1 Knightmares CAST VIELET – a minstrel KING ARTHUR YOUNG KING ARTHUR QUEEN GUINEVERE SIR KAY SIR PALOMIDES SIR HANDSOME STRANGER – a child ELLEN – a messenger damsel from Synadoun THEODOLYNE – a minstrel traveling with Ellen SIR OTIS DE LYLE – a huntsman knight SIR WILLIAM – one of Otis’s supporters MAUGYS – an evil giant LA DAME AMOUR – an enchantress JEFFALOT –becomes Handsome’s squire at the Isle of Gold EMMA – a child in Synadoun PORTER 1 – door keeper of the castle at Synadoun SIR LAMBART – Constable of Synadoun MELIOR – a minstrel in the enchanted palace at Synadoun MABON – an evil cleric IRAYNE – an evil cleric THE LADY OF SYNADOUN – turned into a serpent by the evil clerics SIR GAWAIN – father of Sir Handsome Stranger YOUNG SIR GAWAIN 1 (in The Perilous Graveyard) YOUNG SIR GAWAIN 2 (in The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell) SIR KAY YOUNG KAY SIR ESCANOR – knight who interrupts feast and kidnaps maiden YOUNG LAD – serves many roles in The Perilous Graveyard DEMON – haunts the Perilous Graveyard ALIANOR – seeks protection at Arthur’s court, “kidnapped” by Sir Escanor GRAVEYARD MAIDEN – maiden trapped by Demon in the Perilous Graveyard PORTER 2 – gatekeeper at the graveyard castle CRYING LADY 1 – distraught sister of Young Lad CRYING LADY 2 – distraught sister of Young Lad CRYING LADY 3 – distraught sister of Young Lad CRYING LADY 4 – distraught sister of Young Lad LUC DE LA BARRE – a knight who sings scornful songs COUNT SIMON – bears the brunt of many of Luc’s songs RODRIGO – a thug working for Count Simon VIRGIN MARY NYNEVE

Knightmares - English Department CAST VIELET – a minstrel KING ARTHUR YOUNG KING ARTHUR QUEEN GUINEVERE ... LUC DE LA BARRE – a knight who sings scornful songs COUNT SIMON

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Page 1: Knightmares - English Department CAST VIELET – a minstrel KING ARTHUR YOUNG KING ARTHUR QUEEN GUINEVERE ... LUC DE LA BARRE – a knight who sings scornful songs COUNT SIMON



CAST VIELET – a minstrel KING ARTHUR YOUNG KING ARTHUR QUEEN GUINEVERE SIR KAY SIR PALOMIDES SIR HANDSOME STRANGER – a child ELLEN – a messenger damsel from Synadoun THEODOLYNE – a minstrel traveling with Ellen SIR OTIS DE LYLE – a huntsman knight SIR WILLIAM – one of Otis’s supporters MAUGYS – an evil giant LA DAME AMOUR – an enchantress JEFFALOT –becomes Handsome’s squire at the Isle of Gold EMMA – a child in Synadoun PORTER 1 – door keeper of the castle at Synadoun SIR LAMBART – Constable of Synadoun MELIOR – a minstrel in the enchanted palace at Synadoun MABON – an evil cleric IRAYNE – an evil cleric THE LADY OF SYNADOUN – turned into a serpent by the evil clerics SIR GAWAIN – father of Sir Handsome Stranger YOUNG SIR GAWAIN 1 (in The Perilous Graveyard) YOUNG SIR GAWAIN 2 (in The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell) SIR KAY YOUNG KAY SIR ESCANOR – knight who interrupts feast and kidnaps maiden YOUNG LAD – serves many roles in The Perilous Graveyard DEMON – haunts the Perilous Graveyard ALIANOR – seeks protection at Arthur’s court, “kidnapped” by Sir Escanor GRAVEYARD MAIDEN – maiden trapped by Demon in the Perilous Graveyard PORTER 2 – gatekeeper at the graveyard castle CRYING LADY 1 – distraught sister of Young Lad CRYING LADY 2 – distraught sister of Young Lad CRYING LADY 3 – distraught sister of Young Lad CRYING LADY 4 – distraught sister of Young Lad LUC DE LA BARRE – a knight who sings scornful songs COUNT SIMON – bears the brunt of many of Luc’s songs RODRIGO – a thug working for Count Simon VIRGIN MARY NYNEVE

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VIELET (to audience) [from Richard Coer de Lyon]:

Old stories tell of good knights, strong and true, and you can read about their deeds: about Roland and Oliver, about Alexander and Charlemagne, and about King Arthur and Gawain, how they were good and courteous knights. These stories were written down in French books, but uneducated people don’t understand them. Scarcely one among a hundred knows French. Nevertheless, I can tell that many of you are eager to hear noble gestes about King Arthur's doughty knights. So listen, and hear the tale of Sir Handsome Stranger.

King Arthur’s Court at Glastonbury

All sing NOW IS YOLE COMEN (solo verses)


Sir Handsome Stranger Based on the Lambeth Palace Manuscript

Translation and stage adaptation by Linda Marie Zaerr

Scene One King Arthur’s Court at Glastonbury

(King Arthur and his court are feasting. HANDSOME enters and kneels before the king.) HANDSOME:

King Arthur, I have come from far away to plead with you. I am an unknown child, and I want to be made a knight. Lord, I pray you: grant me that wish right now.


Tell me, child, what is your name? Never since I was born did I see anyone so good looking.

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HANDSOME: I do not know what my name is, and I do not know my father, but when I was at home, my mother called me Pretty Face.

ARTHUR (to his courtiers): This is amazing! He wants to be made a knight, but he doesn’t know his name. I will give him a name because he is so fair of face. Let him be called Handsome Stranger. [dubbing him with his sword.] Rise, and henceforth be known as Sir Handsome Stranger.


King Arthur, I thank you for knighting me. Now I will fight my foemen with mighty strokes. My generous lord, I will be glad at heart if you will grant me the next combat that anyone asks of you.

ARTHUR: I hereby grant what you ask, whatever battle it may be. But it seems to me you are too young to do good fighting. Now, wash up and join us in this feast. Here is wild fowl and venison.

GUINEVERE: Welcome, Sir Handsome Stranger.

KAY: The Knight of the Rocking Cradle!

(Enter ELLEN and THEODOLYNE, richly dressed, but hot and sweaty from travel. Theodolyne carries a vielle.) THEODOLYNE (to Ellen):

Now it is time to tell your errand.

ELLEN: My lord Arthur, a sorrowful thing has happened, the worst in any hall. My Lady of Synadoun is captured and taken to a strong prison. I pray you send her a wise and powerful knight to win her back with honor.

HANDSOME (leaping up): Arthur my lord, I will do that fight and win that lady by my might.

ARTHUR: That is true. I bear record of my promise. God give you the strength and might to uphold this lady’s right with blows of your lance and sword.

KAY (to Handsome): Do you use your mother's pot lid for a shield?

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ELLEN: Alas that day that I was sent here! Word of this will travel far and wide, and your great fame will be destroyed. Here you are sending a child, a witless and wild boy, to deal mighty blows, when you have knights of renown, Sir Percival and Sir Gawain, who are highly accomplished in tournaments.

THEODOLYNE: Worthy king, this child is not worth a farthing as a warrior, attempting such a labor! Before he even sees the Lady of Synadoun, he will have to fight three battles.

HANDSOME: I am not afraid of threatening words. I know how to fight with spear and sword. I undertake this battle, and I will never forsake it, by the law of this land.

ARTHUR (to Ellen and Theodolyne): You will get no other knight here. If you think this child is not valiant, get a more powerful knight somewhere else. (Ellen and Theodolyne sit down, seething with anger.) Through the help of Christ, he shall uphold all his promises as a worthy champion of the Lady of Synadoun, and he will defeat her foes.

HANDSOME: My noble lord, give me your blessing. I am ready to go.

ARTHUR (holding up his hand): God give you the grace to succeed and bring that damsel out of bondage.


Scene Two The Wirral Forest


Milk Face, go home to your mother. You will have trouble enough before we even get to Synadoun. Even if there were five of you, you would fail utterly, Sir Handsome Stranger.

(a hunting horn sounds) THEODOLYNE:

Listen! I recognize that horn call. It is Sir Otis de Lyle. He once served my lady, but he fled to the Wirral Forest when she was captured.

(A many-colored dog crosses their path.)

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HANDSOME: Look at that dog! He is colored like all the flowers from May to Midsummer.

ELLEN: I never saw any jewel I liked more than that dog. I want to keep him!

HANDSOME (catching the dog and handing him to Ellen): Here he is.

ELLEN: Let’s tell stories as we go. Come on, Theodolyne, you start.

THEODOLYNE: Many marvelous adventures have befallen in this world, and I will tell you of an earl and how his steward loved that earl’s daughter, and how he married her in the end. The Earl of Warwick had a beautiful daughter named Felice. She was very well educated and had studied astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, rhetoric, and music. Earls and dukes from distant reaches of the world wooed her in vain. . . .

(A deer dashes past them, followed by two hunting dogs like Ellen’s many-colored dog, followed by Sir Otis de Lyle, blowing his bugle. He stops abruptly when he sees Ellen’s dog.) OTIS:

That dog has been mine for eight years. Friends, let him go!

HANDSOME: That will never happen. With my two hands, I gave him to this maiden.

OTIS: You put yourself in great peril if you stay here bickering.

HANDSOME: I don’t care about your treats, churl!

OTIR: Sir, your words are wild. “Churl” was never my name. My father was an earl and my mother the Countess of Carlisle. If I were armed now, as you are, we would fight right here. Unless you give me the dog, you play a dangerous game!

HANDSOME: Do as you think best. The dog goes with me.

(Exit Otis. The others continue on their way. Enter Otis with a vast company of armed knights and squires.)

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OTIS: Traitor, you shall die for what you did today!

HANDSOME (to Ellen and Theodolyne): Ellen, this dog has put me in a tricky situation. Go hide in the woods. I will gladly stay and bicker with them, even if I am slain.

(Otis’s supporters shoot at Handsome with bows and arrows and with crossbows, and they wound him many times. Handsome rides about striking down horses and men.) WILLIAM:

He must be the fiend Satan who will destroy mankind. (Handsome kills him.) (Twelve more knights fall on Handsome with their swords. Swords ring and sparks fly. Handsome slays some, and the others flee. Sir Otis leaps off his horse and tries to run away. Handsome follows him and forces him to the ground.) HANDSOME:


OTIS: Renowned lord, you have won the honor. I am overcome and your prisoner.

HANDSOME: You must go present yourself to King Arthur. Tell him what happened here and how I, Sir Handsome Stranger, won the field fair and square.

OTIS: Thank you for your mercy! I will do as you ask. I will tell King Arthur from the beginning how you beat us all in the field in fair fight. (Exit)

ELLEN (as they leave):

Not bad, kid. (Exeunt)

Scene Three Isle of Gold


Look at that city on the edge of the river. It has a splendid palace with vast towers and many gates. Do you know what it is called?


It is called the Isle of Gold, but now they call it the Isle of Grief. There is more fighting here than in any other land, for the worthy lady who owns this land is beset by the giant

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Maugys. Maugys is thirty feet tall and stronger than five other knights. Sir Handsome Stranger, do not try to fight him, for he is grim. His eyebrows are like the bristles of a sow, his head is as big as a beehive, and his fists are powerful.


Ellen, if God gives me grace, I will defeat him before the day is over. I have seen great oaks fall over in the wind, while little ones stand undisturbed. Although I am little, I will smite that giant.


Say, little guy in white, who do you think you are? You better go home again, if you know what’s good for you.

HANDSOME: King Arthur made me a knight, and I vowed to him that I would never turn my back and run away. So, get ready!

(Handsome and Maugys fight. Spectators gather around anxiously.) JEFFALOT (to a companion):

I pray that God will save that knight and that the foul giant will die today in battle. (The crowd gasps as Handsome survives a mighty blow.) I am amazed he didn’t go under as soon as he started. Look, Maugys has killed that knight’s horse. He’s gotten up, and he’s grabbed an axe. Now he’s killed Maugys’s horse.

HANDSOME: Maugys, I need a favor. Let me go get a drink, and I will grant you whatever wish you ask of me, for it would be a shame to kill a knight with thirst.

MAUGYS (laughing): Very well. Drink all your fill.

(Handsome lies down to drink from the river through his helmet. Maugys strikes him while he is lying there.) JEFFALOT:

Maugys has knocked that handsome child into the river. (Handsome struggles up.) HANDSOME:

Did you think I wasn’t baptized? I’ll pay you back for that dunking.

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(They fight. The spectators wring their hands. Handsome cuts off Maugys’s right arm. Maugys tries to run away, but Handsome catches him and smites off his head. The crowd cheers. Handsome lifts up the head and carries it in procession into town. LA DAME AMOUR enters, playing a vielle and singing the first stanza of “Volez vous.”)

Volez vous que je vous chant Un son d’amors avenant? Vilain ne.l fist mie, Ainz le fist un chevalier Souz l’onbre d’un olivier Entre les braz s’amie.


Here is the worthy lady you have saved by your fighting. She is known as La Dame Amour.


Thank you for rescuing me from that foul giant. Now the Isle of Grief is again the Isle of Gold. (She sings.) Chemisete avoit de lin Et blanc peliçon hermin Et bliaut de soie, Chauces ot de jaglolai Et sollers de flors de mai, Estroitement chauçade. Çainturete avoit de fueille Qui verdist quant li tens mueille; D’or ert boutonade. L’aumosniere estoit d’amor; Li pendant furent de flor, Par amors fu donade. Here. I will take off your armor and clothe you in rich robes. (All but Amour and Handsome exit as she drapes rich fabric around him.)

THEODOLYNE (singing):

That sweet lady like a dove, That we call the Lady of Love, Greeted him full well; And she thanked him with her heart That he’d saved her with his art From that giant fell.

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To a chamber then she goes And she takes his battle-stained clothes, Wrapping him in fur. Enchanting him, her lovely voice Offers him an easy choice: To dwell on that island with her. [lines 1461-72]


Sir Handsome Stranger, will you be lord of this city and castle? Will you be my love? HANDSOME (enchanted):

My lady, you are bright and fair, and I cast all my love to you. When I see your face, I believe I am alive in paradise.

LA DAME AMOUR: Yes, my love. You must stay here with me always and never leave. Our life together will be as beautiful as the paradise you see in my face and hear in my sweet melody.

(Continuing to sing, Amour leads Handsome offstage.) Li rosignous est mon pere Qui chante seur la ramee El plus haut boscage; La seraine, ele est ma mere Qui chante en la mer salee El plus haut rivage.

A year passes. Handsome enters in a daze. Enter Ellen.) ELLEN:

Sir Handsome Stranger, you are a false knight! You made a vow to King Arthur, and look at what you have done for the last year! For the love of a woman skilled in sorcery, you linger here in dishonor. My Lady of Synadoun will long lie in prison, and that is a great sorrow.

HANDSOME (waking from his enchantment):

My heart will break for grief and shame. We must leave at once.

(Enter Jeffalot, carrying Handsome’s armor and shield, and Theodolyne.) THEODOLYNE:

Ellen, I see your sharp words have freed Sir Handsome Stranger from his enchantment. We must go out by this postern so La Dame Amour will not find him and enchant him again.

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JEFFALOT: Sir Handsome Stranger, here is your shield and your armor. Let me go forth with you as your squire.

HANDSOME: Gladly, but who are you?

JEFFALOT: I am steward to my lady La Dame Amour, and I am weary of enchantment. My name is Jeffalot.

HANDSOME: Welcome, Jeffalot. You may be my squire. Let us ride forth now as fast as we can.


Scene Four Synadoun


We have finally reached our goal. This is the city of Synadoun. Behold its vast towers and magnificent palaces.

HANDSOME: But look at what those children are doing! They seem to be gathering up filth and garbage. They are collecting all the things people have thrown out. Ellen, what does this mean? They are taking the sewage back into the city after it was carried out. That can’t be right.

ELLEN: Sir Handsome Stranger, I will tell you what is going on. No knight is granted lodging in this city unless he agrees to fight Sir Lambart, the Constable of that Castle. Go up to that castle gate and ask politely if you can stay the night, and before he gives you what you need, he will challenge you to a joust. If he defeats you, the trumpets will blow loud and clear. Then throughout Synadoun, all the girls and boys will throw sewage on you. Wherever you go to your life’s end, the memory of that garbage will stick to you, and you will be known as a coward. So King Arthur will lose his honor because of your slow deeds.

HANDSOME: That would be a foul insult for any knight alive! Yet for Arthur’s sake and for the Lady of Synadoun, I will press on.

EMMA (preparing to throw an apple): He’ll make a great target!

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HANDSOME (cringing): Sir Jeffalot, make yourself ready. We will hasten to that joust. (He knocks at the gate. PORTER 1 answers.)

PORTER 1: Ho there. Who goes?

HANDSOME: We are travelers who seek shelter here, adventurous knights.

PORTER 1: Come in. Come in. Who is your lord?

HANDSOME: King Arthur, the flower of chivalry. We seek to fell his foes.

PORTER 1 (racing to Lambart): Sir, two bold knights of the Round Table are waiting outside. One is armed in rose red armor with three gold lions.

LAMBART: I am glad of these tidings. I will joust with that red knight. Bid them make themselves ready outside the castle gate.

PORTER 1 (running back to the gate): You adventurous knights, make sure your shields are strong and your lances long. Ride into the field, and my lord Sir Lambart will play with you there. If you are defeated, as you go through the town the children will shower you with garbage.

HANDSOME: I like this story well enough.

(Sir Lambart enters the field carrying a shield with three black bear heads on a blue background. Handsome and Lambart charge and break lances against each other. Courtiers call out their approval.) COURTIER:

This handsome young knight is a keen fighter.

LAMBART: Bring me another shaft. We’ll see soon enough how well this knight knows his craft.

(They charge again. Lambart strikes Handsome so his shield falls in the field and he can hardly stay in his saddle. Handsome strikes off Lambart’s helmet so he rocks in his saddle like a child in his cradle. Spectators grasp each other’s collars and laugh and clap their hands.)

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LAMBART: I can joust better than that. Bring me another helm and a new shaft.

(They charge again. This time Sir Lambart is knocked backward off his horse.) HANDSOME:

Do you want to fight more?

LAMBART: No! Since I was born, I never so anyone ride and fight so well! You must be related to Sir Gawain.

(Trumpets sound. Children rush onstage with buckets of sewage, which they fling over Lambart. They pelt him with garbage.) EMMA:

Let’s get Lambart!

LAMBART (wiping away the garbage): You have earned the right to fight for my Lady of Synadoun. You are welcome to stay here this night.


Truly I will fight for your lady by the command of King Arthur. But I do not know why? Who is causing her this torment and sorrow? Ellen, the messenger damsel, and the minstrel Theodolyne brought me here to help her, but I know no more than that.

LAMBART: Welcome, knight of the Round Table! You will hear more later when I have removed this shameful mire. When we have feasted and when I have heard more about you, I will tell you our woe.


Scene Five The Castle Hall at Synadoun

(Lambart, Handsome, Jeffalot, Ellen, Theodolyne, and others sit at a banquet. Theodolyne and Ellen entertain them by telling Handsome’s deeds. Theodolyne plays the vielle.) THEODOLYNE:

Now if you listen a while to my talking, I will tell you about Arthur, the king, of noble worth and fame. The king was set in his feasting hall When a child appeared before them all. He did not know his name!

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ELLEN (laughing): Then up we rode, announced our quest, And Arthur said this knight was best. Therefore I made my moan! For I was angry at this choice And said I heard his mother’s voice calling her little boy home.

THEODOLYNE: Sir Handsome Stranger is bold and true! He beat Sir Otis and his crew and killed the giant fell. On the Isle of Gold, La Dame Amour Enchanted him with her melody pure. For a year she wove her spell.

HANDSOME (laughing): You make my story sound like something that happened to Gareth, Sir Gawain’s brother.


I remember when that happened. Gareth married the magician’s sister, didn’t she?

HANDSOME: That was before my time. Sir Lambart, what is the name of the knight who holds the Lady of Synadoun in prison?


No knight would dare lead her away from here. Two clerics are her enemy, false in blood and bone. They are men of sorcery, scholars of necromancy. Irayne is the one brother, and the other is Mabon. We stand in dread of them. By their necromancy, Irayne and Mabon have made an elaborate palace in this town. No one, earl nor baron, dares to enter there. In that enchanted palace, my Lady of Synadoun lies in prison. We often hear her cry out, but we catch no glimpse of her. They torment her day and night.

HANDSOME: Why do they do this?

LAMBART: Mabon and Irayne have sworn they will kill her unless she grants them the right to rule this fair kingdom. She holds firm against them, but we fear that they will destroy her.

HANDSOME: I will free that lady and hew down Mabon and Irayne.

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LAMBART: Tomorrow morning I will lead you to the gate of that palace, but I dare not take you any further.

JEFFALOT: I will go with you.

HANDSOME: You can come as far as the gate. I will enter that palace alone.


Scene Six The Enchanted Palace at Synadoun

(Melior the minstrel performs, lit by a flickering torch. Enter Handsome.) HANDSOME:

I see no one here, body nor face, but only minstrels. I have never heard such minstrelsy in any hall. Who will fight with me? (moving further in) These pillars are jasper and fine crystal decorated with enamel. The doors are brass, the windows are stained glass, and this entire hall is magnificently painted.

(Handsome sits down on the dais. Immediately Melior stops playing and disappears and the torches are extinguished. There is a crash of thunder.) HANDSOME (terrified):

I have been betrayed. (A horse whinnies.) No, I hear a horse. Maybe I will get to play here after all.

(Enter Mabon and Irayne) MABON:

Sir knight adventurous, you must fight with us. I will believe you are clever indeed if you can win that precious lady. (He laughs.)

HANDSOME: I am ready to fight.

(Handsome jousts with Mabon and knocks him down, nearly killing him. Irayne attacks, and they fight. As they are fighting, Mabon rises up and sees Irayne is weakening. He joins the attack, and both fight against Handsome. Mabon slices Handsome’s sword in half.) HANDSOME:

I will be defamed to King Arthur my lord.

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(Handsome rushes to Irayne and snatches his sword from him. Then he runs back and fights with Mabon.) HANDSOME:

I’ll speak no words of love to you!

(Mabon fights like a lion, trying to kill Handsome, but Handsome cuts off his left arm with the shield.) MABON:

Ho now, gentle knight. Your strokes fall hard! I yield myself to you, and I yield up to you that lady who is in my power. With that sword stroke, you have poisoned me, and the venom will kill me. I poisoned both my brother’s sword and my own, so we would be certain to fell our foes.

HANDSOME: I will not accept your surrender. Lay on your swift strokes. One of us will lift the other’s head by the chin!

(They fight again. He kills Mabon. Handsome runs to attack Irayne, but the magician disappears. He looks around for him.) HANDSOME:

Where is Irayne? I will suffer for letting him get away. He will torment me with sorcery. That is my greatest fear. I don’t know what to do. (He slumps down depressed, then cries out, alarmed.) There is a serpent with a woman’s face!

LADY OF SYNADOUN (as a serpent with a woman’s face): I am young and not at all old.


I am sweating like I’m on fire. I think my heart will break. She’s coming nearer. (He cowers down in his seat.)

(The serpent kisses him, and immediately her serpent tail and wings fall away, and the Lady of Synadoun stands before him.) LADY OF SYNADOUN:

Gentle knight, may God give you what you desire. You have slain two magicians created by the fiend. They have destroyed many people with their enchantments. They turned me into a serpent, to live in woe until I had kissed either Gawain or one of his kin.

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HANDSOME: Then I must be related to Sir Gawain.

LADY OF SYNADOUN: Sir Handsome Stranger, because you saved my life, I will give you fifty-five castles and myself to be your wife, if King Arthur agrees.


My lady, I am glad and blithe, but I’m afraid Irayne is not dead, and he could destroy us with his speech.

LADY OF SYNADOUN: He is mortally wounded. Let us return to my castle and tell Sir Lambart and the others what has occurred here, and then we will all go to King Arthur’s court at Glastonbury.

Scene Seven King Arthur’s Court at Glastonbury

(Arthur and his courtiers are feasting. Handsome, the Lady of Synadoun, Ellen, Theodolyne, Jeffalot, and Sir Lambart enter.) HANDSOME:

My lord, King Arthur, here is the Lady of Synadoun. I have rescued her from prison.

ARTHUR: Welcome, Sir Handsome Stranger. You have not brought me dishonor, but what happened on your quest?

THEODOLYNE: First I’ll tell how Mabon was slain And wounded was his brother Irayne Through might of Mary, And how this lady bright As a dragon was a fright Through sorcery. Until one of Gawain’s noble kin Should be kissed by her upon his skin, As a serpent she would dwell. Sir Handsome Stranger she kissed on the brow. Her wings and tail fell, I know not how. Behold! Now she is well!

(Everyone looks in wonder from Gawain to Handsome.)

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ARTHUR: Then Sir Handsome Stranger must be . . .

GAWAIN: . . . my son. I remember well when you were conceived.

HANDSOME: I am glad that you are my father. Now, my lord Arthur, I would gladly marry my Lady of Synadoun.

ARTHUR: I myself will host your bridal. No one in any rhyme or tale has ever heard of such a feast as we will hold. We will feast for forty days, and minstrels will have rich gifts.




I like being a knight, but the hardest adventures were not the ones I expected.

GAWAIN: They never are. I remember when I went off on a quest . . .

VIELET (to audience) [from Generides]: When you are bored and don’t have anything to do, you can always sing or read or tell stories about doughty men who lived long ago. There is Guy of Warwick, and Tristram, and Bevis of Hampton, and Perceval. I can’t count all the knights who have won worship in chamber and hall, and suffered sorrow for their ladies’ sake. I can tell some of these adventures, but not all. So listen to Sir Gawain tell how he set forth on the Quest of the Perilous Graveyard.


Sir Gawain and the Perilous Graveyard Based on Three Arthurian Romances, “The Perilous Graveyard”

Stage adaptation by Robert Zumbrun [a student]

Scene 1: Court Feast (Courtiers sitting around table at the dinner wedding feast of Handsome Stranger. Cheery banter and talking around the table.)

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KING ARTHUR: Tell us of the knight Escanor and your rescue of the fair Maiden who was placed in your care. That seems a fitting tale for the day’s festivities. (Cheers from around the table, then silence as Gawain begins his tale)

GAWAIN : (stands and moves to the front of the table. Looking to King Arthur )

By your will majesty, I shall do so. This tale begins at this very court. It was during Pentecost, many years ago, at a great feast such as this. Many knights were gathered in great celebration of our Lord. There was much food from field and forest and plenty of wine. A fair maiden had come to court with a request, the protection of a champion.

ALIANOR : (Enter Alianor, stage left) I have come from my country and ask for the most honored, esteemed and accomplished knight here to protect, defend and honor me as long as I’m in your court.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Enter stage right)

I shall protect you fair maiden. I will maintain your safety for as long as you wish. (Sits at feast table and begins to eat)

GAWAIN : This maiden served us at our meal, giving us food and filling our wine. (Nameless Maiden pours drinks around table) It was midway through this feast when a tall and haughty knight burst through the doors (Enter Escanor Stage Left) and with great savagery and rudeness, he seized my fair maiden by the shoulders.

ESCANOR: (Grabbing Alianor by the shoulders and pulling her in front of him) ALIANOR : No! Let go of me! (Watching Escanor, wide eyed, Young Gawain continues to eat and

drink) ESCANOR: Hear me great King Arthur, this lady is my sweetheart and I have followed her to many a

court. Never before did I dare take her from a court, but yours is so feeble and lacking in brave knights that now I take possession of her without difficulty. I am going away now towards the woods. I tell you my plans of travel so that if any knight here wishes to dispute my claim in battle, he won’t be able to make claim that I escaped by another road. I shall travel slowly until nightfall; any who follow will catch me easily.

KAY : (standing at the table, glancing at the feasting Young Gawain)

Ah yes, I remember this, for it is I who followed this knight. (enter Young Kay, stage right, armed and prepared to fight), I challenged this knight for the honor of Gawain’s maiden. It was a hard fought battle. (Young Kay approaches Sir Escanor, sword drawn)

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YOUNG KAY: Halt, vassal, halt. I will take that young lady and deliver you to the King to exact full justice. ESCANOR: Is this Gawain following me so furiously? YOUNG KAY: Certainly not, I am Kay, King Arthur’s Seneschal. (Young Kay strikes but Sir Escanor

knocks the sword from Young Kay’s hands then slaps him a few times. Young Kay falls to the ground, defeated. Young Kay exits stage right, Sir Kay sits, looking upset)

ESCANOR: Is there no one worthy? (Exits stage left with Alianor)

ALIANOR : (As she is being dragged off stage)

No! Save Me!

GAWAIN : With Sir Kay defeated, Escanor was well on his way to escape. (Young Gawain still eats

and drinks at the table, Young Kay limps in, stage left)

YOUNG KAY: My Lords, I am furious about today’s disturbance, but I am even more upset by Gawain’s

failure. Now I know that all cowardly knights are not dead. YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Putting down his food and drink, stands)

You can say what you like, but I did not want to leap over the table in the middle of the meal. I did not want to cause a disturbance. Once the meal was finished, I could go and avenge your shame. If I have done wrong in any way, I am ready to remedy it. (Young Gawain 1 takes one last bit of his meal, wipes his face and hands with a cloth, walks away from table) (Young Gawain 1 and Young Kay exit, stage right)

GAWAIN : With that I left the feast, and I armed myself and gave chase. I followed this foul knight

into the woods.

(Young Gawain 1 enters stage right, armed. He crossed the stage, comes back stage left. 3 Crying Ladies and Young Lad enter stage left, Young Lad laying on the ground with the 3 Crying Ladies around her, they wail and cry as Young Gawain 1 approaches)

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GAWAIN : In my pursuit, I happened upon three distressed damsels, distraught and plagued by tears.

I stopped to asked them about their troubles. YOUNG GAWAIN 1: What troubles you, my ladies? LADY 1:

Misfortune. LADY 2: Sorrow. LADY 3: Broken heart!

(The ladies all continue to cry)

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: What is the cause of such sorrow? LADY 1: Ah God! Such misfortune has struck us today. It is my fault! LADY 3: As it is mine! Because of me the King has lost the knight he loved so much! And we have

lost our brother! (more crying)

LADY 1: I will be forever shamefully reproached and I can’t say it will be wrong, he is dead

because of my failure. LADIES 2 and 3: And our failure. LADY 2: It is Sir Gawain, nephew of the noble king Arthur! He is dead.

(all ladies crying)

LADY 1: They cut Gawain to pieces! LADY 2: Ah, Death, how greedy you are!

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(Ladies continue to cry, Young Lad stirs and sits up) GAWAIN : I was dumbstruck at these claims, for I was certain that my body was whole and not cut

into pieces. I needed to reassure these damsels, but chase was underway and time was fading.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: My beauties, do not despair. I have come straight from court where I saw Sir Gawain

seated at the table. I assure you, he is in good health. LAD : No, my dear lord, he is certainly dead. LADY 3: We had no one but our brother here, and despite his bravery, he was unable to help Sir

Gawain. YOUNG GAWAIN 1: My friend, how can you be certain? LAD : I was Gawain’s squire at a tournament once. (Young Gawain 1 helps Young Lad to his

feet) I am absolutely certain he is the one cut to pieces. The man who killed him is gone from the forest. He took the head after he cut off the limbs. He mutilated him so cruelly that neither foot nor fist remains.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Well lad, I am following a villain now, but I assure you this shall be set right. Set out

with me and you shall see with your very eyes that this misfortune is avenged.

(With that Young Gawain 1 commends the crying ladies to God with the mark of the cross, Young Gawain 1 and Young Lad exit stage right, Crying ladies follow.)

GAWAIN : The distance between my maiden and me was widening, and time growing short. I

decided that to explain that I was Gawain would slow me in my pursuit. Rather, I would later, if possible. I was in the midst of pursuit, and I could not dawdle.

Scene 2: Graveyard

[Young Gawain 1, Young Lad, Graveyard Maiden, Demon, Sir Escanor, Alianor, Sir Gawain]

(A Castle Door down stage left, Sir Escanor enters stage left with Alianor, they walk center stage, see the castle doors downstage. Sir Escanor knocks, the doors open and they both enter, Sir Gawain and Young Lad enter stage right. Young Lad approaches the

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door and knocks. Door opens, Young Lad talks through the door briefly, then walks back to Young Gawain 1. As Sir Escanor and Young Gawain 1 approach the doors, gravestones are set stage left and right)

LAD : They say they will not open the gate. He told me in no uncertain terms something which

astonished me. Every day, as soon as the sun has set, the gates are barred and never opened until daylight.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: We will have to find some other place for this evening’s lodgings then. LAD : There is no house or cottage in this country for ten leagues. I do not know what to advise

you. YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Look there. (points to the graveyard) We can lodge within the graveyard chapel. Come.

(moves towards the graveyard)

LAD : Holy Lady Mary! Glorious God, preserve me! Save my life and sanity! YOUNG GAWAIN 1: My friend, don’t be afraid. It is merely a graveyard, a holy place where the dead sleep

soundly. LAD : Do you not know where you propose lodging? I have heard of this place. You plan to

take refuge in the Perilous Graveyard; a demon comes every night to haunt it (scared, wide eyed, pause) – or two or three of them. For more than 100 years any knight, or any other man, who stays there has been found dead in the morning. Now I understand the porter: we lodge on perilous ground.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Don’t be afraid. May the True God protect both you and me from evil.

( Young Gawain 1 and Young Lad enter the graveyard and prepare to sleep. Young Lad lies down next to a tombstone and falls asleep. Young Gawain 1 sits to rest by another tombstone a few feet away. Tombstone begins to move. It slides open and a hand appears. Young Gawain 1, shock and amazed, moves away from the tombstone. It continues to open. Finally a beautiful young maiden steps out, enter Graveyard Maiden from grave. Gawain kneels and marks himself with the sign of the cross.)

GRAVEYARD MAIDEN: Gawain, I am astonished you are afraid of me (She steps towards him)

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YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Young lady, nothing like this has every happened to me before. It’s not surprising that I

am a bit anxious. There is no knight in King Arthur’s kingdom brave enough to feel confident if he discovered you like this, coming out of a grave.

GRAVEYARD MAIDEN: I assure you that I am one of God’s creatures. (She kneels in front of Gawain and takes

his hand in hers) God has brought you here to free me from my captivity. YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Tell me the truth about this Perilous Graveyard, and tell me about how it is you came to

be here. GRAVEYARD MAIDEN: (She stands)

After my mother’s death, my father remarried a woman of higher rank. She was beautiful, but I was more so, and she was jealous. She bewitched me so that I lost my mind. One day as I was going along the road alone, I met there a Demon in human form. He said to me, “My beauty, I can cure you of your torment if you are willing to be mine.” I was very eager to be cured, and so I promised to do everything he wished. I have been with him since that day. He brought me to this graveyard, and he returns every night. My life is miserable, for I give him his pleasure every night, and every day I lie in this tomb. That is why this is the Perilous Graveyard, for it is here that he takes lodgings every night. (She looks down, pauses, takes a deep breath. Turning back to Young Gawain 1), You must fight him. I will never be free from misery unless you deliver me tonight. Have courage.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Stands, draws sword, extends his arm to the maiden, Graveyard Maiden goes to Young Gawain 1) I shall free you.

DEMON: (enters stage left, sword drawn. He looks at Young Gawain 1 and Graveyard Maiden in fury) You harlot! This little tryst will soon come to a bad end!

GRAVEYARD MAIDEN: It grieves me greatly that I ever gave way to you, and now here is Sir Gawain, who is

praised and honored. I firmly believe God will come to his aid tonight and that I will no longer be your servant. (She steps behind Young Gawain 1)

(The Demon steps forward, Gawain steps forward. They begin to fight. The fight rages back and forth, Demon gains ground, then Gawain. Demon knocks Gawain’s shield away. Gawain rushes the Demon and pushes him back. Gawain is struck a few times and injured. The Demon is knocked over a gravestone and drops his sword. Gawain, seeing he has the advantage, strikes the Demon in the head and kills him.)

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LAD : (stirs and wakes. Young Gawain 1 falls to a knee, supports his weight on his sword. Young Lad looks around groggily, then sees Young Gawain 1 who is injured. Young Lad jumps up and rushes to Young Gawain 1’s side. Graveyard Maiden rushes to his side as well) Good sir knight, what has happen to you? What evils bring you such harm?

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Fear not, lad. The evil is vanquished this night. Fetch me water, and bandages. (Young

Lad exits stage right) GRAVEYARD MAIDEN: Oh brave knight, honorable Gawain, you have saved me from the miserable prison that

held me captive. Thank you good sir (she kisses his cheek, Young Lad returns with bandages and water) Sir Gawain, you are brave indeed.

LAD : Sir Gawain? But I saw you cut to pieces, dismembered, mutilated, and headless. How is

this so? YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Standing slowly, picking up and sheathing his sword)

I told you, lad, Gawain was well and in good health… GAWAIN : And with that, and a little convincing, the young lad came to accept that I was alive and

well, whole, and in one piece. He bandaged my wounds, helped me dispose of the body of the Demon, (Young Lad and Graveyard Maiden tend to Young Gawain 1’s wounds, quickly bandage him. Then Young Lad and Young Gawain 1 take time over the Demon’s body before picking it up and dispose of it by hiding it in the maiden’s tomb) and set to packing up for our encounter with Escanor. The beautiful Maiden I had freed told us of the knight that we followed, and helped prepare me for the impending combat.

GRAVEYARD MAIDEN: I know of the knight you pursue. There is no knight so wicked, so arrogant, so bold or so

strong. He has the strength of the three hardiest and most valiant knights. He is Sir Escanor de la Montagne.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Sir Escanor. My mother warned me of this knight. She told me if I were forced to fight

him, I might not be victorious. GAWAIN : It was true; my mother had spoken of Sir Escanor. But I would not retreat; I would rather

be dead than dishonored. Death ends quickly, but shame lasts a long time, everyone talks about it and spreads the story.

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YOUNG GAWAIN 1: I cannot turn back fair maiden, not without shame. I will meet this Sir Escanor in combat,

we will battle until he kills me, or I kill him. (Looking to Young Lad) Go to the castle at sun rise. Tell the lord that the man he harbors has kidnapped the maiden charged to my care. Send Escanor my challenge to armed combat. Go lad.

LAD : By your leave, my lord (Young Lad crosses stage to castle doors, knocks loudly)

Scene 3: Sir Escanor [Young Gawain 1, Young Lad, Porter 2, Sir Escanor, Alianor, Graveyard Maiden, Sir Gawain,

Sir Kay, King Arthur, Crying Ladies 1-4]

LAD : (At the castle door) By order of Sir Gawain, who’s man I am, I make demand of Sir Escanor, who lodges here. Sir Escanor has in his company a fair maiden, taken by force from the court of King Arthur. Sir Gawain has pledged his protection and demands her immediate return.

(Door opens and the Porter 2 appears)

PORTER 2: Sir Escanor was granted lodging here, it is true. LAD : Then you must relay message to him. The knight who is pursuing the young lady is still

in full armor. He will fight rather than allow Sir Escanor to have control of her against her will.

PORTER 2: One moment, young sir. (Porter 2 disappears and closes door. Young Lad waits,

impatiently for Porter 2’s return. Door opens and Porter 2 reappears) He says no. LAD : What is the meaning of this no? He can’t say no, challenge has been issued, he is honor

bound, if he be a true and honorable knight, to accept. Battle will take place in this graveyard, right before your eyes.

PORTER 2: Hold on. (Porter 2 disappears and door closes again) LAD : (impatient and a little frustrated)

Holy Mother Mary, (yelling through the closed door), hurry it on! You have no choice, Sir Gawain is coming here, you must fight him.

PORTER 2: (Door opens and Porter 2 reappears)

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Sir Escanor says, and these are his words, not mine, (using a deeper voice) “Curse you for coming here, you meddlesome fool; you shall not keep me away from my sweetheart.” He is quite taken with her is seems.

LAD : What is his answer then? PORTER 2: Just a moment (door closes again) LAD : May God, the son of Mary give me strength. Come on with it! (bangs on the door) What

is your answer!

(Door opens and Sir Escanor steps out, armed and ready to fight. Alianor follows behind, crying)

ESCANOR: (Looking at Young Lad, angry) Where is my challenger? Where is Sir Gawain?

LAD : (cowering and frightened)

He lodges in the graveyard my lord. ESCANOR: It is there he shall soon die by my hands.

(Sir Escanor walks towards Young Gawain 1 in the graveyard, Alianor follows close behind Sir Escanor. Young Gawain 1 sees Sir Escanor approaching, he motions for Graveyard Maiden to move behind him)

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Sword drawn he points is at Sir Escanor) Knight, put her down! You have been taking her away for far too long! You will not keep her any longer without a fight!

ESCANOR: You have no one but yourself to blame for that. By Saint Lazarus of Avalon, you could

have easily caught up with me, I wasn’t riding very fast. (Laughing) I don’t believe you’re going to fight with me, and I’m certainly not going to ask you to.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: There you are mistaken Knight. I do intend to fight, to reclaim the honor of this fair lady

who is under my protection.

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ESCANOR: This fair lady? (He gestures to Alianor) I sent this young lady with the fair complexion

from my country all alone to the King’s court. I burst in to seize her right before all those barons, solely to find a pretext for fighting with you.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Shocked, takes a step back, regain composure) Then it is settled, we will fight, you will have a battle, since you have wanted it so much.

(Sir Escanor pushes Alianor aside, Young Gawain 1 moves Graveyard Maiden to hide behind a gravestone. Sir Escanor draws his sword. Young Gawain 1 and Sir Escanor approach, weapons ready, and begin to fight. Young Gawain 1 is injured from his previous fight with the Demon, so he is limping. They fight, after a few blows they back away)

ESCANOR: Gawain, it is not the custom of my country, if a knight has rashly undertaken a fight with

another, for sword to be drawn until both are in equal and fair condition. Seems you have recently undergone injury. Perhaps we should postpone until another day?

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: That is a very generous gift; I would never have dared to ask it of you. However, I will

not entrust this maiden to your care for another moment. Fight me Sir, let’s be done with it.

ESCANOR: Ah, Gawain, just as gold surpasses all other metals, there has never been a report of a

knight who has more good qualities than you. You ought to be happy that you have so much honor that even enemies are forced to speak well of you. Very well, we fight!

(Battle continues. Sir Escanor seemingly has the upper hand, Gawain is forced to defend. Sir Escanor knocks the sword from Young Gawain 1’s hand. He advances. Young Gawain 1 retreats, backing away. Sir Escanor strikes repeatedly, Young Gawain 1 dodges and blocks with his shield. They circle around. Sir Escanor strikes at Young Gawain 1, Young Gawain 1 dodges and kicks Sir Escanor, knocking him off balance, Sir Escanor falls. Young Gawain 1 retrieves his sword and prepares to strike at fallen Escanor)

ALIANOR : No! (She rushes over and steps between Sir Escanor and Young Gawain 1) Please good

knight, no. (crying) Alas the wretch I am. The fault is my sweetheart’s and mine. I was sent all alone to the king’s court. In sight of all those lords, my sweetheart came to take me back, in order to have reason to fight you, Sir Gawain. He was convinced if he could defeat you no other knight in all the world would dare challenge him.

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GRAVEYARD MAIDEN: (Standing from behind the gravestone, takes a few steps towards the battle)

Alas, I do not know what I shall do if I lose the Good Knight, the brave man who delivered me from misery. I’ll be left here alone, abandoned in my torment.

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (crying out in frustration)

Ah! Never have such great lamentations come from such few people! Be gone maidens. (the two maidens return to their place away from battle) Rise Sir Knight. Let’s end this and have these fair ladies’ fate decided. (Sir Escanor stands and takes up his sword. Young Gawain 1 and Sir Escanor reengage in battle. Both land blows, and parry and dodge attacks. Young Gawain 1 finally gains the upper hand, knocks Sir Escanor to his knees and slays him. Alianor rushes to her lifeless sweetheart’s side and cries over the body, Young Lad and Graveyard Maiden rush to Young Gawain 1’s side, Young Gawain 1 slumps and takes a knee. Graveyard Maiden soothes him and Young Lad takes his sword)

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Gets to his feet and approaches Alianor, helps her to her feet and wipes away her tears) My beauty, I shouldn’t be blamed for killing him. It was caused by his own arrogance, for he made you leave his country to provoke this battle.

ALIANOR : But what shall I do now? I have nowhere to go, no one to protect me. YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Be sure that I will make your loss up to you. I will take you with me in great joy to the

King’s court. where you will have the lover, and husband, of your choice, with great honor.

ALIANOR : I am placing myself on your mercy. YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Smiling, holding his arms out, Graveyard Maiden takes his right,

Alianor his left, Young Lad falls in behind) Let us return to court and feast to celebrate! (They begin to walk off stage right when 4 Crying Ladies rush in from stage left, Gawain and party turn to face them)

LADY 1: Brother, you live. (she hugs him as well as the other 3 Crying Ladies) LADY 4: And honorable, bold Sir Gawain, you live as well. (All 4 rush to embrace Young Gawain


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KAY : (Standing at the feast table)

Honorable Sir Gawain, (smiling, laughing, mocking) I thought you said the lad had only three sisters

GAWAIN : (Looking to Kay, shocked, confused) Ah, yes. Sisters, the lad. I was mistaken, there were but three. (Crying Lady 4 shuffles, embarrassed, off, stage left)

LADY 3: And honorable, bold Sir Gawain, you live as well (All 3 rush to embrace Young Gawain

1) YOUNG GAWAIN 1: Yes, my ladies, we live. As I told you before, Sir Gawain was, and still is in good health.

Now come, join us at the King’s court and witness as your brother, the young lad here, takes vows and is granted his knighthood.

LAD : (shocked and surprised, steps back)

My… Lord… (pause)

YOUNG GAWAIN 1: (Smiling) Off to court (All exit stage right)

GAWAIN : And that is the tale of the Perilous Graveyard where many a maiden was saved, and evil

was vanquished. KING ARTHUR: (Raising goblet)

And a good tale it is, Sir Gawain…

KAY : (Mumbling, sullen) A falsely, exaggerated…

KING ARTHUR: (Clearing his throat loudly, interrupting Kay) A GOOD tale indeed. Many a brave knight has much to live up to in order to match the deeds of good, brave, honorable Sir Gawain. Now, let us enjoy tonight’s festivities. Music, drink, dancing!



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(The courtiers dance as they sing, spinning more and more out of control. In the process, Palomides stumbles against Kay.) PALOMIDES:

Sorry, Kay! KAY:

What, Palomides. Are you watching that Barking Beast again and can’t see where you are going? All I ever hear is what a great knight you are, but what do you do? The Quest of the Barking Beast! It’s a snake; no, it’s a lion; no, it’s a deer. It has thirty dogs barking in its belly. Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! What are you going to do when you catch it? Give it a doggie bone?

GUINEVERE: Really, Kay, I think you would burst if you could not pour out the poison you are so full of. You are troublesome and mean.

KAY (sarcastically, bowing deeply): Lady, if we are not better for your company, at least let us not lose by it. I am not aware that I said anything wrong.

VIELET: If you think you have said nothing wrong, then think of that knight who made fun of so many people that Count Simon cast him in chains.

GUINEVERE: Sing it for us, Vielet!


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Cantiga 363 Translation by Linda Marie Zaerr

What a wondrous moment! We saw that lady whom we all praise. She comes quickly to us when we call to her to aid us. Once a knight who lived in Gascony made such vicious and scurrilous songs of Count Simon and many others more, so that people complained of him. They said that he scoffed and jeered, and he insulted more people with his songs than the total number living now, here, in this whole wide world. This Count Simon was both rich and strong. His voice carried authority. He commanded one of his servants, who obeyed him quickly: “Go arrest that troubadour who sings atrocious songs and vicious verse. Bring some iron chains and fetters so that we can bind him.” While the knight was traveling down a road, desolate, lonely, and far from aid, suddenly the soldier of the count ambushed him, vanquished him, captured that knight, dragged him firmly to the count, and they bound him, cast him brutally in iron chains and fetters in a dungeon, where we hope our enemies go. This Count Simon vowed many, many times, made his oath and firmly swore that he’d kill that insolent troubadour. He would be slaughtered the very next day. But we have an advocate. Sometimes the Queen of Heaven Mary keeps us from the evil we would do, stops us from our bad plans. When this knight saw that he was bound in chains, he understood he was slated to die. So he called on Holy Mary, pleaded with her to help him, and he promised to her, as he lay there in that dungeon strong, that he’d always sing his songs for her, just as we are singing now. When that troubadour opened up his eyes, finished his prayer to Mary, Suddenly he found he was on a hill, next to a hermitage built to praise Holy Virgin Mary, who had blessed him with this new life, and protected him from brutal death, such as we all dread and fear.


PALOMIDES: More music!

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TORDION (quietly in the background) GUINEVERE:

That’s my favorite thing about weddings: the minstrel songs and stories.

NYNEVE: I remember when you got married, Gawain.

GUINEVERE (laughing): All the ladies wept for you.

GAWAIN (sadly): I have been married many times in my day, but I never loved any woman as much as I loved Ragnell. (He notices Handsome. Embarrassed, he continues.) Oh. Well, I loved your mother of course, but I was never married to her. That is to say . . .

VIELET (to audience) [from The Laud Troy-Book]: Many people talk about doughty men who lived long ago, who are dead and gone away: of Bevis, and Guy, and King Richard, and Tristram, and Perceval, and Roland, and Aglovale, and Archeron, and Octavian, and Charles, and Cassibaldan, and Havelock, and Horn, and Wade . . . Minstrels make tales about them to tell at great feasts. But the worthiest knight who ever wore armor is surely Gawain the Good. Now listen to my story.


The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell Translation and stage adaptation by Linda Marie Zaerr

Scene One Ingleswood

(Enter YOUNG ARTHUR, YOUNG GAWAIN 1, and AGRAVAIN, hunting.) VIELET: Listen and hear an adventure that befell King Arthur when he was hunting in Ingleswood. (DEER glides into hiding) He saw a great stag glide into the bracken and stand half hidden.

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YOUNG ARTHUR (calling to his companions): Stay here. I'll go get him myself. (He stalks the deer, but whenever he gets close, the deer leaps away.) VIELET: Arthur followed the deer for half a mile, then shot him with an arrow, and the deer sank down among the ferns. (Arthur kneels down to butcher the deer. Enter GROMER SOMER JOUR.) As the king was bending over the deer, an armed knight appeared. GROMER SOMER JOUR: Well met, King Arthur! You have wronged me, and I will repay you here and now. You gave some of my land to Sir Gawain, and now here you are, a king alone. YOUNG ARTHUR: Sir Knight, what is your name? GROMER SOMER JOUR: Sir King, I am Gromer Somer Jour. YOUNG ARTHUR: Well, Sir Gromer Somer Jour, if you kill me here when I have on no armor and am carrying no sword, everyone will mock you, and you will have no honor. Tell me what is wrong, and I will amend it before I go. GROMER SOMER JOUR: NO! You won’t escape that way. I have you at my mercy. If I let you go now, another time you will defy me. YOUNG ARTHUR: Now save my life, and whatever you want, I will give it to you. GROMER SOMER JOUR: All that will not help you, for I desire neither land nor gold. But if you promise to do what I say on a certain day, dressed for hunting as you are . . . YOUNG ARTHUR: Yes! Here is my hand on it.

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GROMER SOMER JOUR: Yes, but wait a minute, King! First, you must swear on my bright sword, to come back in exactly one year dressed just as you are now, in green without armor. You must come alone. I will spare your life if you can answer a question when you return. YOUNG ARTHUR: A question? GROMER SOMER JOUR: This is the question: “What do women love best?” If you fail to bring the answer one year from today, your head will be my prize. Tell me quickly, will you take this oath? YOUNG ARTHUR (reluctantly): I will. I promise, as I am a true king, to come back in one year and bring you your answer. GROMER SOMER JOUR (laughing): Now, go on your way, King Arthur, for your life is in my hands now. You do not yet know your sorrow. YOUNG ARTHUR (dragging the deer): Farewell, Sir Knight, and evil met. I will come back if I am alive on the day you have set. (exit GROMER SOMER JOUR) (YOUNG ARTHUR blows his bugle. Enter AGRAVAIN and YOUNG GAWAIN 1) AGRAVAIN: Sir, what has happened? YOUNG ARTHUR: Let’s go back home to Carlisle. I don’t feel like hunting anymore. (Exeunt.)

Scene Two Carlisle

(Enter YOUNG ARTHUR brooding gloomily, YOUNG GAWAIN 1, and AGRAVAIN.) AGRAVAIN: He’s been like this ever since we went hunting.

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YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Something terrible must have happened to him in Ingleswood Forest. Remember when he went off by himself after that stag? AGRAVAIN: Yes, but I can’t imagine what could make him this upset. He is not injured. Why don’t you talk with him. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Sir, I am dismayed to see you so unhappy. Tell me what is wrong. YOUNG ARTHUR: I will tell you, gentle Gawain. Today in the forest I met an armed knight. He spoke with me and made me promise not to betray him, so I must keep this secret or be foresworn. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: I will not tell anyone. I would never bring you dishonor. YOUNG ARTHUR: You know I slew a hart all by myself when I was hunting in Ingleswood. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Yes, you were away from us for a long time. YOUNG ARTHUR: I met a well armed knight. He told me he was Sir Gromer Somer Jour. He threatened me and would have slain me, but I spoke to appease him. I had no weapons. Alas, my honor is now gone! YOUNG GAWAIN 2: What happened? YOUNG ARTHUR: I won’t lie. He would have slain me without mercy then and there, but I bargained with him, so he made me promise that in one year I would meet him unarmed in the same place. On that day I must tell him what women most desire. If my answer is wrong, then I lose my life. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Don't worry. I have a plan. Get your horse ready, and ride into many countries, and wherever you meet people, men, women, or others, ask them what they say the answer should be. I will ride the

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other way, and inquire of the people I meet. Let's each take a book and write down all the answers. YOUNG ARTHUR: That is well advised, Gawain. VIELET: Soon they were ready. The king rode one way, and Gawain another and they asked everyone they met what women desired most, and they wrote down the answers in their books. Some said they loved to be beautifully dressed; some said they loved to be beseeched; some said they loved a lusty man to hug them and kiss them. Some said one thing and some another, and they recorded many answers. At last they both returned to Carlisle. (They compare books.) YOUNG GAWAIN 2: This cannot fail! YOUNG ARTHUR: True. But, just in case, I am going back to Ingleswood Forest and see if I can find anything out.

Scene Three Ingleswood

VIELET: The next day Arthur rode back to Ingleswood Forest, and there he met a lady who was the ugliest creature anyone had ever seen. Her face was red; her nose was runny; her teeth were yellow; her eyes were bleary and all bugged out; her cheeks were as broad as a woman's hips; she had a lute-shaped hump on her back; and her hair was clotted in a heap on her neck. RAGNELL: God bless you, Sir King. I am glad I have met you. I suggest you speak with me, for you will find your life is in my hand. YOUNG ARTHUR: What do you want with me? RAGNELL: You think I don't know your secret, but I do. If I don't help you, you are as good as dead. Grant me, Sir King, but one thing, and I will guarantee you your life. Otherwise you will lose your head.

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YOUNG ARTHUR: Tell me what you mean. RAGNELL: Give me Sir Gawain to be my husband, and in return I will give you the answer that will save your life. YOUNG ARTHUR: I can't give him to you in marriage. He would have to agree. I will go ask him. RAGNELL: Well, go back home and speak with Gawain, for I can save your life. Through me he may save your life or seal your death. YOUNG ARTHUR: Alas! Woe is me that I should cause Gawain to marry you. For he will be reluctant to say no. I never in my life saw such a hideous lady as you are. I don’t know what to do. RAGNELL: It doesn’t matter, Sir King, if I am ugly. Even an owl can choose its mate. You will get no more from me. When you come to get your answer, I will meet you right here. YOUNG ARTHUR: Farewell, then. Oh, Lady, what is your name? RAGNELL: Sir King, I am called Dame Ragnell.

Scene Four Carlisle

VIELET: Arthur returned to Carlisle, and the first person he saw was Gawain. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: How did you do? YOUNG ARTHUR: Never so badly. Now I am certain I really must die.

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YOUNG GAWAIN 2: That cannot be. I would rather die myself than see you die. YOUNG ARTHUR: Gawain, today I met the ugliest lady that I have ever seen. She said she would save my life, but only if she could have you for her husband. That is why I am so woe bygone. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Is this all? I will marry her and marry her again, even if she were a fiend. Otherwise I would not be your friend. I would be false and a great coward. YOUNG ARTHUR: Thank you, Gawain! Of all knights, you bear the flower. You have always protected my honor and my life, and therefore my love will never be severed from you.

Scene Five Ingleswood

VIELET: Then within five or six days, the king and Gawain rode out of town. YOUNG ARTHUR: Sir Gawain, farewell, I must go west. You can go no further. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: God speed you on your journey. I wish I could go with you. VIELET: The king had ridden little more than a mile when he met Dame Ragnell. RAGNELL: Sir King, you are welcome here. I know that you are riding to deliver your answer, but no answer in your books will help you at all. YOUNG ARTHUR: Now tell me the answer, and save my life. Gawain has agreed to marry you. He has promised this in order to save my life. Now you will have all you desire, both in chamber and bed. So tell me quickly. I cannot tarry.

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RAGNELL: Sir, now you will know what women desire most. Some men say we desire to be beautiful; or that we want many diverse men to love us; or that we want lust in bed; or that we want to be married many times. You men just don’t know! Or they say we desire something else, that we want to be considered not old, but fresh and young, with flattering and sweet words and clever tricks. So you men get what you want from us. That is close, I will not lie, but there is one thing that is all of our fantasy, and you will now know what that is. We desire above all other things to have sovereignty, control over our own lives. So go forth, Sir King, and tell that knight what I have told you. He will be angry and curse the one who taught you the answer, for all his effort is lost. Go forth, Sir King, and fulfill your promise, for your life is now secure. VIELET: The king rode on through the mire and the moors until he met Sir Gromer Somer Jour. GROMER SOMER JOUR: Sir King, now let me see what your answer shall be, for I am all ready to kill you. YOUNG ARTHUR (pulling out the two books): Sir, here is my answer. I dare say one of these is the right answer. GROMER SOMER JOUR (after looking carefully through the two books): No, Sir King. You are but a dead man. Get ready to bleed. YOUNG ARTHUR: Wait, Sir Gromer. I have one more answer. GROMER SOMER JOUR (brandishing his sword): Let’s see then, or else you will have your death, I assure you. YOUNG ARTHUR: Now I guess I see that there is little nobility in you! Here is the answer, craved by all women, free and bond. Women desire sovereignty. That is what pleases them, and that is their greatest desire. GROMER SOMER JOUR: My sister, Dame Ragnell, told you that, may she burn in a fire. Go where you wish. You are free from this obligation.

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VIELET: Arthur turned his horse toward Carlisle, and on the way he met Dame Ragnell. RAGNELL: Sir King, I am glad you have done well. I told you how it would be, every bit. Now remember your promise. Since I have saved your life, and no other, Gawain must marry me, Sir Arthur. YOUNG ARTHUR: No, Lady. I shall not fail in my promise if you will be ruled by my counsel. Your will then you shall have. RAGNELL: No, Sir King! I will not agree to that. I will be openly wedded before I part from you, or you will be shamed. Ride on to your court, and I will come after. I will be shamed by no man! Remember how I saved your life. Therefore you should not argue with me, or you will be to blame.

Scene Six Carlisle

VIELET: The king was deeply ashamed of her, but they went on together, and she rode right into the court beside him. AGRAVAIN (as they pass, he looks into his cup as if it holds a hallucinogen): Where did she come from?! I never saw such a foul thing. RAGNELL: Arthur King, have Sir Gawain fetched for me. Troth plight us together before all these knights, so that I may be made secure in well and in woe. This is your agreement. Have done! Fetch forth Sir Gawain, my love, immediately. No more tarrying. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Sir, I am ready to do what I promised you. RAGNELL: For your sake, I wish I were a beautiful women, for you have such good will. (Arthur joins their hands together.)

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YOUNG GAWAIN 2: I plight my troth to you, in well and in woe, as I am a true knight. GUINEVERE: Alas! That Gawain should marry such a creature! She is so foul and horrible. She has two long teeth on each side of her mouth. One tusk goes up, the other down, and her lips lie lumped on her chin. VIELET: Guinevere and all the ladies wept for Sir Gawain. In the town and in all the county around all the ladies wept for him. Soon the marriage day arrived. GUINEVERE: Dame Ragnell, don’t you think it would be best if you were married early in the morning, in a private ceremony. RAGNELL: No, by Heaven’s King! I will never agree to that, for anything you can say! I will be married all openly, as the king agreed. I will not go to the church until high mass time, and after the ceremony I will dine in the open hall, in the midst of all the courtiers. GUINEVERE: I am agreed, but it seems to me you would have more honor . . . RAGNELL: Yes, as for that, Lady, God save you. This day I will have my honor. VIELET: So Dame Ragnell was decked out splendidly and married at high noon in the church. Afterwards, at the wedding feast, she ate as much as six, clawing with her three-inch long nails. Therefore she ate alone. GUINEVERE (to Agravain): She has eaten ate three capons, and also three curlews. And look at those meat pies she is eating now. AGRAVAIN: May the devil gnaw her bones!

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VIELET: She went on eating until the meal was over and they were taking up tablecloths. Then it was time for bed. Gawain and Ragnell got ready and climbed into bed. RAGNELL: Ah, Sir Gawain, since I have married you, show me your courtesy in bed. By right, you cannot deny me. I know that if I were fair, you would do something else, but you pay no heed to wedlock. Yet, for Arthur’s sake, kiss me at least. I pray you to do this at my request. Let’s see how you do. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: I will do more than kiss. (He turns toward her.) VIELET: Gawain turned toward her, but where she had been he saw the most beautiful lady he had ever seen. RAGNELL: What is your will? YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Who are you? RAGNELL: Sir, I am your wife. Why are you so unkind to me? YOUNG GAWAIN 2: I beg you to pardon me, lady. Earlier today you were the ugliest creature I had ever set eyes on. I am glad you have you like this. (He embraces her.) RAGNELL (pushing him back): Sir, my beauty won't last. Choose one or the other: whether you want me to be fair at night and ugly during the day to all others, or lovely during the day and hideous at night. Choose which you prefer, Sir Knight. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Alas, that is a difficult choice. If you are ugly during the day, people will laugh at me, but if you are ugly at night, that would be dismal. Decide whichever you prefer. Whatever you want, I put

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it in your hand. Destroy me if you like, for I am bound. I give the choice to you. Both body and wealth, my heart and everything are all your own, that I vow. RAGNELL: Thank you, courteous knight. Now I will be lovely both during the day and at night because you have given me the sovereignty. For I was enchanted by my stepmother so that I would always be hideously ugly until the best knight in England had married me and given me sovereignty. And you, sir knight, courteous Gawain, have given me sovereignty, but I will never cause you to regret it. Kiss me now and make good cheer. VIELET: The next day noon came, and Gawain had not emerged from his chamber. YOUNG ARTHUR: Sirs, I am concerned about Sir Gawain. Let's go make sure the fiend hasn't killed him. (He goes to Gawain’s room and knocks on the door.) Get up. Why are you still in bed? YOUNG GAWAIN 2: Sir King, I would be glad if you would let me be. I am very comfortable here, and I don't want to get up quite yet. VIELET: But he got up and opened the door. When Arthur saw Dame Ragnell in her smock by the fire with her red hair cascading down to her knees, he was amazed. YOUNG GAWAIN 2: This is my wife, Dame Ragnell. VIELET: They all rejoiced, and Gawain and Ragnell lived happily together. They lived together for five years, and then Ragnell died. Although Gawain was married many times in his life, he never loved any woman so well.


VIELET: The seasons follow one after another. Our adventures veer from bliss to blunder, as they did in the old books, turning and twisting unexpectedly, but always returning to mirth and merry feasting in the hall and new tales. Now it is Yuletide, the season of fresh starts and a new year. What new adventures will befall? All sing NOW IS YOLE COMEN.