next door to where the Bicycle shop is. I stopped

by and Andy and I started talking and we chatted

about everything you can imagine for nearly a half

hour. As soon as he herd most of my relative lived in Rhode Island and Andy stated that’s

where I am from and most of my family still live their. We both have a motor mouth and we

talked about all the hang out spots in Rhode Island. And as we where talking I mentioned how

I was heavily involved with the Simi Valley Knights of Columbus. Andy said how can I get in-

volve with them. I asked Andy are you Catholic and do you practice the faith, Andy yes I am

and I do when I can find a church to go too.

I said Mr. Prete I just happen to have a form 100 in my car which is the form to fill out to get the

process started. And after the form is presented to the membership and they ok it we will set

you up for the First Degree ceremony and then you are officially a member of the Simi Valley

Knights of Columbus. I explain to him that the Knight of Columbus has three degrees and then

Patriotic Degree which is the forth degree where the members where that flashy Regalia. The

1st degree is the Charity Degree, 2nd Degree is Unity that represent the Brother Knights work

as a team and the 3rd degree represents Fraternal, the 4th degree is the visible appearance of

the Knights which represent Patriotism which supports our military and all Veterans. The com-

munity recognizes the 4th degree color corp. that wear the colorful regalia.

After I chatted with my new friend I got him signed up for the Knights and Andy sold me a

queen size mattress at a good price. Yes, I went in there to buy a King size and Andy deter-

mine that with the size of my bedroom a queen would fit better. So that is what I did.

It was a very productive day. I made a new friend, signed him up to the Knight’s, and bought a


IPGK Andy Prete you will be missed and never forgotten.

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2017-2018 Knights of Columbus

Council 5803 Scholarship

The Knights of Columbus Council 5803, offer five $500.00 scholarships. These scholarships are

available to high school graduating seniors who are members of St. Rose of Lima Parish for at

least the last year & are planning on furthering their formal education.

Scholarships recipient will be selected, in part, by the following criteria: academics, involvement

in community services, school and parish

activities. Applications are available at St. Rose of Lima Rectory, Youth Ministry Office or from

your respective high school College Counselor.

For more information please contact DGK, Robert Smith (805)915-7372

Completed applications are due back no later than March 14, 2018.

Homeless Dinner

We are cooking our monthly Homeless Dinner on Friday, March 16th. As you may have guessed

this is also a Friday in Lent , so the regular crew will be cooking at the Fish fry. This dinner will be

cooked and served at the Samaritan center. If you can help cook or serve this dinner please call me

to sign up.

If you wish to help please call Rick Ostrich at 805-501-8818

Knights of Columbus Annual Retreat Our annual Retreat at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre is sched-

uled for March 2-4.

This Retreat is a spiritual weekend of conferences, community prayer, Mass, Stations of the

Cross, as well as opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and private counseling.

The center includes three large meeting rooms and a chapel with meditation grounds and

meals served in the attractive dining hall.

Knights stay overnight in one of the 90 private rooms with baths, and rooms are available for the handicapped.

Join us for spiritual weekend of prayer, liturgy, solitude and personal reflection on the love of Jesus Christ

during the Lenten season.

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We are in need of more pull tab work-

ers and we still need a caller and a call

back person. Training is free and it is

not a hard job. For pull tabs you basi-

cally sell lottery tickets to the players.

If you are new to the council please

call me so I can get you on the Bingo

Schedule. If you can’t work a specific weekend in March or have a

shift preference please email me at [email protected] . I produce

the schedule around the 2nd Wednesday of the month before. So

get me any special requests for February by February 13th.

I have also begun to post the bingo worker schedule online at

www.kc5803.org, you will need a password to access it. This is the

same password as for the roster. Call me if you need the pass-


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Grand Knight SK John Antonacci 559-2944 [email protected]

Spiritual Advisor SK Deacon Terry Reibenspies 390-0745 [email protected]

Deputy Grand Knight SK Bob Smith 578-0434 [email protected]

Chancellor SK Chris Smith 579-7373 [email protected]

Warden SK Clark Pentico 630 1749 [email protected]

Recorder SK Jonathan De Guzman (213) 925-5478 [email protected]

Financial Secretary Will Fernandez (626) 643-1330 [email protected]

Treasurer SK Gil Lindberg 583-0725 [email protected]

3rd Year Trustee SK Tony DeMarco 558-4328 [email protected]

2nd Year Trustee SK Bob Spielman 522-8446 [email protected]

1st Year Trustee SK Andy Prete 910-0347 [email protected]

Advocate SK Henry Mancilla 587-3225

Guard SK Emilio Espinoza 906-9998 [email protected]

Guard SK Jeff Sage 813-2599 [email protected]

Guard SK Nick Wirtz 584-0263 [email protected]

District Deputy SK Richard Kohnke 990-3436

Insurance Representative SK Willie Romero 522-1916 [email protected]

Bulletin Editor SK Clark Pentico 630 1749 [email protected]

2017 - 2018 OFFICERS

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On Going/ As needed

Bingo On going PGK Cliff Wirtz (Paula) 208-8970 [email protected]

Blood Drive On going Paul Friedeborn (Adelina) 522-6080 [email protected]

Christian Service Program/Food Pantry On going Penny (845) 803-1685

Family Mass 5th Sundays SK Bob Smith 578-0434 [email protected]

Fish Fries—1st Friday .and Lenten 1st Fridays Jorge Curiel (Cecilia) 526-5188 [email protected]

Healthy Living Director On going SK Frank Wilhelmi (Jo) 526-6194 [email protected]

Helping Hands As needed Paul Friedeborn (Adelina) 522-6080 [email protected]

Homeless Breakfast Monthly PGK Rick Ostrich 501-8818 [email protected]

Homeless Dinner 3rd FridaysTony Loniero (Catherine)

PGK Bob Joyce



[email protected]

[email protected]

Membership On going Tom Brady 420-8989

Pro-Life Breakfast 5th SundaysTony Lemos (Loretta)

George Lemos (Sandy)



[email protected]

[email protected]

Rosary for the Unborn 1st SaturdayTony Lemos (Loretta)

George Lemos (Sandy)



[email protected]

[email protected]

Various Food Drives As needed Alberto Duarte Jr. 813-5452 [email protected]


Fish Fries- LentenFeb 16 -March 30

2018 (Fridays)Jorge Curiel (Cecilia) 526-5188 [email protected]

Monday Night Football Sept- Jan PGK Ron Huerth 526-4935 [email protected]

Bowling Sept-May PGK George Gnesda 522-5699 [email protected]

PADS Oct-April PGK Rick Ostrich (Betsy) 501-8818 [email protected]

K of C 5803 Toy Drive Oct-DecPGK Cliff Wirtz

PGK Norm Ouellette



[email protected]

[email protected]

Christmas Cards Oct-Dec PGK Norm Ouellette 551-3704 [email protected]

Once Per Year

Charter Night Jan, 2019 PGK Richard O'Donnell 522-0906

Super Bowl Party Feb. 3, 2019PGK John Linscott

PGK Ron Huerth 526-4935

[email protected]

[email protected]

Annual Men’s Retreat March 2-4 PGK Mike Palacios (Lois) 581-9506 [email protected]

St Patrick's Day Dinner 19-Mar SK Joe Ferrel 428-1894 [email protected]

Scholarship Spring SK Bob Smith 587-0434 [email protected]

Free Throw Contest PGK George Gnesda 522-5699 [email protected]

International Dinner/Vocation Sunday May PGK Cliff Wirtz (Paula) 208-8970 [email protected]

Chili Cook Off June 9-10 2018 PGK Rick Ostrich 501-8818 [email protected]

Installation of Officers July PGK Gene Walinski 583-4833 [email protected]

Turnover Dinner JulyPGK Jerry Padgett

PGK Gene Walinski

(661) 492-5473


[email protected]

[email protected]

Golf Tournament August SK Jeff Sage 813-2599 [email protected]

PGK Testimonial Dinner September SK Bob Smith 578-0434 [email protected]

Simi Valley Days SeptemberSK John MacKenzie

GK John Antonacci



[email protected]

[email protected]

Bishop Fishing Trip Sept. 28-30, 2018 PGK Bill Alexander (Lori) 527-4720 [email protected]

MRC Tootsie Roll Drive October GK John Antonacci 559-2944 [email protected]

Columbus Day Dinner October Lu / Tony Gammariello 522-9548 [email protected]

Thanksgivng Dinner 11/10/2017 GK John Antonacci 559-2944 [email protected]

Thanksgiving Day Dinner 11/23/2017 PGK Tony Demarco (Suzette) 558-4328 [email protected]

Memorial Mass 11/28/2017 SK Bob Smith 578-0434 [email protected]

Hanicapable Lunch 12/9/2017 PGK Rick Ostrich 501-8818 [email protected]


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Knights Knews